Template::Plugin::ForumCode - class for "ForumCode" filter

    Standard usage in a Template Toolkit file:

      # load the TT module
      [% USE ForumCode %]

      # ForumCodify some text
      [% ForumCode.forumcode('[b]bold[/u] [u]underlined[/u] [i]italic[/i]') %]
      [% ForumCode.forumcode('**bold** __underlined__') %]

    Usage in a perl module:

      use Template::Plugin::ForumCode;

      my $tt_forum  = Template::Plugin::ForumCode->new();
      my $formatted = $tt_forum->forumcode($text);

    This module implements ForumCode, a simple markup language inspired by
    the likes of BBCode.

    ForumCode allows end-users (of a web-site) limited access to a set of
    HTML markup through a HTML-esque syntax.

    This module works by using Template::Plugin::HTML to escape all HTML
    entities and markup. It then performs a series of transformations to
    convert ForumCode markup into the appropriate HTML markup.

    The ForumCode plugin will perform the following transformations:

    [b]...[/b] or **...**
        Make the text between the markers *bold*.

    [u]...[/u] or __...___
        Make the text between the markers *underlined*.

        Make the text between the markers *italicised*.

    [url]http://...[/url] or [url="http://..."]LinkText[/url]
        Make the text between the markers into a *HTML link*. If you would
        like to give the link a name, use the following format:

        [url name="..."]http://...[/url]

        Insert an *image*, specified by the URL between the markers.

        You may also include extra attributes such as title=, alt=, etc.
        Research the HTML <img> tag for the full list of attributes.

           [img title='Powered by Catalyst' width='50']http://.../images/button.png[/img]

        Make a block of text appear in the *colour* specified by *code*.

        *code* can be any of the named colours: red, orange, yellow, green,
        blue, black, white.

        *code* may also be a #RGB value in either the #XYZ or #XXYYZZ

        For the sake of international relations "[color=*code*]...[/color]"
        may also be used.

          e.g. red text
           [colour=red]Red Text[/colour]
           [colour=#ff0000]Red Text[/colour]

        Create an ordered or unordered list of items. To create an
        *unordered list* use [*] to mark the start of each list item. To
        create an *ordered list* use [1] to mark the start of each list

          e.g. an unordered list

          e.g. an ordered list

        Marks a block of text with the CSS *forumcode_code* class. How this
        displays is dependant on the CSS definitions in your application

          /* Example CSS */

          .forumcode_code {
            font-family:        monospace;
            border:             1px solid #333;
            font-size:          95%;
            margin:             15px 20px 15px 20px;
            padding:            6px;
            width:              85%;
            overflow:           auto;
            white-space:        pre;

            color:              #ff0;
            background-color:   #333;
            border:             1px solid #666;

        Marks a block of text with the CSS *forumcode_pre* class. How this
        displays is dependant on the CSS definitions in your application

          /* Example CSS */

          .forumcode_pre {
            background-color:   transparent;
            font-family:        monospace;
            font-size:          95%;
            border:             1px dashed #333;
            margin:             15px 20px 15px 20px;
            padding:            6px;
            width:              85%;
            overflow:           auto;
            white-space:        pre;

        Marks a block of text with the CSS *forumcode_pre* class. How this
        displays is dependant on the CSS definitions in your application

        You may specify the name of ther person you are quoting using the
        following addition to the markup:

        [quote quoting="..."]Lorem ipsum ...[/quote]

        The quoted text will be prefixed with Quoting Name:. This extra
        output will be wrapped in with the CSS *forumcode_quoting* class.

          /* Example CSS */

          .forumcode_quote {
            background-color:   #eee;
            font-family:        monospace;
            font-style:         italic;
            border:             1px dotted #333;
            font-size:          95%;
            margin:             15px 20px 15px 20px;
            padding:            6px;
            width:              85%;
            overflow:           auto;

          .forumcode_quoting {
            font-weight:        bold;
            margin-bottom:      3px;

    Create a new instance of the plugin for TT usage

    The transformation function

    Chisel Wright "<>"

    This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.