HTML::QuickTable - Quickly create fairly complex HTML tables

        use HTML::QuickTable;

        my $qt = HTML::QuickTable->new(
                       table_width  => '95%',       # opt method 1
                       td => {bgcolor => 'gray'},   # opt method 2
                       font_face => 'arial',        # set font
                       font => {face => 'arial'},   # same thing
                       labels => 1,                 # make top <th>?
                       stylesheet => 1,             # use stylesheet?
                       styleclass => 'mytable',     # class to use
                       useid  => 'results',         # id="results_r1c2" etc
                       header => 0,                 # print header?

        my $table1 = $qt->render(\@array_of_data);

        my $table2 = $qt->render(\%hash_of_keys_and_values);

        my $table3 = $qt->render($object_with_param_method);

    This modules lets you easily create HTML tables. Like CGI::FormBuilder,
    this module does a lot of thinking for you. For a comprehensive module
    that gives you the ability to tweak every aspect of table building, see
    HTML::Table or Data::Table. This one gives you a lot of control, but is
    really designed as an easy way to expand arbitrary data structures.

    The simplest table can be created with nothing more than:

        my $qt = HTML::QuickTable->new;
        print $qt->render(\@data);

    Where @data would be an array holding your data structure. For example,
    the data structure:

        @data = (
            [ 'nwiger', 'Nathan Wiger', 'x43264', '' ],
            [ 'jbobson', 'Jim Bobson', 'x92811', '' ]

    Would be rendered as something like:

        <tr><td>nwiger</td><td>Nathan Wiger</td><td>x43264</td><td></td></tr>
        <tr><td>jbobson</td><td>Jim Bobson</td><td>x92811</td><td></td></tr>

    Of course, the best use for this module is on dynamic data, say
    something like this:

        use DBI;
        use HTML::QuickTable;

        my $qt = HTML::QuickTable->new(header => 1);    # print header
        my $dbh = DBI->connect( ... );

        my $all_arrayref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("select * from billing");
        print $qt->render($all_arrayref);

    With "header => 1", you will get a brief "CGI" header as well as some
    basic "HTML" to prettify things. As such, the above will print out all
    the rows that your query selected in an "HTML" table.

  new(opt => val, opt => val)
    The "new()" function takes a list of options and returns a $qt object,
    which can then be used to "render()" different data. The "new()"
    function has a flexible options-parsing mechanism that allows you to
    specify settings to pretty much any element of the table.

    Options include:

    header => 1 | 0
        If set to 1, a basic "CGI" header and leading "HTML" is printed out.
        Useful if you're really looking for quick and dirty. Defaults to 0.

    htmlize => 1 | 0
        If set to 1, then all values will be run through a simple filter
        that creates links for things that look like email addresses or
        websites. Also, "*word*" will be changed to "<b>word</b>", and
        "_word_" will be changed to "<i>word</i>".

    labels => 1 | 0 | LTRB
        If set to 1, then the first row of the data is used as the labels of
        the data columns, and is placed in "<th>" tags. For example, if we
        assume our above data structure, and said:

            my $qt = HTML::QuickTable->new(... labels => 1);

            unshift @data, ['User', 'Name', 'Ext', 'Email'];

            print $qt->render(\@data);

        You would get something like this:

            <tr><td>nwiger</td><td>Nathan Wiger</td><td>x43264</td><td></td></tr>
            <tr><td>jbobson</td><td>Jim Bobson</td><td>x92811</td><td></td></tr>

        Since the labels are placed in "<th>" tags, you can then use the
        extra "HTML" options described below to alter the way that the
        labels look.

        You can also set this to a string that includes the characters L, T,
        R, and B, to specify that "<th>" tags should be created for the
        Left, Top, Right, and Bottom rows and columns. So for example:

            labels => 'LT'

        Would alter the table so that both the first row AND first column
        had "<th>" instead of "<td>" elements. This is useful for creating
        tables that have two axes, such as calendars.

    null => $string
        If set, then null (undef) fields will be set to that string instead.
        This is useful if pulling a bunch of records out of a database and
        not wanting to get blank table spaces everywhere there's a null
        field. For example:

            my $qt = HTML::QuickTable->new(null => '-');
            my $all_arrayref = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
            print $qt->render($all_arrayref);

        By default null table elements are left blank.

    nulltags => \%hash
        In addition to just changing the string used to represent null data,
        you may want to change the look of it as well. These tags will
        become attributes to the "<td>" element holding the null field. So,
        settings like this:

            null => 'N/A',
            nulltags => {bgcolor => 'gray'},

        Would result in an element like the following for null fields:

            <td bgcolor="gray">N/A<td>

        Make sense?

    stylesheet => 1 | '/path/to/style.css'
        If set, then any font settings are ignored and instead all table
        elements are wrapped with a "class=" attribute. The class name is
        whatever "styleclass" is set to (see below). See also the "useid"
        option to generate "id" tags in an intelligent way.

    styleclass => $string | \@array
        This used as a style class to use if the above setting is used. If
        set to a string, it is passed directly to the "class" tag. If set to
        an arrayref, then those styles are alternated between on a
        row-by-row ("tr") basis. For example:

            styleclass => [qw(one two)]

        Would yield "XHTML" similar to:

            <table class="one">
              <tr class="one">
                <td class="one">a</td>
                <td class="one">b</td>
                <td class="one">c</td>
                <td class="one">d</td>
              <tr class="two">
                <td class="two">e</td>
                <td class="two">f</td>
                <td class="two">g</td>
                <td class="two">h</td>

