diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index d7088a1..f0a4663 100644
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+1.32 -- 
+  * Disable pairmap on 5.8.9 and 5.10.0, added with 1.28
 1.31 -- Wed Aug 14 20:38 UTC 2013
   * Bugfix pairmap to return list length in scalar context
diff --git a/ListUtil.xs b/ListUtil.xs
index 7448a8f..8a140b1 100644
--- a/ListUtil.xs
+++ b/ListUtil.xs
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ PPCODE:
     bgv = gv_fetchpv("b", GV_ADD, SVt_PV);
-#ifdef dMULTICALL
+#if defined(dMULTICALL) && PERL_BCDVERSION != 589 && PERL_BCDVERSION != 510
     if(!CvISXSUB(cv)) {
 	// Since MULTICALL is about to move it
 	SV **stack = PL_stack_base + ax;
diff --git a/lib/List/Util.pm b/lib/List/Util.pm
index f01bff2..d18bc2d 100644
--- a/lib/List/Util.pm
+++ b/lib/List/Util.pm
@@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ use strict;
 require Exporter;
 our @ISA        = qw(Exporter);
-our @EXPORT_OK  = qw(first min max minstr maxstr reduce sum sum0 shuffle pairmap pairgrep pairfirst pairs pairkeys pairvalues);
-our $VERSION    = "1.31";
+our @EXPORT_OK  = qw(first min max minstr maxstr reduce sum sum0 shuffle pairgrep pairfirst pairs pairkeys pairvalues);
+push @EXPORT_OK, 'pairmap' if $] < 5.008009 or $] > 5.010000;
+our $VERSION    = "1.32";
 $VERSION    = eval $VERSION;
@@ -220,7 +221,7 @@ Similar to C<grep>, C<pairfirst> aliases C<$a> and C<$b> to elements of the
 given list. Any modifications of it by the code block will be visible to
 the caller.
-=head2 pairmap BLOCK KVLIST
+=head2 pairmap BLOCK KVLIST (disabled in 5.8.9 and 5.10.0)
 Similar to perl's C<map> keyword, but interprets the given list as an
 even-sized list of pairs. It invokes the BLOCK multiple times, in list
@@ -237,6 +238,8 @@ Similar to C<map>, C<pairmap> aliases C<$a> and C<$b> to elements of the
 given list. Any modifications of it by the code block will be visible to
 the caller.
+C<pairmap> is not exported and does not work in perl 5.8.9 and 5.10.0.
 =head2 pairs KVLIST
 A convenient shortcut to operating on even-sized lists of pairs, this
@@ -284,9 +287,11 @@ Returns the elements of LIST in a random order
 =head1 KNOWN BUGS
-With perl versions prior to 5.005 there are some cases where reduce
+With perl versions prior to 5.005 there are some cases where C<reduce>
 will return an incorrect result. This will show up as test 7 of
-reduce.t failing.
+F<t/reduce.t> failing.
+With perl versions 5.8.9 and 5.10.0 C<pairmap> is broken and not exported.
diff --git a/lib/List/Util/XS.pm b/lib/List/Util/XS.pm
index bb38ab2..d9916bd 100644
--- a/lib/List/Util/XS.pm
+++ b/lib/List/Util/XS.pm
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package List::Util::XS;
 use strict;
 use List::Util;
-our $VERSION = "1.31";       # FIXUP
+our $VERSION = "1.32";       # FIXUP
diff --git a/lib/Scalar/Util.pm b/lib/Scalar/Util.pm
index d10bbaa..2a45584 100644
--- a/lib/Scalar/Util.pm
+++ b/lib/Scalar/Util.pm
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
-our $VERSION    = "1.31";
+our $VERSION    = "1.32";
 $VERSION   = eval $VERSION;
diff --git a/t/multicall-refcount.t b/t/multicall-refcount.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d6fb59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/multicall-refcount.t
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+use List::Util 'first';
+our $comparison;
+sub foo {
+   if( $comparison ) {
+      return 1;
+   }
+   else {
+      local $comparison = 1;
+      first \&foo, 1,2,3;
+   }
+   foo();
+ok( "Didn't crash calling recursively" );
diff --git a/t/pair.t b/t/pair.t
index 46e0534..206e0cd 100644
--- a/t/pair.t
+++ b/t/pair.t
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 use strict;
 use Test::More tests => 20;
-use List::Util qw(pairgrep pairfirst pairmap pairs pairkeys pairvalues);
+use List::Util qw(pairgrep pairfirst pairs pairkeys pairvalues);
+List::Util->import('pairmap') if $] < 5.008009 or $] > 5.010000;
 no warnings 'misc'; # avoid "Odd number of elements" warnings most of the time
@@ -52,34 +53,39 @@ is( scalar( pairfirst { length $a == 5 } one => 1, two => 2, three => 3 ),
 ok( !scalar( pairfirst { length $a == 4 } one => 1, two => 2, three => 3 ),
     'pairfirst scalar false' );
-is_deeply( [ pairmap { uc $a => $b } one => 1, two => 2, three => 3 ],
+SKIP: {
+  skip "pairmap broken on 5.8.9 and 5.10.0", 6 if $] > 5.008008 and $] < 5.010001;
+  is_deeply( [ pairmap { uc $a => $b } one => 1, two => 2, three => 3 ],
            [ ONE => 1, TWO => 2, THREE => 3 ],
            'pairmap list' );
-is( scalar( pairmap { qw( a b c ) } one => 1, two => 2 ),
+  is( scalar( pairmap { qw( a b c ) } one => 1, two => 2 ),
     'pairmap scalar' );
-is_deeply( [ pairmap { $a => @$b } one => [1,1,1], two => [2,2,2], three => [3,3,3] ],
+  is_deeply( [ pairmap { $a => @$b } one => [1,1,1], two => [2,2,2], three => [3,3,3] ],
            [ one => 1, 1, 1, two => 2, 2, 2, three => 3, 3, 3 ],
            'pairmap list returning >2 items' );
-is_deeply( [ pairmap { $b } one => 1, two => 2, three => ],
+  is_deeply( [ pairmap { $b } one => 1, two => 2, three => ],
            [ 1, 2, undef ],
            'pairmap pads with undef' );
-  my @kvlist = ( one => 1, two => 2 );
-  pairmap { $b++ } @kvlist;
-  is_deeply( \@kvlist, [ one => 2, two => 3 ], 'pairmap aliases elements' );
+  {
+    my @kvlist = ( one => 1, two => 2 );
+    pairmap { $b++ } @kvlist;
+    is_deeply( \@kvlist, [ one => 2, two => 3 ], 'pairmap aliases elements' );
+  }
-# Calculating a 1000-element list should hopefully cause the stack to move
-# underneath pairmap
-is_deeply( [ pairmap { my @l = (1) x 1000; "$a=$b" } one => 1, two => 2, three => 3 ],
+  # Calculating a 1000-element list should hopefully cause the stack to move
+  # underneath pairmap
+  is_deeply( [ pairmap { my @l = (1) x 1000; "$a=$b" } one => 1, two => 2, three => 3 ],
            [ "one=1", "two=2", "three=3" ],
            'pairmap copes with stack movement' );
 is_deeply( [ pairs one => 1, two => 2, three => 3 ],
            [ [ one => 1 ], [ two => 2 ], [ three => 3 ] ],
            'pairs' );