NAME - Lightning Fast Graphing/Visualization SYNOPSIS % --data-dir=/path/to/dir DESCRIPTION GrowthForecast is graphing/visualization web tool built on RRDtool INSTALL Install dependencies To install growthforecast, these libraries are needed. * glib * xml2 * pango * cairo (CentOS) $ sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools" $ sudo yum install pkgconfig glib2-devel gettext libxml2-devel pango-devel cairo-devel (Ubuntu) $ sudo apt-get build-dep rrdtool Install GrowthForecast $ cpanm GrowthForecast It's recommended to using perlbrew OPTIONS --data-dir A directory to store rrddata and metadata --port TCP port listen on. Default is 5125 --host IP address to listen on --front-proxy IP addresses or CIDR of reverse proxy --allow-from IP addresses or CIDR to allow access from. Default is empty (allow access from any remote ip address) --disable-1min-metrics don't generate 1min rrddata and graph Default is "1" (enabled) --enable-float-number Store numbers of graph data as float rather than integer. Default is "0" (disabled) --with-mysql DB connection setting to store metadata. format like dbi:mysql:[dbname];hostname=[hostnaem] Default is no mysql setting. GrowthForecast save metadata to SQLite --web-max-workers Number of web server processes. Default is 4 --rrdcached rrdcached address. format is like either of unix:</path/to/unix.sock> /<path/to/unix.sock> <hostname-or-ip> [<hostname-or-ip>]:<port> <hostname-or-ipv4>:<port> See the manual of rrdcached for more details. Default does not use rrdcached. --mount Provide GrowthForecast with specify url path. Default is empty ( provide GrowthForecast on root path ) -h --help Display help MYSQL Setting GrowthForecast uses SQLite as metadata by default. And also supports MySQL GrowthForecast needs these MySQL privileges. * CREATE * ALTER * DELETE * INSERT * UPDATE * SELECT Sample GRANT statement mysql> GRANT statement sample> GRANT CREATE, ALTER, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT \\ ON growthforecast.* TO 'www'\@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY foobar; Give USERNAME and PASSWORD to GrowthForecast by environment value $ MYSQL_USER=www MYSQL_PASSWORD=foobar \\ --data-dir /home/user/growthforeacst \\ -with-mysql dbi:mysql:growthforecast;hostname=localhost AUTHOR Masahiro Nagano <kazeburo {at}> LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.