Hash::Compact - A hash-based object implementation with key alias and
default value support


  package My::Memcached;

  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use parent qw(Cache::Memcached::Fast);

  use JSON;
  use Hash::Compact;

  my $OPTIONS = {
      foo => {
          alias_for => 'f',
      bar => {
          alias_for => 'b',
          default   => 'bar',

  sub get {
      my ($self, $key) = @_;
      my $value = $self->SUPER::get($key);
      Hash::Compact->new(decode_json $value, $OPTIONS);

  sub set {
      my ($self, $key, $value, $expire) = @_;
      my $hash = Hash::Compact->new($value, $OPTIONS);
      $self->SUPER::set($key, encode_json $hash->to_hash, $expire);

  package main;

  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use Test::More;

  my $key   = 'key';
  my $value = { foo => 'foo' };
  my $memd  = My::Memcached->new({servers => [qw(localhost:11211)]});
     $memd->set($key, $value);

  my $cached_value = $memd->get($key);
  is        $cached_value->param('foo'), 'foo';
  is        $cached_value->param('bar'), 'bar';
  is_deeply $cached_value->to_hash, +{ f => 'foo' };

  $cached_value->param(bar => 'baz');
  $memd->set($key, $cached_value->to_hash);

  $cached_value = $memd->get($key);
  is        $cached_value->param('foo'), 'foo';
  is        $cached_value->param('bar'), 'baz';
  is_deeply $cached_value->to_hash, +{ f => 'foo', b => 'baz' };



When we store some structured value into a column of a relational
database or some key/value storage, redundancy of long key names can
be a problem for storage space.

This module is yet another hash-based object implementation which aims
to be aware of both space efficiency and easiness to use for us.


## new (I<\%hash> I<[, \%options]>)

  my $hash = Hash::Compact->new({
          foo => 'foo',
      }, {
          foo => {
              alias_for => 'f',
          bar => {
              alias_for => 'b',
              default   => 'bar',

Creates and returns a new Hash::Compact object. If `\%options` not
passed, Hash::Compact object `$hash` will be just a plain hash-based

`\%options` is a hash-ref which key/value pairs are associated with
ones of `\%hash`. It may contain the fields below:

- * alias_for

Alias to an actual key. If it's passed, `\%hash` will be compacted
into another hash which has aliased key. The original key of `\%hash`
will be just an alias to an actual key.

- * default

If this exists and the value associated with the key of `\%hash` is
undefined, Hash::Compact object `$hash` returns just the value. It's
for space efficiency; `$hash` doesn't need to have key/value pair
when the value isn't defined or it's same as default value.

## param (I<$key> I<[, $value]>)

  $hash->param('foo');          #=> 'foo'
  $hash->param('bar');          #=> 'bar' (returns the default value)

  $hash->param(bar => 'baz');
  $hash->param('bar');          #=> 'baz'

Setter/getter method.

## to_hash ()

  my $compact_hash_ref = $hash->to_hash;
  #=> { f => 'foo', b => 'baz' } (returns a compacted hash)

Returns a compacted hash according to `\%options` passed into the
constructor above;


Kentaro Kuribayashi <kentarok@gmail.com>



Copyright (C) Kentaro Kuribayashi

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.