NAME Template::Plugin::ForumCode - class for "ForumCode" filter SYNOPSIS Standard usage in a Template Toolkit file: # load the TT module [% USE ForumCode %] # ForumCodify some text [% ForumCode.forumcode('[b]bold[/u] [u]underlined[/u] [i]italic[/i]') %] [% ForumCode.forumcode('**bold** __underlined__') %] Usage in a perl module: use Template::Plugin::ForumCode; my $tt_forum = Template::Plugin::ForumCode->new(); my $formatted = $tt_forum->forumcode($text); DESCRIPTION This module implements ForumCode, a simple markup language inspired by the likes of BBCode. ForumCode allows end-users (of a web-site) limited access to a set of HTML markup through a HTML-esque syntax. This module works by using Template::Plugin::HTML to escape all HTML entities and markup. It then performs a series of transformations to convert ForumCode markup into the appropriate HTML markup. MARKUP The ForumCode plugin will perform the following transformations: [b]...[/b] or **...** Make the text between the markers *bold*. [u]...[/u] or __...___ Make the text between the markers *underlined*. [i]...[/i] Make the text between the markers *italicised*. [url]http://...[/url] or [url="http://..."]LinkText[/url] Make the text between the markers into a *HTML link*. If you would like to give the link a name, use the following format: [url name="..."]http://...[/url] [img]http://...[/img] Insert an *image*, specified by the URL between the markers. You may also include extra attributes such as title=, alt=, etc. Research the HTML <img> tag for the full list of attributes. e.g. [img title='Powered by Catalyst' width='50']http://.../images/button.png[/img] [colour=*code*]...[/colour] Make a block of text appear in the *colour* specified by *code*. *code* can be any of the named colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, black, white. *code* may also be a #RGB value in either the #XYZ or #XXYYZZ format. For the sake of international relations "[color=*code*]...[/color]" may also be used. e.g. red text [colour=red]Red Text[/colour] [colour=#ff0000]Red Text[/colour] [list]...[/list] Create an ordered or unordered list of items. To create an *unordered list* use [*] to mark the start of each list item. To create an *ordered list* use [1] to mark the start of each list item. e.g. an unordered list [list] [*]apple [*]orange [*]banana [/list] e.g. an ordered list [list] [1]first [1]second [1]third [/list] [code]...[/code] Marks a block of text with the CSS *forumcode_code* class. How this displays is dependant on the CSS definitions in your application templates. /* Example CSS */ .forumcode_code { font-family: monospace; border: 1px solid #333; font-size: 95%; margin: 15px 20px 15px 20px; padding: 6px; width: 85%; overflow: auto; white-space: pre; color: #ff0; background-color: #333; border: 1px solid #666; } [pre]...[/pre] Marks a block of text with the CSS *forumcode_pre* class. How this displays is dependant on the CSS definitions in your application templates. /* Example CSS */ .forumcode_pre { background-color: transparent; font-family: monospace; font-size: 95%; border: 1px dashed #333; margin: 15px 20px 15px 20px; padding: 6px; width: 85%; overflow: auto; white-space: pre; } [quote]...[/quote] Marks a block of text with the CSS *forumcode_pre* class. How this displays is dependant on the CSS definitions in your application templates. You may specify the name of ther person you are quoting using the following addition to the markup: [quote quoting="..."]Lorem ipsum ...[/quote] The quoted text will be prefixed with Quoting Name:. This extra output will be wrapped in with the CSS *forumcode_quoting* class. /* Example CSS */ .forumcode_quote { background-color: #eee; font-family: monospace; font-style: italic; border: 1px dotted #333; font-size: 95%; margin: 15px 20px 15px 20px; padding: 6px; width: 85%; overflow: auto; } .forumcode_quoting { font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 3px; } PUBLIC METHODS new Create a new instance of the plugin for TT usage forumcode The transformation function AUTHOR Chisel Wright "<>" LICENSE This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.