Tk::Text::Viewer Version 0.95   README              2010 03 07

    Tk::Text::Viewer - Simple Text Viewer

        use Tk;
        use Tk::Text::Viewer;
        my $mw = MainWindow->new;
        my $t1 = $mw->Scrolled('Viewer', -wrap => 'none'......);
        $t1->LabelText("Search:");# Change label text
        my $t1 = $mw->Viewer()->pack();
    Also: [TextFile]

    Tk::Text::Viewer IS A text widget that can display text files under TK.
    It enable the user to search text and navigate in a Text widget. The
    reason for creating this module is that it doesn't require downloading
    of modules other that Tk; Look for widget options in Tk::Text.

    A separate program is included that can be used as a stand
    alone file browser.

    The Viewer widget also inherits all the methods provided by the generic
    Tk::Widget and Tk::Text classes.

    The following additional method is available for viewer widgets:

        Load file into the text widget.

    *$text_view*->LabelConfig(string or hash ref)

        *   $text_view->LabelConfig(*"Search:"*)

            Change label for the search entry field. You might want to
            change this label if the widget is used in a non English

        *   $text_view->LabelConfig(*"-cursor=> 'dot'"*)

            Change one label widget option (for example cursor).

        *   $text_view->LabelConfig(*{text=>'Find:',-cursor=>'dot',...}*)

            Replace label widget options with your own set of options. Do
            not change the 'Name' option of the label widget. See Tk::Label
            for valid options

    *$text_view*->EntryConfig(string or hash ref)
        Change the entry widget options. Read LabelConfig for information
        about parameters. See Tk::Entry for valid options.

    For inherited bindings look Tk::Text. Following are class specific

        Clicking Space will move text one page ahead.

        Clicking BackSpace will move text one page up.

        Clicking "/" will open text search window.

    "n" Clicking "n" will move to next search match.

    "N" Clicking "N" will move to next previous match.

        Find all occurrences of searched item.

    If $ENV{LANG} is a 'UTF-8' locale, file load will assume "utf8"
    characters in file.

SEE ALSO - A utility using Tk::Text::Viewer included with this package.

    Tk::Text, Tk::Widget, Tk::More, Tk documentation.

        Tk::Text::Viewer was written by Oded S. Resnik <> in

        Copyright (c) 2003-2004 RAZ Information Systems All rights reserved.

        You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
        License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README

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