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C<App::GitHooks> is an extensible and easy to configure git hooks framework
that supports many plugins.


 * Here's an example of it in action, running the `pre-commit` hook checks before
the commit message can be entered:

	![Successful checks](

 * Here is another example, with a Perl file that fails compilation this time:

	![Failing checks](


1. Install this distribution, with your preferred CPAN client:

		cpanm App::GitHooks

2. Symlink your git hooks under .git/hooks to a file with the following content:

		#!/usr/bin/env perl

		use strict;
		use warnings;

		use App::GitHooks;

			name      => $0,
			arguments => \@ARGV,

	Adjust `/usr/bin/env perl` as needed, if that line is not a valid
	interpreter, your git actions will fail with `error: cannot run
	.git/hooks/[hook name]: No such file or directory`.

3. Install the plugins you are interested in, with your prefered CPAN client.

4. Enjoy!


 * [App::GitHooks::Plugin::BlockNOCOMMIT]

Prevent committing code with #NOCOMMIT mentions.

 * [App::GitHooks::Plugin::BlockProductionCommits]

Prevent commits in a production environment.

 * [App::GitHooks::Plugin::DetectCommitNoVerify]

Find out when someone uses --no-verify and append the pre-commit checks to the
commit message.

 * [App::GitHooks::Plugin::ForceRegularUpdate]

Force running a specific tool at regular intervals.

 * [App::GitHooks::Plugin::MatchBranchTicketID]

Detect discrepancies between the ticket ID specified by the branch name and the
one in the commit message.

 * [App::GitHooks::Plugin::PerlCompile]

Verify that Perl files compile without errors.

 * [App::GitHooks::Plugin::PerlCritic]

Verify that all changes and addition to the Perl files pass PerlCritic checks.

 * [App::GitHooks::Plugin::PerlInterpreter]

Enforce a specific Perl interpreter on the first line of Perl files.

 * [App::GitHooks::Plugin::PgBouncerAuthSyntax]

Verify that the syntax of PgBouncer auth files is correct.

 * [App::GitHooks::Plugin::PrependTicketID]

Derive a ticket ID from the branch name and prepend it to the commit-message.

 * [App::GitHooks::Plugin::RequireCommitMessage]

Require a commit message.

 * [App::GitHooks::Plugin::RequireTicketID]

Verify that staged Ruby files compile.

 * [App::GitHooks::Plugin::ValidatePODFormat]

Validate POD format in Perl and POD files.


 * [App::GitHooks::Plugin::RubyCompile]

Verify that staged Ruby files compile.

 * [App::GitHooks::Plugin::PreventTrailingWhitespace]

Prevent trailing whitespace from being committed.


After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the
perldoc command.

	perldoc App::GitHooks

You can also look for information at:

 * [GitHub's request tracker (report bugs here)]

 * [AnnoCPAN, Annotated CPAN documentation]

 * [CPAN Ratings]

 * [MetaCPAN]


Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Guillaume Aubert

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free
Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program. If not, see