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Text::Xslate::Bridge::TypeDeclaration - A Type Validator in Xslate.


    my $xslate = Text::Xslate->new(
        module => [ 'Text::Xslate::Bridge::TypeDeclaration' ],

    # @@ template.tx
    # <:- declare(
    #   user  => 'Some::Model::User',
    #   drink => 'Enum["Cocoa", "Cappuchino", "Tea"]'
    # ) -:>
    # <: user.name :> is drinking a cup of <: $drink :>.

    # Success!
    $xslate->render('template.tx', {
        user  => Some::Model::User->new(name => 'pokutuna'),
        drink => 'Cocoa',
    # Output:
    #   pokutuna is drinking a cup of Cocoa.

    # A string 'Oil' is not a drink
    $xslate->render('template.tx', {
        user  => Some::Model::User->new(name => 'pokutuna'),
        drink => 'Oil',
    # Output:
    #   <pre class="type-declaration-mismatch">
    #   Declaration mismatch for `drink`
    #     Value "Oil" did not pass type constraint "Enum["Cocoa", "Cappuchino", "Tea"]"
    #   </pre>
    #   pokutuna is drinking a cup of Oil.


Text::Xslate::Bridge::TypeDeclaration is a type validator module for [Text::Xslate](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::Xslate) templates.

Type validation of this module is base on [Type::Tiny](https://metacpan.org/pod/Type::Tiny).

[Type::Tiny](https://metacpan.org/pod/Type::Tiny) type constraints are compatible with Moo, Moose and Mouse.

You can use this even if you do not use these type libraries.

If the library-based type is not found, treats as a class type of the name.


This module looks for a type name that was written in the template from [Text::Xslate::Bridge::TypeDeclaration::Registry](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::Xslate::Bridge::TypeDeclaration::Registry) by default.

The following behaviors can be replaced by specifying the registry in `registry_class_name` option.

## Types::Standard

See [Types::Standard](https://metacpan.org/pod/Types::Standard).

- `declare(name => 'Str')`
- `declare(user_ids => 'ArrayRef[Int]')`
- `declare(person_hash => 'Dict[name => Str, age => Int]')`

## Class-Type

It will be treated as a class type when a type of the given name is not found.

- `declare(engine => 'Text::Xslate')`
- `declare(visitor => 'Maybe[My::Model::UserAccount]')`

## Hashref

Hashref is treated as `Dict[... slurpy Any]`.

This is a ** slurpy ** match. Less value is error. Extra values are ignored.

- `declare(account_summary => { name => 'Str', subscriber_count => 'Int', icon => 'My::Image' })`
- `declare(sidebar => { profile => { name => 'Str', followers => 'Int' }, recent_entries => 'ArrayRef[My::Entry]' })`


        module => [
            'Text::Xslate::Bridge::TypeDeclaration' => [
                # defaults
                method         => 'declare', # method name to export
                validate       => 1,         # enable validation when truthy
                print          => 1,         # enable printing errors to the output buffer when truthy
                on_mismatch    => 'die',     # error handler ('die', 'warn' or 'none')
                registry_class => undef,     # package name for specifying Type::Registry


## Disable Validation on Production

Perhaps you want to disable validation in production to prevent spoiling performance on a [Plack](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plack) application.

        module => [
            'Text::Xslate::Bridge::TypeDeclaration' => [
                validate => $ENV{PLACK_ENV} ne 'production',

## Use `type-declaration-mismatch` class name

Highlight by css

    .type-declaration-mismatch { color: crimson; }

Lint with [Test::WWW::Mechanize](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::WWW::Mechanize)

    # in subclass of Test::WWW::Mechanize
    sub _lint_content_ok {
        my ($self, $desc) = @_;

        if (my $mismatch = $self->scrape_text_by_attr('class', 'type-declaration-mismatch')) {
            $Test::Builder::Test->ok(0, $mismatch);

        return $self->SUPER::_lint_content_ok($desc);


[Text::Xslate](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::Xslate), [Text::Xslate::Bridge](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::Xslate::Bridge)

[Type::Tiny](https://metacpan.org/pod/Type::Tiny), [Types::Standard](https://metacpan.org/pod/Types::Standard), [Type::Registry](https://metacpan.org/pod/Type::Registry)

[Smart::Args](https://metacpan.org/pod/Smart::Args), [Test::WWW::Mechanize](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::WWW::Mechanize)


Copyright (C) pokutuna.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


pokutuna <popopopopokutuna@gmail.com>