NAME Graphics::ColorNames::Mozilla - Mozilla, Netscape 6.0, Galeon (anything using Gecko) color names and equivalent RGB values SYNOPSIS require Graphics::ColorNames::Mozilla; $NameTable = Graphics::ColorNames::Mozilla->NamesRgbTable(); $RgbSkyBlue = $NameTable->{deepskyblue}; DESCRIPTION This module defines color names and their associated RGB values used in Mozilla and Netscape 6.0. Names and values were slurped off of SEE ALSO "Graphics::ColorNames" - more sets of color names and routines for converting between tuples and hex representation of colors. mozilla source tree: /mozilla/layout/tools/ColorNames.txt AUTHOR Steve Pomeroy <> Robert Rothenberg <> -- the origional "Graphics::ColorNames" LICENSE Copyright (c) 2002 Steve Pomeroy. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.