# YAML-yq-Helper

Wrapper for yq for various common tasks so YAML files can be
manipulated in a manner to preserver comments and version header.

## Install

### Debian

apt-get install cpanminus
cpanm YAML::yq::Helper

### FreeBSD

pkg install p5-App-cpanminus p5-File-Slurp
cpanm YAML::yq::Helper

### Source

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

## yqh


yqh -f <yaml> -a clear_array --var <var>
yqh -f <yaml> -a clear_hash<--var <var>
yqh -f <yaml> -a create_array --var <var> [--vals <vals>]
yqh -f <yaml> -a create_hash --var <var>
yqh -f <yaml> -a dedup_array --var <var>
yqh -f <yaml> -a delete B<--var> <var>
yqh -f <yaml> -a delete_array --var <var>
yqh -f <yaml> -a delete_hash --var <var>
yqh -f <yaml> -a ensure
yqh -f <yaml> -a is_array --var <var>
yqh -f <yaml> -a is_hash --var <var>
yqh -f <yaml> -a is_defined --var <var>
yqh -f <yaml> -a merge_yaml --yaml <yaml> [--mode <mode>]
yqh -f <yaml> -a push_array --var <var> --vals <vals>
yqh -f <yaml> -a set_array --var <var> --vals <vals>
yqh -f <yaml> -a set_hash --var <var> --hash <hash>
yqh -f <yaml> -a set_in_array --var <var> --vals <vals> [--dedup <0/1>]
yqh -f <yaml> -a yaml_diff --yaml <yaml_file_2>


#### -f file

YAML file to operate on.

Default :: undef

#### -a action

Action to perform.

Default :: undef

#### --var string

Variable to set.

Default :: undef

#### --vals string

Comma seperate list of array values.

Default :: undef

#### --hash <string>

Comma seperate list of hash values. Each
value is a sub string with key/value seperate
by a /=/.

Default :: undef

#### --dedup 0/1

If it should dedup the data for the op.

Default :: 1

#### --yaml file

Another YAML file to use with like the merge_yaml
action or the like.

Default :: undef

#### --mode mode

Merge mode to use.

Default :: deeply


#### clear_array

Clears the specified array.

Requires :: --var

#### clear_hash

Clears the specified hash.

Requires :: --var

#### create_array

Creates the specified array if it does not exist.

Requires :: --var

Optional :: --vals

#### create_hash

Creates the specified hash if it does not exist.

Requires :: --var

#### dedup_array

Deduplicates an array.

Requires :: --var

#### delete

Deletes the var without checking the type.

Requires :: --var

#### delete_array

Deletes the specified array.

Requires :: --var

#### delete_hash

Deletes the specified hash.

Requires :: --var

#### ensure

Ensures that the YAML starts with

    %YAML $version

This is largely for use with stuff used by
LibYAML as that sometimes does not play nice
when that is missing.

Version 1.1 is used if it is not set.

#### is_array

Returns 0 or 1 based on if it is a array.

Requires :: --var

#### is_hash

Returns 0 or 1 based on if it is a hash.

Requires :: --var

#### is_defined

Returns 0 or 1 based on if it is defined.

Requires :: --var

#### merge_yaml

Merges the specified YAML into the YAML.

Requires :: --yaml

Optional :: --mode

#### push_array

Pushes a set of items onto an array.

Requires :: --var, --vals

#### set_array

Clears the array and sets it to specified values.

Requires :: --var, --vals

#### set_hash

Clears the hash and sets it to specified values.

Requires :: --var, --hash

#### set_in_array

Make sure a set of values exist in a array and if not add them.

Requires :: --var, --vals

Optional :: --dedup

#### yaml_diff

Diffs the two YAMLs.

Requires :: --yaml