Configuration initializer

      use CGI::Getopt;

      my $cg = CGI::Getopt->new('ifn', 'my_init.cfg', 'opt', 'vhS:a:');
      my $ar = $cg->get_inputs; 

    This program enables CGI and command line inputs. It uses CGI and
    Getopt::Std modules.

   new (ifn => 'file.cfg', opt => 'hvS:')

    Input variables:

      $ifn  - input/initial file name. 
      $opt  - options for Getopt::Std

    Variables used or routines called:


    How to use:

       my $cg = new CGI::Getopt;      # or
       my $cg = CGI::Getopt->new;     # or
       my $cg = CGI::Getopt->new(ifn=>'file.cfg',opt=>'hvS:'); # or
       my $cg = CGI::Getopt->new('ifn', 'file.cfg','opt','hvS:'); 

    Return: new empty or initialized CGI::Getopt object.

    This method constructs a Perl object and capture any parameters if
    specified. It creates and defaults the following variables:

      $self->{ifn} = ""
      $self->{opt} = 'hvS:'; 

   get_inputs($ifn, $opt)

    Input variables:

      $ifn  - input/initial file name. 
      $opt  - options for Getopt::Std, for instance 'vhS:a:'

    Variables used or routines called:


    How to use:

      my $ar = $self->get_inputs('/tmp/my_init.cfg','vhS:');

    Return: ($q, $ar) where $q is the CGI object and $ar is a hash array
    reference containing parameters from web form, or command line and/or
    configuration file if specified.

    This method performs the following tasks:

      1) create a CGI object
      2) get input from CGI web form or command line 
      3) read initial file if provided
      4) merge the two inputs into one hash array

    This method uses the following rules:

      1) All parameters in the initial file can not be changed through
         command line or web form;
      2) The "-S" option in command line can be used to set non-single
         char parameters in the format of 
         -S k1=value1:k2=value2
      3) Single char parameters are included only if they are listed
         in $opt input variable.

    Some parameters are dfined automatically:

      script_name - $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} 
      url_dn      - $ENV{HTTP_HOST}
      home_url    - http://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}
      HomeLoc     - http://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}/
      version     - $VERSION
      action      - https://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}
      encoding    - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
      method      - POST


    Input variables:

      $fn - full path to a file name

    Variables used or routines called:


    How to use:

      my $ar = $self->read_init_file('crop.cfg');

    Return: a hash array ref

    This method reads a configuraton file containing parameters in the
    format of key=values. Multiple lines is allowed for values as long as
    the lines after the "key=" line are indented as least with two blanks.
    For instance:

      width = 80
      desc  = This is a long
              description about the value

    This will create a hash array of

      ${$ar}{width} = 80
      ${$ar}{desc}  = "This is a long description about the value"