[](https://github.com/sanko/Acme-ICan-tBelieveItCanSort/actions) [](https://github.com/sanko/Acme-ICan-tBelieveItCanSort/actions) [](https://github.com/sanko/Acme-ICan-tBelieveItCanSort/actions) [](https://metacpan.org/release/Acme-ICan-tBelieveItCanSort) # NAME Acme::ICan'tBelieveItCanSort - Wait... It Actually Works? # SYNOPSIS use Acme::ICan'tBelieveItCanSort; Acme::ICan'tBelieveItCanSort( 3, 4, 5, 5, 68, 1, 4, 321, 32, 321 ); # DESCRIPTION Acme::ICan'tBelieveItCanSort is a pure Perl implementation of "the simplest (and most surprising) sorting algorithm ever" as described by Stanley P. Y. Fung: We present an extremely simple sorting algorithm. It may look like it is obviously wrong, but we prove that it is in fact correct. We compare it with other simple sorting algorithms, and analyse some of its curious properties. This module itself is named after [`Algorithm 1`](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2110.01111.pdf). # See Also - "Is this the simplest (and most surprising) sorting algorithm ever?" Stanley P. Y. Fung, https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.01111 - https://github.com/mattn/i\_cant\_believe\_it\_can - https://github.com/theshteves/simplest-sort - https://github.com/PCBoyGames/ArrayV-v4.0/blob/main/src/sorts/exchange/UnbelievableSort.java - https://github.com/jefflunt/unbelievable-sort # LICENSE Copyright (C) Sanko Robinson. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms found in the Artistic License 2. Other copyrights, terms, and conditions may apply to data transmitted through this module. # AUTHOR Sanko Robinson <sanko@cpan.org>