THIS MODULE IS OFFICIALLY UNSUPPORTED. Please move on to DKIM like a responsible Internet user. I have. I will leave this module here on CPAN for a while, just in case someone has grown to depend on it. It is apparent that DK will not be the way of the future. Thus, it is time to put this module to ground before it causes any further harm. Thanks for your support, Anthony PS: Don't get a CPAN email address if you can avoid it. Muchos spam. ---- Yuck, I hate writing documentation. You get what you pay for, though. I intend to do a full documentation set starting with version 0.80. Starting with version 0.79, the canonifiers are much more conformant to the DomainKeys draft. Mail::DomainKeys now passes the DomainKeys canonifier torture tests available here: Be aware that DomainKeys is going out of fashion; it appears that DKIM may be its successor. It's still up in the air, though, as far as I can tell. Installation is ala mode: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Please send bug reports to <>. Sign them with DomainKeys if possible. :) Please include the version numbers of the following modules: Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA Mail::Address MIME::Base64 Net::DNS Text::Wrap Thanks!