Text/Beautify version 0.07

Text::Beautify - Beautifies text


  use Text::Beautify;

  $text = "badly written text ,,you know ?"

  $new_text = beautify($text);
  # $new_text now holds "Badly written text, you know?"

  # or

  $text = Text::Beautify->new("badly written text ,,you know ?");
  $new_text = $text->beautify;

  # and also

  enable_feature('repeated_punctuation'); # enables the feature
  disable_feature('trailing_space');      # disables the feature

  @features_enables = enabled_features();

  @all_features = features();



Beautifies text. This involves operations like squeezing double spaces,
removing spaces from the beginning and end of lines, upper casing the
first character in a string, etc.

You can enable / disable features with I<enable_feature> /
I<disable_feature>. These commands return a true value if they
are successful.

To know which features are beautified, see FEATURES


All features are enabled by default

=over 4

=item * heading_space

	Removes heading spaces

=item * trailing_space

	Removes trailing spaces

=item * double_spaces

	Squeezes double spaces

=item * repeated_punctuation

	Squeezes repeated punctuation

=item * space_in_front_of_punctuation

	Removes spaces in front of punctuation

=item * space_after_punctuation

	Puts a spaces after punctuation

=item * uppercase_first

	Uppercases the first character in the string


=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

Creates a new Text::Beautify object

=head2 beautify

Applies all the enabled features

=head2 enabled_features

Returns a list with the enabled features

=head2 features

Returns a list containing all the features

=head2 enable_feature

Enables a feature

=head2 disable_feature

Disables a feature

=head2 enable_all

Enables all features

=head2 disable_all

Disables all features

=head1 TO DO

=over 6

=item * Allow the user to select the order in which features are applied

=item * Allow creation of new features


=head1 BUGS

Each line is treated independently. This means a sentence comprising two lines
will get it's second line's first character uppercased... must solve that ASAP.

Smiles such as "this :-(" are turned into "this:-("

=head1 AUTHOR

Jose Castro, C<< <cog@cpan.org> >>


Copyright 2004 Jose Castro, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.