Test::Perl::Critic - Use Perl::Critic in test programs

    Test one file:

      use Test::Perl::Critic;
      use Test::More tests => 1;

    Or test all files in one or more directories:

      use Test::Perl::Critic;
      all_critic_ok($dir_1, $dir_2, $dir_N );

    Or test all files in a distribution:

      use Test::Perl::Critic;

    Recommended usage for CPAN distributions:

      use strict;
      use warnings;
      use File::Spec;
      use Test::More;
      use English qw(-no_match_vars);

      if ( not $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR} ) {
          my $msg = 'Author test.  Set $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR} to a true value to run.';
          plan( skip_all => $msg );

      eval { require Test::Perl::Critic; };

      if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
         my $msg = 'Test::Perl::Critic required to criticise code';
         plan( skip_all => $msg );

      my $rcfile = File::Spec->catfile( 't', 'perlcriticrc' );
      Test::Perl::Critic->import( -profile => $rcfile );

    Test::Perl::Critic wraps the Perl::Critic engine in a convenient
    subroutine suitable for test programs written using the Test::More
    framework. This makes it easy to integrate coding-standards enforcement
    into the build process. For ultimate convenience (at the expense of some
    flexibility), see the criticism pragma.

    If you have an large existing code base, you might prefer to use

    If you'd like to try Perl::Critic without installing anything, there is
    a web-service available at <>. The web-service does
    not yet support all the configuration features that are available in the
    native Perl::Critic API, but it should give you a good idea of what it
    does. You can also invoke the perlcritic web-service from the command
    line by doing an HTTP-post, such as one of these:

      $> POST <
      $> lwp-request -m POST <
      $> wget -q -O -

    Please note that the perlcritic web-service is still alpha code. The URL
    and interface to the service are subject to change.

    critic_ok( $FILE [, $TEST_NAME ] )
        Okays the test if Perl::Critic does not find any violations in
        $FILE. If it does, the violations will be reported in the test
        diagnostics. The optional second argument is the name of test, which
        defaults to "Perl::Critic test for $FILE".

        If you use this form, you should emit your own Test::More plan

    all_critic_ok( [ @DIRECTORIES ] )
        Runs "critic_ok()" for all Perl files beneath the given list of
        @DIRECTORIES. If @DIRECTORIES is empty or not given, this function
        tries to find all Perl files in the blib/ directory. If the blib/
        directory does not exist, then it tries the lib/ directory. Returns
        true if all files are okay, or false if any file fails.

        This subroutine emits its own Test::More plan, so you do not need to
        specify an expected number of tests yourself.

    all_code_files ( [@DIRECTORIES] )
        DEPRECATED: Use the "all_perl_files" subroutine that is exported by
        Perl::Critic::Utils instead.

        Returns a list of all the Perl files found beneath each DIRECTORY,
        If @DIRECTORIES is an empty list, defaults to blib/. If blib/ does
        not exist, it tries lib/. Skips any files in CVS or Subversion

        A Perl file is:

        *   Any file that ends in .PL, .pl, .pm, or .t

        *   Any file that has a first line with a shebang containing 'perl'

    Perl::Critic is highly configurable. By default, Test::Perl::Critic
    invokes Perl::Critic with its default configuration. But if you have
    developed your code against a custom Perl::Critic configuration, you
    will want to configure Test::Perl::Critic to do the same.

    Any arguments passed through the "use" pragma (or via
    "Test::Perl::Critic->import()" )will be passed into the Perl::Critic
    constructor. So if you have developed your code using a custom
    ~/.perlcriticrc file, you can direct Test::Perl::Critic to use your
    custom file too.

      use Test::Perl::Critic (-profile => 't/perlcriticrc');

    Now place a copy of your own ~/.perlcriticrc file in the distribution as
    t/perlcriticrc. Then, "critic_ok()" will be run on all Perl files in
    this distribution using this same Perl::Critic configuration. See the
    Perl::Critic documentation for details on the .perlcriticrc file format.

    Any argument that is supported by the Perl::Critic constructor can be
    passed through this interface. For example, you can also set the minimum
    severity level, or include & exclude specific policies like this:

      use Test::Perl::Critic (-severity => 2, -exclude => ['RequireRcsKeywords']);

    See the Perl::Critic documentation for complete details on its options
    and arguments.

