NAME Class::DBI::PagedSearch - pageable results from searches SYNOPSIS package MyClass; use base 'Class::DBI'; use Class::DBI::PagedSearch; # more setup of MyClass here. # meanwhile, elsewhere... package main; use Data::Page; # create a new pager object my $page = Data::Page->new(); # we want only 10 entries per page $page->entries_per_page(10); # get page number 4 $page->current_page(4); # MyClass isa Class::DBI object where MyClass->search( species => 'camel', { pager => $page }); DESCRIPTION Override Class::DBI::search to provide pagable results. An optional Data::Page object is passed in as the hash argument at the end of the option, and its "total_entries" attribute will be populated after the query. MyClass->search(%where, { order_by => '', pager => $page }) It also provides a method that allows paging raw sql queries. Use this instead of set_sql if you need paging. MyClass->search_sql($sql, @arg, { pager => $page }) DEFAULT SEARCH ATTRIBUTES If your class has a class getter called "default_search_attributes", this plugin will use the attributes defined there as default to search by. An example use of this can be: __PACKAGE__->default_search_attributes( { order_by => ['created_datetime ASC'] } ); to ensure that all searches on this class will order the results ascendingly by created_datetime column. You can always override these defaults. BUGS Please report any bugs you find via the CPAN RT system. <> AUTHOR EMERITUS Chia-liang Kao "" AUTHOR Fotango Ltd. "" If you're reporting bugs *please* use the RT system mentioned above so we can track the issues you report. COPYRIGHT / LICENSE Copyright Fotango 2005-2006. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.