POE/Component/Server/PreforkTCP version 0.11

POE::Compoent::Server::PreforkTCP is a package which help people
who want to write a TCP server with prefork processes like Apache.
It is much like Apache 2 , since each process can process many 
connection in same time.

The package depend on standard POE packages, (Wheel::SocketFactory, 
Wheel::Run, Component::Server::TCP ... etc). And, it is very simple
to use, like POE::Compoent::Server::TCP.

	* POE::Component::Server::TCP is the simplest way to write a
	 TCP server, the ::PreforkTCP package is based ::TCP package,
	 and, preforkTCP has the same interface as ::TCP, so it is
	 very easy that move the script of ::TCP to ::PreforkTCP.

when a POE::Component::Server::PreforkTCP object started, it will 
create many child processes before any request comming, so called 
preforked prcessess.

The parent process, or called master process , don't accept the client's 
connection request, it just control its children, born, term, expire ...
And the child process to do with client request, and each child can
do with many connection in same time, not by thread, just by POE Session.

The POE::Component::Server::PreforkTCP depend the Wheel::Run to 
spawn the children, and use pipe to communicate with children, 
in fact , the pipe is just one-way, The master just recieve the
children's out, don't sent data to children. The way is simple but
easy to implement, since the children needn't a special session
to do with the servers input. 

If the master want to sent some simple instructors to children,
It can sent signal to children, now, USR1 to pause the server's accept, 
USR2 to resume the server 's accept, INT to shutdown the children.

The Component::Server::PreforkTCP support many parameters when creating,
Which can decide how many server born, how many spare server, how long 
the child server life... These idea  also come form Apache, but more...


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


This module requires these other modules and libraries:

POE ( Wheel::Run, Component::Server::TCP )...

In the simplest way , you can use Compoent::Server::PreforkTCP as same  
as Component::Server::TCP.

Next, you can set some parameters for the ::PreforkTCP, such as
MaxServer, MinServer, MaxSpareServer, MinSpareServer,
MasterHeartBeatTime, ServerHeatBeatTime, MaxSessionPerServer ... etc.

Please use "perldoc POE::Component::Server::PreforkTCP" to read 
the detail description of these paramater's meaning after the package
is installed .


the package has same lincense as Perl and POE.

Copyright (C) 2002 Wang Bo <wb@95700.net>