    By default, Test::Perl::Critic displays basic information about each
    Policy violation in the diagnostic output of the test. You can customize
    the format and content of this information by using the "-verbose"
    option. This behaves exactly like the "-verbose" switch on the
    perlcritic program. For example:

      use Test::Perl::Critic (-verbose => 6);


      use Test::Perl::Critic (-verbose => '%f: %m at %l');

    If given a number, Test::Perl::Critic reports violations using one of
    the predefined formats described below. If given a string, it is
    interpreted to be an actual format specification. If the "-verbose"
    option is not specified, it defaults to 3.

        Verbosity     Format Specification
        -----------   -------------------------------------------------------
         1            "%f:%l:%c:%m\n",
         2            "%f: (%l:%c) %m\n",
         3            "%m at %f line %l\n",
         4            "%m at line %l, column %c.  %e.  (Severity: %s)\n",
         5            "%f: %m at line %l, column %c.  %e.  (Severity: %s)\n",
         6            "%m at line %l, near '%r'.  (Severity: %s)\n",
         7            "%f: %m at line %l near '%r'.  (Severity: %s)\n",
         8            "[%p] %m at line %l, column %c.  (Severity: %s)\n",
         9            "[%p] %m at line %l, near '%r'.  (Severity: %s)\n",
        10            "%m at line %l, column %c.\n  %p (Severity: %s)\n%d\n",
        11            "%m at line %l, near '%r'.\n  %p (Severity: %s)\n%d\n"

    Formats are a combination of literal and escape characters similar to
    the way "sprintf" works. See String::Format for a full explanation of
    the formatting capabilities. Valid escape characters are:

        Escape    Meaning
        -------   ----------------------------------------------------------------
        %c        Column number where the violation occurred
        %d        Full diagnostic discussion of the violation (DESCRIPTION in POD)
        %e        Explanation of violation or page numbers in PBP
        %F        Just the name of the logical file where the violation occurred.
        %f        Path to the logical file where the violation occurred.
        %G        Just the name of the physical file where the violation occurred.
        %g        Path to the physical file where the violation occurred.
        %l        Logical line number where the violation occurred
        %L        Physical line number where the violation occurred
        %m        Brief description of the violation
        %P        Full name of the Policy module that created the violation
        %p        Name of the Policy without the Perl::Critic::Policy:: prefix
        %r        The string of source code that caused the violation
        %C        The class of the PPI::Element that caused the violation
        %s        The severity level of the violation

    Despite the convenience of using a test script to enforce your coding
    standards, there are some inherent risks when distributing those tests
    to others. Since you don't know which version of Perl::Critic the
    end-user has and whether they have installed any additional Policy
    modules, you can't really be sure that your code will pass the
    Test::Perl::Critic tests on another machine.

    For these reasons, we strongly advise you to make your perlcritic tests
    optional, or exclude them from the distribution entirely.

    The recommended usage in the "SYNOPSIS" section illustrates one way to
    make your perlcritic.t test optional. Another option is to put
    perlcritic.t and other author-only tests in a separate directory (xt/
    seems to be common), and then use a custom build action when you want to
    run them. Also, you should not list Test::Perl::Critic as a requirement
    in your build script. These tests are only relevant to the author and
    should not be a prerequisite for end-use.

    tests/> for an interesting discussion about Test::Perl::Critic and other
    types of author-only regression tests.


    If you want a small performance boost, you can tell PPI to cache results
    from previous parsing runs. Most of the processing time is in
    Perl::Critic, not PPI, so the speedup is not huge (only about 20%).
    Nonetheless, if your distribution is large, it's worth the effort.

    Add a block of code like the following to your test program, probably
    just before the call to "all_critic_ok()". Be sure to adjust the path to
    the temp directory appropriately for your system.

        use File::Spec;
        my $cache_path = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->tmpdir,
        if (!-d $cache_path) {
           mkdir $cache_path, oct 700;
        require PPI::Cache;
        PPI::Cache->import(path => $cache_path);

    We recommend that you do NOT use this technique for tests that will go
    out to end-users. They're probably going to only run the tests once, so
    they will not see the benefit of the caching but will still have files
    stored in their temp directory.

    If you find any bugs, please submit them to
    <>. Thanks.




    Andy Lester, whose Test::Pod module provided most of the code and
    documentation for Test::Perl::Critic. Thanks, Andy.

    Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer <>

    Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Imaginative Software Systems. All rights

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license can
    be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.