        Notice that the table gets the style of the first array element.

    text => $string
        Just like FormBuilder, this text is printed out for you to easily
        annotate your table.

    title => $string
        If you set "header => 1", then you can also specify the "title" to
        be prefixed to the document. Otherwise this option is ignored.

    useid => $baseid
        If set, then unique "id" tags are automatically generated for each
        and every table element, allowing you to address the entire table on
        a per-element basis via Javascript or CSS. These tags take the


        Where "X" is the row number and "Y" is the column number. So this

            useid => 'results'

        Would yield "XHTML" like:

            <table id="results">
              <tr id="results_r1">
                <th id="results_r1c1">n1</th>
                <th id="results_r1c2">n2</th>
                <th id="results_r1c3">n3</th>
                <th id="results_r1c4">n4</th>
              <tr id="results_r2">
                <td id="results_r2c1">1</td>
                <td id="results_r2c2">2</td>
                <td id="results_r2c3">3</td>
                <td id="results_r2c4">4</td>

        Notice that the table gets the baseid verbatim.

    vertical => 1 | 0
        If you set this to 1, then it fundamentally changes the way in which
        data is expanded. Instead of walking the data structure and building
        rows horizontally, each element of data will become a column. This
        option is described more below under "render()".

    body => {opt => val, opt => val}
    font => {opt => val, opt => val}
    table => {opt => val, opt => val}
    td => {opt => val, opt => val}
    th => {opt => val, opt => val}
    tr => {opt => val, opt => val}
        These options can be used to set attributes to be used on the
        applicable tag. For example, if you wanted the table width to be
        "95%" and the "border" to be 1, you would say:

            my $qt = HTML::QuickTable->new(table => {width => '95%', border => 1});

        Of course, you can specify as many different options as you want:

            my $qt = HTML::QuickTable->new(table => {width => '95%', border => 1},
                                           td    => {class => 'td_el'},
                                           font  => {face => 'arial,helvetica'} );

        As an alternative form, you can also use:

    body_opt => val
    font_opt => val
    table_opt => val
    td_opt => val
    th_opt => val
    tr_opt => val
        Instead of having to specify a hashref, you can use this option form
        to specify "HTML" tags. For example, if you want to set the font
        face, either of these will do the exact same thing:

            my $qt = HTML::QuickTable->new(font => {face => 'verdana'});
            my $qt = HTML::QuickTable->new(font_face => 'verdana');

        Again, you can specify any "HTML" tag you want and it will get
        included. Anything after the underscore is taken as the tag name and
        placed into the output "HTML" verbatim.

  render(\@data | \%data | $object)
    The "render()" function can accept either an "arrayref", "hashref", or
    "object". It then recursively expands the data per the options you
    specified to "new()". Each data structure is rendered differently:

    arrayref (\@array)
        An "arrayref" should expand intuitively; each row in the array
        becomes another row in the table. If you specify the "labels"
        option, then the first row is taken as the column labels and is
        placed within "<th>" elements.

    object ($object)
        An "object" also expands quite simply. First, the "object"'s
        "param()" method is called to get a list of keys. Then, for each key
        the value is placed in the array. The key is taken as the label for
        that column, and is placed within a "<th>". As an example, you can
        dump a nice table of your "CGI" query with:

            use CGI;
            use HTML::QuickTable;

            my $cgi = CGI->new;
            my $qt  = HTML::QuickTable->new(header => 1);

            print $qt->render($cgi); 

    hashref (\%hash)
        A "hashref" is first sorted by "key". Then, each data element
        becomes a data element for that column. For example:

            %user = (
                'nwiger'  => ['Nathan Wiger', ''],
                'jbobson' => ['Jim Bobson', '']

            print $qt->render(\%user);

        Would be rendered as:

            <tr><td>jbobson</td><td>Jim Bobson</td><td></td></tr>
            <tr><td>nwiger</td><td>Nathan Wiger</td><td></td></tr>

        Note that it's very similar to the way arrays are handled. The
        benefit here is that this allows you to expand arbitrary data

        If it's a "hashref" of "hashrefs", for example:

            %user = (
                'nwiger'  => { name => 'Nathan Wiger', email => '' },
                'jbobson' => { name => 'Jim Bobson', email => ''}

            print $qt->render(\%user);

        Then some Major Magic (tm) happens and you'll get something like

            <tr><td>jbobson</td><td></td><td>Jim Bobson</td></tr>
            <tr><td>nwiger</td><td></td><td>Nathan Wiger</td></tr>

        Notice that the keys were sorted alphabetically and output in order.
        But, note that the top-level "key" is not labeled in the "<th>". To
        change this, you must specify the "keylabel" option to "new()":

            my $qt = HTML::QuickTable->new(keylabel => 'user');
            # ...
            print $qt->render(\%user);

        That would create the same "HTML" as above, except the first column
        label would be "user".

    The 'B' option to 'labels' is currently broken, due to the fact that
    "render()" recursively calls itself and thus loses track of where it is.
    But who the heck puts labels at the *bottom* of an HTML table??

    If you run into a bug, please DO NOT submit it via "" - that
    just causes me alot of extra work. Email me at the below address, and
    include the version string your eyes are about to pass over.

    HTML::Table, Data::Table, SQL::Abstract, CGI::FormBuilder

    $Id:,v 1.12 2005/05/10 21:10:52 nwiger Exp $

    Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Nathan Wiger <>. All Rights

    This module is free software; you may copy this under the terms of the
    GNU General Public License, or the Artistic License, copies of which
    should have accompanied your Perl kit.