# NAME Getopt::Compact::WithCmd - sub-command friendly, like Getopt::Compact # SYNOPSIS inside foo.pl: use Getopt::Compact::WithCmd; my $go = Getopt::Compact::WithCmd->new( name => 'foo', version => '0.1', args => 'FILE', global_struct => [ [ [qw/f force/], 'force overwrite', '!', \my $force ], ], command_struct => { get => { options => [ [ [qw/d dir/], 'dest dir', '=s', undef, { default => '.' } ], [ [qw/o output/], 'output file name', '=s', undef, { required => 1 }], ], desc => 'get file from url', args => 'url', other_usage => 'blah blah blah', }, remove => { ... } }, ); my $opts = $go->opts; my $cmd = $go->command; if ($cmd eq 'get') { my $url = shift @ARGV; } how will be like this: $ ./foo.pl -f get -o bar.html http://example.com/ usage, running the command './foo.pl -x' results in the following output: $ ./foo.pl -x Unknown option: x foo v0.1 usage: foo.pl [options] COMMAND FILE options: -h, --help This help message -f, --force Bool Force overwrite Implemented commands are: get Get file from url See 'foo.pl help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command. in addition, running the command './foo.pl get' results in the following output: $ ./foo.pl get `--output` option must be specified foo v0.1 usage: foo.pl get [options] url options: -h, --help This help message -d, --dir Str (default: '.') Dest dir -o, --output Str (required) Output file name blah blah blah # DESCRIPTION Getopt::Compact::WithCmd is yet another Getopt::\* module. This module is respected [Getopt::Compact](https://metacpan.org/pod/Getopt::Compact). This module is you can define of git-like option. In addition, usage can be set at the same time. # METHODS ## new(%args) Create an object. The option most Getopt::Compact compatible. But _struct_ is cannot use. The new _%args_ are: - `global_struct($arrayref)` This option is sets common options across commands. This option value is Getopt::Compact compatible. In addition, extended to other values can be set. use Getopt::Compact::WithCmd; my $go = Getopt::Compact::WithCmd->new( global_struct => [ [ $name_spec_arrayref, $description_scalar, $argument_spec_scalar, \$destination_scalar, $opt_hashref ], [ ... ] ], ); And you can also write in hash style. use Getopt::Compact::WithCmd; my $go = Getopt::Compact::WithCmd->new( global_struct => { $name_scalar => { alias => $name_spec_arrayref, desc => $description_scalar, type => $argument_spec_scalar, dest => \$destination_scalar, opts => $opt_hashref, }, $other_name_scalar => { ... }, }, ); _$argument\_spec\_scalar_ can be set value are [Getopt::Long](https://metacpan.org/pod/Getopt::Long)'s option specifications. And you can also specify the following readable style: Bool # eq ! Incr # eq + Str # eq =s Int # eq =i Num # eq =f ExNum # eq =o In addition, Array and Hash type are: Array[Str] # eq =s@ Hash[Int] # eq =i% ... _$opt\_hasref_ are: { default => $value, # default value required => $bool, } - `command_struct($hashref)` This option is sets sub-command and options. use Getopt::Compact::WithCmd; my $go = Getopt::Compact::WithCmd->new( command_struct => { $command => { options => $options, args => $args, desc => $description, other_usage => $other_usage, command_struct => $command_struct, }, }, ); _$options_ This value is compatible to `global_struct`. _$args_ command args. _$description_ command description. _$other\_usage_ other usage message. be added to the end of the usage message. _$command\_struct_ support nesting. use Getopt::Compact::WithCmd; my $go = Getopt::Compact::WithCmd->new( command_struct => { $command => { options => $options, args => $args, desc => $description, other_usage => $other_usage, command_struct => { $sub_command => { options => ... }, }, }, }, ); # will run cmd: $ ./foo.pl $command $sub_command ... ## add\_type($new\_type, $src\_type, $code\_ref); This method is additional your own type. You must be call before new() method. use JSON; use Data::Dumper; Getopt::Compact::WithCmd->add_type(JSON => Str => sub { decode_json(shift) }); my $go = Getopt::Compact::WithCmd->new( global_struct => { from_json => { type => 'JSON', }, }, ); my $data = $go->opts->{from_json}; print Dumper $data; # will run cmd: $ ./add_type.pl --from_json '{"foo":"bar"}' $VAR1 = { 'foo' => 'bar' }; ## new\_from\_array(\\@myopts, %args); `new_from_array` can be used to parse options from an arbitrary array. $go = Getopt::Compact::WithCmd->new_from_array(\@myopts, ...); ## new\_from\_string($option\_string, %args); `new_from_string` can be used to parts options from an arbitrary string. This method using [Text::ParseWords](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::ParseWords) on internal. $go = Getopt::Compact::WithCmd->new_from_string('--foo bar baz', ...); ## opts Returns a hashref of options keyed by option name. Return value is merged global options and command options. ## command Gets sub-command name. # inside foo.pl use Getopt::Compact::WithCmd; my $go = Getopt::Compact::WithCmd->new( command_struct => { bar => {}, }, ); print "command: ", $go->command, "\n"; # running the command $ ./foo.pl bar bar ## commands Get sub commands. Returned value is ARRAYREF. # inside foo.pl use Getopt::Compact::WithCmd; my $go = Getopt::Compact::WithCmd->new( command_struct => { bar => { command_struct => { baz => {}, }, }, }, ); print join(", ", @{$go->commands}), "\n"; # running the command $ ./foo.pl bar baz bar, baz ## status This is a true value if the command line was processed successfully. Otherwise it returns a false result. $go->status ? "success" : "fail"; ## is\_success Alias of `status` $go->is_success # == $go->status ## usage Gets usage message. my $message = $go->usage; my $message = $go->usage($target_command_name); # must be implemented command. ## show\_usage Display usage message and exit. $go->show_usage; $go->show_usage($target_command_name); ## completion Gets shell completion string. my $comp = $go->completion('bash'); NOTICE: completion() supports only one nested level of "command\_struct". completion() supports only bash. ## show\_completion Display completion string and exit. $go->show_completion('bash'); ## error Return value is an error message or empty string. $go->error; ## args Return value is array reference to any remaining arguments. $go->args # like \@ARGV ## pod2usage __Not implemented.__ # AUTHOR xaicron <xaicron {at} cpan.org> # COPYRIGHT Copyright 2010 - xaicron # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # SEE ALSO [Getopt::Compact](https://metacpan.org/pod/Getopt::Compact)