Plack::Middleware::Debug::RefCounts - reference count debugging for
    plack apps


    version 0.90


        use Plack::Middleware::Debug::RefCounts;
        enable 'Debug', panels => [ 'RefCounts', @any_other_panels ];


    This module aims to provide debugging tools to help identify memory

    It uses Devel::Gladiator to compare reference counts at the beginning
    and end of requests.

    To get the most out of this module, you should:

    1. Run you application with a single worker process.

      The middleware attempts not to unduly accumulate references. As such,
      it tracks references counts in a simple package variable
      ("Arena_Refs"), which does not scale to multiple processes.

    2. Identify what's growing unexpectedly, then dive in.

      See the explanation under "PLACK_MW_DEBUG_REFCOUNTS_DUMP_RE".

      Generally, just be aware that you're potentially looking at A LOT of
      information, and trying to debug it takes up a lot of resources.
      System errors may occur if you're too aggressive.

    3. Repeat tests to make sure they are consistently leaking memory.

      Objects can be loaded the first time you load a specific web page,
      and increase memory usage. The key is that they don't continue to
      increase memory after repeated hits.

      Preloading data prior to forking can help with this problem, but it
      can be hard to capture every single object or singleton that needs to
      be loaded.



    A regex to be matched against changing counts in
    "calculate_arena_refs". If a variable's ref type (or class) matches it,
    the variable will be dumped to STDERR. Only newly-discovered variables
    are dumped.

    WARNING: Dumping certain variables may crash your process, because
    there is so much to dump. Look at the ref counts first to figure out
    what you want to dump, and try to work around any bizarre behaviors.


    A boolean, defaulting to 0.

    If the PSGI application supports cleanup and this variable is true,
    then ref counting will happen during cleanup. This prevents rendering
    this refcount information in the debug panel.



    This stores all of the types and memory locations of every variable,
    except SCALARs and REFs. Data is captured at the end of each dispatch.

    NOTE this is just a package variable - debugging memory works best with
    a single worker anyway.



    The standard debug middleware interface. Runs the reference count
    comparison as late as possible (ie. during cleanup if supported).


        ($is_first, \%diff_list) = $self->update_arena_counts;

    Updates the arena counts and returns a boolean indicating whether this
    is the first runthrough and a diff of hashes via


        \%diff_list = $self->calculate_arena_refs;

    Walks the arena (of Perl variables) via "walk_arena" in
    Devel::Gladiator, and catalogs all non-SCALAR/REFs into ref types and
    memory locations. Returns a diff list hashref.

    After the first (initializing) run, if
    "PLACK_MW_DEBUG_REFCOUNTS_DUMP_RE" is set, newly discovered matching
    variables will be dumped to STDERR.


        @lines = $self->compare_arena_counts(\%diff_list);

    Using a diff list from "calculate_arena_refs", this displays the new
    ref counts on STDERR, and returns those displayed lines.

    Anything listed here has either shrunk or grown the variables within
    the arena.

    Example output:

        === Reference growth counts ===
        +4    (diff) =>       4 (now) => Class::MOP::Class::Immutable::Moose::Meta::Class
        +1    (diff) =>       1 (now) => Class::MOP::Method::Wrapped
        +12   (diff) =>      19 (now) => DBD::mysql::st_mem
        +24   (diff) =>      38 (now) => DBI::st
        +1    (diff) =>       1 (now) => Data::Visitor::Callback
        +4    (diff) =>       4 (now) => DateTime
        +1    (diff) =>       1 (now) => DateTime::TimeZone::America::New_York
        +1    (diff) =>       1 (now) => Devel::StackTrace
        +1    (diff) =>       1 (now) => FCGI
        +3    (diff) =>       3 (now) => FCGI::Stream



      The tool used for leak hunting.


      General debugging framework.


      Monitors RSS, which is not particularly helpful for tracking down
      memory leaks.


      As of writing, is broken by a 2015 bug in B::Size2 (and neither
      module has been updated since 2014).


    Grant Street Group <>


    Copyright 2018 Grant Street Group.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a
    copy of the full license at: