diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/Changes DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/Changes
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/Changes	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/Changes	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,6 +1,66 @@
 Changes for Perl extension DBD-SQLite
-1.37 to be released
+1.38_03 Mon 20 May 2013
+    - As of SQLite 3.7.15, SQLite's query optimizer was enhanced
+      and the result order of a SELECT statement without an ORDER
+      BY clause may be different from the one of the previous
+      versions. If your applications or tests mistakenly depend
+      on the arbitrary output order, they may be broken with this
+      enhancement.
+    - Updated to SQLite 3.7.17 (ISHIGAKI)
+    - Fixed tests that mistakenly made invalid assumptions about
+      the result order (ISHIGAKI)
+    - Added a brief note on useful pragmata. (ISHIGAKI)
+    - Resolved #85302: type fixes (ISHIGAKI)
+1.38_02 Thu 4 Apr 2013
+    - Updated to SQLite (ISHIGAKI)
+    - Removed two obsolete pragma calls at login time (ISHIGAKI)
+    - Resolved #80344: Set SQLITE_DISABLE_DIRSYNC on AIX (suggested
+      by Steve Barnsley) (ISHIGAKI)
+    - Resolved #81536: primary_key_info returns the wrong KEY_SEQ
+      (VLYON)
+    - Resolved #84027: Finalizer() not called in (D. Richard Hipp)
+    - Resolved #84372: -Wpointer-sign warnings with utf8_hop
+      (RURBAN)
+    - Resolved #84373: Add test for RT #26775 "name)" key with
+    - Resolved #70815: DBD::SQLite 1.33 build is broken under
+      Solaris using Sun C (RURBAN)
+    - Resolved #84380: Fix WINLIKE for mingw/msys (RURBAN)
+    - Added a note on DBD::SQLite and File::Temp (suggested by
+1.38_01 Mon 24 Sep 2012
+    - Resolved #56444: immediate transaction should be on by
+      default, and the doc be updated.
+      If you really need the deferred transaction (which had long
+      been the default), set sqlite_use_immediate_transaction
+      to false explicitly. (ISHIGAKI)
+    - Updated to SQLite 3.7.14 (ISHIGAKI)
+    - Added support for foreign_key_info (DAMI/ISHIGAKI)
+    - Added several methods to retrieve internal information such as
+      table_column_metadata/db_filename/*_status (ISHIGAKI/VOVKASM)
+    - Added sqlite_load_extension so that extensions can add
+      functions internally (ISHIGAKI)
+    - Resolved #77617: atoll () sometimes just is atol () (GAAS)
+    - Resolved #48084: improper "require utf8" in tests (ISHIGAKI)
+    - Resolved #77724: bug in primary_key_info with regard to column
+      names containing whitespace (ISHIGAKI)
+    - Resolved #79364: variance example of the doc (ISHIGAKI)
+    - Resolved #78833: utf8 flag for column names (JAMADAM)
+      (This hopefully resolved #72418 as well)
+    - Resolved #64177: ping() wipes out the errstr (ISHIGAKI)
+    - Resolved #79576: (patch) bind_param don't work with PADTMP
+      scalars (VOVKASM)
+    - Refactored primary_key_info to support attached databases
+      (ISHIGAKI)
+1.37 Thu 12 Jun 2012
     - Updated to SQLite (ISHIGAKI)
 1.36_04 Sat 19 May 2012
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/dbdimp.c DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/dbdimp.c
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/dbdimp.c	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/dbdimp.c	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 #define sqlite_trace(h,xxh,level,what) if ( DBIc_TRACE_LEVEL((imp_xxh_t*)xxh) >= level ) _sqlite_trace(aTHX_ __FILE__, __LINE__, h, (imp_xxh_t*)xxh, what)
 #define sqlite_exec(h,sql) _sqlite_exec(aTHX_ h, imp_dbh->db, sql)
 #define sqlite_open(dbname,db) _sqlite_open(aTHX_ dbh, dbname, db)
+#define _isspace(c) (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\v' || c == '\f')
 static void
 _sqlite_trace(pTHX_ char *file, int line, SV *h, imp_xxh_t *imp_xxh, const char *what)
@@ -230,7 +231,11 @@
     if (maybe_int || sql_type == SQLITE_INTEGER) {
 #if defined(USE_64_BIT_INT)
+    #if defined(HAS_ATOLL)
         if (strEQ(form((has_plus ? "+%lli" : "%lli"), atoll(v)), v)) return 1;
+    #else
+        if (strEQ(form((has_plus ? "+%li" : "%li"), atol(v)), v)) return 1;
+    #endif
         if (strEQ(form((has_plus ? "+%i" : "%i"), atoi(v)), v)) return 1;
@@ -281,14 +286,11 @@
     imp_dbh->timeout                   = SQL_TIMEOUT;
     imp_dbh->handle_binary_nulls       = FALSE;
     imp_dbh->allow_multiple_statements = FALSE;
-    imp_dbh->use_immediate_transaction = FALSE;
+    imp_dbh->use_immediate_transaction = TRUE;
     imp_dbh->see_if_its_a_number       = FALSE;
     sqlite3_busy_timeout(imp_dbh->db, SQL_TIMEOUT);
-    sqlite_exec(dbh, "PRAGMA empty_result_callbacks = ON");
-    sqlite_exec(dbh, "PRAGMA show_datatypes = ON");
 #if 0
     ** As of 1.26_06 foreign keys support was enabled by default,
@@ -304,6 +306,14 @@
     sqlite_exec(dbh, "PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON");
+#if 0
+    /*
+    ** Enable this to see if you (wrongly) expect an implicit order
+    ** of return values from a SELECT statement without ORDER BY.
+    */
+    sqlite_exec(dbh, "PRAGMA reverse_unordered_selects = ON");
     return TRUE;
@@ -701,7 +711,11 @@
             if (numtype == 1) {
 #if defined(USE_64_BIT_INT)
+    #if defined(HAS_ATOLL)
                 rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(imp_sth->stmt, i+1, atoll(data));
+    #else
+                rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(imp_sth->stmt, i+1, atol(data));
+    #endif
                 rc = sqlite3_bind_int(imp_sth->stmt, i+1, atoi(data));
@@ -736,6 +750,16 @@
     if (sqlite3_get_autocommit(imp_dbh->db)) {
         /* COMPAT: sqlite3_sql is only available for 3006000 or newer */
         const char *sql = sqlite3_sql(imp_sth->stmt);
+        while ( _isspace(sql[0]) || (sql[0] == '-' && sql[1] == '-')) {
+          if ( _isspace(sql[0]) ) {
+            while ( _isspace(sql[0]) ) sql++;
+            continue;
+          }
+          else if (sql[0] == '-') {
+            while ( sql[0] != 0 && sql[0] != '\n' ) sql++;
+            continue;
+          }
+        }
         if ((sql[0] == 'B' || sql[0] == 'b') &&
             (sql[1] == 'E' || sql[1] == 'e') &&
             (sql[2] == 'G' || sql[2] == 'g') &&
@@ -761,12 +785,25 @@
     else if (DBIc_is(imp_dbh, DBIcf_BegunWork)) {
         /* COMPAT: sqlite3_sql is only available for 3006000 or newer */
         const char *sql = sqlite3_sql(imp_sth->stmt);
+        while ( _isspace(sql[0]) || (sql[0] == '-' && sql[1] == '-')) {
+          if ( _isspace(sql[0]) ) {
+            while ( _isspace(sql[0]) ) sql++;
+            continue;
+          }
+          else if (sql[0] == '-') {
+            while ( sql[0] != 0 && sql[0] != '\n' ) sql++;
+            continue;
+          }
+        }
         if (((sql[0] == 'C' || sql[0] == 'c') &&
              (sql[1] == 'O' || sql[1] == 'o') &&
              (sql[2] == 'M' || sql[2] == 'm') &&
              (sql[3] == 'M' || sql[3] == 'm') &&
              (sql[4] == 'I' || sql[4] == 'i') &&
-             (sql[5] == 'T' || sql[5] == 't'))) {
+             (sql[5] == 'T' || sql[5] == 't')) ||
+            ((sql[0] == 'E' || sql[0] == 'e') &&
+             (sql[1] == 'N' || sql[1] == 'n') &&
+             (sql[2] == 'D' || sql[2] == 'd'))) {
             DBIc_off(imp_dbh, DBIcf_BegunWork);
             DBIc_on(imp_dbh,  DBIcf_AutoCommit);
@@ -782,7 +819,11 @@
             int l = strlen(sql);
             bool is_savepoint = FALSE;
             for(i = 8; i < l; i++) {
-                if (sql[i] == ' ' || sql[i] == '\t') continue;
+                if (_isspace(sql[i])) continue;
+                if (sql[i] == '-' && sql[i+1] == '-') {
+                    while (sql[i] != 0 && sql[i] != '\n') i++;
+                    continue;
+                }
                 if (sql[i] == 'T' || sql[i] == 't') {
                     if ((sql[i+0]  == 'T' || sql[i+0]  == 't') &&
                         (sql[i+1]  == 'R' || sql[i+1]  == 'r') &&
@@ -1085,7 +1126,10 @@
                 /* char *dot = instr(fieldname, ".");     */
                 /* if (dot)  drop table name from field name */
                 /*    fieldname = ++dot;     */
-                av_store(av, n, newSVpv(fieldname, 0));
+                SV *sv_fieldname = newSVpv(fieldname, 0);
+                if (imp_dbh->unicode)
+                    SvUTF8_on(sv_fieldname);
+                av_store(av, n, sv_fieldname);
@@ -1186,7 +1230,7 @@
         pos = 2 * (SvIV(param) - 1);
     sqlite_trace(sth, imp_sth, 3, form("bind into 0x%p: %"IVdf" => %s (%"IVdf") pos %d", imp_sth->params, SvIV(param), SvPV_nolen_undef_ok(value), sql_type, pos));
-    av_store(imp_sth->params, pos, SvREFCNT_inc(value));
+    av_store(imp_sth->params, pos, newSVsv(value));
     if (sql_type) {
         av_store(imp_sth->params, pos+1, newSViv(sql_type));
@@ -1229,6 +1273,97 @@
     return (AV*)sv_2mortal((SV*)av);
+#define _stores_status(op, key) \
+    if (sqlite3_status(op, &cur, &hi, reset) == SQLITE_OK) { \
+        anon = newHV(); \
+        hv_stores(anon, "current", newSViv(cur)); \
+        hv_stores(anon, "highwater", newSViv(hi)); \
+        hv_stores(hv, key, newRV_noinc((SV*)anon)); \
+    }
+#define _stores_dbstatus(op, key) \
+    if (sqlite3_db_status(imp_dbh->db, op, &cur, &hi, reset) == SQLITE_OK) { \
+        anon = newHV(); \
+        hv_stores(anon, "current", newSViv(cur)); \
+        hv_stores(anon, "highwater", newSViv(hi)); \
+        hv_stores(hv, key, newRV_noinc((SV*)anon)); \
+    }
+#define _stores_ststatus(op, key) \
+    hv_stores(hv, key, newSViv(sqlite3_stmt_status(imp_sth->stmt, op, reset)))
+HV *
+_sqlite_status(int reset)
+    dTHX;
+    int cur, hi;
+    HV *hv = newHV();
+    HV *anon;
+    _stores_status(SQLITE_STATUS_MEMORY_USED, "memory_used");
+    _stores_status(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_USED, "pagecache_used");
+    _stores_status(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_OVERFLOW, "pagecache_overflow");
+    _stores_status(SQLITE_STATUS_SCRATCH_USED, "scratch_used");
+    _stores_status(SQLITE_STATUS_SCRATCH_OVERFLOW, "scratch_overflow");
+    _stores_status(SQLITE_STATUS_MALLOC_SIZE, "malloc_size");
+    _stores_status(SQLITE_STATUS_PARSER_STACK, "parser_stack");
+    _stores_status(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_SIZE, "pagecache_size");
+    _stores_status(SQLITE_STATUS_SCRATCH_SIZE, "scratch_size");
+    _stores_status(SQLITE_STATUS_MALLOC_COUNT, "malloc_count");
+    _stores_status(SQLITE_STATUS_SCRATCH_OVERFLOW, "scratch_overflow");
+    return hv;
+HV *
+_sqlite_db_status(pTHX_ SV* dbh, int reset)
+    D_imp_dbh(dbh);
+    int cur, hi;
+    HV *hv = newHV();
+    HV *anon;
+    _stores_dbstatus(SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_USED, "lookaside_used");
+    _stores_dbstatus(SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED, "cache_used");
+    _stores_dbstatus(SQLITE_DBSTATUS_SCHEMA_USED, "schema_used");
+    _stores_dbstatus(SQLITE_DBSTATUS_STMT_USED, "stmt_used");
+    _stores_dbstatus(SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_HIT, "lookaside_hit");
+    _stores_dbstatus(SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_MISS_SIZE, "lookaside_miss_size");
+    _stores_dbstatus(SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_MISS_FULL, "lookaside_miss_full");
+    _stores_dbstatus(SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_HIT, "cache_hit");
+    _stores_dbstatus(SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_MISS, "cache_miss");
+    _stores_dbstatus(SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_WRITE, "cache_write");
+    return hv;
+HV *
+_sqlite_st_status(pTHX_ SV* sth, int reset)
+    D_imp_sth(sth);
+    HV *hv = newHV();
+    _stores_ststatus(SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_FULLSCAN_STEP, "fullscan_step");
+    _stores_ststatus(SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_SORT, "sort");
+    _stores_ststatus(SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_AUTOINDEX, "autoindex");
+    return hv;
+SV *
+sqlite_db_filename(pTHX_ SV *dbh)
+    D_imp_dbh(dbh);
+    const char *filename;
+    croak_if_db_is_null();
+    filename = sqlite3_db_filename(imp_dbh->db, "main");
+    return filename ? newSVpv(filename, 0) : &PL_sv_undef;
 sqlite_db_busy_timeout(pTHX_ SV *dbh, int timeout )
@@ -1402,8 +1537,76 @@
     return TRUE;
+sqlite_db_load_extension(pTHX_ SV *dbh, const char *file, const char *proc)
+    D_imp_dbh(dbh);
+    int rc;
+    if (!DBIc_ACTIVE(imp_dbh)) {
+        sqlite_error(dbh, -2, "attempt to load extension on inactive database handle");
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    croak_if_db_is_null();
+    /* COMPAT: sqlite3_load_extension is only available for 3003006 or newer */
+    rc = sqlite3_load_extension( imp_dbh->db, file, proc, NULL );
+    if ( rc != SQLITE_OK ) {
+        sqlite_error(dbh, rc, form("sqlite_load_extension failed with error %s", sqlite3_errmsg(imp_dbh->db)));
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+sqlite_db_table_column_metadata(pTHX_ SV *dbh, SV *dbname, SV *tablename, SV *columnname)
+    D_imp_dbh(dbh);
+    const char *datatype, *collseq;
+    int notnull, primary, autoinc;
+    int rc;
+    HV *metadata = newHV();
+    if (!DBIc_ACTIVE(imp_dbh)) {
+        sqlite_error(dbh, -2, "attempt to fetch table column metadata on inactive database handle");
+        return metadata;
+    }
+    croak_if_db_is_null();
+    /* dbname may be NULL but (table|column)name may not be NULL */ 
+    if (!tablename || !SvPOK(tablename)) {
+        sqlite_error(dbh, -2, "table_column_metadata requires a table name");
+        return metadata;
+    }
+    if (!columnname || !SvPOK(columnname)) {
+        sqlite_error(dbh, -2, "table_column_metadata requires a column name");
+        return metadata;
+    }
+    rc = sqlite3_table_column_metadata(
+       imp_dbh->db,
+       (dbname && SvPOK(dbname)) ? SvPV_nolen(dbname) : NULL,
+       SvPV_nolen(tablename),
+       SvPV_nolen(columnname),
+       &datatype, &collseq, &notnull, &primary, &autoinc);
+    if (rc == SQLITE_OK) {
+        hv_stores(metadata, "data_type", datatype ? newSVpv(datatype, 0) : newSV(0));
+        hv_stores(metadata, "collation_name", collseq ? newSVpv(collseq, 0) : newSV(0));
+        hv_stores(metadata, "not_null", newSViv(notnull));
+        hv_stores(metadata, "primary", newSViv(primary));
+        hv_stores(metadata, "auto_increment", newSViv(autoinc));
+    }
+    return metadata;
 static void
 sqlite_db_aggr_new_dispatcher(pTHX_ sqlite3_context *context, aggrInfo *aggr_info)
@@ -1534,7 +1737,7 @@
     aggrInfo *aggr, myAggr;
     int count = 0;
-    aggr = sqlite3_aggregate_context(context, sizeof (aggrInfo));
+    aggr = sqlite3_aggregate_context(context, 0);
@@ -2472,10 +2675,10 @@
             /* recompute start/end offsets in bytes, not in chars */
             hop            = *piStartOffset - c->lastCharOffset;
-            byteOffset     = utf8_hop((U8*)c->lastByteOffset, hop);
+            byteOffset     = (char*)utf8_hop((U8*)c->lastByteOffset, hop);
             hop            = *piEndOffset - *piStartOffset;
             *piStartOffset = byteOffset - c->pInput;
-            byteOffset     = utf8_hop(byteOffset, hop);
+            byteOffset     = (char*)utf8_hop((U8*)byteOffset, hop);
             *piEndOffset   = byteOffset - c->pInput;
             /* remember where we are for next round */
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/dbdimp.h DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/dbdimp.h
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/dbdimp.h	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/dbdimp.h	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@
 int sqlite_db_enable_load_extension(pTHX_ SV *dbh, int onoff);
+int sqlite_db_load_extension(pTHX_ SV *dbh, const char *file, const char *proc);
 int sqlite_db_create_aggregate(pTHX_ SV *dbh, const char *name, int argc, SV *aggr );
@@ -106,8 +107,13 @@
 AV* sqlite_compile_options();
 int sqlite_db_trace(pTHX_ SV *dbh, SV *func);
 int sqlite_db_profile(pTHX_ SV *dbh, SV *func);
+HV* sqlite_db_table_column_metadata(pTHX_ SV *dbh, SV *dbname, SV *tablename, SV *columnname);
+HV* _sqlite_db_status(pTHX_ SV *dbh, int reset);
+SV* sqlite_db_filename(pTHX_ SV *dbh);
 int sqlite_db_register_fts3_perl_tokenizer(pTHX_ SV *dbh);
+HV* _sqlite_status(int reset);
+HV* _sqlite_st_status(pTHX_ SV *sth, int reset);
 #ifdef SvUTF8_on
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/fts3_tokenizer.h DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/fts3_tokenizer.h
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/fts3_tokenizer.h	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/fts3_tokenizer.h	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
   ** This method should return either SQLITE_OK (0), or an SQLite error 
   ** code. If SQLITE_OK is returned, then *ppTokenizer should be set
   ** to point at the newly created tokenizer structure. The generic
-  ** sqlite3_tokenizer.pModule variable should not be initialised by
+  ** sqlite3_tokenizer.pModule variable should not be initialized by
   ** this callback. The caller will do so.
   int (*xCreate)(
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/lib/DBD/SQLite/Cookbook.pod DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/lib/DBD/SQLite/Cookbook.pod
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/lib/DBD/SQLite/Cookbook.pod	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/lib/DBD/SQLite/Cookbook.pod	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -135,34 +135,37 @@
   FROM results
   GROUP BY group_name;
-=head1 FTS3 fulltext indexing
+=head1 FTS fulltext indexing
 =head2 Sparing database disk space
-As explained in L<http://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html#section_6>, each
-FTS3 table C<I<t>> is stored internally within three regular tables
-C<I<t>_content>, C<I<t>_segments> and C<I<t>_segdir>.  The last two
-tables contain the fulltext index.  The first table C<I<t>_content>
-stores the complete documents being indexed ... but if copies of the
-same documents are already stored somewhere else, or can be computed
-from external resources (for example as HTML or MsWord files in the
-filesystem), then this is quite a waste of space. SQLite itself only
-needs the C<I<t>_content> table for implementing the C<offsets()> and
-C<snippet()> functions, which are not always usable anyway (in particular
-when using utf8 characters greater than 255).
-So an alternative strategy is to use SQLite only for the fulltext
-index and metadata, and to keep the full documents outside of SQLite :
-to do so, after each insert or update in the FTS3 table, do an update
-in the C<I<t>_content> table, setting the content column(s) to
-NULL. Of course your application will need an algorithm for finding
+As explained in L<http://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html#fts4_options>,
+several options are available to specify how SQLite should store
+indexed documents.
+One strategy is to use SQLite only for the fulltext index and
+metadata, and keep the full documents outside of SQLite; to do so, use
+the C<content=""> option. For example, the following SQL creates
+an FTS4 table with three columns - "a", "b", and "c":
+   CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t1 USING fts4(content="", a, b, c);
+Data can be inserted into such an FTS4 table using an INSERT
+statements. However, unlike ordinary FTS4 tables, the user must supply
+an explicit integer docid value. For example:
+  -- This statement is Ok:
+  INSERT INTO t1(docid, a, b, c) VALUES(1, 'a b c', 'd e f', 'g h i');
+  -- This statement causes an error, as no docid value has been provided:
+  INSERT INTO t1(a, b, c) VALUES('j k l', 'm n o', 'p q r');
+Of course your application will need an algorithm for finding
 the external resource corresponding to any I<docid> stored within
 SQLite. Furthermore, SQLite C<offsets()> and C<snippet()> functions
 cannot be used, so if such functionality is needed, it has to be
 directly programmed within the Perl application.
-In short, this strategy is really a hack, because FTS3 was not originally
-programmed with that behaviour in mind; however it is workable
-and has a strong impact on the size of the database file.
 =head1 SUPPORT
@@ -172,10 +175,18 @@
 =head1 TO DO
-* Add more and varied cookbook recipes, until we have enough to
+=item * 
+Add more and varied cookbook recipes, until we have enough to
 turn them into a separate CPAN distribution.
-* Create a series of tests scripts that validate the cookbook recipies.
+=item * 
+Create a series of tests scripts that validate the cookbook recipes.
 =head1 AUTHOR
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/lib/DBD/SQLite.pm DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/lib/DBD/SQLite.pm
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/lib/DBD/SQLite.pm	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/lib/DBD/SQLite.pm	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -5,40 +5,33 @@
 use DBI   1.57 ();
 use DynaLoader ();
-use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
-use vars qw{$err $errstr $drh $sqlite_version $sqlite_version_number};
-use vars qw{%COLLATION};
-    $VERSION = '1.37';
-    @ISA     = 'DynaLoader';
-    # Initialize errors
-    $err     = undef;
-    $errstr  = undef;
+our $VERSION = '1.38_03';
+our @ISA     = 'DynaLoader';
-    # Driver singleton
-    $drh = undef;
+# sqlite_version cache (set in the XS bootstrap)
+our ($sqlite_version, $sqlite_version_number);
-    # sqlite_version cache
-    $sqlite_version = undef;
+# not sure if we still need these...
+our ($err, $errstr);
 # New or old API?
 use constant NEWAPI => ($DBI::VERSION >= 1.608);
+# global registry of collation functions, initialized with 2 builtins
 tie %COLLATION, 'DBD::SQLite::_WriteOnceHash';
 $COLLATION{perl}       = sub { $_[0] cmp $_[1] };
 $COLLATION{perllocale} = sub { use locale; $_[0] cmp $_[1] };
+our $drh;
 my $methods_are_installed = 0;
 sub driver {
     return $drh if $drh;
-    if (!$methods_are_installed && $DBI::VERSION >= 1.608) {
+    if (!$methods_are_installed && DBD::SQLite::NEWAPI ) {
@@ -55,9 +48,15 @@
+        DBD::SQLite::db->install_method('sqlite_load_extension');
-        DBD::SQLite::db->install_method('sqlite_trace');
-        DBD::SQLite::db->install_method('sqlite_profile');
+        DBD::SQLite::db->install_method('sqlite_trace', { O => 0x0004 });
+        DBD::SQLite::db->install_method('sqlite_profile', { O => 0x0004 });
+        DBD::SQLite::db->install_method('sqlite_table_column_metadata', { O => 0x0004 });
+        DBD::SQLite::db->install_method('sqlite_db_filename', { O => 0x0004 });
+        DBD::SQLite::db->install_method('sqlite_db_status', { O => 0x0004 });
+        DBD::SQLite::st->install_method('sqlite_st_status', { O => 0x0004 });
@@ -217,6 +216,17 @@
     return ($rows == 0) ? "0E0" : $rows;
+sub ping {
+    my $dbh = shift;
+    # $file may be undef (ie. in-memory/temporary database)
+    my $file = DBD::SQLite::NEWAPI ? $dbh->sqlite_db_filename
+                                   : $dbh->func("db_filename");
+    return 0 if $file && !-f $file;
+    return $dbh->FETCH('Active') ? 1 : 0;
 sub _get_version {
     return ( DBD::SQLite::db::FETCH($_[0], 'sqlite_version') );
@@ -368,45 +378,95 @@
 sub primary_key_info {
     my ($dbh, $catalog, $schema, $table, $attr) = @_;
-    # Escape the schema and table name
-    $schema =~ s/([\\_%])/\\$1/g if defined $schema;
-    my $escaped = $table;
-    $escaped =~ s/([\\_%])/\\$1/g;
-    $attr ||= {};
-    $attr->{Escape} = '\\';
-    my $sth_tables = $dbh->table_info($catalog, $schema, $escaped, undef, $attr);
+    my $databases = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("PRAGMA database_list", {Slice => {}});
-    # This is a hack but much simpler than using pragma index_list etc
-    # also the pragma doesn't list 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY' autoinc PKs!
     my @pk_info;
-    while ( my $row = $sth_tables->fetchrow_hashref ) {
-        my $sql = $row->{sqlite_sql} or next;
-        next unless $sql =~ /(.*?)\s*PRIMARY\s+KEY\s*(?:\(\s*(.*?)\s*\))?/si;
-        my @pk = split /\s*,\s*/, $2 || '';
-        unless ( @pk ) {
-            my $prefix = $1;
-            $prefix =~ s/.*create\s+table\s+.*?\(\s*//si;
-            $prefix = (split /\s*,\s*/, $prefix)[-1];
-            @pk = (split /\s+/, $prefix)[0]; # take first word as name
+    for my $database (@$databases) {
+        my $dbname = $database->{name};
+        next if defined $schema && $schema ne '%' && $schema ne $dbname;
+        my $quoted_dbname = $dbh->quote_identifier($dbname);
+        my $master_table =
+            ($dbname eq 'main') ? 'sqlite_master' :
+            ($dbname eq 'temp') ? 'sqlite_temp_master' :
+            $quoted_dbname.'.sqlite_master';
+        my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name, sql FROM $master_table WHERE type = ?");
+        $sth->execute("table");
+        while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
+            my $tbname = $row->{name};
+            next if defined $table && $table ne '%' && $table ne $tbname;
+            my $quoted_tbname = $dbh->quote_identifier($tbname);
+            my $t_sth = $dbh->prepare("PRAGMA $quoted_dbname.table_info($quoted_tbname)");
+            $t_sth->execute;
+            my @pk;
+            while(my $col = $t_sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
+                push @pk, $col->{name} if $col->{pk};
+            }
+            # If there're multiple primary key columns, we need to
+            # find their order from one of the auto-generated unique
+            # indices (note that single column integer primary key
+            # doesn't create an index).
+            if (@pk > 1 and $row->{sql} =~ /\bPRIMARY\s+KEY\s*\(\s*
+                (
+                    (?:
+                        (
+                            [a-z_][a-z0-9_]*
+                          | (["'`])(?:\3\3|(?!\3).)+?\3(?!\3)
+                          | \[[^\]]+\]
+                        )
+                        \s*,\s*
+                    )+
+                    (
+                        [a-z_][a-z0-9_]*
+                      | (["'`])(?:\5\5|(?!\5).)+?\5(?!\5)
+                      | \[[^\]]+\]
+                    )
+                )
+                    \s*\)/six) {
+                my $pk_sql = $1;
+                @pk = ();
+                while($pk_sql =~ /
+                    (
+                        [a-z_][a-z0-9_]*
+                      | (["'`])(?:\2\2|(?!\2).)+?\2(?!\2)
+                      | \[([^\]]+)\]
+                    )
+                    (?:\s*,\s*|$)
+                        /sixg) {
+                    my($col, $quote, $brack) = ($1, $2, $3);
+                    if ( defined $quote ) {
+                        # Dequote "'`
+                        $col = substr $col, 1, -1;
+                        $col =~ s/$quote$quote/$quote/g;
+                    } elsif ( defined $brack ) {
+                        # Dequote []
+                        $col = $brack;
+                    push @pk, $col;
+                }
+            }
         my $key_seq = 0;
         foreach my $pk_field (@pk) {
-            $pk_field =~ s/(["'`])(.+)\1/$2/; # dequote
-            $pk_field =~ s/\[(.+)\]/$1/; # dequote
             push @pk_info, {
-                TABLE_SCHEM => $row->{TABLE_SCHEM},
-                TABLE_NAME  => $row->{TABLE_NAME},
+                    TABLE_SCHEM => $dbname,
+                    TABLE_NAME  => $tbname,
                 COLUMN_NAME => $pk_field,
                 KEY_SEQ     => ++$key_seq,
                 PK_NAME     => 'PRIMARY KEY',
+    }
     my $sponge = DBI->connect("DBI:Sponge:", '','')
         or return $dbh->DBI::set_err($DBI::err, "DBI::Sponge: $DBI::errstr");
-    my $sth = $sponge->prepare( "primary_key_info $table", {
+    my $sth = $sponge->prepare( "primary_key_info", {
         rows          => [ map { [ @{$_}{@names} ] } @pk_info ],
         NUM_OF_FIELDS => scalar @names,
         NAME          => \@names,
@@ -417,6 +477,146 @@
     return $sth;
+our %DBI_code_for_rule = ( # from DBI doc; curiously, they are not exported
+                           # by the DBI module.
+  # codes for update/delete constraints
+  'CASCADE'             => 0,
+  'RESTRICT'            => 1,
+  'SET NULL'            => 2,
+  'NO ACTION'           => 3,
+  'SET DEFAULT'         => 4,
+  # codes for deferrability
+  'NOT DEFERRABLE'      => 7,
+ );
+  'PKTABLE_CAT',       # The primary (unique) key table catalog identifier.
+  'PKTABLE_SCHEM',     # The primary (unique) key table schema identifier.
+  'PKTABLE_NAME',      # The primary (unique) key table identifier.
+  'PKCOLUMN_NAME',     # The primary (unique) key column identifier.
+  'FKTABLE_CAT',       # The foreign key table catalog identifier.
+  'FKTABLE_SCHEM',     # The foreign key table schema identifier.
+  'FKTABLE_NAME',      # The foreign key table identifier.
+  'FKCOLUMN_NAME',     # The foreign key column identifier.
+  'KEY_SEQ',           # The column sequence number (starting with 1).
+  'UPDATE_RULE',       # The referential action for the UPDATE rule.
+  'DELETE_RULE',       # The referential action for the DELETE rule.
+  'FK_NAME',           # The foreign key name.
+  'PK_NAME',           # The primary (unique) key name.
+  'DEFERRABILITY',     # The deferrability of the foreign key constraint.
+  'UNIQUE_OR_PRIMARY', # qualifies the key referenced by the foreign key
+# Column names below are not used, but listed just for completeness's sake.
+# Maybe we could add an option so that the user can choose which field
+# names will be returned; the DBI spec is not very clear about ODBC vs. CLI.
+ );
+sub foreign_key_info {
+    my ($dbh, $pk_catalog, $pk_schema, $pk_table, $fk_catalog, $fk_schema, $fk_table) = @_;
+    my $databases = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("PRAGMA database_list", {Slice => {}});
+    my @fk_info;
+    my %table_info;
+    for my $database (@$databases) {
+        my $dbname = $database->{name};
+        next if defined $fk_schema && $fk_schema ne '%' && $fk_schema ne $dbname;
+        my $quoted_dbname = $dbh->quote_identifier($dbname);
+        my $master_table =
+            ($dbname eq 'main') ? 'sqlite_master' :
+            ($dbname eq 'temp') ? 'sqlite_temp_master' :
+            $quoted_dbname.'.sqlite_master';
+        my $tables = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT name FROM $master_table WHERE type = ?", undef, "table");
+        for my $table (@$tables) {
+            my $tbname = $table->[0];
+            next if defined $fk_table && $fk_table ne '%' && $fk_table ne $tbname;
+            my $quoted_tbname = $dbh->quote_identifier($tbname);
+            my $sth = $dbh->prepare("PRAGMA $quoted_dbname.foreign_key_list($quoted_tbname)");
+            $sth->execute;
+            while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
+                next if defined $pk_table && $pk_table ne '%' && $pk_table ne $row->{table};
+                unless ($table_info{$row->{table}}) {
+                    my $quoted_tb = $dbh->quote_identifier($row->{table});
+                    for my $db (@$databases) {
+                        my $quoted_db = $dbh->quote_identifier($db->{name});
+                        my $t_sth = $dbh->prepare("PRAGMA $quoted_db.table_info($quoted_tb)");
+                        $t_sth->execute;
+                        my $cols = {};
+                        while(my $r = $t_sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
+                            $cols->{$r->{name}} = $r->{pk};
+                        }
+                        if (keys %$cols) {
+                            $table_info{$row->{table}} = {
+                                schema  => $db->{name},
+                                columns => $cols,
+                            };
+                            last;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                next if defined $pk_schema && $pk_schema ne '%' && $pk_schema ne $table_info{$row->{table}}{schema};
+                push @fk_info, {
+                    PKTABLE_CAT   => undef,
+                    PKTABLE_SCHEM => $table_info{$row->{table}}{schema},
+                    PKTABLE_NAME  => $row->{table},
+                    PKCOLUMN_NAME => $row->{to},
+                    FKTABLE_CAT   => undef,
+                    FKTABLE_SCHEM => $dbname,
+                    FKTABLE_NAME  => $tbname,
+                    FKCOLUMN_NAME => $row->{from},
+                    KEY_SEQ       => $row->{seq} + 1,
+                    UPDATE_RULE   => $DBI_code_for_rule{$row->{on_update}},
+                    DELETE_RULE   => $DBI_code_for_rule{$row->{on_delete}},
+                    FK_NAME       => undef,
+                    PK_NAME       => undef,
+                    DEFERRABILITY => undef,
+                    UNIQUE_OR_PRIMARY => $table_info{$row->{table}}{columns}{$row->{to}} ? 'PRIMARY' : 'UNIQUE',
+                };
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    my $sponge_dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Sponge:", "", "")
+        or return $dbh->DBI::set_err($DBI::err, "DBI::Sponge: $DBI::errstr");
+    my $sponge_sth = $sponge_dbh->prepare("foreign_key_info", {
+        NAME          => \@FOREIGN_KEY_INFO_ODBC,
+        rows          => [ map { [@{$_}{@FOREIGN_KEY_INFO_ODBC} ] } @fk_info ],
+    }) or return $dbh->DBI::set_err(
+        $sponge_dbh->err,
+        $sponge_dbh->errstr,
+    );
+    return $sponge_sth;
 sub type_info_all {
     return; # XXX code just copied from DBD::Oracle, not yet thought about
 #    return [
@@ -701,6 +901,38 @@
 temporary on-disk database will be created. This private database will
 be automatically deleted as soon as the database connection is closed.
+=head2 DBD::SQLite And File::Temp
+When you use L<File::Temp> to create a temporary file/directory for
+SQLite databases, you need to remember:
+=over 4
+=item tempfile may be locked exclusively
+You may want to use C<tempfile()> to create a temporary database
+filename for DBD::SQLite, but as noted in L<File::Temp>'s POD,
+this file may have an exclusive lock under some operating systems
+(notably Mac OSX), and result in a "database is locked" error.
+To avoid this, set EXLOCK option to false when you call tempfile().
+  ($fh, $filename) = tempfile($template, EXLOCK => 0);
+=item CLEANUP may not work unless a database is disconnected
+When you set CLEANUP option to true when you create a temporary
+directory with C<tempdir()> or C<newdir()>, you may have to
+disconnect databases explicitly before the temporary directory
+is gone (notably under MS Windows).
+(The above is quoted from the pod of File::Temp.)
+If you don't need to keep or share a temporary database,
+use ":memory:" database instead. It's much handier and cleaner
+for ordinary testing.
 =head2 Accessing A Database With Other Tools
 To access the database from the command line, try using C<dbish>
@@ -861,12 +1093,64 @@
 =head2 Pragma
-SQLite has a set of "Pragma"s to modifiy its operation or to query
+SQLite has a set of "Pragma"s to modify its operation or to query
 for its internal data. These are specific to SQLite and are not
 likely to work with other DBD libraries, but you may find some of
-these are quite useful. DBD::SQLite actually sets some (like
-C<show_datatypes>) for you when you connect to a database.
-See L<http://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html> for details.
+these are quite useful, including:
+=over 4
+=item journal_mode
+You can use this pragma to change the journal mode for SQLite
+databases, maybe for better performance, or for compatibility.
+Its default mode is C<DELETE>, which means SQLite uses a rollback
+journal to implement transactions, and the journal is deleted
+at the conclusion of each transaction. If you use C<TRUNCATE>
+instead of C<DELETE>, the journal will be truncated, which is
+usually much faster.
+A C<WAL> (write-ahead log) mode is introduced as of SQLite 3.7.0.
+This mode is persistent, and it stays in effect even after
+closing and reopening the database. In other words, once the C<WAL>
+mode is set in an application or in a test script, the database
+becomes inaccessible by older clients. This tends to be an issue
+when you use a system C<sqlite3> executable under a conservative
+operating system.
+To fix this, You need to issue C<PRAGMA journal_mode = DELETE>
+(or C<TRUNCATE>) beforehand, or install a newer version of
+=item legacy_file_format
+If you happen to need to create a SQLite database that will also
+be accessed by a very old SQLite client (prior to 3.3.0 released
+in Jan. 2006), you need to set this pragma to ON before you create
+a database.
+=item reverse_unordered_selects
+You can set this pragma to ON to reverse the order of results of
+SELECT statements without an ORDER BY clause so that you can see
+if applications are making invalid assumptions about the result
+Note that SQLite 3.7.15 (bundled with DBD::SQLite 1.38_02) enhanced
+its query optimizer and the order of results of a SELECT statement
+without an ORDER BY clause may be different from the one of the
+previous versions.
+=item synchronous
+You can set set this pragma to OFF to make some of the operations
+in SQLite faster with a possible risk of database corruption
+in the worst case. See also L</"Performance"> section below.
+See L<http://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html> for more details.
 =head2 Transactions
@@ -924,36 +1208,24 @@
 =head2 Transaction and Database Locking
-Transaction by C<AutoCommit> or C<begin_work> is nice and handy, but
-sometimes you may get an annoying "database is locked" error.
-This typically happens when someone begins a transaction, and tries
-to write to a database while other person is reading from the
-database (in another transaction). You might be surprised but SQLite
-doesn't lock a database when you just begin a normal (deferred)
-transaction to maximize concurrency. It reserves a lock when you
-issue a statement to write, but until you actually try to write
-with a C<commit> statement, it allows other people to read from
-the database. However, reading from the database also requires
-C<shared lock>, and that prevents to give you the C<exclusive lock>
-you reserved, thus you get the "database is locked" error, and
-other people will get the same error if they try to write afterwards,
-as you still have a C<pending> lock. C<busy_timeout> doesn't help
-in this case.
-To avoid this, set a transaction type explicitly. You can issue a
-C<begin immediate transaction> (or C<begin exclusive transaction>)
-for each transaction, or set C<sqlite_use_immediate_transaction>
-database handle attribute to true (since 1.30_02) to always use
-an immediate transaction (even when you simply use C<begin_work>
-or turn off the C<AutoCommit>.).
+The default transaction behavior of SQLite is C<deferred>, that
+means, locks are not acquired until the first read or write
+operation, and thus it is possible that another thread or process
+could create a separate transaction and write to the database after
+the C<BEGIN> on the current thread has executed, and eventually
+cause a "deadlock". To avoid this, DBD::SQLite internally issues
+a C<BEGIN IMMEDIATE> when you begin a transaction by
+C<begin_work> or under the C<AutoCommit> mode (since 1.38_01).
+If you really need to turn off this feature for some reasons,
+set C<sqlite_use_immediate_transaction> database handle attribute
+to false, and the default C<deferred> transaction will be used.
   my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite::memory:", "", "", {
-    sqlite_use_immediate_transaction => 1,
+    sqlite_use_immediate_transaction => 0,
-Note that this works only when all of the connections use the same
-(non-deferred) transaction. See L<http://sqlite.org/lockingv3.html>
-for locking details.
+See L<http://sqlite.org/lockingv3.html> for locking details.
 =head2 C<< $sth->finish >> and Transaction Rollback
@@ -1090,6 +1362,10 @@
 immediate transaction> (instead of C<begin transaction>) when
 necessary. See above for details.
+As of version 1.38_01, this attribute is set to true by default.
+If you really need to use C<deferred> transactions for some reasons,
+set this to false explicitly.
 =item sqlite_see_if_its_a_number
 If you set this to true, DBD::SQLite tries to see if the bind values
@@ -1146,10 +1422,80 @@
 You can retrieve primary key names or more detailed information.
 As noted above, SQLite does not have the concept of catalogs, so the
-first argument of the mothods is usually C<undef>, and you'll usually
+first argument of the methods is usually C<undef>, and you'll usually
 set C<undef> for the second one (unless you want to know the primary
 keys of temporary tables).
+=head2 foreign_key_info
+  $sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef, $pk_schema, $pk_table,
+                                undef, $fk_schema, $fk_table);
+Returns information about foreign key constraints, as specified in
+L<DBI/foreign_key_info>, but with some limitations : 
+=item *
+information in rows returned by the C<$sth> is incomplete with
+respect to the L<DBI/foreign_key_info> specification. All requested fields
+are present, but the content is C<undef> for some of them.
+The following nonempty fields are returned :
+The primary (unique) key table identifier.
+The primary (unique) key column identifier.
+The foreign key table identifier.
+The foreign key column identifier.
+The column sequence number (starting with 1), when
+several columns belong to a same constraint.
+The referential action for the UPDATE rule.
+The following codes are defined:
+  CASCADE              0
+  RESTRICT             1
+  SET NULL             2
+  NO ACTION            3
+  SET DEFAULT          4
+Default is 3 ('NO ACTION').
+The referential action for the DELETE rule.
+The codes are the same as for UPDATE_RULE.
+Unfortunately, the B<DEFERRABILITY> field is always C<undef>;
+as a matter of fact, deferrability clauses are supported by SQLite,
+but they can't be reported because the C<PRAGMA foreign_key_list>
+tells nothing about them.
+Whether the column is primary or unique.
+B<Note>: foreign key support in SQLite must be explicitly turned on through
+a C<PRAGMA> command; see L</"Foreign keys"> earlier in this manual.
+=head2 ping
+  my $bool = $dbh->ping;
+returns true if the database file exists (or the database is in-memory), and the database connection is active.
 The following methods can be called via the func() method with a little
@@ -1180,6 +1526,10 @@
 Running C<$h-E<gt>last_insert_id("","","","")> is the equivalent of running
 C<$dbh-E<gt>sqlite_last_insert_rowid()> directly.
+=head2 $dbh->sqlite_db_filename()
+Retrieve the current (main) database filename. If the database is in-memory or temporary, this returns C<undef>.
 =head2 $dbh->sqlite_busy_timeout()
 Retrieve the current busy timeout.
@@ -1354,7 +1704,7 @@
       my $sigma = 0;
       foreach my $v ( @$self ) {
-          $sigma += ($x - $mu)**2;
+          $sigma += ($v - $mu)**2;
       $sigma = $sigma / ($n - 1);
@@ -1465,7 +1815,7 @@
 allow the SQL statement to continue to be compiled, or
 C<DBD::SQLite::DENY> to cause the entire SQL statement to be rejected
 with an error. If the authorizer callback returns any other value,
-then then C<prepare> call that triggered the authorizer will fail with
+then C<prepare> call that triggered the authorizer will fail with
 an error message.
 An authorizer is used when preparing SQL statements from an untrusted
@@ -1529,6 +1879,10 @@
   $sth = $dbh->prepare("select load_extension('libsqlitefunctions.so')")
   or die "Cannot prepare: " . $dbh->errstr();
+=head2 $dbh->sqlite_load_extension( $file, $proc )
+Loading an extension by a select statement (with the "load_extension" sqlite3 function like above) has some limitations. If you need to, say, create other functions from an extension, use this method. $file (a path to the extension) is mandatory, and $proc (an entry point name) is optional. You need to call C<sqlite_enable_load_extension> before calling C<sqlite_load_extension>.
 =head2 $dbh->sqlite_trace( $code_ref )
 This method registers a trace callback to be invoked whenever
@@ -1582,12 +1936,39 @@
 See also L<DBI::Profile> for better profiling options.
+=head2 $dbh->sqlite_table_column_metadata( $dbname, $tablename, $columnname )
+is for internal use only.
 =head2 DBD::SQLite::compile_options()
 Returns an array of compile options (available since sqlite 3.6.23,
 bundled in DBD::SQLite 1.30_01), or an empty array if the bundled
 library is old or compiled with SQLITE_OMIT_COMPILEOPTION_DIAGS.
+=head2 DBD::SQLite::sqlite_status()
+Returns a hash reference that holds a set of status information of SQLite runtime such as memory usage or page cache usage (see L<http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/c_status_malloc_count.html> for details). Each of the entry contains the current value and the highwater value.
+  my $status = DBD::SQLite::sqlite_status();
+  my $cur  = $status->{memory_used}{current};
+  my $high = $status->{memory_used}{highwater};
+You may also pass 0 as an argument to reset the status.
+=head2 $dbh->sqlite_db_status()
+Returns a hash reference that holds a set of status information of database connection such as cache usage. See L<http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/c_dbstatus_options.html> for details. You may also pass 0 as an argument to reset the status.
+=head2 $sth->sqlite_st_status()
+Returns a hash reference that holds a set of status information of SQLite statement handle such as full table scan count. See L<http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/c_stmtstatus_counter.html> for details. Statement status only holds the current value.
+  my $status = $sth->sqlite_st_status();
+  my $cur = $status->{fullscan_step};
+You may also pass 0 as an argument to reset the status.
 A subset of SQLite C constants are made available to Perl,
@@ -1786,20 +2167,25 @@
-The FTS3 extension module within SQLite allows users to create special
-tables with a built-in full-text index (hereafter "FTS3 tables"). The
+The FTS extension module within SQLite allows users to create special
+tables with a built-in full-text index (hereafter "FTS tables"). The
 full-text index allows the user to efficiently query the database for
 all rows that contain one or more instances of a specified word (hereafter
 a "token"), even if the table contains many large documents.
+=head2 Short introduction to FTS
-=head2 Short introduction to FTS3
+The first full-text search modules for SQLite were called C<FTS1> and C<FTS2>
+and are now obsolete. The latest recommended module is C<FTS4>; however
+the former module C<FTS3> is still supporter. 
+Detailed documentation for both C<FTS4> and C<FTS3> can be found
+at L<http://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html>, including explanations about the
+differences between these two versions.
-The detailed documentation for FTS3 can be found
-at L<http://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html>. Here is a very short example :
+Here is a very short example of using FTS :
   $dbh->do(<<"") or die DBI::errstr;
-  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE fts_example USING fts3(content)
+  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE fts_example USING fts4(content)
   my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO fts_example(content) VALUES (?))");
   $sth->execute($_) foreach @docs_to_insert;
@@ -1814,14 +2200,14 @@
 =item *
-The syntax for creating FTS3 tables is 
+The syntax for creating FTS tables is 
-  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE <table_name> USING fts3(<columns>)
+  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE <table_name> USING fts4(<columns>)
 where C<< <columns> >> is a list of column names. Columns may be
 typed, but the type information is ignored. If no columns
 are specified, the default is a single column named C<content>.
-In addition, FTS3 tables have an implicit column called C<docid>
+In addition, FTS tables have an implicit column called C<docid>
 (or also C<rowid>) for numbering the stored documents.
 =item *
@@ -1844,8 +2230,8 @@
 There are many more details to building and searching
-FTS3 tables, so we strongly invite you to read
-the full documentation at at L<http://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html>.
+FTS tables, so we strongly invite you to read
+the full documentation at L<http://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html>.
 B<Incompatible change> : 
 starting from version 1.31, C<DBD::SQLite> uses the new, recommended
@@ -1865,14 +2251,16 @@
 =head2 Tokenizers
 The behaviour of full-text indexes strongly depends on how
-documents are split into I<tokens>; therefore FTS3 table
+documents are split into I<tokens>; therefore FTS table
 declarations can explicitly specify how to perform
-  CREATE ... USING fts3(<columns>, tokenize=<tokenizer>)
+  CREATE ... USING fts4(<columns>, tokenize=<tokenizer>)
 where C<< <tokenizer> >> is a sequence of space-separated
-words that triggers a specific tokenizer, as explained below.
+words that triggers a specific tokenizer. Tokenizers can
+be SQLite builtins, written in C code, or Perl tokenizers.
+Both are as explained below.
 =head3 SQLite builtin tokenizers
@@ -1910,7 +2298,7 @@
 Turkish as used in Turkey, or "en_AU" for English as used in
 Australia). For example:
-  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE thai_text USING fts3(text, tokenize=icu th_TH)
+  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE thai_text USING fts4(text, tokenize=icu th_TH)
 The ICU tokenizer implementation is very simple. It splits the input
 text according to the ICU rules for finding word boundaries and
@@ -1927,14 +2315,14 @@
 implements a I<perl> tokenizer, that can hook to any tokenizing
 algorithm written in Perl. This is specified as follows :
-  CREATE ... USING fts3(<columns>, tokenize=perl '<perl_function>')
+  CREATE ... USING fts4(<columns>, tokenize=perl '<perl_function>')
 where C<< <perl_function> >> is a fully qualified Perl function name
 (i.e. prefixed by the name of the package in which that function is
 declared). So for example if the function is C<my_func> in the main 
 program, write
-  CREATE ... USING fts3(<columns>, tokenize=perl 'main::my_func')
+  CREATE ... USING fts4(<columns>, tokenize=perl 'main::my_func')
 That function should return a code reference that takes a string as
 single argument, and returns an iterator (another function), which
@@ -1967,7 +2355,7 @@
 =item *
-the external, named sub is called whenever accessing a FTS3 table
+the external, named sub is called whenever accessing a FTS table
 with that tokenizer
 =item *
@@ -1984,32 +2372,33 @@
 Instead of writing tokenizers by hand, you can grab one of those
-already implemented in the L<Search::Tokenizer> module :
+already implemented in the L<Search::Tokenizer> module. For example,
+if you want ignore differences between accented characters, you can
+write :
   use Search::Tokenizer;
   $dbh->do(<<"") or die DBI::errstr;
-  CREATE ... USING fts3(<columns>, 
+  CREATE ... USING fts4(<columns>, 
                         tokenize=perl 'Search::Tokenizer::unaccent')
-or you can use L<Search::Tokenizer/new> to build
+Alternatively, you can use L<Search::Tokenizer/new> to build
 your own tokenizer.
 =head2 Incomplete handling of utf8 characters
-The current FTS3 implementation in SQLite is far from complete with
+The current FTS implementation in SQLite is far from complete with
 respect to utf8 handling : in particular, variable-length characters
 are not treated correctly by the builtin functions
 C<offsets()> and C<snippet()>.
-=head2 Database space for FTS3
+=head2 Database space for FTS
-FTS3 stores a complete copy of the indexed documents, together with
+By default, FTS stores a complete copy of the indexed documents, together with
 the fulltext index. On a large collection of documents, this can
-consume quite a lot of disk space. If copies of documents are also
-available as external resources (for example files on the filesystem),
-that space can sometimes be spared --- see the tip in the 
-L<Cookbook|DBD::SQLite::Cookbook/"Sparing database disk space">.
+consume quite a lot of disk space. However, FTS has some options
+for compressing the documents, or even for not storing them at all
+-- see L<http://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html#fts4_options>.
@@ -2142,9 +2531,9 @@
 Some parts copyright 2008 Wolfgang Sourdeau.
-Some parts copyright 2008 - 2012 Adam Kennedy.
+Some parts copyright 2008 - 2013 Adam Kennedy.
-Some parts copyright 2009 - 2012 Kenichi Ishigaki.
+Some parts copyright 2009 - 2013 Kenichi Ishigaki.
 Some parts derived from L<DBD::SQLite::Amalgamation>
 copyright 2008 Audrey Tang.
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/Makefile.PL DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/Makefile.PL
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/Makefile.PL	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/Makefile.PL	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 sub WINLIKE () {
 	return 1 if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
 	return 1 if $^O eq 'cygwin';
+	return 1 if $^O eq 'msys';
 	return '';
@@ -244,6 +245,9 @@
+if ($^O eq 'aix') {
 my @CC_OPTIONS = (
 	INC          => join( ' ', @CC_INC    ),
@@ -293,6 +297,12 @@
 			'Win32' => '0.30',
 		) : () ),
+	# XXX: VOVKASM suggested to remove this OPTIMIZE line to use
+	# the same optimization as perl itself. However, it turned out
+	# this change broke a test under some environment, and thus, may
+	# break other applications eventually. I'm not sure if this is
+	# worth the trouble.
+	OPTIMIZE => $Config{optimize} . (($^O eq 'solaris' and !$Config{gccversion}) ? "" : " -O2"),
 	OPTIONAL( '6.48',
 		MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.006',
@@ -341,7 +351,6 @@
 		? '$(O_FILES)'
 		: 'SQLite.o dbdimp.o'
-	OPTIMIZE         => '-O2',
 	clean            => {
 		FILES => 'SQLite.xsi config.h tv.log *.old',
@@ -361,7 +370,7 @@
 	my $postamble = eval {
-    if (-e 'sqlite3.c' && -e 'sqlite3.h') {
+    if (-e 'sqlite3.c' && -e 'sqlite3.h' && -e 'sqlite3ext.h') {
 		my $S = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? '\\' : '/';  # only Win32 (not cygwin)
 		my $share = "\$(INST_LIB)${S}auto${S}share${S}dist${S}\$(DISTNAME)";
 		my $perm_dir = $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION >= 6.52 ? '$(PERM_DIR)' : '755';
@@ -371,6 +380,7 @@
 \t\$(NOECHO) \$(CHMOD) $perm_dir "$share"
 \t\$(NOECHO) \$(CP) "sqlite3.c" "$share${S}sqlite3.c"
 \t\$(NOECHO) \$(CP) "sqlite3.h" "$share${S}sqlite3.h"
+\t\$(NOECHO) \$(CP) "sqlite3ext.h" "$share${S}sqlite3ext.h"
 	return $postamble;
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/MANIFEST DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/MANIFEST
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/MANIFEST	2012-06-09 09:41:05.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/MANIFEST	2013-05-20 23:57:38.000000000 -0500
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
 MANIFEST			This list of files
@@ -67,6 +65,11 @@
@@ -74,6 +77,7 @@
@@ -87,10 +91,15 @@
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/MANIFEST.SKIP DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/MANIFEST.SKIP
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/MANIFEST.SKIP	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/MANIFEST.SKIP	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -23,3 +23,4 @@
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/META.json DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/META.json
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/META.json	2012-06-09 09:41:05.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/META.json	2013-05-20 23:57:38.000000000 -0500
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
       "Adam Kennedy <adamk@cpan.org>"
    "dynamic_config" : 1,
-   "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.62, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.112621",
+   "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.62, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.120921",
    "license" : [
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@
       "runtime" : {
          "requires" : {
             "DBI" : "1.57",
-            "Tie::Hash" : 0
+            "Tie::Hash" : "0"
-   "release_status" : "stable",
+   "release_status" : "testing",
    "resources" : {
       "bugtracker" : {
          "web" : "http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=DBD-SQLite"
@@ -54,5 +54,5 @@
       "x_MailingList" : "http://lists.scsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dbd-sqlite"
-   "version" : "1.37"
+   "version" : "1.38_03"
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/META.yml DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/META.yml
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/META.yml	2012-06-09 09:41:05.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/META.yml	2013-05-20 23:57:38.000000000 -0500
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
   ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 6.48
   File::Spec: 0.82
 dynamic_config: 1
-generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.62, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.112621'
+generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.62, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.120921'
 license: perl
   url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.4.html
@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@
   license: http://dev.perl.org/licenses/
   repository: http://svn.ali.as/cpan/trunk/DBD-SQLite
   x_MailingList: http://lists.scsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dbd-sqlite
-version: 1.37
+version: 1.38_03
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/ppport.h DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/ppport.h
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/ppport.h	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/ppport.h	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
-    ppport.h -- Perl/Pollution/Portability Version 3.19
+    ppport.h -- Perl/Pollution/Portability Version 3.20
-    Automatically created by Devel::PPPort running under perl 5.010001.
+    Automatically created by Devel::PPPort running under perl 5.012003.
     Do NOT edit this file directly! -- Edit PPPort_pm.PL and the
     includes in parts/inc/ instead.
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 =head1 NAME
-ppport.h - Perl/Pollution/Portability version 3.19
+ppport.h - Perl/Pollution/Portability version 3.20
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 This version of F<ppport.h> is designed to support operation with Perl
-installations back to 5.003, and has been tested up to 5.10.0.
+installations back to 5.003, and has been tested up to 5.11.5.
 =head1 OPTIONS
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
-Version 3.x, Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Marcus Holland-Moritz.
+Version 3.x, Copyright (c) 2004-2010, Marcus Holland-Moritz.
 Version 2.x, Copyright (C) 2001, Paul Marquess.
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
 # Disable broken TRIE-optimization
 BEGIN { eval '${^RE_TRIE_MAXBUF} = -1' if $] >= 5.009004 && $] <= 5.009005 }
-my $VERSION = 3.19;
+my $VERSION = 3.20;
 my %opt = (
   quiet     => 0,
@@ -447,6 +447,12 @@
                 : die "invalid spec: $_" } qw(
@@ -467,7 +473,7 @@
@@ -489,7 +495,7 @@
@@ -498,8 +504,9 @@
@@ -518,9 +525,10 @@
@@ -540,6 +548,9 @@
@@ -561,7 +572,7 @@
@@ -579,10 +590,10 @@
@@ -634,7 +645,7 @@
@@ -656,10 +667,10 @@
@@ -668,27 +679,31 @@
@@ -701,8 +716,8 @@
@@ -717,7 +732,7 @@
@@ -828,6 +843,7 @@
@@ -861,6 +877,7 @@
@@ -906,6 +923,7 @@
@@ -933,7 +951,7 @@
@@ -1005,37 +1023,52 @@
@@ -1063,10 +1096,12 @@
@@ -1076,6 +1111,7 @@
@@ -1084,76 +1120,73 @@
@@ -1168,7 +1201,7 @@
@@ -1191,13 +1224,13 @@
@@ -1207,8 +1240,8 @@
@@ -1220,7 +1253,6 @@
@@ -1272,6 +1304,7 @@
@@ -1279,7 +1312,9 @@
@@ -1309,14 +1344,21 @@
@@ -1328,17 +1370,16 @@
@@ -1358,6 +1399,8 @@
@@ -1367,6 +1410,7 @@
@@ -1385,7 +1429,7 @@
@@ -1393,34 +1437,40 @@
@@ -1445,6 +1495,7 @@
@@ -1455,6 +1506,7 @@
@@ -1467,14 +1519,25 @@
@@ -1483,20 +1546,22 @@
@@ -1522,12 +1587,21 @@
@@ -1536,24 +1610,41 @@
@@ -1565,18 +1656,19 @@
@@ -1598,7 +1690,8 @@
@@ -1637,19 +1730,24 @@
@@ -1665,19 +1763,23 @@
@@ -1719,7 +1821,8 @@
@@ -1730,7 +1833,8 @@
@@ -1753,7 +1857,7 @@
@@ -1790,14 +1894,15 @@
@@ -1807,7 +1912,7 @@
@@ -1823,7 +1928,7 @@
@@ -1831,22 +1936,29 @@
@@ -1854,16 +1966,18 @@
@@ -1872,11 +1986,20 @@
@@ -1894,18 +2017,18 @@
@@ -1937,14 +2060,20 @@
@@ -1971,7 +2100,7 @@
@@ -1995,13 +2124,15 @@
@@ -2010,6 +2141,7 @@
@@ -2023,6 +2155,7 @@
@@ -2039,10 +2172,11 @@
@@ -2053,13 +2187,13 @@
@@ -2072,7 +2206,9 @@
@@ -2100,7 +2236,6 @@
@@ -2111,6 +2246,8 @@
@@ -2133,7 +2270,7 @@
@@ -2151,6 +2288,7 @@
@@ -2160,7 +2298,7 @@
@@ -2175,7 +2313,9 @@
@@ -2184,6 +2324,9 @@
@@ -2191,24 +2334,33 @@
@@ -2219,8 +2371,9 @@
@@ -2228,7 +2381,7 @@
@@ -2243,6 +2396,7 @@
@@ -2277,11 +2431,13 @@
@@ -2296,6 +2452,7 @@
@@ -2321,7 +2478,6 @@
@@ -2333,6 +2489,7 @@
@@ -2357,11 +2514,14 @@
@@ -2369,11 +2529,13 @@
@@ -2390,9 +2552,6 @@
@@ -2408,24 +2567,32 @@
@@ -3659,6 +3826,14 @@
+#ifndef memEQs
+#  define memEQs(s1, l, s2)              \
+                   (sizeof(s2)-1 == l && memEQ(s1, (s2 ""), (sizeof(s2)-1)))
+#ifndef memNEs
+#  define memNEs(s1, l, s2)              !memEQs(s1, l, s2)
 #ifndef MoveD
 #  define MoveD(s,d,n,t)                 memmove((char*)(d),(char*)(s), (n) * sizeof(t))
@@ -4027,11 +4202,11 @@
 #ifndef isASCII
-#  define isASCII(c)                     ((c) <= 127)
+#  define isASCII(c)                     ((U8) (c) <= 127)
 #ifndef isCNTRL
-#  define isCNTRL(c)                     ((c) < ' ' || (c) == 127)
+#  define isCNTRL(c)                     ((U8) (c) < ' ' || (c) == 127)
 #ifndef isGRAPH
@@ -5314,6 +5489,12 @@
    } STMT_END
+/* Hint: newSVpvn_share
+ * The SVs created by this function only mimic the behaviour of
+ * shared PVs without really being shared. Only use if you know
+ * what you're doing.
+ */
 #ifndef newSVpvn_share
 #if defined(NEED_newSVpvn_share)
@@ -5366,6 +5547,17 @@
 #ifndef isGV_with_GP
 #  define isGV_with_GP(gv)               isGV(gv)
+#ifndef gv_fetchpvn_flags
+#  define gv_fetchpvn_flags(name, len, flags, svt) gv_fetchpv(name, flags, svt)
+#ifndef gv_fetchsv
+#  define gv_fetchsv(name, flags, svt)   gv_fetchpv(SvPV_nolen_const(name), flags, svt)
+#ifndef get_cvn_flags
+#  define get_cvn_flags(name, namelen, flags) get_cv(name, flags)
 #ifndef WARN_ALL
 #  define WARN_ALL                       0
@@ -5614,6 +5806,10 @@
 #  define newSVpvs_flags(str, flags)     newSVpvn_flags(str "", sizeof(str) - 1, flags)
+#ifndef newSVpvs_share
+#  define newSVpvs_share(str)            newSVpvn_share(str "", sizeof(str) - 1, 0)
 #ifndef sv_catpvs
 #  define sv_catpvs(sv, str)             sv_catpvn(sv, str "", sizeof(str) - 1)
@@ -5629,10 +5825,6 @@
 #ifndef hv_stores
 #  define hv_stores(hv, key, val)        hv_store(hv, key "", sizeof(key) - 1, val, 0)
-#ifndef gv_fetchpvn_flags
-#  define gv_fetchpvn_flags(name, len, flags, svt) gv_fetchpv(name, flags, svt)
 #ifndef gv_fetchpvs
 #  define gv_fetchpvs(name, flags, svt)  gv_fetchpvn_flags(name "", sizeof(name) - 1, flags, svt)
@@ -5640,6 +5832,9 @@
 #ifndef gv_stashpvs
 #  define gv_stashpvs(name, flags)       gv_stashpvn(name "", sizeof(name) - 1, flags)
+#ifndef get_cvs
+#  define get_cvs(name, flags)           get_cvn_flags(name "", sizeof(name)-1, flags)
 #ifndef SvGETMAGIC
 #  define SvGETMAGIC(x)                  STMT_START { if (SvGMAGICAL(x)) mg_get(x); } STMT_END
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/README DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/README
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/README	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/README	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -66,6 +66,30 @@
     on-disk database will be created. This private database will be
     automatically deleted as soon as the database connection is closed.
+  DBD::SQLite And File::Temp
+    When you use File::Temp to create a temporary file/directory for SQLite
+    databases, you need to remember:
+    tempfile may be locked exclusively
+        You may want to use "tempfile()" to create a temporary database
+        filename for DBD::SQLite, but as noted in File::Temp's POD, this
+        file may have an exclusive lock under some operating systems
+        (notably Mac OSX), and result in a "database is locked" error. To
+        avoid this, set EXLOCK option to false when you call tempfile().
+          ($fh, $filename) = tempfile($template, EXLOCK => 0);
+    CLEANUP may not work unless a database is disconnected
+        When you set CLEANUP option to true when you create a temporary
+        directory with "tempdir()" or "newdir()", you may have to disconnect
+        databases explicitly before the temporary directory is gone (notably
+        under MS Windows).
+    (The above is quoted from the pod of File::Temp.)
+    If you don't need to keep or share a temporary database, use ":memory:"
+    database instead. It's much handier and cleaner for ordinary testing.
   Accessing A Database With Other Tools
     To access the database from the command line, try using "dbish" which
     comes with the DBI::Shell module. Just type:
@@ -211,12 +235,54 @@
     See <http://www.sqlite.org/foreignkeys.html> for details.
-    SQLite has a set of "Pragma"s to modifiy its operation or to query for
+    SQLite has a set of "Pragma"s to modify its operation or to query for
     its internal data. These are specific to SQLite and are not likely to
     work with other DBD libraries, but you may find some of these are quite
-    useful. DBD::SQLite actually sets some (like "show_datatypes") for you
-    when you connect to a database. See <http://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html>
-    for details.
+    useful, including:
+    journal_mode
+        You can use this pragma to change the journal mode for SQLite
+        databases, maybe for better performance, or for compatibility.
+        Its default mode is "DELETE", which means SQLite uses a rollback
+        journal to implement transactions, and the journal is deleted at the
+        conclusion of each transaction. If you use "TRUNCATE" instead of
+        "DELETE", the journal will be truncated, which is usually much
+        faster.
+        A "WAL" (write-ahead log) mode is introduced as of SQLite 3.7.0.
+        This mode is persistent, and it stays in effect even after closing
+        and reopening the database. In other words, once the "WAL" mode is
+        set in an application or in a test script, the database becomes
+        inaccessible by older clients. This tends to be an issue when you
+        use a system "sqlite3" executable under a conservative operating
+        system.
+        To fix this, You need to issue "PRAGMA journal_mode = DELETE" (or
+        "TRUNCATE") beforehand, or install a newer version of "sqlite3".
+    legacy_file_format
+        If you happen to need to create a SQLite database that will also be
+        accessed by a very old SQLite client (prior to 3.3.0 released in
+        Jan. 2006), you need to set this pragma to ON before you create a
+        database.
+    reverse_unordered_selects
+        You can set this pragma to ON to reverse the order of results of
+        SELECT statements without an ORDER BY clause so that you can see if
+        applications are making invalid assumptions about the result order.
+        Note that SQLite 3.7.15 (bundled with DBD::SQLite 1.38_02) enhanced
+        its query optimizer and the order of results of a SELECT statement
+        without an ORDER BY clause may be different from the one of the
+        previous versions.
+    synchronous
+        You can set set this pragma to OFF to make some of the operations in
+        SQLite faster with a possible risk of database corruption in the
+        worst case. See also "Performance" section below.
+    See <http://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html> for more details.
     DBI/DBD::SQLite's transactions may be a bit confusing. They behave
@@ -266,34 +332,24 @@
     ends by a "COMMIT" or a <ROLLBACK>.
   Transaction and Database Locking
-    Transaction by "AutoCommit" or "begin_work" is nice and handy, but
-    sometimes you may get an annoying "database is locked" error. This
-    typically happens when someone begins a transaction, and tries to write
-    to a database while other person is reading from the database (in
-    another transaction). You might be surprised but SQLite doesn't lock a
-    database when you just begin a normal (deferred) transaction to maximize
-    concurrency. It reserves a lock when you issue a statement to write, but
-    until you actually try to write with a "commit" statement, it allows
-    other people to read from the database. However, reading from the
-    database also requires "shared lock", and that prevents to give you the
-    "exclusive lock" you reserved, thus you get the "database is locked"
-    error, and other people will get the same error if they try to write
-    afterwards, as you still have a "pending" lock. "busy_timeout" doesn't
-    help in this case.
-    To avoid this, set a transaction type explicitly. You can issue a "begin
-    immediate transaction" (or "begin exclusive transaction") for each
-    transaction, or set "sqlite_use_immediate_transaction" database handle
-    attribute to true (since 1.30_02) to always use an immediate transaction
-    (even when you simply use "begin_work" or turn off the "AutoCommit".).
+    The default transaction behavior of SQLite is "deferred", that means,
+    locks are not acquired until the first read or write operation, and thus
+    it is possible that another thread or process could create a separate
+    transaction and write to the database after the "BEGIN" on the current
+    thread has executed, and eventually cause a "deadlock". To avoid this,
+    DBD::SQLite internally issues a "BEGIN IMMEDIATE" when you begin a
+    transaction by "begin_work" or under the "AutoCommit" mode (since
+    1.38_01).
+    If you really need to turn off this feature for some reasons, set
+    "sqlite_use_immediate_transaction" database handle attribute to false,
+    and the default "deferred" transaction will be used.
       my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite::memory:", "", "", {
-        sqlite_use_immediate_transaction => 1,
+        sqlite_use_immediate_transaction => 0,
-    Note that this works only when all of the connections use the same
-    (non-deferred) transaction. See <http://sqlite.org/lockingv3.html> for
-    locking details.
+    See <http://sqlite.org/lockingv3.html> for locking details.
   "$sth->finish" and Transaction Rollback
     As the DBI doc says, you almost certainly do not need to call "finish"
@@ -419,6 +475,10 @@
         immediate transaction" (instead of "begin transaction") when
         necessary. See above for details.
+        As of version 1.38_01, this attribute is set to true by default. If
+        you really need to use "deferred" transactions for some reasons, set
+        this to false explicitly.
         If you set this to true, DBD::SQLite tries to see if the bind values
         are number or not, and does not quote if they are numbers. See above
@@ -465,10 +525,63 @@
     You can retrieve primary key names or more detailed information. As
     noted above, SQLite does not have the concept of catalogs, so the first
-    argument of the mothods is usually "undef", and you'll usually set
+    argument of the methods is usually "undef", and you'll usually set
     "undef" for the second one (unless you want to know the primary keys of
     temporary tables).
+  foreign_key_info
+      $sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef, $pk_schema, $pk_table,
+                                    undef, $fk_schema, $fk_table);
+    Returns information about foreign key constraints, as specified in
+    "foreign_key_info" in DBI, but with some limitations :
+    *   information in rows returned by the $sth is incomplete with respect
+        to the "foreign_key_info" in DBI specification. All requested fields
+        are present, but the content is "undef" for some of them.
+    The following nonempty fields are returned :
+    PKTABLE_NAME: The primary (unique) key table identifier.
+    PKCOLUMN_NAME: The primary (unique) key column identifier.
+    FKTABLE_NAME: The foreign key table identifier.
+    FKCOLUMN_NAME: The foreign key column identifier.
+    KEY_SEQ: The column sequence number (starting with 1), when several
+    columns belong to a same constraint.
+    UPDATE_RULE: The referential action for the UPDATE rule. The following
+    codes are defined:
+      CASCADE              0
+      RESTRICT             1
+      SET NULL             2
+      NO ACTION            3
+      SET DEFAULT          4
+    Default is 3 ('NO ACTION').
+    DELETE_RULE: The referential action for the DELETE rule. The codes are
+    the same as for UPDATE_RULE.
+    Unfortunately, the DEFERRABILITY field is always "undef"; as a matter of
+    fact, deferrability clauses are supported by SQLite, but they can't be
+    reported because the "PRAGMA foreign_key_list" tells nothing about them.
+    UNIQUE_OR_PRIMARY: Whether the column is primary or unique.
+    Note: foreign key support in SQLite must be explicitly turned on through
+    a "PRAGMA" command; see "Foreign keys" earlier in this manual.
+  ping
+      my $bool = $dbh->ping;
+    returns true if the database file exists (or the database is in-memory),
+    and the database connection is active.
     The following methods can be called via the func() method with a little
     tweak, but the use of func() method is now discouraged by the DBI author
@@ -499,6 +612,10 @@
     Running "$h->last_insert_id("","","","")" is the equivalent of running
     "$dbh->sqlite_last_insert_rowid()" directly.
+  $dbh->sqlite_db_filename()
+    Retrieve the current (main) database filename. If the database is
+    in-memory or temporary, this returns "undef".
     Retrieve the current busy timeout.
@@ -641,7 +758,7 @@
       my $sigma = 0;
           foreach my $v ( @$self ) {
-              $sigma += ($x - $mu)**2;
+              $sigma += ($v - $mu)**2;
           $sigma = $sigma / ($n - 1);
@@ -728,8 +845,8 @@
     "DBD::SQLite::IGNORE" to disallow the specific action but allow the SQL
     statement to continue to be compiled, or "DBD::SQLite::DENY" to cause
     the entire SQL statement to be rejected with an error. If the authorizer
-    callback returns any other value, then then "prepare" call that
-    triggered the authorizer will fail with an error message.
+    callback returns any other value, then "prepare" call that triggered the
+    authorizer will fail with an error message.
     An authorizer is used when preparing SQL statements from an untrusted
     source, to ensure that the SQL statements do not try to access data they
@@ -782,6 +899,14 @@
       $sth = $dbh->prepare("select load_extension('libsqlitefunctions.so')")
       or die "Cannot prepare: " . $dbh->errstr();
+  $dbh->sqlite_load_extension( $file, $proc )
+    Loading an extension by a select statement (with the "load_extension"
+    sqlite3 function like above) has some limitations. If you need to, say,
+    create other functions from an extension, use this method. $file (a path
+    to the extension) is mandatory, and $proc (an entry point name) is
+    optional. You need to call "sqlite_enable_load_extension" before calling
+    "sqlite_load_extension".
   $dbh->sqlite_trace( $code_ref )
     This method registers a trace callback to be invoked whenever SQL
     statements are being run.
@@ -824,11 +949,43 @@
     See also DBI::Profile for better profiling options.
+  $dbh->sqlite_table_column_metadata( $dbname, $tablename, $columnname )
+    is for internal use only.
     Returns an array of compile options (available since sqlite 3.6.23,
     bundled in DBD::SQLite 1.30_01), or an empty array if the bundled
     library is old or compiled with SQLITE_OMIT_COMPILEOPTION_DIAGS.
+  DBD::SQLite::sqlite_status()
+    Returns a hash reference that holds a set of status information of
+    SQLite runtime such as memory usage or page cache usage (see
+    <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/c_status_malloc_count.html> for details).
+    Each of the entry contains the current value and the highwater value.
+      my $status = DBD::SQLite::sqlite_status();
+      my $cur  = $status->{memory_used}{current};
+      my $high = $status->{memory_used}{highwater};
+    You may also pass 0 as an argument to reset the status.
+  $dbh->sqlite_db_status()
+    Returns a hash reference that holds a set of status information of
+    database connection such as cache usage. See
+    <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/c_dbstatus_options.html> for details. You
+    may also pass 0 as an argument to reset the status.
+  $sth->sqlite_st_status()
+    Returns a hash reference that holds a set of status information of
+    SQLite statement handle such as full table scan count. See
+    <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/c_stmtstatus_counter.html> for details.
+    Statement status only holds the current value.
+      my $status = $sth->sqlite_st_status();
+      my $cur = $status->{fullscan_step};
+    You may also pass 0 as an argument to reset the status.
     A subset of SQLite C constants are made available to Perl, because they
     may be needed when writing hooks or authorizer callbacks. For accessing
@@ -1001,18 +1158,24 @@
     "create_collation" method directly.
-    The FTS3 extension module within SQLite allows users to create special
-    tables with a built-in full-text index (hereafter "FTS3 tables"). The
+    The FTS extension module within SQLite allows users to create special
+    tables with a built-in full-text index (hereafter "FTS tables"). The
     full-text index allows the user to efficiently query the database for
     all rows that contain one or more instances of a specified word
     (hereafter a "token"), even if the table contains many large documents.
-  Short introduction to FTS3
-    The detailed documentation for FTS3 can be found at
-    <http://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html>. Here is a very short example :
+  Short introduction to FTS
+    The first full-text search modules for SQLite were called "FTS1" and
+    "FTS2" and are now obsolete. The latest recommended module is "FTS4";
+    however the former module "FTS3" is still supporter. Detailed
+    documentation for both "FTS4" and "FTS3" can be found at
+    <http://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html>, including explanations about the
+    differences between these two versions.
+    Here is a very short example of using FTS :
       $dbh->do(<<"") or die DBI::errstr;
-      CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE fts_example USING fts3(content)
+      CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE fts_example USING fts4(content)
   my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO fts_example(content) VALUES (?))");
       $sth->execute($_) foreach @docs_to_insert;
@@ -1022,13 +1185,13 @@
     The key points in this example are :
-    *   The syntax for creating FTS3 tables is
+    *   The syntax for creating FTS tables is
-          CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE <table_name> USING fts3(<columns>)
+          CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE <table_name> USING fts4(<columns>)
         where "<columns>" is a list of column names. Columns may be typed,
         but the type information is ignored. If no columns are specified,
-        the default is a single column named "content". In addition, FTS3
+        the default is a single column named "content". In addition, FTS
         tables have an implicit column called "docid" (or also "rowid") for
         numbering the stored documents.
@@ -1044,8 +1207,8 @@
         the document text, where the words pertaining to the query are
-    There are many more details to building and searching FTS3 tables, so we
-    strongly invite you to read the full documentation at at
+    There are many more details to building and searching FTS tables, so we
+    strongly invite you to read the full documentation at
     Incompatible change : starting from version 1.31, "DBD::SQLite" uses the
@@ -1064,13 +1227,14 @@
     The behaviour of full-text indexes strongly depends on how documents are
-    split into *tokens*; therefore FTS3 table declarations can explicitly
+    split into *tokens*; therefore FTS table declarations can explicitly
     specify how to perform tokenization:
-      CREATE ... USING fts3(<columns>, tokenize=<tokenizer>)
+      CREATE ... USING fts4(<columns>, tokenize=<tokenizer>)
     where "<tokenizer>" is a sequence of space-separated words that triggers
-    a specific tokenizer, as explained below.
+    a specific tokenizer. Tokenizers can be SQLite builtins, written in C
+    code, or Perl tokenizers. Both are as explained below.
    SQLite builtin tokenizers
     SQLite comes with three builtin tokenizers :
@@ -1100,7 +1264,7 @@
         identifier as argument (such as "tr_TR" for Turkish as used in
         Turkey, or "en_AU" for English as used in Australia). For example:
-          CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE thai_text USING fts3(text, tokenize=icu th_TH)
+          CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE thai_text USING fts4(text, tokenize=icu th_TH)
         The ICU tokenizer implementation is very simple. It splits the input
         text according to the ICU rules for finding word boundaries and
@@ -1115,13 +1279,13 @@
     *perl* tokenizer, that can hook to any tokenizing algorithm written in
     Perl. This is specified as follows :
-      CREATE ... USING fts3(<columns>, tokenize=perl '<perl_function>')
+      CREATE ... USING fts4(<columns>, tokenize=perl '<perl_function>')
     where "<perl_function>" is a fully qualified Perl function name (i.e.
     prefixed by the name of the package in which that function is declared).
     So for example if the function is "my_func" in the main program, write
-      CREATE ... USING fts3(<columns>, tokenize=perl 'main::my_func')
+      CREATE ... USING fts4(<columns>, tokenize=perl 'main::my_func')
     That function should return a code reference that takes a string as
     single argument, and returns an iterator (another function), which
@@ -1150,7 +1314,7 @@
     There must be three levels of subs, in a kind of "Russian dolls"
     structure, because :
-    *   the external, named sub is called whenever accessing a FTS3 table
+    *   the external, named sub is called whenever accessing a FTS table
         with that tokenizer
     *   the inner, anonymous sub is called whenever a new string needs to be
@@ -1161,27 +1325,29 @@
         terms within that string.
     Instead of writing tokenizers by hand, you can grab one of those already
-    implemented in the Search::Tokenizer module :
+    implemented in the Search::Tokenizer module. For example, if you want
+    ignore differences between accented characters, you can write :
       use Search::Tokenizer;
       $dbh->do(<<"") or die DBI::errstr;
-      CREATE ... USING fts3(<columns>, 
+      CREATE ... USING fts4(<columns>, 
                             tokenize=perl 'Search::Tokenizer::unaccent')
-    or you can use "new" in Search::Tokenizer to build your own tokenizer.
+    Alternatively, you can use "new" in Search::Tokenizer to build your own
+    tokenizer.
   Incomplete handling of utf8 characters
-    The current FTS3 implementation in SQLite is far from complete with
+    The current FTS implementation in SQLite is far from complete with
     respect to utf8 handling : in particular, variable-length characters are
     not treated correctly by the builtin functions "offsets()" and
-  Database space for FTS3
-    FTS3 stores a complete copy of the indexed documents, together with the
-    fulltext index. On a large collection of documents, this can consume
-    quite a lot of disk space. If copies of documents are also available as
-    external resources (for example files on the filesystem), that space can
-    sometimes be spared --- see the tip in the Cookbook.
+  Database space for FTS
+    By default, FTS stores a complete copy of the indexed documents,
+    together with the fulltext index. On a large collection of documents,
+    this can consume quite a lot of disk space. However, FTS has some
+    options for compressing the documents, or even for not storing them at
+    all -- see <http://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html#fts4_options>.
     The RTREE extension module within SQLite adds support for creating a
@@ -1306,9 +1472,9 @@
     Some parts copyright 2008 Wolfgang Sourdeau.
-    Some parts copyright 2008 - 2012 Adam Kennedy.
+    Some parts copyright 2008 - 2013 Adam Kennedy.
-    Some parts copyright 2009 - 2012 Kenichi Ishigaki.
+    Some parts copyright 2009 - 2013 Kenichi Ishigaki.
     Some parts derived from DBD::SQLite::Amalgamation copyright 2008 Audrey
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/sqlite3.c DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/sqlite3.c
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/sqlite3.c	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/sqlite3.c	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ** This file is an amalgamation of many separate C source files from SQLite
-** version  By combining all the individual C code files into this 
+** version 3.7.17.  By combining all the individual C code files into this 
 ** single large file, the entire code can be compiled as a single translation
 ** unit.  This allows many compilers to do optimizations that would not be
 ** possible if the files were compiled separately.  Performance improvements
@@ -306,6 +306,10 @@
 # define _GNU_SOURCE
+#if defined(__OpenBSD__) && !defined(_BSD_SOURCE)
+# define _BSD_SOURCE
 ** Include standard header files as necessary
@@ -358,11 +362,11 @@
 ** We support that for legacy.
 #if !defined(SQLITE_THREADSAFE)
-#if defined(THREADSAFE)
+# if defined(THREADSAFE)
+# else
 # define SQLITE_THREADSAFE 1 /* IMP: R-07272-22309 */
+# endif
@@ -389,6 +393,7 @@
 **     SQLITE_SYSTEM_MALLOC          // Use normal system malloc()
 **     SQLITE_WIN32_MALLOC           // Use Win32 native heap API
+**     SQLITE_ZERO_MALLOC            // Use a stub allocator that always fails
 **     SQLITE_MEMDEBUG               // Debugging version of system malloc()
 ** On Windows, if the SQLITE_WIN32_MALLOC_VALIDATE macro is defined and the
@@ -402,11 +407,19 @@
 ** If none of the above are defined, then set SQLITE_SYSTEM_MALLOC as
 ** the default.
-# error "At most one of the following compile-time configuration options\
+#if defined(SQLITE_SYSTEM_MALLOC) \
+  + defined(SQLITE_WIN32_MALLOC) \
+  + defined(SQLITE_ZERO_MALLOC) \
+  + defined(SQLITE_MEMDEBUG)>1
+# error "Two or more of the following compile-time configuration options\
+ are defined but at most one is allowed:\
+#if defined(SQLITE_SYSTEM_MALLOC) \
+  + defined(SQLITE_WIN32_MALLOC) \
+  + defined(SQLITE_ZERO_MALLOC) \
+  + defined(SQLITE_MEMDEBUG)==0
@@ -431,7 +444,8 @@
 ** See also ticket #2741.
-#if !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) && !defined(__DARWIN__) && !defined(__APPLE__) && SQLITE_THREADSAFE
+#if !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) && !defined(__DARWIN__) \
+ && !defined(__APPLE__) && SQLITE_THREADSAFE
 #  define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500  /* Needed to enable pthread recursive mutexes */
@@ -443,15 +457,22 @@
-** Many people are failing to set -DNDEBUG=1 when compiling SQLite.
-** Setting NDEBUG makes the code smaller and run faster.  So the following
-** lines are added to automatically set NDEBUG unless the -DSQLITE_DEBUG=1
-** option is set.  Thus NDEBUG becomes an opt-in rather than an opt-out
+** NDEBUG and SQLITE_DEBUG are opposites.  It should always be true that
+** defined(NDEBUG)==!defined(SQLITE_DEBUG).  If this is not currently true,
+** make it true by defining or undefining NDEBUG.
+** Setting NDEBUG makes the code smaller and run faster by disabling the
+** number assert() statements in the code.  So we want the default action
+** to be for NDEBUG to be set and NDEBUG to be undefined only if SQLITE_DEBUG
+** is set.  Thus NDEBUG becomes an opt-in rather than an opt-out
 ** feature.
 #if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) 
 # define NDEBUG 1
+#if defined(NDEBUG) && defined(SQLITE_DEBUG)
+# undef NDEBUG
 ** The testcase() macro is used to aid in coverage testing.  When 
@@ -657,9 +678,9 @@
 ** [sqlite3_libversion_number()], [sqlite3_sourceid()],
 ** [sqlite_version()] and [sqlite_source_id()].
-#define SQLITE_VERSION        ""
-#define SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER 3007012
-#define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID      "2012-05-22 02:45:53 6d326d44fd1d626aae0e8456e5fa2049f1ce0789"
+#define SQLITE_VERSION        "3.7.17"
+#define SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER 3007017
+#define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID      "2013-05-20 00:56:22 118a3b35693b134d56ebd780123b7fd6f1497668"
 ** CAPI3REF: Run-Time Library Version Numbers
@@ -769,7 +790,8 @@
 ** the opaque structure named "sqlite3".  It is useful to think of an sqlite3
 ** pointer as an object.  The [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open16()], and
 ** [sqlite3_open_v2()] interfaces are its constructors, and [sqlite3_close()]
-** is its destructor.  There are many other interfaces (such as
+** and [sqlite3_close_v2()] are its destructors.  There are many other
+** interfaces (such as
 ** [sqlite3_prepare_v2()], [sqlite3_create_function()], and
 ** [sqlite3_busy_timeout()] to name but three) that are methods on an
 ** sqlite3 object.
@@ -816,28 +838,46 @@
 ** CAPI3REF: Closing A Database Connection
-** ^The sqlite3_close() routine is the destructor for the [sqlite3] object.
-** ^Calls to sqlite3_close() return SQLITE_OK if the [sqlite3] object is
-** successfully destroyed and all associated resources are deallocated.
-** Applications must [sqlite3_finalize | finalize] all [prepared statements]
-** and [sqlite3_blob_close | close] all [BLOB handles] associated with
-** the [sqlite3] object prior to attempting to close the object.  ^If
-** sqlite3_close() is called on a [database connection] that still has
-** outstanding [prepared statements] or [BLOB handles], then it returns
+** ^The sqlite3_close() and sqlite3_close_v2() routines are destructors
+** for the [sqlite3] object.
+** ^Calls to sqlite3_close() and sqlite3_close_v2() return SQLITE_OK if
+** the [sqlite3] object is successfully destroyed and all associated
+** resources are deallocated.
+** ^If the database connection is associated with unfinalized prepared
+** statements or unfinished sqlite3_backup objects then sqlite3_close()
+** will leave the database connection open and return [SQLITE_BUSY].
+** ^If sqlite3_close_v2() is called with unfinalized prepared statements
+** and unfinished sqlite3_backups, then the database connection becomes
+** an unusable "zombie" which will automatically be deallocated when the
+** last prepared statement is finalized or the last sqlite3_backup is
+** finished.  The sqlite3_close_v2() interface is intended for use with
+** host languages that are garbage collected, and where the order in which
+** destructors are called is arbitrary.
+** Applications should [sqlite3_finalize | finalize] all [prepared statements],
+** [sqlite3_blob_close | close] all [BLOB handles], and 
+** [sqlite3_backup_finish | finish] all [sqlite3_backup] objects associated
+** with the [sqlite3] object prior to attempting to close the object.  ^If
+** sqlite3_close_v2() is called on a [database connection] that still has
+** outstanding [prepared statements], [BLOB handles], and/or
+** [sqlite3_backup] objects then it returns SQLITE_OK but the deallocation
+** of resources is deferred until all [prepared statements], [BLOB handles],
+** and [sqlite3_backup] objects are also destroyed.
-** ^If [sqlite3_close()] is invoked while a transaction is open,
+** ^If an [sqlite3] object is destroyed while a transaction is open,
 ** the transaction is automatically rolled back.
-** The C parameter to [sqlite3_close(C)] must be either a NULL
+** The C parameter to [sqlite3_close(C)] and [sqlite3_close_v2(C)]
+** must be either a NULL
 ** pointer or an [sqlite3] object pointer obtained
 ** from [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open16()], or
 ** [sqlite3_open_v2()], and not previously closed.
-** ^Calling sqlite3_close() with a NULL pointer argument is a 
-** harmless no-op.
+** ^Calling sqlite3_close() or sqlite3_close_v2() with a NULL pointer
+** argument is a harmless no-op.
-SQLITE_API int sqlite3_close(sqlite3 *);
+SQLITE_API int sqlite3_close(sqlite3*);
+SQLITE_API int sqlite3_close_v2(sqlite3*);
 ** The type for a callback function.
@@ -956,6 +996,8 @@
 #define SQLITE_FORMAT      24   /* Auxiliary database format error */
 #define SQLITE_RANGE       25   /* 2nd parameter to sqlite3_bind out of range */
 #define SQLITE_NOTADB      26   /* File opened that is not a database file */
+#define SQLITE_NOTICE      27   /* Notifications from sqlite3_log() */
+#define SQLITE_WARNING     28   /* Warnings from sqlite3_log() */
 #define SQLITE_ROW         100  /* sqlite3_step() has another row ready */
 #define SQLITE_DONE        101  /* sqlite3_step() has finished executing */
 /* end-of-error-codes */
@@ -1005,14 +1047,29 @@
 #define SQLITE_IOERR_SHMLOCK           (SQLITE_IOERR | (20<<8))
 #define SQLITE_IOERR_SHMMAP            (SQLITE_IOERR | (21<<8))
 #define SQLITE_IOERR_SEEK              (SQLITE_IOERR | (22<<8))
+#define SQLITE_IOERR_MMAP              (SQLITE_IOERR | (24<<8))
 #define SQLITE_BUSY_RECOVERY           (SQLITE_BUSY   |  (1<<8))
 #define SQLITE_CANTOPEN_ISDIR          (SQLITE_CANTOPEN | (2<<8))
 #define SQLITE_CORRUPT_VTAB            (SQLITE_CORRUPT | (1<<8))
 #define SQLITE_ABORT_ROLLBACK          (SQLITE_ABORT | (2<<8))
 ** CAPI3REF: Flags For File Open Operations
@@ -1028,6 +1085,7 @@
 #define SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE        0x00000010  /* VFS only */
 #define SQLITE_OPEN_AUTOPROXY        0x00000020  /* VFS only */
 #define SQLITE_OPEN_URI              0x00000040  /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
+#define SQLITE_OPEN_MEMORY           0x00000080  /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
 #define SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB          0x00000100  /* VFS only */
 #define SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_DB          0x00000200  /* VFS only */
 #define SQLITE_OPEN_TRANSIENT_DB     0x00000400  /* VFS only */
@@ -1047,7 +1105,7 @@
 ** CAPI3REF: Device Characteristics
 ** The xDeviceCharacteristics method of the [sqlite3_io_methods]
-** object returns an integer which is a vector of the these
+** object returns an integer which is a vector of these
 ** bit values expressing I/O characteristics of the mass storage
 ** device that holds the file that the [sqlite3_io_methods]
 ** refers to.
@@ -1251,6 +1309,9 @@
   void (*xShmBarrier)(sqlite3_file*);
   int (*xShmUnmap)(sqlite3_file*, int deleteFlag);
   /* Methods above are valid for version 2 */
+  int (*xFetch)(sqlite3_file*, sqlite3_int64 iOfst, int iAmt, void **pp);
+  int (*xUnfetch)(sqlite3_file*, sqlite3_int64 iOfst, void *p);
+  /* Methods above are valid for version 3 */
   /* Additional methods may be added in future releases */
@@ -1385,6 +1446,38 @@
 ** compilation of the PRAGMA fails with an error.  ^The [SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA]
 ** file control occurs at the beginning of pragma statement analysis and so
 ** it is able to override built-in [PRAGMA] statements.
+** file-control may be invoked by SQLite on the database file handle
+** shortly after it is opened in order to provide a custom VFS with access
+** to the connections busy-handler callback. The argument is of type (void **)
+** - an array of two (void *) values. The first (void *) actually points
+** to a function of type (int (*)(void *)). In order to invoke the connections
+** busy-handler, this function should be invoked with the second (void *) in
+** the array as the only argument. If it returns non-zero, then the operation
+** should be retried. If it returns zero, the custom VFS should abandon the
+** current operation.
+** ^Application can invoke the [SQLITE_FCNTL_TEMPFILENAME] file-control
+** to have SQLite generate a
+** temporary filename using the same algorithm that is followed to generate
+** temporary filenames for TEMP tables and other internal uses.  The
+** argument should be a char** which will be filled with the filename
+** written into memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc()].  The caller should
+** invoke [sqlite3_free()] on the result to avoid a memory leak.
+** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_MMAP_SIZE] file control is used to query or set the
+** maximum number of bytes that will be used for memory-mapped I/O.
+** The argument is a pointer to a value of type sqlite3_int64 that
+** is an advisory maximum number of bytes in the file to memory map.  The
+** pointer is overwritten with the old value.  The limit is not changed if
+** the value originally pointed to is negative, and so the current limit 
+** can be queried by passing in a pointer to a negative number.  This
+** file-control is used internally to implement [PRAGMA mmap_size].
 ** </ul>
 #define SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCKSTATE               1
@@ -1401,6 +1494,9 @@
 #define SQLITE_FCNTL_VFSNAME                12
 #define SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA                 14
+#define SQLITE_FCNTL_BUSYHANDLER            15
+#define SQLITE_FCNTL_TEMPFILENAME           16
+#define SQLITE_FCNTL_MMAP_SIZE              18
 ** CAPI3REF: Mutex Handle
@@ -2067,7 +2163,9 @@
 ** page cache implementation into that object.)^ </dd>
-** <dd> ^The SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG option takes two arguments: a pointer to a
+** <dd> The SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG option is used to configure the SQLite
+** global [error log].
+** (^The SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG option takes two arguments: a pointer to a
 ** function with a call signature of void(*)(void*,int,const char*), 
 ** and a pointer to void. ^If the function pointer is not NULL, it is
 ** invoked by [sqlite3_log()] to process each logging event.  ^If the
@@ -2097,10 +2195,54 @@
 ** disabled. The default value may be changed by compiling with the
 ** [SQLITE_USE_URI] symbol defined.
+** <dd> This option takes a single integer argument which is interpreted as
+** a boolean in order to enable or disable the use of covering indices for
+** full table scans in the query optimizer.  The default setting is determined
+** by the [SQLITE_ALLOW_COVERING_INDEX_SCAN] compile-time option, or is "on"
+** if that compile-time option is omitted.
+** The ability to disable the use of covering indices for full table scans
+** is because some incorrectly coded legacy applications might malfunction
+** malfunction when the optimization is enabled.  Providing the ability to
+** disable the optimization allows the older, buggy application code to work
+** without change even with newer versions of SQLite.
 ** <dd> These options are obsolete and should not be used by new code.
 ** They are retained for backwards compatibility but are now no-ops.
+** </dd>
+** <dd>This option is only available if sqlite is compiled with the
+** [SQLITE_ENABLE_SQLLOG] pre-processor macro defined. The first argument should
+** be a pointer to a function of type void(*)(void*,sqlite3*,const char*, int).
+** The second should be of type (void*). The callback is invoked by the library
+** in three separate circumstances, identified by the value passed as the
+** fourth parameter. If the fourth parameter is 0, then the database connection
+** passed as the second argument has just been opened. The third argument
+** points to a buffer containing the name of the main database file. If the
+** fourth parameter is 1, then the SQL statement that the third parameter
+** points to has just been executed. Or, if the fourth parameter is 2, then
+** the connection being passed as the second parameter is being closed. The
+** third parameter is passed NULL In this case.  An example of using this
+** configuration option can be seen in the "test_sqllog.c" source file in
+** the canonical SQLite source tree.</dd>
+** <dd>SQLITE_CONFIG_MMAP_SIZE takes two 64-bit integer (sqlite3_int64) values
+** that are the default mmap size limit (the default setting for
+** [PRAGMA mmap_size]) and the maximum allowed mmap size limit.
+** The default setting can be overridden by each database connection using
+** either the [PRAGMA mmap_size] command, or by using the
+** [SQLITE_FCNTL_MMAP_SIZE] file control.  The maximum allowed mmap size
+** cannot be changed at run-time.  Nor may the maximum allowed mmap size
+** exceed the compile-time maximum mmap size set by the
+** [SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE] compile-time option.  
+** If either argument to this option is negative, then that argument is
+** changed to its compile-time default.
 ** </dl>
 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_SINGLETHREAD  1  /* nil */
@@ -2122,6 +2264,9 @@
 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_URI          17  /* int */
 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE2      18  /* sqlite3_pcache_methods2* */
 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_GETPCACHE2   19  /* sqlite3_pcache_methods2* */
+#define SQLITE_CONFIG_SQLLOG       21  /* xSqllog, void* */
+#define SQLITE_CONFIG_MMAP_SIZE    22  /* sqlite3_int64, sqlite3_int64 */
 ** CAPI3REF: Database Connection Configuration Options
@@ -2719,12 +2864,12 @@
 ** implementation of these routines to be omitted.  That capability
 ** is no longer provided.  Only built-in memory allocators can be used.
-** The Windows OS interface layer calls
+** Prior to SQLite version 3.7.10, the Windows OS interface layer called
 ** the system malloc() and free() directly when converting
 ** filenames between the UTF-8 encoding used by SQLite
 ** and whatever filename encoding is used by the particular Windows
-** installation.  Memory allocation errors are detected, but
-** they are reported back as [SQLITE_CANTOPEN] or
+** installation.  Memory allocation errors were detected, but
+** they were reported back as [SQLITE_CANTOPEN] or
 ** [SQLITE_IOERR] rather than [SQLITE_NOMEM].
 ** The pointer arguments to [sqlite3_free()] and [sqlite3_realloc()]
@@ -2955,6 +3100,9 @@
 ** as each triggered subprogram is entered.  The callbacks for triggers
 ** contain a UTF-8 SQL comment that identifies the trigger.)^
+** The [SQLITE_TRACE_SIZE_LIMIT] compile-time option can be used to limit
+** the length of [bound parameter] expansion in the output of sqlite3_trace().
 ** ^The callback function registered by sqlite3_profile() is invoked
 ** as each SQL statement finishes.  ^The profile callback contains
 ** the original statement text and an estimate of wall-clock time
@@ -3125,18 +3273,20 @@
 **     present, then the VFS specified by the option takes precedence over
 **     the value passed as the fourth parameter to sqlite3_open_v2().
-**   <li> <b>mode</b>: ^(The mode parameter may be set to either "ro", "rw" or
-**     "rwc". Attempting to set it to any other value is an error)^. 
+**   <li> <b>mode</b>: ^(The mode parameter may be set to either "ro", "rw",
+**     "rwc", or "memory". Attempting to set it to any other value is
+**     an error)^. 
 **     ^If "ro" is specified, then the database is opened for read-only 
 **     access, just as if the [SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY] flag had been set in the 
-**     third argument to sqlite3_prepare_v2(). ^If the mode option is set to 
+**     third argument to sqlite3_open_v2(). ^If the mode option is set to 
 **     "rw", then the database is opened for read-write (but not create) 
 **     access, as if SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE (but not SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE) had 
 **     been set. ^Value "rwc" is equivalent to setting both 
-**     SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE and SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE. ^If sqlite3_open_v2() is 
-**     used, it is an error to specify a value for the mode parameter that is 
-**     less restrictive than that specified by the flags passed as the third 
-**     parameter.
+**     SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE and SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE.  ^If the mode option is
+**     set to "memory" then a pure [in-memory database] that never reads
+**     or writes from disk is used. ^It is an error to specify a value for
+**     the mode parameter that is less restrictive than that specified by
+**     the flags passed in the third parameter to sqlite3_open_v2().
 **   <li> <b>cache</b>: ^The cache parameter may be set to either "shared" or
 **     "private". ^Setting it to "shared" is equivalent to setting the
@@ -3144,7 +3294,7 @@
 **     sqlite3_open_v2(). ^Setting the cache parameter to "private" is 
 **     equivalent to setting the SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE bit.
 **     ^If sqlite3_open_v2() is used and the "cache" parameter is present in
-**     a URI filename, its value overrides any behaviour requested by setting
+**     a URI filename, its value overrides any behavior requested by setting
 ** </ul>
@@ -3195,6 +3345,12 @@
 ** codepage is currently defined.  Filenames containing international
 ** characters must be converted to UTF-8 prior to passing them into
 ** sqlite3_open() or sqlite3_open_v2().
+** <b>Note to Windows Runtime users:</b>  The temporary directory must be set
+** prior to calling sqlite3_open() or sqlite3_open_v2().  Otherwise, various
+** features that require the use of temporary files may fail.
+** See also: [sqlite3_temp_directory]
 SQLITE_API int sqlite3_open(
   const char *filename,   /* Database filename (UTF-8) */
@@ -3274,6 +3430,11 @@
 ** However, the error string might be overwritten or deallocated by
 ** subsequent calls to other SQLite interface functions.)^
+** ^The sqlite3_errstr() interface returns the English-language text
+** that describes the [result code], as UTF-8.
+** ^(Memory to hold the error message string is managed internally
+** and must not be freed by the application)^.
 ** When the serialized [threading mode] is in use, it might be the
 ** case that a second error occurs on a separate thread in between
 ** the time of the first error and the call to these interfaces.
@@ -3292,6 +3453,7 @@
 SQLITE_API int sqlite3_extended_errcode(sqlite3 *db);
 SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_errmsg(sqlite3*);
 SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_errmsg16(sqlite3*);
+SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_errstr(int);
 ** CAPI3REF: SQL Statement Object
@@ -3479,7 +3641,8 @@
 ** <li>
 ** ^If the database schema changes, instead of returning [SQLITE_SCHEMA] as it
 ** always used to do, [sqlite3_step()] will automatically recompile the SQL
-** statement and try to run it again.
+** statement and try to run it again. As many as [SQLITE_MAX_SCHEMA_RETRY]
+** retries will occur before sqlite3_step() gives up and returns an error.
 ** </li>
 ** <li>
@@ -3683,12 +3846,18 @@
 ** parameter [SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER] (default value: 999).
 ** ^The third argument is the value to bind to the parameter.
+** ^If the third parameter to sqlite3_bind_text() or sqlite3_bind_text16()
+** or sqlite3_bind_blob() is a NULL pointer then the fourth parameter
+** is ignored and the end result is the same as sqlite3_bind_null().
 ** ^(In those routines that have a fourth argument, its value is the
 ** number of bytes in the parameter.  To be clear: the value is the
 ** number of <u>bytes</u> in the value, not the number of characters.)^
-** ^If the fourth parameter is negative, the length of the string is
+** ^If the fourth parameter to sqlite3_bind_text() or sqlite3_bind_text16()
+** is negative, then the length of the string is
 ** the number of bytes up to the first zero terminator.
+** If the fourth parameter to sqlite3_bind_blob() is negative, then
+** the behavior is undefined.
 ** If a non-negative fourth parameter is provided to sqlite3_bind_text()
 ** or sqlite3_bind_text16() then that parameter must be the byte offset
 ** where the NUL terminator would occur assuming the string were NUL
@@ -4447,7 +4616,8 @@
 SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_transfer_bindings(sqlite3_stmt*, sqlite3_stmt*);
 SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_global_recover(void);
 SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED void sqlite3_thread_cleanup(void);
-SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_memory_alarm(void(*)(void*,sqlite3_int64,int),void*,sqlite3_int64);
+SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_memory_alarm(void(*)(void*,sqlite3_int64,int),
+                      void*,sqlite3_int64);
@@ -4527,14 +4697,17 @@
 ** In those cases, sqlite3_aggregate_context() might be called for the
 ** first time from within xFinal().)^
-** ^The sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) routine returns a NULL pointer if N is
-** less than or equal to zero or if a memory allocate error occurs.
+** ^The sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) routine returns a NULL pointer 
+** when first called if N is less than or equal to zero or if a memory
+** allocate error occurs.
 ** ^(The amount of space allocated by sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) is
 ** determined by the N parameter on first successful call.  Changing the
 ** value of N in subsequent call to sqlite3_aggregate_context() within
 ** the same aggregate function instance will not resize the memory
-** allocation.)^
+** allocation.)^  Within the xFinal callback, it is customary to set
+** N=0 in calls to sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) so that no 
+** pointless memory allocations occur.
 ** ^SQLite automatically frees the memory allocated by 
 ** sqlite3_aggregate_context() when the aggregate query concludes.
@@ -4632,7 +4805,7 @@
 ** the content before returning.
 ** The typedef is necessary to work around problems in certain
-** C++ compilers.  See ticket #2191.
+** C++ compilers.
 typedef void (*sqlite3_destructor_type)(void*);
 #define SQLITE_STATIC      ((sqlite3_destructor_type)0)
@@ -4685,11 +4858,11 @@
 ** the error code is SQLITE_ERROR.  ^A subsequent call to sqlite3_result_error()
 ** or sqlite3_result_error16() resets the error code to SQLITE_ERROR.
-** ^The sqlite3_result_toobig() interface causes SQLite to throw an error
-** indicating that a string or BLOB is too long to represent.
+** ^The sqlite3_result_error_toobig() interface causes SQLite to throw an
+** error indicating that a string or BLOB is too long to represent.
-** ^The sqlite3_result_nomem() interface causes SQLite to throw an error
-** indicating that a memory allocation failed.
+** ^The sqlite3_result_error_nomem() interface causes SQLite to throw an
+** error indicating that a memory allocation failed.
 ** ^The sqlite3_result_int() interface sets the return value
 ** of the application-defined function to be the 32-bit signed integer
@@ -4996,10 +5169,62 @@
 ** Hence, if this variable is modified directly, either it should be
 ** made NULL or made to point to memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc]
 ** or else the use of the [temp_store_directory pragma] should be avoided.
+** <b>Note to Windows Runtime users:</b>  The temporary directory must be set
+** prior to calling [sqlite3_open] or [sqlite3_open_v2].  Otherwise, various
+** features that require the use of temporary files may fail.  Here is an
+** example of how to do this using C++ with the Windows Runtime:
+** <blockquote><pre>
+** LPCWSTR zPath = Windows::Storage::ApplicationData::Current->
+** &nbsp;     TemporaryFolder->Path->Data();
+** char zPathBuf&#91;MAX_PATH + 1&#93;;
+** memset(zPathBuf, 0, sizeof(zPathBuf));
+** WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, zPath, -1, zPathBuf, sizeof(zPathBuf),
+** &nbsp;     NULL, NULL);
+** sqlite3_temp_directory = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", zPathBuf);
+** </pre></blockquote>
 SQLITE_API char *sqlite3_temp_directory;
+** CAPI3REF: Name Of The Folder Holding Database Files
+** ^(If this global variable is made to point to a string which is
+** the name of a folder (a.k.a. directory), then all database files
+** specified with a relative pathname and created or accessed by
+** SQLite when using a built-in windows [sqlite3_vfs | VFS] will be assumed
+** to be relative to that directory.)^ ^If this variable is a NULL
+** pointer, then SQLite assumes that all database files specified
+** with a relative pathname are relative to the current directory
+** for the process.  Only the windows VFS makes use of this global
+** variable; it is ignored by the unix VFS.
+** Changing the value of this variable while a database connection is
+** open can result in a corrupt database.
+** It is not safe to read or modify this variable in more than one
+** thread at a time.  It is not safe to read or modify this variable
+** if a [database connection] is being used at the same time in a separate
+** thread.
+** It is intended that this variable be set once
+** as part of process initialization and before any SQLite interface
+** routines have been called and that this variable remain unchanged
+** thereafter.
+** ^The [data_store_directory pragma] may modify this variable and cause
+** it to point to memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc].  ^Furthermore,
+** the [data_store_directory pragma] always assumes that any string
+** that this variable points to is held in memory obtained from 
+** [sqlite3_malloc] and the pragma may attempt to free that memory
+** using [sqlite3_free].
+** Hence, if this variable is modified directly, either it should be
+** made NULL or made to point to memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc]
+** or else the use of the [data_store_directory pragma] should be avoided.
+SQLITE_API char *sqlite3_data_directory;
 ** CAPI3REF: Test For Auto-Commit Mode
 ** KEYWORDS: {autocommit mode}
@@ -5177,7 +5402,6 @@
 ** CAPI3REF: Enable Or Disable Shared Pager Cache
-** KEYWORDS: {shared cache}
 ** ^(This routine enables or disables the sharing of the database cache
 ** and schema data structures between [database connection | connections]
@@ -5200,6 +5424,9 @@
 ** future releases of SQLite.  Applications that care about shared
 ** cache setting should set it explicitly.
+** This interface is threadsafe on processors where writing a
+** 32-bit integer is atomic.
 ** See Also:  [SQLite Shared-Cache Mode]
 SQLITE_API int sqlite3_enable_shared_cache(int);
@@ -5377,11 +5604,20 @@
 ** ^This interface loads an SQLite extension library from the named file.
 ** ^The sqlite3_load_extension() interface attempts to load an
-** SQLite extension library contained in the file zFile.
+** [SQLite extension] library contained in the file zFile.  If
+** the file cannot be loaded directly, attempts are made to load
+** with various operating-system specific extensions added.
+** So for example, if "samplelib" cannot be loaded, then names like
+** "samplelib.so" or "samplelib.dylib" or "samplelib.dll" might
+** be tried also.
 ** ^The entry point is zProc.
-** ^zProc may be 0, in which case the name of the entry point
-** defaults to "sqlite3_extension_init".
+** ^(zProc may be 0, in which case SQLite will try to come up with an
+** entry point name on its own.  It first tries "sqlite3_extension_init".
+** If that does not work, it constructs a name "sqlite3_X_init" where the
+** X is consists of the lower-case equivalent of all ASCII alphabetic
+** characters in the filename from the last "/" to the first following
+** "." and omitting any initial "lib".)^
 ** ^The sqlite3_load_extension() interface returns
 ** [SQLITE_OK] on success and [SQLITE_ERROR] if something goes wrong.
 ** ^If an error occurs and pzErrMsg is not 0, then the
@@ -5407,11 +5643,11 @@
 ** CAPI3REF: Enable Or Disable Extension Loading
 ** ^So as not to open security holes in older applications that are
-** unprepared to deal with extension loading, and as a means of disabling
-** extension loading while evaluating user-entered SQL, the following API
+** unprepared to deal with [extension loading], and as a means of disabling
+** [extension loading] while evaluating user-entered SQL, the following API
 ** is provided to turn the [sqlite3_load_extension()] mechanism on and off.
-** ^Extension loading is off by default. See ticket #1863.
+** ^Extension loading is off by default.
 ** ^Call the sqlite3_enable_load_extension() routine with onoff==1
 ** to turn extension loading on and call it with onoff==0 to turn
 ** it back off again.
@@ -5423,7 +5659,7 @@
 ** ^This interface causes the xEntryPoint() function to be invoked for
 ** each new [database connection] that is created.  The idea here is that
-** xEntryPoint() is the entry point for a statically linked SQLite extension
+** xEntryPoint() is the entry point for a statically linked [SQLite extension]
 ** that is to be automatically loaded into all new database connections.
 ** ^(Even though the function prototype shows that xEntryPoint() takes
@@ -6005,7 +6241,6 @@
 ** implementations are available in the SQLite core:
 ** <ul>
-** <li>   SQLITE_MUTEX_OS2
 ** <li>   SQLITE_MUTEX_W32
@@ -6013,9 +6248,9 @@
 ** ^The SQLITE_MUTEX_NOOP implementation is a set of routines
 ** that does no real locking and is appropriate for use in
-** a single-threaded application.  ^The SQLITE_MUTEX_OS2,
-** SQLITE_MUTEX_PTHREADS, and SQLITE_MUTEX_W32 implementations
-** are appropriate for use on OS/2, Unix, and Windows.
+** a single-threaded application.  ^The SQLITE_MUTEX_PTHREADS and
+** SQLITE_MUTEX_W32 implementations are appropriate for use on Unix
+** and Windows.
 ** ^(If SQLite is compiled with the SQLITE_MUTEX_APPDEF preprocessor
 ** macro defined (with "-DSQLITE_MUTEX_APPDEF=1"), then no mutex
@@ -6775,7 +7010,7 @@
 ** parameter to help it determined what action to take:
 ** <table border=1 width=85% align=center>
-** <tr><th> createFlag <th> Behaviour when page is not already in cache
+** <tr><th> createFlag <th> Behavior when page is not already in cache
 ** <tr><td> 0 <td> Do not allocate a new page.  Return NULL.
 ** <tr><td> 1 <td> Allocate a new page if it easy and convenient to do so.
 **                 Otherwise return NULL.
@@ -7205,9 +7440,24 @@
 SQLITE_API int sqlite3_strnicmp(const char *, const char *, int);
+** CAPI3REF: String Globbing
+** ^The [sqlite3_strglob(P,X)] interface returns zero if string X matches
+** the glob pattern P, and it returns non-zero if string X does not match
+** the glob pattern P.  ^The definition of glob pattern matching used in
+** [sqlite3_strglob(P,X)] is the same as for the "X GLOB P" operator in the
+** SQL dialect used by SQLite.  ^The sqlite3_strglob(P,X) function is case
+** sensitive.
+** Note that this routine returns zero on a match and non-zero if the strings
+** do not match, the same as [sqlite3_stricmp()] and [sqlite3_strnicmp()].
+SQLITE_API int sqlite3_strglob(const char *zGlob, const char *zStr);
 ** CAPI3REF: Error Logging Interface
-** ^The [sqlite3_log()] interface writes a message into the error log
+** ^The [sqlite3_log()] interface writes a message into the [error log]
 ** established by the [SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG] option to [sqlite3_config()].
 ** ^If logging is enabled, the zFormat string and subsequent arguments are
 ** used with [sqlite3_snprintf()] to generate the final output string.
@@ -7580,7 +7830,7 @@
 **    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-** This is the header file for the generic hash-table implemenation
+** This is the header file for the generic hash-table implementation
 ** used in SQLite.
 #ifndef _SQLITE_HASH_H_
@@ -7892,6 +8142,7 @@
+# define SQLITE_TEMP_STORE_xc 1  /* Exclude from ctime.c */
@@ -8039,6 +8290,49 @@
 # define EIGHT_BYTE_ALIGNMENT(X)   ((((char*)(X) - (char*)0)&7)==0)
+** Disable MMAP on platforms where it is known to not work
+#if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__QNXNTO__)
+** Default maximum size of memory used by memory-mapped I/O in the VFS
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+# include <TargetConditionals.h>
+#   define SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE 0
+# endif
+# if defined(__linux__) \
+  || defined(_WIN32) \
+  || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) \
+  || defined(__sun)
+#   define SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE 0x7fff0000  /* 2147418112 */
+# else
+#   define SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE 0
+# endif
+# define SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE_xc 1 /* exclude from ctime.c */
+** The default MMAP_SIZE is zero on all platforms.  Or, even if a larger
+** default MMAP_SIZE is specified at compile-time, make sure that it does
+** not exceed the maximum mmap size.
+# define SQLITE_DEFAULT_MMAP_SIZE_xc 1  /* Exclude from ctime.c */
 ** An instance of the following structure is used to store the busy-handler
@@ -8081,6 +8375,11 @@
 #define ArraySize(X)    ((int)(sizeof(X)/sizeof(X[0])))
+** Determine if the argument is a power of two
+#define IsPowerOfTwo(X) (((X)&((X)-1))==0)
 ** The following value as a destructor means to use sqlite3DbFree().
 ** The sqlite3DbFree() routine requires two parameters instead of the 
 ** one parameter that destructors normally want.  So we have to introduce 
@@ -8166,6 +8465,7 @@
 typedef struct RowSet RowSet;
 typedef struct Savepoint Savepoint;
 typedef struct Select Select;
+typedef struct SelectDest SelectDest;
 typedef struct SrcList SrcList;
 typedef struct StrAccum StrAccum;
 typedef struct Table Table;
@@ -8254,6 +8554,7 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeClose(Btree*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSetCacheSize(Btree*,int);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSetMmapLimit(Btree*,sqlite3_int64);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSetSafetyLevel(Btree*,int,int,int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSyncDisabled(Btree*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSetPageSize(Btree *p, int nPagesize, int nReserve, int eFix);
@@ -8262,6 +8563,9 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE u32 sqlite3BtreeLastPage(Btree*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSecureDelete(Btree*,int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetReserve(Btree*);
+#if defined(SQLITE_HAS_CODEC) || defined(SQLITE_DEBUG)
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetReserveNoMutex(Btree *p);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSetAutoVacuum(Btree *, int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetAutoVacuum(Btree *);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(Btree*,int);
@@ -8305,6 +8609,8 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(Btree *pBtree, int idx, u32 *pValue);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(Btree*, int idx, u32 value);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeNewDb(Btree *p);
 ** The second parameter to sqlite3BtreeGetMeta or sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta
 ** should be one of the following values. The integer values are assigned 
@@ -8325,6 +8631,13 @@
 #define BTREE_TEXT_ENCODING       5
 #define BTREE_USER_VERSION        6
 #define BTREE_INCR_VACUUM         7
+#define BTREE_APPLICATION_ID      8
+** Values that may be OR'd together to form the second argument of an
+** sqlite3BtreeCursorHints() call.
+#define BTREE_BULKLOAD 0x00000001
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCursor(
   Btree*,                              /* BTree containing table to open */
@@ -8369,8 +8682,8 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreePutData(BtCursor*, u32 offset, u32 amt, void*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeCacheOverflow(BtCursor *);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeClearCursor(BtCursor *);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSetVersion(Btree *pBt, int iVersion);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeCursorHints(BtCursor *, unsigned int mask);
 #ifndef NDEBUG
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCursorIsValid(BtCursor*);
@@ -8766,7 +9079,7 @@
 #define OPFLG_OUT3            0x0040  /* out3:  P3 is an output */
 /*   0 */ 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x04, 0x04, 0x10, 0x00, 0x02,\
-/*   8 */ 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0x24, 0x24,\
+/*   8 */ 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x24,\
 /*  16 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x24, 0x04, 0x05, 0x04, 0x00,\
 /*  24 */ 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\
 /*  32 */ 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00,\
@@ -8813,7 +9126,7 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(Vdbe*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeRunOnlyOnce(Vdbe*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeDelete(Vdbe*);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeDeleteObject(sqlite3*,Vdbe*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeClearObject(sqlite3*,Vdbe*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMakeReady(Vdbe*,Parse*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeFinalize(Vdbe*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(Vdbe*, int);
@@ -8944,6 +9257,12 @@
 #define PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL         5   /* Use write-ahead logging */
+** Flags that make up the mask passed to sqlite3PagerAcquire().
+#define PAGER_ACQUIRE_NOCONTENT     0x01  /* Do not load data from disk */
+#define PAGER_ACQUIRE_READONLY      0x02  /* Read-only page is acceptable */
 ** The remainder of this file contains the declarations of the functions
 ** that make up the Pager sub-system API. See source code comments for 
 ** a detailed description of each routine.
@@ -8967,6 +9286,7 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSetPagesize(Pager*, u32*, int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerMaxPageCount(Pager*, int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerSetCachesize(Pager*, int);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerSetMmapLimit(Pager *, sqlite3_int64);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerShrink(Pager*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerSetSafetyLevel(Pager*,int,int,int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerLockingMode(Pager *, int);
@@ -9003,11 +9323,14 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSavepoint(Pager *pPager, int op, int iSavepoint);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSharedLock(Pager *pPager);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerCheckpoint(Pager *pPager, int, int*, int*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerWalSupported(Pager *pPager);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerWalCallback(Pager *pPager);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerOpenWal(Pager *pPager, int *pisOpen);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerCloseWal(Pager *pPager);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE   int sqlite3PagerWalFramesize(Pager *pPager);
@@ -9016,7 +9339,7 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE u8 sqlite3PagerIsreadonly(Pager*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerRefcount(Pager*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerMemUsed(Pager*);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3PagerFilename(Pager*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3PagerFilename(Pager*, int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE const sqlite3_vfs *sqlite3PagerVfs(Pager*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_file *sqlite3PagerFile(Pager*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3PagerJournalname(Pager*);
@@ -9025,6 +9348,7 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerIsMemdb(Pager*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerCacheStat(Pager *, int, int, int *);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerClearCache(Pager *);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3SectorSize(sqlite3_file *);
 /* Functions used to truncate the database file. */
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerTruncateImage(Pager*,Pgno);
@@ -9109,6 +9433,8 @@
 #define PGHDR_REUSE_UNLIKELY    0x010  /* A hint that reuse is unlikely */
 #define PGHDR_DONT_WRITE        0x020  /* Do not write content to disk */
+#define PGHDR_MMAP              0x040  /* This is an mmap page object */
 /* Initialize and shutdown the page cache subsystem */
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PcacheInitialize(void);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PcacheShutdown(void);
@@ -9244,7 +9570,7 @@
 ** Figure out if we are dealing with Unix, Windows, or some other
 ** operating system.  After the following block of preprocess macros,
 ** will defined to either 1 or 0.  One of the four will be 1.  The other 
 ** three will be 0.
@@ -9254,8 +9580,6 @@
 #   define SQLITE_OS_UNIX 0
 #   undef SQLITE_OS_WIN
 #   define SQLITE_OS_WIN 0
-#   undef SQLITE_OS_OS2
-#   define SQLITE_OS_OS2 0
 # else
 #   undef SQLITE_OS_OTHER
 # endif
@@ -9266,19 +9590,12 @@
 #   if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
 #     define SQLITE_OS_WIN 1
 #     define SQLITE_OS_UNIX 0
-#     define SQLITE_OS_OS2 0
-#   elif defined(__EMX__) || defined(_OS2) || defined(OS2) || defined(_OS2_) || defined(__OS2__)
-#     define SQLITE_OS_WIN 0
-#     define SQLITE_OS_UNIX 0
-#     define SQLITE_OS_OS2 1
 #   else
 #     define SQLITE_OS_WIN 0
 #     define SQLITE_OS_UNIX 1
-#     define SQLITE_OS_OS2 0
 #  endif
 # else
 #  define SQLITE_OS_UNIX 0
-#  define SQLITE_OS_OS2 0
 # endif
 # ifndef SQLITE_OS_WIN
@@ -9286,28 +9603,8 @@
 # endif
-** Define the maximum size of a temporary filename
 # include <windows.h>
-#elif SQLITE_OS_OS2
-# if (__GNUC__ > 3 || __GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3) && defined(OS2_HIGH_MEMORY)
-#  include <os2safe.h> /* has to be included before os2.h for linking to work */
-# endif
-# define INCL_DOSMISC
-# include <os2.h>
-# include <uconv.h>
@@ -9341,6 +9638,14 @@
 # define SQLITE_OS_WINCE 0
+** Determine if we are dealing with WinRT, which provides only a subset of
+** the full Win32 API.
+#if !defined(SQLITE_OS_WINRT)
+# define SQLITE_OS_WINRT 0
 /* If the SET_FULLSYNC macro is not defined above, then make it
 ** a no-op
@@ -9493,6 +9798,8 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsShmLock(sqlite3_file *id, int, int, int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3OsShmBarrier(sqlite3_file *id);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsShmUnmap(sqlite3_file *id, int);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsFetch(sqlite3_file *id, i64, int, void **);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsUnfetch(sqlite3_file *, i64, void *);
@@ -9563,8 +9870,6 @@
 **   SQLITE_MUTEX_PTHREADS     For multi-threaded applications on Unix.
 **   SQLITE_MUTEX_W32          For multi-threaded applications on Win32.
-**   SQLITE_MUTEX_OS2          For multi-threaded applications on OS/2.
@@ -9574,8 +9879,6 @@
 #  elif SQLITE_OS_WIN
 #    define SQLITE_MUTEX_W32
-#  elif SQLITE_OS_OS2
-#    define SQLITE_MUTEX_OS2
 #  else
 #    define SQLITE_MUTEX_NOOP
 #  endif
@@ -9736,9 +10039,11 @@
   int nDb;                      /* Number of backends currently in use */
   int flags;                    /* Miscellaneous flags. See below */
   i64 lastRowid;                /* ROWID of most recent insert (see above) */
+  i64 szMmap;                   /* Default mmap_size setting */
   unsigned int openFlags;       /* Flags passed to sqlite3_vfs.xOpen() */
   int errCode;                  /* Most recent error code (SQLITE_*) */
   int errMask;                  /* & result codes with this before returning */
+  u16 dbOptFlags;               /* Flags to enable/disable optimizations */
   u8 autoCommit;                /* The auto-commit flag. */
   u8 temp_store;                /* 1: file 2: memory 0: default */
   u8 mallocFailed;              /* True if we have seen a malloc failure */
@@ -9843,48 +10148,60 @@
 ** Possible values for the sqlite3.flags.
-#define SQLITE_VdbeTrace      0x00000100  /* True to trace VDBE execution */
-#define SQLITE_InternChanges  0x00000200  /* Uncommitted Hash table changes */
-#define SQLITE_FullColNames   0x00000400  /* Show full column names on SELECT */
-#define SQLITE_ShortColNames  0x00000800  /* Show short columns names */
-#define SQLITE_CountRows      0x00001000  /* Count rows changed by INSERT, */
+#define SQLITE_VdbeTrace      0x00000001  /* True to trace VDBE execution */
+#define SQLITE_InternChanges  0x00000002  /* Uncommitted Hash table changes */
+#define SQLITE_FullColNames   0x00000004  /* Show full column names on SELECT */
+#define SQLITE_ShortColNames  0x00000008  /* Show short columns names */
+#define SQLITE_CountRows      0x00000010  /* Count rows changed by INSERT, */
                                           /*   DELETE, or UPDATE and return */
                                           /*   the count using a callback. */
-#define SQLITE_NullCallback   0x00002000  /* Invoke the callback once if the */
+#define SQLITE_NullCallback   0x00000020  /* Invoke the callback once if the */
                                           /*   result set is empty */
-#define SQLITE_SqlTrace       0x00004000  /* Debug print SQL as it executes */
-#define SQLITE_VdbeListing    0x00008000  /* Debug listings of VDBE programs */
-#define SQLITE_WriteSchema    0x00010000  /* OK to update SQLITE_MASTER */
-                         /*   0x00020000  Unused */
-#define SQLITE_IgnoreChecks   0x00040000  /* Do not enforce check constraints */
-#define SQLITE_ReadUncommitted 0x0080000  /* For shared-cache mode */
-#define SQLITE_LegacyFileFmt  0x00100000  /* Create new databases in format 1 */
-#define SQLITE_FullFSync      0x00200000  /* Use full fsync on the backend */
-#define SQLITE_CkptFullFSync  0x00400000  /* Use full fsync for checkpoint */
-#define SQLITE_RecoveryMode   0x00800000  /* Ignore schema errors */
-#define SQLITE_ReverseOrder   0x01000000  /* Reverse unordered SELECTs */
-#define SQLITE_RecTriggers    0x02000000  /* Enable recursive triggers */
-#define SQLITE_ForeignKeys    0x04000000  /* Enforce foreign key constraints  */
-#define SQLITE_AutoIndex      0x08000000  /* Enable automatic indexes */
-#define SQLITE_PreferBuiltin  0x10000000  /* Preference to built-in funcs */
-#define SQLITE_LoadExtension  0x20000000  /* Enable load_extension */
-#define SQLITE_EnableTrigger  0x40000000  /* True to enable triggers */
-** Bits of the sqlite3.flags field that are used by the
-** sqlite3_test_control(SQLITE_TESTCTRL_OPTIMIZATIONS,...) interface.
-** These must be the low-order bits of the flags field.
-#define SQLITE_QueryFlattener 0x01        /* Disable query flattening */
-#define SQLITE_ColumnCache    0x02        /* Disable the column cache */
-#define SQLITE_IndexSort      0x04        /* Disable indexes for sorting */
-#define SQLITE_IndexSearch    0x08        /* Disable indexes for searching */
-#define SQLITE_IndexCover     0x10        /* Disable index covering table */
-#define SQLITE_GroupByOrder   0x20        /* Disable GROUPBY cover of ORDERBY */
-#define SQLITE_FactorOutConst 0x40        /* Disable factoring out constants */
-#define SQLITE_IdxRealAsInt   0x80        /* Store REAL as INT in indices */
-#define SQLITE_DistinctOpt    0x80        /* DISTINCT using indexes */
-#define SQLITE_OptMask        0xff        /* Mask of all disablable opts */
+#define SQLITE_SqlTrace       0x00000040  /* Debug print SQL as it executes */
+#define SQLITE_VdbeListing    0x00000080  /* Debug listings of VDBE programs */
+#define SQLITE_WriteSchema    0x00000100  /* OK to update SQLITE_MASTER */
+#define SQLITE_VdbeAddopTrace 0x00000200  /* Trace sqlite3VdbeAddOp() calls */
+#define SQLITE_IgnoreChecks   0x00000400  /* Do not enforce check constraints */
+#define SQLITE_ReadUncommitted 0x0000800  /* For shared-cache mode */
+#define SQLITE_LegacyFileFmt  0x00001000  /* Create new databases in format 1 */
+#define SQLITE_FullFSync      0x00002000  /* Use full fsync on the backend */
+#define SQLITE_CkptFullFSync  0x00004000  /* Use full fsync for checkpoint */
+#define SQLITE_RecoveryMode   0x00008000  /* Ignore schema errors */
+#define SQLITE_ReverseOrder   0x00010000  /* Reverse unordered SELECTs */
+#define SQLITE_RecTriggers    0x00020000  /* Enable recursive triggers */
+#define SQLITE_ForeignKeys    0x00040000  /* Enforce foreign key constraints  */
+#define SQLITE_AutoIndex      0x00080000  /* Enable automatic indexes */
+#define SQLITE_PreferBuiltin  0x00100000  /* Preference to built-in funcs */
+#define SQLITE_LoadExtension  0x00200000  /* Enable load_extension */
+#define SQLITE_EnableTrigger  0x00400000  /* True to enable triggers */
+** Bits of the sqlite3.dbOptFlags field that are used by the
+** sqlite3_test_control(SQLITE_TESTCTRL_OPTIMIZATIONS,...) interface to
+** selectively disable various optimizations.
+#define SQLITE_QueryFlattener 0x0001   /* Query flattening */
+#define SQLITE_ColumnCache    0x0002   /* Column cache */
+#define SQLITE_GroupByOrder   0x0004   /* GROUPBY cover of ORDERBY */
+#define SQLITE_FactorOutConst 0x0008   /* Constant factoring */
+#define SQLITE_IdxRealAsInt   0x0010   /* Store REAL as INT in indices */
+#define SQLITE_DistinctOpt    0x0020   /* DISTINCT using indexes */
+#define SQLITE_CoverIdxScan   0x0040   /* Covering index scans */
+#define SQLITE_OrderByIdxJoin 0x0080   /* ORDER BY of joins via index */
+#define SQLITE_SubqCoroutine  0x0100   /* Evaluate subqueries as coroutines */
+#define SQLITE_Transitive     0x0200   /* Transitive constraints */
+#define SQLITE_AllOpts        0xffff   /* All optimizations */
+** Macros for testing whether or not optimizations are enabled or disabled.
+#define OptimizationDisabled(db, mask)  (((db)->dbOptFlags&(mask))!=0)
+#define OptimizationEnabled(db, mask)   (((db)->dbOptFlags&(mask))==0)
+#define OptimizationDisabled(db, mask)  0
+#define OptimizationEnabled(db, mask)   1
 ** Possible values for the sqlite.magic field.
@@ -9896,6 +10213,7 @@
 #define SQLITE_MAGIC_SICK     0x4b771290  /* Error and awaiting close */
 #define SQLITE_MAGIC_BUSY     0xf03b7906  /* Database currently in use */
 #define SQLITE_MAGIC_ERROR    0xb5357930  /* An SQLITE_MISUSE error occurred */
+#define SQLITE_MAGIC_ZOMBIE   0x64cffc7f  /* Close with last statement close */
 ** Each SQL function is defined by an instance of the following
@@ -10034,32 +10352,22 @@
   char *zDflt;     /* Original text of the default value */
   char *zType;     /* Data type for this column */
   char *zColl;     /* Collating sequence.  If NULL, use the default */
-  u8 notNull;      /* True if there is a NOT NULL constraint */
-  u8 isPrimKey;    /* True if this column is part of the PRIMARY KEY */
+  u8 notNull;      /* An OE_ code for handling a NOT NULL constraint */
   char affinity;   /* One of the SQLITE_AFF_... values */
-  u8 isHidden;     /* True if this column is 'hidden' */
+  u16 colFlags;    /* Boolean properties.  See COLFLAG_ defines below */
+/* Allowed values for Column.colFlags:
+#define COLFLAG_PRIMKEY  0x0001    /* Column is part of the primary key */
+#define COLFLAG_HIDDEN   0x0002    /* A hidden column in a virtual table */
 ** A "Collating Sequence" is defined by an instance of the following
 ** structure. Conceptually, a collating sequence consists of a name and
 ** a comparison routine that defines the order of that sequence.
-** There may two separate implementations of the collation function, one
-** that processes text in UTF-8 encoding (CollSeq.xCmp) and another that
-** processes text encoded in UTF-16 (CollSeq.xCmp16), using the machine
-** native byte order. When a collation sequence is invoked, SQLite selects
-** the version that will require the least expensive encoding
-** translations, if any.
-** The CollSeq.pUser member variable is an extra parameter that passed in
-** as the first argument to the UTF-8 comparison function, xCmp.
-** CollSeq.pUser16 is the equivalent for the UTF-16 comparison function,
-** xCmp16.
-** If both CollSeq.xCmp and CollSeq.xCmp16 are NULL, it means that the
+** If CollSeq.xCmp is NULL, it means that the
 ** collating sequence is undefined.  Indices built on an undefined
 ** collating sequence may not be read or written.
@@ -10197,28 +10505,28 @@
 struct Table {
   char *zName;         /* Name of the table or view */
-  int iPKey;           /* If not negative, use aCol[iPKey] as the primary key */
-  int nCol;            /* Number of columns in this table */
   Column *aCol;        /* Information about each column */
   Index *pIndex;       /* List of SQL indexes on this table. */
-  int tnum;            /* Root BTree node for this table (see note above) */
-  tRowcnt nRowEst;     /* Estimated rows in table - from sqlite_stat1 table */
   Select *pSelect;     /* NULL for tables.  Points to definition if a view. */
-  u16 nRef;            /* Number of pointers to this Table */
-  u8 tabFlags;         /* Mask of TF_* values */
-  u8 keyConf;          /* What to do in case of uniqueness conflict on iPKey */
   FKey *pFKey;         /* Linked list of all foreign keys in this table */
   char *zColAff;       /* String defining the affinity of each column */
   ExprList *pCheck;    /* All CHECK constraints */
+  tRowcnt nRowEst;     /* Estimated rows in table - from sqlite_stat1 table */
+  int tnum;            /* Root BTree node for this table (see note above) */
+  i16 iPKey;           /* If not negative, use aCol[iPKey] as the primary key */
+  i16 nCol;            /* Number of columns in this table */
+  u16 nRef;            /* Number of pointers to this Table */
+  u8 tabFlags;         /* Mask of TF_* values */
+  u8 keyConf;          /* What to do in case of uniqueness conflict on iPKey */
   int addColOffset;    /* Offset in CREATE TABLE stmt to add a new column */
-  VTable *pVTable;     /* List of VTable objects. */
   int nModuleArg;      /* Number of arguments to the module */
   char **azModuleArg;  /* Text of all module args. [0] is module name */
+  VTable *pVTable;     /* List of VTable objects. */
   Trigger *pTrigger;   /* List of triggers stored in pSchema */
   Schema *pSchema;     /* Schema that contains this table */
@@ -10242,7 +10550,7 @@
 #  define IsVirtual(X)      (((X)->tabFlags & TF_Virtual)!=0)
-#  define IsHiddenColumn(X) ((X)->isHidden)
+#  define IsHiddenColumn(X) (((X)->colFlags & COLFLAG_HIDDEN)!=0)
 #  define IsVirtual(X)      0
 #  define IsHiddenColumn(X) 0
@@ -10395,18 +10703,18 @@
 struct Index {
   char *zName;     /* Name of this index */
   int *aiColumn;   /* Which columns are used by this index.  1st is 0 */
-  tRowcnt *aiRowEst; /* Result of ANALYZE: Est. rows selected by each column */
+  tRowcnt *aiRowEst;       /* From ANALYZE: Est. rows selected by each column */
   Table *pTable;   /* The SQL table being indexed */
   char *zColAff;   /* String defining the affinity of each column */
   Index *pNext;    /* The next index associated with the same table */
   Schema *pSchema; /* Schema containing this index */
-  u8 *aSortOrder;  /* Array of size Index.nColumn. True==DESC, False==ASC */
+  u8 *aSortOrder;          /* for each column: True==DESC, False==ASC */
   char **azColl;   /* Array of collation sequence names for index */
-  int nColumn;     /* Number of columns in the table used by this index */
-  int tnum;        /* Page containing root of this index in database file */
+  int tnum;                /* DB Page containing root of this index */
+  u16 nColumn;             /* Number of columns in table used by this index */
   u8 onError;      /* OE_Abort, OE_Ignore, OE_Replace, or OE_None */
-  u8 autoIndex;    /* True if is automatically created (ex: by UNIQUE) */
-  u8 bUnordered;   /* Use this index for == or IN queries only */
+  unsigned autoIndex:2;    /* 1==UNIQUE, 2==PRIMARY KEY, 0==CREATE INDEX */
+  unsigned bUnordered:1;   /* Use this index for == or IN queries only */
   int nSample;             /* Number of elements in aSample[] */
   tRowcnt avgEq;           /* Average nEq value for key values not in aSample */
@@ -10587,13 +10895,15 @@
     ExprList *pList;     /* Function arguments or in "<expr> IN (<expr-list)" */
     Select *pSelect;     /* Used for sub-selects and "<expr> IN (<select>)" */
   } x;
-  CollSeq *pColl;        /* The collation type of the column or 0 */
   /* If the EP_Reduced flag is set in the Expr.flags mask, then no
   ** space is allocated for the fields below this point. An attempt to
   ** access them will result in a segfault or malfunction.
+  int nHeight;           /* Height of the tree headed by this node */
   int iTable;            /* TK_COLUMN: cursor number of table holding column
                          ** TK_REGISTER: register number
                          ** TK_TRIGGER: 1 -> new, 0 -> old */
@@ -10602,13 +10912,11 @@
   i16 iAgg;              /* Which entry in pAggInfo->aCol[] or ->aFunc[] */
   i16 iRightJoinTable;   /* If EP_FromJoin, the right table of the join */
   u8 flags2;             /* Second set of flags.  EP2_... */
-  u8 op2;                /* If a TK_REGISTER, the original value of Expr.op */
-                         /* If TK_COLUMN, the value of p5 for OP_Column */
+  u8 op2;                /* TK_REGISTER: original value of Expr.op
+                         ** TK_COLUMN: the value of p5 for OP_Column
+                         ** TK_AGG_FUNCTION: nesting depth */
   AggInfo *pAggInfo;     /* Used by TK_AGG_COLUMN and TK_AGG_FUNCTION */
   Table *pTab;           /* Table for TK_COLUMN expressions. */
-  int nHeight;           /* Height of the tree headed by this node */
@@ -10622,7 +10930,7 @@
 #define EP_VarSelect  0x0020  /* pSelect is correlated, not constant */
 #define EP_DblQuoted  0x0040  /* token.z was originally in "..." */
 #define EP_InfixFunc  0x0080  /* True for an infix function: LIKE, GLOB, etc */
-#define EP_ExpCollate 0x0100  /* Collating sequence specified explicitly */
+#define EP_Collate    0x0100  /* Tree contains a TK_COLLATE opeartor */
 #define EP_FixedDest  0x0200  /* Result needed in a specific register */
 #define EP_IntValue   0x0400  /* Integer value contained in u.iValue */
 #define EP_xIsSelect  0x0800  /* x.pSelect is valid (otherwise x.pList is) */
@@ -10680,6 +10988,14 @@
 ** list of "ID = expr" items in an UPDATE.  A list of expressions can
 ** also be used as the argument to a function, in which case the a.zName
 ** field is not used.
+** By default the Expr.zSpan field holds a human-readable description of
+** the expression that is used in the generation of error messages and
+** column labels.  In this case, Expr.zSpan is typically the text of a
+** column expression as it exists in a SELECT statement.  However, if
+** the bSpanIsTab flag is set, then zSpan is overloaded to mean the name
+** of the result column in the form: DATABASE.TABLE.COLUMN.  This later
+** form is used for name resolution with nested FROM clauses.
 struct ExprList {
   int nExpr;             /* Number of expressions on the list */
@@ -10689,7 +11005,8 @@
     char *zName;           /* Token associated with this expression */
     char *zSpan;           /* Original text of the expression */
     u8 sortOrder;          /* 1 for DESC or 0 for ASC */
-    u8 done;               /* A flag to indicate when processing is finished */
+    unsigned done :1;       /* A flag to indicate when processing is finished */
+    unsigned bSpanIsTab :1; /* zSpan holds DB.TABLE.COLUMN */
     u16 iOrderByCol;       /* For ORDER BY, column number in result set */
     u16 iAlias;            /* Index into Parse.aAlias[] for zName */
   } *a;                  /* Alloc a power of two greater or equal to nExpr */
@@ -10766,6 +11083,7 @@
   i16 nSrc;        /* Number of tables or subqueries in the FROM clause */
   i16 nAlloc;      /* Number of entries allocated in a[] below */
   struct SrcList_item {
+    Schema *pSchema;  /* Schema to which this item is fixed */
     char *zDatabase;  /* Name of database holding this table */
     char *zName;      /* Name of the table */
     char *zAlias;     /* The "B" part of a "A AS B" phrase.  zName is the "A" */
@@ -10774,8 +11092,9 @@
     int addrFillSub;  /* Address of subroutine to manifest a subquery */
     int regReturn;    /* Register holding return address of addrFillSub */
     u8 jointype;      /* Type of join between this able and the previous */
-    u8 notIndexed;    /* True if there is a NOT INDEXED clause */
-    u8 isCorrelated;  /* True if sub-query is correlated */
+    unsigned notIndexed :1;    /* True if there is a NOT INDEXED clause */
+    unsigned isCorrelated :1;  /* True if sub-query is correlated */
+    unsigned viaCoroutine :1;  /* Implemented as a co-routine */
     u8 iSelectId;     /* If pSelect!=0, the id of the sub-select in EQP */
@@ -10816,7 +11135,8 @@
 struct WherePlan {
   u32 wsFlags;                   /* WHERE_* flags that describe the strategy */
-  u32 nEq;                       /* Number of == constraints */
+  u16 nEq;                       /* Number of == constraints */
+  u16 nOBSat;                    /* Number of ORDER BY terms satisfied */
   double nRow;                   /* Estimated number of rows (for EQP) */
   union {
     Index *pIdx;                   /* Index when WHERE_INDEXED is true */
@@ -10828,7 +11148,7 @@
 ** For each nested loop in a WHERE clause implementation, the WhereInfo
 ** structure contains a single instance of this structure.  This structure
-** is intended to be private the the where.c module and should not be
+** is intended to be private to the where.c module and should not be
 ** access or modified by other modules.
 ** The pIdxInfo field is used to help pick the best index on a
@@ -10856,9 +11176,12 @@
       struct InLoop {
         int iCur;              /* The VDBE cursor used by this IN operator */
         int addrInTop;         /* Top of the IN loop */
+        u8 eEndLoopOp;         /* IN Loop terminator. OP_Next or OP_Prev */
       } *aInLoop;           /* Information about each nested IN operator */
     } in;                 /* Used when plan.wsFlags&WHERE_IN_ABLE */
+    Index *pCovidx;       /* Possible covering index for WHERE_MULTI_OR */
   } u;
+  double rOptCost;      /* "Optimal" cost for this level */
   /* The following field is really not part of the current level.  But
   ** we need a place to cache virtual table index information for each
@@ -10892,11 +11215,12 @@
 struct WhereInfo {
   Parse *pParse;       /* Parsing and code generating context */
+  SrcList *pTabList;        /* List of tables in the join */
+  u16 nOBSat;               /* Number of ORDER BY terms satisfied by indices */
   u16 wctrlFlags;      /* Flags originally passed to sqlite3WhereBegin() */
-  u8 okOnePass;        /* Ok to use one-pass algorithm for UPDATE or DELETE */
+  u8 okOnePass;             /* Ok to use one-pass algorithm for UPDATE/DELETE */
   u8 untestedTerms;    /* Not all WHERE terms resolved by outer loop */
-  u8 eDistinct;
-  SrcList *pTabList;             /* List of tables in the join */
+  u8 eDistinct;             /* One of the WHERE_DISTINCT_* values below */
   int iTop;                      /* The very beginning of the WHERE loop */
   int iContinue;                 /* Jump here to continue with next record */
   int iBreak;                    /* Jump here to break out of the loop */
@@ -10907,8 +11231,11 @@
   WhereLevel a[1];               /* Information about each nest loop in WHERE */
+/* Allowed values for WhereInfo.eDistinct and DistinctCtx.eTnctType */
+#define WHERE_DISTINCT_NOOP      0  /* DISTINCT keyword not used */
+#define WHERE_DISTINCT_UNIQUE    1  /* No duplicates */
+#define WHERE_DISTINCT_ORDERED   2  /* All duplicates are adjacent */
+#define WHERE_DISTINCT_UNORDERED 3  /* Duplicates are scattered */
 ** A NameContext defines a context in which to resolve table and column
@@ -10949,6 +11276,8 @@
 #define NC_HasAgg    0x02    /* One or more aggregate functions seen */
 #define NC_IsCheck   0x04    /* True if resolving names in a CHECK constraint */
 #define NC_InAggFunc 0x08    /* True if analyzing arguments to an agg func */
+#define NC_AsMaybe   0x10    /* Resolve to AS terms of the result set only
+                             ** if no other resolution is available */
 ** An instance of the following structure contains all information
@@ -10967,13 +11296,12 @@
 ** as the OP_OpenEphm instruction is coded because not
 ** enough information about the compound query is known at that point.
 ** The KeyInfo for addrOpenTran[0] and [1] contains collating sequences
-** for the result set.  The KeyInfo for addrOpenTran[2] contains collating
+** for the result set.  The KeyInfo for addrOpenEphm[2] contains collating
 ** sequences for the ORDER BY clause.
 struct Select {
   ExprList *pEList;      /* The fields of the result */
   u8 op;                 /* One of: TK_UNION TK_ALL TK_INTERSECT TK_EXCEPT */
-  char affinity;         /* MakeRecord with this affinity for SRT_Set */
   u16 selFlags;          /* Various SF_* values */
   int iLimit, iOffset;   /* Memory registers holding LIMIT & OFFSET counters */
   int addrOpenEphm[3];   /* OP_OpenEphem opcodes related to this select */
@@ -10994,14 +11322,16 @@
 ** Allowed values for Select.selFlags.  The "SF" prefix stands for
 ** "Select Flag".
-#define SF_Distinct        0x01  /* Output should be DISTINCT */
-#define SF_Resolved        0x02  /* Identifiers have been resolved */
-#define SF_Aggregate       0x04  /* Contains aggregate functions */
-#define SF_UsesEphemeral   0x08  /* Uses the OpenEphemeral opcode */
-#define SF_Expanded        0x10  /* sqlite3SelectExpand() called on this */
-#define SF_HasTypeInfo     0x20  /* FROM subqueries have Table metadata */
-#define SF_UseSorter       0x40  /* Sort using a sorter */
-#define SF_Values          0x80  /* Synthesized from VALUES clause */
+#define SF_Distinct        0x0001  /* Output should be DISTINCT */
+#define SF_Resolved        0x0002  /* Identifiers have been resolved */
+#define SF_Aggregate       0x0004  /* Contains aggregate functions */
+#define SF_UsesEphemeral   0x0008  /* Uses the OpenEphemeral opcode */
+#define SF_Expanded        0x0010  /* sqlite3SelectExpand() called on this */
+#define SF_HasTypeInfo     0x0020  /* FROM subqueries have Table metadata */
+#define SF_UseSorter       0x0040  /* Sort using a sorter */
+#define SF_Values          0x0080  /* Synthesized from VALUES clause */
+#define SF_Materialize     0x0100  /* Force materialization of views */
+#define SF_NestedFrom      0x0200  /* Part of a parenthesized FROM clause */
@@ -11024,16 +11354,15 @@
 #define SRT_Coroutine   10  /* Generate a single row of result */
-** A structure used to customize the behavior of sqlite3Select(). See
-** comments above sqlite3Select() for details.
+** An instance of this object describes where to put of the results of
+** a SELECT statement.
-typedef struct SelectDest SelectDest;
 struct SelectDest {
-  u8 eDest;         /* How to dispose of the results */
-  u8 affinity;      /* Affinity used when eDest==SRT_Set */
-  int iParm;        /* A parameter used by the eDest disposal method */
-  int iMem;         /* Base register where results are written */
-  int nMem;         /* Number of registers allocated */
+  u8 eDest;         /* How to dispose of the results.  On of SRT_* above. */
+  char affSdst;     /* Affinity used when eDest==SRT_Set */
+  int iSDParm;      /* A parameter used by the eDest disposal method */
+  int iSdst;        /* Base register where results are written */
+  int nSdst;        /* Number of registers allocated */
@@ -11229,6 +11558,9 @@
 #define OPFLAG_CLEARCACHE    0x20    /* Clear pseudo-table cache in OP_Column */
 #define OPFLAG_LENGTHARG     0x40    /* OP_Column only used for length() */
 #define OPFLAG_TYPEOFARG     0x80    /* OP_Column only used for typeof() */
+#define OPFLAG_BULKCSR       0x01    /* OP_Open** used to open bulk cursor */
+#define OPFLAG_P2ISREG       0x02    /* P2 to OP_Open** is a register number */
+#define OPFLAG_PERMUTE       0x01    /* OP_Compare: use the permutation */
  * Each trigger present in the database schema is stored as an instance of
@@ -11328,6 +11660,7 @@
 typedef struct DbFixer DbFixer;
 struct DbFixer {
   Parse *pParse;      /* The parsing context.  Error messages written here */
+  Schema *pSchema;    /* Fix items to this schema */
   const char *zDb;    /* Make sure all objects are contained in this database */
   const char *zType;  /* Type of the container - used for error messages */
   const Token *pName; /* Name of the container - used for error messages */
@@ -11370,6 +11703,7 @@
   int bCoreMutex;                   /* True to enable core mutexing */
   int bFullMutex;                   /* True to enable full mutexing */
   int bOpenUri;                     /* True to interpret filenames as URIs */
+  int bUseCis;                      /* Use covering indices for full-scans */
   int mxStrlen;                     /* Maximum string length */
   int szLookaside;                  /* Default lookaside buffer size */
   int nLookaside;                   /* Default lookaside buffer count */
@@ -11379,6 +11713,8 @@
   void *pHeap;                      /* Heap storage space */
   int nHeap;                        /* Size of pHeap[] */
   int mnReq, mxReq;                 /* Min and max heap requests sizes */
+  sqlite3_int64 szMmap;             /* mmap() space per open file */
+  sqlite3_int64 mxMmap;             /* Maximum value for szMmap */
   void *pScratch;                   /* Scratch memory */
   int szScratch;                    /* Size of each scratch buffer */
   int nScratch;                     /* Number of scratch buffers */
@@ -11399,6 +11735,10 @@
   void (*xLog)(void*,int,const char*); /* Function for logging */
   void *pLogArg;                       /* First argument to xLog() */
   int bLocaltimeFault;              /* True to fail localtime() calls */
+  void(*xSqllog)(void*,sqlite3*,const char*, int);
+  void *pSqllogArg;
@@ -11408,10 +11748,13 @@
   int (*xExprCallback)(Walker*, Expr*);     /* Callback for expressions */
   int (*xSelectCallback)(Walker*,Select*);  /* Callback for SELECTs */
   Parse *pParse;                            /* Parser context.  */
+  int walkerDepth;                          /* Number of subqueries */
+  u8 bSelectDepthFirst;                     /* Do subqueries first */
   union {                                   /* Extra data for callback */
     NameContext *pNC;                          /* Naming context */
     int i;                                     /* Integer value */
     SrcList *pSrcList;                         /* FROM clause */
+    struct SrcCount *pSrcCount;                /* Counting column references */
   } u;
@@ -11631,7 +11974,9 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Init(sqlite3*, char**);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3InitCallback(void*, int, char**, char**);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Pragma(Parse*,Token*,Token*,Token*,int);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(sqlite3*, int);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ResetAllSchemasOfConnection(sqlite3*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ResetOneSchema(sqlite3*,int);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CollapseDatabaseArray(sqlite3*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BeginParse(Parse*,int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CommitInternalChanges(sqlite3*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE Table *sqlite3ResultSetOfSelect(Parse*,Select*);
@@ -11682,6 +12027,7 @@
 # define sqlite3AutoincrementBegin(X)
 # define sqlite3AutoincrementEnd(X)
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CodeCoroutine(Parse*, Select*, SelectDest*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Insert(Parse*, SrcList*, ExprList*, Select*, IdList*, int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3ArrayAllocate(sqlite3*,void*,int,int*,int*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE IdList *sqlite3IdListAppend(sqlite3*, IdList*, Token*);
@@ -11701,22 +12047,21 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3DropIndex(Parse*, SrcList*, int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Select(Parse*, Select*, SelectDest*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE Select *sqlite3SelectNew(Parse*,ExprList*,SrcList*,Expr*,ExprList*,
-                         Expr*,ExprList*,int,Expr*,Expr*);
+                         Expr*,ExprList*,u16,Expr*,Expr*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SelectDelete(sqlite3*, Select*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE Table *sqlite3SrcListLookup(Parse*, SrcList*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3IsReadOnly(Parse*, Table*, int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3OpenTable(Parse*, int iCur, int iDb, Table*, int);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3LimitWhere(Parse *, SrcList *, Expr *, ExprList *, Expr *, Expr *, char *);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3LimitWhere(Parse*,SrcList*,Expr*,ExprList*,Expr*,Expr*,char*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3DeleteFrom(Parse*, SrcList*, Expr*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Update(Parse*, SrcList*, ExprList*, Expr*, int);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE WhereInfo *sqlite3WhereBegin(Parse*, SrcList*, Expr*, ExprList**,ExprList*,u16);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE WhereInfo *sqlite3WhereBegin(Parse*,SrcList*,Expr*,ExprList*,ExprList*,u16,int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WhereEnd(WhereInfo*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumn(Parse*, Table*, int, int, int, u8);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(Vdbe*, Table*, int, int, int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeMove(Parse*, int, int, int);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeCopy(Parse*, int, int, int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCacheStore(Parse*, int, int, int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCachePush(Parse*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCachePop(Parse*, int);
@@ -11733,6 +12078,7 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprIfFalse(Parse*, Expr*, int, int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE Table *sqlite3FindTable(sqlite3*,const char*, const char*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE Table *sqlite3LocateTable(Parse*,int isView,const char*, const char*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE Table *sqlite3LocateTableItem(Parse*,int isView,struct SrcList_item *);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE Index *sqlite3FindIndex(sqlite3*,const char*, const char*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3UnlinkAndDeleteTable(sqlite3*,int,const char*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3UnlinkAndDeleteIndex(sqlite3*,int,const char*);
@@ -11743,6 +12089,7 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprListCompare(ExprList*, ExprList*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprAnalyzeAggregates(NameContext*, Expr*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprAnalyzeAggList(NameContext*,ExprList*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3FunctionUsesThisSrc(Expr*, SrcList*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE Vdbe *sqlite3GetVdbe(Parse*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PrngSaveState(void);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PrngRestoreState(void);
@@ -11755,6 +12102,7 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3RollbackTransaction(Parse*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Savepoint(Parse*, int, Token*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CloseSavepoints(sqlite3 *);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3LeaveMutexAndCloseZombie(sqlite3*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprIsConstant(Expr*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprIsConstantNotJoin(Expr*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ExprIsConstantOrFunction(Expr*);
@@ -11773,7 +12121,7 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(Parse*, int, int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3MultiWrite(Parse*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3MayAbort(Parse*);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3HaltConstraint(Parse*, int, char*, int);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3HaltConstraint(Parse*, int, int, char*, int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprDup(sqlite3*,Expr*,int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE ExprList *sqlite3ExprListDup(sqlite3*,ExprList*,int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE SrcList *sqlite3SrcListDup(sqlite3*,SrcList*,int);
@@ -11854,7 +12202,7 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Atoi(const char*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Utf16ByteLen(const void *pData, int nChar);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Utf8CharLen(const char *pData, int nByte);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE u32 sqlite3Utf8Read(const u8*, const u8**);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE u32 sqlite3Utf8Read(const u8**);
 ** Routines to read and write variable-length integers.  These used to
@@ -11886,8 +12234,11 @@
 **     x = putVarint32( A, B );
-#define getVarint32(A,B)  (u8)((*(A)<(u8)0x80) ? ((B) = (u32)*(A)),1 : sqlite3GetVarint32((A), (u32 *)&(B)))
-#define putVarint32(A,B)  (u8)(((u32)(B)<(u32)0x80) ? (*(A) = (unsigned char)(B)),1 : sqlite3PutVarint32((A), (B)))
+#define getVarint32(A,B)  \
+  (u8)((*(A)<(u8)0x80)?((B)=(u32)*(A)),1:sqlite3GetVarint32((A),(u32 *)&(B)))
+#define putVarint32(A,B)  \
+  (u8)(((u32)(B)<(u32)0x80)?(*(A)=(unsigned char)(B)),1:\
+  sqlite3PutVarint32((A),(B)))
 #define getVarint    sqlite3GetVarint
 #define putVarint    sqlite3PutVarint
@@ -11902,13 +12253,20 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3HexToBlob(sqlite3*, const char *z, int n);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE u8 sqlite3HexToInt(int h);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3TwoPartName(Parse *, Token *, Token *, Token **);
+#if defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) || defined(SQLITE_TEST) || \
+SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3ErrName(int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3ErrStr(int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ReadSchema(Parse *pParse);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3FindCollSeq(sqlite3*,u8 enc, const char*,int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3LocateCollSeq(Parse *pParse, const char*zName);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3ExprCollSeq(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprSetColl(Expr*, CollSeq*);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprSetCollByToken(Parse *pParse, Expr*, Token*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprAddCollateToken(Parse *pParse, Expr*, Token*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprAddCollateString(Parse*,Expr*,const char*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprSkipCollate(Expr*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CheckCollSeq(Parse *, CollSeq *);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CheckObjectName(Parse *, const char *);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeSetChanges(sqlite3 *, int);
@@ -11955,13 +12313,14 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExpirePreparedStatements(sqlite3*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CodeSubselect(Parse *, Expr *, int, int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SelectPrep(Parse*, Select*, NameContext*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3MatchSpanName(const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ResolveExprNames(NameContext*, Expr*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ResolveSelectNames(Parse*, Select*, NameContext*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ResolveOrderGroupBy(Parse*, Select*, ExprList*, const char*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ColumnDefault(Vdbe *, Table *, int, int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AlterFinishAddColumn(Parse *, Token *);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3AlterBeginAddColumn(Parse *, SrcList *);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3GetCollSeq(sqlite3*, u8, CollSeq *, const char*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3GetCollSeq(Parse*, u8, CollSeq *, const char*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE char sqlite3AffinityType(const char*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Analyze(Parse*, Token*, Token*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3InvokeBusyHandler(BusyHandler*);
@@ -12036,6 +12395,7 @@
 #  define sqlite3GetVTable(X,Y)  ((VTable*)0)
 SQLITE_PRIVATE    void sqlite3VtabClear(sqlite3 *db, Table*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE    void sqlite3VtabDisconnect(sqlite3 *db, Table *p);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE    int sqlite3VtabSync(sqlite3 *db, char **);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE    int sqlite3VtabRollback(sqlite3 *db);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE    int sqlite3VtabCommit(sqlite3 *db);
@@ -12064,8 +12424,10 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(Parse *, Expr *, Expr *);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3TempInMemory(const sqlite3*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3JournalModename(int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Checkpoint(sqlite3*, int, int, int*, int*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalDefaultHook(void*,sqlite3*,const char*,int);
 /* Declarations for functions in fkey.c. All of these are replaced by
 ** no-op macros if OMIT_FOREIGN_KEY is defined. In this case no foreign
@@ -12090,8 +12452,10 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE   void sqlite3FkDelete(sqlite3 *, Table*);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE   int sqlite3FkLocateIndex(Parse*,Table*,FKey*,Index**,int**);
   #define sqlite3FkDelete(a,b)
+  #define sqlite3FkLocateIndex(a,b,c,d,e)
@@ -12116,15 +12480,18 @@
 #define IN_INDEX_ROWID           1
 #define IN_INDEX_EPH             2
-#define IN_INDEX_INDEX           3
+#define IN_INDEX_INDEX_ASC       3
+#define IN_INDEX_INDEX_DESC      4
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3FindInIndex(Parse *, Expr *, int*);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE   int sqlite3JournalOpen(sqlite3_vfs *, const char *, sqlite3_file *, int, int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE   int sqlite3JournalSize(sqlite3_vfs *);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE   int sqlite3JournalCreate(sqlite3_file *);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE   int sqlite3JournalExists(sqlite3_file *p);
   #define sqlite3JournalSize(pVfs) ((pVfs)->szOsFile)
+  #define sqlite3JournalExists(p) 1
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3MemJournalOpen(sqlite3_file *);
@@ -12353,6 +12720,10 @@
 # define  SQLITE_USE_URI 0
 ** The following singleton contains the global configuration for
 ** the SQLite library.
@@ -12362,6 +12733,7 @@
    1,                         /* bCoreMutex */
    SQLITE_THREADSAFE==1,      /* bFullMutex */
    SQLITE_USE_URI,            /* bOpenUri */
    0x7ffffffe,                /* mxStrlen */
    128,                       /* szLookaside */
    500,                       /* nLookaside */
@@ -12371,6 +12743,8 @@
    (void*)0,                  /* pHeap */
    0,                         /* nHeap */
    0, 0,                      /* mnHeap, mxHeap */
+   SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE,      /* mxMmap */
    (void*)0,                  /* pScratch */
    0,                         /* szScratch */
    0,                         /* nScratch */
@@ -12390,6 +12764,10 @@
    0,                         /* xLog */
    0,                         /* pLogArg */
    0,                         /* bLocaltimeFault */
+   0,                         /* xSqllog */
+   0                          /* pSqllogArg */
@@ -12496,6 +12874,9 @@
@@ -12586,6 +12967,9 @@
+#if defined(SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE) && !defined(SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE_xc)
@@ -12643,11 +13027,6 @@
-/* // redundant
-** #endif
@@ -12702,9 +13081,6 @@
@@ -12777,6 +13153,9 @@
@@ -12789,13 +13168,13 @@
 #ifdef SQLITE_TCL
+#if defined(SQLITE_TEMP_STORE) && !defined(SQLITE_TEMP_STORE_xc)
@@ -12821,8 +13200,11 @@
   /* Since ArraySize(azCompileOpt) is normally in single digits, a
   ** linear search is adequate.  No need for a binary search. */
   for(i=0; i<ArraySize(azCompileOpt); i++){
-    if(   (sqlite3StrNICmp(zOptName, azCompileOpt[i], n)==0)
-       && ( (azCompileOpt[i][n]==0) || (azCompileOpt[i][n]=='=') ) ) return 1;
+    if( sqlite3StrNICmp(zOptName, azCompileOpt[i], n)==0
+     && sqlite3CtypeMap[(unsigned char)azCompileOpt[i][n]]==0
+    ){
+      return 1;
+    }
   return 0;
@@ -12880,6 +13262,14 @@
 #define _VDBEINT_H_
+** The maximum number of times that a statement will try to reparse
+** itself before giving up and returning SQLITE_SCHEMA.
 ** SQL is translated into a sequence of instructions to be
 ** executed by a virtual machine.  Each instruction is an instance
 ** of the following structure.
@@ -12924,6 +13314,7 @@
   Bool isIndex;         /* True if an index containing keys only - no data */
   Bool isOrdered;       /* True if the underlying table is BTREE_UNORDERED */
   Bool isSorter;        /* True if a new-style sorter */
+  Bool multiPseudo;     /* Multi-register pseudo-cursor */
   sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVtabCursor;  /* The cursor for a virtual table */
   const sqlite3_module *pModule;     /* Module for cursor pVtabCursor */
   i64 seqCount;         /* Sequence counter */
@@ -12983,7 +13374,7 @@
   VdbeCursor **apCsr;     /* Array of Vdbe cursors for parent frame */
   void *token;            /* Copy of SubProgram.token */
   i64 lastRowid;          /* Last insert rowid (sqlite3.lastRowid) */
-  u16 nCursor;            /* Number of entries in apCsr */
+  int nCursor;            /* Number of entries in apCsr */
   int pc;                 /* Program Counter in parent (calling) frame */
   int nOp;                /* Size of aOp array */
   int nMem;               /* Number of entries in aMem */
@@ -13048,7 +13439,9 @@
 #define MEM_RowSet    0x0020   /* Value is a RowSet object */
 #define MEM_Frame     0x0040   /* Value is a VdbeFrame object */
 #define MEM_Invalid   0x0080   /* Value is undefined */
-#define MEM_TypeMask  0x00ff   /* Mask of type bits */
+#define MEM_Cleared   0x0100   /* NULL set by OP_Null, not from data */
+#define MEM_TypeMask  0x01ff   /* Mask of type bits */
 /* Whenever Mem contains a valid string or blob representation, one of
 ** the following flags must be set to determine the memory management
@@ -13134,6 +13527,11 @@
   char zBase[100];   /* Initial space */
+/* A bitfield type for use inside of structures.  Always follow with :N where
+** N is the number of bits.
+typedef unsigned bft;  /* Bit Field Type */
 ** An instance of the virtual machine.  This structure contains the complete
 ** state of the virtual machine.
@@ -13162,7 +13560,7 @@
   int nLabel;             /* Number of labels used */
   int *aLabel;            /* Space to hold the labels */
   u16 nResColumn;         /* Number of columns in one row of the result set */
-  u16 nCursor;            /* Number of slots in apCsr[] */
+  int nCursor;            /* Number of slots in apCsr[] */
   u32 magic;              /* Magic number for sanity checking */
   char *zErrMsg;          /* Error message written here */
   Vdbe *pPrev,*pNext;     /* Linked list of VDBEs with the same Vdbe.db */
@@ -13175,15 +13573,16 @@
   int pc;                 /* The program counter */
   int rc;                 /* Value to return */
   u8 errorAction;         /* Recovery action to do in case of an error */
-  u8 explain;             /* True if EXPLAIN present on SQL command */
-  u8 changeCntOn;         /* True to update the change-counter */
-  u8 expired;             /* True if the VM needs to be recompiled */
-  u8 runOnlyOnce;         /* Automatically expire on reset */
   u8 minWriteFileFormat;  /* Minimum file format for writable database files */
-  u8 inVtabMethod;        /* See comments above */
-  u8 usesStmtJournal;     /* True if uses a statement journal */
-  u8 readOnly;            /* True for read-only statements */
-  u8 isPrepareV2;         /* True if prepared with prepare_v2() */
+  bft explain:2;          /* True if EXPLAIN present on SQL command */
+  bft inVtabMethod:2;     /* See comments above */
+  bft changeCntOn:1;      /* True to update the change-counter */
+  bft expired:1;          /* True if the VM needs to be recompiled */
+  bft runOnlyOnce:1;      /* Automatically expire on reset */
+  bft usesStmtJournal:1;  /* True if uses a statement journal */
+  bft readOnly:1;         /* True for read-only statements */
+  bft isPrepareV2:1;      /* True if prepared with prepare_v2() */
+  bft doingRerun:1;       /* True if rerunning after an auto-reprepare */
   int nChange;            /* Number of db changes made since last reset */
   yDbMask btreeMask;      /* Bitmask of db->aDb[] entries referenced */
   yDbMask lockMask;       /* Subset of btreeMask that requires a lock */
@@ -13281,23 +13680,13 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMemStoreType(Mem *pMem);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeTransferError(Vdbe *p);
-# define sqlite3VdbeSorterInit(Y,Z)      SQLITE_OK
-# define sqlite3VdbeSorterWrite(X,Y,Z)   SQLITE_OK
-# define sqlite3VdbeSorterClose(Y,Z)
-# define sqlite3VdbeSorterRowkey(Y,Z)    SQLITE_OK
-# define sqlite3VdbeSorterRewind(X,Y,Z)  SQLITE_OK
-# define sqlite3VdbeSorterNext(X,Y,Z)    SQLITE_OK
-# define sqlite3VdbeSorterCompare(X,Y,Z) SQLITE_OK
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterInit(sqlite3 *, VdbeCursor *);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeSorterClose(sqlite3 *, VdbeCursor *);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterRowkey(VdbeCursor *, Mem *);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterNext(sqlite3 *, VdbeCursor *, int *);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterRewind(sqlite3 *, VdbeCursor *, int *);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterWrite(sqlite3 *, VdbeCursor *, Mem *);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterCompare(VdbeCursor *, Mem *, int *);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterRowkey(const VdbeCursor *, Mem *);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterNext(sqlite3 *, const VdbeCursor *, int *);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterRewind(sqlite3 *, const VdbeCursor *, int *);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterWrite(sqlite3 *, const VdbeCursor *, Mem *);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterCompare(const VdbeCursor *, Mem *, int *);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE   void sqlite3VdbeEnter(Vdbe*);
@@ -13529,7 +13918,8 @@
       db->pnBytesFreed = &nByte;
       for(pVdbe=db->pVdbe; pVdbe; pVdbe=pVdbe->pNext){
-        sqlite3VdbeDeleteObject(db, pVdbe);
+        sqlite3VdbeClearObject(db, pVdbe);
+        sqlite3DbFree(db, pVdbe);
       db->pnBytesFreed = 0;
@@ -14845,6 +15235,26 @@
   return id->pMethods->xShmMap(id, iPage, pgsz, bExtend, pp);
+/* The real implementation of xFetch and xUnfetch */
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsFetch(sqlite3_file *id, i64 iOff, int iAmt, void **pp){
+  return id->pMethods->xFetch(id, iOff, iAmt, pp);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsUnfetch(sqlite3_file *id, i64 iOff, void *p){
+  return id->pMethods->xUnfetch(id, iOff, p);
+/* No-op stubs to use when memory-mapped I/O is disabled */
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsFetch(sqlite3_file *id, i64 iOff, int iAmt, void **pp){
+  *pp = 0;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsUnfetch(sqlite3_file *id, i64 iOff, void *p){
+  return SQLITE_OK;
 ** The next group of routines are convenience wrappers around the
 ** VFS methods.
@@ -17656,282 +18066,6 @@
 #endif /* !defined(SQLITE_MUTEX_OMIT) */
 /************** End of mutex_noop.c ******************************************/
-/************** Begin file mutex_os2.c ***************************************/
-** 2007 August 28
-** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
-** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
-**    May you do good and not evil.
-**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
-**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-** This file contains the C functions that implement mutexes for OS/2
-** The code in this file is only used if SQLITE_MUTEX_OS2 is defined.
-** See the mutex.h file for details.
-/********************** OS/2 Mutex Implementation **********************
-** This implementation of mutexes is built using the OS/2 API.
-** The mutex object
-** Each recursive mutex is an instance of the following structure.
-struct sqlite3_mutex {
-  HMTX mutex;       /* Mutex controlling the lock */
-  int  id;          /* Mutex type */
- int   trace;       /* True to trace changes */
-#define SQLITE3_MUTEX_INITIALIZER { 0, 0, 0 }
-** Initialize and deinitialize the mutex subsystem.
-static int os2MutexInit(void){ return SQLITE_OK; }
-static int os2MutexEnd(void){ return SQLITE_OK; }
-** The sqlite3_mutex_alloc() routine allocates a new
-** mutex and returns a pointer to it.  If it returns NULL
-** that means that a mutex could not be allocated. 
-** SQLite will unwind its stack and return an error.  The argument
-** to sqlite3_mutex_alloc() is one of these integer constants:
-** <ul>
-** </ul>
-** The first two constants cause sqlite3_mutex_alloc() to create
-** a new mutex.  The new mutex is recursive when SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE
-** is used but not necessarily so when SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST is used.
-** The mutex implementation does not need to make a distinction
-** not want to.  But SQLite will only request a recursive mutex in
-** cases where it really needs one.  If a faster non-recursive mutex
-** implementation is available on the host platform, the mutex subsystem
-** might return such a mutex in response to SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST.
-** The other allowed parameters to sqlite3_mutex_alloc() each return
-** a pointer to a static preexisting mutex.  Six static mutexes are
-** used by the current version of SQLite.  Future versions of SQLite
-** may add additional static mutexes.  Static mutexes are for internal
-** use by SQLite only.  Applications that use SQLite mutexes should
-** use only the dynamic mutexes returned by SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST or
-** Note that if one of the dynamic mutex parameters (SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST
-** or SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE) is used then sqlite3_mutex_alloc()
-** returns a different mutex on every call.  But for the static
-** mutex types, the same mutex is returned on every call that has
-** the same type number.
-static sqlite3_mutex *os2MutexAlloc(int iType){
-  sqlite3_mutex *p = NULL;
-  switch( iType ){
-      p = sqlite3MallocZero( sizeof(*p) );
-      if( p ){
-        p->id = iType;
-        if( DosCreateMutexSem( 0, &p->mutex, 0, FALSE ) != NO_ERROR ){
-          sqlite3_free( p );
-          p = NULL;
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    default: {
-      static volatile int isInit = 0;
-      static sqlite3_mutex staticMutexes[6] = {
-      };
-      if ( !isInit ){
-        APIRET rc;
-        PTIB ptib;
-        PPIB ppib;
-        HMTX mutex;
-        char name[32];
-        DosGetInfoBlocks( &ptib, &ppib );
-        sqlite3_snprintf( sizeof(name), name, "\\SEM32\\SQLITE%04x",
-                          ppib->pib_ulpid );
-        while( !isInit ){
-          mutex = 0;
-          rc = DosCreateMutexSem( name, &mutex, 0, FALSE);
-          if( rc == NO_ERROR ){
-            unsigned int i;
-            if( !isInit ){
-              for( i = 0; i < sizeof(staticMutexes)/sizeof(staticMutexes[0]); i++ ){
-                DosCreateMutexSem( 0, &staticMutexes[i].mutex, 0, FALSE );
-              }
-              isInit = 1;
-            }
-            DosCloseMutexSem( mutex );
-          }else if( rc == ERROR_DUPLICATE_NAME ){
-            DosSleep( 1 );
-          }else{
-            return p;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      assert( iType-2 >= 0 );
-      assert( iType-2 < sizeof(staticMutexes)/sizeof(staticMutexes[0]) );
-      p = &staticMutexes[iType-2];
-      p->id = iType;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  return p;
-** This routine deallocates a previously allocated mutex.
-** SQLite is careful to deallocate every mutex that it allocates.
-static void os2MutexFree(sqlite3_mutex *p){
-  TID tid;
-  PID pid;
-  ULONG ulCount;
-  DosQueryMutexSem(p->mutex, &pid, &tid, &ulCount);
-  assert( ulCount==0 );
-  assert( p->id==SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST || p->id==SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE );
-  DosCloseMutexSem( p->mutex );
-  sqlite3_free( p );
-** The sqlite3_mutex_held() and sqlite3_mutex_notheld() routine are
-** intended for use inside assert() statements.
-static int os2MutexHeld(sqlite3_mutex *p){
-  TID tid;
-  PID pid;
-  ULONG ulCount;
-  PTIB ptib;
-  DosQueryMutexSem(p->mutex, &pid, &tid, &ulCount);
-  if( ulCount==0 || ( ulCount>1 && p->id!=SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE ) )
-    return 0;
-  DosGetInfoBlocks(&ptib, NULL);
-  return tid==ptib->tib_ptib2->tib2_ultid;
-static int os2MutexNotheld(sqlite3_mutex *p){
-  TID tid;
-  PID pid;
-  ULONG ulCount;
-  PTIB ptib;
-  DosQueryMutexSem(p->mutex, &pid, &tid, &ulCount);
-  if( ulCount==0 )
-    return 1;
-  DosGetInfoBlocks(&ptib, NULL);
-  return tid!=ptib->tib_ptib2->tib2_ultid;
-static void os2MutexTrace(sqlite3_mutex *p, char *pAction){
-  TID   tid;
-  PID   pid;
-  ULONG ulCount;
-  DosQueryMutexSem(p->mutex, &pid, &tid, &ulCount);
-  printf("%s mutex %p (%d) with nRef=%ld\n", pAction, (void*)p, p->trace, ulCount);
-** The sqlite3_mutex_enter() and sqlite3_mutex_try() routines attempt
-** to enter a mutex.  If another thread is already within the mutex,
-** sqlite3_mutex_enter() will block and sqlite3_mutex_try() will return
-** SQLITE_BUSY.  The sqlite3_mutex_try() interface returns SQLITE_OK
-** upon successful entry.  Mutexes created using SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE can
-** be entered multiple times by the same thread.  In such cases the,
-** mutex must be exited an equal number of times before another thread
-** can enter.  If the same thread tries to enter any other kind of mutex
-** more than once, the behavior is undefined.
-static void os2MutexEnter(sqlite3_mutex *p){
-  assert( p->id==SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE || os2MutexNotheld(p) );
-  DosRequestMutexSem(p->mutex, SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT);
-  if( p->trace ) os2MutexTrace(p, "enter");
-static int os2MutexTry(sqlite3_mutex *p){
-  int rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
-  assert( p->id==SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE || os2MutexNotheld(p) );
-  if( DosRequestMutexSem(p->mutex, SEM_IMMEDIATE_RETURN) == NO_ERROR ) {
-    rc = SQLITE_OK;
-    if( p->trace ) os2MutexTrace(p, "try");
-  }
-  return rc;
-** The sqlite3_mutex_leave() routine exits a mutex that was
-** previously entered by the same thread.  The behavior
-** is undefined if the mutex is not currently entered or
-** is not currently allocated.  SQLite will never do either.
-static void os2MutexLeave(sqlite3_mutex *p){
-  assert( os2MutexHeld(p) );
-  DosReleaseMutexSem(p->mutex);
-  if( p->trace ) os2MutexTrace(p, "leave");
-SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_mutex_methods const *sqlite3DefaultMutex(void){
-  static const sqlite3_mutex_methods sMutex = {
-    os2MutexInit,
-    os2MutexEnd,
-    os2MutexAlloc,
-    os2MutexFree,
-    os2MutexEnter,
-    os2MutexTry,
-    os2MutexLeave,
-    os2MutexHeld,
-    os2MutexNotheld
-    0,
-    0
-  };
-  return &sMutex;
-#endif /* SQLITE_MUTEX_OS2 */
-/************** End of mutex_os2.c *******************************************/
 /************** Begin file mutex_unix.c **************************************/
 ** 2007 August 28
@@ -18343,7 +18477,7 @@
 ** this out as well.
 #if 0
 # define mutexIsNT()  (1)
   static int mutexIsNT(void){
@@ -18396,18 +18530,24 @@
 static long winMutex_lock = 0;
+SQLITE_API void sqlite3_win32_sleep(DWORD milliseconds); /* os_win.c */
 static int winMutexInit(void){ 
   /* The first to increment to 1 does actual initialization */
   if( InterlockedCompareExchange(&winMutex_lock, 1, 0)==0 ){
     int i;
     for(i=0; i<ArraySize(winMutex_staticMutexes); i++){
+      InitializeCriticalSectionEx(&winMutex_staticMutexes[i].mutex, 0, 0);
     winMutex_isInit = 1;
     /* Someone else is in the process of initing the static mutexes */
     while( !winMutex_isInit ){
-      Sleep(1);
+      sqlite3_win32_sleep(1);
   return SQLITE_OK; 
@@ -18481,7 +18621,11 @@
         p->id = iType;
+        InitializeCriticalSectionEx(&p->mutex, 0, 0);
@@ -19529,7 +19673,8 @@
 static char et_getdigit(LONGDOUBLE_TYPE *val, int *cnt){
   int digit;
-  if( (*cnt)++ >= 16 ) return '0';
+  if( (*cnt)<=0 ) return '0';
+  (*cnt)--;
   digit = (int)*val;
   d = digit;
   digit += '0';
@@ -19833,9 +19978,12 @@
         if( realvalue>0.0 ){
-          while( realvalue>=1e32 && exp<=350 ){ realvalue *= 1e-32; exp+=32; }
-          while( realvalue>=1e8 && exp<=350 ){ realvalue *= 1e-8; exp+=8; }
-          while( realvalue>=10.0 && exp<=350 ){ realvalue *= 0.1; exp++; }
+          LONGDOUBLE_TYPE scale = 1.0;
+          while( realvalue>=1e100*scale && exp<=350 ){ scale *= 1e100;exp+=100;}
+          while( realvalue>=1e64*scale && exp<=350 ){ scale *= 1e64; exp+=64; }
+          while( realvalue>=1e8*scale && exp<=350 ){ scale *= 1e8; exp+=8; }
+          while( realvalue>=10.0*scale && exp<=350 ){ scale *= 10.0; exp++; }
+          realvalue /= scale;
           while( realvalue<1e-8 ){ realvalue *= 1e8; exp-=8; }
           while( realvalue<1.0 ){ realvalue *= 10.0; exp--; }
           if( exp>350 ){
@@ -19868,7 +20016,7 @@
             xtype = etFLOAT;
-          flag_rtz = 0;
+          flag_rtz = flag_altform2;
         if( xtype==etEXP ){
           e2 = 0;
@@ -19883,7 +20031,7 @@
         zOut = bufpt;
-        nsd = 0;
+        nsd = 16 + flag_altform2*10;
         flag_dp = (precision>0 ?1:0) | flag_alternateform | flag_altform2;
         /* The sign in front of the number */
         if( prefix ){
@@ -20687,25 +20835,23 @@
         || (c&0xFFFFFFFE)==0xFFFE ){  c = 0xFFFD; }        \
 SQLITE_PRIVATE u32 sqlite3Utf8Read(
-  const unsigned char *zIn,       /* First byte of UTF-8 character */
-  const unsigned char **pzNext    /* Write first byte past UTF-8 char here */
+  const unsigned char **pz    /* Pointer to string from which to read char */
   unsigned int c;
   /* Same as READ_UTF8() above but without the zTerm parameter.
   ** For this routine, we assume the UTF8 string is always zero-terminated.
-  c = *(zIn++);
+  c = *((*pz)++);
   if( c>=0xc0 ){
     c = sqlite3Utf8Trans1[c-0xc0];
-    while( (*zIn & 0xc0)==0x80 ){
-      c = (c<<6) + (0x3f & *(zIn++));
+    while( (*(*pz) & 0xc0)==0x80 ){
+      c = (c<<6) + (0x3f & *((*pz)++));
     if( c<0x80
         || (c&0xFFFFF800)==0xD800
         || (c&0xFFFFFFFE)==0xFFFE ){  c = 0xFFFD; }
-  *pzNext = zIn;
   return c;
@@ -20806,7 +20952,6 @@
     if( desiredEnc==SQLITE_UTF16LE ){
       /* UTF-8 -> UTF-16 Little-endian */
       while( zIn<zTerm ){
-        /* c = sqlite3Utf8Read(zIn, zTerm, (const u8**)&zIn); */
         READ_UTF8(zIn, zTerm, c);
         WRITE_UTF16LE(z, c);
@@ -20814,7 +20959,6 @@
       assert( desiredEnc==SQLITE_UTF16BE );
       /* UTF-8 -> UTF-16 Big-endian */
       while( zIn<zTerm ){
-        /* c = sqlite3Utf8Read(zIn, zTerm, (const u8**)&zIn); */
         READ_UTF8(zIn, zTerm, c);
         WRITE_UTF16BE(z, c);
@@ -20942,7 +21086,7 @@
   u32 c;
   while( zIn[0] && zOut<=zIn ){
-    c = sqlite3Utf8Read(zIn, (const u8**)&zIn);
+    c = sqlite3Utf8Read((const u8**)&zIn);
     if( c!=0xfffd ){
       WRITE_UTF8(zOut, c);
@@ -21047,7 +21191,7 @@
     assert( n>0 && n<=4 );
     z[0] = 0;
     z = zBuf;
-    c = sqlite3Utf8Read(z, (const u8**)&z);
+    c = sqlite3Utf8Read((const u8**)&z);
     t = i;
     if( i>=0xD800 && i<=0xDFFF ) t = 0xFFFD;
     if( (i&0xFFFFFFFE)==0xFFFE ) t = 0xFFFD;
@@ -21346,7 +21490,7 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3AtoF(const char *z, double *pResult, int length, u8 enc){
-  int incr = (enc==SQLITE_UTF8?1:2);
+  int incr;
   const char *zEnd = z + length;
   /* sign * significand * (10 ^ (esign * exponent)) */
   int sign = 1;    /* sign of significand */
@@ -21357,10 +21501,22 @@
   int eValid = 1;  /* True exponent is either not used or is well-formed */
   double result;
   int nDigits = 0;
+  int nonNum = 0;
+  assert( enc==SQLITE_UTF8 || enc==SQLITE_UTF16LE || enc==SQLITE_UTF16BE );
   *pResult = 0.0;   /* Default return value, in case of an error */
-  if( enc==SQLITE_UTF16BE ) z++;
+  if( enc==SQLITE_UTF8 ){
+    incr = 1;
+  }else{
+    int i;
+    incr = 2;
+    assert( SQLITE_UTF16LE==2 && SQLITE_UTF16BE==3 );
+    for(i=3-enc; i<length && z[i]==0; i+=2){}
+    nonNum = i<length;
+    zEnd = z+i+enc-3;
+    z += (enc&1);
+  }
   /* skip leading spaces */
   while( z<zEnd && sqlite3Isspace(*z) ) z+=incr;
@@ -21456,7 +21612,7 @@
     /* if exponent, scale significand as appropriate
     ** and store in result. */
     if( e ){
-      double scale = 1.0;
+      LONGDOUBLE_TYPE scale = 1.0;
       /* attempt to handle extremely small/large numbers better */
       if( e>307 && e<342 ){
         while( e%308 ) { scale *= 1.0e+1; e -= 1; }
@@ -21493,7 +21649,7 @@
   *pResult = result;
   /* return true if number and no extra non-whitespace chracters after */
-  return z>=zEnd && nDigits>0 && eValid;
+  return z>=zEnd && nDigits>0 && eValid && nonNum==0;
   return !sqlite3Atoi64(z, pResult, length, enc);
@@ -21542,21 +21698,33 @@
 ** signed 64-bit integer, its negative -9223372036854665808 can be.
 ** If zNum is too big for a 64-bit integer and is not
-** 9223372036854665808 then return 1.
+** 9223372036854665808  or if zNum contains any non-numeric text,
+** then return 1.
 ** length is the number of bytes in the string (bytes, not characters).
 ** The string is not necessarily zero-terminated.  The encoding is
 ** given by enc.
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Atoi64(const char *zNum, i64 *pNum, int length, u8 enc){
-  int incr = (enc==SQLITE_UTF8?1:2);
+  int incr;
   u64 u = 0;
   int neg = 0; /* assume positive */
   int i;
   int c = 0;
+  int nonNum = 0;
   const char *zStart;
   const char *zEnd = zNum + length;
-  if( enc==SQLITE_UTF16BE ) zNum++;
+  assert( enc==SQLITE_UTF8 || enc==SQLITE_UTF16LE || enc==SQLITE_UTF16BE );
+  if( enc==SQLITE_UTF8 ){
+    incr = 1;
+  }else{
+    incr = 2;
+    assert( SQLITE_UTF16LE==2 && SQLITE_UTF16BE==3 );
+    for(i=3-enc; i<length && zNum[i]==0; i+=2){}
+    nonNum = i<length;
+    zEnd = zNum+i+enc-3;
+    zNum += (enc&1);
+  }
   while( zNum<zEnd && sqlite3Isspace(*zNum) ) zNum+=incr;
   if( zNum<zEnd ){
     if( *zNum=='-' ){
@@ -21581,7 +21749,7 @@
   testcase( i==18 );
   testcase( i==19 );
   testcase( i==20 );
-  if( (c!=0 && &zNum[i]<zEnd) || (i==0 && zStart==zNum) || i>19*incr ){
+  if( (c!=0 && &zNum[i]<zEnd) || (i==0 && zStart==zNum) || i>19*incr || nonNum ){
     /* zNum is empty or contains non-numeric text or is longer
     ** than 19 digits (thus guaranteeing that it is too large) */
     return 1;
@@ -22385,7 +22553,11 @@
   /* The inability to allocates space for a larger hash table is
   ** a performance hit but it is not a fatal error.  So mark the
-  ** allocation as a benign.
+  ** allocation as a benign. Use sqlite3Malloc()/memset(0) instead of 
+  ** sqlite3MallocZero() to make the allocation, as sqlite3MallocZero()
+  ** only zeroes the requested number of bytes whereas this module will
+  ** use the actual amount of space allocated for the hash table (which
+  ** may be larger than the requested amount).
   new_ht = (struct _ht *)sqlite3Malloc( new_size*sizeof(struct _ht) );
@@ -22461,7 +22633,7 @@
   sqlite3_free( elem );
-  if( pH->count<=0 ){
+  if( pH->count==0 ){
     assert( pH->first==0 );
     assert( pH->count==0 );
@@ -22711,9 +22883,9 @@
 /************** End of opcodes.c *********************************************/
-/************** Begin file os_os2.c ******************************************/
+/************** Begin file os_unix.c *****************************************/
-** 2006 Feb 14
+** 2004 May 22
 ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
 ** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
@@ -22724,49 +22896,281 @@
-** This file contains code that is specific to OS/2.
+** This file contains the VFS implementation for unix-like operating systems
+** include Linux, MacOSX, *BSD, QNX, VxWorks, AIX, HPUX, and others.
+** There are actually several different VFS implementations in this file.
+** The differences are in the way that file locking is done.  The default
+** implementation uses Posix Advisory Locks.  Alternative implementations
+** use flock(), dot-files, various proprietary locking schemas, or simply
+** skip locking all together.
+** This source file is organized into divisions where the logic for various
+** subfunctions is contained within the appropriate division.  PLEASE
+** KEEP THE STRUCTURE OF THIS FILE INTACT.  New code should be placed
+** in the correct division and should be clearly labeled.
+** The layout of divisions is as follows:
+**   *  General-purpose declarations and utility functions.
+**   *  Unique file ID logic used by VxWorks.
+**   *  Various locking primitive implementations (all except proxy locking):
+**      + for Posix Advisory Locks
+**      + for no-op locks
+**      + for dot-file locks
+**      + for flock() locking
+**      + for named semaphore locks (VxWorks only)
+**      + for AFP filesystem locks (MacOSX only)
+**   *  sqlite3_file methods not associated with locking.
+**   *  Definitions of sqlite3_io_methods objects for all locking
+**      methods plus "finder" functions for each locking method.
+**   *  sqlite3_vfs method implementations.
+**   *  Locking primitives for the proxy uber-locking-method. (MacOSX only)
+**   *  Definitions of sqlite3_vfs objects for all locking methods
+**      plus implementations of sqlite3_os_init() and sqlite3_os_end().
+#if SQLITE_OS_UNIX              /* This file is used on unix only */
+/* Use posix_fallocate() if it is available
+#if !defined(HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE) \
+      && (_XOPEN_SOURCE >= 600 || _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L)
-** A Note About Memory Allocation:
+** There are various methods for file locking used for concurrency
+** control:
+**   1. POSIX locking (the default),
+**   2. No locking,
+**   3. Dot-file locking,
+**   4. flock() locking,
+**   5. AFP locking (OSX only),
+**   6. Named POSIX semaphores (VXWorks only),
+**   7. proxy locking. (OSX only)
-** This driver uses malloc()/free() directly rather than going through
-** the SQLite-wrappers sqlite3_malloc()/sqlite3_free().  Those wrappers
-** are designed for use on embedded systems where memory is scarce and
-** malloc failures happen frequently.  OS/2 does not typically run on
-** embedded systems, and when it does the developers normally have bigger
-** problems to worry about than running out of memory.  So there is not
-** a compelling need to use the wrappers.
+** Styles 4, 5, and 7 are only available of SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE
+** is defined to 1.  The SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE also enables automatic
+** selection of the appropriate locking style based on the filesystem
+** where the database is located.  
+#  if defined(__APPLE__)
+#  else
+#  endif
+** Define the OS_VXWORKS pre-processor macro to 1 if building on 
+** vxworks, or 0 otherwise.
+#ifndef OS_VXWORKS
+#  if defined(__RTP__) || defined(_WRS_KERNEL)
+#    define OS_VXWORKS 1
+#  else
+#    define OS_VXWORKS 0
+#  endif
+** These #defines should enable >2GB file support on Posix if the
+** underlying operating system supports it.  If the OS lacks
+** large file support, these should be no-ops.
-** But there is a good reason to not use the wrappers.  If we use the
-** wrappers then we will get simulated malloc() failures within this
-** driver.  And that causes all kinds of problems for our tests.  We
-** could enhance SQLite to deal with simulated malloc failures within
-** the OS driver, but the code to deal with those failure would not
-** be exercised on Linux (which does not need to malloc() in the driver)
-** and so we would have difficulty writing coverage tests for that
-** code.  Better to leave the code out, we think.
+** Large file support can be disabled using the -DSQLITE_DISABLE_LFS switch
+** on the compiler command line.  This is necessary if you are compiling
+** on a recent machine (ex: RedHat 7.2) but you want your code to work
+** on an older machine (ex: RedHat 6.0).  If you compile on RedHat 7.2
+** without this option, LFS is enable.  But LFS does not exist in the kernel
+** in RedHat 6.0, so the code won't work.  Hence, for maximum binary
+** portability you should omit LFS.
-** The point of this discussion is as follows:  When creating a new
-** OS layer for an embedded system, if you use this file as an example,
-** avoid the use of malloc()/free().  Those routines work ok on OS/2
-** desktops but not so well in embedded systems.
+** The previous paragraph was written in 2005.  (This paragraph is written
+** on 2008-11-28.) These days, all Linux kernels support large files, so
+** you should probably leave LFS enabled.  But some embedded platforms might
+** lack LFS in which case the SQLITE_DISABLE_LFS macro might still be useful.
+# define _LARGE_FILE       1
+#   define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+# endif
+** standard include files.
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+/* #include <time.h> */
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+# include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#  include <semaphore.h>
+#  include <limits.h>
+# else
+#  include <sys/file.h>
+#  include <sys/param.h>
+# endif
+# include <sys/mount.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_UTIME
+# include <utime.h>
+** Allowed values of unixFile.fsFlags
+#define SQLITE_FSFLAGS_IS_MSDOS     0x1
+** If we are to be thread-safe, include the pthreads header and define
+** the SQLITE_UNIX_THREADS macro.
+/* # include <pthread.h> */
+** Default permissions when creating a new file
+** Default permissions when creating auto proxy dir
+** Maximum supported path-length.
+#define MAX_PATHNAME 512
+** Only set the lastErrno if the error code is a real error and not 
+** a normal expected return code of SQLITE_BUSY or SQLITE_OK
+#define IS_LOCK_ERROR(x)  ((x != SQLITE_OK) && (x != SQLITE_BUSY))
+/* Forward references */
+typedef struct unixShm unixShm;               /* Connection shared memory */
+typedef struct unixShmNode unixShmNode;       /* Shared memory instance */
+typedef struct unixInodeInfo unixInodeInfo;   /* An i-node */
+typedef struct UnixUnusedFd UnixUnusedFd;     /* An unused file descriptor */
+** Sometimes, after a file handle is closed by SQLite, the file descriptor
+** cannot be closed immediately. In these cases, instances of the following
+** structure are used to store the file descriptor while waiting for an
+** opportunity to either close or reuse it.
+struct UnixUnusedFd {
+  int fd;                   /* File descriptor to close */
+  int flags;                /* Flags this file descriptor was opened with */
+  UnixUnusedFd *pNext;      /* Next unused file descriptor on same file */
+** The unixFile structure is subclass of sqlite3_file specific to the unix
+** VFS implementations.
+typedef struct unixFile unixFile;
+struct unixFile {
+  sqlite3_io_methods const *pMethod;  /* Always the first entry */
+  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs;                  /* The VFS that created this unixFile */
+  unixInodeInfo *pInode;              /* Info about locks on this inode */
+  int h;                              /* The file descriptor */
+  unsigned char eFileLock;            /* The type of lock held on this fd */
+  unsigned short int ctrlFlags;       /* Behavioral bits.  UNIXFILE_* flags */
+  int lastErrno;                      /* The unix errno from last I/O error */
+  void *lockingContext;               /* Locking style specific state */
+  UnixUnusedFd *pUnused;              /* Pre-allocated UnixUnusedFd */
+  const char *zPath;                  /* Name of the file */
+  unixShm *pShm;                      /* Shared memory segment information */
+  int szChunk;                        /* Configured by FCNTL_CHUNK_SIZE */
+  int nFetchOut;                      /* Number of outstanding xFetch refs */
+  sqlite3_int64 mmapSize;             /* Usable size of mapping at pMapRegion */
+  sqlite3_int64 mmapSizeActual;       /* Actual size of mapping at pMapRegion */
+  sqlite3_int64 mmapSizeMax;          /* Configured FCNTL_MMAP_SIZE value */
+  void *pMapRegion;                   /* Memory mapped region */
+#ifdef __QNXNTO__
+  int sectorSize;                     /* Device sector size */
+  int deviceCharacteristics;          /* Precomputed device characteristics */
+  int openFlags;                      /* The flags specified at open() */
+  unsigned fsFlags;                   /* cached details from statfs() */
+  struct vxworksFileId *pId;          /* Unique file ID */
+  /* The next group of variables are used to track whether or not the
+  ** transaction counter in bytes 24-27 of database files are updated
+  ** whenever any part of the database changes.  An assertion fault will
+  ** occur if a file is updated without also updating the transaction
+  ** counter.  This test is made to avoid new problems similar to the
+  ** one described by ticket #3584. 
+  */
+  unsigned char transCntrChng;   /* True if the transaction counter changed */
+  unsigned char dbUpdate;        /* True if any part of database file changed */
+  unsigned char inNormalWrite;   /* True if in a normal write operation */
+  /* In test mode, increase the size of this structure a bit so that 
+  ** it is larger than the struct CrashFile defined in test6.c.
+  */
+  char aPadding[32];
-** Macros used to determine whether or not to use threads.
+** Allowed values for the unixFile.ctrlFlags bitmask:
-# define SQLITE_OS2_THREADS 1
+#define UNIXFILE_EXCL        0x01     /* Connections from one process only */
+#define UNIXFILE_RDONLY      0x02     /* Connection is read only */
+#define UNIXFILE_PERSIST_WAL 0x04     /* Persistent WAL mode */
+# define UNIXFILE_DIRSYNC    0x08     /* Directory sync needed */
+# define UNIXFILE_DIRSYNC    0x00
+#define UNIXFILE_DELETE      0x20     /* Delete on close */
+#define UNIXFILE_URI         0x40     /* Filename might have query parameters */
+#define UNIXFILE_NOLOCK      0x80     /* Do no file locking */
+#define UNIXFILE_WARNED    0x0100     /* verifyDbFile() warnings have been issued */
 ** Include code that is common to all os_*.c files
-/************** Include os_common.h in the middle of os_os2.c ****************/
+/************** Include os_common.h in the middle of os_unix.c ***************/
 /************** Begin file os_common.h ***************************************/
 ** 2004 May 22
@@ -22974,2595 +23378,273 @@
 #endif /* !defined(_OS_COMMON_H_) */
 /************** End of os_common.h *******************************************/
-/************** Continuing where we left off in os_os2.c *********************/
-/* Forward references */
-typedef struct os2File os2File;         /* The file structure */
-typedef struct os2ShmNode os2ShmNode;   /* A shared descritive memory node */
-typedef struct os2ShmLink os2ShmLink;   /* A connection to shared-memory */
+/************** Continuing where we left off in os_unix.c ********************/
-** The os2File structure is subclass of sqlite3_file specific for the OS/2
-** protability layer.
-struct os2File {
-  const sqlite3_io_methods *pMethod;  /* Always the first entry */
-  HFILE h;                  /* Handle for accessing the file */
-  int flags;                /* Flags provided to os2Open() */
-  int locktype;             /* Type of lock currently held on this file */
-  int szChunk;              /* Chunk size configured by FCNTL_CHUNK_SIZE */
-  char *zFullPathCp;        /* Full path name of this file */
-  os2ShmLink *pShmLink;     /* Instance of shared memory on this file */
-#define LOCK_TIMEOUT 10L /* the default locking timeout */
+** Define various macros that are missing from some systems.
+#ifndef O_LARGEFILE
+# define O_LARGEFILE 0
+# undef O_LARGEFILE
+# define O_LARGEFILE 0
+#ifndef O_NOFOLLOW
+# define O_NOFOLLOW 0
+#ifndef O_BINARY
+# define O_BINARY 0
-** Missing from some versions of the OS/2 toolkit -
-** used to allocate from high memory if possible
+** The threadid macro resolves to the thread-id or to 0.  Used for
+** testing and debugging only.
-#ifndef OBJ_ANY
-# define OBJ_ANY 0x00000400
+#define threadid pthread_self()
+#define threadid 0
-** The next group of routines implement the I/O methods specified
-** by the sqlite3_io_methods object.
-** Close a file.
+** HAVE_MREMAP defaults to true on Linux and false everywhere else.
-static int os2Close( sqlite3_file *id ){
-  APIRET rc;
-  os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id;
-  assert( id!=0 );
-  OSTRACE(( "CLOSE %d (%s)\n", pFile->h, pFile->zFullPathCp ));
-  rc = DosClose( pFile->h );
-  if( pFile->flags & SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE )
-    DosForceDelete( (PSZ)pFile->zFullPathCp );
-  free( pFile->zFullPathCp );
-  pFile->zFullPathCp = NULL;
-  pFile->locktype = NO_LOCK;
-  pFile->h = (HFILE)-1;
-  pFile->flags = 0;
-  OpenCounter( -1 );
-  return rc == NO_ERROR ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_IOERR;
+#if !defined(HAVE_MREMAP)
+# if defined(__linux__) && defined(_GNU_SOURCE)
+#  define HAVE_MREMAP 1
+# else
+#  define HAVE_MREMAP 0
+# endif
-** Read data from a file into a buffer.  Return SQLITE_OK if all
-** bytes were read successfully and SQLITE_IOERR if anything goes
-** wrong.
+** Different Unix systems declare open() in different ways.  Same use
+** open(const char*,int,mode_t).  Others use open(const char*,int,...).
+** The difference is important when using a pointer to the function.
+** The safest way to deal with the problem is to always use this wrapper
+** which always has the same well-defined interface.
-static int os2Read(
-  sqlite3_file *id,               /* File to read from */
-  void *pBuf,                     /* Write content into this buffer */
-  int amt,                        /* Number of bytes to read */
-  sqlite3_int64 offset            /* Begin reading at this offset */
-  ULONG fileLocation = 0L;
-  ULONG got;
-  os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id;
-  assert( id!=0 );
-  SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR_READ );
-  OSTRACE(( "READ %d lock=%d\n", pFile->h, pFile->locktype ));
-  if( DosSetFilePtr(pFile->h, offset, FILE_BEGIN, &fileLocation) != NO_ERROR ){
-    return SQLITE_IOERR;
-  }
-  if( DosRead( pFile->h, pBuf, amt, &got ) != NO_ERROR ){
-    return SQLITE_IOERR_READ;
-  }
-  if( got == (ULONG)amt )
-    return SQLITE_OK;
-  else {
-    /* Unread portions of the input buffer must be zero-filled */
-    memset(&((char*)pBuf)[got], 0, amt-got);
-  }
+static int posixOpen(const char *zFile, int flags, int mode){
+  return open(zFile, flags, mode);
-** Write data from a buffer into a file.  Return SQLITE_OK on success
-** or some other error code on failure.
+** On some systems, calls to fchown() will trigger a message in a security
+** log if they come from non-root processes.  So avoid calling fchown() if
+** we are not running as root.
-static int os2Write(
-  sqlite3_file *id,               /* File to write into */
-  const void *pBuf,               /* The bytes to be written */
-  int amt,                        /* Number of bytes to write */
-  sqlite3_int64 offset            /* Offset into the file to begin writing at */
-  ULONG fileLocation = 0L;
-  ULONG wrote;
-  os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id;
-  assert( id!=0 );
-  SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE );
-  SimulateDiskfullError( return SQLITE_FULL );
-  OSTRACE(( "WRITE %d lock=%d\n", pFile->h, pFile->locktype ));
-  if( DosSetFilePtr(pFile->h, offset, FILE_BEGIN, &fileLocation) != NO_ERROR ){
-    return SQLITE_IOERR;
-  }
-  assert( amt>0 );
-  while( amt > 0 &&
-         ( rc = DosWrite( pFile->h, (PVOID)pBuf, amt, &wrote ) ) == NO_ERROR &&
-         wrote > 0
-  ){
-    amt -= wrote;
-    pBuf = &((char*)pBuf)[wrote];
-  }
-  return ( rc != NO_ERROR || amt > (int)wrote ) ? SQLITE_FULL : SQLITE_OK;
+static int posixFchown(int fd, uid_t uid, gid_t gid){
+  return geteuid() ? 0 : fchown(fd,uid,gid);
+/* Forward reference */
+static int openDirectory(const char*, int*);
-** Truncate an open file to a specified size
+** Many system calls are accessed through pointer-to-functions so that
+** they may be overridden at runtime to facilitate fault injection during
+** testing and sandboxing.  The following array holds the names and pointers
+** to all overrideable system calls.
-static int os2Truncate( sqlite3_file *id, i64 nByte ){
-  APIRET rc;
-  os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id;
-  assert( id!=0 );
-  OSTRACE(( "TRUNCATE %d %lld\n", pFile->h, nByte ));
-  SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE );
+static struct unix_syscall {
+  const char *zName;            /* Name of the system call */
+  sqlite3_syscall_ptr pCurrent; /* Current value of the system call */
+  sqlite3_syscall_ptr pDefault; /* Default value */
+} aSyscall[] = {
+  { "open",         (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)posixOpen,  0  },
+#define osOpen      ((int(*)(const char*,int,int))aSyscall[0].pCurrent)
-  /* If the user has configured a chunk-size for this file, truncate the
-  ** file so that it consists of an integer number of chunks (i.e. the
-  ** actual file size after the operation may be larger than the requested
-  ** size).
-  */
-  if( pFile->szChunk ){
-    nByte = ((nByte + pFile->szChunk - 1)/pFile->szChunk) * pFile->szChunk;
-  }
+  { "close",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)close,      0  },
+#define osClose     ((int(*)(int))aSyscall[1].pCurrent)
-  rc = DosSetFileSize( pFile->h, nByte );
+  { "access",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)access,     0  },
+#define osAccess    ((int(*)(const char*,int))aSyscall[2].pCurrent)
+  { "getcwd",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)getcwd,     0  },
+#define osGetcwd    ((char*(*)(char*,size_t))aSyscall[3].pCurrent)
+  { "stat",         (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)stat,       0  },
+#define osStat      ((int(*)(const char*,struct stat*))aSyscall[4].pCurrent)
-** Count the number of fullsyncs and normal syncs.  This is used to test
-** that syncs and fullsyncs are occuring at the right times.
+** The DJGPP compiler environment looks mostly like Unix, but it
+** lacks the fcntl() system call.  So redefine fcntl() to be something
+** that always succeeds.  This means that locking does not occur under
+** DJGPP.  But it is DOS - what did you expect?
-SQLITE_API int sqlite3_sync_count = 0;
-SQLITE_API int sqlite3_fullsync_count = 0;
+#ifdef __DJGPP__
+  { "fstat",        0,                 0  },
+#define osFstat(a,b,c)    0
+  { "fstat",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)fstat,      0  },
+#define osFstat     ((int(*)(int,struct stat*))aSyscall[5].pCurrent)
-** Make sure all writes to a particular file are committed to disk.
-static int os2Sync( sqlite3_file *id, int flags ){
-  os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id;
-  OSTRACE(( "SYNC %d lock=%d\n", pFile->h, pFile->locktype ));
-  if( flags & SQLITE_SYNC_FULL){
-    sqlite3_fullsync_count++;
-  }
-  sqlite3_sync_count++;
+  { "ftruncate",    (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)ftruncate,  0  },
+#define osFtruncate ((int(*)(int,off_t))aSyscall[6].pCurrent)
+  { "fcntl",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)fcntl,      0  },
+#define osFcntl     ((int(*)(int,int,...))aSyscall[7].pCurrent)
+  { "read",         (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)read,       0  },
+#define osRead      ((ssize_t(*)(int,void*,size_t))aSyscall[8].pCurrent)
+  { "pread",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)pread,      0  },
+  { "pread",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0,          0  },
-  /* If we compiled with the SQLITE_NO_SYNC flag, then syncing is a
-  ** no-op
-  */
-  return SQLITE_OK;
+#define osPread     ((ssize_t(*)(int,void*,size_t,off_t))aSyscall[9].pCurrent)
+#if defined(USE_PREAD64)
+  { "pread64",      (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)pread64,    0  },
-  return DosResetBuffer( pFile->h ) == NO_ERROR ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_IOERR;
+  { "pread64",      (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0,          0  },
+#define osPread64   ((ssize_t(*)(int,void*,size_t,off_t))aSyscall[10].pCurrent)
-** Determine the current size of a file in bytes
-static int os2FileSize( sqlite3_file *id, sqlite3_int64 *pSize ){
-  FILESTATUS3 fsts3FileInfo;
-  memset(&fsts3FileInfo, 0, sizeof(fsts3FileInfo));
-  assert( id!=0 );
-  SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT );
-  rc = DosQueryFileInfo( ((os2File*)id)->h, FIL_STANDARD, &fsts3FileInfo, sizeof(FILESTATUS3) );
-  if( rc == NO_ERROR ){
-    *pSize = fsts3FileInfo.cbFile;
-    return SQLITE_OK;
-  }else{
-  }
+  { "write",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)write,      0  },
+#define osWrite     ((ssize_t(*)(int,const void*,size_t))aSyscall[11].pCurrent)
-** Acquire a reader lock.
-static int getReadLock( os2File *pFile ){
-  FILELOCK  LockArea,
-            UnlockArea;
-  APIRET res;
-  memset(&LockArea, 0, sizeof(LockArea));
-  memset(&UnlockArea, 0, sizeof(UnlockArea));
-  LockArea.lOffset = SHARED_FIRST;
-  LockArea.lRange = SHARED_SIZE;
-  UnlockArea.lOffset = 0L;
-  UnlockArea.lRange = 0L;
-  res = DosSetFileLocks( pFile->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, LOCK_TIMEOUT, 1L );
-  OSTRACE(( "GETREADLOCK %d res=%d\n", pFile->h, res ));
-  return res;
+  { "pwrite",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)pwrite,     0  },
+  { "pwrite",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0,          0  },
+#define osPwrite    ((ssize_t(*)(int,const void*,size_t,off_t))\
+                    aSyscall[12].pCurrent)
-** Undo a readlock
-static int unlockReadLock( os2File *id ){
-  FILELOCK  LockArea,
-            UnlockArea;
-  APIRET res;
-  memset(&LockArea, 0, sizeof(LockArea));
-  memset(&UnlockArea, 0, sizeof(UnlockArea));
-  LockArea.lOffset = 0L;
-  LockArea.lRange = 0L;
-  UnlockArea.lOffset = SHARED_FIRST;
-  UnlockArea.lRange = SHARED_SIZE;
-  res = DosSetFileLocks( id->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, LOCK_TIMEOUT, 1L );
-  OSTRACE(( "UNLOCK-READLOCK file handle=%d res=%d?\n", id->h, res ));
-  return res;
+#if defined(USE_PREAD64)
+  { "pwrite64",     (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)pwrite64,   0  },
+  { "pwrite64",     (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0,          0  },
+#define osPwrite64  ((ssize_t(*)(int,const void*,size_t,off_t))\
+                    aSyscall[13].pCurrent)
-** Lock the file with the lock specified by parameter locktype - one
-** of the following:
-**     (1) SHARED_LOCK
-**     (2) RESERVED_LOCK
-**     (3) PENDING_LOCK
-**     (4) EXCLUSIVE_LOCK
-** Sometimes when requesting one lock state, additional lock states
-** are inserted in between.  The locking might fail on one of the later
-** transitions leaving the lock state different from what it started but
-** still short of its goal.  The following chart shows the allowed
-** transitions and the inserted intermediate states:
-** This routine will only increase a lock.  The os2Unlock() routine
-** erases all locks at once and returns us immediately to locking level 0.
-** It is not possible to lower the locking level one step at a time.  You
-** must go straight to locking level 0.
-static int os2Lock( sqlite3_file *id, int locktype ){
-  int rc = SQLITE_OK;       /* Return code from subroutines */
-  APIRET res = NO_ERROR;    /* Result of an OS/2 lock call */
-  int newLocktype;       /* Set pFile->locktype to this value before exiting */
-  int gotPendingLock = 0;/* True if we acquired a PENDING lock this time */
-  FILELOCK  LockArea,
-            UnlockArea;
-  os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id;
-  memset(&LockArea, 0, sizeof(LockArea));
-  memset(&UnlockArea, 0, sizeof(UnlockArea));
-  assert( pFile!=0 );
-  OSTRACE(( "LOCK %d %d was %d\n", pFile->h, locktype, pFile->locktype ));
+  { "fchmod",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)fchmod,     0  },
+#define osFchmod    ((int(*)(int,mode_t))aSyscall[14].pCurrent)
-  /* If there is already a lock of this type or more restrictive on the
-  ** os2File, do nothing. Don't use the end_lock: exit path, as
-  ** sqlite3_mutex_enter() hasn't been called yet.
-  */
-  if( pFile->locktype>=locktype ){
-    OSTRACE(( "LOCK %d %d ok (already held)\n", pFile->h, locktype ));
-    return SQLITE_OK;
-  }
+  { "fallocate",    (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)posix_fallocate,  0 },
+  { "fallocate",    (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0,                0 },
+#define osFallocate ((int(*)(int,off_t,off_t))aSyscall[15].pCurrent)
-  /* Make sure the locking sequence is correct
-  */
-  assert( pFile->locktype!=NO_LOCK || locktype==SHARED_LOCK );
-  assert( locktype!=PENDING_LOCK );
-  assert( locktype!=RESERVED_LOCK || pFile->locktype==SHARED_LOCK );
+  { "unlink",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)unlink,           0 },
+#define osUnlink    ((int(*)(const char*))aSyscall[16].pCurrent)
-  /* Lock the PENDING_LOCK byte if we need to acquire a PENDING lock or
-  ** a SHARED lock.  If we are acquiring a SHARED lock, the acquisition of
-  ** the PENDING_LOCK byte is temporary.
-  */
-  newLocktype = pFile->locktype;
-  if( pFile->locktype==NO_LOCK
-      || (locktype==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK && pFile->locktype==RESERVED_LOCK)
-  ){
-    LockArea.lOffset = PENDING_BYTE;
-    LockArea.lRange = 1L;
-    UnlockArea.lOffset = 0L;
-    UnlockArea.lRange = 0L;
-    /* wait longer than LOCK_TIMEOUT here not to have to try multiple times */
-    res = DosSetFileLocks( pFile->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, 100L, 0L );
-    if( res == NO_ERROR ){
-      gotPendingLock = 1;
-      OSTRACE(( "LOCK %d pending lock boolean set.  res=%d\n", pFile->h, res ));
-    }
-  }
+  { "openDirectory",    (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)openDirectory,      0 },
+#define osOpenDirectory ((int(*)(const char*,int*))aSyscall[17].pCurrent)
-  /* Acquire a shared lock
-  */
-  if( locktype==SHARED_LOCK && res == NO_ERROR ){
-    assert( pFile->locktype==NO_LOCK );
-    res = getReadLock(pFile);
-    if( res == NO_ERROR ){
-      newLocktype = SHARED_LOCK;
-    }
-    OSTRACE(( "LOCK %d acquire shared lock. res=%d\n", pFile->h, res ));
-  }
+  { "mkdir",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)mkdir,           0 },
+#define osMkdir     ((int(*)(const char*,mode_t))aSyscall[18].pCurrent)
-  /* Acquire a RESERVED lock
-  */
-  if( locktype==RESERVED_LOCK && res == NO_ERROR ){
-    assert( pFile->locktype==SHARED_LOCK );
-    LockArea.lOffset = RESERVED_BYTE;
-    LockArea.lRange = 1L;
-    UnlockArea.lOffset = 0L;
-    UnlockArea.lRange = 0L;
-    res = DosSetFileLocks( pFile->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, LOCK_TIMEOUT, 0L );
-    if( res == NO_ERROR ){
-      newLocktype = RESERVED_LOCK;
-    }
-    OSTRACE(( "LOCK %d acquire reserved lock. res=%d\n", pFile->h, res ));
-  }
+  { "rmdir",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)rmdir,           0 },
+#define osRmdir     ((int(*)(const char*))aSyscall[19].pCurrent)
-  /* Acquire a PENDING lock
-  */
-  if( locktype==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK && res == NO_ERROR ){
-    newLocktype = PENDING_LOCK;
-    gotPendingLock = 0;
-    OSTRACE(( "LOCK %d acquire pending lock. pending lock boolean unset.\n",
-               pFile->h ));
-  }
+  { "fchown",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)posixFchown,     0 },
+#define osFchown    ((int(*)(int,uid_t,gid_t))aSyscall[20].pCurrent)
-  /* Acquire an EXCLUSIVE lock
+  { "mmap",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)mmap,     0 },
+#define osMmap ((void*(*)(void*,size_t,int,int,int,off_t))aSyscall[21].pCurrent)
+  { "munmap",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)munmap,          0 },
+#define osMunmap ((void*(*)(void*,size_t))aSyscall[22].pCurrent)
+  { "mremap",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)mremap,          0 },
+  { "mremap",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0,               0 },
+#define osMremap ((void*(*)(void*,size_t,size_t,int,...))aSyscall[23].pCurrent)
+}; /* End of the overrideable system calls */
+** This is the xSetSystemCall() method of sqlite3_vfs for all of the
+** "unix" VFSes.  Return SQLITE_OK opon successfully updating the
+** system call pointer, or SQLITE_NOTFOUND if there is no configurable
+** system call named zName.
+static int unixSetSystemCall(
+  sqlite3_vfs *pNotUsed,        /* The VFS pointer.  Not used */
+  const char *zName,            /* Name of system call to override */
+  sqlite3_syscall_ptr pNewFunc  /* Pointer to new system call value */
+  unsigned int i;
+  int rc = SQLITE_NOTFOUND;
+  if( zName==0 ){
+    /* If no zName is given, restore all system calls to their default
+    ** settings and return NULL
-  if( locktype==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK && res == NO_ERROR ){
-    assert( pFile->locktype>=SHARED_LOCK );
-    res = unlockReadLock(pFile);
-    OSTRACE(( "unreadlock = %d\n", res ));
-    LockArea.lOffset = SHARED_FIRST;
-    LockArea.lRange = SHARED_SIZE;
-    UnlockArea.lOffset = 0L;
-    UnlockArea.lRange = 0L;
-    res = DosSetFileLocks( pFile->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, LOCK_TIMEOUT, 0L );
-    if( res == NO_ERROR ){
-      newLocktype = EXCLUSIVE_LOCK;
-    }else{
-      OSTRACE(( "OS/2 error-code = %d\n", res ));
-      getReadLock(pFile);
+    rc = SQLITE_OK;
+    for(i=0; i<sizeof(aSyscall)/sizeof(aSyscall[0]); i++){
+      if( aSyscall[i].pDefault ){
+        aSyscall[i].pCurrent = aSyscall[i].pDefault;
-    OSTRACE(( "LOCK %d acquire exclusive lock.  res=%d\n", pFile->h, res ));
-  /* If we are holding a PENDING lock that ought to be released, then
-  ** release it now.
+  }else{
+    /* If zName is specified, operate on only the one system call
+    ** specified.
-  if( gotPendingLock && locktype==SHARED_LOCK ){
-    int r;
-    LockArea.lOffset = 0L;
-    LockArea.lRange = 0L;
-    UnlockArea.lOffset = PENDING_BYTE;
-    UnlockArea.lRange = 1L;
-    r = DosSetFileLocks( pFile->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, LOCK_TIMEOUT, 0L );
-    OSTRACE(( "LOCK %d unlocking pending/is shared. r=%d\n", pFile->h, r ));
+    for(i=0; i<sizeof(aSyscall)/sizeof(aSyscall[0]); i++){
+      if( strcmp(zName, aSyscall[i].zName)==0 ){
+        if( aSyscall[i].pDefault==0 ){
+          aSyscall[i].pDefault = aSyscall[i].pCurrent;
-  /* Update the state of the lock has held in the file descriptor then
-  ** return the appropriate result code.
-  */
-  if( res == NO_ERROR ){
     rc = SQLITE_OK;
-  }else{
-    OSTRACE(( "LOCK FAILED %d trying for %d but got %d\n", pFile->h,
-              locktype, newLocktype ));
-    rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
+        if( pNewFunc==0 ) pNewFunc = aSyscall[i].pDefault;
+        aSyscall[i].pCurrent = pNewFunc;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
-  pFile->locktype = newLocktype;
-  OSTRACE(( "LOCK %d now %d\n", pFile->h, pFile->locktype ));
   return rc;
-** This routine checks if there is a RESERVED lock held on the specified
-** file by this or any other process. If such a lock is held, return
-** non-zero, otherwise zero.
+** Return the value of a system call.  Return NULL if zName is not a
+** recognized system call name.  NULL is also returned if the system call
+** is currently undefined.
-static int os2CheckReservedLock( sqlite3_file *id, int *pOut ){
-  int r = 0;
-  os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id;
-  assert( pFile!=0 );
-  if( pFile->locktype>=RESERVED_LOCK ){
-    r = 1;
-    OSTRACE(( "TEST WR-LOCK %d %d (local)\n", pFile->h, r ));
-  }else{
-    FILELOCK  LockArea,
-              UnlockArea;
-    APIRET rc = NO_ERROR;
-    memset(&LockArea, 0, sizeof(LockArea));
-    memset(&UnlockArea, 0, sizeof(UnlockArea));
-    LockArea.lOffset = RESERVED_BYTE;
-    LockArea.lRange = 1L;
-    UnlockArea.lOffset = 0L;
-    UnlockArea.lRange = 0L;
-    rc = DosSetFileLocks( pFile->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, LOCK_TIMEOUT, 0L );
-    OSTRACE(( "TEST WR-LOCK %d lock reserved byte rc=%d\n", pFile->h, rc ));
-    if( rc == NO_ERROR ){
-      APIRET rcu = NO_ERROR; /* return code for unlocking */
-      LockArea.lOffset = 0L;
-      LockArea.lRange = 0L;
-      UnlockArea.lOffset = RESERVED_BYTE;
-      UnlockArea.lRange = 1L;
-      rcu = DosSetFileLocks( pFile->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, LOCK_TIMEOUT, 0L );
-      OSTRACE(( "TEST WR-LOCK %d unlock reserved byte r=%d\n", pFile->h, rcu ));
-    }
-    r = !(rc == NO_ERROR);
-    OSTRACE(( "TEST WR-LOCK %d %d (remote)\n", pFile->h, r ));
+static sqlite3_syscall_ptr unixGetSystemCall(
+  sqlite3_vfs *pNotUsed,
+  const char *zName
+  unsigned int i;
+  for(i=0; i<sizeof(aSyscall)/sizeof(aSyscall[0]); i++){
+    if( strcmp(zName, aSyscall[i].zName)==0 ) return aSyscall[i].pCurrent;
-  *pOut = r;
-  return SQLITE_OK;
+  return 0;
-** Lower the locking level on file descriptor id to locktype.  locktype
-** must be either NO_LOCK or SHARED_LOCK.
-** If the locking level of the file descriptor is already at or below
-** the requested locking level, this routine is a no-op.
-** It is not possible for this routine to fail if the second argument
-** is NO_LOCK.  If the second argument is SHARED_LOCK then this routine
-** might return SQLITE_IOERR;
+** Return the name of the first system call after zName.  If zName==NULL
+** then return the name of the first system call.  Return NULL if zName
+** is the last system call or if zName is not the name of a valid
+** system call.
-static int os2Unlock( sqlite3_file *id, int locktype ){
-  int type;
-  os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id;
-  FILELOCK  LockArea,
-            UnlockArea;
-  memset(&LockArea, 0, sizeof(LockArea));
-  memset(&UnlockArea, 0, sizeof(UnlockArea));
-  assert( pFile!=0 );
-  assert( locktype<=SHARED_LOCK );
-  OSTRACE(( "UNLOCK %d to %d was %d\n", pFile->h, locktype, pFile->locktype ));
-  type = pFile->locktype;
-  if( type>=EXCLUSIVE_LOCK ){
-    LockArea.lOffset = 0L;
-    LockArea.lRange = 0L;
-    UnlockArea.lOffset = SHARED_FIRST;
-    UnlockArea.lRange = SHARED_SIZE;
-    res = DosSetFileLocks( pFile->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, LOCK_TIMEOUT, 0L );
-    OSTRACE(( "UNLOCK %d exclusive lock res=%d\n", pFile->h, res ));
-    if( locktype==SHARED_LOCK && getReadLock(pFile) != NO_ERROR ){
-      /* This should never happen.  We should always be able to
-      ** reacquire the read lock */
-      OSTRACE(( "UNLOCK %d to %d getReadLock() failed\n", pFile->h, locktype ));
-    }
-  }
-  if( type>=RESERVED_LOCK ){
-    LockArea.lOffset = 0L;
-    LockArea.lRange = 0L;
-    UnlockArea.lOffset = RESERVED_BYTE;
-    UnlockArea.lRange = 1L;
-    res = DosSetFileLocks( pFile->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, LOCK_TIMEOUT, 0L );
-    OSTRACE(( "UNLOCK %d reserved res=%d\n", pFile->h, res ));
+static const char *unixNextSystemCall(sqlite3_vfs *p, const char *zName){
+  int i = -1;
+  if( zName ){
+    for(i=0; i<ArraySize(aSyscall)-1; i++){
+      if( strcmp(zName, aSyscall[i].zName)==0 ) break;
-  if( locktype==NO_LOCK && type>=SHARED_LOCK ){
-    res = unlockReadLock(pFile);
-    OSTRACE(( "UNLOCK %d is %d want %d res=%d\n",
-              pFile->h, type, locktype, res ));
-  if( type>=PENDING_LOCK ){
-    LockArea.lOffset = 0L;
-    LockArea.lRange = 0L;
-    UnlockArea.lOffset = PENDING_BYTE;
-    UnlockArea.lRange = 1L;
-    res = DosSetFileLocks( pFile->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, LOCK_TIMEOUT, 0L );
-    OSTRACE(( "UNLOCK %d pending res=%d\n", pFile->h, res ));
+  for(i++; i<ArraySize(aSyscall); i++){
+    if( aSyscall[i].pCurrent!=0 ) return aSyscall[i].zName;
-  pFile->locktype = locktype;
-  OSTRACE(( "UNLOCK %d now %d\n", pFile->h, pFile->locktype ));
-  return rc;
-** Control and query of the open file handle.
-static int os2FileControl(sqlite3_file *id, int op, void *pArg){
-  switch( op ){
-      *(int*)pArg = ((os2File*)id)->locktype;
-      OSTRACE(( "FCNTL_LOCKSTATE %d lock=%d\n",
-                ((os2File*)id)->h, ((os2File*)id)->locktype ));
-      return SQLITE_OK;
-    }
-      ((os2File*)id)->szChunk = *(int*)pArg;
-      return SQLITE_OK;
-    }
-      sqlite3_int64 sz = *(sqlite3_int64*)pArg;
-      SimulateIOErrorBenign(1);
-      os2Truncate(id, sz);
-      SimulateIOErrorBenign(0);
-      return SQLITE_OK;
-    }
-      return SQLITE_OK;
-    }
-  }
-** Return the sector size in bytes of the underlying block device for
-** the specified file. This is almost always 512 bytes, but may be
-** larger for some devices.
-** SQLite code assumes this function cannot fail. It also assumes that
-** if two files are created in the same file-system directory (i.e.
-** a database and its journal file) that the sector size will be the
-** same for both.
-static int os2SectorSize(sqlite3_file *id){
-** Return a vector of device characteristics.
-static int os2DeviceCharacteristics(sqlite3_file *id){
-** Character set conversion objects used by conversion routines.
-static UconvObject ucUtf8 = NULL; /* convert between UTF-8 and UCS-2 */
-static UconvObject uclCp = NULL;  /* convert between local codepage and UCS-2 */
-** Helper function to initialize the conversion objects from and to UTF-8.
-static void initUconvObjects( void ){
-  if( UniCreateUconvObject( UTF_8, &ucUtf8 ) != ULS_SUCCESS )
-    ucUtf8 = NULL;
-  if ( UniCreateUconvObject( (UniChar *)L"@path=yes", &uclCp ) != ULS_SUCCESS )
-    uclCp = NULL;
-** Helper function to free the conversion objects from and to UTF-8.
-static void freeUconvObjects( void ){
-  if ( ucUtf8 )
-    UniFreeUconvObject( ucUtf8 );
-  if ( uclCp )
-    UniFreeUconvObject( uclCp );
-  ucUtf8 = NULL;
-  uclCp = NULL;
-** Helper function to convert UTF-8 filenames to local OS/2 codepage.
-** The two-step process: first convert the incoming UTF-8 string
-** into UCS-2 and then from UCS-2 to the current codepage.
-** The returned char pointer has to be freed.
-static char *convertUtf8PathToCp( const char *in ){
-  UniChar tempPath[CCHMAXPATH];
-  char *out = (char *)calloc( CCHMAXPATH, 1 );
-  if( !out )
-    return NULL;
-  if( !ucUtf8 || !uclCp )
-    initUconvObjects();
-  /* determine string for the conversion of UTF-8 which is CP1208 */
-  if( UniStrToUcs( ucUtf8, tempPath, (char *)in, CCHMAXPATH ) != ULS_SUCCESS )
-    return out; /* if conversion fails, return the empty string */
-  /* conversion for current codepage which can be used for paths */
-  UniStrFromUcs( uclCp, out, tempPath, CCHMAXPATH );
-  return out;
-** Helper function to convert filenames from local codepage to UTF-8.
-** The two-step process: first convert the incoming codepage-specific
-** string into UCS-2 and then from UCS-2 to the codepage of UTF-8.
-** The returned char pointer has to be freed.
-** This function is non-static to be able to use this in shell.c and
-** similar applications that take command line arguments.
-char *convertCpPathToUtf8( const char *in ){
-  UniChar tempPath[CCHMAXPATH];
-  char *out = (char *)calloc( CCHMAXPATH, 1 );
-  if( !out )
-    return NULL;
-  if( !ucUtf8 || !uclCp )
-    initUconvObjects();
-  /* conversion for current codepage which can be used for paths */
-  if( UniStrToUcs( uclCp, tempPath, (char *)in, CCHMAXPATH ) != ULS_SUCCESS )
-    return out; /* if conversion fails, return the empty string */
-  /* determine string for the conversion of UTF-8 which is CP1208 */
-  UniStrFromUcs( ucUtf8, out, tempPath, CCHMAXPATH );
-  return out;
-** Use main database file for interprocess locking. If un-defined
-** a separate file is created for this purpose. The file will be
-** used only to set file locks. There will be no data written to it.
-#if 0
-static void _ERR_TRACE( const char *fmt, ... ) {
-  va_list  ap;
-  va_start(ap, fmt);
-  vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
-  fflush(stderr);
-#define ERR_TRACE(rc, msg)        \
-        if( (rc) != SQLITE_OK ) _ERR_TRACE msg;
-#define ERR_TRACE(rc, msg)
-** Helper functions to obtain and relinquish the global mutex. The
-** global mutex is used to protect os2ShmNodeList.
-** Function os2ShmMutexHeld() is used to assert() that the global mutex 
-** is held when required. This function is only used as part of assert() 
-** statements. e.g.
-**   os2ShmEnterMutex()
-**     assert( os2ShmMutexHeld() );
-**   os2ShmLeaveMutex()
-static void os2ShmEnterMutex(void){
-  sqlite3_mutex_enter(sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MASTER));
-static void os2ShmLeaveMutex(void){
-  sqlite3_mutex_leave(sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MASTER));
-static int os2ShmMutexHeld(void) {
-  return sqlite3_mutex_held(sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MASTER));
-int GetCurrentProcessId(void) {
-  PPIB pib;
-  DosGetInfoBlocks(NULL, &pib);
-  return (int)pib->pib_ulpid;
-** Object used to represent a the shared memory area for a single log file.
-** When multiple threads all reference the same log-summary, each thread has
-** its own os2File object, but they all point to a single instance of this 
-** object.  In other words, each log-summary is opened only once per process.
-** os2ShmMutexHeld() must be true when creating or destroying
-** this object or while reading or writing the following fields:
-**      nRef
-**      pNext 
-** The following fields are read-only after the object is created:
-**      szRegion
-**      hLockFile
-**      shmBaseName
-** Either os2ShmNode.mutex must be held or os2ShmNode.nRef==0 and
-** os2ShmMutexHeld() is true when reading or writing any other field
-** in this structure.
-struct os2ShmNode {
-  sqlite3_mutex *mutex;      /* Mutex to access this object */
-  os2ShmNode *pNext;         /* Next in list of all os2ShmNode objects */
-  int szRegion;              /* Size of shared-memory regions */
-  int nRegion;               /* Size of array apRegion */
-  void **apRegion;           /* Array of pointers to shared-memory regions */
-  int nRef;                  /* Number of os2ShmLink objects pointing to this */
-  os2ShmLink *pFirst;        /* First os2ShmLink object pointing to this */
-  HFILE hLockFile;           /* File used for inter-process memory locking */
-  char shmBaseName[1];       /* Name of the memory object !!! must last !!! */
-** Structure used internally by this VFS to record the state of an
-** open shared memory connection.
-** The following fields are initialized when this object is created and
-** are read-only thereafter:
-**    os2Shm.pShmNode
-**    os2Shm.id
-** All other fields are read/write.  The os2Shm.pShmNode->mutex must be held
-** while accessing any read/write fields.
-struct os2ShmLink {
-  os2ShmNode *pShmNode;      /* The underlying os2ShmNode object */
-  os2ShmLink *pNext;         /* Next os2Shm with the same os2ShmNode */
-  u32 sharedMask;            /* Mask of shared locks held */
-  u32 exclMask;              /* Mask of exclusive locks held */
-  u8 id;                     /* Id of this connection with its os2ShmNode */
-** A global list of all os2ShmNode objects.
-** The os2ShmMutexHeld() must be true while reading or writing this list.
-static os2ShmNode *os2ShmNodeList = NULL;
-** Constants used for locking
-#define OS2_SHM_BASE   (PENDING_BYTE + 0x10000)         /* first lock byte */
-#define OS2_SHM_BASE   ((22+SQLITE_SHM_NLOCK)*4)        /* first lock byte */
-#define OS2_SHM_DMS    (OS2_SHM_BASE+SQLITE_SHM_NLOCK)  /* deadman switch */
-** Apply advisory locks for all n bytes beginning at ofst.
-#define _SHM_UNLCK  1   /* no lock */
-#define _SHM_RDLCK  2   /* shared lock, no wait */
-#define _SHM_WRLCK  3   /* exlusive lock, no wait */
-#define _SHM_WRLCK_WAIT 4 /* exclusive lock, wait */
-static int os2ShmSystemLock(
-  os2ShmNode *pNode,    /* Apply locks to this open shared-memory segment */
-  int lockType,         /* _SHM_UNLCK, _SHM_RDLCK, _SHM_WRLCK or _SHM_WRLCK_WAIT */
-  int ofst,             /* Offset to first byte to be locked/unlocked */
-  int nByte             /* Number of bytes to lock or unlock */
-  APIRET rc;
-  FILELOCK area;
-  ULONG mode, timeout;
-  /* Access to the os2ShmNode object is serialized by the caller */
-  assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pNode->mutex) || pNode->nRef==0 );
-  mode = 1;     /* shared lock */
-  timeout = 0;  /* no wait */
-  area.lOffset = ofst;
-  area.lRange = nByte;
-  switch( lockType ) {
-    case _SHM_WRLCK_WAIT:
-      timeout = (ULONG)-1;      /* wait forever */
-    case _SHM_WRLCK:
-      mode = 0;                 /* exclusive lock */
-    case _SHM_RDLCK:
-      rc = DosSetFileLocks(pNode->hLockFile, 
-                           NULL, &area, timeout, mode);
-      break;
-    /* case _SHM_UNLCK: */
-    default:
-      rc = DosSetFileLocks(pNode->hLockFile, 
-                           &area, NULL, 0, 0);
-      break;
-  }
-  OSTRACE(("SHM-LOCK %d %s %s 0x%08lx\n", 
-           pNode->hLockFile,
-           rc==SQLITE_OK ? "ok" : "failed",
-           lockType==_SHM_UNLCK ? "Unlock" : "Lock",
-           rc));
-  ERR_TRACE(rc, ("os2ShmSystemLock: %d %s\n", rc, pNode->shmBaseName))
-  return ( rc == 0 ) ?  SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_BUSY;
-** Find an os2ShmNode in global list or allocate a new one, if not found.
-** This is not a VFS shared-memory method; it is a utility function called
-** by VFS shared-memory methods.
-static int os2OpenSharedMemory( os2File *fd, int szRegion ) {
-  os2ShmLink *pLink;
-  os2ShmNode *pNode;
-  int cbShmName, rc = SQLITE_OK;
-  char shmName[CCHMAXPATH + 30];
-  ULONG action;
-  /* We need some additional space at the end to append the region number */
-  cbShmName = sprintf(shmName, "\\SHAREMEM\\%s", fd->zFullPathCp );
-  if( cbShmName >= CCHMAXPATH-8 )
-  /* Replace colon in file name to form a valid shared memory name */
-  shmName[10+1] = '!';
-  /* Allocate link object (we free it later in case of failure) */
-  pLink = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(*pLink) );
-  if( !pLink )
-    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
-  /* Access node list */
-  os2ShmEnterMutex();
-  /* Find node by it's shared memory base name */
-  for( pNode = os2ShmNodeList; 
-       pNode && stricmp(shmName, pNode->shmBaseName) != 0; 
-       pNode = pNode->pNext )   ;
-  /* Not found: allocate a new node */
-  if( !pNode ) {
-    pNode = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(*pNode) + cbShmName );
-    if( pNode ) {
-      memset(pNode, 0, sizeof(*pNode) );
-      pNode->szRegion = szRegion;
-      pNode->hLockFile = (HFILE)-1;      
-      strcpy(pNode->shmBaseName, shmName);
-      if( DosDupHandle(fd->h, &pNode->hLockFile) != 0 ) {
-      sprintf(shmName, "%s-lck", fd->zFullPathCp);
-      if( DosOpen((PSZ)shmName, &pNode->hLockFile, &action, 0, FILE_NORMAL, 
-                  NULL) != 0 ) {
-        sqlite3_free(pNode);  
-        rc = SQLITE_IOERR;
-      } else {
-        pNode->mutex = sqlite3_mutex_alloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST);
-        if( !pNode->mutex ) {
-          sqlite3_free(pNode);  
-          rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
-        }
-      }   
-    } else {
-      rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
-    }
-    if( rc == SQLITE_OK ) {
-      pNode->pNext = os2ShmNodeList;
-      os2ShmNodeList = pNode;
-    } else {
-      pNode = NULL;
-    }
-  } else if( pNode->szRegion != szRegion ) {
-    pNode = NULL;
-  }
-  if( pNode ) {
-    sqlite3_mutex_enter(pNode->mutex);
-    memset(pLink, 0, sizeof(*pLink));
-    pLink->pShmNode = pNode;
-    pLink->pNext = pNode->pFirst;
-    pNode->pFirst = pLink;
-    pNode->nRef++;
-    fd->pShmLink = pLink;
-    sqlite3_mutex_leave(pNode->mutex);
-  } else {
-    /* Error occured. Free our link object. */
-    sqlite3_free(pLink);  
-  }
-  os2ShmLeaveMutex();
-  ERR_TRACE(rc, ("os2OpenSharedMemory: %d  %s\n", rc, fd->zFullPathCp))  
-  return rc;
-** Purge the os2ShmNodeList list of all entries with nRef==0.
-** This is not a VFS shared-memory method; it is a utility function called
-** by VFS shared-memory methods.
-static void os2PurgeShmNodes( int deleteFlag ) {
-  os2ShmNode *pNode;
-  os2ShmNode **ppNode;
-  os2ShmEnterMutex();
-  ppNode = &os2ShmNodeList;
-  while( *ppNode ) {
-    pNode = *ppNode;
-    if( pNode->nRef == 0 ) {
-      *ppNode = pNode->pNext;   
-      if( pNode->apRegion ) {
-        /* Prevent other processes from resizing the shared memory */
-        os2ShmSystemLock(pNode, _SHM_WRLCK_WAIT, OS2_SHM_DMS, 1);
-        while( pNode->nRegion-- ) {
-          int rc = 
-          DosFreeMem(pNode->apRegion[pNode->nRegion]);
-          OSTRACE(("SHM-PURGE pid-%d unmap region=%d %s\n",
-                  (int)GetCurrentProcessId(), pNode->nRegion,
-                  rc == 0 ? "ok" : "failed"));
-        }
-        /* Allow other processes to resize the shared memory */
-        os2ShmSystemLock(pNode, _SHM_UNLCK, OS2_SHM_DMS, 1);
-        sqlite3_free(pNode->apRegion);
-      }  
-      DosClose(pNode->hLockFile);
-      if( deleteFlag ) {
-         char fileName[CCHMAXPATH];
-         /* Skip "\\SHAREMEM\\" */
-         sprintf(fileName, "%s-lck", pNode->shmBaseName + 10);
-         /* restore colon */
-         fileName[1] = ':';
-         DosForceDelete(fileName); 
-      }
-      sqlite3_mutex_free(pNode->mutex);
-      sqlite3_free(pNode);
-    } else {
-      ppNode = &pNode->pNext;
-    }
-  } 
-  os2ShmLeaveMutex();
-** This function is called to obtain a pointer to region iRegion of the
-** shared-memory associated with the database file id. Shared-memory regions
-** are numbered starting from zero. Each shared-memory region is szRegion
-** bytes in size.
-** If an error occurs, an error code is returned and *pp is set to NULL.
-** Otherwise, if the bExtend parameter is 0 and the requested shared-memory
-** region has not been allocated (by any client, including one running in a
-** separate process), then *pp is set to NULL and SQLITE_OK returned. If
-** bExtend is non-zero and the requested shared-memory region has not yet
-** been allocated, it is allocated by this function.
-** If the shared-memory region has already been allocated or is allocated by
-** this call as described above, then it is mapped into this processes
-** address space (if it is not already), *pp is set to point to the mapped
-** memory and SQLITE_OK returned.
-static int os2ShmMap(
-  sqlite3_file *id,               /* Handle open on database file */
-  int iRegion,                    /* Region to retrieve */
-  int szRegion,                   /* Size of regions */
-  int bExtend,                    /* True to extend block if necessary */
-  void volatile **pp              /* OUT: Mapped memory */
-  PVOID pvTemp;
-  void **apRegion;
-  os2ShmNode *pNode;
-  int n, rc = SQLITE_OK;
-  char shmName[CCHMAXPATH];
-  os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id;
-  *pp = NULL;
-  if( !pFile->pShmLink )
-    rc = os2OpenSharedMemory( pFile, szRegion );
-  if( rc == SQLITE_OK ) {
-    pNode = pFile->pShmLink->pShmNode ;
-    sqlite3_mutex_enter(pNode->mutex);
-    assert( szRegion==pNode->szRegion );
-    /* Unmapped region ? */
-    if( iRegion >= pNode->nRegion ) {
-      /* Prevent other processes from resizing the shared memory */
-      os2ShmSystemLock(pNode, _SHM_WRLCK_WAIT, OS2_SHM_DMS, 1);
-      apRegion = sqlite3_realloc(
-        pNode->apRegion, (iRegion + 1) * sizeof(apRegion[0]));
-      if( apRegion ) {
-        pNode->apRegion = apRegion;
-        while( pNode->nRegion <= iRegion ) {
-          sprintf(shmName, "%s-%u", 
-                  pNode->shmBaseName, pNode->nRegion);
-          if( DosGetNamedSharedMem(&pvTemp, (PSZ)shmName, 
-                PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE) != NO_ERROR ) {
-            if( !bExtend )
-              break;
-            if( DosAllocSharedMem(&pvTemp, (PSZ)shmName, szRegion,
-                  PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE | PAG_COMMIT | OBJ_ANY) != NO_ERROR && 
-                DosAllocSharedMem(&pvTemp, (PSZ)shmName, szRegion,
-                  PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE | PAG_COMMIT) != NO_ERROR ) { 
-              rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-          apRegion[pNode->nRegion++] = pvTemp;
-        }
-        /* zero out remaining entries */ 
-        for( n = pNode->nRegion; n <= iRegion; n++ )
-          pNode->apRegion[n] = NULL;
-        /* Return this region (maybe zero) */
-        *pp = pNode->apRegion[iRegion];
-      } else {
-        rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
-      }
-      /* Allow other processes to resize the shared memory */
-      os2ShmSystemLock(pNode, _SHM_UNLCK, OS2_SHM_DMS, 1);
-    } else {
-      /* Region has been mapped previously */
-      *pp = pNode->apRegion[iRegion];
-    }
-    sqlite3_mutex_leave(pNode->mutex);
-  } 
-  ERR_TRACE(rc, ("os2ShmMap: %s iRgn = %d, szRgn = %d, bExt = %d : %d\n", 
-                 pFile->zFullPathCp, iRegion, szRegion, bExtend, rc))
-  return rc;
-** Close a connection to shared-memory.  Delete the underlying
-** storage if deleteFlag is true.
-** If there is no shared memory associated with the connection then this
-** routine is a harmless no-op.
-static int os2ShmUnmap(
-  sqlite3_file *id,               /* The underlying database file */
-  int deleteFlag                  /* Delete shared-memory if true */
-  os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id;
-  os2ShmLink *pLink = pFile->pShmLink;
-  if( pLink ) {
-    int nRef = -1;
-    os2ShmLink **ppLink;
-    os2ShmNode *pNode = pLink->pShmNode;
-    sqlite3_mutex_enter(pNode->mutex);
-    for( ppLink = &pNode->pFirst;
-         *ppLink && *ppLink != pLink;
-         ppLink = &(*ppLink)->pNext )   ;
-    assert(*ppLink);
-    if( *ppLink ) {
-      *ppLink = pLink->pNext;
-      nRef = --pNode->nRef;
-    } else {
-      ERR_TRACE(1, ("os2ShmUnmap: link not found ! %s\n", 
-                    pNode->shmBaseName))
-    }
-    pFile->pShmLink = NULL;
-    sqlite3_free(pLink);
-    sqlite3_mutex_leave(pNode->mutex);
-    if( nRef == 0 )
-      os2PurgeShmNodes( deleteFlag );
-  }
-  return SQLITE_OK;
-** Change the lock state for a shared-memory segment.
-** Note that the relationship between SHAREd and EXCLUSIVE locks is a little
-** different here than in posix.  In xShmLock(), one can go from unlocked
-** to shared and back or from unlocked to exclusive and back.  But one may
-** not go from shared to exclusive or from exclusive to shared.
-static int os2ShmLock(
-  sqlite3_file *id,          /* Database file holding the shared memory */
-  int ofst,                  /* First lock to acquire or release */
-  int n,                     /* Number of locks to acquire or release */
-  int flags                  /* What to do with the lock */
-  u32 mask;                             /* Mask of locks to take or release */
-  int rc = SQLITE_OK;                   /* Result code */
-  os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id;
-  os2ShmLink *p = pFile->pShmLink;      /* The shared memory being locked */
-  os2ShmLink *pX;                       /* For looping over all siblings */
-  os2ShmNode *pShmNode = p->pShmNode;   /* Our node */
-  assert( ofst>=0 && ofst+n<=SQLITE_SHM_NLOCK );
-  assert( n>=1 );
-  assert( n==1 || (flags & SQLITE_SHM_EXCLUSIVE)!=0 );
-  mask = (u32)((1U<<(ofst+n)) - (1U<<ofst));
-  assert( n>1 || mask==(1<<ofst) );
-  sqlite3_mutex_enter(pShmNode->mutex);
-  if( flags & SQLITE_SHM_UNLOCK ){
-    u32 allMask = 0; /* Mask of locks held by siblings */
-    /* See if any siblings hold this same lock */
-    for(pX=pShmNode->pFirst; pX; pX=pX->pNext){
-      if( pX==p ) continue;
-      assert( (pX->exclMask & (p->exclMask|p->sharedMask))==0 );
-      allMask |= pX->sharedMask;
-    }
-    /* Unlock the system-level locks */
-    if( (mask & allMask)==0 ){
-      rc = os2ShmSystemLock(pShmNode, _SHM_UNLCK, ofst+OS2_SHM_BASE, n);
-    }else{
-      rc = SQLITE_OK;
-    }
-    /* Undo the local locks */
-    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-      p->exclMask &= ~mask;
-      p->sharedMask &= ~mask;
-    } 
-  }else if( flags & SQLITE_SHM_SHARED ){
-    u32 allShared = 0;  /* Union of locks held by connections other than "p" */
-    /* Find out which shared locks are already held by sibling connections.
-    ** If any sibling already holds an exclusive lock, go ahead and return
-    ** SQLITE_BUSY.
-    */
-    for(pX=pShmNode->pFirst; pX; pX=pX->pNext){
-      if( (pX->exclMask & mask)!=0 ){
-        rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
-        break;
-      }
-      allShared |= pX->sharedMask;
-    }
-    /* Get shared locks at the system level, if necessary */
-    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-      if( (allShared & mask)==0 ){
-        rc = os2ShmSystemLock(pShmNode, _SHM_RDLCK, ofst+OS2_SHM_BASE, n);
-      }else{
-        rc = SQLITE_OK;
-      }
-    }
-    /* Get the local shared locks */
-    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-      p->sharedMask |= mask;
-    }
-  }else{
-    /* Make sure no sibling connections hold locks that will block this
-    ** lock.  If any do, return SQLITE_BUSY right away.
-    */
-    for(pX=pShmNode->pFirst; pX; pX=pX->pNext){
-      if( (pX->exclMask & mask)!=0 || (pX->sharedMask & mask)!=0 ){
-        rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    /* Get the exclusive locks at the system level.  Then if successful
-    ** also mark the local connection as being locked.
-    */
-    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-      rc = os2ShmSystemLock(pShmNode, _SHM_WRLCK, ofst+OS2_SHM_BASE, n);
-      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-        assert( (p->sharedMask & mask)==0 );
-        p->exclMask |= mask;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  sqlite3_mutex_leave(pShmNode->mutex);
-  OSTRACE(("SHM-LOCK shmid-%d, pid-%d got %03x,%03x %s\n",
-           p->id, (int)GetCurrentProcessId(), p->sharedMask, p->exclMask,
-           rc ? "failed" : "ok"));
-  ERR_TRACE(rc, ("os2ShmLock: ofst = %d, n = %d, flags = 0x%x -> %d \n", 
-                 ofst, n, flags, rc))
-  return rc; 
-** Implement a memory barrier or memory fence on shared memory.
-** All loads and stores begun before the barrier must complete before
-** any load or store begun after the barrier.
-static void os2ShmBarrier(
-  sqlite3_file *id                /* Database file holding the shared memory */
-  os2ShmEnterMutex();
-  os2ShmLeaveMutex();
-# define os2ShmMap     0
-# define os2ShmLock    0
-# define os2ShmBarrier 0
-# define os2ShmUnmap   0
-#endif /* #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
-** This vector defines all the methods that can operate on an
-** sqlite3_file for os2.
-static const sqlite3_io_methods os2IoMethod = {
-  2,                              /* iVersion */
-  os2Close,                       /* xClose */
-  os2Read,                        /* xRead */
-  os2Write,                       /* xWrite */
-  os2Truncate,                    /* xTruncate */
-  os2Sync,                        /* xSync */
-  os2FileSize,                    /* xFileSize */
-  os2Lock,                        /* xLock */
-  os2Unlock,                      /* xUnlock */
-  os2CheckReservedLock,           /* xCheckReservedLock */
-  os2FileControl,                 /* xFileControl */
-  os2SectorSize,                  /* xSectorSize */
-  os2DeviceCharacteristics,       /* xDeviceCharacteristics */
-  os2ShmMap,                      /* xShmMap */
-  os2ShmLock,                     /* xShmLock */
-  os2ShmBarrier,                  /* xShmBarrier */
-  os2ShmUnmap                     /* xShmUnmap */
-** Here ends the I/O methods that form the sqlite3_io_methods object.
-** The next block of code implements the VFS methods.
-** Create a temporary file name in zBuf.  zBuf must be big enough to
-** hold at pVfs->mxPathname characters.
-static int getTempname(int nBuf, char *zBuf ){
-  static const char zChars[] =
-    "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-    "0123456789";
-  int i, j;
-  PSZ zTempPathCp;      
-  char zTempPath[CCHMAXPATH];
-  ULONG ulDriveNum, ulDriveMap;
-  /* It's odd to simulate an io-error here, but really this is just
-  ** using the io-error infrastructure to test that SQLite handles this
-  ** function failing. 
-  */
-  SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR );
-  if( sqlite3_temp_directory ) {
-    sqlite3_snprintf(CCHMAXPATH-30, zTempPath, "%s", sqlite3_temp_directory);
-  } else if( DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"TEMP",   &zTempPathCp ) == NO_ERROR ||
-             DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"TMP",    &zTempPathCp ) == NO_ERROR ||
-             DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"TMPDIR", &zTempPathCp ) == NO_ERROR ) {
-    char *zTempPathUTF = convertCpPathToUtf8( (char *)zTempPathCp );
-    sqlite3_snprintf(CCHMAXPATH-30, zTempPath, "%s", zTempPathUTF);
-    free( zTempPathUTF );
-  } else if( DosQueryCurrentDisk( &ulDriveNum, &ulDriveMap ) == NO_ERROR ) {
-    zTempPath[0] = (char)('A' + ulDriveNum - 1);
-    zTempPath[1] = ':'; 
-    zTempPath[2] = '\0'; 
-  } else {
-    zTempPath[0] = '\0'; 
-  }
-  /* Strip off a trailing slashes or backslashes, otherwise we would get *
-   * multiple (back)slashes which causes DosOpen() to fail.              *
-   * Trailing spaces are not allowed, either.                            */
-  j = sqlite3Strlen30(zTempPath);
-  while( j > 0 && ( zTempPath[j-1] == '\\' || zTempPath[j-1] == '/' || 
-                    zTempPath[j-1] == ' ' ) ){
-    j--;
-  }
-  zTempPath[j] = '\0';
-  /* We use 20 bytes to randomize the name */
-  sqlite3_snprintf(nBuf-22, zBuf,
-                   "%s\\"SQLITE_TEMP_FILE_PREFIX, zTempPath);
-  j = sqlite3Strlen30(zBuf);
-  sqlite3_randomness( 20, &zBuf[j] );
-  for( i = 0; i < 20; i++, j++ ){
-    zBuf[j] = zChars[ ((unsigned char)zBuf[j])%(sizeof(zChars)-1) ];
-  }
-  zBuf[j] = 0;
-  OSTRACE(( "TEMP FILENAME: %s\n", zBuf ));
-  return SQLITE_OK;
-** Turn a relative pathname into a full pathname.  Write the full
-** pathname into zFull[].  zFull[] will be at least pVfs->mxPathname
-** bytes in size.
-static int os2FullPathname(
-  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,          /* Pointer to vfs object */
-  const char *zRelative,      /* Possibly relative input path */
-  int nFull,                  /* Size of output buffer in bytes */
-  char *zFull                 /* Output buffer */
-  char *zRelativeCp = convertUtf8PathToCp( zRelative );
-  char zFullCp[CCHMAXPATH] = "\0";
-  char *zFullUTF;
-  APIRET rc = DosQueryPathInfo( (PSZ)zRelativeCp, FIL_QUERYFULLNAME, 
-                                zFullCp, CCHMAXPATH );
-  free( zRelativeCp );
-  zFullUTF = convertCpPathToUtf8( zFullCp );
-  sqlite3_snprintf( nFull, zFull, zFullUTF );
-  free( zFullUTF );
-  return rc == NO_ERROR ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_IOERR;
-** Open a file.
-static int os2Open(
-  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,            /* Not used */
-  const char *zName,            /* Name of the file (UTF-8) */
-  sqlite3_file *id,             /* Write the SQLite file handle here */
-  int flags,                    /* Open mode flags */
-  int *pOutFlags                /* Status return flags */
-  HFILE h;
-  ULONG ulOpenFlags = 0;
-  ULONG ulOpenMode = 0;
-  ULONG ulAction = 0;
-  ULONG rc;
-  os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id;
-  const char *zUtf8Name = zName;
-  char *zNameCp;
-  char  zTmpname[CCHMAXPATH];
-  int isExclusive  = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE);
-  int isCreate     = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE);
-  int isReadWrite  = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE);
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  int isDelete     = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE);
-  int isReadonly   = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY);
-  int eType        = (flags & 0xFFFFFF00);
-  int isOpenJournal = (isCreate && (
-     || eType==SQLITE_OPEN_WAL
-  ));
-  assert( id!=0 );
-  /* Check the following statements are true: 
-  **
-  **   (a) Exactly one of the READWRITE and READONLY flags must be set, and 
-  **   (b) if CREATE is set, then READWRITE must also be set, and
-  **   (c) if EXCLUSIVE is set, then CREATE must also be set.
-  **   (d) if DELETEONCLOSE is set, then CREATE must also be set.
-  */
-  assert((isReadonly==0 || isReadWrite==0) && (isReadWrite || isReadonly));
-  assert(isCreate==0 || isReadWrite);
-  assert(isExclusive==0 || isCreate);
-  assert(isDelete==0 || isCreate);
-  /* The main DB, main journal, WAL file and master journal are never 
-  ** automatically deleted. Nor are they ever temporary files.  */
-  assert( (!isDelete && zName) || eType!=SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB );
-  assert( (!isDelete && zName) || eType!=SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_JOURNAL );
-  assert( (!isDelete && zName) || eType!=SQLITE_OPEN_MASTER_JOURNAL );
-  assert( (!isDelete && zName) || eType!=SQLITE_OPEN_WAL );
-  /* Assert that the upper layer has set one of the "file-type" flags. */
-  assert( eType==SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB      || eType==SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_DB 
-  );
-  memset( pFile, 0, sizeof(*pFile) );
-  pFile->h = (HFILE)-1;
-  /* If the second argument to this function is NULL, generate a 
-  ** temporary file name to use 
-  */
-  if( !zUtf8Name ){
-    assert(isDelete && !isOpenJournal);
-    rc = getTempname(CCHMAXPATH, zTmpname);
-    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
-      return rc;
-    }
-    zUtf8Name = zTmpname;
-  }
-  if( isReadWrite ){
-  }else{
-    ulOpenMode |= OPEN_ACCESS_READONLY;
-  }
-  /* Open in random access mode for possibly better speed.  Allow full
-  ** sharing because file locks will provide exclusive access when needed.
-  ** The handle should not be inherited by child processes and we don't 
-  ** want popups from the critical error handler.
-  */
-  /* SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE is used to make sure that a new file is 
-  ** created. SQLite doesn't use it to indicate "exclusive access" 
-  ** as it is usually understood.
-  */
-  if( isExclusive ){
-    /* Creates a new file, only if it does not already exist. */
-    /* If the file exists, it fails. */
-  }else if( isCreate ){
-    /* Open existing file, or create if it doesn't exist */
-  }else{
-    /* Opens a file, only if it exists. */
-  }
-  zNameCp = convertUtf8PathToCp( zUtf8Name );
-  rc = DosOpen( (PSZ)zNameCp,
-                &h,
-                &ulAction,
-                0L,
-                FILE_NORMAL,
-                ulOpenFlags,
-                ulOpenMode,
-                (PEAOP2)NULL );
-  free( zNameCp );
-  if( rc != NO_ERROR ){
-    OSTRACE(( "OPEN Invalid handle rc=%d: zName=%s, ulAction=%#lx, ulFlags=%#lx, ulMode=%#lx\n",
-              rc, zUtf8Name, ulAction, ulOpenFlags, ulOpenMode ));
-    if( isReadWrite ){
-      return os2Open( pVfs, zName, id,
-                      pOutFlags );
-    }else{
-      return SQLITE_CANTOPEN;
-    }
-  }
-  if( pOutFlags ){
-  }
-  os2FullPathname( pVfs, zUtf8Name, sizeof( zTmpname ), zTmpname );
-  pFile->zFullPathCp = convertUtf8PathToCp( zTmpname );
-  pFile->pMethod = &os2IoMethod;
-  pFile->flags = flags;
-  pFile->h = h;
-  OpenCounter(+1);
-  OSTRACE(( "OPEN %d pOutFlags=%d\n", pFile->h, pOutFlags ));
-  return SQLITE_OK;
-** Delete the named file.
-static int os2Delete(
-  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,                     /* Not used on os2 */
-  const char *zFilename,                 /* Name of file to delete */
-  int syncDir                            /* Not used on os2 */
-  APIRET rc;
-  char *zFilenameCp;
-  SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE );
-  zFilenameCp = convertUtf8PathToCp( zFilename );
-  rc = DosDelete( (PSZ)zFilenameCp );
-  free( zFilenameCp );
-  OSTRACE(( "DELETE \"%s\"\n", zFilename ));
-  return (rc == NO_ERROR ||
-          rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ||
-** Check the existance and status of a file.
-static int os2Access(
-  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,        /* Not used on os2 */
-  const char *zFilename,    /* Name of file to check */
-  int flags,                /* Type of test to make on this file */
-  int *pOut                 /* Write results here */
-  APIRET rc;
-  FILESTATUS3 fsts3ConfigInfo;
-  char *zFilenameCp;
-  SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS; );
-  zFilenameCp = convertUtf8PathToCp( zFilename );
-  rc = DosQueryPathInfo( (PSZ)zFilenameCp, FIL_STANDARD,
-                         &fsts3ConfigInfo, sizeof(FILESTATUS3) );
-  free( zFilenameCp );
-  OSTRACE(( "ACCESS fsts3ConfigInfo.attrFile=%d flags=%d rc=%d\n",
-            fsts3ConfigInfo.attrFile, flags, rc ));
-  switch( flags ){
-      /* For an SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS query, treat a zero-length file
-      ** as if it does not exist.
-      */
-      if( fsts3ConfigInfo.cbFile == 0 ) 
-        rc = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
-      break;
-      break;
-      if( fsts3ConfigInfo.attrFile & FILE_READONLY )
-        rc = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED;
-      break;
-    default:
-      assert( !"Invalid flags argument" );
-  }
-  *pOut = (rc == NO_ERROR);
-  OSTRACE(( "ACCESS %s flags %d: rc=%d\n", zFilename, flags, *pOut ));
-  return SQLITE_OK;
-** Interfaces for opening a shared library, finding entry points
-** within the shared library, and closing the shared library.
-** Interfaces for opening a shared library, finding entry points
-** within the shared library, and closing the shared library.
-static void *os2DlOpen(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, const char *zFilename){
-  HMODULE hmod;
-  APIRET rc;
-  char *zFilenameCp = convertUtf8PathToCp(zFilename);
-  rc = DosLoadModule(NULL, 0, (PSZ)zFilenameCp, &hmod);
-  free(zFilenameCp);
-  return rc != NO_ERROR ? 0 : (void*)hmod;
-** A no-op since the error code is returned on the DosLoadModule call.
-** os2Dlopen returns zero if DosLoadModule is not successful.
-static void os2DlError(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int nBuf, char *zBufOut){
-/* no-op */
-static void (*os2DlSym(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, void *pHandle, const char *zSymbol))(void){
-  PFN pfn;
-  APIRET rc;
-  rc = DosQueryProcAddr((HMODULE)pHandle, 0L, (PSZ)zSymbol, &pfn);
-  if( rc != NO_ERROR ){
-    /* if the symbol itself was not found, search again for the same
-     * symbol with an extra underscore, that might be needed depending
-     * on the calling convention */
-    char _zSymbol[256] = "_";
-    strncat(_zSymbol, zSymbol, 254);
-    rc = DosQueryProcAddr((HMODULE)pHandle, 0L, (PSZ)_zSymbol, &pfn);
-  }
-  return rc != NO_ERROR ? 0 : (void(*)(void))pfn;
-static void os2DlClose(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, void *pHandle){
-  DosFreeModule((HMODULE)pHandle);
-#else /* if SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION is defined: */
-  #define os2DlOpen 0
-  #define os2DlError 0
-  #define os2DlSym 0
-  #define os2DlClose 0
-** Write up to nBuf bytes of randomness into zBuf.
-static int os2Randomness(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int nBuf, char *zBuf ){
-  int n = 0;
-#if defined(SQLITE_TEST)
-  n = nBuf;
-  memset(zBuf, 0, nBuf);
-  int i;                           
-  PPIB ppib;
-  PTIB ptib;
-  DATETIME dt; 
-  static unsigned c = 0;
-  /* Ordered by variation probability */
-  static ULONG svIdx[6] = { QSV_MS_COUNT, QSV_TIME_LOW,
-                            QSV_MAXPRMEM, QSV_MAXSHMEM,
-                            QSV_TOTAVAILMEM, QSV_TOTRESMEM };
-  /* 8 bytes; timezone and weekday don't increase the randomness much */
-  if( (int)sizeof(dt)-3 <= nBuf - n ){
-    c += 0x0100;
-    DosGetDateTime(&dt);
-    dt.year = (USHORT)((dt.year - 1900) | c);
-    memcpy(&zBuf[n], &dt, sizeof(dt)-3);
-    n += sizeof(dt)-3;
-  }
-  /* 4 bytes; PIDs and TIDs are 16 bit internally, so combine them */
-  if( (int)sizeof(ULONG) <= nBuf - n ){
-    DosGetInfoBlocks(&ptib, &ppib);
-    *(PULONG)&zBuf[n] = MAKELONG(ppib->pib_ulpid,
-                                 ptib->tib_ptib2->tib2_ultid);
-    n += sizeof(ULONG);
-  }
-  /* Up to 6 * 4 bytes; variables depend on the system state */
-  for( i = 0; i < 6 && (int)sizeof(ULONG) <= nBuf - n; i++ ){
-    DosQuerySysInfo(svIdx[i], svIdx[i], 
-                    (PULONG)&zBuf[n], sizeof(ULONG));
-    n += sizeof(ULONG);
-  } 
-  return n;
-** Sleep for a little while.  Return the amount of time slept.
-** The argument is the number of microseconds we want to sleep.
-** The return value is the number of microseconds of sleep actually
-** requested from the underlying operating system, a number which
-** might be greater than or equal to the argument, but not less
-** than the argument.
-static int os2Sleep( sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int microsec ){
-  DosSleep( (microsec/1000) );
-  return microsec;
-** The following variable, if set to a non-zero value, becomes the result
-** returned from sqlite3OsCurrentTime().  This is used for testing.
-SQLITE_API int sqlite3_current_time = 0;
-** Find the current time (in Universal Coordinated Time).  Write into *piNow
-** the current time and date as a Julian Day number times 86_400_000.  In
-** other words, write into *piNow the number of milliseconds since the Julian
-** epoch of noon in Greenwich on November 24, 4714 B.C according to the
-** proleptic Gregorian calendar.
-** On success, return 0.  Return 1 if the time and date cannot be found.
-static int os2CurrentTimeInt64(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, sqlite3_int64 *piNow){
-  static const sqlite3_int64 unixEpoch = 24405875*(sqlite3_int64)8640000;
-  int year, month, datepart, timepart;
-  DosGetDateTime( &dt );
-  year = dt.year;
-  month = dt.month;
-  /* Calculations from http://www.astro.keele.ac.uk/~rno/Astronomy/hjd.html
-  ** http://www.astro.keele.ac.uk/~rno/Astronomy/hjd-0.1.c
-  ** Calculate the Julian days
-  */
-  datepart = (int)dt.day - 32076 +
-    1461*(year + 4800 + (month - 14)/12)/4 +
-    367*(month - 2 - (month - 14)/12*12)/12 -
-    3*((year + 4900 + (month - 14)/12)/100)/4;
-  /* Time in milliseconds, hours to noon added */
-  timepart = 12*3600*1000 + dt.hundredths*10 + dt.seconds*1000 +
-    ((int)dt.minutes + dt.timezone)*60*1000 + dt.hours*3600*1000;
-  *piNow = (sqlite3_int64)datepart*86400*1000 + timepart;
-  if( sqlite3_current_time ){
-    *piNow = 1000*(sqlite3_int64)sqlite3_current_time + unixEpoch;
-  }
-  return 0;
-** Find the current time (in Universal Coordinated Time).  Write the
-** current time and date as a Julian Day number into *prNow and
-** return 0.  Return 1 if the time and date cannot be found.
-static int os2CurrentTime( sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, double *prNow ){
-  int rc;
-  sqlite3_int64 i;
-  rc = os2CurrentTimeInt64(pVfs, &i);
-  if( !rc ){
-    *prNow = i/86400000.0;
-  }
-  return rc;
-** The idea is that this function works like a combination of
-** GetLastError() and FormatMessage() on windows (or errno and
-** strerror_r() on unix). After an error is returned by an OS
-** function, SQLite calls this function with zBuf pointing to
-** a buffer of nBuf bytes. The OS layer should populate the
-** buffer with a nul-terminated UTF-8 encoded error message
-** describing the last IO error to have occurred within the calling
-** thread.
-** If the error message is too large for the supplied buffer,
-** it should be truncated. The return value of xGetLastError
-** is zero if the error message fits in the buffer, or non-zero
-** otherwise (if the message was truncated). If non-zero is returned,
-** then it is not necessary to include the nul-terminator character
-** in the output buffer.
-** Not supplying an error message will have no adverse effect
-** on SQLite. It is fine to have an implementation that never
-** returns an error message:
-**   int xGetLastError(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int nBuf, char *zBuf){
-**     assert(zBuf[0]=='\0');
-**     return 0;
-**   }
-** However if an error message is supplied, it will be incorporated
-** by sqlite into the error message available to the user using
-** sqlite3_errmsg(), possibly making IO errors easier to debug.
-static int os2GetLastError(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int nBuf, char *zBuf){
-  assert(zBuf[0]=='\0');
-  return 0;
-** Initialize and deinitialize the operating system interface.
-SQLITE_API int sqlite3_os_init(void){
-  static sqlite3_vfs os2Vfs = {
-    3,                 /* iVersion */
-    sizeof(os2File),   /* szOsFile */
-    CCHMAXPATH,        /* mxPathname */
-    0,                 /* pNext */
-    "os2",             /* zName */
-    0,                 /* pAppData */
-    os2Open,           /* xOpen */
-    os2Delete,         /* xDelete */
-    os2Access,         /* xAccess */
-    os2FullPathname,   /* xFullPathname */
-    os2DlOpen,         /* xDlOpen */
-    os2DlError,        /* xDlError */
-    os2DlSym,          /* xDlSym */
-    os2DlClose,        /* xDlClose */
-    os2Randomness,     /* xRandomness */
-    os2Sleep,          /* xSleep */
-    os2CurrentTime,    /* xCurrentTime */
-    os2GetLastError,   /* xGetLastError */
-    os2CurrentTimeInt64, /* xCurrentTimeInt64 */
-    0,                 /* xSetSystemCall */
-    0,                 /* xGetSystemCall */
-    0                  /* xNextSystemCall */
-  };
-  sqlite3_vfs_register(&os2Vfs, 1);
-  initUconvObjects();
-/*  sqlite3OSTrace = 1; */
-  return SQLITE_OK;
-SQLITE_API int sqlite3_os_end(void){
-  freeUconvObjects();
-  return SQLITE_OK;
-#endif /* SQLITE_OS_OS2 */
-/************** End of os_os2.c **********************************************/
-/************** Begin file os_unix.c *****************************************/
-** 2004 May 22
-** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
-** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
-**    May you do good and not evil.
-**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
-**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-** This file contains the VFS implementation for unix-like operating systems
-** include Linux, MacOSX, *BSD, QNX, VxWorks, AIX, HPUX, and others.
-** There are actually several different VFS implementations in this file.
-** The differences are in the way that file locking is done.  The default
-** implementation uses Posix Advisory Locks.  Alternative implementations
-** use flock(), dot-files, various proprietary locking schemas, or simply
-** skip locking all together.
-** This source file is organized into divisions where the logic for various
-** subfunctions is contained within the appropriate division.  PLEASE
-** KEEP THE STRUCTURE OF THIS FILE INTACT.  New code should be placed
-** in the correct division and should be clearly labeled.
-** The layout of divisions is as follows:
-**   *  General-purpose declarations and utility functions.
-**   *  Unique file ID logic used by VxWorks.
-**   *  Various locking primitive implementations (all except proxy locking):
-**      + for Posix Advisory Locks
-**      + for no-op locks
-**      + for dot-file locks
-**      + for flock() locking
-**      + for named semaphore locks (VxWorks only)
-**      + for AFP filesystem locks (MacOSX only)
-**   *  sqlite3_file methods not associated with locking.
-**   *  Definitions of sqlite3_io_methods objects for all locking
-**      methods plus "finder" functions for each locking method.
-**   *  sqlite3_vfs method implementations.
-**   *  Locking primitives for the proxy uber-locking-method. (MacOSX only)
-**   *  Definitions of sqlite3_vfs objects for all locking methods
-**      plus implementations of sqlite3_os_init() and sqlite3_os_end().
-#if SQLITE_OS_UNIX              /* This file is used on unix only */
-** There are various methods for file locking used for concurrency
-** control:
-**   1. POSIX locking (the default),
-**   2. No locking,
-**   3. Dot-file locking,
-**   4. flock() locking,
-**   5. AFP locking (OSX only),
-**   6. Named POSIX semaphores (VXWorks only),
-**   7. proxy locking. (OSX only)
-** Styles 4, 5, and 7 are only available of SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE
-** is defined to 1.  The SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE also enables automatic
-** selection of the appropriate locking style based on the filesystem
-** where the database is located.  
-#  if defined(__APPLE__)
-#  else
-#  endif
-** Define the OS_VXWORKS pre-processor macro to 1 if building on 
-** vxworks, or 0 otherwise.
-#ifndef OS_VXWORKS
-#  if defined(__RTP__) || defined(_WRS_KERNEL)
-#    define OS_VXWORKS 1
-#  else
-#    define OS_VXWORKS 0
-#  endif
-** These #defines should enable >2GB file support on Posix if the
-** underlying operating system supports it.  If the OS lacks
-** large file support, these should be no-ops.
-** Large file support can be disabled using the -DSQLITE_DISABLE_LFS switch
-** on the compiler command line.  This is necessary if you are compiling
-** on a recent machine (ex: RedHat 7.2) but you want your code to work
-** on an older machine (ex: RedHat 6.0).  If you compile on RedHat 7.2
-** without this option, LFS is enable.  But LFS does not exist in the kernel
-** in RedHat 6.0, so the code won't work.  Hence, for maximum binary
-** portability you should omit LFS.
-** The previous paragraph was written in 2005.  (This paragraph is written
-** on 2008-11-28.) These days, all Linux kernels support large files, so
-** you should probably leave LFS enabled.  But some embedded platforms might
-** lack LFS in which case the SQLITE_DISABLE_LFS macro might still be useful.
-# define _LARGE_FILE       1
-#   define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
-# endif
-** standard include files.
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-/* #include <time.h> */
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-# include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#  include <semaphore.h>
-#  include <limits.h>
-# else
-#  include <sys/file.h>
-#  include <sys/param.h>
-# endif
-# include <sys/mount.h>
-#ifdef HAVE_UTIME
-# include <utime.h>
-** Allowed values of unixFile.fsFlags
-#define SQLITE_FSFLAGS_IS_MSDOS     0x1
-** If we are to be thread-safe, include the pthreads header and define
-** the SQLITE_UNIX_THREADS macro.
-/* # include <pthread.h> */
-** Default permissions when creating a new file
-** Default permissions when creating auto proxy dir
-** Maximum supported path-length.
-#define MAX_PATHNAME 512
-** Only set the lastErrno if the error code is a real error and not 
-** a normal expected return code of SQLITE_BUSY or SQLITE_OK
-#define IS_LOCK_ERROR(x)  ((x != SQLITE_OK) && (x != SQLITE_BUSY))
-/* Forward references */
-typedef struct unixShm unixShm;               /* Connection shared memory */
-typedef struct unixShmNode unixShmNode;       /* Shared memory instance */
-typedef struct unixInodeInfo unixInodeInfo;   /* An i-node */
-typedef struct UnixUnusedFd UnixUnusedFd;     /* An unused file descriptor */
-** Sometimes, after a file handle is closed by SQLite, the file descriptor
-** cannot be closed immediately. In these cases, instances of the following
-** structure are used to store the file descriptor while waiting for an
-** opportunity to either close or reuse it.
-struct UnixUnusedFd {
-  int fd;                   /* File descriptor to close */
-  int flags;                /* Flags this file descriptor was opened with */
-  UnixUnusedFd *pNext;      /* Next unused file descriptor on same file */
-** The unixFile structure is subclass of sqlite3_file specific to the unix
-** VFS implementations.
-typedef struct unixFile unixFile;
-struct unixFile {
-  sqlite3_io_methods const *pMethod;  /* Always the first entry */
-  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs;                  /* The VFS that created this unixFile */
-  unixInodeInfo *pInode;              /* Info about locks on this inode */
-  int h;                              /* The file descriptor */
-  unsigned char eFileLock;            /* The type of lock held on this fd */
-  unsigned short int ctrlFlags;       /* Behavioral bits.  UNIXFILE_* flags */
-  int lastErrno;                      /* The unix errno from last I/O error */
-  void *lockingContext;               /* Locking style specific state */
-  UnixUnusedFd *pUnused;              /* Pre-allocated UnixUnusedFd */
-  const char *zPath;                  /* Name of the file */
-  unixShm *pShm;                      /* Shared memory segment information */
-  int szChunk;                        /* Configured by FCNTL_CHUNK_SIZE */
-  int openFlags;                      /* The flags specified at open() */
-  unsigned fsFlags;                   /* cached details from statfs() */
-  struct vxworksFileId *pId;          /* Unique file ID */
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  /* The next group of variables are used to track whether or not the
-  ** transaction counter in bytes 24-27 of database files are updated
-  ** whenever any part of the database changes.  An assertion fault will
-  ** occur if a file is updated without also updating the transaction
-  ** counter.  This test is made to avoid new problems similar to the
-  ** one described by ticket #3584. 
-  */
-  unsigned char transCntrChng;   /* True if the transaction counter changed */
-  unsigned char dbUpdate;        /* True if any part of database file changed */
-  unsigned char inNormalWrite;   /* True if in a normal write operation */
-  /* In test mode, increase the size of this structure a bit so that 
-  ** it is larger than the struct CrashFile defined in test6.c.
-  */
-  char aPadding[32];
-** Allowed values for the unixFile.ctrlFlags bitmask:
-#define UNIXFILE_EXCL        0x01     /* Connections from one process only */
-#define UNIXFILE_RDONLY      0x02     /* Connection is read only */
-#define UNIXFILE_PERSIST_WAL 0x04     /* Persistent WAL mode */
-# define UNIXFILE_DIRSYNC    0x08     /* Directory sync needed */
-# define UNIXFILE_DIRSYNC    0x00
-#define UNIXFILE_DELETE      0x20     /* Delete on close */
-#define UNIXFILE_URI         0x40     /* Filename might have query parameters */
-#define UNIXFILE_NOLOCK      0x80     /* Do no file locking */
-#define UNIXFILE_CHOWN      0x100     /* File ownership was changed */
-** Include code that is common to all os_*.c files
-/************** Include os_common.h in the middle of os_unix.c ***************/
-/************** Begin file os_common.h ***************************************/
-** 2004 May 22
-** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
-** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
-**    May you do good and not evil.
-**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
-**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-** This file contains macros and a little bit of code that is common to
-** all of the platform-specific files (os_*.c) and is #included into those
-** files.
-** This file should be #included by the os_*.c files only.  It is not a
-** general purpose header file.
-#ifndef _OS_COMMON_H_
-#define _OS_COMMON_H_
-** At least two bugs have slipped in because we changed the MEMORY_DEBUG
-** macro to SQLITE_DEBUG and some older makefiles have not yet made the
-** switch.  The following code should catch this problem at compile-time.
-# error "The MEMORY_DEBUG macro is obsolete.  Use SQLITE_DEBUG instead."
-#if defined(SQLITE_TEST) && defined(SQLITE_DEBUG)
-# endif
-  int sqlite3OSTrace = SQLITE_DEBUG_OS_TRACE;
-# define OSTRACE(X)          if( sqlite3OSTrace ) sqlite3DebugPrintf X
-# define OSTRACE(X)
-** Macros for performance tracing.  Normally turned off.  Only works
-** on i486 hardware.
-** hwtime.h contains inline assembler code for implementing 
-** high-performance timing routines.
-/************** Include hwtime.h in the middle of os_common.h ****************/
-/************** Begin file hwtime.h ******************************************/
-** 2008 May 27
-** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
-** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
-**    May you do good and not evil.
-**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
-**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-** This file contains inline asm code for retrieving "high-performance"
-** counters for x86 class CPUs.
-#ifndef _HWTIME_H_
-#define _HWTIME_H_
-** The following routine only works on pentium-class (or newer) processors.
-** It uses the RDTSC opcode to read the cycle count value out of the
-** processor and returns that value.  This can be used for high-res
-** profiling.
-#if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_MSC_VER)) && \
-      (defined(i386) || defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86))
-  #if defined(__GNUC__)
-  __inline__ sqlite_uint64 sqlite3Hwtime(void){
-     unsigned int lo, hi;
-     __asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc" : "=a" (lo), "=d" (hi));
-     return (sqlite_uint64)hi << 32 | lo;
-  }
-  #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
-  __declspec(naked) __inline sqlite_uint64 __cdecl sqlite3Hwtime(void){
-     __asm {
-        rdtsc
-        ret       ; return value at EDX:EAX
-     }
-  }
-  #endif
-#elif (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__))
-  __inline__ sqlite_uint64 sqlite3Hwtime(void){
-      unsigned long val;
-      __asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc" : "=A" (val));
-      return val;
-  }
-#elif (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__ppc__))
-  __inline__ sqlite_uint64 sqlite3Hwtime(void){
-      unsigned long long retval;
-      unsigned long junk;
-      __asm__ __volatile__ ("\n\
-          1:      mftbu   %1\n\
-                  mftb    %L0\n\
-                  mftbu   %0\n\
-                  cmpw    %0,%1\n\
-                  bne     1b"
-                  : "=r" (retval), "=r" (junk));
-      return retval;
-  }
-  #error Need implementation of sqlite3Hwtime() for your platform.
-  /*
-  ** To compile without implementing sqlite3Hwtime() for your platform,
-  ** you can remove the above #error and use the following
-  ** stub function.  You will lose timing support for many
-  ** of the debugging and testing utilities, but it should at
-  ** least compile and run.
-  */
-SQLITE_PRIVATE   sqlite_uint64 sqlite3Hwtime(void){ return ((sqlite_uint64)0); }
-#endif /* !defined(_HWTIME_H_) */
-/************** End of hwtime.h **********************************************/
-/************** Continuing where we left off in os_common.h ******************/
-static sqlite_uint64 g_start;
-static sqlite_uint64 g_elapsed;
-#define TIMER_START       g_start=sqlite3Hwtime()
-#define TIMER_END         g_elapsed=sqlite3Hwtime()-g_start
-#define TIMER_ELAPSED     g_elapsed
-#define TIMER_START
-#define TIMER_END
-#define TIMER_ELAPSED     ((sqlite_uint64)0)
-** If we compile with the SQLITE_TEST macro set, then the following block
-** of code will give us the ability to simulate a disk I/O error.  This
-** is used for testing the I/O recovery logic.
-SQLITE_API int sqlite3_io_error_hit = 0;            /* Total number of I/O Errors */
-SQLITE_API int sqlite3_io_error_hardhit = 0;        /* Number of non-benign errors */
-SQLITE_API int sqlite3_io_error_pending = 0;        /* Count down to first I/O error */
-SQLITE_API int sqlite3_io_error_persist = 0;        /* True if I/O errors persist */
-SQLITE_API int sqlite3_io_error_benign = 0;         /* True if errors are benign */
-SQLITE_API int sqlite3_diskfull_pending = 0;
-SQLITE_API int sqlite3_diskfull = 0;
-#define SimulateIOErrorBenign(X) sqlite3_io_error_benign=(X)
-#define SimulateIOError(CODE)  \
-  if( (sqlite3_io_error_persist && sqlite3_io_error_hit) \
-       || sqlite3_io_error_pending-- == 1 )  \
-              { local_ioerr(); CODE; }
-static void local_ioerr(){
-  IOTRACE(("IOERR\n"));
-  sqlite3_io_error_hit++;
-  if( !sqlite3_io_error_benign ) sqlite3_io_error_hardhit++;
-#define SimulateDiskfullError(CODE) \
-   if( sqlite3_diskfull_pending ){ \
-     if( sqlite3_diskfull_pending == 1 ){ \
-       local_ioerr(); \
-       sqlite3_diskfull = 1; \
-       sqlite3_io_error_hit = 1; \
-       CODE; \
-     }else{ \
-       sqlite3_diskfull_pending--; \
-     } \
-   }
-#define SimulateIOErrorBenign(X)
-#define SimulateIOError(A)
-#define SimulateDiskfullError(A)
-** When testing, keep a count of the number of open files.
-SQLITE_API int sqlite3_open_file_count = 0;
-#define OpenCounter(X)  sqlite3_open_file_count+=(X)
-#define OpenCounter(X)
-#endif /* !defined(_OS_COMMON_H_) */
-/************** End of os_common.h *******************************************/
-/************** Continuing where we left off in os_unix.c ********************/
-** Define various macros that are missing from some systems.
-#ifndef O_LARGEFILE
-# define O_LARGEFILE 0
-# undef O_LARGEFILE
-# define O_LARGEFILE 0
-#ifndef O_NOFOLLOW
-# define O_NOFOLLOW 0
-#ifndef O_BINARY
-# define O_BINARY 0
-** The threadid macro resolves to the thread-id or to 0.  Used for
-** testing and debugging only.
-#define threadid pthread_self()
-#define threadid 0
-** Different Unix systems declare open() in different ways.  Same use
-** open(const char*,int,mode_t).  Others use open(const char*,int,...).
-** The difference is important when using a pointer to the function.
-** The safest way to deal with the problem is to always use this wrapper
-** which always has the same well-defined interface.
-static int posixOpen(const char *zFile, int flags, int mode){
-  return open(zFile, flags, mode);
-/* Forward reference */
-static int openDirectory(const char*, int*);
-** Many system calls are accessed through pointer-to-functions so that
-** they may be overridden at runtime to facilitate fault injection during
-** testing and sandboxing.  The following array holds the names and pointers
-** to all overrideable system calls.
-static struct unix_syscall {
-  const char *zName;            /* Name of the sytem call */
-  sqlite3_syscall_ptr pCurrent; /* Current value of the system call */
-  sqlite3_syscall_ptr pDefault; /* Default value */
-} aSyscall[] = {
-  { "open",         (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)posixOpen,  0  },
-#define osOpen      ((int(*)(const char*,int,int))aSyscall[0].pCurrent)
-  { "close",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)close,      0  },
-#define osClose     ((int(*)(int))aSyscall[1].pCurrent)
-  { "access",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)access,     0  },
-#define osAccess    ((int(*)(const char*,int))aSyscall[2].pCurrent)
-  { "getcwd",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)getcwd,     0  },
-#define osGetcwd    ((char*(*)(char*,size_t))aSyscall[3].pCurrent)
-  { "stat",         (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)stat,       0  },
-#define osStat      ((int(*)(const char*,struct stat*))aSyscall[4].pCurrent)
-** The DJGPP compiler environment looks mostly like Unix, but it
-** lacks the fcntl() system call.  So redefine fcntl() to be something
-** that always succeeds.  This means that locking does not occur under
-** DJGPP.  But it is DOS - what did you expect?
-#ifdef __DJGPP__
-  { "fstat",        0,                 0  },
-#define osFstat(a,b,c)    0
-  { "fstat",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)fstat,      0  },
-#define osFstat     ((int(*)(int,struct stat*))aSyscall[5].pCurrent)
-  { "ftruncate",    (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)ftruncate,  0  },
-#define osFtruncate ((int(*)(int,off_t))aSyscall[6].pCurrent)
-  { "fcntl",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)fcntl,      0  },
-#define osFcntl     ((int(*)(int,int,...))aSyscall[7].pCurrent)
-  { "read",         (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)read,       0  },
-#define osRead      ((ssize_t(*)(int,void*,size_t))aSyscall[8].pCurrent)
-  { "pread",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)pread,      0  },
-  { "pread",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0,          0  },
-#define osPread     ((ssize_t(*)(int,void*,size_t,off_t))aSyscall[9].pCurrent)
-#if defined(USE_PREAD64)
-  { "pread64",      (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)pread64,    0  },
-  { "pread64",      (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0,          0  },
-#define osPread64   ((ssize_t(*)(int,void*,size_t,off_t))aSyscall[10].pCurrent)
-  { "write",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)write,      0  },
-#define osWrite     ((ssize_t(*)(int,const void*,size_t))aSyscall[11].pCurrent)
-  { "pwrite",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)pwrite,     0  },
-  { "pwrite",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0,          0  },
-#define osPwrite    ((ssize_t(*)(int,const void*,size_t,off_t))\
-                    aSyscall[12].pCurrent)
-#if defined(USE_PREAD64)
-  { "pwrite64",     (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)pwrite64,   0  },
-  { "pwrite64",     (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0,          0  },
-#define osPwrite64  ((ssize_t(*)(int,const void*,size_t,off_t))\
-                    aSyscall[13].pCurrent)
-  { "fchmod",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)fchmod,     0  },
-  { "fchmod",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0,          0  },
-#define osFchmod    ((int(*)(int,mode_t))aSyscall[14].pCurrent)
-  { "fallocate",    (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)posix_fallocate,  0 },
-  { "fallocate",    (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)0,                0 },
-#define osFallocate ((int(*)(int,off_t,off_t))aSyscall[15].pCurrent)
-  { "unlink",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)unlink,           0 },
-#define osUnlink    ((int(*)(const char*))aSyscall[16].pCurrent)
-  { "openDirectory",    (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)openDirectory,      0 },
-#define osOpenDirectory ((int(*)(const char*,int*))aSyscall[17].pCurrent)
-  { "mkdir",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)mkdir,           0 },
-#define osMkdir     ((int(*)(const char*,mode_t))aSyscall[18].pCurrent)
-  { "rmdir",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)rmdir,           0 },
-#define osRmdir     ((int(*)(const char*))aSyscall[19].pCurrent)
-  { "fchown",       (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)fchown,          0 },
-#define osFchown    ((int(*)(int,uid_t,gid_t))aSyscall[20].pCurrent)
-  { "umask",        (sqlite3_syscall_ptr)umask,           0 },
-#define osUmask     ((mode_t(*)(mode_t))aSyscall[21].pCurrent)
-}; /* End of the overrideable system calls */
-** This is the xSetSystemCall() method of sqlite3_vfs for all of the
-** "unix" VFSes.  Return SQLITE_OK opon successfully updating the
-** system call pointer, or SQLITE_NOTFOUND if there is no configurable
-** system call named zName.
-static int unixSetSystemCall(
-  sqlite3_vfs *pNotUsed,        /* The VFS pointer.  Not used */
-  const char *zName,            /* Name of system call to override */
-  sqlite3_syscall_ptr pNewFunc  /* Pointer to new system call value */
-  unsigned int i;
-  int rc = SQLITE_NOTFOUND;
-  if( zName==0 ){
-    /* If no zName is given, restore all system calls to their default
-    ** settings and return NULL
-    */
-    rc = SQLITE_OK;
-    for(i=0; i<sizeof(aSyscall)/sizeof(aSyscall[0]); i++){
-      if( aSyscall[i].pDefault ){
-        aSyscall[i].pCurrent = aSyscall[i].pDefault;
-      }
-    }
-  }else{
-    /* If zName is specified, operate on only the one system call
-    ** specified.
-    */
-    for(i=0; i<sizeof(aSyscall)/sizeof(aSyscall[0]); i++){
-      if( strcmp(zName, aSyscall[i].zName)==0 ){
-        if( aSyscall[i].pDefault==0 ){
-          aSyscall[i].pDefault = aSyscall[i].pCurrent;
-        }
-        rc = SQLITE_OK;
-        if( pNewFunc==0 ) pNewFunc = aSyscall[i].pDefault;
-        aSyscall[i].pCurrent = pNewFunc;
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return rc;
-** Return the value of a system call.  Return NULL if zName is not a
-** recognized system call name.  NULL is also returned if the system call
-** is currently undefined.
-static sqlite3_syscall_ptr unixGetSystemCall(
-  sqlite3_vfs *pNotUsed,
-  const char *zName
-  unsigned int i;
-  for(i=0; i<sizeof(aSyscall)/sizeof(aSyscall[0]); i++){
-    if( strcmp(zName, aSyscall[i].zName)==0 ) return aSyscall[i].pCurrent;
-  }
-  return 0;
-** Return the name of the first system call after zName.  If zName==NULL
-** then return the name of the first system call.  Return NULL if zName
-** is the last system call or if zName is not the name of a valid
-** system call.
-static const char *unixNextSystemCall(sqlite3_vfs *p, const char *zName){
-  int i = -1;
-  if( zName ){
-    for(i=0; i<ArraySize(aSyscall)-1; i++){
-      if( strcmp(zName, aSyscall[i].zName)==0 ) break;
-    }
-  }
-  for(i++; i<ArraySize(aSyscall); i++){
-    if( aSyscall[i].pCurrent!=0 ) return aSyscall[i].zName;
-  }
-  return 0;
+  return 0;
@@ -25584,14 +23666,7 @@
 static int robust_open(const char *z, int f, mode_t m){
   int fd;
-  mode_t m2;
-  mode_t origM = 0;
-  if( m==0 ){
-  }else{
-    m2 = m;
-    origM = osUmask(0);
-  }
 #if defined(O_CLOEXEC)
     fd = osOpen(z,f|O_CLOEXEC,m2);
@@ -25599,12 +23674,20 @@
     fd = osOpen(z,f,m2);
   }while( fd<0 && errno==EINTR );
-  if( m ){
-    osUmask(origM);
+  if( fd>=0 ){
+    if( m!=0 ){
+      struct stat statbuf;
+      if( osFstat(fd, &statbuf)==0 
+       && statbuf.st_size==0
+       && (statbuf.st_mode&0777)!=m 
+      ){
+        osFchmod(fd, m);
+      }
 #if defined(FD_CLOEXEC) && (!defined(O_CLOEXEC) || O_CLOEXEC==0)
-  if( fd>=0 ) osFcntl(fd, F_SETFD, osFcntl(fd, F_GETFD, 0) | FD_CLOEXEC);
+    osFcntl(fd, F_SETFD, osFcntl(fd, F_GETFD, 0) | FD_CLOEXEC);
+  }
   return fd;
@@ -25810,7 +23893,6 @@
 ****************** Begin Unique File ID Utility Used By VxWorks ***************
@@ -26099,7 +24181,7 @@
 ** The first argument passed to the macro should be the error code that
 ** will be returned to SQLite (e.g. SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE, SQLITE_CANTOPEN). 
 ** The two subsequent arguments should be the name of the OS function that
-** failed (e.g. "unlink", "open") and the the associated file-system path,
+** failed (e.g. "unlink", "open") and the associated file-system path,
 ** if any.
 #define unixLogError(a,b,c)     unixLogErrorAtLine(a,b,c,__LINE__)
@@ -26122,7 +24204,7 @@
   zErr = aErr;
   /* If STRERROR_R_CHAR_P (set by autoconf scripts) or __USE_GNU is defined,
-  ** assume that the system provides the the GNU version of strerror_r() that 
+  ** assume that the system provides the GNU version of strerror_r() that
   ** returns a pointer to a buffer containing the error message. That pointer 
   ** may point to aErr[], or it may point to some static storage somewhere. 
   ** Otherwise, assume that the system provides the POSIX version of 
@@ -26146,7 +24228,6 @@
   zErr = strerror(iErrno);
-  assert( errcode!=SQLITE_OK );
   if( zPath==0 ) zPath = "";
       "os_unix.c:%d: (%d) %s(%s) - %s",
@@ -26313,6 +24394,50 @@
+** Check a unixFile that is a database.  Verify the following:
+** (1) There is exactly one hard link on the file
+** (2) The file is not a symbolic link
+** (3) The file has not been renamed or unlinked
+** Issue sqlite3_log(SQLITE_WARNING,...) messages if anything is not right.
+static void verifyDbFile(unixFile *pFile){
+  struct stat buf;
+  int rc;
+  if( pFile->ctrlFlags & UNIXFILE_WARNED ){
+    /* One or more of the following warnings have already been issued.  Do not
+    ** repeat them so as not to clutter the error log */
+    return;
+  }
+  rc = osFstat(pFile->h, &buf);
+  if( rc!=0 ){
+    sqlite3_log(SQLITE_WARNING, "cannot fstat db file %s", pFile->zPath);
+    pFile->ctrlFlags |= UNIXFILE_WARNED;
+    return;
+  }
+  if( buf.st_nlink==0 && (pFile->ctrlFlags & UNIXFILE_DELETE)==0 ){
+    sqlite3_log(SQLITE_WARNING, "file unlinked while open: %s", pFile->zPath);
+    pFile->ctrlFlags |= UNIXFILE_WARNED;
+    return;
+  }
+  if( buf.st_nlink>1 ){
+    sqlite3_log(SQLITE_WARNING, "multiple links to file: %s", pFile->zPath);
+    pFile->ctrlFlags |= UNIXFILE_WARNED;
+    return;
+  }
+  if( pFile->pInode!=0
+   && ((rc = osStat(pFile->zPath, &buf))!=0
+       || buf.st_ino!=pFile->pInode->fileId.ino)
+  ){
+    sqlite3_log(SQLITE_WARNING, "file renamed while open: %s", pFile->zPath);
+    pFile->ctrlFlags |= UNIXFILE_WARNED;
+    return;
+  }
 ** This routine checks if there is a RESERVED lock held on the specified
 ** file by this or any other process. If such a lock is held, set *pResOut
 ** to a non-zero value otherwise *pResOut is set to zero.  The return value
@@ -26618,7 +24743,7 @@
-#ifndef NDEBUG
   /* Set up the transaction-counter change checking flags when
   ** transitioning from a SHARED to a RESERVED lock.  The change
   ** from SHARED to RESERVED marks the beginning of a normal
@@ -26697,7 +24822,7 @@
   if( pFile->eFileLock>SHARED_LOCK ){
     assert( pInode->eFileLock==pFile->eFileLock );
-#ifndef NDEBUG
     /* When reducing a lock such that other processes can start
     ** reading the database file again, make sure that the
     ** transaction counter was updated if any part of the database
@@ -26842,9 +24967,13 @@
 ** the requested locking level, this routine is a no-op.
 static int unixUnlock(sqlite3_file *id, int eFileLock){
+  assert( eFileLock==SHARED_LOCK || ((unixFile *)id)->nFetchOut==0 );
   return posixUnlock(id, eFileLock, 0);
+static int unixMapfile(unixFile *pFd, i64 nByte);
+static void unixUnmapfile(unixFile *pFd);
 ** This function performs the parts of the "close file" operation 
 ** common to all locking schemes. It closes the directory and file
@@ -26857,6 +24986,7 @@
 static int closeUnixFile(sqlite3_file *id){
   unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
+  unixUnmapfile(pFile);
   if( pFile->h>=0 ){
     robust_close(pFile, pFile->h, __LINE__);
     pFile->h = -1;
@@ -26883,6 +25013,7 @@
 static int unixClose(sqlite3_file *id){
   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
   unixFile *pFile = (unixFile *)id;
+  verifyDbFile(pFile);
   unixUnlock(id, NO_LOCK);
@@ -26951,7 +25082,7 @@
 ************************* Begin dot-file Locking ******************************
-** The dotfile locking implementation uses the existance of separate lock
+** The dotfile locking implementation uses the existence of separate lock
 ** files (really a directory) to control access to the database.  This works
 ** on just about every filesystem imaginable.  But there are serious downsides:
@@ -26966,7 +25097,7 @@
 ** Dotfile locking works by creating a subdirectory in the same directory as
 ** the database and with the same name but with a ".lock" extension added.
-** The existance of a lock directory implies an EXCLUSIVE lock.  All other
+** The existence of a lock directory implies an EXCLUSIVE lock.  All other
 ** lock types (SHARED, RESERVED, PENDING) are mapped into EXCLUSIVE.
@@ -27133,13 +25264,13 @@
 ** Close a file.  Make sure the lock has been released before closing.
 static int dotlockClose(sqlite3_file *id) {
-  int rc;
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
   if( id ){
     unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
     dotlockUnlock(id, NO_LOCK);
-  }
   rc = closeUnixFile(id);
+  }
   return rc;
 /****************** End of the dot-file lock implementation *******************
@@ -27343,10 +25474,12 @@
 ** Close a file.
 static int flockClose(sqlite3_file *id) {
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
   if( id ){
     flockUnlock(id, NO_LOCK);
+    rc = closeUnixFile(id);
-  return closeUnixFile(id);
+  return rc;
@@ -27896,7 +26029,7 @@
     SimulateIOError( h=(-1) )
-#ifndef NDEBUG
     /* When reducing a lock such that other processes can start
     ** reading the database file again, make sure that the
     ** transaction counter was updated if any part of the database
@@ -28057,6 +26190,8 @@
   i64 newOffset;
+  assert( cnt==(cnt&0x1ffff) );
+  cnt &= 0x1ffff;
 #if defined(USE_PREAD)
     got = osPread(id->h, pBuf, cnt, offset);
@@ -28110,6 +26245,8 @@
   unixFile *pFile = (unixFile *)id;
   int got;
   assert( id );
+  assert( offset>=0 );
+  assert( amt>0 );
   /* If this is a database file (not a journal, master-journal or temp
   ** file), the bytes in the locking range should never be read or written. */
@@ -28120,6 +26257,23 @@
+  /* Deal with as much of this read request as possible by transfering
+  ** data from the memory mapping using memcpy().  */
+  if( offset<pFile->mmapSize ){
+    if( offset+amt <= pFile->mmapSize ){
+      memcpy(pBuf, &((u8 *)(pFile->pMapRegion))[offset], amt);
+      return SQLITE_OK;
+    }else{
+      int nCopy = pFile->mmapSize - offset;
+      memcpy(pBuf, &((u8 *)(pFile->pMapRegion))[offset], nCopy);
+      pBuf = &((u8 *)pBuf)[nCopy];
+      amt -= nCopy;
+      offset += nCopy;
+    }
+  }
   got = seekAndRead(pFile, offset, pBuf, amt);
   if( got==amt ){
     return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -28135,44 +26289,59 @@
-** Seek to the offset in id->offset then read cnt bytes into pBuf.
-** Return the number of bytes actually read.  Update the offset.
-** To avoid stomping the errno value on a failed write the lastErrno value
-** is set before returning.
-static int seekAndWrite(unixFile *id, i64 offset, const void *pBuf, int cnt){
-  int got;
-#if (!defined(USE_PREAD) && !defined(USE_PREAD64))
-  i64 newOffset;
+** Attempt to seek the file-descriptor passed as the first argument to
+** absolute offset iOff, then attempt to write nBuf bytes of data from
+** pBuf to it. If an error occurs, return -1 and set *piErrno. Otherwise, 
+** return the actual number of bytes written (which may be less than
+** nBuf).
+static int seekAndWriteFd(
+  int fd,                         /* File descriptor to write to */
+  i64 iOff,                       /* File offset to begin writing at */
+  const void *pBuf,               /* Copy data from this buffer to the file */
+  int nBuf,                       /* Size of buffer pBuf in bytes */
+  int *piErrno                    /* OUT: Error number if error occurs */
+  int rc = 0;                     /* Value returned by system call */
+  assert( nBuf==(nBuf&0x1ffff) );
+  nBuf &= 0x1ffff;
 #if defined(USE_PREAD)
-  do{ got = osPwrite(id->h, pBuf, cnt, offset); }while( got<0 && errno==EINTR );
+  do{ rc = osPwrite(fd, pBuf, nBuf, iOff); }while( rc<0 && errno==EINTR );
 #elif defined(USE_PREAD64)
-  do{ got = osPwrite64(id->h, pBuf, cnt, offset);}while( got<0 && errno==EINTR);
+  do{ rc = osPwrite64(fd, pBuf, nBuf, iOff);}while( rc<0 && errno==EINTR);
-    newOffset = lseek(id->h, offset, SEEK_SET);
-    SimulateIOError( newOffset-- );
-    if( newOffset!=offset ){
-      if( newOffset == -1 ){
-        ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = errno;
-      }else{
-        ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = 0;			
-      }
+    i64 iSeek = lseek(fd, iOff, SEEK_SET);
+    SimulateIOError( iSeek-- );
+    if( iSeek!=iOff ){
+      if( piErrno ) *piErrno = (iSeek==-1 ? errno : 0);
       return -1;
-    got = osWrite(id->h, pBuf, cnt);
-  }while( got<0 && errno==EINTR );
+    rc = osWrite(fd, pBuf, nBuf);
+  }while( rc<0 && errno==EINTR );
-  if( got<0 ){
-    ((unixFile*)id)->lastErrno = errno;
-  }
+  OSTRACE(("WRITE   %-3d %5d %7lld %llu\n", fd, rc, iOff, TIMER_ELAPSED));
+  if( rc<0 && piErrno ) *piErrno = errno;
+  return rc;
-  OSTRACE(("WRITE   %-3d %5d %7lld %llu\n", id->h, got, offset, TIMER_ELAPSED));
-  return got;
+** Seek to the offset in id->offset then read cnt bytes into pBuf.
+** Return the number of bytes actually read.  Update the offset.
+** To avoid stomping the errno value on a failed write the lastErrno value
+** is set before returning.
+static int seekAndWrite(unixFile *id, i64 offset, const void *pBuf, int cnt){
+  return seekAndWriteFd(id->h, offset, pBuf, cnt, &id->lastErrno);
@@ -28200,7 +26369,7 @@
-#ifndef NDEBUG
   /* If we are doing a normal write to a database file (as opposed to
   ** doing a hot-journal rollback or a write to some file other than a
   ** normal database file) then record the fact that the database
@@ -28222,6 +26391,23 @@
+  /* Deal with as much of this write request as possible by transfering
+  ** data from the memory mapping using memcpy().  */
+  if( offset<pFile->mmapSize ){
+    if( offset+amt <= pFile->mmapSize ){
+      memcpy(&((u8 *)(pFile->pMapRegion))[offset], pBuf, amt);
+      return SQLITE_OK;
+    }else{
+      int nCopy = pFile->mmapSize - offset;
+      memcpy(&((u8 *)(pFile->pMapRegion))[offset], pBuf, nCopy);
+      pBuf = &((u8 *)pBuf)[nCopy];
+      amt -= nCopy;
+      offset += nCopy;
+    }
+  }
   while( amt>0 && (wrote = seekAndWrite(pFile, offset, pBuf, amt))>0 ){
     amt -= wrote;
     offset += wrote;
@@ -28449,7 +26635,7 @@
   /* Also fsync the directory containing the file if the DIRSYNC flag
-  ** is set.  This is a one-time occurrance.  Many systems (examples: AIX)
+  ** is set.  This is a one-time occurrence.  Many systems (examples: AIX)
   ** are unable to fsync a directory, so ignore errors on the fsync.
   if( pFile->ctrlFlags & UNIXFILE_DIRSYNC ){
@@ -28491,7 +26677,7 @@
     pFile->lastErrno = errno;
     return unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE, "ftruncate", pFile->zPath);
-#ifndef NDEBUG
     /* If we are doing a normal write to a database file (as opposed to
     ** doing a hot-journal rollback or a write to some file other than a
     ** normal database file) and we truncate the file to zero length,
@@ -28504,6 +26690,14 @@
+    /* If the file was just truncated to a size smaller than the currently
+    ** mapped region, reduce the effective mapping size as well. SQLite will
+    ** use read() and write() to access data beyond this point from now on.  
+    */
+    if( nByte<pFile->mmapSize ){
+      pFile->mmapSize = nByte;
+    }
     return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -28592,6 +26786,19 @@
+  if( pFile->mmapSizeMax>0 && nByte>pFile->mmapSize ){
+    int rc;
+    if( pFile->szChunk<=0 ){
+      if( robust_ftruncate(pFile->h, nByte) ){
+        pFile->lastErrno = errno;
+        return unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE, "ftruncate", pFile->zPath);
+      }
+    }
+    rc = unixMapfile(pFile, nByte);
+    return rc;
+  }
   return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -28611,6 +26818,9 @@
+/* Forward declaration */
+static int unixGetTempname(int nBuf, char *zBuf);
 ** Information and control of an open file handle.
@@ -28648,7 +26858,27 @@
       *(char**)pArg = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", pFile->pVfs->zName);
       return SQLITE_OK;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
+      char *zTFile = sqlite3_malloc( pFile->pVfs->mxPathname );
+      if( zTFile ){
+        unixGetTempname(pFile->pVfs->mxPathname, zTFile);
+        *(char**)pArg = zTFile;
+      }
+      return SQLITE_OK;
+    }
+      i64 newLimit = *(i64*)pArg;
+      if( newLimit>sqlite3GlobalConfig.mxMmap ){
+        newLimit = sqlite3GlobalConfig.mxMmap;
+      }
+      *(i64*)pArg = pFile->mmapSizeMax;
+      if( newLimit>=0 ){
+        pFile->mmapSizeMax = newLimit;
+        if( newLimit<pFile->mmapSize ) pFile->mmapSize = newLimit;
+      }
+      return SQLITE_OK;
+    }
     /* The pager calls this method to signal that it has done
     ** a rollback and that the database is therefore unchanged and
     ** it hence it is OK for the transaction change counter to be
@@ -28679,10 +26909,92 @@
 ** a database and its journal file) that the sector size will be the
 ** same for both.
-static int unixSectorSize(sqlite3_file *pFile){
-  (void)pFile;
+#ifndef __QNXNTO__ 
+static int unixSectorSize(sqlite3_file *NotUsed){
+** The following version of unixSectorSize() is optimized for QNX.
+#ifdef __QNXNTO__
+#include <sys/dcmd_blk.h>
+#include <sys/statvfs.h>
+static int unixSectorSize(sqlite3_file *id){
+  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
+  if( pFile->sectorSize == 0 ){
+    struct statvfs fsInfo;
+    /* Set defaults for non-supported filesystems */
+    pFile->sectorSize = SQLITE_DEFAULT_SECTOR_SIZE;
+    pFile->deviceCharacteristics = 0;
+    if( fstatvfs(pFile->h, &fsInfo) == -1 ) {
+      return pFile->sectorSize;
+    }
+    if( !strcmp(fsInfo.f_basetype, "tmp") ) {
+      pFile->sectorSize = fsInfo.f_bsize;
+      pFile->deviceCharacteristics =
+        SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC4K |       /* All ram filesystem writes are atomic */
+        SQLITE_IOCAP_SAFE_APPEND |    /* growing the file does not occur until
+                                      ** the write succeeds */
+        SQLITE_IOCAP_SEQUENTIAL |     /* The ram filesystem has no write behind
+                                      ** so it is ordered */
+        0;
+    }else if( strstr(fsInfo.f_basetype, "etfs") ){
+      pFile->sectorSize = fsInfo.f_bsize;
+      pFile->deviceCharacteristics =
+        /* etfs cluster size writes are atomic */
+        (pFile->sectorSize / 512 * SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC512) |
+        SQLITE_IOCAP_SAFE_APPEND |    /* growing the file does not occur until
+                                      ** the write succeeds */
+        SQLITE_IOCAP_SEQUENTIAL |     /* The ram filesystem has no write behind
+                                      ** so it is ordered */
+        0;
+    }else if( !strcmp(fsInfo.f_basetype, "qnx6") ){
+      pFile->sectorSize = fsInfo.f_bsize;
+      pFile->deviceCharacteristics =
+        SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC |         /* All filesystem writes are atomic */
+        SQLITE_IOCAP_SAFE_APPEND |    /* growing the file does not occur until
+                                      ** the write succeeds */
+        SQLITE_IOCAP_SEQUENTIAL |     /* The ram filesystem has no write behind
+                                      ** so it is ordered */
+        0;
+    }else if( !strcmp(fsInfo.f_basetype, "qnx4") ){
+      pFile->sectorSize = fsInfo.f_bsize;
+      pFile->deviceCharacteristics =
+        /* full bitset of atomics from max sector size and smaller */
+        ((pFile->sectorSize / 512 * SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC512) << 1) - 2 |
+        SQLITE_IOCAP_SEQUENTIAL |     /* The ram filesystem has no write behind
+                                      ** so it is ordered */
+        0;
+    }else if( strstr(fsInfo.f_basetype, "dos") ){
+      pFile->sectorSize = fsInfo.f_bsize;
+      pFile->deviceCharacteristics =
+        /* full bitset of atomics from max sector size and smaller */
+        ((pFile->sectorSize / 512 * SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC512) << 1) - 2 |
+        SQLITE_IOCAP_SEQUENTIAL |     /* The ram filesystem has no write behind
+                                      ** so it is ordered */
+        0;
+    }else{
+      pFile->deviceCharacteristics =
+        SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC512 |      /* blocks are atomic */
+        SQLITE_IOCAP_SAFE_APPEND |    /* growing the file does not occur until
+                                      ** the write succeeds */
+        0;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Last chance verification.  If the sector size isn't a multiple of 512
+  ** then it isn't valid.*/
+  if( pFile->sectorSize % 512 != 0 ){
+    pFile->deviceCharacteristics = 0;
+    pFile->sectorSize = SQLITE_DEFAULT_SECTOR_SIZE;
+  }
+  return pFile->sectorSize;
+#endif /* __QNXNTO__ */
 ** Return the device characteristics for the file.
@@ -28699,11 +27011,15 @@
 static int unixDeviceCharacteristics(sqlite3_file *id){
   unixFile *p = (unixFile*)id;
+  int rc = 0;
+#ifdef __QNXNTO__
+  if( p->sectorSize==0 ) unixSectorSize(id);
+  rc = p->deviceCharacteristics;
   if( p->ctrlFlags & UNIXFILE_PSOW ){
-  }else{
-    return 0;
+  return rc;
@@ -28874,7 +27190,7 @@
     for(i=0; i<p->nRegion; i++){
       if( p->h>=0 ){
-        munmap(p->apRegion[i], p->szRegion);
+        osMunmap(p->apRegion[i], p->szRegion);
@@ -28999,14 +27315,9 @@
       /* If this process is running as root, make sure that the SHM file
       ** is owned by the same user that owns the original database.  Otherwise,
-      ** the original owner will not be able to connect. If this process is
-      ** not root, the following fchown() will fail, but we don't care.  The
-      ** if(){..} and the UNIXFILE_CHOWN flag are purely to silence compiler
-      ** warnings.
+      ** the original owner will not be able to connect.
-      if( osFchown(pShmNode->h, sStat.st_uid, sStat.st_gid)==0 ){
-        pDbFd->ctrlFlags |= UNIXFILE_CHOWN;
-      }
+      osFchown(pShmNode->h, sStat.st_uid, sStat.st_gid);
       /* Check to see if another process is holding the dead-man switch.
       ** If not, truncate the file to zero length. 
@@ -29119,18 +27430,34 @@
       if( sStat.st_size<nByte ){
         /* The requested memory region does not exist. If bExtend is set to
         ** false, exit early. *pp will be set to NULL and SQLITE_OK returned.
-        **
-        ** Alternatively, if bExtend is true, use ftruncate() to allocate
-        ** the requested memory region.
-        if( !bExtend ) goto shmpage_out;
-        if( robust_ftruncate(pShmNode->h, nByte) ){
-          rc = unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_SHMSIZE, "ftruncate",
-                            pShmNode->zFilename);
+        if( !bExtend ){
+          goto shmpage_out;
+        }
+        /* Alternatively, if bExtend is true, extend the file. Do this by
+        ** writing a single byte to the end of each (OS) page being
+        ** allocated or extended. Technically, we need only write to the
+        ** last page in order to extend the file. But writing to all new
+        ** pages forces the OS to allocate them immediately, which reduces
+        ** the chances of SIGBUS while accessing the mapped region later on.
+        */
+        else{
+          static const int pgsz = 4096;
+          int iPg;
+          /* Write to the last byte of each newly allocated or extended page */
+          assert( (nByte % pgsz)==0 );
+          for(iPg=(sStat.st_size/pgsz); iPg<(nByte/pgsz); iPg++){
+            if( seekAndWriteFd(pShmNode->h, iPg*pgsz + pgsz-1, "", 1, 0)!=1 ){
+              const char *zFile = pShmNode->zFilename;
+              rc = unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_SHMSIZE, "write", zFile);
           goto shmpage_out;
+      }
+    }
     /* Map the requested memory region into this processes address space. */
     apNew = (char **)sqlite3_realloc(
@@ -29144,9 +27471,9 @@
       void *pMem;
       if( pShmNode->h>=0 ){
-        pMem = mmap(0, szRegion,
+        pMem = osMmap(0, szRegion,
             pShmNode->isReadonly ? PROT_READ : PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, 
-            MAP_SHARED, pShmNode->h, pShmNode->nRegion*szRegion
+            MAP_SHARED, pShmNode->h, szRegion*(i64)pShmNode->nRegion
         if( pMem==MAP_FAILED ){
           rc = unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_SHMMAP, "mmap", pShmNode->zFilename);
@@ -29362,6 +27689,236 @@
 #endif /* #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
+** If it is currently memory mapped, unmap file pFd.
+static void unixUnmapfile(unixFile *pFd){
+  assert( pFd->nFetchOut==0 );
+  if( pFd->pMapRegion ){
+    osMunmap(pFd->pMapRegion, pFd->mmapSizeActual);
+    pFd->pMapRegion = 0;
+    pFd->mmapSize = 0;
+    pFd->mmapSizeActual = 0;
+  }
+** Return the system page size.
+static int unixGetPagesize(void){
+  return 512;
+#elif defined(_BSD_SOURCE)
+  return getpagesize();
+  return (int)sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
+#endif /* SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE>0 */
+** Attempt to set the size of the memory mapping maintained by file 
+** descriptor pFd to nNew bytes. Any existing mapping is discarded.
+** If successful, this function sets the following variables:
+**       unixFile.pMapRegion
+**       unixFile.mmapSize
+**       unixFile.mmapSizeActual
+** If unsuccessful, an error message is logged via sqlite3_log() and
+** the three variables above are zeroed. In this case SQLite should
+** continue accessing the database using the xRead() and xWrite()
+** methods.
+static void unixRemapfile(
+  unixFile *pFd,                  /* File descriptor object */
+  i64 nNew                        /* Required mapping size */
+  const char *zErr = "mmap";
+  int h = pFd->h;                      /* File descriptor open on db file */
+  u8 *pOrig = (u8 *)pFd->pMapRegion;   /* Pointer to current file mapping */
+  i64 nOrig = pFd->mmapSizeActual;     /* Size of pOrig region in bytes */
+  u8 *pNew = 0;                        /* Location of new mapping */
+  int flags = PROT_READ;               /* Flags to pass to mmap() */
+  assert( pFd->nFetchOut==0 );
+  assert( nNew>pFd->mmapSize );
+  assert( nNew<=pFd->mmapSizeMax );
+  assert( nNew>0 );
+  assert( pFd->mmapSizeActual>=pFd->mmapSize );
+  assert( MAP_FAILED!=0 );
+  if( (pFd->ctrlFlags & UNIXFILE_RDONLY)==0 ) flags |= PROT_WRITE;
+  if( pOrig ){
+    const int szSyspage = unixGetPagesize();
+    i64 nReuse = (pFd->mmapSize & ~(szSyspage-1));
+    u8 *pReq = &pOrig[nReuse];
+    /* Unmap any pages of the existing mapping that cannot be reused. */
+    if( nReuse!=nOrig ){
+      osMunmap(pReq, nOrig-nReuse);
+    }
+    pNew = osMremap(pOrig, nReuse, nNew, MREMAP_MAYMOVE);
+    zErr = "mremap";
+    pNew = osMmap(pReq, nNew-nReuse, flags, MAP_SHARED, h, nReuse);
+    if( pNew!=MAP_FAILED ){
+      if( pNew!=pReq ){
+        osMunmap(pNew, nNew - nReuse);
+        pNew = 0;
+      }else{
+        pNew = pOrig;
+      }
+    }
+    /* The attempt to extend the existing mapping failed. Free it. */
+    if( pNew==MAP_FAILED || pNew==0 ){
+      osMunmap(pOrig, nReuse);
+    }
+  }
+  /* If pNew is still NULL, try to create an entirely new mapping. */
+  if( pNew==0 ){
+    pNew = osMmap(0, nNew, flags, MAP_SHARED, h, 0);
+  }
+  if( pNew==MAP_FAILED ){
+    pNew = 0;
+    nNew = 0;
+    unixLogError(SQLITE_OK, zErr, pFd->zPath);
+    /* If the mmap() above failed, assume that all subsequent mmap() calls
+    ** will probably fail too. Fall back to using xRead/xWrite exclusively
+    ** in this case.  */
+    pFd->mmapSizeMax = 0;
+  }
+  pFd->pMapRegion = (void *)pNew;
+  pFd->mmapSize = pFd->mmapSizeActual = nNew;
+** Memory map or remap the file opened by file-descriptor pFd (if the file
+** is already mapped, the existing mapping is replaced by the new). Or, if 
+** there already exists a mapping for this file, and there are still 
+** outstanding xFetch() references to it, this function is a no-op.
+** If parameter nByte is non-negative, then it is the requested size of 
+** the mapping to create. Otherwise, if nByte is less than zero, then the 
+** requested size is the size of the file on disk. The actual size of the
+** created mapping is either the requested size or the value configured 
+** using SQLITE_FCNTL_MMAP_LIMIT, whichever is smaller.
+** SQLITE_OK is returned if no error occurs (even if the mapping is not
+** recreated as a result of outstanding references) or an SQLite error
+** code otherwise.
+static int unixMapfile(unixFile *pFd, i64 nByte){
+  i64 nMap = nByte;
+  int rc;
+  assert( nMap>=0 || pFd->nFetchOut==0 );
+  if( pFd->nFetchOut>0 ) return SQLITE_OK;
+  if( nMap<0 ){
+    struct stat statbuf;          /* Low-level file information */
+    rc = osFstat(pFd->h, &statbuf);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+      return SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT;
+    }
+    nMap = statbuf.st_size;
+  }
+  if( nMap>pFd->mmapSizeMax ){
+    nMap = pFd->mmapSizeMax;
+  }
+  if( nMap!=pFd->mmapSize ){
+    if( nMap>0 ){
+      unixRemapfile(pFd, nMap);
+    }else{
+      unixUnmapfile(pFd);
+    }
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** If possible, return a pointer to a mapping of file fd starting at offset
+** iOff. The mapping must be valid for at least nAmt bytes.
+** If such a pointer can be obtained, store it in *pp and return SQLITE_OK.
+** Or, if one cannot but no error occurs, set *pp to 0 and return SQLITE_OK.
+** Finally, if an error does occur, return an SQLite error code. The final
+** value of *pp is undefined in this case.
+** If this function does return a pointer, the caller must eventually 
+** release the reference by calling unixUnfetch().
+static int unixFetch(sqlite3_file *fd, i64 iOff, int nAmt, void **pp){
+  unixFile *pFd = (unixFile *)fd;   /* The underlying database file */
+  *pp = 0;
+  if( pFd->mmapSizeMax>0 ){
+    if( pFd->pMapRegion==0 ){
+      int rc = unixMapfile(pFd, -1);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+    }
+    if( pFd->mmapSize >= iOff+nAmt ){
+      *pp = &((u8 *)pFd->pMapRegion)[iOff];
+      pFd->nFetchOut++;
+    }
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** If the third argument is non-NULL, then this function releases a 
+** reference obtained by an earlier call to unixFetch(). The second
+** argument passed to this function must be the same as the corresponding
+** argument that was passed to the unixFetch() invocation. 
+** Or, if the third argument is NULL, then this function is being called 
+** to inform the VFS layer that, according to POSIX, any existing mapping 
+** may now be invalid and should be unmapped.
+static int unixUnfetch(sqlite3_file *fd, i64 iOff, void *p){
+  unixFile *pFd = (unixFile *)fd;   /* The underlying database file */
+  /* If p==0 (unmap the entire file) then there must be no outstanding 
+  ** xFetch references. Or, if p!=0 (meaning it is an xFetch reference),
+  ** then there must be at least one outstanding.  */
+  assert( (p==0)==(pFd->nFetchOut==0) );
+  /* If p!=0, it must match the iOff value. */
+  assert( p==0 || p==&((u8 *)pFd->pMapRegion)[iOff] );
+  if( p ){
+    pFd->nFetchOut--;
+  }else{
+    unixUnmapfile(pFd);
+  }
+  assert( pFd->nFetchOut>=0 );
+  return SQLITE_OK;
 ** Here ends the implementation of all sqlite3_file methods.
 ********************** End sqlite3_file Methods *******************************
@@ -29419,7 +27976,9 @@
    unixShmMap,                 /* xShmMap */                                 \
    unixShmLock,                /* xShmLock */                                \
    unixShmBarrier,             /* xShmBarrier */                             \
-   unixShmUnmap                /* xShmUnmap */                               \
+   unixShmUnmap,               /* xShmUnmap */                               \
+   unixFetch,                  /* xFetch */                                  \
+   unixUnfetch,                /* xUnfetch */                                \
 };                                                                           \
 static const sqlite3_io_methods *FINDER##Impl(const char *z, unixFile *p){   \
   UNUSED_PARAMETER(z); UNUSED_PARAMETER(p);                                  \
@@ -29436,7 +27995,7 @@
   posixIoFinder,            /* Finder function name */
   posixIoMethods,           /* sqlite3_io_methods object name */
-  2,                        /* shared memory is enabled */
+  3,                        /* shared memory and mmap are enabled */
   unixClose,                /* xClose method */
   unixLock,                 /* xLock method */
   unixUnlock,               /* xUnlock method */
@@ -29687,11 +28246,12 @@
   pNew->pVfs = pVfs;
   pNew->zPath = zFilename;
   pNew->ctrlFlags = (u8)ctrlFlags;
+  pNew->mmapSizeMax = sqlite3GlobalConfig.szMmap;
   if( sqlite3_uri_boolean(((ctrlFlags & UNIXFILE_URI) ? zFilename : 0),
                            "psow", SQLITE_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE) ){
     pNew->ctrlFlags |= UNIXFILE_PSOW;
-  if( memcmp(pVfs->zName,"unix-excl",10)==0 ){
+  if( strcmp(pVfs->zName,"unix-excl")==0 ){
     pNew->ctrlFlags |= UNIXFILE_EXCL;
@@ -29723,7 +28283,7 @@
     rc = findInodeInfo(pNew, &pNew->pInode);
     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
-      /* If an error occured in findInodeInfo(), close the file descriptor
+      /* If an error occurred in findInodeInfo(), close the file descriptor
       ** immediately, before releasing the mutex. findInodeInfo() may fail
       ** in two scenarios:
@@ -29822,15 +28382,15 @@
     if( h>=0 ) robust_close(pNew, h, __LINE__);
     h = -1;
-    isDelete = 0;
+    pNew->ctrlFlags |= UNIXFILE_DELETE;
-  if( isDelete ) pNew->ctrlFlags |= UNIXFILE_DELETE;
   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
     if( h>=0 ) robust_close(pNew, h, __LINE__);
     pNew->pMethod = pLockingStyle;
+    verifyDbFile(pNew);
   return rc;
@@ -30212,13 +28772,10 @@
     /* If this process is running as root and if creating a new rollback
     ** journal or WAL file, set the ownership of the journal or WAL to be
-    ** the same as the original database.  If we are not running as root,
-    ** then the fchown() call will fail, but that's ok.  The "if(){}" and
-    ** the setting of the UNIXFILE_CHOWN flag are purely to silence compiler
-    ** warnings from gcc.
+    ** the same as the original database.
-      if( osFchown(fd, uid, gid)==0 ){ p->ctrlFlags |= UNIXFILE_CHOWN; }
+      osFchown(fd, uid, gid);
   assert( fd>=0 );
@@ -30333,8 +28890,13 @@
   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
   SimulateIOError(return SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE);
-  if( osUnlink(zPath)==(-1) && errno!=ENOENT ){
-    return unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE, "unlink", zPath);
+  if( osUnlink(zPath)==(-1) ){
+    if( errno==ENOENT ){
+    }else{
+      rc = unixLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE, "unlink", zPath);
+    }
+    return rc;
   if( (dirSync & 1)!=0 ){
@@ -30359,7 +28921,7 @@
-** Test the existance of or access permissions of file zPath. The
+** Test the existence of or access permissions of file zPath. The
 ** test performed depends on the value of flags:
 **     SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS: Return 1 if the file exists
@@ -31922,7 +30484,7 @@
   /* Double-check that the aSyscall[] array has been constructed
   ** correctly.  See ticket [bb3a86e890c8e96ab] */
-  assert( ArraySize(aSyscall)==22 );
+  assert( ArraySize(aSyscall)==24 );
   /* Register all VFSes defined in the aVfs[] array */
   for(i=0; i<(sizeof(aVfs)/sizeof(sqlite3_vfs)); i++){
@@ -32180,15 +30742,92 @@
 /************** Continuing where we left off in os_win.c *********************/
+** Compiling and using WAL mode requires several APIs that are only
+** available in Windows platforms based on the NT kernel.
+# error "WAL mode requires support from the Windows NT kernel, compile\
+** Are most of the Win32 ANSI APIs available (i.e. with certain exceptions
+** based on the sub-platform)?
+#  define SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_ANSI
+** Are most of the Win32 Unicode APIs available (i.e. with certain exceptions
+** based on the sub-platform)?
+#  define SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_WIDE
+** Do we need to manually define the Win32 file mapping APIs for use with WAL
+** mode (e.g. these APIs are available in the Windows CE SDK; however, they
+** are not present in the header file)?
+** Two of the file mapping APIs are different under WinRT.  Figure out which
+** set we need.
+#if defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_ANSI)
+#endif /* defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_ANSI) */
+#if defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_WIDE)
+#endif /* defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_WIDE) */
+#endif /* SQLITE_OS_WINRT */
+** This file mapping API is common to both Win32 and WinRT.
+** Macro to find the minimum of two numeric values.
+#ifndef MIN
+# define MIN(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y))
 ** Some Microsoft compilers lack this definition.
+# define FILE_FLAG_MASK          (0xFF3C0000)
+# define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_MASK     (0x0003FFF7)
 /* Forward references */
 typedef struct winShm winShm;           /* A connection to shared-memory */
 typedef struct winShmNode winShmNode;   /* A region of shared-memory */
 ** WinCE lacks native support for file locking so we have to fake it
@@ -32216,7 +30855,9 @@
   short sharedLockByte;   /* Randomly chosen byte used as a shared lock */
   u8 ctrlFlags;           /* Flags.  See WINFILE_* below */
   DWORD lastErrno;        /* The Windows errno from the last I/O error */
   winShm *pShm;           /* Instance of shared memory on this file */
   const char *zPath;      /* Full pathname of this file */
   int szChunk;            /* Chunk size configured by FCNTL_CHUNK_SIZE */
@@ -32226,19 +30867,70 @@
   winceLock local;        /* Locks obtained by this instance of winFile */
   winceLock *shared;      /* Global shared lock memory for the file  */
+  int nFetchOut;                /* Number of outstanding xFetch references */
+  HANDLE hMap;                  /* Handle for accessing memory mapping */
+  void *pMapRegion;             /* Area memory mapped */
+  sqlite3_int64 mmapSize;       /* Usable size of mapped region */
+  sqlite3_int64 mmapSizeActual; /* Actual size of mapped region */
+  sqlite3_int64 mmapSizeMax;    /* Configured FCNTL_MMAP_SIZE value */
 ** Allowed values for winFile.ctrlFlags
+#define WINFILE_RDONLY          0x02   /* Connection is read only */
 #define WINFILE_PERSIST_WAL     0x04   /* Persistent WAL mode */
+ * The size of the buffer used by sqlite3_win32_write_debug().
+ */
+#  define SQLITE_WIN32_DBG_BUF_SIZE   ((int)(4096-sizeof(DWORD)))
+ * The value used with sqlite3_win32_set_directory() to specify that
+ * the data directory should be changed.
+ */
+ * The value used with sqlite3_win32_set_directory() to specify that
+ * the temporary directory should be changed.
+ */
  * If compiled with SQLITE_WIN32_MALLOC on Windows, we will use the
  * various Win32 API heap functions instead of our own.
+ * If this is non-zero, an isolated heap will be created by the native Win32
+ * allocator subsystem; otherwise, the default process heap will be used.  This
+ * setting has no effect when compiling for WinRT.  By default, this is enabled
+ * and an isolated heap will be created to store all allocated data.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * WARNING: It is important to note that when this setting is non-zero and the
+ *          winMemShutdown function is called (e.g. by the sqlite3_shutdown
+ *          function), all data that was allocated using the isolated heap will
+ *          be freed immediately and any attempt to access any of that freed
+ *          data will almost certainly result in an immediate access violation.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
  * The initial size of the Win32-specific heap.  This value may be zero.
@@ -32323,58 +31015,39 @@
 static int sqlite3_os_type = 0;
-** Many system calls are accessed through pointer-to-functions so that
-** they may be overridden at runtime to facilitate fault injection during
-** testing and sandboxing.  The following array holds the names and pointers
-** to all overrideable system calls.
-#  define SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_ANSI
-#  define SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_WIDE
 #ifndef SYSCALL
 #  define SYSCALL sqlite3_syscall_ptr
-** These macros are necessary because Windows CE does not natively support the
-** Win32 APIs LockFile, UnlockFile, and LockFileEx.
- */
-#  define LockFile(a,b,c,d,e)       winceLockFile(&a, b, c, d, e)
-#  define UnlockFile(a,b,c,d,e)     winceUnlockFile(&a, b, c, d, e)
-#  define LockFileEx(a,b,c,d,e,f)   winceLockFileEx(&a, b, c, d, e, f)
-** These are the special syscall hacks for Windows CE.  The locking related
-** defines here refer to the macros defined just above.
+** This function is not available on Windows CE or WinRT.
 #  define osAreFileApisANSI()       1
-#  define osLockFile                LockFile
-#  define osUnlockFile              UnlockFile
-#  define osLockFileEx              LockFileEx
+** Many system calls are accessed through pointer-to-functions so that
+** they may be overridden at runtime to facilitate fault injection during
+** testing and sandboxing.  The following array holds the names and pointers
+** to all overrideable system calls.
 static struct win_syscall {
-  const char *zName;            /* Name of the sytem call */
+  const char *zName;            /* Name of the system call */
   sqlite3_syscall_ptr pCurrent; /* Current value of the system call */
   sqlite3_syscall_ptr pDefault; /* Default value */
 } aSyscall[] = {
   { "AreFileApisANSI",         (SYSCALL)AreFileApisANSI,         0 },
-#define osAreFileApisANSI ((BOOL(WINAPI*)(VOID))aSyscall[0].pCurrent)
   { "AreFileApisANSI",         (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
+#ifndef osAreFileApisANSI
+#define osAreFileApisANSI ((BOOL(WINAPI*)(VOID))aSyscall[0].pCurrent)
   { "CharLowerW",              (SYSCALL)CharLowerW,              0 },
@@ -32404,7 +31077,7 @@
 #define osCreateFileA ((HANDLE(WINAPI*)(LPCSTR,DWORD,DWORD, \
-#if defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_WIDE)
   { "CreateFileW",             (SYSCALL)CreateFileW,             0 },
   { "CreateFileW",             (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
@@ -32413,12 +31086,18 @@
-  { "CreateFileMapping",       (SYSCALL)CreateFileMapping,       0 },
+#if (!SQLITE_OS_WINRT && defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_ANSI) && \
+        !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_WAL))
+  { "CreateFileMappingA",      (SYSCALL)CreateFileMappingA,      0 },
+  { "CreateFileMappingA",      (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
-        DWORD,DWORD,DWORD,LPCTSTR))aSyscall[6].pCurrent)
+        DWORD,DWORD,DWORD,LPCSTR))aSyscall[6].pCurrent)
-#if defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_WIDE)
+        !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_WAL))
   { "CreateFileMappingW",      (SYSCALL)CreateFileMappingW,      0 },
   { "CreateFileMappingW",      (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
@@ -32427,7 +31106,7 @@
-#if defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_WIDE)
   { "CreateMutexW",            (SYSCALL)CreateMutexW,            0 },
   { "CreateMutexW",            (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
@@ -32492,7 +31171,11 @@
   { "FreeLibrary",             (SYSCALL)FreeLibrary,             0 },
+  { "FreeLibrary",             (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
 #define osFreeLibrary ((BOOL(WINAPI*)(HMODULE))aSyscall[16].pCurrent)
@@ -32509,7 +31192,7 @@
   { "GetDiskFreeSpaceW",       (SYSCALL)GetDiskFreeSpaceW,       0 },
   { "GetDiskFreeSpaceW",       (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
@@ -32526,7 +31209,7 @@
 #define osGetFileAttributesA ((DWORD(WINAPI*)(LPCSTR))aSyscall[20].pCurrent)
-#if defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_WIDE)
   { "GetFileAttributesW",      (SYSCALL)GetFileAttributesW,      0 },
   { "GetFileAttributesW",      (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
@@ -32543,7 +31226,11 @@
   { "GetFileSize",             (SYSCALL)GetFileSize,             0 },
+  { "GetFileSize",             (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
 #define osGetFileSize ((DWORD(WINAPI*)(HANDLE,LPDWORD))aSyscall[23].pCurrent)
@@ -32556,7 +31243,7 @@
 #define osGetFullPathNameA ((DWORD(WINAPI*)(LPCSTR,DWORD,LPSTR, \
   { "GetFullPathNameW",        (SYSCALL)GetFullPathNameW,        0 },
   { "GetFullPathNameW",        (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
@@ -32569,6 +31256,7 @@
 #define osGetLastError ((DWORD(WINAPI*)(VOID))aSyscall[26].pCurrent)
   /* The GetProcAddressA() routine is only available on Windows CE. */
   { "GetProcAddressA",         (SYSCALL)GetProcAddressA,         0 },
@@ -32577,11 +31265,18 @@
   ** an ANSI string regardless of the _UNICODE setting */
   { "GetProcAddressA",         (SYSCALL)GetProcAddress,          0 },
+  { "GetProcAddressA",         (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
 #define osGetProcAddressA ((FARPROC(WINAPI*)(HMODULE, \
   { "GetSystemInfo",           (SYSCALL)GetSystemInfo,           0 },
+  { "GetSystemInfo",           (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
 #define osGetSystemInfo ((VOID(WINAPI*)(LPSYSTEM_INFO))aSyscall[28].pCurrent)
@@ -32606,7 +31301,7 @@
 #define osGetTempPathA ((DWORD(WINAPI*)(DWORD,LPSTR))aSyscall[31].pCurrent)
-#if defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_WIDE)
   { "GetTempPathW",            (SYSCALL)GetTempPathW,            0 },
   { "GetTempPathW",            (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
@@ -32614,7 +31309,11 @@
 #define osGetTempPathW ((DWORD(WINAPI*)(DWORD,LPWSTR))aSyscall[32].pCurrent)
   { "GetTickCount",            (SYSCALL)GetTickCount,            0 },
+  { "GetTickCount",            (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
 #define osGetTickCount ((DWORD(WINAPI*)(VOID))aSyscall[33].pCurrent)
@@ -32632,12 +31331,20 @@
 #define osHeapAlloc ((LPVOID(WINAPI*)(HANDLE,DWORD, \
   { "HeapCreate",              (SYSCALL)HeapCreate,              0 },
+  { "HeapCreate",              (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
 #define osHeapCreate ((HANDLE(WINAPI*)(DWORD,SIZE_T, \
   { "HeapDestroy",             (SYSCALL)HeapDestroy,             0 },
+  { "HeapDestroy",             (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
 #define osHeapDestroy ((BOOL(WINAPI*)(HANDLE))aSyscall[37].pCurrent)
@@ -32655,12 +31362,16 @@
 #define osHeapSize ((SIZE_T(WINAPI*)(HANDLE,DWORD, \
   { "HeapValidate",            (SYSCALL)HeapValidate,            0 },
+  { "HeapValidate",            (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
 #define osHeapValidate ((BOOL(WINAPI*)(HANDLE,DWORD, \
-#if defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_ANSI)
   { "LoadLibraryA",            (SYSCALL)LoadLibraryA,            0 },
   { "LoadLibraryA",            (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
@@ -32668,7 +31379,8 @@
 #define osLoadLibraryA ((HMODULE(WINAPI*)(LPCSTR))aSyscall[42].pCurrent)
-#if defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_WIDE)
+#if !SQLITE_OS_WINRT && defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_WIDE) && \
   { "LoadLibraryW",            (SYSCALL)LoadLibraryW,            0 },
   { "LoadLibraryW",            (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
@@ -32676,29 +31388,41 @@
 #define osLoadLibraryW ((HMODULE(WINAPI*)(LPCWSTR))aSyscall[43].pCurrent)
   { "LocalFree",               (SYSCALL)LocalFree,               0 },
+  { "LocalFree",               (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
 #define osLocalFree ((HLOCAL(WINAPI*)(HLOCAL))aSyscall[44].pCurrent)
   { "LockFile",                (SYSCALL)LockFile,                0 },
+  { "LockFile",                (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
+#ifndef osLockFile
-  { "LockFile",                (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
   { "LockFileEx",              (SYSCALL)LockFileEx,              0 },
+  { "LockFileEx",              (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
+#ifndef osLockFileEx
-  { "LockFileEx",              (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
   { "MapViewOfFile",           (SYSCALL)MapViewOfFile,           0 },
+  { "MapViewOfFile",           (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
@@ -32722,12 +31446,20 @@
 #define osSetEndOfFile ((BOOL(WINAPI*)(HANDLE))aSyscall[51].pCurrent)
   { "SetFilePointer",          (SYSCALL)SetFilePointer,          0 },
+  { "SetFilePointer",          (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
 #define osSetFilePointer ((DWORD(WINAPI*)(HANDLE,LONG,PLONG, \
   { "Sleep",                   (SYSCALL)Sleep,                   0 },
+  { "Sleep",                   (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
 #define osSleep ((VOID(WINAPI*)(DWORD))aSyscall[53].pCurrent)
@@ -32736,25 +31468,31 @@
 #define osSystemTimeToFileTime ((BOOL(WINAPI*)(CONST SYSTEMTIME*, \
   { "UnlockFile",              (SYSCALL)UnlockFile,              0 },
+  { "UnlockFile",              (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
+#ifndef osUnlockFile
-  { "UnlockFile",              (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
   { "UnlockFileEx",            (SYSCALL)UnlockFileEx,            0 },
-        LPOVERLAPPED))aSyscall[56].pCurrent)
   { "UnlockFileEx",            (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
+        LPOVERLAPPED))aSyscall[56].pCurrent)
   { "UnmapViewOfFile",         (SYSCALL)UnmapViewOfFile,         0 },
+  { "UnmapViewOfFile",         (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
 #define osUnmapViewOfFile ((BOOL(WINAPI*)(LPCVOID))aSyscall[57].pCurrent)
@@ -32768,6 +31506,124 @@
+  { "CreateEventExW",          (SYSCALL)CreateEventExW,          0 },
+  { "CreateEventExW",          (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
+        DWORD,DWORD))aSyscall[60].pCurrent)
+  { "WaitForSingleObject",     (SYSCALL)WaitForSingleObject,     0 },
+  { "WaitForSingleObject",     (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
+#define osWaitForSingleObject ((DWORD(WINAPI*)(HANDLE, \
+        DWORD))aSyscall[61].pCurrent)
+  { "WaitForSingleObjectEx",   (SYSCALL)WaitForSingleObjectEx,   0 },
+  { "WaitForSingleObjectEx",   (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
+#define osWaitForSingleObjectEx ((DWORD(WINAPI*)(HANDLE,DWORD, \
+        BOOL))aSyscall[62].pCurrent)
+  { "SetFilePointerEx",        (SYSCALL)SetFilePointerEx,        0 },
+  { "SetFilePointerEx",        (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
+#define osSetFilePointerEx ((BOOL(WINAPI*)(HANDLE,LARGE_INTEGER, \
+        PLARGE_INTEGER,DWORD))aSyscall[63].pCurrent)
+  { "GetFileInformationByHandleEx", (SYSCALL)GetFileInformationByHandleEx, 0 },
+  { "GetFileInformationByHandleEx", (SYSCALL)0,                  0 },
+#define osGetFileInformationByHandleEx ((BOOL(WINAPI*)(HANDLE, \
+        FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS,LPVOID,DWORD))aSyscall[64].pCurrent)
+  { "MapViewOfFileFromApp",    (SYSCALL)MapViewOfFileFromApp,    0 },
+  { "MapViewOfFileFromApp",    (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
+#define osMapViewOfFileFromApp ((LPVOID(WINAPI*)(HANDLE,ULONG,ULONG64, \
+        SIZE_T))aSyscall[65].pCurrent)
+  { "CreateFile2",             (SYSCALL)CreateFile2,             0 },
+  { "CreateFile2",             (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
+        LPCREATEFILE2_EXTENDED_PARAMETERS))aSyscall[66].pCurrent)
+  { "LoadPackagedLibrary",     (SYSCALL)LoadPackagedLibrary,     0 },
+  { "LoadPackagedLibrary",     (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
+#define osLoadPackagedLibrary ((HMODULE(WINAPI*)(LPCWSTR, \
+        DWORD))aSyscall[67].pCurrent)
+  { "GetTickCount64",          (SYSCALL)GetTickCount64,          0 },
+  { "GetTickCount64",          (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
+#define osGetTickCount64 ((ULONGLONG(WINAPI*)(VOID))aSyscall[68].pCurrent)
+  { "GetNativeSystemInfo",     (SYSCALL)GetNativeSystemInfo,     0 },
+  { "GetNativeSystemInfo",     (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
+#define osGetNativeSystemInfo ((VOID(WINAPI*)( \
+        LPSYSTEM_INFO))aSyscall[69].pCurrent)
+#if defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_ANSI)
+  { "OutputDebugStringA",      (SYSCALL)OutputDebugStringA,      0 },
+  { "OutputDebugStringA",      (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
+#define osOutputDebugStringA ((VOID(WINAPI*)(LPCSTR))aSyscall[70].pCurrent)
+#if defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_WIDE)
+  { "OutputDebugStringW",      (SYSCALL)OutputDebugStringW,      0 },
+  { "OutputDebugStringW",      (SYSCALL)0,                       0 },
+#define osOutputDebugStringW ((VOID(WINAPI*)(LPCWSTR))aSyscall[71].pCurrent)
+  { "GetProcessHeap",          (SYSCALL)GetProcessHeap,          0 },
+#define osGetProcessHeap ((HANDLE(WINAPI*)(VOID))aSyscall[72].pCurrent)
+  { "CreateFileMappingFromApp", (SYSCALL)CreateFileMappingFromApp, 0 },
+  { "CreateFileMappingFromApp", (SYSCALL)0,                      0 },
+#define osCreateFileMappingFromApp ((HANDLE(WINAPI*)(HANDLE, \
 }; /* End of the overrideable system calls */
@@ -32854,6 +31710,64 @@
+** This function outputs the specified (ANSI) string to the Win32 debugger
+** (if available).
+SQLITE_API void sqlite3_win32_write_debug(const char *zBuf, int nBuf){
+  char zDbgBuf[SQLITE_WIN32_DBG_BUF_SIZE];
+  int nMin = MIN(nBuf, (SQLITE_WIN32_DBG_BUF_SIZE - 1)); /* may be negative. */
+  if( nMin<-1 ) nMin = -1; /* all negative values become -1. */
+  assert( nMin==-1 || nMin==0 || nMin<SQLITE_WIN32_DBG_BUF_SIZE );
+#if defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_ANSI)
+  if( nMin>0 ){
+    memset(zDbgBuf, 0, SQLITE_WIN32_DBG_BUF_SIZE);
+    memcpy(zDbgBuf, zBuf, nMin);
+    osOutputDebugStringA(zDbgBuf);
+  }else{
+    osOutputDebugStringA(zBuf);
+  }
+#elif defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_WIDE)
+  memset(zDbgBuf, 0, SQLITE_WIN32_DBG_BUF_SIZE);
+  if ( osMultiByteToWideChar(
+          osAreFileApisANSI() ? CP_ACP : CP_OEMCP, 0, zBuf,
+          nMin, (LPWSTR)zDbgBuf, SQLITE_WIN32_DBG_BUF_SIZE/sizeof(WCHAR))<=0 ){
+    return;
+  }
+  osOutputDebugStringW((LPCWSTR)zDbgBuf);
+  if( nMin>0 ){
+    memset(zDbgBuf, 0, SQLITE_WIN32_DBG_BUF_SIZE);
+    memcpy(zDbgBuf, zBuf, nMin);
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s", zDbgBuf);
+  }else{
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s", zBuf);
+  }
+** The following routine suspends the current thread for at least ms
+** milliseconds.  This is equivalent to the Win32 Sleep() interface.
+static HANDLE sleepObj = NULL;
+SQLITE_API void sqlite3_win32_sleep(DWORD milliseconds){
+  if ( sleepObj==NULL ){
+    sleepObj = osCreateEventExW(NULL, NULL, CREATE_EVENT_MANUAL_RESET,
+                                SYNCHRONIZE);
+  }
+  assert( sleepObj!=NULL );
+  osWaitForSingleObjectEx(sleepObj, milliseconds, FALSE);
+  osSleep(milliseconds);
 ** Return true (non-zero) if we are running under WinNT, Win2K, WinXP,
 ** or WinCE.  Return false (zero) for Win95, Win98, or WinME.
@@ -32864,8 +31778,10 @@
 ** WinNT/2K/XP so that we will know whether or not we can safely call
 ** the LockFileEx() API.
 # define isNT()  (1)
+#elif !defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_WIDE)
+# define isNT()  (0)
   static int isNT(void){
     if( sqlite3_os_type==0 ){
@@ -32876,7 +31792,7 @@
     return sqlite3_os_type==2;
-#endif /* SQLITE_OS_WINCE */
@@ -32890,7 +31806,7 @@
   hHeap = winMemGetHeap();
   assert( hHeap!=0 );
   assert( hHeap!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE );
   assert ( osHeapValidate(hHeap, SQLITE_WIN32_HEAP_FLAGS, NULL) );
   assert( nBytes>=0 );
@@ -32912,7 +31828,7 @@
   hHeap = winMemGetHeap();
   assert( hHeap!=0 );
   assert( hHeap!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE );
   assert ( osHeapValidate(hHeap, SQLITE_WIN32_HEAP_FLAGS, pPrior) );
   if( !pPrior ) return; /* Passing NULL to HeapFree is undefined. */
@@ -32933,7 +31849,7 @@
   hHeap = winMemGetHeap();
   assert( hHeap!=0 );
   assert( hHeap!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE );
   assert ( osHeapValidate(hHeap, SQLITE_WIN32_HEAP_FLAGS, pPrior) );
   assert( nBytes>=0 );
@@ -32961,7 +31877,7 @@
   hHeap = winMemGetHeap();
   assert( hHeap!=0 );
   assert( hHeap!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE );
   assert ( osHeapValidate(hHeap, SQLITE_WIN32_HEAP_FLAGS, NULL) );
   if( !p ) return 0;
@@ -32989,6 +31905,8 @@
   if( !pWinMemData ) return SQLITE_ERROR;
   assert( pWinMemData->magic==WINMEM_MAGIC );
   if( !pWinMemData->hHeap ){
     pWinMemData->hHeap = osHeapCreate(SQLITE_WIN32_HEAP_FLAGS,
@@ -33001,10 +31919,21 @@
       return SQLITE_NOMEM;
     pWinMemData->bOwned = TRUE;
+    assert( pWinMemData->bOwned );
+  }
+  pWinMemData->hHeap = osGetProcessHeap();
+  if( !pWinMemData->hHeap ){
+    sqlite3_log(SQLITE_NOMEM,
+        "failed to GetProcessHeap (%d)", osGetLastError());
+    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+  pWinMemData->bOwned = FALSE;
+  assert( !pWinMemData->bOwned );
   assert( pWinMemData->hHeap!=0 );
   assert( pWinMemData->hHeap!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE );
   assert( osHeapValidate(pWinMemData->hHeap, SQLITE_WIN32_HEAP_FLAGS, NULL) );
   return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -33019,7 +31948,7 @@
   if( !pWinMemData ) return;
   if( pWinMemData->hHeap ){
     assert( pWinMemData->hHeap!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE );
     assert( osHeapValidate(pWinMemData->hHeap, SQLITE_WIN32_HEAP_FLAGS, NULL) );
     if( pWinMemData->bOwned ){
@@ -33073,7 +32002,7 @@
   if( nChar==0 ){
     return 0;
-  zWideFilename = sqlite3_malloc( nChar*sizeof(zWideFilename[0]) );
+  zWideFilename = sqlite3MallocZero( nChar*sizeof(zWideFilename[0]) );
   if( zWideFilename==0 ){
     return 0;
@@ -33098,7 +32027,7 @@
   if( nByte == 0 ){
     return 0;
-  zFilename = sqlite3_malloc( nByte );
+  zFilename = sqlite3MallocZero( nByte );
   if( zFilename==0 ){
     return 0;
@@ -33128,7 +32057,7 @@
   if( nByte==0 ){
     return 0;
-  zMbcsFilename = sqlite3_malloc( nByte*sizeof(zMbcsFilename[0]) );
+  zMbcsFilename = sqlite3MallocZero( nByte*sizeof(zMbcsFilename[0]) );
   if( zMbcsFilename==0 ){
     return 0;
@@ -33157,7 +32086,7 @@
   if( nByte == 0 ){
     return 0;
-  zFilename = sqlite3_malloc( nByte );
+  zFilename = sqlite3MallocZero( nByte );
   if( zFilename==0 ){
     return 0;
@@ -33204,6 +32133,42 @@
   return zFilenameMbcs;
+** This function sets the data directory or the temporary directory based on
+** the provided arguments.  The type argument must be 1 in order to set the
+** data directory or 2 in order to set the temporary directory.  The zValue
+** argument is the name of the directory to use.  The return value will be
+** SQLITE_OK if successful.
+SQLITE_API int sqlite3_win32_set_directory(DWORD type, LPCWSTR zValue){
+  char **ppDirectory = 0;
+  int rc = sqlite3_initialize();
+  if( rc ) return rc;
+    ppDirectory = &sqlite3_data_directory;
+  }else if( type==SQLITE_WIN32_TEMP_DIRECTORY_TYPE ){
+    ppDirectory = &sqlite3_temp_directory;
+  }
+  assert( !ppDirectory || type==SQLITE_WIN32_DATA_DIRECTORY_TYPE
+          || type==SQLITE_WIN32_TEMP_DIRECTORY_TYPE
+  );
+  assert( !ppDirectory || sqlite3MemdebugHasType(*ppDirectory, MEMTYPE_HEAP) );
+  if( ppDirectory ){
+    char *zValueUtf8 = 0;
+    if( zValue && zValue[0] ){
+      zValueUtf8 = unicodeToUtf8(zValue);
+      if ( zValueUtf8==0 ){
+        return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+      }
+    }
+    sqlite3_free(*ppDirectory);
+    *ppDirectory = zValueUtf8;
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  return SQLITE_ERROR;
 ** The return value of getLastErrorMsg
@@ -33219,6 +32184,17 @@
   char *zOut = 0;
   if( isNT() ){
+    WCHAR zTempWide[MAX_PATH+1]; /* NOTE: Somewhat arbitrary. */
+    dwLen = osFormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM |
+                             FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS,
+                             NULL,
+                             lastErrno,
+                             0,
+                             zTempWide,
+                             MAX_PATH,
+                             0);
     LPWSTR zTempWide = NULL;
     dwLen = osFormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER |
                              FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM |
@@ -33229,20 +32205,20 @@
                              (LPWSTR) &zTempWide,
     if( dwLen > 0 ){
       /* allocate a buffer and convert to UTF8 */
       zOut = unicodeToUtf8(zTempWide);
       /* free the system buffer allocated by FormatMessage */
-/* isNT() is 1 if SQLITE_OS_WINCE==1, so this else is never executed. 
-** Since the ANSI version of these Windows API do not exist for WINCE,
-** it's important to not reference them for WINCE builds.
-  }else{
+  }
+  else{
     char *zTemp = NULL;
     dwLen = osFormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER |
                              FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM |
@@ -33261,10 +32237,10 @@
       /* free the system buffer allocated by FormatMessage */
   if( 0 == dwLen ){
-    sqlite3_snprintf(nBuf, zBuf, "OsError 0x%x (%u)", lastErrno, lastErrno);
+    sqlite3_snprintf(nBuf, zBuf, "OsError 0x%lx (%lu)", lastErrno, lastErrno);
     /* copy a maximum of nBuf chars to output buffer */
     sqlite3_snprintf(nBuf, zBuf, "%s", zOut);
@@ -33287,7 +32263,7 @@
 ** The first argument passed to the macro should be the error code that
 ** will be returned to SQLite (e.g. SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE, SQLITE_CANTOPEN). 
 ** The two subsequent arguments should be the name of the OS function that
-** failed and the the associated file-system path, if any.
+** failed and the associated file-system path, if any.
 #define winLogError(a,b,c,d)   winLogErrorAtLine(a,b,c,d,__LINE__)
 static int winLogErrorAtLine(
@@ -33307,7 +32283,7 @@
   for(i=0; zMsg[i] && zMsg[i]!='\r' && zMsg[i]!='\n'; i++){}
   zMsg[i] = 0;
-      "os_win.c:%d: (%d) %s(%s) - %s",
+      "os_win.c:%d: (%lu) %s(%s) - %s",
       iLine, lastErrno, zFunc, zPath, zMsg
@@ -33345,7 +32321,7 @@
-    osSleep(win32IoerrRetryDelay*(1+*pnRetry));
+    sqlite3_win32_sleep(win32IoerrRetryDelay*(1+*pnRetry));
     return 1;
@@ -33371,9 +32347,10 @@
 ** This section contains code for WinCE only.
-** Windows CE does not have a localtime() function.  So create a
-** substitute.
+** The MSVC CRT on Windows CE may not have a localtime() function.  So
+** create a substitute.
 /* #include <time.h> */
 struct tm *__cdecl localtime(const time_t *t)
@@ -33397,6 +32374,7 @@
   y.tm_sec = pTm.wSecond;
   return &y;
 #define HANDLE_TO_WINFILE(a) (winFile*)&((char*)a)[-(int)offsetof(winFile,h)]
@@ -33406,7 +32384,7 @@
 static void winceMutexAcquire(HANDLE h){
    DWORD dwErr;
    do {
-     dwErr = WaitForSingleObject(h, INFINITE);
+     dwErr = osWaitForSingleObject(h, INFINITE);
    } while (dwErr != WAIT_OBJECT_0 && dwErr != WAIT_ABANDONED);
@@ -33418,15 +32396,17 @@
 ** Create the mutex and shared memory used for locking in the file
 ** descriptor pFile
-static BOOL winceCreateLock(const char *zFilename, winFile *pFile){
+static int winceCreateLock(const char *zFilename, winFile *pFile){
   LPWSTR zTok;
   LPWSTR zName;
+  DWORD lastErrno;
+  BOOL bLogged = FALSE;
   BOOL bInit = TRUE;
   zName = utf8ToUnicode(zFilename);
   if( zName==0 ){
     /* out of memory */
-    return FALSE;
   /* Initialize the local lockdata */
@@ -33443,9 +32423,10 @@
   pFile->hMutex = osCreateMutexW(NULL, FALSE, zName);
   if (!pFile->hMutex){
     pFile->lastErrno = osGetLastError();
-    winLogError(SQLITE_ERROR, pFile->lastErrno, "winceCreateLock1", zFilename);
+    winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR, pFile->lastErrno,
+                "winceCreateLock1", zFilename);
-    return FALSE;
+    return SQLITE_IOERR;
   /* Acquire the mutex before continuing */
@@ -33462,41 +32443,49 @@
   /* Set a flag that indicates we're the first to create the memory so it 
   ** must be zero-initialized */
-  if (osGetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS){
+  lastErrno = osGetLastError();
+  if (lastErrno == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS){
     bInit = FALSE;
   /* If we succeeded in making the shared memory handle, map it. */
-  if (pFile->hShared){
+  if( pFile->hShared ){
     pFile->shared = (winceLock*)osMapViewOfFile(pFile->hShared, 
              FILE_MAP_READ|FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, sizeof(winceLock));
     /* If mapping failed, close the shared memory handle and erase it */
-    if (!pFile->shared){
+    if( !pFile->shared ){
       pFile->lastErrno = osGetLastError();
-      winLogError(SQLITE_ERROR, pFile->lastErrno,
+      winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR, pFile->lastErrno,
                "winceCreateLock2", zFilename);
+      bLogged = TRUE;
       pFile->hShared = NULL;
   /* If shared memory could not be created, then close the mutex and fail */
-  if (pFile->hShared == NULL){
+  if( pFile->hShared==NULL ){
+    if( !bLogged ){
+      pFile->lastErrno = lastErrno;
+      winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR, pFile->lastErrno,
+                  "winceCreateLock3", zFilename);
+      bLogged = TRUE;
+    }
     pFile->hMutex = NULL;
-    return FALSE;
+    return SQLITE_IOERR;
   /* Initialize the shared memory if we're supposed to */
-  if (bInit) {
+  if( bInit ){
     memset(pFile->shared, 0, sizeof(winceLock));
-  return TRUE;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -33537,7 +32526,7 @@
 ** An implementation of the LockFile() API of Windows for CE
 static BOOL winceLockFile(
-  HANDLE *phFile,
+  LPHANDLE phFile,
   DWORD dwFileOffsetLow,
   DWORD dwFileOffsetHigh,
   DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockLow,
@@ -33575,7 +32564,8 @@
   /* Want a pending lock? */
-  else if (dwFileOffsetLow == (DWORD)PENDING_BYTE && nNumberOfBytesToLockLow == 1){
+  else if (dwFileOffsetLow == (DWORD)PENDING_BYTE
+           && nNumberOfBytesToLockLow == 1){
     /* If no pending lock has been acquired, then acquire it */
     if (pFile->shared->bPending == 0) {
       pFile->shared->bPending = TRUE;
@@ -33585,7 +32575,8 @@
   /* Want a reserved lock? */
-  else if (dwFileOffsetLow == (DWORD)RESERVED_BYTE && nNumberOfBytesToLockLow == 1){
+  else if (dwFileOffsetLow == (DWORD)RESERVED_BYTE
+           && nNumberOfBytesToLockLow == 1){
     if (pFile->shared->bReserved == 0) {
       pFile->shared->bReserved = TRUE;
       pFile->local.bReserved = TRUE;
@@ -33601,7 +32592,7 @@
 ** An implementation of the UnlockFile API of Windows for CE
 static BOOL winceUnlockFile(
-  HANDLE *phFile,
+  LPHANDLE phFile,
   DWORD dwFileOffsetLow,
   DWORD dwFileOffsetHigh,
   DWORD nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow,
@@ -33628,7 +32619,8 @@
     /* Did we just have a reader lock? */
     else if (pFile->local.nReaders){
-      assert(nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow == (DWORD)SHARED_SIZE || nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow == 1);
+      assert(nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow == (DWORD)SHARED_SIZE
+             || nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow == 1);
       pFile->local.nReaders --;
       if (pFile->local.nReaders == 0)
@@ -33639,7 +32631,8 @@
   /* Releasing a pending lock */
-  else if (dwFileOffsetLow == (DWORD)PENDING_BYTE && nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow == 1){
+  else if (dwFileOffsetLow == (DWORD)PENDING_BYTE
+           && nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow == 1){
     if (pFile->local.bPending){
       pFile->local.bPending = FALSE;
       pFile->shared->bPending = FALSE;
@@ -33647,7 +32640,8 @@
   /* Releasing a reserved lock */
-  else if (dwFileOffsetLow == (DWORD)RESERVED_BYTE && nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow == 1){
+  else if (dwFileOffsetLow == (DWORD)RESERVED_BYTE
+           && nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow == 1){
     if (pFile->local.bReserved) {
       pFile->local.bReserved = FALSE;
       pFile->shared->bReserved = FALSE;
@@ -33658,34 +32652,73 @@
   return bReturn;
+** End of the special code for wince
+#endif /* SQLITE_OS_WINCE */
-** An implementation of the LockFileEx() API of Windows for CE
+** Lock a file region.
-static BOOL winceLockFileEx(
-  HANDLE *phFile,
-  DWORD dwFlags,
-  DWORD dwReserved,
-  DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockLow,
-  DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockHigh,
-  LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped
+static BOOL winLockFile(
+  LPHANDLE phFile,
+  DWORD flags,
+  DWORD offsetLow,
+  DWORD offsetHigh,
+  DWORD numBytesLow,
+  DWORD numBytesHigh
-  UNUSED_PARAMETER(dwReserved);
-  UNUSED_PARAMETER(nNumberOfBytesToLockHigh);
-  /* If the caller wants a shared read lock, forward this call
-  ** to winceLockFile */
-  if (lpOverlapped->Offset == (DWORD)SHARED_FIRST &&
-      dwFlags == 1 &&
-      nNumberOfBytesToLockLow == (DWORD)SHARED_SIZE){
-    return winceLockFile(phFile, SHARED_FIRST, 0, 1, 0);
+  /*
+  ** NOTE: Windows CE is handled differently here due its lack of the Win32
+  **       API LockFile.
+  */
+  return winceLockFile(phFile, offsetLow, offsetHigh,
+                       numBytesLow, numBytesHigh);
+  if( isNT() ){
+    OVERLAPPED ovlp;
+    memset(&ovlp, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED));
+    ovlp.Offset = offsetLow;
+    ovlp.OffsetHigh = offsetHigh;
+    return osLockFileEx(*phFile, flags, 0, numBytesLow, numBytesHigh, &ovlp);
+  }else{
+    return osLockFile(*phFile, offsetLow, offsetHigh, numBytesLow,
+                      numBytesHigh);
-  return FALSE;
-** End of the special code for wince
-#endif /* SQLITE_OS_WINCE */
+** Unlock a file region.
+ */
+static BOOL winUnlockFile(
+  LPHANDLE phFile,
+  DWORD offsetLow,
+  DWORD offsetHigh,
+  DWORD numBytesLow,
+  DWORD numBytesHigh
+  /*
+  ** NOTE: Windows CE is handled differently here due its lack of the Win32
+  **       API UnlockFile.
+  */
+  return winceUnlockFile(phFile, offsetLow, offsetHigh,
+                         numBytesLow, numBytesHigh);
+  if( isNT() ){
+    OVERLAPPED ovlp;
+    memset(&ovlp, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED));
+    ovlp.Offset = offsetLow;
+    ovlp.OffsetHigh = offsetHigh;
+    return osUnlockFileEx(*phFile, 0, numBytesLow, numBytesHigh, &ovlp);
+  }else{
+    return osUnlockFile(*phFile, offsetLow, offsetHigh, numBytesLow,
+                        numBytesHigh);
+  }
 ** The next group of routines implement the I/O methods specified
@@ -33705,11 +32738,14 @@
 ** Otherwise, set pFile->lastErrno and return non-zero.
 static int seekWinFile(winFile *pFile, sqlite3_int64 iOffset){
   LONG upperBits;                 /* Most sig. 32 bits of new offset */
   LONG lowerBits;                 /* Least sig. 32 bits of new offset */
   DWORD dwRet;                    /* Value returned by SetFilePointer() */
   DWORD lastErrno;                /* Value returned by GetLastError() */
+  OSTRACE(("SEEK file=%p, offset=%lld\n", pFile->h, iOffset));
   upperBits = (LONG)((iOffset>>32) & 0x7fffffff);
   lowerBits = (LONG)(iOffset & 0xffffffff);
@@ -33717,7 +32753,7 @@
   ** containing the lower 32-bits of the new file-offset. Or, if it fails,
   ** it returns INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER. However according to MSDN, 
   ** INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER may also be a valid new offset. So to determine 
-  ** whether an error has actually occured, it is also necessary to call 
+  ** whether an error has actually occurred, it is also necessary to call 
   ** GetLastError().
   dwRet = osSetFilePointer(pFile->h, lowerBits, &upperBits, FILE_BEGIN);
@@ -33727,12 +32763,41 @@
     pFile->lastErrno = lastErrno;
     winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_SEEK, pFile->lastErrno,
              "seekWinFile", pFile->zPath);
+    OSTRACE(("SEEK file=%p, rc=SQLITE_IOERR_SEEK\n", pFile->h));
+    return 1;
+  }
+  OSTRACE(("SEEK file=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n", pFile->h));
+  return 0;
+  /*
+  ** Same as above, except that this implementation works for WinRT.
+  */
+  LARGE_INTEGER x;                /* The new offset */
+  BOOL bRet;                      /* Value returned by SetFilePointerEx() */
+  x.QuadPart = iOffset;
+  bRet = osSetFilePointerEx(pFile->h, x, 0, FILE_BEGIN);
+  if(!bRet){
+    pFile->lastErrno = osGetLastError();
+    winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_SEEK, pFile->lastErrno,
+             "seekWinFile", pFile->zPath);
+    OSTRACE(("SEEK file=%p, rc=SQLITE_IOERR_SEEK\n", pFile->h));
     return 1;
+  OSTRACE(("SEEK file=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n", pFile->h));
   return 0;
+/* Forward references to VFS methods */
+static int winUnmapfile(winFile*);
 ** Close a file.
@@ -33749,12 +32814,21 @@
   winFile *pFile = (winFile*)id;
   assert( id!=0 );
   assert( pFile->pShm==0 );
-  OSTRACE(("CLOSE %d\n", pFile->h));
+  assert( pFile->h!=NULL && pFile->h!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE );
+  OSTRACE(("CLOSE file=%p\n", pFile->h));
+  rc = winUnmapfile(pFile);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
     rc = osCloseHandle(pFile->h);
     /* SimulateIOError( rc=0; cnt=MX_CLOSE_ATTEMPT; ); */
-  }while( rc==0 && ++cnt < MX_CLOSE_ATTEMPT && (osSleep(100), 1) );
+  }while( rc==0 && ++cnt < MX_CLOSE_ATTEMPT && (sqlite3_win32_sleep(100), 1) );
@@ -33765,16 +32839,16 @@
         && osGetFileAttributesW(pFile->zDeleteOnClose)!=0xffffffff 
         && cnt++ < WINCE_DELETION_ATTEMPTS
-       osSleep(100);  /* Wait a little before trying again */
+       sqlite3_win32_sleep(100);  /* Wait a little before trying again */
-  OSTRACE(("CLOSE %d %s\n", pFile->h, rc ? "ok" : "failed"));
   if( rc ){
     pFile->h = NULL;
+  OSTRACE(("CLOSE file=%p, rc=%s\n", pFile->h, rc ? "ok" : "failed"));
   return rc ? SQLITE_OK
             : winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_CLOSE, osGetLastError(),
                           "winClose", pFile->zPath);
@@ -33799,11 +32873,33 @@
   int nRetry = 0;                 /* Number of retrys */
   assert( id!=0 );
+  assert( amt>0 );
+  assert( offset>=0 );
   SimulateIOError(return SQLITE_IOERR_READ);
-  OSTRACE(("READ %d lock=%d\n", pFile->h, pFile->locktype));
+  OSTRACE(("READ file=%p, buffer=%p, amount=%d, offset=%lld, lock=%d\n",
+           pFile->h, pBuf, amt, offset, pFile->locktype));
+  /* Deal with as much of this read request as possible by transfering
+  ** data from the memory mapping using memcpy().  */
+  if( offset<pFile->mmapSize ){
+    if( offset+amt <= pFile->mmapSize ){
+      memcpy(pBuf, &((u8 *)(pFile->pMapRegion))[offset], amt);
+      OSTRACE(("READ-MMAP file=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n", pFile->h));
+      return SQLITE_OK;
+    }else{
+      int nCopy = (int)(pFile->mmapSize - offset);
+      memcpy(pBuf, &((u8 *)(pFile->pMapRegion))[offset], nCopy);
+      pBuf = &((u8 *)pBuf)[nCopy];
+      amt -= nCopy;
+      offset += nCopy;
+    }
+  }
   if( seekWinFile(pFile, offset) ){
+    OSTRACE(("READ file=%p, rc=SQLITE_FULL\n", pFile->h));
     return SQLITE_FULL;
   while( !osReadFile(pFile->h, pBuf, amt, &nRead, 0) ){
@@ -33817,6 +32913,7 @@
     DWORD lastErrno;
     if( retryIoerr(&nRetry, &lastErrno) ) continue;
     pFile->lastErrno = lastErrno;
+    OSTRACE(("READ file=%p, rc=SQLITE_IOERR_READ\n", pFile->h));
     return winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_READ, pFile->lastErrno,
              "winRead", pFile->zPath);
@@ -33824,9 +32921,11 @@
   if( nRead<(DWORD)amt ){
     /* Unread parts of the buffer must be zero-filled */
     memset(&((char*)pBuf)[nRead], 0, amt-nRead);
+    OSTRACE(("READ file=%p, rc=SQLITE_IOERR_SHORT_READ\n", pFile->h));
+  OSTRACE(("READ file=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n", pFile->h));
   return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -33840,7 +32939,7 @@
   int amt,                        /* Number of bytes to write */
   sqlite3_int64 offset            /* Offset into the file to begin writing at */
-  int rc = 0;                     /* True if error has occured, else false */
+  int rc = 0;                     /* True if error has occurred, else false */
   winFile *pFile = (winFile*)id;  /* File handle */
   int nRetry = 0;                 /* Number of retries */
@@ -33849,7 +32948,26 @@
   SimulateIOError(return SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE);
   SimulateDiskfullError(return SQLITE_FULL);
-  OSTRACE(("WRITE %d lock=%d\n", pFile->h, pFile->locktype));
+  OSTRACE(("WRITE file=%p, buffer=%p, amount=%d, offset=%lld, lock=%d\n",
+           pFile->h, pBuf, amt, offset, pFile->locktype));
+  /* Deal with as much of this write request as possible by transfering
+  ** data from the memory mapping using memcpy().  */
+  if( offset<pFile->mmapSize ){
+    if( offset+amt <= pFile->mmapSize ){
+      memcpy(&((u8 *)(pFile->pMapRegion))[offset], pBuf, amt);
+      OSTRACE(("WRITE-MMAP file=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n", pFile->h));
+      return SQLITE_OK;
+    }else{
+      int nCopy = (int)(pFile->mmapSize - offset);
+      memcpy(&((u8 *)(pFile->pMapRegion))[offset], pBuf, nCopy);
+      pBuf = &((u8 *)pBuf)[nCopy];
+      amt -= nCopy;
+      offset += nCopy;
+    }
+  }
   rc = seekWinFile(pFile, offset);
@@ -33880,7 +32998,8 @@
         if( retryIoerr(&nRetry, &lastErrno) ) continue;
-      if( nWrite<=0 ){
+      assert( nWrite==0 || nWrite<=(DWORD)nRem );
+      if( nWrite==0 || nWrite>(DWORD)nRem ){
         lastErrno = osGetLastError();
@@ -33901,13 +33020,16 @@
   if( rc ){
     if(   ( pFile->lastErrno==ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL )
        || ( pFile->lastErrno==ERROR_DISK_FULL )){
+      OSTRACE(("WRITE file=%p, rc=SQLITE_FULL\n", pFile->h));
       return SQLITE_FULL;
+    OSTRACE(("WRITE file=%p, rc=SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE\n", pFile->h));
     return winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE, pFile->lastErrno,
              "winWrite", pFile->zPath);
+  OSTRACE(("WRITE file=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n", pFile->h));
   return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -33917,11 +33039,12 @@
 static int winTruncate(sqlite3_file *id, sqlite3_int64 nByte){
   winFile *pFile = (winFile*)id;  /* File handle object */
   int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return code for this function */
+  DWORD lastErrno;
   assert( pFile );
-  OSTRACE(("TRUNCATE %d %lld\n", pFile->h, nByte));
   SimulateIOError(return SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE);
+  OSTRACE(("TRUNCATE file=%p, size=%lld, lock=%d\n",
+           pFile->h, nByte, pFile->locktype));
   /* If the user has configured a chunk-size for this file, truncate the
   ** file so that it consists of an integer number of chunks (i.e. the
@@ -33936,13 +33059,24 @@
   if( seekWinFile(pFile, nByte) ){
     rc = winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE, pFile->lastErrno,
              "winTruncate1", pFile->zPath);
-  }else if( 0==osSetEndOfFile(pFile->h) ){
-    pFile->lastErrno = osGetLastError();
+  }else if( 0==osSetEndOfFile(pFile->h) &&
+            ((lastErrno = osGetLastError())!=ERROR_USER_MAPPED_FILE) ){
+    pFile->lastErrno = lastErrno;
     rc = winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE, pFile->lastErrno,
              "winTruncate2", pFile->zPath);
-  OSTRACE(("TRUNCATE %d %lld %s\n", pFile->h, nByte, rc ? "failed" : "ok"));
+  /* If the file was truncated to a size smaller than the currently
+  ** mapped region, reduce the effective mapping size as well. SQLite will
+  ** use read() and write() to access data beyond this point from now on.
+  */
+  if( pFile->pMapRegion && nByte<pFile->mmapSize ){
+    pFile->mmapSize = nByte;
+  }
+  OSTRACE(("TRUNCATE file=%p, rc=%s\n", pFile->h, sqlite3ErrName(rc)));
   return rc;
@@ -33982,13 +33116,14 @@
       || (flags&0x0F)==SQLITE_SYNC_FULL
-  OSTRACE(("SYNC %d lock=%d\n", pFile->h, pFile->locktype));
   /* Unix cannot, but some systems may return SQLITE_FULL from here. This
   ** line is to test that doing so does not cause any problems.
   SimulateDiskfullError( return SQLITE_FULL );
+  OSTRACE(("SYNC file=%p, flags=%x, lock=%d\n",
+           pFile->h, flags, pFile->locktype));
 #ifndef SQLITE_TEST
@@ -34007,9 +33142,11 @@
   rc = osFlushFileBuffers(pFile->h);
   SimulateIOError( rc=FALSE );
   if( rc ){
+    OSTRACE(("SYNC file=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n", pFile->h));
     return SQLITE_OK;
     pFile->lastErrno = osGetLastError();
+    OSTRACE(("SYNC file=%p, rc=SQLITE_IOERR_FSYNC\n", pFile->h));
     return winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_FSYNC, pFile->lastErrno,
              "winSync", pFile->zPath);
@@ -34020,23 +33157,45 @@
 ** Determine the current size of a file in bytes
 static int winFileSize(sqlite3_file *id, sqlite3_int64 *pSize){
-  DWORD upperBits;
-  DWORD lowerBits;
   winFile *pFile = (winFile*)id;
-  DWORD lastErrno;
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
   assert( id!=0 );
+  assert( pSize!=0 );
   SimulateIOError(return SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT);
+  OSTRACE(("SIZE file=%p, pSize=%p\n", pFile->h, pSize));
+  {
+    if( osGetFileInformationByHandleEx(pFile->h, FileStandardInfo,
+                                     &info, sizeof(info)) ){
+      *pSize = info.EndOfFile.QuadPart;
+    }else{
+      pFile->lastErrno = osGetLastError();
+      rc = winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT, pFile->lastErrno,
+                       "winFileSize", pFile->zPath);
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    DWORD upperBits;
+    DWORD lowerBits;
+    DWORD lastErrno;
   lowerBits = osGetFileSize(pFile->h, &upperBits);
+    *pSize = (((sqlite3_int64)upperBits)<<32) + lowerBits;
   if(   (lowerBits == INVALID_FILE_SIZE)
-     && ((lastErrno = osGetLastError())!=NO_ERROR) )
-  {
+       && ((lastErrno = osGetLastError())!=NO_ERROR) ){
     pFile->lastErrno = lastErrno;
-    return winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT, pFile->lastErrno,
+      rc = winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT, pFile->lastErrno,
              "winFileSize", pFile->zPath);
-  *pSize = (((sqlite3_int64)upperBits)<<32) + lowerBits;
-  return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  OSTRACE(("SIZE file=%p, pSize=%p, *pSize=%lld, rc=%s\n",
+           pFile->h, pSize, *pSize, sqlite3ErrName(rc)));
+  return rc;
@@ -34046,6 +33205,30 @@
+** Historically, SQLite has used both the LockFile and LockFileEx functions.
+** When the LockFile function was used, it was always expected to fail
+** immediately if the lock could not be obtained.  Also, it always expected to
+** obtain an exclusive lock.  These flags are used with the LockFileEx function
+** and reflect those expectations; therefore, they should not be changed.
+                                  LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK)
+** Currently, SQLite never calls the LockFileEx function without wanting the
+** call to fail immediately if the lock cannot be obtained.
 ** Acquire a reader lock.
 ** Different API routines are called depending on whether or not this
@@ -34053,27 +33236,33 @@
 static int getReadLock(winFile *pFile){
   int res;
+  OSTRACE(("READ-LOCK file=%p, lock=%d\n", pFile->h, pFile->locktype));
   if( isNT() ){
-    OVERLAPPED ovlp;
-    ovlp.Offset = SHARED_FIRST;
-    ovlp.OffsetHigh = 0;
-    ovlp.hEvent = 0;
-    res = osLockFileEx(pFile->h, LOCKFILE_FAIL_IMMEDIATELY,
-                       0, SHARED_SIZE, 0, &ovlp);
-/* isNT() is 1 if SQLITE_OS_WINCE==1, so this else is never executed. 
-  }else{
+    /*
+    ** NOTE: Windows CE is handled differently here due its lack of the Win32
+    **       API LockFileEx.
+    */
+    res = winceLockFile(&pFile->h, SHARED_FIRST, 0, 1, 0);
+    res = winLockFile(&pFile->h, SQLITE_LOCKFILEEX_FLAGS, SHARED_FIRST, 0,
+                      SHARED_SIZE, 0);
+  }
+  else{
     int lk;
     sqlite3_randomness(sizeof(lk), &lk);
     pFile->sharedLockByte = (short)((lk & 0x7fffffff)%(SHARED_SIZE - 1));
-    res = osLockFile(pFile->h, SHARED_FIRST+pFile->sharedLockByte, 0, 1, 0);
+    res = winLockFile(&pFile->h, SQLITE_LOCKFILE_FLAGS,
+                      SHARED_FIRST+pFile->sharedLockByte, 0, 1, 0);
   if( res == 0 ){
     pFile->lastErrno = osGetLastError();
     /* No need to log a failure to lock */
+  OSTRACE(("READ-LOCK file=%p, rc=%s\n", pFile->h, sqlite3ErrName(res)));
   return res;
@@ -34083,20 +33272,21 @@
 static int unlockReadLock(winFile *pFile){
   int res;
   DWORD lastErrno;
+  OSTRACE(("READ-UNLOCK file=%p, lock=%d\n", pFile->h, pFile->locktype));
   if( isNT() ){
-    res = osUnlockFile(pFile->h, SHARED_FIRST, 0, SHARED_SIZE, 0);
-/* isNT() is 1 if SQLITE_OS_WINCE==1, so this else is never executed. 
-  }else{
-    res = osUnlockFile(pFile->h, SHARED_FIRST + pFile->sharedLockByte, 0, 1, 0);
+    res = winUnlockFile(&pFile->h, SHARED_FIRST, 0, SHARED_SIZE, 0);
+  }
+  else{
+    res = winUnlockFile(&pFile->h, SHARED_FIRST+pFile->sharedLockByte, 0, 1, 0);
   if( res==0 && ((lastErrno = osGetLastError())!=ERROR_NOT_LOCKED) ){
     pFile->lastErrno = lastErrno;
     winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK, pFile->lastErrno,
              "unlockReadLock", pFile->zPath);
+  OSTRACE(("READ-UNLOCK file=%p, rc=%s\n", pFile->h, sqlite3ErrName(res)));
   return res;
@@ -34135,14 +33325,15 @@
   DWORD lastErrno = NO_ERROR;
   assert( id!=0 );
-  OSTRACE(("LOCK %d %d was %d(%d)\n",
-           pFile->h, locktype, pFile->locktype, pFile->sharedLockByte));
+  OSTRACE(("LOCK file=%p, oldLock=%d(%d), newLock=%d\n",
+           pFile->h, pFile->locktype, pFile->sharedLockByte, locktype));
   /* If there is already a lock of this type or more restrictive on the
   ** OsFile, do nothing. Don't use the end_lock: exit path, as
   ** sqlite3OsEnterMutex() hasn't been called yet.
   if( pFile->locktype>=locktype ){
+    OSTRACE(("LOCK-HELD file=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n", pFile->h));
     return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -34162,15 +33353,17 @@
          && (pFile->locktype==RESERVED_LOCK))
     int cnt = 3;
-    while( cnt-->0 && (res = osLockFile(pFile->h, PENDING_BYTE, 0, 1, 0))==0 ){
+    while( cnt-->0 && (res = winLockFile(&pFile->h, SQLITE_LOCKFILE_FLAGS,
+                                         PENDING_BYTE, 0, 1, 0))==0 ){
       /* Try 3 times to get the pending lock.  This is needed to work
       ** around problems caused by indexing and/or anti-virus software on
       ** Windows systems.
       ** If you are using this code as a model for alternative VFSes, do not
       ** copy this retry logic.  It is a hack intended for Windows only.
-      OSTRACE(("could not get a PENDING lock. cnt=%d\n", cnt));
-      if( cnt ) osSleep(1);
+      OSTRACE(("LOCK-PENDING-FAIL file=%p, count=%d, rc=%s\n",
+               pFile->h, cnt, sqlite3ErrName(res)));
+      if( cnt ) sqlite3_win32_sleep(1);
     gotPendingLock = res;
     if( !res ){
@@ -34194,7 +33387,7 @@
   if( locktype==RESERVED_LOCK && res ){
     assert( pFile->locktype==SHARED_LOCK );
-    res = osLockFile(pFile->h, RESERVED_BYTE, 0, 1, 0);
+    res = winLockFile(&pFile->h, SQLITE_LOCKFILE_FLAGS, RESERVED_BYTE, 0, 1, 0);
     if( res ){
       newLocktype = RESERVED_LOCK;
@@ -34214,13 +33407,12 @@
   if( locktype==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK && res ){
     assert( pFile->locktype>=SHARED_LOCK );
     res = unlockReadLock(pFile);
-    OSTRACE(("unreadlock = %d\n", res));
-    res = osLockFile(pFile->h, SHARED_FIRST, 0, SHARED_SIZE, 0);
+    res = winLockFile(&pFile->h, SQLITE_LOCKFILE_FLAGS, SHARED_FIRST, 0,
+                      SHARED_SIZE, 0);
     if( res ){
       newLocktype = EXCLUSIVE_LOCK;
       lastErrno = osGetLastError();
-      OSTRACE(("error-code = %d\n", lastErrno));
@@ -34229,7 +33421,7 @@
   ** release it now.
   if( gotPendingLock && locktype==SHARED_LOCK ){
-    osUnlockFile(pFile->h, PENDING_BYTE, 0, 1, 0);
+    winUnlockFile(&pFile->h, PENDING_BYTE, 0, 1, 0);
   /* Update the state of the lock has held in the file descriptor then
@@ -34238,12 +33430,14 @@
   if( res ){
     rc = SQLITE_OK;
-    OSTRACE(("LOCK FAILED %d trying for %d but got %d\n", pFile->h,
-           locktype, newLocktype));
+    OSTRACE(("LOCK-FAIL file=%p, wanted=%d, got=%d\n",
+             pFile->h, locktype, newLocktype));
     pFile->lastErrno = lastErrno;
     rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
   pFile->locktype = (u8)newLocktype;
+  OSTRACE(("LOCK file=%p, lock=%d, rc=%s\n",
+           pFile->h, pFile->locktype, sqlite3ErrName(rc)));
   return rc;
@@ -34257,20 +33451,23 @@
   winFile *pFile = (winFile*)id;
+  OSTRACE(("TEST-WR-LOCK file=%p, pResOut=%p\n", pFile->h, pResOut));
   assert( id!=0 );
   if( pFile->locktype>=RESERVED_LOCK ){
     rc = 1;
-    OSTRACE(("TEST WR-LOCK %d %d (local)\n", pFile->h, rc));
+    OSTRACE(("TEST-WR-LOCK file=%p, rc=%d (local)\n", pFile->h, rc));
-    rc = osLockFile(pFile->h, RESERVED_BYTE, 0, 1, 0);
+    rc = winLockFile(&pFile->h, SQLITE_LOCKFILEEX_FLAGS,RESERVED_BYTE, 0, 1, 0);
     if( rc ){
-      osUnlockFile(pFile->h, RESERVED_BYTE, 0, 1, 0);
+      winUnlockFile(&pFile->h, RESERVED_BYTE, 0, 1, 0);
     rc = !rc;
-    OSTRACE(("TEST WR-LOCK %d %d (remote)\n", pFile->h, rc));
+    OSTRACE(("TEST-WR-LOCK file=%p, rc=%d (remote)\n", pFile->h, rc));
   *pResOut = rc;
+  OSTRACE(("TEST-WR-LOCK file=%p, pResOut=%p, *pResOut=%d, rc=SQLITE_OK\n",
+           pFile->h, pResOut, *pResOut));
   return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -34291,11 +33488,11 @@
   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
   assert( pFile!=0 );
   assert( locktype<=SHARED_LOCK );
-  OSTRACE(("UNLOCK %d to %d was %d(%d)\n", pFile->h, locktype,
-          pFile->locktype, pFile->sharedLockByte));
+  OSTRACE(("UNLOCK file=%p, oldLock=%d(%d), newLock=%d\n",
+           pFile->h, pFile->locktype, pFile->sharedLockByte, locktype));
   type = pFile->locktype;
   if( type>=EXCLUSIVE_LOCK ){
-    osUnlockFile(pFile->h, SHARED_FIRST, 0, SHARED_SIZE, 0);
+    winUnlockFile(&pFile->h, SHARED_FIRST, 0, SHARED_SIZE, 0);
     if( locktype==SHARED_LOCK && !getReadLock(pFile) ){
       /* This should never happen.  We should always be able to
       ** reacquire the read lock */
@@ -34304,15 +33501,17 @@
   if( type>=RESERVED_LOCK ){
-    osUnlockFile(pFile->h, RESERVED_BYTE, 0, 1, 0);
+    winUnlockFile(&pFile->h, RESERVED_BYTE, 0, 1, 0);
   if( locktype==NO_LOCK && type>=SHARED_LOCK ){
   if( type>=PENDING_LOCK ){
-    osUnlockFile(pFile->h, PENDING_BYTE, 0, 1, 0);
+    winUnlockFile(&pFile->h, PENDING_BYTE, 0, 1, 0);
   pFile->locktype = (u8)locktype;
+  OSTRACE(("UNLOCK file=%p, lock=%d, rc=%s\n",
+           pFile->h, pFile->locktype, sqlite3ErrName(rc)));
   return rc;
@@ -34332,22 +33531,29 @@
+/* Forward declaration */
+static int getTempname(int nBuf, char *zBuf);
 ** Control and query of the open file handle.
 static int winFileControl(sqlite3_file *id, int op, void *pArg){
   winFile *pFile = (winFile*)id;
+  OSTRACE(("FCNTL file=%p, op=%d, pArg=%p\n", pFile->h, op, pArg));
   switch( op ){
       *(int*)pArg = pFile->locktype;
+      OSTRACE(("FCNTL file=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n", pFile->h));
       return SQLITE_OK;
     case SQLITE_LAST_ERRNO: {
       *(int*)pArg = (int)pFile->lastErrno;
+      OSTRACE(("FCNTL file=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n", pFile->h));
       return SQLITE_OK;
       pFile->szChunk = *(int *)pArg;
+      OSTRACE(("FCNTL file=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n", pFile->h));
       return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -34362,20 +33568,25 @@
+        OSTRACE(("FCNTL file=%p, rc=%s\n", pFile->h, sqlite3ErrName(rc)));
         return rc;
+      OSTRACE(("FCNTL file=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n", pFile->h));
       return SQLITE_OK;
       winModeBit(pFile, WINFILE_PERSIST_WAL, (int*)pArg);
+      OSTRACE(("FCNTL file=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n", pFile->h));
       return SQLITE_OK;
       winModeBit(pFile, WINFILE_PSOW, (int*)pArg);
+      OSTRACE(("FCNTL file=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n", pFile->h));
       return SQLITE_OK;
       *(char**)pArg = sqlite3_mprintf("win32");
+      OSTRACE(("FCNTL file=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n", pFile->h));
       return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -34390,9 +33601,32 @@
         a[1] = win32IoerrRetryDelay;
+      OSTRACE(("FCNTL file=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n", pFile->h));
       return SQLITE_OK;
+      char *zTFile = sqlite3MallocZero( pFile->pVfs->mxPathname );
+      if( zTFile ){
+        getTempname(pFile->pVfs->mxPathname, zTFile);
+        *(char**)pArg = zTFile;
+      OSTRACE(("FCNTL file=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n", pFile->h));
+      return SQLITE_OK;
+    }
+      i64 newLimit = *(i64*)pArg;
+      if( newLimit>sqlite3GlobalConfig.mxMmap ){
+        newLimit = sqlite3GlobalConfig.mxMmap;
+      }
+      *(i64*)pArg = pFile->mmapSizeMax;
+      if( newLimit>=0 ) pFile->mmapSizeMax = newLimit;
+      OSTRACE(("FCNTL file=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n", pFile->h));
+      return SQLITE_OK;
+    }
+  }
+  OSTRACE(("FCNTL file=%p, rc=SQLITE_NOTFOUND\n", pFile->h));
@@ -34420,8 +33654,6 @@
 ** Windows will only let you create file view mappings
 ** on allocation size granularity boundaries.
@@ -34430,6 +33662,8 @@
 SYSTEM_INFO winSysInfo;
 ** Helper functions to obtain and relinquish the global mutex. The
 ** global mutex is used to protect the winLockInfo objects used by 
@@ -34548,25 +33782,22 @@
   int ofst,             /* Offset to first byte to be locked/unlocked */
   int nByte             /* Number of bytes to lock or unlock */
-  DWORD dwFlags;
   int rc = 0;           /* Result code form Lock/UnlockFileEx() */
   /* Access to the winShmNode object is serialized by the caller */
   assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pFile->mutex) || pFile->nRef==0 );
-  /* Initialize the locking parameters */
-  if( lockType == _SHM_WRLCK ) dwFlags |= LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK;
-  memset(&ovlp, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED));
-  ovlp.Offset = ofst;
+  OSTRACE(("SHM-LOCK file=%p, lock=%d, offset=%d, size=%d\n",
+           pFile->hFile.h, lockType, ofst, nByte));
   /* Release/Acquire the system-level lock */
   if( lockType==_SHM_UNLCK ){
-    rc = osUnlockFileEx(pFile->hFile.h, 0, nByte, 0, &ovlp);
+    rc = winUnlockFile(&pFile->hFile.h, ofst, 0, nByte, 0);
-    rc = osLockFileEx(pFile->hFile.h, dwFlags, 0, nByte, 0, &ovlp);
+    /* Initialize the locking parameters */
+    if( lockType == _SHM_WRLCK ) dwFlags |= LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK;
+    rc = winLockFile(&pFile->hFile.h, dwFlags, ofst, 0, nByte, 0);
   if( rc!= 0 ){
@@ -34576,11 +33807,9 @@
     rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
-  OSTRACE(("SHM-LOCK %d %s %s 0x%08lx\n", 
-           pFile->hFile.h,
-           rc==SQLITE_OK ? "ok" : "failed",
-           lockType==_SHM_UNLCK ? "UnlockFileEx" : "LockFileEx",
-           pFile->lastErrno));
+  OSTRACE(("SHM-LOCK file=%p, func=%s, errno=%lu, rc=%s\n",
+           pFile->hFile.h, (lockType == _SHM_UNLCK) ? "winUnlockFile" :
+           "winLockFile", pFile->lastErrno, sqlite3ErrName(rc)));
   return rc;
@@ -34600,6 +33829,8 @@
   winShmNode *p;
   BOOL bRc;
   assert( winShmMutexHeld() );
+  OSTRACE(("SHM-PURGE pid=%lu, deleteFlag=%d\n",
+           osGetCurrentProcessId(), deleteFlag));
   pp = &winShmNodeList;
   while( (p = *pp)!=0 ){
     if( p->nRef==0 ){
@@ -34607,15 +33838,13 @@
       if( p->mutex ) sqlite3_mutex_free(p->mutex);
       for(i=0; i<p->nRegion; i++){
         bRc = osUnmapViewOfFile(p->aRegion[i].pMap);
-        OSTRACE(("SHM-PURGE pid-%d unmap region=%d %s\n",
-                 (int)osGetCurrentProcessId(), i,
-                 bRc ? "ok" : "failed"));
+        OSTRACE(("SHM-PURGE-UNMAP pid=%lu, region=%d, rc=%s\n",
+                 osGetCurrentProcessId(), i, bRc ? "ok" : "failed"));
         bRc = osCloseHandle(p->aRegion[i].hMap);
-        OSTRACE(("SHM-PURGE pid-%d close region=%d %s\n",
-                 (int)osGetCurrentProcessId(), i,
-                 bRc ? "ok" : "failed"));
+        OSTRACE(("SHM-PURGE-CLOSE pid=%lu, region=%d, rc=%s\n",
+                 osGetCurrentProcessId(), i, bRc ? "ok" : "failed"));
-      if( p->hFile.h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ){
+      if( p->hFile.h!=NULL && p->hFile.h!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ){
         winClose((sqlite3_file *)&p->hFile);
@@ -34655,16 +33884,14 @@
   /* Allocate space for the new sqlite3_shm object.  Also speculatively
   ** allocate space for a new winShmNode and filename.
-  p = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(*p) );
+  p = sqlite3MallocZero( sizeof(*p) );
   if( p==0 ) return SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM;
-  memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
   nName = sqlite3Strlen30(pDbFd->zPath);
-  pNew = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(*pShmNode) + nName + 17 );
+  pNew = sqlite3MallocZero( sizeof(*pShmNode) + nName + 17 );
   if( pNew==0 ){
-  memset(pNew, 0, sizeof(*pNew) + nName + 17);
   pNew->zFilename = (char*)&pNew[1];
   sqlite3_snprintf(nName+15, pNew->zFilename, "%s-shm", pDbFd->zPath);
   sqlite3FileSuffix3(pDbFd->zPath, pNew->zFilename); 
@@ -34697,7 +33924,7 @@
     rc = winOpen(pDbFd->pVfs,
                  pShmNode->zFilename,             /* Name of the file (UTF-8) */
                  (sqlite3_file*)&pShmNode->hFile,  /* File handle here */
     if( SQLITE_OK!=rc ){
       goto shm_open_err;
@@ -34894,9 +34121,9 @@
-  OSTRACE(("SHM-LOCK shmid-%d, pid-%d got %03x,%03x %s\n",
-           p->id, (int)osGetCurrentProcessId(), p->sharedMask, p->exclMask,
-           rc ? "failed" : "ok"));
+  OSTRACE(("SHM-LOCK pid=%lu, id=%d, sharedMask=%03x, exclMask=%03x, rc=%s\n",
+           osGetCurrentProcessId(), p->id, p->sharedMask, p->exclMask,
+           sqlite3ErrName(rc)));
   return rc;
@@ -35001,23 +34228,39 @@
     pShmNode->aRegion = apNew;
     while( pShmNode->nRegion<=iRegion ){
-      HANDLE hMap;                /* file-mapping handle */
+      HANDLE hMap = NULL;         /* file-mapping handle */
       void *pMap = 0;             /* Mapped memory region */
-      hMap = osCreateFileMapping(pShmNode->hFile.h, 
+      hMap = osCreateFileMappingFromApp(pShmNode->hFile.h,
+          NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, nByte, NULL
+      );
+#elif defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_WIDE)
+      hMap = osCreateFileMappingW(pShmNode->hFile.h, 
+          NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, nByte, NULL
+      );
+#elif defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_ANSI)
+      hMap = osCreateFileMappingA(pShmNode->hFile.h, 
           NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, nByte, NULL
-      OSTRACE(("SHM-MAP pid-%d create region=%d nbyte=%d %s\n",
-               (int)osGetCurrentProcessId(), pShmNode->nRegion, nByte,
+      OSTRACE(("SHM-MAP-CREATE pid=%lu, region=%d, size=%d, rc=%s\n",
+               osGetCurrentProcessId(), pShmNode->nRegion, nByte,
                hMap ? "ok" : "failed"));
       if( hMap ){
         int iOffset = pShmNode->nRegion*szRegion;
         int iOffsetShift = iOffset % winSysInfo.dwAllocationGranularity;
+        pMap = osMapViewOfFileFromApp(hMap, FILE_MAP_WRITE | FILE_MAP_READ,
+            iOffset - iOffsetShift, szRegion + iOffsetShift
+        );
         pMap = osMapViewOfFile(hMap, FILE_MAP_WRITE | FILE_MAP_READ,
             0, iOffset - iOffsetShift, szRegion + iOffsetShift
-        OSTRACE(("SHM-MAP pid-%d map region=%d offset=%d size=%d %s\n",
-                 (int)osGetCurrentProcessId(), pShmNode->nRegion, iOffset,
+        OSTRACE(("SHM-MAP-MAP pid=%lu, region=%d, offset=%d, size=%d, rc=%s\n",
+                 osGetCurrentProcessId(), pShmNode->nRegion, iOffset,
                  szRegion, pMap ? "ok" : "failed"));
       if( !pMap ){
@@ -35055,6 +34298,230 @@
 #endif /* #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
+** Cleans up the mapped region of the specified file, if any.
+static int winUnmapfile(winFile *pFile){
+  assert( pFile!=0 );
+  OSTRACE(("UNMAP-FILE pid=%lu, pFile=%p, hMap=%p, pMapRegion=%p, "
+           "mmapSize=%lld, mmapSizeActual=%lld, mmapSizeMax=%lld\n",
+           osGetCurrentProcessId(), pFile, pFile->hMap, pFile->pMapRegion,
+           pFile->mmapSize, pFile->mmapSizeActual, pFile->mmapSizeMax));
+  if( pFile->pMapRegion ){
+    if( !osUnmapViewOfFile(pFile->pMapRegion) ){
+      pFile->lastErrno = osGetLastError();
+      OSTRACE(("UNMAP-FILE pid=%lu, pFile=%p, pMapRegion=%p, "
+               "rc=SQLITE_IOERR_MMAP\n", osGetCurrentProcessId(), pFile,
+               pFile->pMapRegion));
+      return winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_MMAP, pFile->lastErrno,
+                         "winUnmap1", pFile->zPath);
+    }
+    pFile->pMapRegion = 0;
+    pFile->mmapSize = 0;
+    pFile->mmapSizeActual = 0;
+  }
+  if( pFile->hMap!=NULL ){
+    if( !osCloseHandle(pFile->hMap) ){
+      pFile->lastErrno = osGetLastError();
+      OSTRACE(("UNMAP-FILE pid=%lu, pFile=%p, hMap=%p, rc=SQLITE_IOERR_MMAP\n",
+               osGetCurrentProcessId(), pFile, pFile->hMap));
+      return winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_MMAP, pFile->lastErrno,
+                         "winUnmap2", pFile->zPath);
+    }
+    pFile->hMap = NULL;
+  }
+  OSTRACE(("UNMAP-FILE pid=%lu, pFile=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n",
+           osGetCurrentProcessId(), pFile));
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Memory map or remap the file opened by file-descriptor pFd (if the file
+** is already mapped, the existing mapping is replaced by the new). Or, if 
+** there already exists a mapping for this file, and there are still 
+** outstanding xFetch() references to it, this function is a no-op.
+** If parameter nByte is non-negative, then it is the requested size of 
+** the mapping to create. Otherwise, if nByte is less than zero, then the 
+** requested size is the size of the file on disk. The actual size of the
+** created mapping is either the requested size or the value configured 
+** using SQLITE_FCNTL_MMAP_SIZE, whichever is smaller.
+** SQLITE_OK is returned if no error occurs (even if the mapping is not
+** recreated as a result of outstanding references) or an SQLite error
+** code otherwise.
+static int winMapfile(winFile *pFd, sqlite3_int64 nByte){
+  sqlite3_int64 nMap = nByte;
+  int rc;
+  assert( nMap>=0 || pFd->nFetchOut==0 );
+  OSTRACE(("MAP-FILE pid=%lu, pFile=%p, size=%lld\n",
+           osGetCurrentProcessId(), pFd, nByte));
+  if( pFd->nFetchOut>0 ) return SQLITE_OK;
+  if( nMap<0 ){
+    rc = winFileSize((sqlite3_file*)pFd, &nMap);
+    if( rc ){
+      OSTRACE(("MAP-FILE pid=%lu, pFile=%p, rc=SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT\n",
+               osGetCurrentProcessId(), pFd));
+      return SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT;
+    }
+  }
+  if( nMap>pFd->mmapSizeMax ){
+    nMap = pFd->mmapSizeMax;
+  }
+  nMap &= ~(sqlite3_int64)(winSysInfo.dwPageSize - 1);
+  if( nMap==0 && pFd->mmapSize>0 ){
+    winUnmapfile(pFd);
+  }
+  if( nMap!=pFd->mmapSize ){
+    void *pNew = 0;
+    DWORD protect = PAGE_READONLY;
+    DWORD flags = FILE_MAP_READ;
+    winUnmapfile(pFd);
+    if( (pFd->ctrlFlags & WINFILE_RDONLY)==0 ){
+      protect = PAGE_READWRITE;
+      flags |= FILE_MAP_WRITE;
+    }
+    pFd->hMap = osCreateFileMappingFromApp(pFd->h, NULL, protect, nMap, NULL);
+#elif defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_WIDE)
+    pFd->hMap = osCreateFileMappingW(pFd->h, NULL, protect,
+                                (DWORD)((nMap>>32) & 0xffffffff),
+                                (DWORD)(nMap & 0xffffffff), NULL);
+#elif defined(SQLITE_WIN32_HAS_ANSI)
+    pFd->hMap = osCreateFileMappingA(pFd->h, NULL, protect,
+                                (DWORD)((nMap>>32) & 0xffffffff),
+                                (DWORD)(nMap & 0xffffffff), NULL);
+    if( pFd->hMap==NULL ){
+      pFd->lastErrno = osGetLastError();
+      rc = winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_MMAP, pFd->lastErrno,
+                       "winMapfile", pFd->zPath);
+      /* Log the error, but continue normal operation using xRead/xWrite */
+      OSTRACE(("MAP-FILE-CREATE pid=%lu, pFile=%p, rc=SQLITE_IOERR_MMAP\n",
+               osGetCurrentProcessId(), pFd));
+      return SQLITE_OK;
+    }
+    assert( (nMap % winSysInfo.dwPageSize)==0 );
+    pNew = osMapViewOfFileFromApp(pFd->hMap, flags, 0, nMap);
+    assert( sizeof(SIZE_T)==sizeof(sqlite3_int64) || nMap<=0xffffffff );
+    pNew = osMapViewOfFile(pFd->hMap, flags, 0, 0, (SIZE_T)nMap);
+    if( pNew==NULL ){
+      osCloseHandle(pFd->hMap);
+      pFd->hMap = NULL;
+      pFd->lastErrno = osGetLastError();
+      winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_MMAP, pFd->lastErrno,
+                  "winMapfile", pFd->zPath);
+      OSTRACE(("MAP-FILE-MAP pid=%lu, pFile=%p, rc=SQLITE_IOERR_MMAP\n",
+               osGetCurrentProcessId(), pFd));
+      return SQLITE_OK;
+    }
+    pFd->pMapRegion = pNew;
+    pFd->mmapSize = nMap;
+    pFd->mmapSizeActual = nMap;
+  }
+  OSTRACE(("MAP-FILE pid=%lu, pFile=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n",
+           osGetCurrentProcessId(), pFd));
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+#endif /* SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE>0 */
+** If possible, return a pointer to a mapping of file fd starting at offset
+** iOff. The mapping must be valid for at least nAmt bytes.
+** If such a pointer can be obtained, store it in *pp and return SQLITE_OK.
+** Or, if one cannot but no error occurs, set *pp to 0 and return SQLITE_OK.
+** Finally, if an error does occur, return an SQLite error code. The final
+** value of *pp is undefined in this case.
+** If this function does return a pointer, the caller must eventually 
+** release the reference by calling winUnfetch().
+static int winFetch(sqlite3_file *fd, i64 iOff, int nAmt, void **pp){
+  winFile *pFd = (winFile*)fd;   /* The underlying database file */
+  *pp = 0;
+  OSTRACE(("FETCH pid=%lu, pFile=%p, offset=%lld, amount=%d, pp=%p\n",
+           osGetCurrentProcessId(), fd, iOff, nAmt, pp));
+  if( pFd->mmapSizeMax>0 ){
+    if( pFd->pMapRegion==0 ){
+      int rc = winMapfile(pFd, -1);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+        OSTRACE(("FETCH pid=%lu, pFile=%p, rc=%s\n",
+                 osGetCurrentProcessId(), pFd, sqlite3ErrName(rc)));
+        return rc;
+      }
+    }
+    if( pFd->mmapSize >= iOff+nAmt ){
+      *pp = &((u8 *)pFd->pMapRegion)[iOff];
+      pFd->nFetchOut++;
+    }
+  }
+  OSTRACE(("FETCH pid=%lu, pFile=%p, pp=%p, *pp=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n",
+           osGetCurrentProcessId(), fd, pp, *pp));
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** If the third argument is non-NULL, then this function releases a 
+** reference obtained by an earlier call to winFetch(). The second
+** argument passed to this function must be the same as the corresponding
+** argument that was passed to the winFetch() invocation. 
+** Or, if the third argument is NULL, then this function is being called 
+** to inform the VFS layer that, according to POSIX, any existing mapping 
+** may now be invalid and should be unmapped.
+static int winUnfetch(sqlite3_file *fd, i64 iOff, void *p){
+  winFile *pFd = (winFile*)fd;   /* The underlying database file */
+  /* If p==0 (unmap the entire file) then there must be no outstanding 
+  ** xFetch references. Or, if p!=0 (meaning it is an xFetch reference),
+  ** then there must be at least one outstanding.  */
+  assert( (p==0)==(pFd->nFetchOut==0) );
+  /* If p!=0, it must match the iOff value. */
+  assert( p==0 || p==&((u8 *)pFd->pMapRegion)[iOff] );
+  OSTRACE(("UNFETCH pid=%lu, pFile=%p, offset=%lld, p=%p\n",
+           osGetCurrentProcessId(), pFd, iOff, p));
+  if( p ){
+    pFd->nFetchOut--;
+  }else{
+    /* FIXME:  If Windows truly always prevents truncating or deleting a
+    ** file while a mapping is held, then the following winUnmapfile() call
+    ** is unnecessary can can be omitted - potentially improving
+    ** performance.  */
+    winUnmapfile(pFd);
+  }
+  assert( pFd->nFetchOut>=0 );
+  OSTRACE(("UNFETCH pid=%lu, pFile=%p, rc=SQLITE_OK\n",
+           osGetCurrentProcessId(), fd));
+  return SQLITE_OK;
 ** Here ends the implementation of all sqlite3_file methods.
 ********************** End sqlite3_file Methods *******************************
@@ -35065,7 +34532,7 @@
 ** sqlite3_file for win32.
 static const sqlite3_io_methods winIoMethod = {
-  2,                              /* iVersion */
+  3,                              /* iVersion */
   winClose,                       /* xClose */
   winRead,                        /* xRead */
   winWrite,                       /* xWrite */
@@ -35081,7 +34548,9 @@
   winShmMap,                      /* xShmMap */
   winShmLock,                     /* xShmLock */
   winShmBarrier,                  /* xShmBarrier */
-  winShmUnmap                     /* xShmUnmap */
+  winShmUnmap,                    /* xShmUnmap */
+  winFetch,                       /* xFetch */
+  winUnfetch                      /* xUnfetch */
@@ -35101,13 +34570,12 @@
   void *zConverted = 0;
   if( isNT() ){
     zConverted = utf8ToUnicode(zFilename);
-/* isNT() is 1 if SQLITE_OS_WINCE==1, so this else is never executed. 
-  }else{
+  }
+  else{
     zConverted = sqlite3_win32_utf8_to_mbcs(zFilename);
   /* caller will handle out of memory */
   return zConverted;
@@ -35122,6 +34590,7 @@
   size_t i, j;
+  int nTempPath;
   char zTempPath[MAX_PATH+2];
   /* It's odd to simulate an io-error here, but really this is just
@@ -35130,9 +34599,13 @@
   SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR );
+  memset(zTempPath, 0, MAX_PATH+2);
   if( sqlite3_temp_directory ){
     sqlite3_snprintf(MAX_PATH-30, zTempPath, "%s", sqlite3_temp_directory);
-  }else if( isNT() ){
+  }
+  else if( isNT() ){
     char *zMulti;
     WCHAR zWidePath[MAX_PATH];
     osGetTempPathW(MAX_PATH-30, zWidePath);
@@ -35141,14 +34614,12 @@
       sqlite3_snprintf(MAX_PATH-30, zTempPath, "%s", zMulti);
       return SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM;
-/* isNT() is 1 if SQLITE_OS_WINCE==1, so this else is never executed. 
-** Since the ANSI version of these Windows API do not exist for WINCE,
-** it's important to not reference them for WINCE builds.
-  }else{
+  }
+  else{
     char *zUtf8;
     char zMbcsPath[MAX_PATH];
     osGetTempPathA(MAX_PATH-30, zMbcsPath);
@@ -35157,23 +34628,29 @@
       sqlite3_snprintf(MAX_PATH-30, zTempPath, "%s", zUtf8);
       return SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM;
   /* Check that the output buffer is large enough for the temporary file 
   ** name. If it is not, return SQLITE_ERROR.
-  if( (sqlite3Strlen30(zTempPath) + sqlite3Strlen30(SQLITE_TEMP_FILE_PREFIX) + 18) >= nBuf ){
+  nTempPath = sqlite3Strlen30(zTempPath);
+  if( (nTempPath + sqlite3Strlen30(SQLITE_TEMP_FILE_PREFIX) + 18) >= nBuf ){
     return SQLITE_ERROR;
-  for(i=sqlite3Strlen30(zTempPath); i>0 && zTempPath[i-1]=='\\'; i--){}
+  for(i=nTempPath; i>0 && zTempPath[i-1]=='\\'; i--){}
   zTempPath[i] = 0;
-  sqlite3_snprintf(nBuf-18, zBuf,
-                   "%s\\"SQLITE_TEMP_FILE_PREFIX, zTempPath);
+  sqlite3_snprintf(nBuf-18, zBuf, (nTempPath > 0) ?
+                       "%s\\"SQLITE_TEMP_FILE_PREFIX : SQLITE_TEMP_FILE_PREFIX,
+                   zTempPath);
   j = sqlite3Strlen30(zBuf);
   sqlite3_randomness(15, &zBuf[j]);
   for(i=0; i<15; i++, j++){
@@ -35182,7 +34659,7 @@
   zBuf[j] = 0;
   zBuf[j+1] = 0;
-  OSTRACE(("TEMP FILENAME: %s\n", zBuf));
+  OSTRACE(("TEMP-FILENAME name=%s, rc=SQLITE_OK\n", zBuf));
   return SQLITE_OK; 
@@ -35252,9 +34729,7 @@
   int isExclusive  = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE);
   int isDelete     = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE);
   int isCreate     = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE);
-#ifndef NDEBUG
   int isReadonly   = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY);
   int isReadWrite  = (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE);
 #ifndef NDEBUG
@@ -35265,6 +34740,9 @@
+  OSTRACE(("OPEN name=%s, pFile=%p, flags=%x, pOutFlags=%p\n",
+           zUtf8Name, id, flags, pOutFlags));
   /* Check the following statements are true: 
   **   (a) Exactly one of the READWRITE and READONLY flags must be set, and 
@@ -35291,18 +34769,26 @@
-  assert( id!=0 );
+  assert( pFile!=0 );
+  memset(pFile, 0, sizeof(winFile));
+  if( !sqlite3_temp_directory ){
+    sqlite3_log(SQLITE_ERROR,
+        "sqlite3_temp_directory variable should be set for WinRT");
+  }
   /* If the second argument to this function is NULL, generate a 
   ** temporary file name to use 
   if( !zUtf8Name ){
     assert(isDelete && !isOpenJournal);
+    memset(zTmpname, 0, MAX_PATH+2);
     rc = getTempname(MAX_PATH+2, zTmpname);
     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+      OSTRACE(("OPEN name=%s, rc=%s", zUtf8Name, sqlite3ErrName(rc)));
       return rc;
     zUtf8Name = zTmpname;
@@ -35318,11 +34804,13 @@
   /* Convert the filename to the system encoding. */
   zConverted = convertUtf8Filename(zUtf8Name);
   if( zConverted==0 ){
+    OSTRACE(("OPEN name=%s, rc=SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM", zUtf8Name));
   if( winIsDir(zConverted) ){
+    OSTRACE(("OPEN name=%s, rc=SQLITE_CANTOPEN_ISDIR", zUtf8Name));
@@ -35369,6 +34857,24 @@
   if( isNT() ){
+    extendedParameters.dwSize = sizeof(CREATEFILE2_EXTENDED_PARAMETERS);
+    extendedParameters.dwFileAttributes =
+            dwFlagsAndAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_MASK;
+    extendedParameters.dwFileFlags = dwFlagsAndAttributes & FILE_FLAG_MASK;
+    extendedParameters.dwSecurityQosFlags = SECURITY_ANONYMOUS;
+    extendedParameters.lpSecurityAttributes = NULL;
+    extendedParameters.hTemplateFile = NULL;
+    while( (h = osCreateFile2((LPCWSTR)zConverted,
+                              dwDesiredAccess,
+                              dwShareMode,
+                              dwCreationDisposition,
+                              &extendedParameters))==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE &&
+                              retryIoerr(&cnt, &lastErrno) ){
+               /* Noop */
+    }
     while( (h = osCreateFileW((LPCWSTR)zConverted,
                               dwShareMode, NULL,
@@ -35378,8 +34884,10 @@
                               retryIoerr(&cnt, &lastErrno) ){
                /* Noop */
-  }else{
+  }
+  else{
     while( (h = osCreateFileA((LPCSTR)zConverted,
                               dwShareMode, NULL,
@@ -35389,14 +34897,12 @@
                               retryIoerr(&cnt, &lastErrno) ){
                /* Noop */
-  OSTRACE(("OPEN %d %s 0x%lx %s\n", 
-           h, zName, dwDesiredAccess, 
-           h==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ? "failed" : "ok"));
+  OSTRACE(("OPEN file=%p, name=%s, access=%lx, rc=%s\n", h, zUtf8Name,
+           dwDesiredAccess, (h==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ? "failed" : "ok"));
     pFile->lastErrno = lastErrno;
@@ -35404,7 +34910,9 @@
     if( isReadWrite && !isExclusive ){
       return winOpen(pVfs, zName, id, 
+         ((flags|SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY) &
+         pOutFlags);
@@ -35418,24 +34926,18 @@
-  memset(pFile, 0, sizeof(*pFile));
-  pFile->pMethod = &winIoMethod;
-  pFile->h = h;
-  pFile->lastErrno = NO_ERROR;
-  pFile->pVfs = pVfs;
-  pFile->pShm = 0;
-  pFile->zPath = zName;
-  if( sqlite3_uri_boolean(zName, "psow", SQLITE_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE) ){
-    pFile->ctrlFlags |= WINFILE_PSOW;
-  }
+  OSTRACE(("OPEN file=%p, name=%s, access=%lx, pOutFlags=%p, *pOutFlags=%d, "
+           "rc=%s\n", h, zUtf8Name, dwDesiredAccess, pOutFlags, pOutFlags ?
+           *pOutFlags : 0, (h==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ? "failed" : "ok"));
   if( isReadWrite && eType==SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB
-       && !winceCreateLock(zName, pFile)
+       && (rc = winceCreateLock(zName, pFile))!=SQLITE_OK
+    OSTRACE(("OPEN-CE-LOCK name=%s, rc=%s\n", zName, sqlite3ErrName(rc)));
+    return rc;
   if( isTemp ){
     pFile->zDeleteOnClose = zConverted;
@@ -35445,6 +34947,25 @@
+  pFile->pMethod = &winIoMethod;
+  pFile->pVfs = pVfs;
+  pFile->h = h;
+  if( isReadonly ){
+    pFile->ctrlFlags |= WINFILE_RDONLY;
+  }
+  if( sqlite3_uri_boolean(zName, "psow", SQLITE_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE) ){
+    pFile->ctrlFlags |= WINFILE_PSOW;
+  }
+  pFile->lastErrno = NO_ERROR;
+  pFile->zPath = zName;
+  pFile->hMap = NULL;
+  pFile->pMapRegion = 0;
+  pFile->mmapSize = 0;
+  pFile->mmapSizeActual = 0;
+  pFile->mmapSizeMax = sqlite3GlobalConfig.szMmap;
   return rc;
@@ -35475,15 +34996,41 @@
   SimulateIOError(return SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE);
+  OSTRACE(("DELETE name=%s, syncDir=%d\n", zFilename, syncDir));
   zConverted = convertUtf8Filename(zFilename);
   if( zConverted==0 ){
   if( isNT() ){
     do {
+      memset(&sAttrData, 0, sizeof(sAttrData));
+      if ( osGetFileAttributesExW(zConverted, GetFileExInfoStandard,
+                                  &sAttrData) ){
+        attr = sAttrData.dwFileAttributes;
+      }else{
+        lastErrno = osGetLastError();
+        if( lastErrno==ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
+         || lastErrno==ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ){
+          rc = SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE_NOENT; /* Already gone? */
+        }else{
+          rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
+        }
+        break;
+      }
       attr = osGetFileAttributesW(zConverted);
       if ( attr==INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES ){
-        rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Already gone? */
+        lastErrno = osGetLastError();
+        if( lastErrno==ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
+         || lastErrno==ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ){
+          rc = SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE_NOENT; /* Already gone? */
+        }else{
+          rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
+        }
       if ( attr&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ){
@@ -35499,16 +35046,19 @@
     } while(1);
-/* isNT() is 1 if SQLITE_OS_WINCE==1, so this else is never executed. 
-** Since the ANSI version of these Windows API do not exist for WINCE,
-** it's important to not reference them for WINCE builds.
-  }else{
+  }
+  else{
     do {
       attr = osGetFileAttributesA(zConverted);
       if ( attr==INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES ){
-        rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Already gone? */
+        lastErrno = osGetLastError();
+        if( lastErrno==ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
+         || lastErrno==ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ){
+          rc = SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE_NOENT; /* Already gone? */
+        }else{
+          rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
+        }
       if ( attr&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ){
@@ -35524,21 +35074,21 @@
     } while(1);
-  if( rc ){
+  if( rc && rc!=SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE_NOENT ){
     rc = winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE, lastErrno,
              "winDelete", zFilename);
-  OSTRACE(("DELETE \"%s\" %s\n", zFilename, (rc ? "failed" : "ok" )));
+  OSTRACE(("DELETE name=%s, rc=%s\n", zFilename, sqlite3ErrName(rc)));
   return rc;
-** Check the existance and status of a file.
+** Check the existence and status of a file.
 static int winAccess(
   sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,         /* Not used on win32 */
@@ -35553,8 +35103,12 @@
   SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS; );
+  OSTRACE(("ACCESS name=%s, flags=%x, pResOut=%p\n",
+           zFilename, flags, pResOut));
   zConverted = convertUtf8Filename(zFilename);
   if( zConverted==0 ){
+    OSTRACE(("ACCESS name=%s, rc=SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM\n", zFilename));
   if( isNT() ){
@@ -35577,7 +35131,7 @@
-      if( lastErrno!=ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ){
+      if( lastErrno!=ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && lastErrno!=ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ){
         winLogError(SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS, lastErrno, "winAccess", zFilename);
         return SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS;
@@ -35585,15 +35139,12 @@
-/* isNT() is 1 if SQLITE_OS_WINCE==1, so this else is never executed. 
-** Since the ANSI version of these Windows API do not exist for WINCE,
-** it's important to not reference them for WINCE builds.
-  }else{
+  }
+  else{
     attr = osGetFileAttributesA((char*)zConverted);
   switch( flags ){
@@ -35608,11 +35159,50 @@
       assert(!"Invalid flags argument");
   *pResOut = rc;
+  OSTRACE(("ACCESS name=%s, pResOut=%p, *pResOut=%d, rc=SQLITE_OK\n",
+           zFilename, pResOut, *pResOut));
   return SQLITE_OK;
+** Returns non-zero if the specified path name should be used verbatim.  If
+** non-zero is returned from this function, the calling function must simply
+** use the provided path name verbatim -OR- resolve it into a full path name
+** using the GetFullPathName Win32 API function (if available).
+static BOOL winIsVerbatimPathname(
+  const char *zPathname
+  /*
+  ** If the path name starts with a forward slash or a backslash, it is either
+  ** a legal UNC name, a volume relative path, or an absolute path name in the
+  ** "Unix" format on Windows.  There is no easy way to differentiate between
+  ** the final two cases; therefore, we return the safer return value of TRUE
+  ** so that callers of this function will simply use it verbatim.
+  */
+  if ( zPathname[0]=='/' || zPathname[0]=='\\' ){
+    return TRUE;
+  }
+  /*
+  ** If the path name starts with a letter and a colon it is either a volume
+  ** relative path or an absolute path.  Callers of this function must not
+  ** attempt to treat it as a relative path name (i.e. they should simply use
+  ** it verbatim).
+  */
+  if ( sqlite3Isalpha(zPathname[0]) && zPathname[1]==':' ){
+    return TRUE;
+  }
+  /*
+  ** If we get to this point, the path name should almost certainly be a purely
+  ** relative one (i.e. not a UNC name, not absolute, and not volume relative).
+  */
+  return FALSE;
 ** Turn a relative pathname into a full pathname.  Write the full
 ** pathname into zOut[].  zOut[] will be at least pVfs->mxPathname
 ** bytes in size.
@@ -35627,20 +35217,48 @@
 #if defined(__CYGWIN__)
   SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_ERROR );
-  cygwin_conv_to_full_win32_path(zRelative, zFull);
+  assert( pVfs->mxPathname>=MAX_PATH );
+  assert( nFull>=pVfs->mxPathname );
+  if ( sqlite3_data_directory && !winIsVerbatimPathname(zRelative) ){
+    /*
+    ** NOTE: We are dealing with a relative path name and the data
+    **       directory has been set.  Therefore, use it as the basis
+    **       for converting the relative path name to an absolute
+    **       one by prepending the data directory and a slash.
+    */
+    char zOut[MAX_PATH+1];
+    memset(zOut, 0, MAX_PATH+1);
+    cygwin_conv_path(CCP_POSIX_TO_WIN_A|CCP_RELATIVE, zRelative, zOut,
+                     MAX_PATH+1);
+    sqlite3_snprintf(MIN(nFull, pVfs->mxPathname), zFull, "%s\\%s",
+                     sqlite3_data_directory, zOut);
+  }else{
+    cygwin_conv_path(CCP_POSIX_TO_WIN_A, zRelative, zFull, nFull);
+  }
   return SQLITE_OK;
+#if (SQLITE_OS_WINCE || SQLITE_OS_WINRT) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
   SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_ERROR );
   /* WinCE has no concept of a relative pathname, or so I am told. */
-  sqlite3_snprintf(pVfs->mxPathname, zFull, "%s", zRelative);
+  /* WinRT has no way to convert a relative path to an absolute one. */
+  if ( sqlite3_data_directory && !winIsVerbatimPathname(zRelative) ){
+    /*
+    ** NOTE: We are dealing with a relative path name and the data
+    **       directory has been set.  Therefore, use it as the basis
+    **       for converting the relative path name to an absolute
+    **       one by prepending the data directory and a backslash.
+    */
+    sqlite3_snprintf(MIN(nFull, pVfs->mxPathname), zFull, "%s\\%s",
+                     sqlite3_data_directory, zRelative);
+  }else{
+    sqlite3_snprintf(MIN(nFull, pVfs->mxPathname), zFull, "%s", zRelative);
+  }
   return SQLITE_OK;
-#if !SQLITE_OS_WINCE && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
-  int nByte;
+#if !SQLITE_OS_WINCE && !SQLITE_OS_WINRT && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+  DWORD nByte;
   void *zConverted;
   char *zOut;
@@ -35657,44 +35275,79 @@
   ** current working directory has been unlinked.
   SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_ERROR );
+  if ( sqlite3_data_directory && !winIsVerbatimPathname(zRelative) ){
+    /*
+    ** NOTE: We are dealing with a relative path name and the data
+    **       directory has been set.  Therefore, use it as the basis
+    **       for converting the relative path name to an absolute
+    **       one by prepending the data directory and a backslash.
+    */
+    sqlite3_snprintf(MIN(nFull, pVfs->mxPathname), zFull, "%s\\%s",
+                     sqlite3_data_directory, zRelative);
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
   zConverted = convertUtf8Filename(zRelative);
   if( zConverted==0 ){
   if( isNT() ){
     LPWSTR zTemp;
-    nByte = osGetFullPathNameW((LPCWSTR)zConverted, 0, 0, 0) + 3;
-    zTemp = sqlite3_malloc( nByte*sizeof(zTemp[0]) );
+    nByte = osGetFullPathNameW((LPCWSTR)zConverted, 0, 0, 0);
+    if( nByte==0 ){
+      winLogError(SQLITE_ERROR, osGetLastError(),
+                  "GetFullPathNameW1", zConverted);
+      sqlite3_free(zConverted);
+    }
+    nByte += 3;
+    zTemp = sqlite3MallocZero( nByte*sizeof(zTemp[0]) );
     if( zTemp==0 ){
       return SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM;
-    osGetFullPathNameW((LPCWSTR)zConverted, nByte, zTemp, 0);
+    nByte = osGetFullPathNameW((LPCWSTR)zConverted, nByte, zTemp, 0);
+    if( nByte==0 ){
+      winLogError(SQLITE_ERROR, osGetLastError(),
+                  "GetFullPathNameW2", zConverted);
+      sqlite3_free(zConverted);
+      sqlite3_free(zTemp);
+    }
     zOut = unicodeToUtf8(zTemp);
-/* isNT() is 1 if SQLITE_OS_WINCE==1, so this else is never executed. 
-** Since the ANSI version of these Windows API do not exist for WINCE,
-** it's important to not reference them for WINCE builds.
-  }else{
+  }
+  else{
     char *zTemp;
-    nByte = osGetFullPathNameA((char*)zConverted, 0, 0, 0) + 3;
-    zTemp = sqlite3_malloc( nByte*sizeof(zTemp[0]) );
+    nByte = osGetFullPathNameA((char*)zConverted, 0, 0, 0);
+    if( nByte==0 ){
+      winLogError(SQLITE_ERROR, osGetLastError(),
+                  "GetFullPathNameA1", zConverted);
+      sqlite3_free(zConverted);
+    }
+    nByte += 3;
+    zTemp = sqlite3MallocZero( nByte*sizeof(zTemp[0]) );
     if( zTemp==0 ){
       return SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM;
-    osGetFullPathNameA((char*)zConverted, nByte, zTemp, 0);
+    nByte = osGetFullPathNameA((char*)zConverted, nByte, zTemp, 0);
+    if( nByte==0 ){
+      winLogError(SQLITE_ERROR, osGetLastError(),
+                  "GetFullPathNameA2", zConverted);
+      sqlite3_free(zConverted);
+      sqlite3_free(zTemp);
+    }
     zOut = sqlite3_win32_mbcs_to_utf8(zTemp);
   if( zOut ){
-    sqlite3_snprintf(pVfs->mxPathname, zFull, "%s", zOut);
+    sqlite3_snprintf(MIN(nFull, pVfs->mxPathname), zFull, "%s", zOut);
     return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -35720,16 +35373,17 @@
     return 0;
   if( isNT() ){
+    h = osLoadPackagedLibrary((LPCWSTR)zConverted, 0);
     h = osLoadLibraryW((LPCWSTR)zConverted);
-/* isNT() is 1 if SQLITE_OS_WINCE==1, so this else is never executed. 
-** Since the ANSI version of these Windows API do not exist for WINCE,
-** it's important to not reference them for WINCE builds.
-  }else{
-    h = osLoadLibraryA((char*)zConverted);
+  else{
+    h = osLoadLibraryA((char*)zConverted);
+  }
   return (void*)h;
@@ -35737,9 +35391,9 @@
   getLastErrorMsg(osGetLastError(), nBuf, zBufOut);
-static void (*winDlSym(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, void *pHandle, const char *zSymbol))(void){
+static void (*winDlSym(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,void *pH,const char *zSym))(void){
-  return (void(*)(void))osGetProcAddressA((HANDLE)pHandle, zSymbol);
+  return (void(*)(void))osGetProcAddressA((HANDLE)pH, zSym);
 static void winDlClose(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, void *pHandle){
@@ -35774,11 +35428,19 @@
     memcpy(&zBuf[n], &pid, sizeof(pid));
     n += sizeof(pid);
+  if( sizeof(ULONGLONG)<=nBuf-n ){
+    ULONGLONG cnt = osGetTickCount64();
+    memcpy(&zBuf[n], &cnt, sizeof(cnt));
+    n += sizeof(cnt);
+  }
   if( sizeof(DWORD)<=nBuf-n ){
     DWORD cnt = osGetTickCount();
     memcpy(&zBuf[n], &cnt, sizeof(cnt));
     n += sizeof(cnt);
   if( sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER)<=nBuf-n ){
@@ -35794,7 +35456,7 @@
 ** Sleep for a little while.  Return the amount of time slept.
 static int winSleep(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int microsec){
-  osSleep((microsec+999)/1000);
+  sqlite3_win32_sleep((microsec+999)/1000);
   return ((microsec+999)/1000)*1000;
@@ -35829,7 +35491,8 @@
   /* 2^32 - to avoid use of LL and warnings in gcc */
   static const sqlite3_int64 max32BitValue = 
-      (sqlite3_int64)2000000000 + (sqlite3_int64)2000000000 + (sqlite3_int64)294967296;
+      (sqlite3_int64)2000000000 + (sqlite3_int64)2000000000 +
+      (sqlite3_int64)294967296;
@@ -35936,20 +35599,29 @@
   /* Double-check that the aSyscall[] array has been constructed
   ** correctly.  See ticket [bb3a86e890c8e96ab] */
-  assert( ArraySize(aSyscall)==60 );
+  assert( ArraySize(aSyscall)==74 );
   /* get memory map allocation granularity */
   memset(&winSysInfo, 0, sizeof(SYSTEM_INFO));
+  osGetNativeSystemInfo(&winSysInfo);
-  assert(winSysInfo.dwAllocationGranularity > 0);
+  assert( winSysInfo.dwAllocationGranularity>0 );
+  assert( winSysInfo.dwPageSize>0 );
   sqlite3_vfs_register(&winVfs, 1);
   return SQLITE_OK; 
 SQLITE_API int sqlite3_os_end(void){ 
+  if( sleepObj!=NULL ){
+    osCloseHandle(sleepObj);
+    sleepObj = NULL;
+  }
   return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -36030,7 +35702,7 @@
 ** A bitmap is an instance of the following structure.
-** This bitmap records the existance of zero or more bits
+** This bitmap records the existence of zero or more bits
 ** with values between 1 and iSize, inclusive.
 ** There are three possible representations of the bitmap.
@@ -36298,10 +35970,9 @@
   /* Allocate the Bitvec to be tested and a linear array of
   ** bits to act as the reference */
   pBitvec = sqlite3BitvecCreate( sz );
-  pV = sqlite3_malloc( (sz+7)/8 + 1 );
+  pV = sqlite3MallocZero( (sz+7)/8 + 1 );
   pTmpSpace = sqlite3_malloc(BITVEC_SZ);
   if( pBitvec==0 || pV==0 || pTmpSpace==0  ) goto bitvec_end;
-  memset(pV, 0, (sz+7)/8 + 1);
   /* NULL pBitvec tests */
   sqlite3BitvecSet(0, 1);
@@ -37201,12 +36872,14 @@
     ** it from sqlite3Malloc instead.
     p = sqlite3Malloc(nByte);
     if( p ){
       int sz = sqlite3MallocSize(p);
       sqlite3StatusAdd(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_OVERFLOW, sz);
     sqlite3MemdebugSetType(p, MEMTYPE_PCACHE);
   return p;
@@ -37233,9 +36906,11 @@
     assert( sqlite3MemdebugHasType(p, MEMTYPE_PCACHE) );
     sqlite3MemdebugSetType(p, MEMTYPE_HEAP);
     nFreed = sqlite3MallocSize(p);
     sqlite3StatusAdd(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_OVERFLOW, -nFreed);
   return nFreed;
@@ -37381,11 +37056,10 @@
   if( p->nHash ){ sqlite3BeginBenignMalloc(); }
-  apNew = (PgHdr1 **)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(PgHdr1 *)*nNew);
+  apNew = (PgHdr1 **)sqlite3MallocZero(sizeof(PgHdr1 *)*nNew);
   if( p->nHash ){ sqlite3EndBenignMalloc(); }
   if( apNew ){
-    memset(apNew, 0, sizeof(PgHdr1 *)*nNew);
     for(i=0; i<p->nHash; i++){
       PgHdr1 *pPage;
       PgHdr1 *pNext = p->apHash[i];
@@ -37569,9 +37243,8 @@
   assert( szExtra < 300 );
   sz = sizeof(PCache1) + sizeof(PGroup)*separateCache;
-  pCache = (PCache1 *)sqlite3_malloc(sz);
+  pCache = (PCache1 *)sqlite3MallocZero(sz);
   if( pCache ){
-    memset(pCache, 0, sz);
     if( separateCache ){
       pGroup = (PGroup*)&pCache[1];
       pGroup->mxPinned = 10;
@@ -38449,7 +38122,7 @@
-** Check to see if element iRowid was inserted into the the rowset as
+** Check to see if element iRowid was inserted into the rowset as
 ** part of any insert batch prior to iBatch.  Return 1 or 0.
 ** If this is the first test of a new batch and if there exist entires
@@ -38573,7 +38246,6 @@
 # define sqlite3WalClose(w,x,y,z)                0
 # define sqlite3WalBeginReadTransaction(y,z)     0
 # define sqlite3WalEndReadTransaction(z)
-# define sqlite3WalRead(v,w,x,y,z)               0
 # define sqlite3WalDbsize(y)                     0
 # define sqlite3WalBeginWriteTransaction(y)      0
 # define sqlite3WalEndWriteTransaction(x)        0
@@ -38586,6 +38258,7 @@
 # define sqlite3WalExclusiveMode(y,z)            0
 # define sqlite3WalHeapMemory(z)                 0
 # define sqlite3WalFramesize(z)                  0
+# define sqlite3WalFindFrame(x,y,z)              0
@@ -38613,7 +38286,8 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3WalEndReadTransaction(Wal *pWal);
 /* Read a page from the write-ahead log, if it is present. */
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalRead(Wal *pWal, Pgno pgno, int *pInWal, int nOut, u8 *pOut);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalFindFrame(Wal *, Pgno, u32 *);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalReadFrame(Wal *, u32, int, u8 *);
 /* If the WAL is not empty, return the size of the database. */
 SQLITE_PRIVATE Pgno sqlite3WalDbsize(Wal *pWal);
@@ -38733,7 +38407,7 @@
 ** Definition: Two databases (or the same database at two points it time)
 ** are said to be "logically equivalent" if they give the same answer to
-** all queries.  Note in particular the the content of freelist leaf
+** all queries.  Note in particular the content of freelist leaf
 ** pages can be changed arbitarily without effecting the logical equivalence
 ** of the database.
@@ -38931,7 +38605,7 @@
 **    * A write transaction is active.
 **    * An EXCLUSIVE or greater lock is held on the database file.
 **    * All writing and syncing of journal and database data has finished.
-**      If no error occured, all that remains is to finalize the journal to
+**      If no error occurred, all that remains is to finalize the journal to
 **      commit the transaction. If an error did occur, the caller will need
 **      to rollback the transaction. 
@@ -39179,7 +38853,7 @@
 ** doNotSpill, doNotSyncSpill
-**   These two boolean variables control the behaviour of cache-spills
+**   These two boolean variables control the behavior of cache-spills
 **   (calls made by the pcache module to the pagerStress() routine to
 **   write cached data to the file-system in order to free up memory).
@@ -39313,6 +38987,11 @@
   PagerSavepoint *aSavepoint; /* Array of active savepoints */
   int nSavepoint;             /* Number of elements in aSavepoint[] */
   char dbFileVers[16];        /* Changes whenever database file changes */
+  u8 bUseFetch;               /* True to use xFetch() */
+  int nMmapOut;               /* Number of mmap pages currently outstanding */
+  sqlite3_int64 szMmap;       /* Desired maximum mmap size */
+  PgHdr *pMmapFreelist;       /* List of free mmap page headers (pDirty) */
   ** End of the routinely-changing class members
@@ -39424,6 +39103,16 @@
+** The macro USEFETCH is true if we are allowed to use the xFetch and xUnfetch
+** interfaces to access the database using memory-mapped I/O.
+# define USEFETCH(x) ((x)->bUseFetch)
+# define USEFETCH(x) 0
 ** The maximum legal page number is (2^31 - 1).
 #define PAGER_MAX_PGNO 2147483647
@@ -40057,7 +39746,7 @@
     memset(zHeader, 0, sizeof(aJournalMagic)+4);
-  /* The random check-hash initialiser */ 
+  /* The random check-hash initializer */ 
   sqlite3_randomness(sizeof(pPager->cksumInit), &pPager->cksumInit);
   put32bits(&zHeader[sizeof(aJournalMagic)+4], pPager->cksumInit);
   /* The initial database size */
@@ -40496,6 +40185,8 @@
   return rc;
+static int pager_truncate(Pager *pPager, Pgno nPage);
 ** This routine ends a transaction. A transaction is usually ended by 
 ** either a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK operation. This routine may be called 
@@ -40549,7 +40240,7 @@
 ** to the first error encountered (the journal finalization one) is
 ** returned.
-static int pager_end_transaction(Pager *pPager, int hasMaster){
+static int pager_end_transaction(Pager *pPager, int hasMaster, int bCommit){
   int rc = SQLITE_OK;      /* Error code from journal finalization operation */
   int rc2 = SQLITE_OK;     /* Error code from db file unlock operation */
@@ -40599,12 +40290,13 @@
       ** file should be closed and deleted. If this connection writes to
       ** the database file, it will do so using an in-memory journal. 
+      int bDelete = (!pPager->tempFile && sqlite3JournalExists(pPager->jfd));
       assert( pPager->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_DELETE 
            || pPager->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY 
            || pPager->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL 
-      if( !pPager->tempFile ){
+      if( bDelete ){
         rc = sqlite3OsDelete(pPager->pVfs, pPager->zJournal, 0);
@@ -40634,7 +40326,17 @@
     rc2 = sqlite3WalEndWriteTransaction(pPager->pWal);
     assert( rc2==SQLITE_OK );
+  }else if( rc==SQLITE_OK && bCommit && pPager->dbFileSize>pPager->dbSize ){
+    /* This branch is taken when committing a transaction in rollback-journal
+    ** mode if the database file on disk is larger than the database image.
+    ** At this point the journal has been finalized and the transaction 
+    ** successfully committed, but the EXCLUSIVE lock is still held on the
+    ** file. So it is safe to truncate the database file to its minimum
+    ** required size.  */
+    assert( pPager->eLock==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK );
+    rc = pager_truncate(pPager, pPager->dbSize);
   if( !pPager->exclusiveMode 
    && (!pagerUseWal(pPager) || sqlite3WalExclusiveMode(pPager->pWal, 0))
@@ -40673,7 +40375,7 @@
     }else if( !pPager->exclusiveMode ){
       assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_READER );
-      pager_end_transaction(pPager, 0);
+      pager_end_transaction(pPager, 0, 0);
@@ -40897,7 +40599,7 @@
     i64 ofst = (pgno-1)*(i64)pPager->pageSize;
     testcase( !isSavepnt && pPg!=0 && (pPg->flags&PGHDR_NEED_SYNC)!=0 );
     assert( !pagerUseWal(pPager) );
-    rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pPager->fd, (u8*)aData, pPager->pageSize, ofst);
+    rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pPager->fd, (u8 *)aData, pPager->pageSize, ofst);
     if( pgno>pPager->dbFileSize ){
       pPager->dbFileSize = pgno;
@@ -41168,6 +40870,21 @@
+** Return a sanitized version of the sector-size of OS file pFile. The
+** return value is guaranteed to lie between 32 and MAX_SECTOR_SIZE.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3SectorSize(sqlite3_file *pFile){
+  int iRet = sqlite3OsSectorSize(pFile);
+  if( iRet<32 ){
+    iRet = 512;
+  }else if( iRet>MAX_SECTOR_SIZE ){
+    assert( MAX_SECTOR_SIZE>=512 );
+    iRet = MAX_SECTOR_SIZE;
+  }
+  return iRet;
 ** Set the value of the Pager.sectorSize variable for the given
 ** pager based on the value returned by the xSectorSize method
 ** of the open database file. The sector size will be used used 
@@ -41202,14 +40919,7 @@
     ** call will segfault. */
     pPager->sectorSize = 512;
-    pPager->sectorSize = sqlite3OsSectorSize(pPager->fd);
-    if( pPager->sectorSize<32 ){
-      pPager->sectorSize = 512;
-    }
-    if( pPager->sectorSize>MAX_SECTOR_SIZE ){
-      assert( MAX_SECTOR_SIZE>=512 );
-      pPager->sectorSize = MAX_SECTOR_SIZE;
-    }
+    pPager->sectorSize = sqlite3SectorSize(pPager->fd);
@@ -41280,6 +40990,7 @@
   int res = 1;             /* Value returned by sqlite3OsAccess() */
   char *zMaster = 0;       /* Name of master journal file if any */
   int needPagerReset;      /* True to reset page prior to first page rollback */
+  int nPlayback = 0;       /* Total number of pages restored from journal */
   /* Figure out how many records are in the journal.  Abort early if
   ** the journal is empty.
@@ -41380,7 +41091,9 @@
         needPagerReset = 0;
       rc = pager_playback_one_page(pPager,&pPager->journalOff,0,1,0);
-      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+        nPlayback++;
+      }else{
         if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
           pPager->journalOff = szJ;
@@ -41440,7 +41153,7 @@
     rc = sqlite3PagerSync(pPager);
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-    rc = pager_end_transaction(pPager, zMaster[0]!='\0');
+    rc = pager_end_transaction(pPager, zMaster[0]!='\0', 0);
     testcase( rc!=SQLITE_OK );
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK && zMaster[0] && res ){
@@ -41450,6 +41163,10 @@
     rc = pager_delmaster(pPager, zMaster);
     testcase( rc!=SQLITE_OK );
+  if( isHot && nPlayback ){
+    sqlite3_log(SQLITE_NOTICE_RECOVER_ROLLBACK, "recovered %d pages from %s",
+                nPlayback, pPager->zJournal);
+  }
   /* The Pager.sectorSize variable may have been updated while rolling
   ** back a journal created by a process with a different sector size
@@ -41471,11 +41188,10 @@
 ** If an IO error occurs, then the IO error is returned to the caller.
 ** Otherwise, SQLITE_OK is returned.
-static int readDbPage(PgHdr *pPg){
+static int readDbPage(PgHdr *pPg, u32 iFrame){
   Pager *pPager = pPg->pPager; /* Pager object associated with page pPg */
   Pgno pgno = pPg->pgno;       /* Page number to read */
   int rc = SQLITE_OK;          /* Return code */
-  int isInWal = 0;             /* True if page is in log file */
   int pgsz = pPager->pageSize; /* Number of bytes to read */
   assert( pPager->eState>=PAGER_READER && !MEMDB );
@@ -41487,11 +41203,13 @@
     return SQLITE_OK;
-  if( pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
+  if( iFrame ){
     /* Try to pull the page from the write-ahead log. */
-    rc = sqlite3WalRead(pPager->pWal, pgno, &isInWal, pgsz, pPg->pData);
-  }
-  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && !isInWal ){
+    rc = sqlite3WalReadFrame(pPager->pWal, iFrame, pgsz, pPg->pData);
+  }else
+  {
     i64 iOffset = (pgno-1)*(i64)pPager->pageSize;
     rc = sqlite3OsRead(pPager->fd, pPg->pData, pgsz, iOffset);
@@ -41570,12 +41288,17 @@
   Pager *pPager = (Pager *)pCtx;
   PgHdr *pPg;
+  assert( pagerUseWal(pPager) );
   pPg = sqlite3PagerLookup(pPager, iPg);
   if( pPg ){
     if( sqlite3PcachePageRefcount(pPg)==1 ){
-      rc = readDbPage(pPg);
+      u32 iFrame = 0;
+      rc = sqlite3WalFindFrame(pPager->pWal, pPg->pgno, &iFrame);
+      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+        rc = readDbPage(pPg, iFrame);
+      }
       if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
@@ -41719,6 +41442,7 @@
   rc = sqlite3WalBeginReadTransaction(pPager->pWal, &changed);
   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || changed ){
+    if( USEFETCH(pPager) ) sqlite3OsUnfetch(pPager->fd, 0, 0);
   return rc;
@@ -41809,6 +41533,7 @@
     if( rc ) return rc;
     if( nPage==0 ){
       rc = sqlite3OsDelete(pPager->pVfs, pPager->zWal, 0);
       isWal = 0;
       rc = sqlite3OsAccess(
@@ -41980,6 +41705,29 @@
+** Invoke SQLITE_FCNTL_MMAP_SIZE based on the current value of szMmap.
+static void pagerFixMaplimit(Pager *pPager){
+  sqlite3_file *fd = pPager->fd;
+  if( isOpen(fd) ){
+    sqlite3_int64 sz;
+    pPager->bUseFetch = (fd->pMethods->iVersion>=3) && pPager->szMmap>0;
+    sz = pPager->szMmap;
+    sqlite3OsFileControlHint(pPager->fd, SQLITE_FCNTL_MMAP_SIZE, &sz);
+  }
+** Change the maximum size of any memory mapping made of the database file.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerSetMmapLimit(Pager *pPager, sqlite3_int64 szMmap){
+  pPager->szMmap = szMmap;
+  pagerFixMaplimit(pPager);
 ** Free as much memory as possible from the pager.
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerShrink(Pager *pPager){
@@ -42129,6 +41877,13 @@
   pPager->xBusyHandler = xBusyHandler;
   pPager->pBusyHandlerArg = pBusyHandlerArg;
+  if( isOpen(pPager->fd) ){
+    void **ap = (void **)&pPager->xBusyHandler;
+    assert( ((int(*)(void *))(ap[0]))==xBusyHandler );
+    assert( ap[1]==pBusyHandlerArg );
+    sqlite3OsFileControlHint(pPager->fd, SQLITE_FCNTL_BUSYHANDLER, (void *)ap);
+  }
@@ -42207,6 +41962,7 @@
     assert( nReserve>=0 && nReserve<1000 );
     pPager->nReserve = (i16)nReserve;
+    pagerFixMaplimit(pPager);
   return rc;
@@ -42360,7 +42116,7 @@
 ** dirty page were to be discarded from the cache via the pagerStress()
 ** routine, pagerStress() would not write the current page content to
 ** the database file. If a savepoint transaction were rolled back after
-** this happened, the correct behaviour would be to restore the current
+** this happened, the correct behavior would be to restore the current
 ** content of the page. However, since this content is not present in either
 ** the database file or the portion of the rollback journal and 
 ** sub-journal rolled back the content could not be restored and the
@@ -42384,12 +42140,26 @@
 ** function does not actually modify the database file on disk. It 
 ** just sets the internal state of the pager object so that the 
 ** truncation will be done when the current transaction is committed.
+** This function is only called right before committing a transaction.
+** Once this function has been called, the transaction must either be
+** rolled back or committed. It is not safe to call this function and
+** then continue writing to the database.
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerTruncateImage(Pager *pPager, Pgno nPage){
   assert( pPager->dbSize>=nPage );
   assert( pPager->eState>=PAGER_WRITER_CACHEMOD );
   pPager->dbSize = nPage;
-  assertTruncateConstraint(pPager);
+  /* At one point the code here called assertTruncateConstraint() to
+  ** ensure that all pages being truncated away by this operation are,
+  ** if one or more savepoints are open, present in the savepoint 
+  ** journal so that they can be restored if the savepoint is rolled
+  ** back. This is no longer necessary as this function is now only
+  ** called right before committing a transaction. So although the 
+  ** Pager object may still have open savepoints (Pager.nSavepoint!=0), 
+  ** they cannot be rolled back. So the assertTruncateConstraint() call
+  ** is no longer correct. */
@@ -42419,6 +42189,81 @@
+** Obtain a reference to a memory mapped page object for page number pgno. 
+** The new object will use the pointer pData, obtained from xFetch().
+** If successful, set *ppPage to point to the new page reference
+** and return SQLITE_OK. Otherwise, return an SQLite error code and set
+** *ppPage to zero.
+** Page references obtained by calling this function should be released
+** by calling pagerReleaseMapPage().
+static int pagerAcquireMapPage(
+  Pager *pPager,                  /* Pager object */
+  Pgno pgno,                      /* Page number */
+  void *pData,                    /* xFetch()'d data for this page */
+  PgHdr **ppPage                  /* OUT: Acquired page object */
+  PgHdr *p;                       /* Memory mapped page to return */
+  if( pPager->pMmapFreelist ){
+    *ppPage = p = pPager->pMmapFreelist;
+    pPager->pMmapFreelist = p->pDirty;
+    p->pDirty = 0;
+    memset(p->pExtra, 0, pPager->nExtra);
+  }else{
+    *ppPage = p = (PgHdr *)sqlite3MallocZero(sizeof(PgHdr) + pPager->nExtra);
+    if( p==0 ){
+      sqlite3OsUnfetch(pPager->fd, (i64)(pgno-1) * pPager->pageSize, pData);
+      return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+    }
+    p->pExtra = (void *)&p[1];
+    p->flags = PGHDR_MMAP;
+    p->nRef = 1;
+    p->pPager = pPager;
+  }
+  assert( p->pExtra==(void *)&p[1] );
+  assert( p->pPage==0 );
+  assert( p->flags==PGHDR_MMAP );
+  assert( p->pPager==pPager );
+  assert( p->nRef==1 );
+  p->pgno = pgno;
+  p->pData = pData;
+  pPager->nMmapOut++;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Release a reference to page pPg. pPg must have been returned by an 
+** earlier call to pagerAcquireMapPage().
+static void pagerReleaseMapPage(PgHdr *pPg){
+  Pager *pPager = pPg->pPager;
+  pPager->nMmapOut--;
+  pPg->pDirty = pPager->pMmapFreelist;
+  pPager->pMmapFreelist = pPg;
+  assert( pPager->fd->pMethods->iVersion>=3 );
+  sqlite3OsUnfetch(pPager->fd, (i64)(pPg->pgno-1)*pPager->pageSize, pPg->pData);
+** Free all PgHdr objects stored in the Pager.pMmapFreelist list.
+static void pagerFreeMapHdrs(Pager *pPager){
+  PgHdr *p;
+  PgHdr *pNext;
+  for(p=pPager->pMmapFreelist; p; p=pNext){
+    pNext = p->pDirty;
+    sqlite3_free(p);
+  }
 ** Shutdown the page cache.  Free all memory and close all files.
 ** If a transaction was in progress when this routine is called, that
@@ -42438,6 +42283,7 @@
   assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
+  pagerFreeMapHdrs(pPager);
   /* pPager->errCode = 0; */
   pPager->exclusiveMode = 0;
@@ -42507,7 +42353,7 @@
 ** If the Pager.noSync flag is set, then this function is a no-op.
 ** Otherwise, the actions required depend on the journal-mode and the 
-** device characteristics of the the file-system, as follows:
+** device characteristics of the file-system, as follows:
 **   * If the journal file is an in-memory journal file, no action need
 **     be taken.
@@ -42699,7 +42545,9 @@
   ** file size will be.
   assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || isOpen(pPager->fd) );
-  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pPager->dbSize>pPager->dbHintSize ){
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK 
+   && (pList->pDirty ? pPager->dbSize : pList->pgno+1)>pPager->dbHintSize 
+  ){
     sqlite3_int64 szFile = pPager->pageSize * (sqlite3_int64)pPager->dbSize;
     sqlite3OsFileControlHint(pPager->fd, SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_HINT, &szFile);
     pPager->dbHintSize = pPager->dbSize;
@@ -43018,8 +42866,13 @@
   if( flags & PAGER_MEMORY ){
     memDb = 1;
+    if( zFilename && zFilename[0] ){
+      zPathname = sqlite3DbStrDup(0, zFilename);
+      if( zPathname==0  ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+      nPathname = sqlite3Strlen30(zPathname);
     zFilename = 0;
+  }
   /* Compute and store the full pathname in an allocated buffer pointed
@@ -43029,7 +42882,7 @@
   if( zFilename && zFilename[0] ){
     const char *z;
     nPathname = pVfs->mxPathname+1;
-    zPathname = sqlite3Malloc(nPathname*2);
+    zPathname = sqlite3DbMallocRaw(0, nPathname*2);
     if( zPathname==0 ){
       return SQLITE_NOMEM;
@@ -43053,7 +42906,7 @@
     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
-      sqlite3_free(zPathname);
+      sqlite3DbFree(0, zPathname);
       return rc;
@@ -43083,7 +42936,7 @@
   assert( EIGHT_BYTE_ALIGNMENT(SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR(journalFileSize)) );
   if( !pPtr ){
-    sqlite3_free(zPathname);
+    sqlite3DbFree(0, zPathname);
     return SQLITE_NOMEM;
   pPager =              (Pager*)(pPtr);
@@ -43099,9 +42952,9 @@
     assert( nPathname>0 );
     pPager->zJournal =   (char*)(pPtr += nPathname + 1 + nUri);
     memcpy(pPager->zFilename, zPathname, nPathname);
-    memcpy(&pPager->zFilename[nPathname+1], zUri, nUri);
+    if( nUri ) memcpy(&pPager->zFilename[nPathname+1], zUri, nUri);
     memcpy(pPager->zJournal, zPathname, nPathname);
-    memcpy(&pPager->zJournal[nPathname], "-journal\000", 8+1);
+    memcpy(&pPager->zJournal[nPathname], "-journal\000", 8+2);
     sqlite3FileSuffix3(pPager->zFilename, pPager->zJournal);
     pPager->zWal = &pPager->zJournal[nPathname+8+1];
@@ -43109,7 +42962,7 @@
     memcpy(&pPager->zWal[nPathname], "-wal\000", 4+1);
     sqlite3FileSuffix3(pPager->zFilename, pPager->zWal);
-    sqlite3_free(zPathname);
+    sqlite3DbFree(0, zPathname);
   pPager->pVfs = pVfs;
   pPager->vfsFlags = vfsFlags;
@@ -43248,6 +43101,7 @@
   /* pPager->pBusyHandlerArg = 0; */
   pPager->xReiniter = xReinit;
   /* memset(pPager->aHash, 0, sizeof(pPager->aHash)); */
+  /* pPager->szMmap = SQLITE_DEFAULT_MMAP_SIZE // will be set by btree.c */
   *ppPager = pPager;
   return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -43437,6 +43291,11 @@
       goto failed;
     if( bHotJournal ){
+      if( pPager->readOnly ){
+        goto failed;
+      }
       /* Get an EXCLUSIVE lock on the database file. At this point it is
       ** important that a RESERVED lock is not obtained on the way to the
       ** EXCLUSIVE lock. If it were, another process might open the
@@ -43534,9 +43393,11 @@
-    if( !pPager->tempFile 
-     && (pPager->pBackup || sqlite3PcachePagecount(pPager->pPCache)>0) 
-    ){
+    if( !pPager->tempFile && (
+        pPager->pBackup 
+     || sqlite3PcachePagecount(pPager->pPCache)>0 
+     || USEFETCH(pPager)
+    )){
       /* The shared-lock has just been acquired on the database file
       ** and there are already pages in the cache (from a previous
       ** read or write transaction).  Check to see if the database
@@ -43562,7 +43423,7 @@
       if( nPage>0 ){
         IOTRACE(("CKVERS %p %d\n", pPager, sizeof(dbFileVers)));
         rc = sqlite3OsRead(pPager->fd, &dbFileVers, sizeof(dbFileVers), 24);
-        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK && rc!=SQLITE_IOERR_SHORT_READ ){
           goto failed;
@@ -43571,6 +43432,16 @@
       if( memcmp(pPager->dbFileVers, dbFileVers, sizeof(dbFileVers))!=0 ){
+        /* Unmap the database file. It is possible that external processes
+        ** may have truncated the database file and then extended it back
+        ** to its original size while this process was not holding a lock.
+        ** In this case there may exist a Pager.pMap mapping that appears
+        ** to be the right size but is not actually valid. Avoid this
+        ** possibility by unmapping the db here. */
+        if( USEFETCH(pPager) ){
+          sqlite3OsUnfetch(pPager->fd, 0, 0);
+        }
@@ -43612,7 +43483,7 @@
 ** nothing to rollback, so this routine is a no-op.
 static void pagerUnlockIfUnused(Pager *pPager){
-  if( (sqlite3PcacheRefCount(pPager->pPCache)==0) ){
+  if( pPager->nMmapOut==0 && (sqlite3PcacheRefCount(pPager->pPCache)==0) ){
@@ -43671,13 +43542,27 @@
   Pager *pPager,      /* The pager open on the database file */
   Pgno pgno,          /* Page number to fetch */
   DbPage **ppPage,    /* Write a pointer to the page here */
-  int noContent       /* Do not bother reading content from disk if true */
+  int flags           /* PAGER_ACQUIRE_XXX flags */
-  int rc;
-  PgHdr *pPg;
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  PgHdr *pPg = 0;
+  u32 iFrame = 0;                 /* Frame to read from WAL file */
+  const int noContent = (flags & PAGER_ACQUIRE_NOCONTENT);
+  /* It is acceptable to use a read-only (mmap) page for any page except
+  ** page 1 if there is no write-transaction open or the ACQUIRE_READONLY
+  ** flag was specified by the caller. And so long as the db is not a 
+  ** temporary or in-memory database.  */
+  const int bMmapOk = (pgno!=1 && USEFETCH(pPager)
+   && (pPager->eState==PAGER_READER || (flags & PAGER_ACQUIRE_READONLY))
+   && pPager->xCodec==0
+  );
   assert( pPager->eState>=PAGER_READER );
   assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
+  assert( noContent==0 || bMmapOk==0 );
   if( pgno==0 ){
@@ -43688,6 +43573,39 @@
   if( pPager->errCode!=SQLITE_OK ){
     rc = pPager->errCode;
+    if( bMmapOk && pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
+      rc = sqlite3WalFindFrame(pPager->pWal, pgno, &iFrame);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto pager_acquire_err;
+    }
+    if( iFrame==0 && bMmapOk ){
+      void *pData = 0;
+      rc = sqlite3OsFetch(pPager->fd, 
+          (i64)(pgno-1) * pPager->pageSize, pPager->pageSize, &pData
+      );
+      if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pData ){
+        if( pPager->eState>PAGER_READER ){
+          (void)sqlite3PcacheFetch(pPager->pPCache, pgno, 0, &pPg);
+        }
+        if( pPg==0 ){
+          rc = pagerAcquireMapPage(pPager, pgno, pData, &pPg);
+        }else{
+          sqlite3OsUnfetch(pPager->fd, (i64)(pgno-1)*pPager->pageSize, pData);
+        }
+        if( pPg ){
+          assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
+          *ppPage = pPg;
+          return SQLITE_OK;
+        }
+      }
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+        goto pager_acquire_err;
+      }
+    }
     rc = sqlite3PcacheFetch(pPager->pPCache, pgno, 1, ppPage);
@@ -43746,9 +43664,13 @@
       memset(pPg->pData, 0, pPager->pageSize);
       IOTRACE(("ZERO %p %d\n", pPager, pgno));
+      if( pagerUseWal(pPager) && bMmapOk==0 ){
+        rc = sqlite3WalFindFrame(pPager->pWal, pgno, &iFrame);
+        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto pager_acquire_err;
+      }
       assert( pPg->pPager==pPager );
-      rc = readDbPage(pPg);
+      rc = readDbPage(pPg, iFrame);
       if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
         goto pager_acquire_err;
@@ -43801,7 +43723,11 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerUnref(DbPage *pPg){
   if( pPg ){
     Pager *pPager = pPg->pPager;
+    if( pPg->flags & PGHDR_MMAP ){
+      pagerReleaseMapPage(pPg);
+    }else{
+    }
@@ -44136,6 +44062,7 @@
   Pager *pPager = pPg->pPager;
   Pgno nPagePerSector = (pPager->sectorSize/pPager->pageSize);
+  assert( (pPg->flags & PGHDR_MMAP)==0 );
   assert( pPager->eState>=PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED );
   assert( pPager->eState!=PAGER_ERROR );
   assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
@@ -44303,7 +44230,7 @@
 # define DIRECT_MODE isDirectMode
-  if( !pPager->changeCountDone && pPager->dbSize>0 ){
+  if( !pPager->changeCountDone && ALWAYS(pPager->dbSize>0) ){
     PgHdr *pPgHdr;                /* Reference to page 1 */
     assert( !pPager->tempFile && isOpen(pPager->fd) );
@@ -44335,6 +44262,11 @@
         if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+          /* Update the pager's copy of the change-counter. Otherwise, the
+          ** next time a read transaction is opened the cache will be
+          ** flushed (as the change-counter values will not match).  */
+          const void *pCopy = (const void *)&((const char *)zBuf)[24];
+          memcpy(&pPager->dbFileVers, pCopy, sizeof(pPager->dbFileVers));
           pPager->changeCountDone = 1;
@@ -44521,38 +44453,6 @@
       if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto commit_phase_one_exit;
-      /* If this transaction has made the database smaller, then all pages
-      ** being discarded by the truncation must be written to the journal
-      ** file. This can only happen in auto-vacuum mode.
-      **
-      ** Before reading the pages with page numbers larger than the 
-      ** current value of Pager.dbSize, set dbSize back to the value
-      ** that it took at the start of the transaction. Otherwise, the
-      ** calls to sqlite3PagerGet() return zeroed pages instead of 
-      ** reading data from the database file.
-      */
-      if( pPager->dbSize<pPager->dbOrigSize 
-       && pPager->journalMode!=PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF
-      ){
-        Pgno i;                                   /* Iterator variable */
-        const Pgno iSkip = PAGER_MJ_PGNO(pPager); /* Pending lock page */
-        const Pgno dbSize = pPager->dbSize;       /* Database image size */ 
-        pPager->dbSize = pPager->dbOrigSize;
-        for( i=dbSize+1; i<=pPager->dbOrigSize; i++ ){
-          if( !sqlite3BitvecTest(pPager->pInJournal, i) && i!=iSkip ){
-            PgHdr *pPage;             /* Page to journal */
-            rc = sqlite3PagerGet(pPager, i, &pPage);
-            if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto commit_phase_one_exit;
-            rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPage);
-            sqlite3PagerUnref(pPage);
-            if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto commit_phase_one_exit;
-          }
-        }
-        pPager->dbSize = dbSize;
-      } 
-  #endif
       /* Write the master journal name into the journal file. If a master 
       ** journal file name has already been written to the journal file, 
       ** or if zMaster is NULL (no master journal), then this call is a no-op.
@@ -44581,10 +44481,13 @@
-      /* If the file on disk is not the same size as the database image,
-      ** then use pager_truncate to grow or shrink the file here.
-      */
-      if( pPager->dbSize!=pPager->dbFileSize ){
+      /* If the file on disk is smaller than the database image, use 
+      ** pager_truncate to grow the file here. This can happen if the database
+      ** image was extended as part of the current transaction and then the
+      ** last page in the db image moved to the free-list. In this case the
+      ** last page is never written out to disk, leaving the database file
+      ** undersized. Fix this now if it is the case.  */
+      if( pPager->dbSize>pPager->dbFileSize ){
         Pgno nNew = pPager->dbSize - (pPager->dbSize==PAGER_MJ_PGNO(pPager));
         assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_DBMOD );
         rc = pager_truncate(pPager, nNew);
@@ -44657,7 +44560,7 @@
   PAGERTRACE(("COMMIT %d\n", PAGERID(pPager)));
-  rc = pager_end_transaction(pPager, pPager->setMaster);
+  rc = pager_end_transaction(pPager, pPager->setMaster, 1);
   return pager_error(pPager, rc);
@@ -44702,11 +44605,11 @@
   if( pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
     int rc2;
     rc = sqlite3PagerSavepoint(pPager, SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK, -1);
-    rc2 = pager_end_transaction(pPager, pPager->setMaster);
+    rc2 = pager_end_transaction(pPager, pPager->setMaster, 0);
     if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = rc2;
   }else if( !isOpen(pPager->jfd) || pPager->eState==PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED ){
     int eState = pPager->eState;
-    rc = pager_end_transaction(pPager, 0);
+    rc = pager_end_transaction(pPager, 0, 0);
     if( !MEMDB && eState>PAGER_WRITER_LOCKED ){
       /* This can happen using journal_mode=off. Move the pager to the error 
       ** state to indicate that the contents of the cache may not be trusted.
@@ -44721,7 +44624,7 @@
   assert( pPager->eState==PAGER_READER || rc!=SQLITE_OK );
-  assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || rc==SQLITE_FULL
+  assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || rc==SQLITE_FULL || rc==SQLITE_CORRUPT
           || rc==SQLITE_NOMEM || (rc&0xFF)==SQLITE_IOERR );
   /* If an error occurs during a ROLLBACK, we can no longer trust the pager
@@ -44954,9 +44857,16 @@
 ** Return the full pathname of the database file.
+** Except, if the pager is in-memory only, then return an empty string if
+** nullIfMemDb is true.  This routine is called with nullIfMemDb==1 when
+** used to report the filename to the user, for compatibility with legacy
+** behavior.  But when the Btree needs to know the filename for matching to
+** shared cache, it uses nullIfMemDb==0 so that in-memory databases can
+** participate in shared-cache.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3PagerFilename(Pager *pPager){
-  return pPager->zFilename;
+SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3PagerFilename(Pager *pPager, int nullIfMemDb){
+  return (nullIfMemDb && pPager->memDb) ? "" : pPager->zFilename;
@@ -45097,7 +45007,8 @@
   if( (pPg->flags&PGHDR_NEED_SYNC) && !isCommit ){
     needSyncPgno = pPg->pgno;
-    assert( pageInJournal(pPg) || pPg->pgno>pPager->dbOrigSize );
+    assert( pPager->journalMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF ||
+            pageInJournal(pPg) || pPg->pgno>pPager->dbOrigSize );
     assert( pPg->flags&PGHDR_DIRTY );
@@ -45452,6 +45363,7 @@
         pPager->journalSizeLimit, &pPager->pWal
+  pagerFixMaplimit(pPager);
   return rc;
@@ -45542,11 +45454,14 @@
       rc = sqlite3WalClose(pPager->pWal, pPager->ckptSyncFlags,
                            pPager->pageSize, (u8*)pPager->pTmpSpace);
       pPager->pWal = 0;
+      pagerFixMaplimit(pPager);
   return rc;
+#endif /* !SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
 ** A read-lock must be held on the pager when this function is called. If
@@ -45576,8 +45491,6 @@
 #endif /* SQLITE_HAS_CODEC */
-#endif /* !SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
 #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_DISKIO */
 /************** End of pager.c ***********************************************/
@@ -45726,14 +45639,15 @@
 ** byte order of the host computer.
 ** The purpose of the wal-index is to answer this question quickly:  Given
-** a page number P, return the index of the last frame for page P in the WAL,
-** or return NULL if there are no frames for page P in the WAL.
+** a page number P and a maximum frame index M, return the index of the 
+** last frame in the wal before frame M for page P in the WAL, or return
+** NULL if there are no frames for page P in the WAL prior to M.
 ** The wal-index consists of a header region, followed by an one or
 ** more index blocks.  
 ** The wal-index header contains the total number of frames within the WAL
-** in the the mxFrame field.  
+** in the mxFrame field.
 ** Each index block except for the first contains information on 
 ** HASHTABLE_NPAGE frames. The first index block contains information on
@@ -46781,6 +46695,7 @@
     pInfo->nBackfill = 0;
     pInfo->aReadMark[0] = 0;
     for(i=1; i<WAL_NREADER; i++) pInfo->aReadMark[i] = READMARK_NOT_USED;
+    if( pWal->hdr.mxFrame ) pInfo->aReadMark[1] = pWal->hdr.mxFrame;
     /* If more than one frame was recovered from the log file, report an
     ** event via sqlite3_log(). This is to help with identifying performance
@@ -46788,8 +46703,9 @@
     ** checkpointing the log file.
     if( pWal->hdr.nPage ){
-      sqlite3_log(SQLITE_OK, "Recovered %d frames from WAL file %s",
-          pWal->hdr.nPage, pWal->zWalName
+      sqlite3_log(SQLITE_NOTICE_RECOVER_WAL,
+          "recovered %d frames from WAL file %s",
+          pWal->hdr.mxFrame, pWal->zWalName
@@ -47281,7 +47197,7 @@
       assert( y<=pWal->hdr.mxFrame );
       rc = walBusyLock(pWal, xBusy, pBusyArg, WAL_READ_LOCK(i), 1);
       if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-        pInfo->aReadMark[i] = READMARK_NOT_USED;
+        pInfo->aReadMark[i] = (i==1 ? mxSafeFrame : READMARK_NOT_USED);
         walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(i), 1);
       }else if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){
         mxSafeFrame = y;
@@ -47303,7 +47219,7 @@
       rc = sqlite3OsSync(pWal->pWalFd, sync_flags);
-    /* If the database file may grow as a result of this checkpoint, hint
+    /* If the database may grow as a result of this checkpoint, hint
     ** about the eventual size of the db file to the VFS layer. 
     if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
@@ -47314,6 +47230,7 @@
     /* Iterate through the contents of the WAL, copying data to the db file. */
     while( rc==SQLITE_OK && 0==walIteratorNext(pIter, &iDbpage, &iFrame) ){
       i64 iOffset;
@@ -47868,19 +47785,17 @@
-** Read a page from the WAL, if it is present in the WAL and if the 
-** current read transaction is configured to use the WAL.  
+** Search the wal file for page pgno. If found, set *piRead to the frame that
+** contains the page. Otherwise, if pgno is not in the wal file, set *piRead
+** to zero.
-** The *pInWal is set to 1 if the requested page is in the WAL and
-** has been loaded.  Or *pInWal is set to 0 if the page was not in 
-** the WAL and needs to be read out of the database.
+** Return SQLITE_OK if successful, or an error code if an error occurs. If an
+** error does occur, the final value of *piRead is undefined.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalRead(
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalFindFrame(
   Wal *pWal,                      /* WAL handle */
   Pgno pgno,                      /* Database page number to read data for */
-  int *pInWal,                    /* OUT: True if data is read from WAL */
-  int nOut,                       /* Size of buffer pOut in bytes */
-  u8 *pOut                        /* Buffer to write page data to */
+  u32 *piRead                     /* OUT: Frame number (or zero) */
   u32 iRead = 0;                  /* If !=0, WAL frame to return data from */
   u32 iLast = pWal->hdr.mxFrame;  /* Last page in WAL for this reader */
@@ -47896,7 +47811,7 @@
   ** WAL were empty.
   if( iLast==0 || pWal->readLock==0 ){
-    *pInWal = 0;
+    *piRead = 0;
     return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -47967,10 +47882,21 @@
-  /* If iRead is non-zero, then it is the log frame number that contains the
-  ** required page. Read and return data from the log file.
-  */
-  if( iRead ){
+  *piRead = iRead;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Read the contents of frame iRead from the wal file into buffer pOut
+** (which is nOut bytes in size). Return SQLITE_OK if successful, or an
+** error code otherwise.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WalReadFrame(
+  Wal *pWal,                      /* WAL handle */
+  u32 iRead,                      /* Frame to read */
+  int nOut,                       /* Size of buffer pOut in bytes */
+  u8 *pOut                        /* Buffer to write page data to */
     int sz;
     i64 iOffset;
     sz = pWal->hdr.szPage;
@@ -47978,16 +47904,10 @@
     testcase( sz<=32768 );
     testcase( sz>=65536 );
     iOffset = walFrameOffset(iRead, sz) + WAL_FRAME_HDRSIZE;
-    *pInWal = 1;
     /* testcase( IS_BIG_INT(iOffset) ); // requires a 4GiB WAL */
     return sqlite3OsRead(pWal->pWalFd, pOut, (nOut>sz ? sz : nOut), iOffset);
-  }
-  *pInWal = 0;
-  return SQLITE_OK;
 ** Return the size of the database in pages (or zero, if unknown).
@@ -48099,7 +48019,7 @@
       assert( walFramePgno(pWal, iFrame)!=1 );
       rc = xUndo(pUndoCtx, walFramePgno(pWal, iFrame));
-    walCleanupHash(pWal);
+    if( iMax!=pWal->hdr.mxFrame ) walCleanupHash(pWal);
   assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
   return rc;
@@ -48194,7 +48114,8 @@
         aSalt[1] = salt1;
         pInfo->nBackfill = 0;
-        for(i=1; i<WAL_NREADER; i++) pInfo->aReadMark[i] = READMARK_NOT_USED;
+        pInfo->aReadMark[1] = 0;
+        for(i=2; i<WAL_NREADER; i++) pInfo->aReadMark[i] = READMARK_NOT_USED;
         assert( pInfo->aReadMark[0]==0 );
         walUnlockExclusive(pWal, WAL_READ_LOCK(1), WAL_NREADER-1);
       }else if( rc!=SQLITE_BUSY ){
@@ -48408,7 +48329,7 @@
   if( isCommit && (sync_flags & WAL_SYNC_TRANSACTIONS)!=0 ){
     if( pWal->padToSectorBoundary ){
-      int sectorSize = sqlite3OsSectorSize(pWal->pWalFd);
+      int sectorSize = sqlite3SectorSize(pWal->pWalFd);
       w.iSyncPoint = ((iOffset+sectorSize-1)/sectorSize)*sectorSize;
       while( iOffset<w.iSyncPoint ){
         rc = walWriteOneFrame(&w, pLast, nTruncate, iOffset);
@@ -48532,6 +48453,9 @@
   /* Read the wal-index header. */
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
     rc = walIndexReadHdr(pWal, &isChanged);
+    if( isChanged && pWal->pDbFd->pMethods->iVersion>=3 ){
+      sqlite3OsUnfetch(pWal->pDbFd, 0, 0);
+    }
   /* Copy data from the log to the database file. */
@@ -49098,6 +49022,7 @@
   u8 autoVacuum;        /* True if auto-vacuum is enabled */
   u8 incrVacuum;        /* True if incr-vacuum is enabled */
+  u8 bDoTruncate;       /* True to truncate db on commit */
   u8 inTransaction;     /* Transaction state */
   u8 max1bytePayload;   /* Maximum first byte of cell for a 1-byte payload */
@@ -49197,6 +49122,7 @@
   u8 isIncrblobHandle;      /* True if this cursor is an incr. io handle */
+  u8 hints;                             /* As configured by CursorSetHints() */
   i16 iPage;                            /* Index of current page in apPage */
   u16 aiIdx[BTCURSOR_MAX_DEPTH];        /* Current index in apPage[i] */
   MemPage *apPage[BTCURSOR_MAX_DEPTH];  /* Pages from root to current page */
@@ -49663,6 +49589,25 @@
 #define get2byteNotZero(X)  (((((int)get2byte(X))-1)&0xffff)+1)
+** Values passed as the 5th argument to allocateBtreePage()
+#define BTALLOC_ANY   0           /* Allocate any page */
+#define BTALLOC_EXACT 1           /* Allocate exact page if possible */
+#define BTALLOC_LE    2           /* Allocate any page <= the parameter */
+** Macro IfNotOmitAV(x) returns (x) if SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOVACUUM is not 
+** defined, or 0 if it is. For example:
+**   bIncrVacuum = IfNotOmitAV(pBtShared->incrVacuum);
+#define IfNotOmitAV(expr) (expr)
+#define IfNotOmitAV(expr) 0
 ** A list of BtShared objects that are eligible for participation
@@ -50177,6 +50122,19 @@
+** Release all of the apPage[] pages for a cursor.
+static void btreeReleaseAllCursorPages(BtCursor *pCur){
+  int i;
+  for(i=0; i<=pCur->iPage; i++){
+    releasePage(pCur->apPage[i]);
+    pCur->apPage[i] = 0;
+  }
+  pCur->iPage = -1;
 ** Save the current cursor position in the variables BtCursor.nKey 
 ** and BtCursor.pKey. The cursor's state is set to CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK.
@@ -50215,12 +50173,7 @@
   assert( !pCur->apPage[0]->intKey || !pCur->pKey );
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-    int i;
-    for(i=0; i<=pCur->iPage; i++){
-      releasePage(pCur->apPage[i]);
-      pCur->apPage[i] = 0;
-    }
-    pCur->iPage = -1;
+    btreeReleaseAllCursorPages(pCur);
     pCur->eState = CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK;
@@ -50238,12 +50191,16 @@
   assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
   assert( pExcept==0 || pExcept->pBt==pBt );
   for(p=pBt->pCursor; p; p=p->pNext){
-    if( p!=pExcept && (0==iRoot || p->pgnoRoot==iRoot) && 
-        p->eState==CURSOR_VALID ){
+    if( p!=pExcept && (0==iRoot || p->pgnoRoot==iRoot) ){
+      if( p->eState==CURSOR_VALID ){
       int rc = saveCursorPosition(p);
       if( SQLITE_OK!=rc ){
         return rc;
+      }else{
+        testcase( p->iPage>0 );
+        btreeReleaseAllCursorPages(p);
+      }
   return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -51170,13 +51127,17 @@
   BtShared *pBt,       /* The btree */
   Pgno pgno,           /* Number of the page to fetch */
   MemPage **ppPage,    /* Return the page in this parameter */
-  int noContent        /* Do not load page content if true */
+  int noContent,       /* Do not load page content if true */
+  int bReadonly        /* True if a read-only (mmap) page is ok */
   int rc;
   DbPage *pDbPage;
+  int flags = (noContent ? PAGER_ACQUIRE_NOCONTENT : 0) 
+            | (bReadonly ? PAGER_ACQUIRE_READONLY : 0);
+  assert( noContent==0 || bReadonly==0 );
   assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
-  rc = sqlite3PagerAcquire(pBt->pPager, pgno, (DbPage**)&pDbPage, noContent);
+  rc = sqlite3PagerAcquire(pBt->pPager, pgno, (DbPage**)&pDbPage, flags);
   if( rc ) return rc;
   *ppPage = btreePageFromDbPage(pDbPage, pgno, pBt);
   return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -51221,7 +51182,8 @@
 static int getAndInitPage(
   BtShared *pBt,          /* The database file */
   Pgno pgno,           /* Number of the page to get */
-  MemPage **ppPage     /* Write the page pointer here */
+  MemPage **ppPage,               /* Write the page pointer here */
+  int bReadonly                   /* True if a read-only (mmap) page is ok */
   int rc;
   assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
@@ -51229,7 +51191,7 @@
   if( pgno>btreePagecount(pBt) ){
-    rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, pgno, ppPage, 0);
+    rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, pgno, ppPage, 0, bReadonly);
     if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
       rc = btreeInitPage(*ppPage);
       if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
@@ -51341,7 +51303,8 @@
   const int isMemdb = 0;
   const int isMemdb = (zFilename && strcmp(zFilename, ":memory:")==0)
-                       || (isTempDb && sqlite3TempInMemory(db));
+                       || (isTempDb && sqlite3TempInMemory(db))
+                       || (vfsFlags & SQLITE_OPEN_MEMORY)!=0;
   assert( db!=0 );
@@ -51377,7 +51340,7 @@
   ** If this Btree is a candidate for shared cache, try to find an
   ** existing BtShared object that we can share with
-  if( isMemdb==0 && isTempDb==0 ){
+  if( isTempDb==0 && (isMemdb==0 || (vfsFlags&SQLITE_OPEN_URI)!=0) ){
     if( vfsFlags & SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE ){
       int nFullPathname = pVfs->mxPathname+1;
       char *zFullPathname = sqlite3Malloc(nFullPathname);
@@ -51387,12 +51350,17 @@
         return SQLITE_NOMEM;
-      rc = sqlite3OsFullPathname(pVfs, zFilename, nFullPathname, zFullPathname);
+      if( isMemdb ){
+        memcpy(zFullPathname, zFilename, sqlite3Strlen30(zFilename)+1);
+      }else{
+        rc = sqlite3OsFullPathname(pVfs, zFilename,
+                                   nFullPathname, zFullPathname);
       if( rc ){
         return rc;
+      }
       mutexOpen = sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_OPEN);
@@ -51401,7 +51369,7 @@
       for(pBt=GLOBAL(BtShared*,sqlite3SharedCacheList); pBt; pBt=pBt->pNext){
         assert( pBt->nRef>0 );
-        if( 0==strcmp(zFullPathname, sqlite3PagerFilename(pBt->pPager))
+        if( 0==strcmp(zFullPathname, sqlite3PagerFilename(pBt->pPager, 0))
                  && sqlite3PagerVfs(pBt->pPager)==pVfs ){
           int iDb;
           for(iDb=db->nDb-1; iDb>=0; iDb--){
@@ -51454,6 +51422,7 @@
     rc = sqlite3PagerOpen(pVfs, &pBt->pPager, zFilename,
                           EXTRA_SIZE, flags, vfsFlags, pageReinit);
     if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+      sqlite3PagerSetMmapLimit(pBt->pPager, db->szMmap);
       rc = sqlite3PagerReadFileheader(pBt->pPager,sizeof(zDbHeader),zDbHeader);
     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
@@ -51721,6 +51690,19 @@
+** Change the limit on the amount of the database file that may be
+** memory mapped.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSetMmapLimit(Btree *p, sqlite3_int64 szMmap){
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->db->mutex) );
+  sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
+  sqlite3PagerSetMmapLimit(pBt->pPager, szMmap);
+  sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
 ** Change the way data is synced to disk in order to increase or decrease
 ** how well the database resists damage due to OS crashes and power
 ** failures.  Level 1 is the same as asynchronous (no syncs() occur and
@@ -51814,6 +51796,24 @@
   return p->pBt->pageSize;
+#if defined(SQLITE_HAS_CODEC) || defined(SQLITE_DEBUG)
+** This function is similar to sqlite3BtreeGetReserve(), except that it
+** may only be called if it is guaranteed that the b-tree mutex is already
+** held.
+** This is useful in one special case in the backup API code where it is
+** known that the shared b-tree mutex is held, but the mutex on the 
+** database handle that owns *p is not. In this case if sqlite3BtreeEnter()
+** were to be called, it might collide with some other operation on the
+** database handle that owns *p, causing undefined behavior.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetReserveNoMutex(Btree *p){
+  assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->pBt->mutex) );
+  return p->pBt->pageSize - p->pBt->usableSize;
 ** Return the number of bytes of space at the end of every page that
@@ -51927,7 +51927,7 @@
   assert( pBt->pPage1==0 );
   rc = sqlite3PagerSharedLock(pBt->pPager);
   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
-  rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, 1, &pPage1, 0);
+  rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, 1, &pPage1, 0, 0);
   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
   /* Do some checking to help insure the file we opened really is
@@ -52063,6 +52063,29 @@
   return rc;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+** Return the number of cursors open on pBt. This is for use
+** in assert() expressions, so it is only compiled if NDEBUG is not
+** defined.
+** Only write cursors are counted if wrOnly is true.  If wrOnly is
+** false then all cursors are counted.
+** For the purposes of this routine, a cursor is any cursor that
+** is capable of reading or writing to the databse.  Cursors that
+** have been tripped into the CURSOR_FAULT state are not counted.
+static int countValidCursors(BtShared *pBt, int wrOnly){
+  BtCursor *pCur;
+  int r = 0;
+  for(pCur=pBt->pCursor; pCur; pCur=pCur->pNext){
+    if( (wrOnly==0 || pCur->wrFlag) && pCur->eState!=CURSOR_FAULT ) r++; 
+  }
+  return r;
 ** If there are no outstanding cursors and we are not in the middle
 ** of a transaction but there is a read lock on the database, then
@@ -52073,7 +52096,7 @@
 static void unlockBtreeIfUnused(BtShared *pBt){
   assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
-  assert( pBt->pCursor==0 || pBt->inTransaction>TRANS_NONE );
+  assert( countValidCursors(pBt,0)==0 || pBt->inTransaction>TRANS_NONE );
   if( pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_NONE && pBt->pPage1!=0 ){
     assert( pBt->pPage1->aData );
     assert( sqlite3PagerRefcount(pBt->pPager)==1 );
@@ -52128,6 +52151,20 @@
+** Initialize the first page of the database file (creating a database
+** consisting of a single page and no schema objects). Return SQLITE_OK
+** if successful, or an SQLite error code otherwise.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeNewDb(Btree *p){
+  int rc;
+  sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
+  p->pBt->nPage = 0;
+  rc = newDatabase(p->pBt);
+  sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
+  return rc;
 ** Attempt to start a new transaction. A write-transaction
 ** is started if the second argument is nonzero, otherwise a read-
 ** transaction.  If the second argument is 2 or more and exclusive
@@ -52177,6 +52214,7 @@
   if( p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE || (p->inTrans==TRANS_READ && !wrflag) ){
     goto trans_begun;
+  assert( IfNotOmitAV(pBt->bDoTruncate)==0 );
   /* Write transactions are not possible on a read-only database */
   if( (pBt->btsFlags & BTS_READ_ONLY)!=0 && wrflag ){
@@ -52471,7 +52509,7 @@
   ** iPtrPage.
   if( eType!=PTRMAP_ROOTPAGE ){
-    rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iPtrPage, &pPtrPage, 0);
+    rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iPtrPage, &pPtrPage, 0, 0);
     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
       return rc;
@@ -52493,24 +52531,23 @@
 static int allocateBtreePage(BtShared *, MemPage **, Pgno *, Pgno, u8);
-** Perform a single step of an incremental-vacuum. If successful,
-** return SQLITE_OK. If there is no work to do (and therefore no
-** point in calling this function again), return SQLITE_DONE.
-** More specificly, this function attempts to re-organize the 
-** database so that the last page of the file currently in use
-** is no longer in use.
-** If the nFin parameter is non-zero, this function assumes
-** that the caller will keep calling incrVacuumStep() until
-** it returns SQLITE_DONE or an error, and that nFin is the
-** number of pages the database file will contain after this 
-** process is complete.  If nFin is zero, it is assumed that
-** incrVacuumStep() will be called a finite amount of times
-** which may or may not empty the freelist.  A full autovacuum
-** has nFin>0.  A "PRAGMA incremental_vacuum" has nFin==0.
+** Perform a single step of an incremental-vacuum. If successful, return
+** SQLITE_OK. If there is no work to do (and therefore no point in 
+** calling this function again), return SQLITE_DONE. Or, if an error 
+** occurs, return some other error code.
+** More specificly, this function attempts to re-organize the database so 
+** that the last page of the file currently in use is no longer in use.
+** Parameter nFin is the number of pages that this database would contain
+** were this function called until it returns SQLITE_DONE.
+** If the bCommit parameter is non-zero, this function assumes that the 
+** caller will keep calling incrVacuumStep() until it returns SQLITE_DONE 
+** or an error. bCommit is passed true for an auto-vacuum-on-commmit 
+** operation, or false for an incremental vacuum.
-static int incrVacuumStep(BtShared *pBt, Pgno nFin, Pgno iLastPg){
+static int incrVacuumStep(BtShared *pBt, Pgno nFin, Pgno iLastPg, int bCommit){
   Pgno nFreeList;           /* Number of pages still on the free-list */
   int rc;
@@ -52535,15 +52572,15 @@
     if( eType==PTRMAP_FREEPAGE ){
-      if( nFin==0 ){
+      if( bCommit==0 ){
         /* Remove the page from the files free-list. This is not required
-        ** if nFin is non-zero. In that case, the free-list will be
+        ** if bCommit is non-zero. In that case, the free-list will be
         ** truncated to zero after this function returns, so it doesn't 
         ** matter if it still contains some garbage entries.
         Pgno iFreePg;
         MemPage *pFreePg;
-        rc = allocateBtreePage(pBt, &pFreePg, &iFreePg, iLastPg, 1);
+        rc = allocateBtreePage(pBt, &pFreePg, &iFreePg, iLastPg, BTALLOC_EXACT);
         if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
           return rc;
@@ -52553,34 +52590,37 @@
     } else {
       Pgno iFreePg;             /* Index of free page to move pLastPg to */
       MemPage *pLastPg;
+      u8 eMode = BTALLOC_ANY;   /* Mode parameter for allocateBtreePage() */
+      Pgno iNear = 0;           /* nearby parameter for allocateBtreePage() */
-      rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iLastPg, &pLastPg, 0);
+      rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iLastPg, &pLastPg, 0, 0);
       if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
         return rc;
-      /* If nFin is zero, this loop runs exactly once and page pLastPg
+      /* If bCommit is zero, this loop runs exactly once and page pLastPg
       ** is swapped with the first free page pulled off the free list.
-      ** On the other hand, if nFin is greater than zero, then keep
+      ** On the other hand, if bCommit is greater than zero, then keep
       ** looping until a free-page located within the first nFin pages
       ** of the file is found.
+      if( bCommit==0 ){
+        eMode = BTALLOC_LE;
+        iNear = nFin;
+      }
       do {
         MemPage *pFreePg;
-        rc = allocateBtreePage(pBt, &pFreePg, &iFreePg, 0, 0);
+        rc = allocateBtreePage(pBt, &pFreePg, &iFreePg, iNear, eMode);
         if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
           return rc;
-      }while( nFin!=0 && iFreePg>nFin );
+      }while( bCommit && iFreePg>nFin );
       assert( iFreePg<iLastPg );
-      rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pLastPg->pDbPage);
-      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-        rc = relocatePage(pBt, pLastPg, eType, iPtrPage, iFreePg, nFin!=0);
-      }
+      rc = relocatePage(pBt, pLastPg, eType, iPtrPage, iFreePg, bCommit);
       if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
         return rc;
@@ -52588,30 +52628,40 @@
-  if( nFin==0 ){
-    iLastPg--;
-    while( iLastPg==PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt)||PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, iLastPg) ){
-      if( PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, iLastPg) ){
-        MemPage *pPg;
-        rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iLastPg, &pPg, 0);
-        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
-          return rc;
-        }
-        rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPg->pDbPage);
-        releasePage(pPg);
-        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
-          return rc;
-        }
-      }
+  if( bCommit==0 ){
+    do {
-    }
-    sqlite3PagerTruncateImage(pBt->pPager, iLastPg);
+    }while( iLastPg==PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) || PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, iLastPg) );
+    pBt->bDoTruncate = 1;
     pBt->nPage = iLastPg;
   return SQLITE_OK;
+** The database opened by the first argument is an auto-vacuum database
+** nOrig pages in size containing nFree free pages. Return the expected 
+** size of the database in pages following an auto-vacuum operation.
+static Pgno finalDbSize(BtShared *pBt, Pgno nOrig, Pgno nFree){
+  int nEntry;                     /* Number of entries on one ptrmap page */
+  Pgno nPtrmap;                   /* Number of PtrMap pages to be freed */
+  Pgno nFin;                      /* Return value */
+  nEntry = pBt->usableSize/5;
+  nPtrmap = (nFree-nOrig+PTRMAP_PAGENO(pBt, nOrig)+nEntry)/nEntry;
+  nFin = nOrig - nFree - nPtrmap;
+  if( nOrig>PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) && nFin<PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ){
+    nFin--;
+  }
+  while( PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, nFin) || nFin==PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ){
+    nFin--;
+  }
+  return nFin;
 ** A write-transaction must be opened before calling this function.
 ** It performs a single unit of work towards an incremental vacuum.
@@ -52628,12 +52678,25 @@
   if( !pBt->autoVacuum ){
     rc = SQLITE_DONE;
+    Pgno nOrig = btreePagecount(pBt);
+    Pgno nFree = get4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[36]);
+    Pgno nFin = finalDbSize(pBt, nOrig, nFree);
+    if( nOrig<nFin ){
+    }else if( nFree>0 ){
+      rc = saveAllCursors(pBt, 0, 0);
+      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-    rc = incrVacuumStep(pBt, 0, btreePagecount(pBt));
+        rc = incrVacuumStep(pBt, nFin, nOrig, 0);
+      }
     if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
       rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pBt->pPage1->pDbPage);
       put4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[28], pBt->nPage);
+    }else{
+      rc = SQLITE_DONE;
+    }
   return rc;
@@ -52659,9 +52722,7 @@
   if( !pBt->incrVacuum ){
     Pgno nFin;         /* Number of pages in database after autovacuuming */
     Pgno nFree;        /* Number of pages on the freelist initially */
-    Pgno nPtrmap;      /* Number of PtrMap pages to be freed */
     Pgno iFree;        /* The next page to be freed */
-    int nEntry;        /* Number of entries on one ptrmap page */
     Pgno nOrig;        /* Database size before freeing */
     nOrig = btreePagecount(pBt);
@@ -52674,26 +52735,20 @@
     nFree = get4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[36]);
-    nEntry = pBt->usableSize/5;
-    nPtrmap = (nFree-nOrig+PTRMAP_PAGENO(pBt, nOrig)+nEntry)/nEntry;
-    nFin = nOrig - nFree - nPtrmap;
-    if( nOrig>PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) && nFin<PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ){
-      nFin--;
-    }
-    while( PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, nFin) || nFin==PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ){
-      nFin--;
-    }
+    nFin = finalDbSize(pBt, nOrig, nFree);
     if( nFin>nOrig ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
+    if( nFin<nOrig ){
+      rc = saveAllCursors(pBt, 0, 0);
+    }
     for(iFree=nOrig; iFree>nFin && rc==SQLITE_OK; iFree--){
-      rc = incrVacuumStep(pBt, nFin, iFree);
+      rc = incrVacuumStep(pBt, nFin, iFree, 1);
     if( (rc==SQLITE_DONE || rc==SQLITE_OK) && nFree>0 ){
       rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pBt->pPage1->pDbPage);
       put4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[32], 0);
       put4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[36], 0);
       put4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[28], nFin);
-      sqlite3PagerTruncateImage(pBt->pPager, nFin);
+      pBt->bDoTruncate = 1;
       pBt->nPage = nFin;
     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
@@ -52701,7 +52756,7 @@
-  assert( nRef==sqlite3PagerRefcount(pPager) );
+  assert( nRef>=sqlite3PagerRefcount(pPager) );
   return rc;
@@ -52748,6 +52803,9 @@
         return rc;
+    if( pBt->bDoTruncate ){
+      sqlite3PagerTruncateImage(pBt->pPager, pBt->nPage);
+    }
     rc = sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseOne(pBt->pPager, zMaster, 0);
@@ -52763,7 +52821,9 @@
   BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
   assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(p) );
-  btreeClearHasContent(pBt);
+  pBt->bDoTruncate = 0;
   if( p->inTrans>TRANS_NONE && p->db->activeVdbeCnt>1 ){
     /* If there are other active statements that belong to this database
     ** handle, downgrade to a read-only transaction. The other statements
@@ -52838,6 +52898,7 @@
       return rc;
     pBt->inTransaction = TRANS_READ;
+    btreeClearHasContent(pBt);
@@ -52859,27 +52920,6 @@
   return rc;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-** Return the number of write-cursors open on this handle. This is for use
-** in assert() expressions, so it is only compiled if NDEBUG is not
-** defined.
-** For the purposes of this routine, a write-cursor is any cursor that
-** is capable of writing to the databse.  That means the cursor was
-** originally opened for writing and the cursor has not be disabled
-** by having its state changed to CURSOR_FAULT.
-static int countWriteCursors(BtShared *pBt){
-  BtCursor *pCur;
-  int r = 0;
-  for(pCur=pBt->pCursor; pCur; pCur=pCur->pNext){
-    if( pCur->wrFlag && pCur->eState!=CURSOR_FAULT ) r++; 
-  }
-  return r;
 ** This routine sets the state to CURSOR_FAULT and the error
 ** code to errCode for every cursor on BtShared that pBtree
@@ -52951,7 +52991,7 @@
     /* The rollback may have destroyed the pPage1->aData value.  So
     ** call btreeGetPage() on page 1 again to make
     ** sure pPage1->aData is set correctly. */
-    if( btreeGetPage(pBt, 1, &pPage1, 0)==SQLITE_OK ){
+    if( btreeGetPage(pBt, 1, &pPage1, 0, 0)==SQLITE_OK ){
       int nPage = get4byte(28+(u8*)pPage1->aData);
       testcase( nPage==0 );
       if( nPage==0 ) sqlite3PagerPagecount(pBt->pPager, &nPage);
@@ -52959,8 +52999,9 @@
       pBt->nPage = nPage;
-    assert( countWriteCursors(pBt)==0 );
+    assert( countValidCursors(pBt, 1)==0 );
     pBt->inTransaction = TRANS_READ;
+    btreeClearHasContent(pBt);
@@ -53385,7 +53426,7 @@
   assert( next==0 || rc==SQLITE_DONE );
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-    rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, ovfl, &pPage, 0);
+    rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, ovfl, &pPage, 0, (ppPage==0));
     assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || pPage==0 );
     if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
       next = get4byte(pPage->aData);
@@ -53606,7 +53647,9 @@
           DbPage *pDbPage;
-          rc = sqlite3PagerGet(pBt->pPager, nextPage, &pDbPage);
+          rc = sqlite3PagerAcquire(pBt->pPager, nextPage, &pDbPage,
+              (eOp==0 ? PAGER_ACQUIRE_READONLY : 0)
+          );
           if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
             aPayload = sqlite3PagerGetData(pDbPage);
             nextPage = get4byte(aPayload);
@@ -53785,10 +53828,11 @@
   assert( cursorHoldsMutex(pCur) );
   assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
   assert( pCur->iPage<BTCURSOR_MAX_DEPTH );
+  assert( pCur->iPage>=0 );
   if( pCur->iPage>=(BTCURSOR_MAX_DEPTH-1) ){
-  rc = getAndInitPage(pBt, newPgno, &pNewPage);
+  rc = getAndInitPage(pBt, newPgno, &pNewPage, (pCur->wrFlag==0));
   if( rc ) return rc;
   pCur->apPage[i+1] = pNewPage;
   pCur->aiIdx[i+1] = 0;
@@ -53905,7 +53949,7 @@
     pCur->eState = CURSOR_INVALID;
     return SQLITE_OK;
-    rc = getAndInitPage(pBt, pCur->pgnoRoot, &pCur->apPage[0]);
+    rc = getAndInitPage(pBt, pCur->pgnoRoot, &pCur->apPage[0], pCur->wrFlag==0);
     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
       pCur->eState = CURSOR_INVALID;
       return rc;
@@ -54435,21 +54479,23 @@
 ** an error.  *ppPage and *pPgno are undefined in the event of an error.
 ** Do not invoke sqlite3PagerUnref() on *ppPage if an error is returned.
-** If the "nearby" parameter is not 0, then a (feeble) effort is made to 
+** If the "nearby" parameter is not 0, then an effort is made to 
 ** locate a page close to the page number "nearby".  This can be used in an
 ** attempt to keep related pages close to each other in the database file,
 ** which in turn can make database access faster.
-** If the "exact" parameter is not 0, and the page-number nearby exists 
-** anywhere on the free-list, then it is guarenteed to be returned. This
-** is only used by auto-vacuum databases when allocating a new table.
+** If the eMode parameter is BTALLOC_EXACT and the nearby page exists
+** anywhere on the free-list, then it is guaranteed to be returned.  If
+** eMode is BTALLOC_LT then the page returned will be less than or equal
+** to nearby if any such page exists.  If eMode is BTALLOC_ANY then there
+** are no restrictions on which page is returned.
 static int allocateBtreePage(
-  BtShared *pBt, 
-  MemPage **ppPage, 
-  Pgno *pPgno, 
-  Pgno nearby,
-  u8 exact
+  BtShared *pBt,         /* The btree */
+  MemPage **ppPage,      /* Store pointer to the allocated page here */
+  Pgno *pPgno,           /* Store the page number here */
+  Pgno nearby,           /* Search for a page near this one */
+  u8 eMode               /* BTALLOC_EXACT, BTALLOC_LT, or BTALLOC_ANY */
   MemPage *pPage1;
   int rc;
@@ -54460,6 +54506,7 @@
   Pgno mxPage;     /* Total size of the database file */
   assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
+  assert( eMode==BTALLOC_ANY || (nearby>0 && IfNotOmitAV(pBt->autoVacuum)) );
   pPage1 = pBt->pPage1;
   mxPage = btreePagecount(pBt);
   n = get4byte(&pPage1->aData[36]);
@@ -54472,12 +54519,13 @@
     Pgno iTrunk;
     u8 searchList = 0; /* If the free-list must be searched for 'nearby' */
-    /* If the 'exact' parameter was true and a query of the pointer-map
+    /* If eMode==BTALLOC_EXACT and a query of the pointer-map
     ** shows that the page 'nearby' is somewhere on the free-list, then
     ** the entire-list will be searched for that page.
-    if( exact && nearby<=mxPage ){
+    if( eMode==BTALLOC_EXACT ){
+      if( nearby<=mxPage ){
       u8 eType;
       assert( nearby>0 );
       assert( pBt->autoVacuum );
@@ -54486,7 +54534,9 @@
       if( eType==PTRMAP_FREEPAGE ){
         searchList = 1;
-      *pPgno = nearby;
+      }
+    }else if( eMode==BTALLOC_LE ){
+      searchList = 1;
@@ -54499,7 +54549,8 @@
     /* The code within this loop is run only once if the 'searchList' variable
     ** is not true. Otherwise, it runs once for each trunk-page on the
-    ** free-list until the page 'nearby' is located.
+    ** free-list until the page 'nearby' is located (eMode==BTALLOC_EXACT)
+    ** or until a page less than 'nearby' is located (eMode==BTALLOC_LT)
     do {
       pPrevTrunk = pTrunk;
@@ -54512,7 +54563,7 @@
       if( iTrunk>mxPage ){
         rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
-        rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iTrunk, &pTrunk, 0);
+        rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iTrunk, &pTrunk, 0, 0);
       if( rc ){
         pTrunk = 0;
@@ -54541,11 +54592,13 @@
         rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
         goto end_allocate_page;
-      }else if( searchList && nearby==iTrunk ){
+      }else if( searchList 
+            && (nearby==iTrunk || (iTrunk<nearby && eMode==BTALLOC_LE)) 
+      ){
         /* The list is being searched and this trunk page is the page
         ** to allocate, regardless of whether it has leaves.
-        assert( *pPgno==iTrunk );
+        *pPgno = iTrunk;
         *ppPage = pTrunk;
         searchList = 0;
         rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pTrunk->pDbPage);
@@ -54574,7 +54627,7 @@
             goto end_allocate_page;
           testcase( iNewTrunk==mxPage );
-          rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iNewTrunk, &pNewTrunk, 0);
+          rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iNewTrunk, &pNewTrunk, 0, 0);
           if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
             goto end_allocate_page;
@@ -54608,8 +54661,17 @@
         unsigned char *aData = pTrunk->aData;
         if( nearby>0 ){
           u32 i;
-          int dist;
           closest = 0;
+          if( eMode==BTALLOC_LE ){
+            for(i=0; i<k; i++){
+              iPage = get4byte(&aData[8+i*4]);
+              if( iPage<=nearby ){
+                closest = i;
+                break;
+              }
+            }
+          }else{
+            int dist;
           dist = sqlite3AbsInt32(get4byte(&aData[8]) - nearby);
           for(i=1; i<k; i++){
             int d2 = sqlite3AbsInt32(get4byte(&aData[8+i*4]) - nearby);
@@ -54618,6 +54680,7 @@
               dist = d2;
+          }
           closest = 0;
@@ -54629,7 +54692,9 @@
           goto end_allocate_page;
         testcase( iPage==mxPage );
-        if( !searchList || iPage==nearby ){
+        if( !searchList 
+         || (iPage==nearby || (iPage<nearby && eMode==BTALLOC_LE)) 
+        ){
           int noContent;
           *pPgno = iPage;
           TRACE(("ALLOCATE: %d was leaf %d of %d on trunk %d"
@@ -54642,7 +54707,7 @@
           put4byte(&aData[4], k-1);
           noContent = !btreeGetHasContent(pBt, *pPgno);
-          rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, *pPgno, ppPage, noContent);
+          rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, *pPgno, ppPage, noContent, 0);
           if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
             rc = sqlite3PagerWrite((*ppPage)->pDbPage);
             if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
@@ -54656,8 +54721,26 @@
       pPrevTrunk = 0;
     }while( searchList );
-    /* There are no pages on the freelist, so create a new page at the
-    ** end of the file */
+    /* There are no pages on the freelist, so append a new page to the
+    ** database image.
+    **
+    ** Normally, new pages allocated by this block can be requested from the
+    ** pager layer with the 'no-content' flag set. This prevents the pager
+    ** from trying to read the pages content from disk. However, if the
+    ** current transaction has already run one or more incremental-vacuum
+    ** steps, then the page we are about to allocate may contain content
+    ** that is required in the event of a rollback. In this case, do
+    ** not set the no-content flag. This causes the pager to load and journal
+    ** the current page content before overwriting it.
+    **
+    ** Note that the pager will not actually attempt to load or journal 
+    ** content for any page that really does lie past the end of the database
+    ** file on disk. So the effects of disabling the no-content optimization
+    ** here are confined to those pages that lie between the end of the
+    ** database image and the end of the database file.
+    */
+    int bNoContent = (0==IfNotOmitAV(pBt->bDoTruncate));
     rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pBt->pPage1->pDbPage);
     if( rc ) return rc;
@@ -54672,7 +54755,7 @@
       MemPage *pPg = 0;
       TRACE(("ALLOCATE: %d from end of file (pointer-map page)\n", pBt->nPage));
       assert( pBt->nPage!=PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) );
-      rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, pBt->nPage, &pPg, 1);
+      rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, pBt->nPage, &pPg, bNoContent, 0);
       if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
         rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPg->pDbPage);
@@ -54686,7 +54769,7 @@
     *pPgno = pBt->nPage;
     assert( *pPgno!=PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) );
-    rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, *pPgno, ppPage, 1);
+    rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, *pPgno, ppPage, bNoContent, 0);
     if( rc ) return rc;
     rc = sqlite3PagerWrite((*ppPage)->pDbPage);
     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
@@ -54754,7 +54837,7 @@
     /* If the secure_delete option is enabled, then
     ** always fully overwrite deleted information with zeros.
-    if( (!pPage && ((rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iPage, &pPage, 0))!=0) )
+    if( (!pPage && ((rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iPage, &pPage, 0, 0))!=0) )
      ||            ((rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPage->pDbPage))!=0)
       goto freepage_out;
@@ -54781,7 +54864,7 @@
     u32 nLeaf;                /* Initial number of leaf cells on trunk page */
     iTrunk = get4byte(&pPage1->aData[32]);
-    rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iTrunk, &pTrunk, 0);
+    rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iTrunk, &pTrunk, 0, 0);
     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
       goto freepage_out;
@@ -54827,7 +54910,7 @@
   ** first trunk in the free-list is full. Either way, the page being freed
   ** will become the new first trunk page in the free-list.
-  if( pPage==0 && SQLITE_OK!=(rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iPage, &pPage, 0)) ){
+  if( pPage==0 && SQLITE_OK!=(rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iPage, &pPage, 0, 0)) ){
     goto freepage_out;
   rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPage->pDbPage);
@@ -54870,7 +54953,7 @@
     return SQLITE_OK;  /* No overflow pages. Return without doing anything */
   if( pCell+info.iOverflow+3 > pPage->aData+pPage->maskPage ){
-    return SQLITE_CORRUPT;  /* Cell extends past end of page */
+    return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;  /* Cell extends past end of page */
   ovflPgno = get4byte(&pCell[info.iOverflow]);
   assert( pBt->usableSize > 4 );
@@ -55014,7 +55097,7 @@
       ** If this is the first overflow page, then write a partial entry 
       ** to the pointer-map. If we write nothing to this pointer-map slot,
       ** then the optimistic overflow chain processing in clearCell()
-      ** may misinterpret the uninitialised values and delete the
+      ** may misinterpret the uninitialized values and delete the
       ** wrong pages from the database.
       if( pBt->autoVacuum && rc==SQLITE_OK ){
@@ -55326,7 +55409,7 @@
   assert( pPage->nOverflow==1 );
   /* This error condition is now caught prior to reaching this function */
-  if( pPage->nCell<=0 ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
+  if( pPage->nCell==0 ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
   /* Allocate a new page. This page will become the right-sibling of 
   ** pPage. Make the parent page writable, so that the new divider cell
@@ -55536,11 +55619,15 @@
 ** If aOvflSpace is set to a null pointer, this function returns 
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1700 && defined(_M_ARM)
+#pragma optimize("", off)
 static int balance_nonroot(
   MemPage *pParent,               /* Parent page of siblings being balanced */
   int iParentIdx,                 /* Index of "the page" in pParent */
   u8 *aOvflSpace,                 /* page-size bytes of space for parent ovfl */
-  int isRoot                      /* True if pParent is a root-page */
+  int isRoot,                     /* True if pParent is a root-page */
+  int bBulk                       /* True if this call is part of a bulk load */
   BtShared *pBt;               /* The whole database */
   int nCell = 0;               /* Number of cells in apCell[] */
@@ -55604,18 +55691,19 @@
   i = pParent->nOverflow + pParent->nCell;
   if( i<2 ){
     nxDiv = 0;
-    nOld = i+1;
-    nOld = 3;
+    assert( bBulk==0 || bBulk==1 );
     if( iParentIdx==0 ){                 
       nxDiv = 0;
     }else if( iParentIdx==i ){
-      nxDiv = i-2;
+      nxDiv = i-2+bBulk;
+      assert( bBulk==0 );
       nxDiv = iParentIdx-1;
-    i = 2;
+    i = 2-bBulk;
+  nOld = i+1;
   if( (i+nxDiv-pParent->nOverflow)==pParent->nCell ){
     pRight = &pParent->aData[pParent->hdrOffset+8];
@@ -55623,7 +55711,7 @@
   pgno = get4byte(pRight);
   while( 1 ){
-    rc = getAndInitPage(pBt, pgno, &apOld[i]);
+    rc = getAndInitPage(pBt, pgno, &apOld[i], 0);
     if( rc ){
       memset(apOld, 0, (i+1)*sizeof(MemPage*));
       goto balance_cleanup;
@@ -55695,7 +55783,7 @@
   ** Load pointers to all cells on sibling pages and the divider cells
   ** into the local apCell[] array.  Make copies of the divider cells
-  ** into space obtained from aSpace1[] and remove the the divider Cells
+  ** into space obtained from aSpace1[] and remove the divider cells
   ** from pParent.
   ** If the siblings are on leaf pages, then the child pointers of the
@@ -55824,7 +55912,9 @@
     d = r + 1 - leafData;
     assert( d<nMaxCells );
     assert( r<nMaxCells );
-    while( szRight==0 || szRight+szCell[d]+2<=szLeft-(szCell[r]+2) ){
+    while( szRight==0 
+       || (!bBulk && szRight+szCell[d]+2<=szLeft-(szCell[r]+2)) 
+    ){
       szRight += szCell[d] + 2;
       szLeft -= szCell[r] + 2;
@@ -55871,7 +55961,7 @@
       if( rc ) goto balance_cleanup;
       assert( i>0 );
-      rc = allocateBtreePage(pBt, &pNew, &pgno, pgno, 0);
+      rc = allocateBtreePage(pBt, &pNew, &pgno, (bBulk ? 1 : pgno), 0);
       if( rc ) goto balance_cleanup;
       apNew[i] = pNew;
@@ -56083,6 +56173,7 @@
         ** sibling page j. If the siblings are not leaf pages of an
         ** intkey b-tree, then cell i was a divider cell. */
         assert( j+1 < ArraySize(apCopy) );
+        assert( j+1 < nOld );
         pOld = apCopy[++j];
         iNextOld = i + !leafData + pOld->nCell + pOld->nOverflow;
         if( pOld->nOverflow ){
@@ -56161,6 +56252,9 @@
   return rc;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1700 && defined(_M_ARM)
+#pragma optimize("", on)
@@ -56321,7 +56415,7 @@
           ** pSpace buffer passed to the latter call to balance_nonroot().
           u8 *pSpace = sqlite3PageMalloc(pCur->pBt->pageSize);
-          rc = balance_nonroot(pParent, iIdx, pSpace, iPage==1);
+          rc = balance_nonroot(pParent, iIdx, pSpace, iPage==1, pCur->hints);
           if( pFree ){
             /* If pFree is not NULL, it points to the pSpace buffer used 
             ** by a previous call to balance_nonroot(). Its contents are
@@ -56476,7 +56570,7 @@
   insertCell(pPage, idx, newCell, szNew, 0, 0, &rc);
   assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || pPage->nCell>0 || pPage->nOverflow>0 );
-  /* If no error has occured and pPage has an overflow cell, call balance() 
+  /* If no error has occurred and pPage has an overflow cell, call balance() 
   ** to redistribute the cells within the tree. Since balance() may move
   ** the cursor, zero the BtCursor.info.nSize and BtCursor.validNKey
   ** variables.
@@ -56690,7 +56784,7 @@
     ** be moved to the allocated page (unless the allocated page happens
     ** to reside at pgnoRoot).
-    rc = allocateBtreePage(pBt, &pPageMove, &pgnoMove, pgnoRoot, 1);
+    rc = allocateBtreePage(pBt, &pPageMove, &pgnoMove, pgnoRoot, BTALLOC_EXACT);
     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
       return rc;
@@ -56705,10 +56799,17 @@
       u8 eType = 0;
       Pgno iPtrPage = 0;
+      /* Save the positions of any open cursors. This is required in
+      ** case they are holding a reference to an xFetch reference
+      ** corresponding to page pgnoRoot.  */
+      rc = saveAllCursors(pBt, 0, 0);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+        return rc;
+      }
       /* Move the page currently at pgnoRoot to pgnoMove. */
-      rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, pgnoRoot, &pRoot, 0);
+      rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, pgnoRoot, &pRoot, 0, 0);
       if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
         return rc;
@@ -56729,7 +56830,7 @@
       if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
         return rc;
-      rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, pgnoRoot, &pRoot, 0);
+      rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, pgnoRoot, &pRoot, 0, 0);
       if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
         return rc;
@@ -56805,7 +56906,7 @@
-  rc = getAndInitPage(pBt, pgno, &pPage);
+  rc = getAndInitPage(pBt, pgno, &pPage, 0);
   if( rc ) return rc;
   for(i=0; i<pPage->nCell; i++){
     pCell = findCell(pPage, i);
@@ -56907,7 +57008,7 @@
-  rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, (Pgno)iTable, &pPage, 0);
+  rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, (Pgno)iTable, &pPage, 0, 0);
   if( rc ) return rc;
   rc = sqlite3BtreeClearTable(p, iTable, 0);
   if( rc ){
@@ -56942,7 +57043,7 @@
         MemPage *pMove;
-        rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, maxRootPgno, &pMove, 0);
+        rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, maxRootPgno, &pMove, 0, 0);
         if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
           return rc;
@@ -56952,7 +57053,7 @@
           return rc;
         pMove = 0;
-        rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, maxRootPgno, &pMove, 0);
+        rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, maxRootPgno, &pMove, 0, 0);
         freePage(pMove, &rc);
         if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
@@ -57364,7 +57465,7 @@
   usableSize = pBt->usableSize;
   if( iPage==0 ) return 0;
   if( checkRef(pCheck, iPage, zParentContext) ) return 0;
-  if( (rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, (Pgno)iPage, &pPage, 0))!=0 ){
+  if( (rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, (Pgno)iPage, &pPage, 0, 0))!=0 ){
     checkAppendMsg(pCheck, zContext,
        "unable to get the page. error code=%d", rc);
     return 0;
@@ -57597,7 +57698,7 @@
   if( i<=sCheck.nPage ) setPageReferenced(&sCheck, i);
-  sqlite3StrAccumInit(&sCheck.errMsg, zErr, sizeof(zErr), 20000);
+  sqlite3StrAccumInit(&sCheck.errMsg, zErr, sizeof(zErr), SQLITE_MAX_LENGTH);
   sCheck.errMsg.useMalloc = 2;
   /* Check the integrity of the freelist
@@ -57666,14 +57767,15 @@
-** Return the full pathname of the underlying database file.
+** Return the full pathname of the underlying database file.  Return
+** an empty string if the database is in-memory or a TEMP database.
 ** The pager filename is invariant as long as the pager is
 ** open so it is safe to access without the BtShared mutex.
 SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3BtreeGetFilename(Btree *p){
   assert( p->pBt->pPager!=0 );
-  return sqlite3PagerFilename(p->pBt->pPager);
+  return sqlite3PagerFilename(p->pBt->pPager, 1);
@@ -57835,6 +57937,17 @@
     return SQLITE_ABORT;
+  /* Save the positions of all other cursors open on this table. This is
+  ** required in case any of them are holding references to an xFetch
+  ** version of the b-tree page modified by the accessPayload call below.
+  **
+  ** Note that pCsr must be open on a BTREE_INTKEY table and saveCursorPosition()
+  ** and hence saveAllCursors() cannot fail on a BTREE_INTKEY table, hence
+  ** saveAllCursors can only return SQLITE_OK.
+  */
+  VVA_ONLY(rc =) saveAllCursors(pCsr->pBt, pCsr->pgnoRoot, pCsr);
+  assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
   /* Check some assumptions: 
   **   (a) the cursor is open for writing,
   **   (b) there is a read/write transaction open,
@@ -57908,6 +58021,15 @@
   return rc;
+** set the mask of hint flags for cursor pCsr. Currently the only valid
+** values are 0 and BTREE_BULKLOAD.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeCursorHints(BtCursor *pCsr, unsigned int mask){
+  assert( mask==BTREE_BULKLOAD || mask==0 );
+  pCsr->hints = mask;
 /************** End of btree.c ***********************************************/
 /************** Begin file backup.c ******************************************/
@@ -58074,7 +58196,7 @@
     ** EVIDENCE-OF: R-64852-21591 The sqlite3_backup object is created by a
     ** call to sqlite3_backup_init() and is destroyed by a call to
     ** sqlite3_backup_finish(). */
-    p = (sqlite3_backup *)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(sqlite3_backup));
+    p = (sqlite3_backup *)sqlite3MallocZero(sizeof(sqlite3_backup));
     if( !p ){
       sqlite3Error(pDestDb, SQLITE_NOMEM, 0);
@@ -58082,7 +58204,6 @@
   /* If the allocation succeeded, populate the new object. */
   if( p ){
-    memset(p, 0, sizeof(sqlite3_backup));
     p->pSrc = findBtree(pDestDb, pSrcDb, zSrcDb);
     p->pDest = findBtree(pDestDb, pDestDb, zDestDb);
     p->pDestDb = pDestDb;
@@ -58123,20 +58244,28 @@
 ** page iSrcPg from the source database. Copy this data into the 
 ** destination database.
-static int backupOnePage(sqlite3_backup *p, Pgno iSrcPg, const u8 *zSrcData){
+static int backupOnePage(
+  sqlite3_backup *p,              /* Backup handle */
+  Pgno iSrcPg,                    /* Source database page to backup */
+  const u8 *zSrcData,             /* Source database page data */
+  int bUpdate                     /* True for an update, false otherwise */
   Pager * const pDestPager = sqlite3BtreePager(p->pDest);
   const int nSrcPgsz = sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(p->pSrc);
   int nDestPgsz = sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(p->pDest);
   const int nCopy = MIN(nSrcPgsz, nDestPgsz);
   const i64 iEnd = (i64)iSrcPg*(i64)nSrcPgsz;
-  int nSrcReserve = sqlite3BtreeGetReserve(p->pSrc);
+  /* Use BtreeGetReserveNoMutex() for the source b-tree, as although it is
+  ** guaranteed that the shared-mutex is held by this thread, handle
+  ** p->pSrc may not actually be the owner.  */
+  int nSrcReserve = sqlite3BtreeGetReserveNoMutex(p->pSrc);
   int nDestReserve = sqlite3BtreeGetReserve(p->pDest);
   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
   i64 iOff;
+  assert( sqlite3BtreeGetReserveNoMutex(p->pSrc)>=0 );
   assert( p->bDestLocked );
   assert( !isFatalError(p->rc) );
   assert( iSrcPg!=PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(p->pSrc->pBt) );
@@ -58193,6 +58322,9 @@
       memcpy(zOut, zIn, nCopy);
       ((u8 *)sqlite3PagerGetExtra(pDestPg))[0] = 0;
+      if( iOff==0 && bUpdate==0 ){
+        sqlite3Put4byte(&zOut[28], sqlite3BtreeLastPage(p->pSrc));
+      }
@@ -58297,9 +58429,10 @@
       const Pgno iSrcPg = p->iNext;                 /* Source page number */
       if( iSrcPg!=PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(p->pSrc->pBt) ){
         DbPage *pSrcPg;                             /* Source page object */
-        rc = sqlite3PagerGet(pSrcPager, iSrcPg, &pSrcPg);
+        rc = sqlite3PagerAcquire(pSrcPager, iSrcPg, &pSrcPg,
+                                 PAGER_ACQUIRE_READONLY);
         if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-          rc = backupOnePage(p, iSrcPg, sqlite3PagerGetData(pSrcPg));
+          rc = backupOnePage(p, iSrcPg, sqlite3PagerGetData(pSrcPg), 0);
@@ -58321,10 +58454,16 @@
     ** same schema version.
     if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
+      if( nSrcPage==0 ){
+        rc = sqlite3BtreeNewDb(p->pDest);
+        nSrcPage = 1;
+      }
+      if( rc==SQLITE_OK || rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
       rc = sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(p->pDest,1,p->iDestSchema+1);
+      }
       if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
         if( p->pDestDb ){
-          sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(p->pDestDb, -1);
+          sqlite3ResetAllSchemasOfConnection(p->pDestDb);
         if( destMode==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL ){
           rc = sqlite3BtreeSetVersion(p->pDest, 2);
@@ -58355,7 +58494,7 @@
           nDestTruncate = nSrcPage * (pgszSrc/pgszDest);
-        sqlite3PagerTruncateImage(pDestPager, nDestTruncate);
+        assert( nDestTruncate>0 );
         if( pgszSrc<pgszDest ){
           /* If the source page-size is smaller than the destination page-size,
@@ -58369,22 +58508,38 @@
           const i64 iSize = (i64)pgszSrc * (i64)nSrcPage;
           sqlite3_file * const pFile = sqlite3PagerFile(pDestPager);
+          Pgno iPg;
+          int nDstPage;
           i64 iOff;
           i64 iEnd;
           assert( pFile );
-          assert( (i64)nDestTruncate*(i64)pgszDest >= iSize || (
+          assert( nDestTruncate==0 
+              || (i64)nDestTruncate*(i64)pgszDest >= iSize || (
              && iSize>=PENDING_BYTE && iSize<=PENDING_BYTE+pgszDest
-          /* This call ensures that all data required to recreate the original
+          /* This block ensures that all data required to recreate the original
           ** database has been stored in the journal for pDestPager and the
           ** journal synced to disk. So at this point we may safely modify
           ** the database file in any way, knowing that if a power failure
           ** occurs, the original database will be reconstructed from the 
           ** journal file.  */
+          sqlite3PagerPagecount(pDestPager, &nDstPage);
+          for(iPg=nDestTruncate; rc==SQLITE_OK && iPg<=(Pgno)nDstPage; iPg++){
+            if( iPg!=PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(p->pDest->pBt) ){
+              DbPage *pPg;
+              rc = sqlite3PagerGet(pDestPager, iPg, &pPg);
+              if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+                rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPg);
+                sqlite3PagerUnref(pPg);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
           rc = sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseOne(pDestPager, 0, 1);
+          }
           /* Write the extra pages and truncate the database file as required */
           iEnd = MIN(PENDING_BYTE + pgszDest, iSize);
@@ -58411,6 +58566,7 @@
             rc = sqlite3PagerSync(pDestPager);
+          sqlite3PagerTruncateImage(pDestPager, nDestTruncate);
           rc = sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseOne(pDestPager, 0, 0);
@@ -58453,14 +58609,14 @@
 SQLITE_API int sqlite3_backup_finish(sqlite3_backup *p){
   sqlite3_backup **pp;                 /* Ptr to head of pagers backup list */
-  MUTEX_LOGIC( sqlite3_mutex *mutex; ) /* Mutex to protect source database */
+  sqlite3 *pSrcDb;                     /* Source database connection */
   int rc;                              /* Value to return */
   /* Enter the mutexes */
   if( p==0 ) return SQLITE_OK;
-  sqlite3_mutex_enter(p->pSrcDb->mutex);
+  pSrcDb = p->pSrcDb;
+  sqlite3_mutex_enter(pSrcDb->mutex);
-  MUTEX_LOGIC( mutex = p->pSrcDb->mutex; )
   if( p->pDestDb ){
@@ -58486,7 +58642,7 @@
   /* Exit the mutexes and free the backup context structure. */
   if( p->pDestDb ){
-    sqlite3_mutex_leave(p->pDestDb->mutex);
+    sqlite3LeaveMutexAndCloseZombie(p->pDestDb);
   if( p->pDestDb ){
@@ -58495,7 +58651,7 @@
     ** sqlite3_backup_finish(). */
-  sqlite3_mutex_leave(mutex);
+  sqlite3LeaveMutexAndCloseZombie(pSrcDb);
   return rc;
@@ -58539,7 +58695,7 @@
       int rc;
       assert( p->pDestDb );
-      rc = backupOnePage(p, iPage, aData);
+      rc = backupOnePage(p, iPage, aData, 1);
       assert( rc!=SQLITE_BUSY && rc!=SQLITE_LOCKED );
       if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
@@ -58662,7 +58818,9 @@
 ** between formats.
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(Mem *pMem, int desiredEnc){
+#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
   int rc;
   assert( (pMem->flags&MEM_RowSet)==0 );
   assert( desiredEnc==SQLITE_UTF8 || desiredEnc==SQLITE_UTF16LE
            || desiredEnc==SQLITE_UTF16BE );
@@ -59807,18 +59965,6 @@
 ** But that file was getting too big so this subroutines were split out.
-** When debugging the code generator in a symbolic debugger, one can
-** set the sqlite3VdbeAddopTrace to 1 and all opcodes will be printed
-** as they are added to the instruction stream.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAddopTrace = 0;
 ** Create a new virtual database engine.
@@ -59843,7 +59989,7 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeSetSql(Vdbe *p, const char *z, int n, int isPrepareV2){
   assert( isPrepareV2==1 || isPrepareV2==0 );
   if( p==0 ) return;
   if( !isPrepareV2 ) return;
   assert( p->zSql==0 );
@@ -59948,7 +60094,9 @@
   pOp->p4type = P4_NOTUSED;
   pOp->zComment = 0;
-  if( sqlite3VdbeAddopTrace ) sqlite3VdbePrintOp(0, i, &p->aOp[i]);
+  if( p->db->flags & SQLITE_VdbeAddopTrace ){
+    sqlite3VdbePrintOp(0, i, &p->aOp[i]);
+  }
   pOp->cycles = 0;
@@ -60167,7 +60315,7 @@
      || (opcode==OP_FkCounter && pOp->p1==0 && pOp->p2==1) 
      || ((opcode==OP_Halt || opcode==OP_HaltIfNull) 
-      && (pOp->p1==SQLITE_CONSTRAINT && pOp->p2==OE_Abort))
+      && ((pOp->p1&0xff)==SQLITE_CONSTRAINT && pOp->p2==OE_Abort))
       hasAbort = 1;
@@ -60175,7 +60323,7 @@
   sqlite3DbFree(v->db, sIter.apSub);
-  /* Return true if hasAbort==mayAbort. Or if a malloc failure occured.
+  /* Return true if hasAbort==mayAbort. Or if a malloc failure occurred.
   ** If malloc failed, then the while() loop above may not have iterated
   ** through all opcodes and hasAbort may be set incorrectly. Return
   ** true for this case to prevent the assert() in the callers frame
@@ -60302,7 +60450,7 @@
       pOut->p5 = 0;
       pOut->zComment = 0;
-      if( sqlite3VdbeAddopTrace ){
+      if( p->db->flags & SQLITE_VdbeAddopTrace ){
         sqlite3VdbePrintOp(0, i+addr, &p->aOp[i+addr]);
@@ -60513,6 +60661,7 @@
     addr = p->nOp - 1;
   pOp = &p->aOp[addr];
+  assert( pOp->p4type==P4_NOTUSED || pOp->p4type==P4_INT32 );
   freeP4(db, pOp->p4type, pOp->p4.p);
   pOp->p4.p = 0;
   if( n==P4_INT32 ){
@@ -60535,10 +60684,9 @@
       u8 *aSortOrder;
       memcpy((char*)pKeyInfo, zP4, nByte - nField);
       aSortOrder = pKeyInfo->aSortOrder;
-      if( aSortOrder ){
+      assert( aSortOrder!=0 );
         pKeyInfo->aSortOrder = (unsigned char*)&pKeyInfo->aColl[nField];
         memcpy(pKeyInfo->aSortOrder, aSortOrder, nField);
-      }
       pOp->p4type = P4_KEYINFO;
       p->db->mallocFailed = 1;
@@ -60564,7 +60712,7 @@
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-** Change the comment on the the most recently coded instruction.  Or
+** Change the comment on the most recently coded instruction.  Or
 ** insert a No-op and add the comment to that new instruction.  This
 ** makes the code easier to read during debugging.  None of this happens
 ** in a production build.
@@ -60651,26 +60799,23 @@
     case P4_KEYINFO: {
       int i, j;
       KeyInfo *pKeyInfo = pOp->p4.pKeyInfo;
+      assert( pKeyInfo->aSortOrder!=0 );
       sqlite3_snprintf(nTemp, zTemp, "keyinfo(%d", pKeyInfo->nField);
       i = sqlite3Strlen30(zTemp);
       for(j=0; j<pKeyInfo->nField; j++){
         CollSeq *pColl = pKeyInfo->aColl[j];
-        if( pColl ){
-          int n = sqlite3Strlen30(pColl->zName);
+        const char *zColl = pColl ? pColl->zName : "nil";
+        int n = sqlite3Strlen30(zColl);
           if( i+n>nTemp-6 ){
           zTemp[i++] = ',';
-          if( pKeyInfo->aSortOrder && pKeyInfo->aSortOrder[j] ){
+        if( pKeyInfo->aSortOrder[j] ){
             zTemp[i++] = '-';
-          memcpy(&zTemp[i], pColl->zName,n+1);
+        memcpy(&zTemp[i], zColl, n+1);
           i += n;
-        }else if( i+4<nTemp-6 ){
-          memcpy(&zTemp[i],",nil",4);
-          i += 4;
-        }
       zTemp[i++] = ')';
       zTemp[i] = 0;
@@ -61331,7 +61476,7 @@
     zEnd = &zCsr[nByte];
   }while( nByte && !db->mallocFailed );
-  p->nCursor = (u16)nCursor;
+  p->nCursor = nCursor;
   p->nOnceFlag = nOnce;
   if( p->aVar ){
     p->nVar = (ynVar)nVar;
@@ -61560,7 +61705,9 @@
     if( sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(pBt) ){
       needXcommit = 1;
       if( i!=1 ) nTrans++;
+      sqlite3BtreeEnter(pBt);
       rc = sqlite3PagerExclusiveLock(sqlite3BtreePager(pBt));
+      sqlite3BtreeLeave(pBt);
   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
@@ -61571,7 +61718,7 @@
   if( needXcommit && db->xCommitCallback ){
     rc = db->xCommitCallback(db->pCommitArg);
     if( rc ){
-      return SQLITE_CONSTRAINT;
@@ -61808,7 +61955,7 @@
   /* If p->iStatement is greater than zero, then this Vdbe opened a 
   ** statement transaction that should be closed here. The only exception
-  ** is that an IO error may have occured, causing an emergency rollback.
+  ** is that an IO error may have occurred, causing an emergency rollback.
   ** In this case (db->nStatement==0), and there is nothing to do.
   if( db->nStatement && p->iStatement ){
@@ -61863,14 +62010,14 @@
 ** violations, return SQLITE_ERROR. Otherwise, SQLITE_OK.
 ** If there are outstanding FK violations and this function returns 
-** SQLITE_ERROR, set the result of the VM to SQLITE_CONSTRAINT and write
-** an error message to it. Then return SQLITE_ERROR.
+** and write an error message to it. Then return SQLITE_ERROR.
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeCheckFk(Vdbe *p, int deferred){
   sqlite3 *db = p->db;
   if( (deferred && db->nDeferredCons>0) || (!deferred && p->nFkConstraint>0) ){
     p->errorAction = OE_Abort;
     sqlite3SetString(&p->zErrMsg, db, "foreign key constraint failed");
     return SQLITE_ERROR;
@@ -61944,7 +62091,7 @@
       ** Even if the statement is read-only, it is important to perform
       ** a statement or transaction rollback operation. If the error 
-      ** occured while writing to the journal, sub-journal or database
+      ** occurred while writing to the journal, sub-journal or database
       ** file as part of an effort to free up cache space (see function
       ** pagerStress() in pager.c), the rollback is required to restore 
       ** the pager to a consistent state.
@@ -61985,7 +62132,7 @@
             return SQLITE_ERROR;
-          rc = SQLITE_CONSTRAINT;
           /* The auto-commit flag is true, the vdbe program was successful 
           ** or hit an 'OR FAIL' constraint and there are no deferred foreign
@@ -62028,7 +62175,7 @@
     if( eStatementOp ){
       rc = sqlite3VdbeCloseStatement(p, eStatementOp);
       if( rc ){
-        if( p->rc==SQLITE_OK || p->rc==SQLITE_CONSTRAINT ){
+        if( p->rc==SQLITE_OK || (p->rc&0xff)==SQLITE_CONSTRAINT ){
           p->rc = rc;
           sqlite3DbFree(db, p->zErrMsg);
           p->zErrMsg = 0;
@@ -62114,6 +62261,27 @@
   return rc;
+** If an SQLITE_CONFIG_SQLLOG hook is registered and the VM has been run, 
+** invoke it.
+static void vdbeInvokeSqllog(Vdbe *v){
+  if( sqlite3GlobalConfig.xSqllog && v->rc==SQLITE_OK && v->zSql && v->pc>=0 ){
+    char *zExpanded = sqlite3VdbeExpandSql(v, v->zSql);
+    assert( v->db->init.busy==0 );
+    if( zExpanded ){
+      sqlite3GlobalConfig.xSqllog(
+          sqlite3GlobalConfig.pSqllogArg, v->db, zExpanded, 1
+      );
+      sqlite3DbFree(v->db, zExpanded);
+    }
+  }
+# define vdbeInvokeSqllog(x)
 ** Clean up a VDBE after execution but do not delete the VDBE just yet.
 ** Write any error messages into *pzErrMsg.  Return the result code.
@@ -62141,6 +62309,7 @@
   ** instructions yet, leave the main database error information unchanged.
   if( p->pc>=0 ){
+    vdbeInvokeSqllog(p);
     sqlite3DbFree(db, p->zErrMsg);
     p->zErrMsg = 0;
@@ -62222,12 +62391,14 @@
-** Free all memory associated with the Vdbe passed as the second argument.
+** Free all memory associated with the Vdbe passed as the second argument,
+** except for object itself, which is preserved.
 ** The difference between this function and sqlite3VdbeDelete() is that
 ** VdbeDelete() also unlinks the Vdbe from the list of VMs associated with
-** the database connection.
+** the database connection and frees the object itself.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeDeleteObject(sqlite3 *db, Vdbe *p){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeClearObject(sqlite3 *db, Vdbe *p){
   SubProgram *pSub, *pNext;
   int i;
   assert( p->db==0 || p->db==db );
@@ -62248,7 +62419,6 @@
   sqlite3DbFree(db, p->zExplain);
   sqlite3DbFree(db, p->pExplain);
-  sqlite3DbFree(db, p);
@@ -62259,6 +62429,8 @@
   if( NEVER(p==0) ) return;
   db = p->db;
+  assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) );
+  sqlite3VdbeClearObject(db, p);
   if( p->pPrev ){
     p->pPrev->pNext = p->pNext;
@@ -62270,7 +62442,7 @@
   p->magic = VDBE_MAGIC_DEAD;
   p->db = 0;
-  sqlite3VdbeDeleteObject(db, p);
+  sqlite3DbFree(db, p);
@@ -62333,7 +62505,7 @@
 ** the blob of data that it corresponds to. In a table record, all serial
 ** types are stored at the start of the record, and the blobs of data at
 ** the end. Hence these functions allow the caller to handle the
-** serial-type and data blob seperately.
+** serial-type and data blob separately.
 ** The following table describes the various storage classes for data:
@@ -62372,9 +62544,6 @@
 #   define MAX_6BYTE ((((i64)0x00008000)<<32)-1)
     i64 i = pMem->u.i;
     u64 u;
-    if( file_format>=4 && (i&1)==i ){
-      return 8+(u32)i;
-    }
     if( i<0 ){
       if( i<(-MAX_6BYTE) ) return 6;
       /* Previous test prevents:  u = -(-9223372036854775808) */
@@ -62382,7 +62551,9 @@
       u = i;
-    if( u<=127 ) return 1;
+    if( u<=127 ){
+      return ((i&1)==i && file_format>=4) ? 8+(u32)u : 1;
+    }
     if( u<=32767 ) return 2;
     if( u<=8388607 ) return 3;
     if( u<=2147483647 ) return 4;
@@ -62667,6 +62838,7 @@
   p->aMem = (Mem*)&((char*)p)[ROUND8(sizeof(UnpackedRecord))];
+  assert( pKeyInfo->aSortOrder!=0 );
   p->pKeyInfo = pKeyInfo;
   p->nField = pKeyInfo->nField + 1;
   return p;
@@ -62760,6 +62932,7 @@
   idx1 = getVarint32(aKey1, szHdr1);
   d1 = szHdr1;
   nField = pKeyInfo->nField;
+  assert( pKeyInfo->aSortOrder!=0 );
   while( idx1<szHdr1 && i<pPKey2->nField ){
     u32 serial_type1;
@@ -62779,7 +62952,7 @@
       assert( mem1.zMalloc==0 );  /* See comment below */
       /* Invert the result if we are using DESC sort order. */
-      if( pKeyInfo->aSortOrder && i<nField && pKeyInfo->aSortOrder[i] ){
+      if( i<nField && pKeyInfo->aSortOrder[i] ){
         rc = -rc;
@@ -63098,17 +63271,11 @@
     Vdbe *v = (Vdbe*)pStmt;
     sqlite3 *db = v->db;
-    sqlite3_mutex *mutex;
     if( vdbeSafety(v) ) return SQLITE_MISUSE_BKPT;
-    mutex = v->db->mutex;
-    sqlite3_mutex_enter(mutex);
+    sqlite3_mutex_enter(db->mutex);
     rc = sqlite3VdbeFinalize(v);
     rc = sqlite3ApiExit(db, rc);
-    sqlite3_mutex_leave(mutex);
+    sqlite3LeaveMutexAndCloseZombie(db);
   return rc;
@@ -63478,7 +63645,7 @@
   assert( p->rc!=SQLITE_ROW && p->rc!=SQLITE_DONE );
   if( p->isPrepareV2 && rc!=SQLITE_ROW && rc!=SQLITE_DONE ){
     /* If this statement was prepared using sqlite3_prepare_v2(), and an
-    ** error has occured, then return the error code in p->rc to the
+    ** error has occurred, then return the error code in p->rc to the
     ** caller. Set the error code in the database handle to the same value.
     rc = sqlite3VdbeTransferError(p);
@@ -63487,14 +63654,6 @@
-** The maximum number of times that a statement will try to reparse
-** itself before giving up and returning SQLITE_SCHEMA.
 ** This is the top-level implementation of sqlite3_step().  Call
 ** sqlite3Step() to do most of the work.  If a schema error occurs,
 ** call sqlite3Reprepare() and try again.
@@ -63511,10 +63670,12 @@
   db = v->db;
+  v->doingRerun = 0;
   while( (rc = sqlite3Step(v))==SQLITE_SCHEMA
          && cnt++ < SQLITE_MAX_SCHEMA_RETRY
          && (rc2 = rc = sqlite3Reprepare(v))==SQLITE_OK ){
+    v->doingRerun = 1;
     assert( v->expired==0 );
   if( rc2!=SQLITE_OK && ALWAYS(v->isPrepareV2) && ALWAYS(db->pErr) ){
@@ -64229,7 +64390,7 @@
   if( zName ){
     for(i=0; i<p->nzVar; i++){
       const char *z = p->azVar[i];
-      if( z && memcmp(z,zName,nName)==0 && z[nName]==0 ){
+      if( z && strncmp(z,zName,nName)==0 && z[nName]==0 ){
         return i+1;
@@ -64395,6 +64556,11 @@
 ** then the returned string holds a copy of zRawSql with "-- " prepended
 ** to each line of text.
+** If the SQLITE_TRACE_SIZE_LIMIT macro is defined to an integer, then
+** then long strings and blobs are truncated to that many bytes.  This
+** can be used to prevent unreasonably large trace strings when dealing
+** with large (multi-megabyte) strings and blobs.
 ** The calling function is responsible for making sure the memory returned
 ** is eventually freed.
@@ -64465,30 +64631,49 @@
       }else if( pVar->flags & MEM_Real ){
         sqlite3XPrintf(&out, "%!.15g", pVar->r);
       }else if( pVar->flags & MEM_Str ){
+        int nOut;  /* Number of bytes of the string text to include in output */
 #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
         u8 enc = ENC(db);
-        if( enc!=SQLITE_UTF8 ){
           Mem utf8;
+        if( enc!=SQLITE_UTF8 ){
           memset(&utf8, 0, sizeof(utf8));
           utf8.db = db;
           sqlite3VdbeMemSetStr(&utf8, pVar->z, pVar->n, enc, SQLITE_STATIC);
           sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(&utf8, SQLITE_UTF8);
-          sqlite3XPrintf(&out, "'%.*q'", utf8.n, utf8.z);
-          sqlite3VdbeMemRelease(&utf8);
-        }else
+          pVar = &utf8;
+        }
-        {
-          sqlite3XPrintf(&out, "'%.*q'", pVar->n, pVar->z);
+        nOut = pVar->n;
+        if( nOut>SQLITE_TRACE_SIZE_LIMIT ){
+          nOut = SQLITE_TRACE_SIZE_LIMIT;
+          while( nOut<pVar->n && (pVar->z[nOut]&0xc0)==0x80 ){ nOut++; }
+        sqlite3XPrintf(&out, "'%.*q'", nOut, pVar->z);
+        if( nOut<pVar->n ) sqlite3XPrintf(&out, "/*+%d bytes*/", pVar->n-nOut);
+#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
+        if( enc!=SQLITE_UTF8 ) sqlite3VdbeMemRelease(&utf8);
       }else if( pVar->flags & MEM_Zero ){
         sqlite3XPrintf(&out, "zeroblob(%d)", pVar->u.nZero);
+        int nOut;  /* Number of bytes of the blob to include in output */
         assert( pVar->flags & MEM_Blob );
         sqlite3StrAccumAppend(&out, "x'", 2);
-        for(i=0; i<pVar->n; i++){
+        nOut = pVar->n;
+        for(i=0; i<nOut; i++){
           sqlite3XPrintf(&out, "%02x", pVar->z[i]&0xff);
         sqlite3StrAccumAppend(&out, "'", 1);
+        if( nOut<pVar->n ) sqlite3XPrintf(&out, "/*+%d bytes*/", pVar->n-nOut);
@@ -64511,9 +64696,8 @@
   if( pVdbe ){
     Explain *p;
-    p = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(Explain) );
+    p = (Explain *)sqlite3MallocZero( sizeof(Explain) );
     if( p ){
-      memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
       p->pVdbe = pVdbe;
       pVdbe->pExplain = p;
@@ -64767,11 +64951,7 @@
        && sqlite3VdbeMemMakeWriteable(P) ){ goto no_mem;}
 /* Return true if the cursor was opened using the OP_OpenSorter opcode. */
-# define isSorter(x) 0
 # define isSorter(x) ((x)->pSorter!=0)
 ** Argument pMem points at a register that will be passed to a
@@ -65037,7 +65217,9 @@
 ** Print the value of a register for tracing purposes:
 static void memTracePrint(FILE *out, Mem *p){
-  if( p->flags & MEM_Null ){
+  if( p->flags & MEM_Invalid ){
+    fprintf(out, " undefined");
+  }else if( p->flags & MEM_Null ){
     fprintf(out, " NULL");
   }else if( (p->flags & (MEM_Int|MEM_Str))==(MEM_Int|MEM_Str) ){
     fprintf(out, " si:%lld", p->u.i);
@@ -65288,6 +65470,7 @@
     } aa;
     struct OP_Null_stack_vars {
       int cnt;
+      u16 nullFlag;
     } ab;
     struct OP_Variable_stack_vars {
       Mem *pVar;       /* Value being transferred */
@@ -65298,39 +65481,43 @@
       int p1;          /* Register to copy from */
       int p2;          /* Register to copy to */
     } ad;
+    struct OP_Copy_stack_vars {
+      int n;
+    } ae;
     struct OP_ResultRow_stack_vars {
       Mem *pMem;
       int i;
-    } ae;
+    } af;
     struct OP_Concat_stack_vars {
       i64 nByte;
-    } af;
+    } ag;
     struct OP_Remainder_stack_vars {
+      char bIntint;   /* Started out as two integer operands */
       int flags;      /* Combined MEM_* flags from both inputs */
       i64 iA;         /* Integer value of left operand */
       i64 iB;         /* Integer value of right operand */
       double rA;      /* Real value of left operand */
       double rB;      /* Real value of right operand */
-    } ag;
+    } ah;
     struct OP_Function_stack_vars {
       int i;
       Mem *pArg;
       sqlite3_context ctx;
       sqlite3_value **apVal;
       int n;
-    } ah;
+    } ai;
     struct OP_ShiftRight_stack_vars {
       i64 iA;
       u64 uA;
       i64 iB;
       u8 op;
-    } ai;
+    } aj;
     struct OP_Ge_stack_vars {
       int res;            /* Result of the comparison of pIn1 against pIn3 */
       char affinity;      /* Affinity to use for comparison */
       u16 flags1;         /* Copy of initial value of pIn1->flags */
       u16 flags3;         /* Copy of initial value of pIn3->flags */
-    } aj;
+    } ak;
     struct OP_Compare_stack_vars {
       int n;
       int i;
@@ -65340,14 +65527,14 @@
       int idx;
       CollSeq *pColl;    /* Collating sequence to use on this term */
       int bRev;          /* True for DESCENDING sort order */
-    } ak;
+    } al;
     struct OP_Or_stack_vars {
       int v1;    /* Left operand:  0==FALSE, 1==TRUE, 2==UNKNOWN or NULL */
       int v2;    /* Right operand: 0==FALSE, 1==TRUE, 2==UNKNOWN or NULL */
-    } al;
+    } am;
     struct OP_IfNot_stack_vars {
       int c;
-    } am;
+    } an;
     struct OP_Column_stack_vars {
       u32 payloadSize;   /* Number of bytes in the record */
       i64 payloadSize64; /* Number of bytes in the record */
@@ -65372,11 +65559,11 @@
       int avail;         /* Number of bytes of available data */
       u32 t;             /* A type code from the record header */
       Mem *pReg;         /* PseudoTable input register */
-    } an;
+    } ao;
     struct OP_Affinity_stack_vars {
       const char *zAffinity;   /* The affinity to be applied */
       char cAff;               /* A single character of affinity */
-    } ao;
+    } ap;
     struct OP_MakeRecord_stack_vars {
       u8 *zNewRecord;        /* A buffer to hold the data for the new record */
       Mem *pRec;             /* The new record */
@@ -65393,11 +65580,11 @@
       int file_format;       /* File format to use for encoding */
       int i;                 /* Space used in zNewRecord[] */
       int len;               /* Length of a field */
-    } ap;
+    } aq;
     struct OP_Count_stack_vars {
       i64 nEntry;
       BtCursor *pCrsr;
-    } aq;
+    } ar;
     struct OP_Savepoint_stack_vars {
       int p1;                         /* Value of P1 operand */
       char *zName;                    /* Name of savepoint */
@@ -65407,28 +65594,28 @@
       Savepoint *pTmp;
       int iSavepoint;
       int ii;
-    } ar;
+    } as;
     struct OP_AutoCommit_stack_vars {
       int desiredAutoCommit;
       int iRollback;
       int turnOnAC;
-    } as;
+    } at;
     struct OP_Transaction_stack_vars {
       Btree *pBt;
-    } at;
+    } au;
     struct OP_ReadCookie_stack_vars {
       int iMeta;
       int iDb;
       int iCookie;
-    } au;
+    } av;
     struct OP_SetCookie_stack_vars {
       Db *pDb;
-    } av;
+    } aw;
     struct OP_VerifyCookie_stack_vars {
       int iMeta;
       int iGen;
       Btree *pBt;
-    } aw;
+    } ax;
     struct OP_OpenWrite_stack_vars {
       int nField;
       KeyInfo *pKeyInfo;
@@ -65438,16 +65625,16 @@
       Btree *pX;
       VdbeCursor *pCur;
       Db *pDb;
-    } ax;
+    } ay;
     struct OP_OpenEphemeral_stack_vars {
       VdbeCursor *pCx;
-    } ay;
+    } az;
     struct OP_SorterOpen_stack_vars {
       VdbeCursor *pCx;
-    } az;
+    } ba;
     struct OP_OpenPseudo_stack_vars {
       VdbeCursor *pCx;
-    } ba;
+    } bb;
     struct OP_SeekGt_stack_vars {
       int res;
       int oc;
@@ -65455,10 +65642,10 @@
       UnpackedRecord r;
       int nField;
       i64 iKey;      /* The rowid we are to seek to */
-    } bb;
+    } bc;
     struct OP_Seek_stack_vars {
       VdbeCursor *pC;
-    } bc;
+    } bd;
     struct OP_Found_stack_vars {
       int alreadyExists;
       VdbeCursor *pC;
@@ -65467,7 +65654,7 @@
       UnpackedRecord *pIdxKey;
       UnpackedRecord r;
       char aTempRec[ROUND8(sizeof(UnpackedRecord)) + sizeof(Mem)*3 + 7];
-    } bd;
+    } be;
     struct OP_IsUnique_stack_vars {
       u16 ii;
       VdbeCursor *pCx;
@@ -65476,13 +65663,13 @@
       Mem *aMx;
       UnpackedRecord r;                  /* B-Tree index search key */
       i64 R;                             /* Rowid stored in register P3 */
-    } be;
+    } bf;
     struct OP_NotExists_stack_vars {
       VdbeCursor *pC;
       BtCursor *pCrsr;
       int res;
       u64 iKey;
-    } bf;
+    } bg;
     struct OP_NewRowid_stack_vars {
       i64 v;                 /* The new rowid */
       VdbeCursor *pC;        /* Cursor of table to get the new rowid */
@@ -65490,7 +65677,7 @@
       int cnt;               /* Counter to limit the number of searches */
       Mem *pMem;             /* Register holding largest rowid for AUTOINCREMENT */
       VdbeFrame *pFrame;     /* Root frame of VDBE */
-    } bg;
+    } bh;
     struct OP_InsertInt_stack_vars {
       Mem *pData;       /* MEM cell holding data for the record to be inserted */
       Mem *pKey;        /* MEM cell holding key  for the record */
@@ -65501,89 +65688,89 @@
       const char *zDb;  /* database name - used by the update hook */
       const char *zTbl; /* Table name - used by the opdate hook */
       int op;           /* Opcode for update hook: SQLITE_UPDATE or SQLITE_INSERT */
-    } bh;
+    } bi;
     struct OP_Delete_stack_vars {
       i64 iKey;
       VdbeCursor *pC;
-    } bi;
+    } bj;
     struct OP_SorterCompare_stack_vars {
       VdbeCursor *pC;
       int res;
-    } bj;
+    } bk;
     struct OP_SorterData_stack_vars {
       VdbeCursor *pC;
-    } bk;
+    } bl;
     struct OP_RowData_stack_vars {
       VdbeCursor *pC;
       BtCursor *pCrsr;
       u32 n;
       i64 n64;
-    } bl;
+    } bm;
     struct OP_Rowid_stack_vars {
       VdbeCursor *pC;
       i64 v;
       sqlite3_vtab *pVtab;
       const sqlite3_module *pModule;
-    } bm;
+    } bn;
     struct OP_NullRow_stack_vars {
       VdbeCursor *pC;
-    } bn;
+    } bo;
     struct OP_Last_stack_vars {
       VdbeCursor *pC;
       BtCursor *pCrsr;
       int res;
-    } bo;
+    } bp;
     struct OP_Rewind_stack_vars {
       VdbeCursor *pC;
       BtCursor *pCrsr;
       int res;
-    } bp;
+    } bq;
     struct OP_Next_stack_vars {
       VdbeCursor *pC;
       int res;
-    } bq;
+    } br;
     struct OP_IdxInsert_stack_vars {
       VdbeCursor *pC;
       BtCursor *pCrsr;
       int nKey;
       const char *zKey;
-    } br;
+    } bs;
     struct OP_IdxDelete_stack_vars {
       VdbeCursor *pC;
       BtCursor *pCrsr;
       int res;
       UnpackedRecord r;
-    } bs;
+    } bt;
     struct OP_IdxRowid_stack_vars {
       BtCursor *pCrsr;
       VdbeCursor *pC;
       i64 rowid;
-    } bt;
+    } bu;
     struct OP_IdxGE_stack_vars {
       VdbeCursor *pC;
       int res;
       UnpackedRecord r;
-    } bu;
+    } bv;
     struct OP_Destroy_stack_vars {
       int iMoved;
       int iCnt;
       Vdbe *pVdbe;
       int iDb;
-    } bv;
+    } bw;
     struct OP_Clear_stack_vars {
       int nChange;
-    } bw;
+    } bx;
     struct OP_CreateTable_stack_vars {
       int pgno;
       int flags;
       Db *pDb;
-    } bx;
+    } by;
     struct OP_ParseSchema_stack_vars {
       int iDb;
       const char *zMaster;
       char *zSql;
       InitData initData;
-    } by;
+    } bz;
     struct OP_IntegrityCk_stack_vars {
       int nRoot;      /* Number of tables to check.  (Number of root pages.) */
       int *aRoot;     /* Array of rootpage numbers for tables to be checked */
@@ -65591,14 +65778,14 @@
       int nErr;       /* Number of errors reported */
       char *z;        /* Text of the error report */
       Mem *pnErr;     /* Register keeping track of errors remaining */
-    } bz;
+    } ca;
     struct OP_RowSetRead_stack_vars {
       i64 val;
-    } ca;
+    } cb;
     struct OP_RowSetTest_stack_vars {
       int iSet;
       int exists;
-    } cb;
+    } cc;
     struct OP_Program_stack_vars {
       int nMem;               /* Number of memory registers for sub-program */
       int nByte;              /* Bytes of runtime space required for sub-program */
@@ -65608,15 +65795,15 @@
       VdbeFrame *pFrame;      /* New vdbe frame to execute in */
       SubProgram *pProgram;   /* Sub-program to execute */
       void *t;                /* Token identifying trigger */
-    } cc;
+    } cd;
     struct OP_Param_stack_vars {
       VdbeFrame *pFrame;
       Mem *pIn;
-    } cd;
+    } ce;
     struct OP_MemMax_stack_vars {
       Mem *pIn1;
       VdbeFrame *pFrame;
-    } ce;
+    } cf;
     struct OP_AggStep_stack_vars {
       int n;
       int i;
@@ -65624,34 +65811,36 @@
       Mem *pRec;
       sqlite3_context ctx;
       sqlite3_value **apVal;
-    } cf;
+    } cg;
     struct OP_AggFinal_stack_vars {
       Mem *pMem;
-    } cg;
+    } ch;
     struct OP_Checkpoint_stack_vars {
       int i;                          /* Loop counter */
       int aRes[3];                    /* Results */
       Mem *pMem;                      /* Write results here */
-    } ch;
+    } ci;
     struct OP_JournalMode_stack_vars {
       Btree *pBt;                     /* Btree to change journal mode of */
       Pager *pPager;                  /* Pager associated with pBt */
       int eNew;                       /* New journal mode */
       int eOld;                       /* The old journal mode */
       const char *zFilename;          /* Name of database file for pPager */
-    } ci;
+    } cj;
     struct OP_IncrVacuum_stack_vars {
       Btree *pBt;
-    } cj;
+    } ck;
     struct OP_VBegin_stack_vars {
       VTable *pVTab;
-    } ck;
+    } cl;
     struct OP_VOpen_stack_vars {
       VdbeCursor *pCur;
       sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVtabCursor;
       sqlite3_vtab *pVtab;
       sqlite3_module *pModule;
-    } cl;
+    } cm;
     struct OP_VFilter_stack_vars {
       int nArg;
       int iQuery;
@@ -65664,23 +65853,23 @@
       int res;
       int i;
       Mem **apArg;
-    } cm;
+    } cn;
     struct OP_VColumn_stack_vars {
       sqlite3_vtab *pVtab;
       const sqlite3_module *pModule;
       Mem *pDest;
       sqlite3_context sContext;
-    } cn;
+    } co;
     struct OP_VNext_stack_vars {
       sqlite3_vtab *pVtab;
       const sqlite3_module *pModule;
       int res;
       VdbeCursor *pCur;
-    } co;
+    } cp;
     struct OP_VRename_stack_vars {
       sqlite3_vtab *pVtab;
       Mem *pName;
-    } cp;
+    } cq;
     struct OP_VUpdate_stack_vars {
       sqlite3_vtab *pVtab;
       sqlite3_module *pModule;
@@ -65689,11 +65878,11 @@
       sqlite_int64 rowid;
       Mem **apArg;
       Mem *pX;
-    } cq;
+    } cr;
     struct OP_Trace_stack_vars {
       char *zTrace;
       char *z;
-    } cr;
+    } cs;
   } u;
   /* End automatically generated code
@@ -65782,7 +65971,7 @@
-    /* On any opcode with the "out2-prerelase" tag, free any
+    /* On any opcode with the "out2-prerelease" tag, free any
     ** external allocations out of mem[p2] and set mem[p2] to be
     ** an undefined integer.  Opcodes will either fill in the integer
     ** value or convert mem[p2] to a different type.
@@ -65995,7 +66184,7 @@
   if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){
     p->rc = rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
-    assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || p->rc==SQLITE_CONSTRAINT );
+    assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || (p->rc&0xff)==SQLITE_CONSTRAINT );
     assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || db->nDeferredCons>0 );
     rc = p->rc ? SQLITE_ERROR : SQLITE_DONE;
@@ -66084,25 +66273,30 @@
-/* Opcode: Null * P2 P3 * *
+/* Opcode: Null P1 P2 P3 * *
 ** Write a NULL into registers P2.  If P3 greater than P2, then also write
-** NULL into register P3 and ever register in between P2 and P3.  If P3
+** NULL into register P3 and every register in between P2 and P3.  If P3
 ** is less than P2 (typically P3 is zero) then only register P2 is
-** set to NULL
+** set to NULL.
+** If the P1 value is non-zero, then also set the MEM_Cleared flag so that
+** NULL values will not compare equal even if SQLITE_NULLEQ is set on
+** OP_Ne or OP_Eq.
 case OP_Null: {           /* out2-prerelease */
 #if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ab */
   int cnt;
+  u16 nullFlag;
 #endif /* local variables moved into u.ab */
   u.ab.cnt = pOp->p3-pOp->p2;
   assert( pOp->p3<=p->nMem );
-  pOut->flags = MEM_Null;
+  pOut->flags = u.ab.nullFlag = pOp->p1 ? (MEM_Null|MEM_Cleared) : MEM_Null;
   while( u.ab.cnt>0 ){
     memAboutToChange(p, pOut);
-    pOut->flags = MEM_Null;
+    pOut->flags = u.ab.nullFlag;
@@ -66147,10 +66341,10 @@
 /* Opcode: Move P1 P2 P3 * *
-** Move the values in register P1..P1+P3-1 over into
-** registers P2..P2+P3-1.  Registers P1..P1+P1-1 are
+** Move the values in register P1..P1+P3 over into
+** registers P2..P2+P3.  Registers P1..P1+P3 are
 ** left holding a NULL.  It is an error for register ranges
-** P1..P1+P3-1 and P2..P2+P3-1 to overlap.
+** P1..P1+P3 and P2..P2+P3 to overlap.
 case OP_Move: {
 #if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ad */
@@ -66160,7 +66354,7 @@
   int p2;          /* Register to copy to */
 #endif /* local variables moved into u.ad */
-  u.ad.n = pOp->p3;
+  u.ad.n = pOp->p3 + 1;
   u.ad.p1 = pOp->p1;
   u.ad.p2 = pOp->p2;
   assert( u.ad.n>0 && u.ad.p1>0 && u.ad.p2>0 );
@@ -66189,20 +66383,33 @@
-/* Opcode: Copy P1 P2 * * *
+/* Opcode: Copy P1 P2 P3 * *
-** Make a copy of register P1 into register P2.
+** Make a copy of registers P1..P1+P3 into registers P2..P2+P3.
 ** This instruction makes a deep copy of the value.  A duplicate
 ** is made of any string or blob constant.  See also OP_SCopy.
-case OP_Copy: {             /* in1, out2 */
+case OP_Copy: {
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ae */
+  int n;
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.ae */
+  u.ae.n = pOp->p3;
   pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1];
   pOut = &aMem[pOp->p2];
   assert( pOut!=pIn1 );
+  while( 1 ){
   sqlite3VdbeMemShallowCopy(pOut, pIn1, MEM_Ephem);
-  REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p2, pOut);
+    pOut->pScopyFrom = 0;
+    REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p2+pOp->p3-u.ae.n, pOut);
+    if( (u.ae.n--)==0 ) break;
+    pOut++;
+    pIn1++;
+  }
@@ -66239,10 +66446,10 @@
 ** row.
 case OP_ResultRow: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ae */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.af */
   Mem *pMem;
   int i;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.ae */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.af */
   assert( p->nResColumn==pOp->p2 );
   assert( pOp->p1>0 );
   assert( pOp->p1+pOp->p2<=p->nMem+1 );
@@ -66284,15 +66491,15 @@
   ** and have an assigned type.  The results are de-ephemeralized as
   ** a side effect.
-  u.ae.pMem = p->pResultSet = &aMem[pOp->p1];
-  for(u.ae.i=0; u.ae.i<pOp->p2; u.ae.i++){
-    assert( memIsValid(&u.ae.pMem[u.ae.i]) );
-    Deephemeralize(&u.ae.pMem[u.ae.i]);
-    assert( (u.ae.pMem[u.ae.i].flags & MEM_Ephem)==0
-            || (u.ae.pMem[u.ae.i].flags & (MEM_Str|MEM_Blob))==0 );
-    sqlite3VdbeMemNulTerminate(&u.ae.pMem[u.ae.i]);
-    sqlite3VdbeMemStoreType(&u.ae.pMem[u.ae.i]);
-    REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p1+u.ae.i, &u.ae.pMem[u.ae.i]);
+  u.af.pMem = p->pResultSet = &aMem[pOp->p1];
+  for(u.af.i=0; u.af.i<pOp->p2; u.af.i++){
+    assert( memIsValid(&u.af.pMem[u.af.i]) );
+    Deephemeralize(&u.af.pMem[u.af.i]);
+    assert( (u.af.pMem[u.af.i].flags & MEM_Ephem)==0
+            || (u.af.pMem[u.af.i].flags & (MEM_Str|MEM_Blob))==0 );
+    sqlite3VdbeMemNulTerminate(&u.af.pMem[u.af.i]);
+    sqlite3VdbeMemStoreType(&u.af.pMem[u.af.i]);
+    REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p1+u.af.i, &u.af.pMem[u.af.i]);
   if( db->mallocFailed ) goto no_mem;
@@ -66316,9 +66523,9 @@
 ** to avoid a memcpy().
 case OP_Concat: {           /* same as TK_CONCAT, in1, in2, out3 */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.af */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ag */
   i64 nByte;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.af */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.ag */
   pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1];
   pIn2 = &aMem[pOp->p2];
@@ -66331,22 +66538,22 @@
   if( ExpandBlob(pIn1) || ExpandBlob(pIn2) ) goto no_mem;
   Stringify(pIn1, encoding);
   Stringify(pIn2, encoding);
-  u.af.nByte = pIn1->n + pIn2->n;
-  if( u.af.nByte>db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH] ){
+  u.ag.nByte = pIn1->n + pIn2->n;
+  if( u.ag.nByte>db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH] ){
     goto too_big;
   MemSetTypeFlag(pOut, MEM_Str);
-  if( sqlite3VdbeMemGrow(pOut, (int)u.af.nByte+2, pOut==pIn2) ){
+  if( sqlite3VdbeMemGrow(pOut, (int)u.ag.nByte+2, pOut==pIn2) ){
     goto no_mem;
   if( pOut!=pIn2 ){
     memcpy(pOut->z, pIn2->z, pIn2->n);
   memcpy(&pOut->z[pIn2->n], pIn1->z, pIn1->n);
-  pOut->z[u.af.nByte] = 0;
-  pOut->z[u.af.nByte+1] = 0;
+  pOut->z[u.ag.nByte] = 0;
+  pOut->z[u.ag.nByte+1] = 0;
   pOut->flags |= MEM_Term;
-  pOut->n = (int)u.af.nByte;
+  pOut->n = (int)u.ag.nByte;
   pOut->enc = encoding;
@@ -66390,76 +66597,79 @@
 case OP_Multiply:              /* same as TK_STAR, in1, in2, out3 */
 case OP_Divide:                /* same as TK_SLASH, in1, in2, out3 */
 case OP_Remainder: {           /* same as TK_REM, in1, in2, out3 */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ag */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ah */
+  char bIntint;   /* Started out as two integer operands */
   int flags;      /* Combined MEM_* flags from both inputs */
   i64 iA;         /* Integer value of left operand */
   i64 iB;         /* Integer value of right operand */
   double rA;      /* Real value of left operand */
   double rB;      /* Real value of right operand */
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.ag */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.ah */
   pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1];
   pIn2 = &aMem[pOp->p2];
   pOut = &aMem[pOp->p3];
-  u.ag.flags = pIn1->flags | pIn2->flags;
-  if( (u.ag.flags & MEM_Null)!=0 ) goto arithmetic_result_is_null;
+  u.ah.flags = pIn1->flags | pIn2->flags;
+  if( (u.ah.flags & MEM_Null)!=0 ) goto arithmetic_result_is_null;
   if( (pIn1->flags & pIn2->flags & MEM_Int)==MEM_Int ){
-    u.ag.iA = pIn1->u.i;
-    u.ag.iB = pIn2->u.i;
+    u.ah.iA = pIn1->u.i;
+    u.ah.iB = pIn2->u.i;
+    u.ah.bIntint = 1;
     switch( pOp->opcode ){
-      case OP_Add:       if( sqlite3AddInt64(&u.ag.iB,u.ag.iA) ) goto fp_math;  break;
-      case OP_Subtract:  if( sqlite3SubInt64(&u.ag.iB,u.ag.iA) ) goto fp_math;  break;
-      case OP_Multiply:  if( sqlite3MulInt64(&u.ag.iB,u.ag.iA) ) goto fp_math;  break;
+      case OP_Add:       if( sqlite3AddInt64(&u.ah.iB,u.ah.iA) ) goto fp_math;  break;
+      case OP_Subtract:  if( sqlite3SubInt64(&u.ah.iB,u.ah.iA) ) goto fp_math;  break;
+      case OP_Multiply:  if( sqlite3MulInt64(&u.ah.iB,u.ah.iA) ) goto fp_math;  break;
       case OP_Divide: {
-        if( u.ag.iA==0 ) goto arithmetic_result_is_null;
-        if( u.ag.iA==-1 && u.ag.iB==SMALLEST_INT64 ) goto fp_math;
-        u.ag.iB /= u.ag.iA;
+        if( u.ah.iA==0 ) goto arithmetic_result_is_null;
+        if( u.ah.iA==-1 && u.ah.iB==SMALLEST_INT64 ) goto fp_math;
+        u.ah.iB /= u.ah.iA;
       default: {
-        if( u.ag.iA==0 ) goto arithmetic_result_is_null;
-        if( u.ag.iA==-1 ) u.ag.iA = 1;
-        u.ag.iB %= u.ag.iA;
+        if( u.ah.iA==0 ) goto arithmetic_result_is_null;
+        if( u.ah.iA==-1 ) u.ah.iA = 1;
+        u.ah.iB %= u.ah.iA;
-    pOut->u.i = u.ag.iB;
+    pOut->u.i = u.ah.iB;
     MemSetTypeFlag(pOut, MEM_Int);
+    u.ah.bIntint = 0;
-    u.ag.rA = sqlite3VdbeRealValue(pIn1);
-    u.ag.rB = sqlite3VdbeRealValue(pIn2);
+    u.ah.rA = sqlite3VdbeRealValue(pIn1);
+    u.ah.rB = sqlite3VdbeRealValue(pIn2);
     switch( pOp->opcode ){
-      case OP_Add:         u.ag.rB += u.ag.rA;       break;
-      case OP_Subtract:    u.ag.rB -= u.ag.rA;       break;
-      case OP_Multiply:    u.ag.rB *= u.ag.rA;       break;
+      case OP_Add:         u.ah.rB += u.ah.rA;       break;
+      case OP_Subtract:    u.ah.rB -= u.ah.rA;       break;
+      case OP_Multiply:    u.ah.rB *= u.ah.rA;       break;
       case OP_Divide: {
         /* (double)0 In case of SQLITE_OMIT_FLOATING_POINT... */
-        if( u.ag.rA==(double)0 ) goto arithmetic_result_is_null;
-        u.ag.rB /= u.ag.rA;
+        if( u.ah.rA==(double)0 ) goto arithmetic_result_is_null;
+        u.ah.rB /= u.ah.rA;
       default: {
-        u.ag.iA = (i64)u.ag.rA;
-        u.ag.iB = (i64)u.ag.rB;
-        if( u.ag.iA==0 ) goto arithmetic_result_is_null;
-        if( u.ag.iA==-1 ) u.ag.iA = 1;
-        u.ag.rB = (double)(u.ag.iB % u.ag.iA);
+        u.ah.iA = (i64)u.ah.rA;
+        u.ah.iB = (i64)u.ah.rB;
+        if( u.ah.iA==0 ) goto arithmetic_result_is_null;
+        if( u.ah.iA==-1 ) u.ah.iA = 1;
+        u.ah.rB = (double)(u.ah.iB % u.ah.iA);
-    pOut->u.i = u.ag.rB;
+    pOut->u.i = u.ah.rB;
     MemSetTypeFlag(pOut, MEM_Int);
-    if( sqlite3IsNaN(u.ag.rB) ){
+    if( sqlite3IsNaN(u.ah.rB) ){
       goto arithmetic_result_is_null;
-    pOut->r = u.ag.rB;
+    pOut->r = u.ah.rB;
     MemSetTypeFlag(pOut, MEM_Real);
-    if( (u.ag.flags & MEM_Real)==0 ){
+    if( (u.ah.flags & MEM_Real)==0 && !u.ah.bIntint ){
@@ -66511,70 +66721,70 @@
 ** See also: AggStep and AggFinal
 case OP_Function: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ah */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ai */
   int i;
   Mem *pArg;
   sqlite3_context ctx;
   sqlite3_value **apVal;
   int n;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.ah */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.ai */
-  u.ah.n = pOp->p5;
-  u.ah.apVal = p->apArg;
-  assert( u.ah.apVal || u.ah.n==0 );
+  u.ai.n = pOp->p5;
+  u.ai.apVal = p->apArg;
+  assert( u.ai.apVal || u.ai.n==0 );
   assert( pOp->p3>0 && pOp->p3<=p->nMem );
   pOut = &aMem[pOp->p3];
   memAboutToChange(p, pOut);
-  assert( u.ah.n==0 || (pOp->p2>0 && pOp->p2+u.ah.n<=p->nMem+1) );
-  assert( pOp->p3<pOp->p2 || pOp->p3>=pOp->p2+u.ah.n );
-  u.ah.pArg = &aMem[pOp->p2];
-  for(u.ah.i=0; u.ah.i<u.ah.n; u.ah.i++, u.ah.pArg++){
-    assert( memIsValid(u.ah.pArg) );
-    u.ah.apVal[u.ah.i] = u.ah.pArg;
-    Deephemeralize(u.ah.pArg);
-    sqlite3VdbeMemStoreType(u.ah.pArg);
-    REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p2+u.ah.i, u.ah.pArg);
+  assert( u.ai.n==0 || (pOp->p2>0 && pOp->p2+u.ai.n<=p->nMem+1) );
+  assert( pOp->p3<pOp->p2 || pOp->p3>=pOp->p2+u.ai.n );
+  u.ai.pArg = &aMem[pOp->p2];
+  for(u.ai.i=0; u.ai.i<u.ai.n; u.ai.i++, u.ai.pArg++){
+    assert( memIsValid(u.ai.pArg) );
+    u.ai.apVal[u.ai.i] = u.ai.pArg;
+    Deephemeralize(u.ai.pArg);
+    sqlite3VdbeMemStoreType(u.ai.pArg);
+    REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p2+u.ai.i, u.ai.pArg);
   assert( pOp->p4type==P4_FUNCDEF || pOp->p4type==P4_VDBEFUNC );
   if( pOp->p4type==P4_FUNCDEF ){
-    u.ah.ctx.pFunc = pOp->p4.pFunc;
-    u.ah.ctx.pVdbeFunc = 0;
+    u.ai.ctx.pFunc = pOp->p4.pFunc;
+    u.ai.ctx.pVdbeFunc = 0;
-    u.ah.ctx.pVdbeFunc = (VdbeFunc*)pOp->p4.pVdbeFunc;
-    u.ah.ctx.pFunc = u.ah.ctx.pVdbeFunc->pFunc;
+    u.ai.ctx.pVdbeFunc = (VdbeFunc*)pOp->p4.pVdbeFunc;
+    u.ai.ctx.pFunc = u.ai.ctx.pVdbeFunc->pFunc;
-  u.ah.ctx.s.flags = MEM_Null;
-  u.ah.ctx.s.db = db;
-  u.ah.ctx.s.xDel = 0;
-  u.ah.ctx.s.zMalloc = 0;
+  u.ai.ctx.s.flags = MEM_Null;
+  u.ai.ctx.s.db = db;
+  u.ai.ctx.s.xDel = 0;
+  u.ai.ctx.s.zMalloc = 0;
   /* The output cell may already have a buffer allocated. Move
-  ** the pointer to u.ah.ctx.s so in case the user-function can use
+  ** the pointer to u.ai.ctx.s so in case the user-function can use
   ** the already allocated buffer instead of allocating a new one.
-  sqlite3VdbeMemMove(&u.ah.ctx.s, pOut);
-  MemSetTypeFlag(&u.ah.ctx.s, MEM_Null);
+  sqlite3VdbeMemMove(&u.ai.ctx.s, pOut);
+  MemSetTypeFlag(&u.ai.ctx.s, MEM_Null);
-  u.ah.ctx.isError = 0;
-  if( u.ah.ctx.pFunc->flags & SQLITE_FUNC_NEEDCOLL ){
+  u.ai.ctx.isError = 0;
+  if( u.ai.ctx.pFunc->flags & SQLITE_FUNC_NEEDCOLL ){
     assert( pOp>aOp );
     assert( pOp[-1].p4type==P4_COLLSEQ );
     assert( pOp[-1].opcode==OP_CollSeq );
-    u.ah.ctx.pColl = pOp[-1].p4.pColl;
+    u.ai.ctx.pColl = pOp[-1].p4.pColl;
   db->lastRowid = lastRowid;
-  (*u.ah.ctx.pFunc->xFunc)(&u.ah.ctx, u.ah.n, u.ah.apVal); /* IMP: R-24505-23230 */
+  (*u.ai.ctx.pFunc->xFunc)(&u.ai.ctx, u.ai.n, u.ai.apVal); /* IMP: R-24505-23230 */
   lastRowid = db->lastRowid;
   /* If any auxiliary data functions have been called by this user function,
   ** immediately call the destructor for any non-static values.
-  if( u.ah.ctx.pVdbeFunc ){
-    sqlite3VdbeDeleteAuxData(u.ah.ctx.pVdbeFunc, pOp->p1);
-    pOp->p4.pVdbeFunc = u.ah.ctx.pVdbeFunc;
+  if( u.ai.ctx.pVdbeFunc ){
+    sqlite3VdbeDeleteAuxData(u.ai.ctx.pVdbeFunc, pOp->p1);
+    pOp->p4.pVdbeFunc = u.ai.ctx.pVdbeFunc;
     pOp->p4type = P4_VDBEFUNC;
@@ -66584,19 +66794,19 @@
     ** to return a value. The following call releases any resources
     ** associated with such a value.
-    sqlite3VdbeMemRelease(&u.ah.ctx.s);
+    sqlite3VdbeMemRelease(&u.ai.ctx.s);
     goto no_mem;
   /* If the function returned an error, throw an exception */
-  if( u.ah.ctx.isError ){
-    sqlite3SetString(&p->zErrMsg, db, "%s", sqlite3_value_text(&u.ah.ctx.s));
-    rc = u.ah.ctx.isError;
+  if( u.ai.ctx.isError ){
+    sqlite3SetString(&p->zErrMsg, db, "%s", sqlite3_value_text(&u.ai.ctx.s));
+    rc = u.ai.ctx.isError;
   /* Copy the result of the function into register P3 */
-  sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(&u.ah.ctx.s, encoding);
-  sqlite3VdbeMemMove(pOut, &u.ah.ctx.s);
+  sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(&u.ai.ctx.s, encoding);
+  sqlite3VdbeMemMove(pOut, &u.ai.ctx.s);
   if( sqlite3VdbeMemTooBig(pOut) ){
     goto too_big;
@@ -66644,12 +66854,12 @@
 case OP_BitOr:                  /* same as TK_BITOR, in1, in2, out3 */
 case OP_ShiftLeft:              /* same as TK_LSHIFT, in1, in2, out3 */
 case OP_ShiftRight: {           /* same as TK_RSHIFT, in1, in2, out3 */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ai */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.aj */
   i64 iA;
   u64 uA;
   i64 iB;
   u8 op;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.ai */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.aj */
   pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1];
   pIn2 = &aMem[pOp->p2];
@@ -66658,38 +66868,38 @@
-  u.ai.iA = sqlite3VdbeIntValue(pIn2);
-  u.ai.iB = sqlite3VdbeIntValue(pIn1);
-  u.ai.op = pOp->opcode;
-  if( u.ai.op==OP_BitAnd ){
-    u.ai.iA &= u.ai.iB;
-  }else if( u.ai.op==OP_BitOr ){
-    u.ai.iA |= u.ai.iB;
-  }else if( u.ai.iB!=0 ){
-    assert( u.ai.op==OP_ShiftRight || u.ai.op==OP_ShiftLeft );
+  u.aj.iA = sqlite3VdbeIntValue(pIn2);
+  u.aj.iB = sqlite3VdbeIntValue(pIn1);
+  u.aj.op = pOp->opcode;
+  if( u.aj.op==OP_BitAnd ){
+    u.aj.iA &= u.aj.iB;
+  }else if( u.aj.op==OP_BitOr ){
+    u.aj.iA |= u.aj.iB;
+  }else if( u.aj.iB!=0 ){
+    assert( u.aj.op==OP_ShiftRight || u.aj.op==OP_ShiftLeft );
     /* If shifting by a negative amount, shift in the other direction */
-    if( u.ai.iB<0 ){
+    if( u.aj.iB<0 ){
       assert( OP_ShiftRight==OP_ShiftLeft+1 );
-      u.ai.op = 2*OP_ShiftLeft + 1 - u.ai.op;
-      u.ai.iB = u.ai.iB>(-64) ? -u.ai.iB : 64;
+      u.aj.op = 2*OP_ShiftLeft + 1 - u.aj.op;
+      u.aj.iB = u.aj.iB>(-64) ? -u.aj.iB : 64;
-    if( u.ai.iB>=64 ){
-      u.ai.iA = (u.ai.iA>=0 || u.ai.op==OP_ShiftLeft) ? 0 : -1;
+    if( u.aj.iB>=64 ){
+      u.aj.iA = (u.aj.iA>=0 || u.aj.op==OP_ShiftLeft) ? 0 : -1;
-      memcpy(&u.ai.uA, &u.ai.iA, sizeof(u.ai.uA));
-      if( u.ai.op==OP_ShiftLeft ){
-        u.ai.uA <<= u.ai.iB;
+      memcpy(&u.aj.uA, &u.aj.iA, sizeof(u.aj.uA));
+      if( u.aj.op==OP_ShiftLeft ){
+        u.aj.uA <<= u.aj.iB;
-        u.ai.uA >>= u.ai.iB;
+        u.aj.uA >>= u.aj.iB;
         /* Sign-extend on a right shift of a negative number */
-        if( u.ai.iA<0 ) u.ai.uA |= ((((u64)0xffffffff)<<32)|0xffffffff) << (64-u.ai.iB);
+        if( u.aj.iA<0 ) u.aj.uA |= ((((u64)0xffffffff)<<32)|0xffffffff) << (64-u.aj.iB);
-      memcpy(&u.ai.iA, &u.ai.uA, sizeof(u.ai.iA));
+      memcpy(&u.aj.iA, &u.aj.uA, sizeof(u.aj.iA));
-  pOut->u.i = u.ai.iA;
+  pOut->u.i = u.aj.iA;
   MemSetTypeFlag(pOut, MEM_Int);
@@ -66881,6 +67091,10 @@
 ** If the SQLITE_STOREP2 bit of P5 is set, then do not jump.  Instead,
 ** store a boolean result (either 0, or 1, or NULL) in register P2.
+** If the SQLITE_NULLEQ bit is set in P5, then NULL values are considered
+** equal to one another, provided that they do not have their MEM_Cleared
+** bit set.
 /* Opcode: Ne P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
@@ -66930,18 +67144,18 @@
 case OP_Le:               /* same as TK_LE, jump, in1, in3 */
 case OP_Gt:               /* same as TK_GT, jump, in1, in3 */
 case OP_Ge: {             /* same as TK_GE, jump, in1, in3 */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.aj */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ak */
   int res;            /* Result of the comparison of pIn1 against pIn3 */
   char affinity;      /* Affinity to use for comparison */
   u16 flags1;         /* Copy of initial value of pIn1->flags */
   u16 flags3;         /* Copy of initial value of pIn3->flags */
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.aj */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.ak */
   pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1];
   pIn3 = &aMem[pOp->p3];
-  u.aj.flags1 = pIn1->flags;
-  u.aj.flags3 = pIn3->flags;
-  if( (u.aj.flags1 | u.aj.flags3)&MEM_Null ){
+  u.ak.flags1 = pIn1->flags;
+  u.ak.flags3 = pIn3->flags;
+  if( (u.ak.flags1 | u.ak.flags3)&MEM_Null ){
     /* One or both operands are NULL */
     if( pOp->p5 & SQLITE_NULLEQ ){
       /* If SQLITE_NULLEQ is set (which will only happen if the operator is
@@ -66949,7 +67163,15 @@
       ** or not both operands are null.
       assert( pOp->opcode==OP_Eq || pOp->opcode==OP_Ne );
-      u.aj.res = (u.aj.flags1 & u.aj.flags3 & MEM_Null)==0;
+      assert( (u.ak.flags1 & MEM_Cleared)==0 );
+      if( (u.ak.flags1&MEM_Null)!=0
+       && (u.ak.flags3&MEM_Null)!=0
+       && (u.ak.flags3&MEM_Cleared)==0
+      ){
+        u.ak.res = 0;  /* Results are equal */
+      }else{
+        u.ak.res = 1;  /* Results are not equal */
+      }
       /* SQLITE_NULLEQ is clear and at least one operand is NULL,
       ** then the result is always NULL.
@@ -66966,40 +67188,40 @@
     /* Neither operand is NULL.  Do a comparison. */
-    u.aj.affinity = pOp->p5 & SQLITE_AFF_MASK;
-    if( u.aj.affinity ){
-      applyAffinity(pIn1, u.aj.affinity, encoding);
-      applyAffinity(pIn3, u.aj.affinity, encoding);
+    u.ak.affinity = pOp->p5 & SQLITE_AFF_MASK;
+    if( u.ak.affinity ){
+      applyAffinity(pIn1, u.ak.affinity, encoding);
+      applyAffinity(pIn3, u.ak.affinity, encoding);
       if( db->mallocFailed ) goto no_mem;
     assert( pOp->p4type==P4_COLLSEQ || pOp->p4.pColl==0 );
-    u.aj.res = sqlite3MemCompare(pIn3, pIn1, pOp->p4.pColl);
+    u.ak.res = sqlite3MemCompare(pIn3, pIn1, pOp->p4.pColl);
   switch( pOp->opcode ){
-    case OP_Eq:    u.aj.res = u.aj.res==0;     break;
-    case OP_Ne:    u.aj.res = u.aj.res!=0;     break;
-    case OP_Lt:    u.aj.res = u.aj.res<0;      break;
-    case OP_Le:    u.aj.res = u.aj.res<=0;     break;
-    case OP_Gt:    u.aj.res = u.aj.res>0;      break;
-    default:       u.aj.res = u.aj.res>=0;     break;
+    case OP_Eq:    u.ak.res = u.ak.res==0;     break;
+    case OP_Ne:    u.ak.res = u.ak.res!=0;     break;
+    case OP_Lt:    u.ak.res = u.ak.res<0;      break;
+    case OP_Le:    u.ak.res = u.ak.res<=0;     break;
+    case OP_Gt:    u.ak.res = u.ak.res>0;      break;
+    default:       u.ak.res = u.ak.res>=0;     break;
   if( pOp->p5 & SQLITE_STOREP2 ){
     pOut = &aMem[pOp->p2];
     memAboutToChange(p, pOut);
     MemSetTypeFlag(pOut, MEM_Int);
-    pOut->u.i = u.aj.res;
+    pOut->u.i = u.ak.res;
     REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p2, pOut);
-  }else if( u.aj.res ){
+  }else if( u.ak.res ){
     pc = pOp->p2-1;
   /* Undo any changes made by applyAffinity() to the input registers. */
-  pIn1->flags = (pIn1->flags&~MEM_TypeMask) | (u.aj.flags1&MEM_TypeMask);
-  pIn3->flags = (pIn3->flags&~MEM_TypeMask) | (u.aj.flags3&MEM_TypeMask);
+  pIn1->flags = (pIn1->flags&~MEM_TypeMask) | (u.ak.flags1&MEM_TypeMask);
+  pIn3->flags = (pIn3->flags&~MEM_TypeMask) | (u.ak.flags3&MEM_TypeMask);
@@ -67008,9 +67230,9 @@
 ** Set the permutation used by the OP_Compare operator to be the array
 ** of integers in P4.
-** The permutation is only valid until the next OP_Permutation, OP_Compare,
-** OP_Halt, or OP_ResultRow.  Typically the OP_Permutation should occur
-** immediately prior to the OP_Compare.
+** The permutation is only valid until the next OP_Compare that has
+** the OPFLAG_PERMUTE bit set in P5. Typically the OP_Permutation should 
+** occur immediately prior to the OP_Compare.
 case OP_Permutation: {
   assert( pOp->p4type==P4_INTARRAY );
@@ -67019,12 +67241,17 @@
-/* Opcode: Compare P1 P2 P3 P4 *
+/* Opcode: Compare P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
 ** Compare two vectors of registers in reg(P1)..reg(P1+P3-1) (call this
 ** vector "A") and in reg(P2)..reg(P2+P3-1) ("B").  Save the result of
 ** the comparison for use by the next OP_Jump instruct.
+** If P5 has the OPFLAG_PERMUTE bit set, then the order of comparison is
+** determined by the most recent OP_Permutation operator.  If the
+** OPFLAG_PERMUTE bit is clear, then register are compared in sequential
+** order.
 ** P4 is a KeyInfo structure that defines collating sequences and sort
 ** orders for the comparison.  The permutation applies to registers
 ** only.  The KeyInfo elements are used sequentially.
@@ -67034,7 +67261,7 @@
 ** and strings are less than blobs.
 case OP_Compare: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ak */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.al */
   int n;
   int i;
   int p1;
@@ -67043,37 +67270,38 @@
   int idx;
   CollSeq *pColl;    /* Collating sequence to use on this term */
   int bRev;          /* True for DESCENDING sort order */
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.ak */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.al */
-  u.ak.n = pOp->p3;
-  u.ak.pKeyInfo = pOp->p4.pKeyInfo;
-  assert( u.ak.n>0 );
-  assert( u.ak.pKeyInfo!=0 );
-  u.ak.p1 = pOp->p1;
-  u.ak.p2 = pOp->p2;
+  if( (pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_PERMUTE)==0 ) aPermute = 0;
+  u.al.n = pOp->p3;
+  u.al.pKeyInfo = pOp->p4.pKeyInfo;
+  assert( u.al.n>0 );
+  assert( u.al.pKeyInfo!=0 );
+  u.al.p1 = pOp->p1;
+  u.al.p2 = pOp->p2;
   if( aPermute ){
     int k, mx = 0;
-    for(k=0; k<u.ak.n; k++) if( aPermute[k]>mx ) mx = aPermute[k];
-    assert( u.ak.p1>0 && u.ak.p1+mx<=p->nMem+1 );
-    assert( u.ak.p2>0 && u.ak.p2+mx<=p->nMem+1 );
+    for(k=0; k<u.al.n; k++) if( aPermute[k]>mx ) mx = aPermute[k];
+    assert( u.al.p1>0 && u.al.p1+mx<=p->nMem+1 );
+    assert( u.al.p2>0 && u.al.p2+mx<=p->nMem+1 );
-    assert( u.ak.p1>0 && u.ak.p1+u.ak.n<=p->nMem+1 );
-    assert( u.ak.p2>0 && u.ak.p2+u.ak.n<=p->nMem+1 );
+    assert( u.al.p1>0 && u.al.p1+u.al.n<=p->nMem+1 );
+    assert( u.al.p2>0 && u.al.p2+u.al.n<=p->nMem+1 );
 #endif /* SQLITE_DEBUG */
-  for(u.ak.i=0; u.ak.i<u.ak.n; u.ak.i++){
-    u.ak.idx = aPermute ? aPermute[u.ak.i] : u.ak.i;
-    assert( memIsValid(&aMem[u.ak.p1+u.ak.idx]) );
-    assert( memIsValid(&aMem[u.ak.p2+u.ak.idx]) );
-    REGISTER_TRACE(u.ak.p1+u.ak.idx, &aMem[u.ak.p1+u.ak.idx]);
-    REGISTER_TRACE(u.ak.p2+u.ak.idx, &aMem[u.ak.p2+u.ak.idx]);
-    assert( u.ak.i<u.ak.pKeyInfo->nField );
-    u.ak.pColl = u.ak.pKeyInfo->aColl[u.ak.i];
-    u.ak.bRev = u.ak.pKeyInfo->aSortOrder[u.ak.i];
-    iCompare = sqlite3MemCompare(&aMem[u.ak.p1+u.ak.idx], &aMem[u.ak.p2+u.ak.idx], u.ak.pColl);
+  for(u.al.i=0; u.al.i<u.al.n; u.al.i++){
+    u.al.idx = aPermute ? aPermute[u.al.i] : u.al.i;
+    assert( memIsValid(&aMem[u.al.p1+u.al.idx]) );
+    assert( memIsValid(&aMem[u.al.p2+u.al.idx]) );
+    REGISTER_TRACE(u.al.p1+u.al.idx, &aMem[u.al.p1+u.al.idx]);
+    REGISTER_TRACE(u.al.p2+u.al.idx, &aMem[u.al.p2+u.al.idx]);
+    assert( u.al.i<u.al.pKeyInfo->nField );
+    u.al.pColl = u.al.pKeyInfo->aColl[u.al.i];
+    u.al.bRev = u.al.pKeyInfo->aSortOrder[u.al.i];
+    iCompare = sqlite3MemCompare(&aMem[u.al.p1+u.al.idx], &aMem[u.al.p2+u.al.idx], u.al.pColl);
     if( iCompare ){
-      if( u.ak.bRev ) iCompare = -iCompare;
+      if( u.al.bRev ) iCompare = -iCompare;
@@ -67118,35 +67346,35 @@
 case OP_And:              /* same as TK_AND, in1, in2, out3 */
 case OP_Or: {             /* same as TK_OR, in1, in2, out3 */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.al */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.am */
   int v1;    /* Left operand:  0==FALSE, 1==TRUE, 2==UNKNOWN or NULL */
   int v2;    /* Right operand: 0==FALSE, 1==TRUE, 2==UNKNOWN or NULL */
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.al */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.am */
   pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1];
   if( pIn1->flags & MEM_Null ){
-    u.al.v1 = 2;
+    u.am.v1 = 2;
-    u.al.v1 = sqlite3VdbeIntValue(pIn1)!=0;
+    u.am.v1 = sqlite3VdbeIntValue(pIn1)!=0;
   pIn2 = &aMem[pOp->p2];
   if( pIn2->flags & MEM_Null ){
-    u.al.v2 = 2;
+    u.am.v2 = 2;
-    u.al.v2 = sqlite3VdbeIntValue(pIn2)!=0;
+    u.am.v2 = sqlite3VdbeIntValue(pIn2)!=0;
   if( pOp->opcode==OP_And ){
     static const unsigned char and_logic[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 2 };
-    u.al.v1 = and_logic[u.al.v1*3+u.al.v2];
+    u.am.v1 = and_logic[u.am.v1*3+u.am.v2];
     static const unsigned char or_logic[] = { 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2 };
-    u.al.v1 = or_logic[u.al.v1*3+u.al.v2];
+    u.am.v1 = or_logic[u.am.v1*3+u.am.v2];
   pOut = &aMem[pOp->p3];
-  if( u.al.v1==2 ){
+  if( u.am.v1==2 ){
     MemSetTypeFlag(pOut, MEM_Null);
-    pOut->u.i = u.al.v1;
+    pOut->u.i = u.am.v1;
     MemSetTypeFlag(pOut, MEM_Int);
@@ -67190,8 +67418,6 @@
 ** Check if OP_Once flag P1 is set. If so, jump to instruction P2. Otherwise,
 ** set the flag and fall through to the next instruction.
-** See also: JumpOnce
 case OP_Once: {             /* jump */
   assert( pOp->p1<p->nOnceFlag );
@@ -67217,21 +67443,21 @@
 case OP_If:                 /* jump, in1 */
 case OP_IfNot: {            /* jump, in1 */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.am */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.an */
   int c;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.am */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.an */
   pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1];
   if( pIn1->flags & MEM_Null ){
-    u.am.c = pOp->p3;
+    u.an.c = pOp->p3;
-    u.am.c = sqlite3VdbeIntValue(pIn1)!=0;
+    u.an.c = sqlite3VdbeIntValue(pIn1)!=0;
-    u.am.c = sqlite3VdbeRealValue(pIn1)!=0.0;
+    u.an.c = sqlite3VdbeRealValue(pIn1)!=0.0;
-    if( pOp->opcode==OP_IfNot ) u.am.c = !u.am.c;
+    if( pOp->opcode==OP_IfNot ) u.an.c = !u.an.c;
-  if( u.am.c ){
+  if( u.an.c ){
     pc = pOp->p2-1;
@@ -67286,7 +67512,7 @@
 ** skipped for length() and all content loading can be skipped for typeof().
 case OP_Column: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.an */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ao */
   u32 payloadSize;   /* Number of bytes in the record */
   i64 payloadSize64; /* Number of bytes in the record */
   int p1;            /* P1 value of the opcode */
@@ -67310,126 +67536,131 @@
   int avail;         /* Number of bytes of available data */
   u32 t;             /* A type code from the record header */
   Mem *pReg;         /* PseudoTable input register */
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.an */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.ao */
-  u.an.p1 = pOp->p1;
-  u.an.p2 = pOp->p2;
-  u.an.pC = 0;
-  memset(&u.an.sMem, 0, sizeof(u.an.sMem));
-  assert( u.an.p1<p->nCursor );
+  u.ao.p1 = pOp->p1;
+  u.ao.p2 = pOp->p2;
+  u.ao.pC = 0;
+  memset(&u.ao.sMem, 0, sizeof(u.ao.sMem));
+  assert( u.ao.p1<p->nCursor );
   assert( pOp->p3>0 && pOp->p3<=p->nMem );
-  u.an.pDest = &aMem[pOp->p3];
-  memAboutToChange(p, u.an.pDest);
-  u.an.zRec = 0;
+  u.ao.pDest = &aMem[pOp->p3];
+  memAboutToChange(p, u.ao.pDest);
+  u.ao.zRec = 0;
-  /* This block sets the variable u.an.payloadSize to be the total number of
+  /* This block sets the variable u.ao.payloadSize to be the total number of
   ** bytes in the record.
-  ** u.an.zRec is set to be the complete text of the record if it is available.
+  ** u.ao.zRec is set to be the complete text of the record if it is available.
   ** The complete record text is always available for pseudo-tables
   ** If the record is stored in a cursor, the complete record text
-  ** might be available in the  u.an.pC->aRow cache.  Or it might not be.
-  ** If the data is unavailable,  u.an.zRec is set to NULL.
+  ** might be available in the  u.ao.pC->aRow cache.  Or it might not be.
+  ** If the data is unavailable,  u.ao.zRec is set to NULL.
   ** We also compute the number of columns in the record.  For cursors,
   ** the number of columns is stored in the VdbeCursor.nField element.
-  u.an.pC = p->apCsr[u.an.p1];
-  assert( u.an.pC!=0 );
+  u.ao.pC = p->apCsr[u.ao.p1];
+  assert( u.ao.pC!=0 );
-  assert( u.an.pC->pVtabCursor==0 );
+  assert( u.ao.pC->pVtabCursor==0 );
-  u.an.pCrsr = u.an.pC->pCursor;
-  if( u.an.pCrsr!=0 ){
+  u.ao.pCrsr = u.ao.pC->pCursor;
+  if( u.ao.pCrsr!=0 ){
     /* The record is stored in a B-Tree */
-    rc = sqlite3VdbeCursorMoveto(u.an.pC);
+    rc = sqlite3VdbeCursorMoveto(u.ao.pC);
     if( rc ) goto abort_due_to_error;
-    if( u.an.pC->nullRow ){
-      u.an.payloadSize = 0;
-    }else if( u.an.pC->cacheStatus==p->cacheCtr ){
-      u.an.payloadSize = u.an.pC->payloadSize;
-      u.an.zRec = (char*)u.an.pC->aRow;
-    }else if( u.an.pC->isIndex ){
-      assert( sqlite3BtreeCursorIsValid(u.an.pCrsr) );
-      VVA_ONLY(rc =) sqlite3BtreeKeySize(u.an.pCrsr, &u.an.payloadSize64);
+    if( u.ao.pC->nullRow ){
+      u.ao.payloadSize = 0;
+    }else if( u.ao.pC->cacheStatus==p->cacheCtr ){
+      u.ao.payloadSize = u.ao.pC->payloadSize;
+      u.ao.zRec = (char*)u.ao.pC->aRow;
+    }else if( u.ao.pC->isIndex ){
+      assert( sqlite3BtreeCursorIsValid(u.ao.pCrsr) );
+      VVA_ONLY(rc =) sqlite3BtreeKeySize(u.ao.pCrsr, &u.ao.payloadSize64);
       assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );   /* True because of CursorMoveto() call above */
       /* sqlite3BtreeParseCellPtr() uses getVarint32() to extract the
-      ** payload size, so it is impossible for u.an.payloadSize64 to be
+      ** payload size, so it is impossible for u.ao.payloadSize64 to be
       ** larger than 32 bits. */
-      assert( (u.an.payloadSize64 & SQLITE_MAX_U32)==(u64)u.an.payloadSize64 );
-      u.an.payloadSize = (u32)u.an.payloadSize64;
+      assert( (u.ao.payloadSize64 & SQLITE_MAX_U32)==(u64)u.ao.payloadSize64 );
+      u.ao.payloadSize = (u32)u.ao.payloadSize64;
-      assert( sqlite3BtreeCursorIsValid(u.an.pCrsr) );
-      VVA_ONLY(rc =) sqlite3BtreeDataSize(u.an.pCrsr, &u.an.payloadSize);
+      assert( sqlite3BtreeCursorIsValid(u.ao.pCrsr) );
+      VVA_ONLY(rc =) sqlite3BtreeDataSize(u.ao.pCrsr, &u.ao.payloadSize);
       assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );   /* DataSize() cannot fail */
-  }else if( ALWAYS(u.an.pC->pseudoTableReg>0) ){
-    u.an.pReg = &aMem[u.an.pC->pseudoTableReg];
-    assert( u.an.pReg->flags & MEM_Blob );
-    assert( memIsValid(u.an.pReg) );
-    u.an.payloadSize = u.an.pReg->n;
-    u.an.zRec = u.an.pReg->z;
-    u.an.pC->cacheStatus = (pOp->p5&OPFLAG_CLEARCACHE) ? CACHE_STALE : p->cacheCtr;
-    assert( u.an.payloadSize==0 || u.an.zRec!=0 );
+  }else if( ALWAYS(u.ao.pC->pseudoTableReg>0) ){
+    u.ao.pReg = &aMem[u.ao.pC->pseudoTableReg];
+    if( u.ao.pC->multiPseudo ){
+      sqlite3VdbeMemShallowCopy(u.ao.pDest, u.ao.pReg+u.ao.p2, MEM_Ephem);
+      Deephemeralize(u.ao.pDest);
+      goto op_column_out;
+    }
+    assert( u.ao.pReg->flags & MEM_Blob );
+    assert( memIsValid(u.ao.pReg) );
+    u.ao.payloadSize = u.ao.pReg->n;
+    u.ao.zRec = u.ao.pReg->z;
+    u.ao.pC->cacheStatus = (pOp->p5&OPFLAG_CLEARCACHE) ? CACHE_STALE : p->cacheCtr;
+    assert( u.ao.payloadSize==0 || u.ao.zRec!=0 );
     /* Consider the row to be NULL */
-    u.an.payloadSize = 0;
+    u.ao.payloadSize = 0;
-  /* If u.an.payloadSize is 0, then just store a NULL.  This can happen because of
+  /* If u.ao.payloadSize is 0, then just store a NULL.  This can happen because of
   ** nullRow or because of a corrupt database. */
-  if( u.an.payloadSize==0 ){
-    MemSetTypeFlag(u.an.pDest, MEM_Null);
+  if( u.ao.payloadSize==0 ){
+    MemSetTypeFlag(u.ao.pDest, MEM_Null);
     goto op_column_out;
   assert( db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH]>=0 );
-  if( u.an.payloadSize > (u32)db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH] ){
+  if( u.ao.payloadSize > (u32)db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH] ){
     goto too_big;
-  u.an.nField = u.an.pC->nField;
-  assert( u.an.p2<u.an.nField );
+  u.ao.nField = u.ao.pC->nField;
+  assert( u.ao.p2<u.ao.nField );
   /* Read and parse the table header.  Store the results of the parse
   ** into the record header cache fields of the cursor.
-  u.an.aType = u.an.pC->aType;
-  if( u.an.pC->cacheStatus==p->cacheCtr ){
-    u.an.aOffset = u.an.pC->aOffset;
-  }else{
-    assert(u.an.aType);
-    u.an.avail = 0;
-    u.an.pC->aOffset = u.an.aOffset = &u.an.aType[u.an.nField];
-    u.an.pC->payloadSize = u.an.payloadSize;
-    u.an.pC->cacheStatus = p->cacheCtr;
+  u.ao.aType = u.ao.pC->aType;
+  if( u.ao.pC->cacheStatus==p->cacheCtr ){
+    u.ao.aOffset = u.ao.pC->aOffset;
+  }else{
+    assert(u.ao.aType);
+    u.ao.avail = 0;
+    u.ao.pC->aOffset = u.ao.aOffset = &u.ao.aType[u.ao.nField];
+    u.ao.pC->payloadSize = u.ao.payloadSize;
+    u.ao.pC->cacheStatus = p->cacheCtr;
     /* Figure out how many bytes are in the header */
-    if( u.an.zRec ){
-      u.an.zData = u.an.zRec;
+    if( u.ao.zRec ){
+      u.ao.zData = u.ao.zRec;
-      if( u.an.pC->isIndex ){
-        u.an.zData = (char*)sqlite3BtreeKeyFetch(u.an.pCrsr, &u.an.avail);
+      if( u.ao.pC->isIndex ){
+        u.ao.zData = (char*)sqlite3BtreeKeyFetch(u.ao.pCrsr, &u.ao.avail);
-        u.an.zData = (char*)sqlite3BtreeDataFetch(u.an.pCrsr, &u.an.avail);
+        u.ao.zData = (char*)sqlite3BtreeDataFetch(u.ao.pCrsr, &u.ao.avail);
       /* If KeyFetch()/DataFetch() managed to get the entire payload,
-      ** save the payload in the u.an.pC->aRow cache.  That will save us from
+      ** save the payload in the u.ao.pC->aRow cache.  That will save us from
       ** having to make additional calls to fetch the content portion of
       ** the record.
-      assert( u.an.avail>=0 );
-      if( u.an.payloadSize <= (u32)u.an.avail ){
-        u.an.zRec = u.an.zData;
-        u.an.pC->aRow = (u8*)u.an.zData;
+      assert( u.ao.avail>=0 );
+      if( u.ao.payloadSize <= (u32)u.ao.avail ){
+        u.ao.zRec = u.ao.zData;
+        u.ao.pC->aRow = (u8*)u.ao.zData;
-        u.an.pC->aRow = 0;
+        u.ao.pC->aRow = 0;
     /* The following assert is true in all cases except when
     ** the database file has been corrupted externally.
-    **    assert( u.an.zRec!=0 || u.an.avail>=u.an.payloadSize || u.an.avail>=9 ); */
-    u.an.szHdr = getVarint32((u8*)u.an.zData, u.an.offset);
+    **    assert( u.ao.zRec!=0 || u.ao.avail>=u.ao.payloadSize || u.ao.avail>=9 ); */
+    u.ao.szHdr = getVarint32((u8*)u.ao.zData, u.ao.offset);
     /* Make sure a corrupt database has not given us an oversize header.
     ** Do this now to avoid an oversize memory allocation.
@@ -67440,26 +67671,26 @@
     ** 3-byte type for each of the maximum of 32768 columns plus three
     ** extra bytes for the header length itself.  32768*3 + 3 = 98307.
-    if( u.an.offset > 98307 ){
+    if( u.ao.offset > 98307 ){
       goto op_column_out;
-    /* Compute in u.an.len the number of bytes of data we need to read in order
-    ** to get u.an.nField type values.  u.an.offset is an upper bound on this.  But
-    ** u.an.nField might be significantly less than the true number of columns
-    ** in the table, and in that case, 5*u.an.nField+3 might be smaller than u.an.offset.
-    ** We want to minimize u.an.len in order to limit the size of the memory
-    ** allocation, especially if a corrupt database file has caused u.an.offset
+    /* Compute in u.ao.len the number of bytes of data we need to read in order
+    ** to get u.ao.nField type values.  u.ao.offset is an upper bound on this.  But
+    ** u.ao.nField might be significantly less than the true number of columns
+    ** in the table, and in that case, 5*u.ao.nField+3 might be smaller than u.ao.offset.
+    ** We want to minimize u.ao.len in order to limit the size of the memory
+    ** allocation, especially if a corrupt database file has caused u.ao.offset
     ** to be oversized. Offset is limited to 98307 above.  But 98307 might
     ** still exceed Robson memory allocation limits on some configurations.
-    ** On systems that cannot tolerate large memory allocations, u.an.nField*5+3
-    ** will likely be much smaller since u.an.nField will likely be less than
+    ** On systems that cannot tolerate large memory allocations, u.ao.nField*5+3
+    ** will likely be much smaller since u.ao.nField will likely be less than
     ** 20 or so.  This insures that Robson memory allocation limits are
     ** not exceeded even for corrupt database files.
-    u.an.len = u.an.nField*5 + 3;
-    if( u.an.len > (int)u.an.offset ) u.an.len = (int)u.an.offset;
+    u.ao.len = u.ao.nField*5 + 3;
+    if( u.ao.len > (int)u.ao.offset ) u.ao.len = (int)u.ao.offset;
     /* The KeyFetch() or DataFetch() above are fast and will get the entire
     ** record header in most cases.  But they will fail to get the complete
@@ -67467,51 +67698,51 @@
     ** in the B-Tree.  When that happens, use sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtree() to
     ** acquire the complete header text.
-    if( !u.an.zRec && u.an.avail<u.an.len ){
-      u.an.sMem.flags = 0;
-      u.an.sMem.db = 0;
-      rc = sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtree(u.an.pCrsr, 0, u.an.len, u.an.pC->isIndex, &u.an.sMem);
+    if( !u.ao.zRec && u.ao.avail<u.ao.len ){
+      u.ao.sMem.flags = 0;
+      u.ao.sMem.db = 0;
+      rc = sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtree(u.ao.pCrsr, 0, u.ao.len, u.ao.pC->isIndex, &u.ao.sMem);
       if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
         goto op_column_out;
-      u.an.zData = u.an.sMem.z;
+      u.ao.zData = u.ao.sMem.z;
-    u.an.zEndHdr = (u8 *)&u.an.zData[u.an.len];
-    u.an.zIdx = (u8 *)&u.an.zData[u.an.szHdr];
+    u.ao.zEndHdr = (u8 *)&u.ao.zData[u.ao.len];
+    u.ao.zIdx = (u8 *)&u.ao.zData[u.ao.szHdr];
-    /* Scan the header and use it to fill in the u.an.aType[] and u.an.aOffset[]
-    ** arrays.  u.an.aType[u.an.i] will contain the type integer for the u.an.i-th
-    ** column and u.an.aOffset[u.an.i] will contain the u.an.offset from the beginning
-    ** of the record to the start of the data for the u.an.i-th column
+    /* Scan the header and use it to fill in the u.ao.aType[] and u.ao.aOffset[]
+    ** arrays.  u.ao.aType[u.ao.i] will contain the type integer for the u.ao.i-th
+    ** column and u.ao.aOffset[u.ao.i] will contain the u.ao.offset from the beginning
+    ** of the record to the start of the data for the u.ao.i-th column
-    for(u.an.i=0; u.an.i<u.an.nField; u.an.i++){
-      if( u.an.zIdx<u.an.zEndHdr ){
-        u.an.aOffset[u.an.i] = u.an.offset;
-        if( u.an.zIdx[0]<0x80 ){
-          u.an.t = u.an.zIdx[0];
-          u.an.zIdx++;
+    for(u.ao.i=0; u.ao.i<u.ao.nField; u.ao.i++){
+      if( u.ao.zIdx<u.ao.zEndHdr ){
+        u.ao.aOffset[u.ao.i] = u.ao.offset;
+        if( u.ao.zIdx[0]<0x80 ){
+          u.ao.t = u.ao.zIdx[0];
+          u.ao.zIdx++;
-          u.an.zIdx += sqlite3GetVarint32(u.an.zIdx, &u.an.t);
+          u.ao.zIdx += sqlite3GetVarint32(u.ao.zIdx, &u.ao.t);
-        u.an.aType[u.an.i] = u.an.t;
-        u.an.szField = sqlite3VdbeSerialTypeLen(u.an.t);
-        u.an.offset += u.an.szField;
-        if( u.an.offset<u.an.szField ){  /* True if u.an.offset overflows */
-          u.an.zIdx = &u.an.zEndHdr[1];  /* Forces SQLITE_CORRUPT return below */
+        u.ao.aType[u.ao.i] = u.ao.t;
+        u.ao.szField = sqlite3VdbeSerialTypeLen(u.ao.t);
+        u.ao.offset += u.ao.szField;
+        if( u.ao.offset<u.ao.szField ){  /* True if u.ao.offset overflows */
+          u.ao.zIdx = &u.ao.zEndHdr[1];  /* Forces SQLITE_CORRUPT return below */
-        /* If u.an.i is less that u.an.nField, then there are fewer fields in this
+        /* If u.ao.i is less that u.ao.nField, then there are fewer fields in this
         ** record than SetNumColumns indicated there are columns in the
-        ** table. Set the u.an.offset for any extra columns not present in
+        ** table. Set the u.ao.offset for any extra columns not present in
         ** the record to 0. This tells code below to store the default value
         ** for the column instead of deserializing a value from the record.
-        u.an.aOffset[u.an.i] = 0;
+        u.ao.aOffset[u.ao.i] = 0;
-    sqlite3VdbeMemRelease(&u.an.sMem);
-    u.an.sMem.flags = MEM_Null;
+    sqlite3VdbeMemRelease(&u.ao.sMem);
+    u.ao.sMem.flags = MEM_Null;
     /* If we have read more header data than was contained in the header,
     ** or if the end of the last field appears to be past the end of the
@@ -67519,78 +67750,78 @@
     ** of the record (when all fields present), then we must be dealing
     ** with a corrupt database.
-    if( (u.an.zIdx > u.an.zEndHdr) || (u.an.offset > u.an.payloadSize)
-         || (u.an.zIdx==u.an.zEndHdr && u.an.offset!=u.an.payloadSize) ){
+    if( (u.ao.zIdx > u.ao.zEndHdr) || (u.ao.offset > u.ao.payloadSize)
+         || (u.ao.zIdx==u.ao.zEndHdr && u.ao.offset!=u.ao.payloadSize) ){
       goto op_column_out;
-  /* Get the column information. If u.an.aOffset[u.an.p2] is non-zero, then
-  ** deserialize the value from the record. If u.an.aOffset[u.an.p2] is zero,
+  /* Get the column information. If u.ao.aOffset[u.ao.p2] is non-zero, then
+  ** deserialize the value from the record. If u.ao.aOffset[u.ao.p2] is zero,
   ** then there are not enough fields in the record to satisfy the
   ** request.  In this case, set the value NULL or to P4 if P4 is
   ** a pointer to a Mem object.
-  if( u.an.aOffset[u.an.p2] ){
+  if( u.ao.aOffset[u.ao.p2] ){
     assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
-    if( u.an.zRec ){
+    if( u.ao.zRec ){
       /* This is the common case where the whole row fits on a single page */
-      VdbeMemRelease(u.an.pDest);
-      sqlite3VdbeSerialGet((u8 *)&u.an.zRec[u.an.aOffset[u.an.p2]], u.an.aType[u.an.p2], u.an.pDest);
+      VdbeMemRelease(u.ao.pDest);
+      sqlite3VdbeSerialGet((u8 *)&u.ao.zRec[u.ao.aOffset[u.ao.p2]], u.ao.aType[u.ao.p2], u.ao.pDest);
       /* This branch happens only when the row overflows onto multiple pages */
-      u.an.t = u.an.aType[u.an.p2];
+      u.ao.t = u.ao.aType[u.ao.p2];
-       && ((u.an.t>=12 && (u.an.t&1)==0) || (pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_TYPEOFARG)!=0)
+       && ((u.ao.t>=12 && (u.ao.t&1)==0) || (pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_TYPEOFARG)!=0)
         /* Content is irrelevant for the typeof() function and for
         ** the length(X) function if X is a blob.  So we might as well use
         ** bogus content rather than reading content from disk.  NULL works
-        ** for text and blob and whatever is in the u.an.payloadSize64 variable
+        ** for text and blob and whatever is in the u.ao.payloadSize64 variable
         ** will work for everything else. */
-        u.an.zData = u.an.t<12 ? (char*)&u.an.payloadSize64 : 0;
+        u.ao.zData = u.ao.t<12 ? (char*)&u.ao.payloadSize64 : 0;
-        u.an.len = sqlite3VdbeSerialTypeLen(u.an.t);
-        sqlite3VdbeMemMove(&u.an.sMem, u.an.pDest);
-        rc = sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtree(u.an.pCrsr, u.an.aOffset[u.an.p2], u.an.len,  u.an.pC->isIndex,
-                                     &u.an.sMem);
+        u.ao.len = sqlite3VdbeSerialTypeLen(u.ao.t);
+        sqlite3VdbeMemMove(&u.ao.sMem, u.ao.pDest);
+        rc = sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtree(u.ao.pCrsr, u.ao.aOffset[u.ao.p2], u.ao.len,  u.ao.pC->isIndex,
+                                     &u.ao.sMem);
         if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
           goto op_column_out;
-        u.an.zData = u.an.sMem.z;
+        u.ao.zData = u.ao.sMem.z;
-      sqlite3VdbeSerialGet((u8*)u.an.zData, u.an.t, u.an.pDest);
+      sqlite3VdbeSerialGet((u8*)u.ao.zData, u.ao.t, u.ao.pDest);
-    u.an.pDest->enc = encoding;
+    u.ao.pDest->enc = encoding;
     if( pOp->p4type==P4_MEM ){
-      sqlite3VdbeMemShallowCopy(u.an.pDest, pOp->p4.pMem, MEM_Static);
+      sqlite3VdbeMemShallowCopy(u.ao.pDest, pOp->p4.pMem, MEM_Static);
-      MemSetTypeFlag(u.an.pDest, MEM_Null);
+      MemSetTypeFlag(u.ao.pDest, MEM_Null);
   /* If we dynamically allocated space to hold the data (in the
   ** sqlite3VdbeMemFromBtree() call above) then transfer control of that
-  ** dynamically allocated space over to the u.an.pDest structure.
+  ** dynamically allocated space over to the u.ao.pDest structure.
   ** This prevents a memory copy.
-  if( u.an.sMem.zMalloc ){
-    assert( u.an.sMem.z==u.an.sMem.zMalloc );
-    assert( !(u.an.pDest->flags & MEM_Dyn) );
-    assert( !(u.an.pDest->flags & (MEM_Blob|MEM_Str)) || u.an.pDest->z==u.an.sMem.z );
-    u.an.pDest->flags &= ~(MEM_Ephem|MEM_Static);
-    u.an.pDest->flags |= MEM_Term;
-    u.an.pDest->z = u.an.sMem.z;
-    u.an.pDest->zMalloc = u.an.sMem.zMalloc;
+  if( u.ao.sMem.zMalloc ){
+    assert( u.ao.sMem.z==u.ao.sMem.zMalloc );
+    assert( !(u.ao.pDest->flags & MEM_Dyn) );
+    assert( !(u.ao.pDest->flags & (MEM_Blob|MEM_Str)) || u.ao.pDest->z==u.ao.sMem.z );
+    u.ao.pDest->flags &= ~(MEM_Ephem|MEM_Static);
+    u.ao.pDest->flags |= MEM_Term;
+    u.ao.pDest->z = u.ao.sMem.z;
+    u.ao.pDest->zMalloc = u.ao.sMem.zMalloc;
-  rc = sqlite3VdbeMemMakeWriteable(u.an.pDest);
+  rc = sqlite3VdbeMemMakeWriteable(u.ao.pDest);
-  REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p3, u.an.pDest);
+  REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p3, u.ao.pDest);
@@ -67603,20 +67834,20 @@
 ** memory cell in the range.
 case OP_Affinity: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ao */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ap */
   const char *zAffinity;   /* The affinity to be applied */
   char cAff;               /* A single character of affinity */
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.ao */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.ap */
-  u.ao.zAffinity = pOp->p4.z;
-  assert( u.ao.zAffinity!=0 );
-  assert( u.ao.zAffinity[pOp->p2]==0 );
+  u.ap.zAffinity = pOp->p4.z;
+  assert( u.ap.zAffinity!=0 );
+  assert( u.ap.zAffinity[pOp->p2]==0 );
   pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1];
-  while( (u.ao.cAff = *(u.ao.zAffinity++))!=0 ){
+  while( (u.ap.cAff = *(u.ap.zAffinity++))!=0 ){
     assert( pIn1 <= &p->aMem[p->nMem] );
     assert( memIsValid(pIn1) );
-    applyAffinity(pIn1, u.ao.cAff, encoding);
+    applyAffinity(pIn1, u.ap.cAff, encoding);
@@ -67638,7 +67869,7 @@
 ** If P4 is NULL then all index fields have the affinity NONE.
 case OP_MakeRecord: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ap */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.aq */
   u8 *zNewRecord;        /* A buffer to hold the data for the new record */
   Mem *pRec;             /* The new record */
   u64 nData;             /* Number of bytes of data space */
@@ -67654,7 +67885,7 @@
   int file_format;       /* File format to use for encoding */
   int i;                 /* Space used in zNewRecord[] */
   int len;               /* Length of a field */
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.ap */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.aq */
   /* Assuming the record contains N fields, the record format looks
   ** like this:
@@ -67671,16 +67902,16 @@
   ** hdr-size field is also a varint which is the offset from the beginning
   ** of the record to data0.
-  u.ap.nData = 0;         /* Number of bytes of data space */
-  u.ap.nHdr = 0;          /* Number of bytes of header space */
-  u.ap.nZero = 0;         /* Number of zero bytes at the end of the record */
-  u.ap.nField = pOp->p1;
-  u.ap.zAffinity = pOp->p4.z;
-  assert( u.ap.nField>0 && pOp->p2>0 && pOp->p2+u.ap.nField<=p->nMem+1 );
-  u.ap.pData0 = &aMem[u.ap.nField];
-  u.ap.nField = pOp->p2;
-  u.ap.pLast = &u.ap.pData0[u.ap.nField-1];
-  u.ap.file_format = p->minWriteFileFormat;
+  u.aq.nData = 0;         /* Number of bytes of data space */
+  u.aq.nHdr = 0;          /* Number of bytes of header space */
+  u.aq.nZero = 0;         /* Number of zero bytes at the end of the record */
+  u.aq.nField = pOp->p1;
+  u.aq.zAffinity = pOp->p4.z;
+  assert( u.aq.nField>0 && pOp->p2>0 && pOp->p2+u.aq.nField<=p->nMem+1 );
+  u.aq.pData0 = &aMem[u.aq.nField];
+  u.aq.nField = pOp->p2;
+  u.aq.pLast = &u.aq.pData0[u.aq.nField-1];
+  u.aq.file_format = p->minWriteFileFormat;
   /* Identify the output register */
   assert( pOp->p3<pOp->p1 || pOp->p3>=pOp->p1+pOp->p2 );
@@ -67690,34 +67921,34 @@
   /* Loop through the elements that will make up the record to figure
   ** out how much space is required for the new record.
-  for(u.ap.pRec=u.ap.pData0; u.ap.pRec<=u.ap.pLast; u.ap.pRec++){
-    assert( memIsValid(u.ap.pRec) );
-    if( u.ap.zAffinity ){
-      applyAffinity(u.ap.pRec, u.ap.zAffinity[u.ap.pRec-u.ap.pData0], encoding);
-    }
-    if( u.ap.pRec->flags&MEM_Zero && u.ap.pRec->n>0 ){
-      sqlite3VdbeMemExpandBlob(u.ap.pRec);
-    }
-    u.ap.serial_type = sqlite3VdbeSerialType(u.ap.pRec, u.ap.file_format);
-    u.ap.len = sqlite3VdbeSerialTypeLen(u.ap.serial_type);
-    u.ap.nData += u.ap.len;
-    u.ap.nHdr += sqlite3VarintLen(u.ap.serial_type);
-    if( u.ap.pRec->flags & MEM_Zero ){
+  for(u.aq.pRec=u.aq.pData0; u.aq.pRec<=u.aq.pLast; u.aq.pRec++){
+    assert( memIsValid(u.aq.pRec) );
+    if( u.aq.zAffinity ){
+      applyAffinity(u.aq.pRec, u.aq.zAffinity[u.aq.pRec-u.aq.pData0], encoding);
+    }
+    if( u.aq.pRec->flags&MEM_Zero && u.aq.pRec->n>0 ){
+      sqlite3VdbeMemExpandBlob(u.aq.pRec);
+    }
+    u.aq.serial_type = sqlite3VdbeSerialType(u.aq.pRec, u.aq.file_format);
+    u.aq.len = sqlite3VdbeSerialTypeLen(u.aq.serial_type);
+    u.aq.nData += u.aq.len;
+    u.aq.nHdr += sqlite3VarintLen(u.aq.serial_type);
+    if( u.aq.pRec->flags & MEM_Zero ){
       /* Only pure zero-filled BLOBs can be input to this Opcode.
       ** We do not allow blobs with a prefix and a zero-filled tail. */
-      u.ap.nZero += u.ap.pRec->u.nZero;
-    }else if( u.ap.len ){
-      u.ap.nZero = 0;
+      u.aq.nZero += u.aq.pRec->u.nZero;
+    }else if( u.aq.len ){
+      u.aq.nZero = 0;
   /* Add the initial header varint and total the size */
-  u.ap.nHdr += u.ap.nVarint = sqlite3VarintLen(u.ap.nHdr);
-  if( u.ap.nVarint<sqlite3VarintLen(u.ap.nHdr) ){
-    u.ap.nHdr++;
+  u.aq.nHdr += u.aq.nVarint = sqlite3VarintLen(u.aq.nHdr);
+  if( u.aq.nVarint<sqlite3VarintLen(u.aq.nHdr) ){
+    u.aq.nHdr++;
-  u.ap.nByte = u.ap.nHdr+u.ap.nData-u.ap.nZero;
-  if( u.ap.nByte>db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH] ){
+  u.aq.nByte = u.aq.nHdr+u.aq.nData-u.aq.nZero;
+  if( u.aq.nByte>db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH] ){
     goto too_big;
@@ -67726,28 +67957,28 @@
   ** be one of the input registers (because the following call to
   ** sqlite3VdbeMemGrow() could clobber the value before it is used).
-  if( sqlite3VdbeMemGrow(pOut, (int)u.ap.nByte, 0) ){
+  if( sqlite3VdbeMemGrow(pOut, (int)u.aq.nByte, 0) ){
     goto no_mem;
-  u.ap.zNewRecord = (u8 *)pOut->z;
+  u.aq.zNewRecord = (u8 *)pOut->z;
   /* Write the record */
-  u.ap.i = putVarint32(u.ap.zNewRecord, u.ap.nHdr);
-  for(u.ap.pRec=u.ap.pData0; u.ap.pRec<=u.ap.pLast; u.ap.pRec++){
-    u.ap.serial_type = sqlite3VdbeSerialType(u.ap.pRec, u.ap.file_format);
-    u.ap.i += putVarint32(&u.ap.zNewRecord[u.ap.i], u.ap.serial_type);      /* serial type */
+  u.aq.i = putVarint32(u.aq.zNewRecord, u.aq.nHdr);
+  for(u.aq.pRec=u.aq.pData0; u.aq.pRec<=u.aq.pLast; u.aq.pRec++){
+    u.aq.serial_type = sqlite3VdbeSerialType(u.aq.pRec, u.aq.file_format);
+    u.aq.i += putVarint32(&u.aq.zNewRecord[u.aq.i], u.aq.serial_type);      /* serial type */
-  for(u.ap.pRec=u.ap.pData0; u.ap.pRec<=u.ap.pLast; u.ap.pRec++){  /* serial data */
-    u.ap.i += sqlite3VdbeSerialPut(&u.ap.zNewRecord[u.ap.i], (int)(u.ap.nByte-u.ap.i), u.ap.pRec,u.ap.file_format);
+  for(u.aq.pRec=u.aq.pData0; u.aq.pRec<=u.aq.pLast; u.aq.pRec++){  /* serial data */
+    u.aq.i += sqlite3VdbeSerialPut(&u.aq.zNewRecord[u.aq.i], (int)(u.aq.nByte-u.aq.i), u.aq.pRec,u.aq.file_format);
-  assert( u.ap.i==u.ap.nByte );
+  assert( u.aq.i==u.aq.nByte );
   assert( pOp->p3>0 && pOp->p3<=p->nMem );
-  pOut->n = (int)u.ap.nByte;
+  pOut->n = (int)u.aq.nByte;
   pOut->flags = MEM_Blob | MEM_Dyn;
   pOut->xDel = 0;
-  if( u.ap.nZero ){
-    pOut->u.nZero = u.ap.nZero;
+  if( u.aq.nZero ){
+    pOut->u.nZero = u.aq.nZero;
     pOut->flags |= MEM_Zero;
   pOut->enc = SQLITE_UTF8;  /* In case the blob is ever converted to text */
@@ -67763,18 +67994,18 @@
 case OP_Count: {         /* out2-prerelease */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.aq */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ar */
   i64 nEntry;
   BtCursor *pCrsr;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.aq */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.ar */
-  u.aq.pCrsr = p->apCsr[pOp->p1]->pCursor;
-  if( ALWAYS(u.aq.pCrsr) ){
-    rc = sqlite3BtreeCount(u.aq.pCrsr, &u.aq.nEntry);
+  u.ar.pCrsr = p->apCsr[pOp->p1]->pCursor;
+  if( ALWAYS(u.ar.pCrsr) ){
+    rc = sqlite3BtreeCount(u.ar.pCrsr, &u.ar.nEntry);
-    u.aq.nEntry = 0;
+    u.ar.nEntry = 0;
-  pOut->u.i = u.aq.nEntry;
+  pOut->u.i = u.ar.nEntry;
@@ -67786,7 +68017,7 @@
 ** existing savepoint, P1==1, or to rollback an existing savepoint P1==2.
 case OP_Savepoint: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ar */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.as */
   int p1;                         /* Value of P1 operand */
   char *zName;                    /* Name of savepoint */
   int nName;
@@ -67795,20 +68026,20 @@
   Savepoint *pTmp;
   int iSavepoint;
   int ii;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.ar */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.as */
-  u.ar.p1 = pOp->p1;
-  u.ar.zName = pOp->p4.z;
+  u.as.p1 = pOp->p1;
+  u.as.zName = pOp->p4.z;
-  /* Assert that the u.ar.p1 parameter is valid. Also that if there is no open
+  /* Assert that the u.as.p1 parameter is valid. Also that if there is no open
   ** transaction, then there cannot be any savepoints.
   assert( db->pSavepoint==0 || db->autoCommit==0 );
-  assert( u.ar.p1==SAVEPOINT_BEGIN||u.ar.p1==SAVEPOINT_RELEASE||u.ar.p1==SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK );
+  assert( u.as.p1==SAVEPOINT_BEGIN||u.as.p1==SAVEPOINT_RELEASE||u.as.p1==SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK );
   assert( db->pSavepoint || db->isTransactionSavepoint==0 );
   assert( checkSavepointCount(db) );
-  if( u.ar.p1==SAVEPOINT_BEGIN ){
+  if( u.as.p1==SAVEPOINT_BEGIN ){
     if( db->writeVdbeCnt>0 ){
       /* A new savepoint cannot be created if there are active write
       ** statements (i.e. open read/write incremental blob handles).
@@ -67817,7 +68048,7 @@
         "SQL statements in progress");
       rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
-      u.ar.nName = sqlite3Strlen30(u.ar.zName);
+      u.as.nName = sqlite3Strlen30(u.as.zName);
       /* This call is Ok even if this savepoint is actually a transaction
@@ -67831,10 +68062,10 @@
       /* Create a new savepoint structure. */
-      u.ar.pNew = sqlite3DbMallocRaw(db, sizeof(Savepoint)+u.ar.nName+1);
-      if( u.ar.pNew ){
-        u.ar.pNew->zName = (char *)&u.ar.pNew[1];
-        memcpy(u.ar.pNew->zName, u.ar.zName, u.ar.nName+1);
+      u.as.pNew = sqlite3DbMallocRaw(db, sizeof(Savepoint)+u.as.nName+1);
+      if( u.as.pNew ){
+        u.as.pNew->zName = (char *)&u.as.pNew[1];
+        memcpy(u.as.pNew->zName, u.as.zName, u.as.nName+1);
         /* If there is no open transaction, then mark this as a special
         ** "transaction savepoint". */
@@ -67846,27 +68077,27 @@
         /* Link the new savepoint into the database handle's list. */
-        u.ar.pNew->pNext = db->pSavepoint;
-        db->pSavepoint = u.ar.pNew;
-        u.ar.pNew->nDeferredCons = db->nDeferredCons;
+        u.as.pNew->pNext = db->pSavepoint;
+        db->pSavepoint = u.as.pNew;
+        u.as.pNew->nDeferredCons = db->nDeferredCons;
-    u.ar.iSavepoint = 0;
+    u.as.iSavepoint = 0;
     /* Find the named savepoint. If there is no such savepoint, then an
     ** an error is returned to the user.  */
-      u.ar.pSavepoint = db->pSavepoint;
-      u.ar.pSavepoint && sqlite3StrICmp(u.ar.pSavepoint->zName, u.ar.zName);
-      u.ar.pSavepoint = u.ar.pSavepoint->pNext
+      u.as.pSavepoint = db->pSavepoint;
+      u.as.pSavepoint && sqlite3StrICmp(u.as.pSavepoint->zName, u.as.zName);
+      u.as.pSavepoint = u.as.pSavepoint->pNext
-      u.ar.iSavepoint++;
+      u.as.iSavepoint++;
-    if( !u.ar.pSavepoint ){
-      sqlite3SetString(&p->zErrMsg, db, "no such savepoint: %s", u.ar.zName);
+    if( !u.as.pSavepoint ){
+      sqlite3SetString(&p->zErrMsg, db, "no such savepoint: %s", u.as.zName);
       rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
-    }else if( db->writeVdbeCnt>0 && u.ar.p1==SAVEPOINT_RELEASE ){
+    }else if( db->writeVdbeCnt>0 && u.as.p1==SAVEPOINT_RELEASE ){
       /* It is not possible to release (commit) a savepoint if there are
       ** active write statements.
@@ -67880,8 +68111,8 @@
       ** and this is a RELEASE command, then the current transaction
       ** is committed.
-      int isTransaction = u.ar.pSavepoint->pNext==0 && db->isTransactionSavepoint;
-      if( isTransaction && u.ar.p1==SAVEPOINT_RELEASE ){
+      int isTransaction = u.as.pSavepoint->pNext==0 && db->isTransactionSavepoint;
+      if( isTransaction && u.as.p1==SAVEPOINT_RELEASE ){
         if( (rc = sqlite3VdbeCheckFk(p, 1))!=SQLITE_OK ){
           goto vdbe_return;
@@ -67895,31 +68126,31 @@
         db->isTransactionSavepoint = 0;
         rc = p->rc;
-        u.ar.iSavepoint = db->nSavepoint - u.ar.iSavepoint - 1;
-        if( u.ar.p1==SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK ){
-          for(u.ar.ii=0; u.ar.ii<db->nDb; u.ar.ii++){
-            sqlite3BtreeTripAllCursors(db->aDb[u.ar.ii].pBt, SQLITE_ABORT);
+        u.as.iSavepoint = db->nSavepoint - u.as.iSavepoint - 1;
+        if( u.as.p1==SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK ){
+          for(u.as.ii=0; u.as.ii<db->nDb; u.as.ii++){
+            sqlite3BtreeTripAllCursors(db->aDb[u.as.ii].pBt, SQLITE_ABORT);
-        for(u.ar.ii=0; u.ar.ii<db->nDb; u.ar.ii++){
-          rc = sqlite3BtreeSavepoint(db->aDb[u.ar.ii].pBt, u.ar.p1, u.ar.iSavepoint);
+        for(u.as.ii=0; u.as.ii<db->nDb; u.as.ii++){
+          rc = sqlite3BtreeSavepoint(db->aDb[u.as.ii].pBt, u.as.p1, u.as.iSavepoint);
           if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
             goto abort_due_to_error;
-        if( u.ar.p1==SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK && (db->flags&SQLITE_InternChanges)!=0 ){
+        if( u.as.p1==SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK && (db->flags&SQLITE_InternChanges)!=0 ){
-          sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1);
+          sqlite3ResetAllSchemasOfConnection(db);
           db->flags = (db->flags | SQLITE_InternChanges);
       /* Regardless of whether this is a RELEASE or ROLLBACK, destroy all
       ** savepoints nested inside of the savepoint being operated on. */
-      while( db->pSavepoint!=u.ar.pSavepoint ){
-        u.ar.pTmp = db->pSavepoint;
-        db->pSavepoint = u.ar.pTmp->pNext;
-        sqlite3DbFree(db, u.ar.pTmp);
+      while( db->pSavepoint!=u.as.pSavepoint ){
+        u.as.pTmp = db->pSavepoint;
+        db->pSavepoint = u.as.pTmp->pNext;
+        sqlite3DbFree(db, u.as.pTmp);
@@ -67927,19 +68158,19 @@
       ** too. If it is a ROLLBACK TO, then set the number of deferred
       ** constraint violations present in the database to the value stored
       ** when the savepoint was created.  */
-      if( u.ar.p1==SAVEPOINT_RELEASE ){
-        assert( u.ar.pSavepoint==db->pSavepoint );
-        db->pSavepoint = u.ar.pSavepoint->pNext;
-        sqlite3DbFree(db, u.ar.pSavepoint);
+      if( u.as.p1==SAVEPOINT_RELEASE ){
+        assert( u.as.pSavepoint==db->pSavepoint );
+        db->pSavepoint = u.as.pSavepoint->pNext;
+        sqlite3DbFree(db, u.as.pSavepoint);
         if( !isTransaction ){
-        db->nDeferredCons = u.ar.pSavepoint->nDeferredCons;
+        db->nDeferredCons = u.as.pSavepoint->nDeferredCons;
       if( !isTransaction ){
-        rc = sqlite3VtabSavepoint(db, u.ar.p1, u.ar.iSavepoint);
+        rc = sqlite3VtabSavepoint(db, u.as.p1, u.as.iSavepoint);
         if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto abort_due_to_error;
@@ -67958,21 +68189,21 @@
 ** This instruction causes the VM to halt.
 case OP_AutoCommit: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.as */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.at */
   int desiredAutoCommit;
   int iRollback;
   int turnOnAC;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.as */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.at */
-  u.as.desiredAutoCommit = pOp->p1;
-  u.as.iRollback = pOp->p2;
-  u.as.turnOnAC = u.as.desiredAutoCommit && !db->autoCommit;
-  assert( u.as.desiredAutoCommit==1 || u.as.desiredAutoCommit==0 );
-  assert( u.as.desiredAutoCommit==1 || u.as.iRollback==0 );
+  u.at.desiredAutoCommit = pOp->p1;
+  u.at.iRollback = pOp->p2;
+  u.at.turnOnAC = u.at.desiredAutoCommit && !db->autoCommit;
+  assert( u.at.desiredAutoCommit==1 || u.at.desiredAutoCommit==0 );
+  assert( u.at.desiredAutoCommit==1 || u.at.iRollback==0 );
   assert( db->activeVdbeCnt>0 );  /* At least this one VM is active */
 #if 0
-  if( u.as.turnOnAC && u.as.iRollback && db->activeVdbeCnt>1 ){
+  if( u.at.turnOnAC && u.at.iRollback && db->activeVdbeCnt>1 ){
     /* If this instruction implements a ROLLBACK and other VMs are
     ** still running, and a transaction is active, return an error indicating
     ** that the other VMs must complete first.
@@ -67982,25 +68213,25 @@
     rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
-  if( u.as.turnOnAC && !u.as.iRollback && db->writeVdbeCnt>0 ){
+  if( u.at.turnOnAC && !u.at.iRollback && db->writeVdbeCnt>0 ){
     /* If this instruction implements a COMMIT and other VMs are writing
     ** return an error indicating that the other VMs must complete first.
     sqlite3SetString(&p->zErrMsg, db, "cannot commit transaction - "
         "SQL statements in progress");
     rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
-  }else if( u.as.desiredAutoCommit!=db->autoCommit ){
-    if( u.as.iRollback ){
-      assert( u.as.desiredAutoCommit==1 );
+  }else if( u.at.desiredAutoCommit!=db->autoCommit ){
+    if( u.at.iRollback ){
+      assert( u.at.desiredAutoCommit==1 );
       sqlite3RollbackAll(db, SQLITE_ABORT_ROLLBACK);
       db->autoCommit = 1;
     }else if( (rc = sqlite3VdbeCheckFk(p, 1))!=SQLITE_OK ){
       goto vdbe_return;
-      db->autoCommit = (u8)u.as.desiredAutoCommit;
+      db->autoCommit = (u8)u.at.desiredAutoCommit;
       if( sqlite3VdbeHalt(p)==SQLITE_BUSY ){
         p->pc = pc;
-        db->autoCommit = (u8)(1-u.as.desiredAutoCommit);
+        db->autoCommit = (u8)(1-u.at.desiredAutoCommit);
         p->rc = rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
         goto vdbe_return;
@@ -68015,8 +68246,8 @@
     goto vdbe_return;
     sqlite3SetString(&p->zErrMsg, db,
-        (!u.as.desiredAutoCommit)?"cannot start a transaction within a transaction":(
-        (u.as.iRollback)?"cannot rollback - no transaction is active":
+        (!u.at.desiredAutoCommit)?"cannot start a transaction within a transaction":(
+        (u.at.iRollback)?"cannot rollback - no transaction is active":
                    "cannot commit - no transaction is active"));
     rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
@@ -68056,16 +68287,16 @@
 ** If P2 is zero, then a read-lock is obtained on the database file.
 case OP_Transaction: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.at */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.au */
   Btree *pBt;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.at */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.au */
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<db->nDb );
   assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<pOp->p1))!=0 );
-  u.at.pBt = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pBt;
+  u.au.pBt = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pBt;
-  if( u.at.pBt ){
-    rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(u.at.pBt, pOp->p2);
+  if( u.au.pBt ){
+    rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(u.au.pBt, pOp->p2);
     if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){
       p->pc = pc;
       p->rc = rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
@@ -68078,7 +68309,7 @@
     if( pOp->p2 && p->usesStmtJournal
      && (db->autoCommit==0 || db->activeVdbeCnt>1)
-      assert( sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(u.at.pBt) );
+      assert( sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(u.au.pBt) );
       if( p->iStatement==0 ){
         assert( db->nStatement>=0 && db->nSavepoint>=0 );
@@ -68087,7 +68318,7 @@
       rc = sqlite3VtabSavepoint(db, SAVEPOINT_BEGIN, p->iStatement-1);
       if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-        rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginStmt(u.at.pBt, p->iStatement);
+        rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginStmt(u.au.pBt, p->iStatement);
       /* Store the current value of the database handles deferred constraint
@@ -68112,21 +68343,21 @@
 ** executing this instruction.
 case OP_ReadCookie: {               /* out2-prerelease */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.au */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.av */
   int iMeta;
   int iDb;
   int iCookie;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.au */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.av */
-  u.au.iDb = pOp->p1;
-  u.au.iCookie = pOp->p3;
+  u.av.iDb = pOp->p1;
+  u.av.iCookie = pOp->p3;
   assert( pOp->p3<SQLITE_N_BTREE_META );
-  assert( u.au.iDb>=0 && u.au.iDb<db->nDb );
-  assert( db->aDb[u.au.iDb].pBt!=0 );
-  assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<u.au.iDb))!=0 );
+  assert( u.av.iDb>=0 && u.av.iDb<db->nDb );
+  assert( db->aDb[u.av.iDb].pBt!=0 );
+  assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<u.av.iDb))!=0 );
-  sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(db->aDb[u.au.iDb].pBt, u.au.iCookie, (u32 *)&u.au.iMeta);
-  pOut->u.i = u.au.iMeta;
+  sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(db->aDb[u.av.iDb].pBt, u.av.iCookie, (u32 *)&u.av.iMeta);
+  pOut->u.i = u.av.iMeta;
@@ -68141,26 +68372,26 @@
 ** A transaction must be started before executing this opcode.
 case OP_SetCookie: {       /* in3 */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.av */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.aw */
   Db *pDb;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.av */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.aw */
   assert( pOp->p2<SQLITE_N_BTREE_META );
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<db->nDb );
   assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<pOp->p1))!=0 );
-  u.av.pDb = &db->aDb[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.av.pDb->pBt!=0 );
+  u.aw.pDb = &db->aDb[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.aw.pDb->pBt!=0 );
   assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, pOp->p1, 0) );
   pIn3 = &aMem[pOp->p3];
   /* See note about index shifting on OP_ReadCookie */
-  rc = sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(u.av.pDb->pBt, pOp->p2, (int)pIn3->u.i);
+  rc = sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(u.aw.pDb->pBt, pOp->p2, (int)pIn3->u.i);
   if( pOp->p2==BTREE_SCHEMA_VERSION ){
     /* When the schema cookie changes, record the new cookie internally */
-    u.av.pDb->pSchema->schema_cookie = (int)pIn3->u.i;
+    u.aw.pDb->pSchema->schema_cookie = (int)pIn3->u.i;
     db->flags |= SQLITE_InternChanges;
   }else if( pOp->p2==BTREE_FILE_FORMAT ){
     /* Record changes in the file format */
-    u.av.pDb->pSchema->file_format = (u8)pIn3->u.i;
+    u.aw.pDb->pSchema->file_format = (u8)pIn3->u.i;
   if( pOp->p1==1 ){
     /* Invalidate all prepared statements whenever the TEMP database
@@ -68190,23 +68421,23 @@
 ** invoked.
 case OP_VerifyCookie: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.aw */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ax */
   int iMeta;
   int iGen;
   Btree *pBt;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.aw */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.ax */
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<db->nDb );
   assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<pOp->p1))!=0 );
   assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, pOp->p1, 0) );
-  u.aw.pBt = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pBt;
-  if( u.aw.pBt ){
-    sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(u.aw.pBt, BTREE_SCHEMA_VERSION, (u32 *)&u.aw.iMeta);
-    u.aw.iGen = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pSchema->iGeneration;
+  u.ax.pBt = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pBt;
+  if( u.ax.pBt ){
+    sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(u.ax.pBt, BTREE_SCHEMA_VERSION, (u32 *)&u.ax.iMeta);
+    u.ax.iGen = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pSchema->iGeneration;
-    u.aw.iGen = u.aw.iMeta = 0;
+    u.ax.iGen = u.ax.iMeta = 0;
-  if( u.aw.iMeta!=pOp->p2 || u.aw.iGen!=pOp->p3 ){
+  if( u.ax.iMeta!=pOp->p2 || u.ax.iGen!=pOp->p3 ){
     sqlite3DbFree(db, p->zErrMsg);
     p->zErrMsg = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, "database schema has changed");
     /* If the schema-cookie from the database file matches the cookie
@@ -68222,8 +68453,8 @@
     ** to be invalidated whenever sqlite3_step() is called from within
     ** a v-table method.
-    if( db->aDb[pOp->p1].pSchema->schema_cookie!=u.aw.iMeta ){
-      sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, pOp->p1);
+    if( db->aDb[pOp->p1].pSchema->schema_cookie!=u.ax.iMeta ){
+      sqlite3ResetOneSchema(db, pOp->p1);
     p->expired = 1;
@@ -68283,7 +68514,7 @@
 case OP_OpenRead:
 case OP_OpenWrite: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ax */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ay */
   int nField;
   KeyInfo *pKeyInfo;
   int p2;
@@ -68292,62 +68523,67 @@
   Btree *pX;
   VdbeCursor *pCur;
   Db *pDb;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.ax */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.ay */
+  assert( (pOp->p5&(OPFLAG_P2ISREG|OPFLAG_BULKCSR))==pOp->p5 );
+  assert( pOp->opcode==OP_OpenWrite || pOp->p5==0 );
   if( p->expired ){
     rc = SQLITE_ABORT;
-  u.ax.nField = 0;
-  u.ax.pKeyInfo = 0;
-  u.ax.p2 = pOp->p2;
-  u.ax.iDb = pOp->p3;
-  assert( u.ax.iDb>=0 && u.ax.iDb<db->nDb );
-  assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<u.ax.iDb))!=0 );
-  u.ax.pDb = &db->aDb[u.ax.iDb];
-  u.ax.pX = u.ax.pDb->pBt;
-  assert( u.ax.pX!=0 );
+  u.ay.nField = 0;
+  u.ay.pKeyInfo = 0;
+  u.ay.p2 = pOp->p2;
+  u.ay.iDb = pOp->p3;
+  assert( u.ay.iDb>=0 && u.ay.iDb<db->nDb );
+  assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<u.ay.iDb))!=0 );
+  u.ay.pDb = &db->aDb[u.ay.iDb];
+  u.ay.pX = u.ay.pDb->pBt;
+  assert( u.ay.pX!=0 );
   if( pOp->opcode==OP_OpenWrite ){
-    u.ax.wrFlag = 1;
-    assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, u.ax.iDb, 0) );
-    if( u.ax.pDb->pSchema->file_format < p->minWriteFileFormat ){
-      p->minWriteFileFormat = u.ax.pDb->pSchema->file_format;
+    u.ay.wrFlag = 1;
+    assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, u.ay.iDb, 0) );
+    if( u.ay.pDb->pSchema->file_format < p->minWriteFileFormat ){
+      p->minWriteFileFormat = u.ay.pDb->pSchema->file_format;
-    u.ax.wrFlag = 0;
-  }
-  if( pOp->p5 ){
-    assert( u.ax.p2>0 );
-    assert( u.ax.p2<=p->nMem );
-    pIn2 = &aMem[u.ax.p2];
+    u.ay.wrFlag = 0;
+  }
+  if( pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_P2ISREG ){
+    assert( u.ay.p2>0 );
+    assert( u.ay.p2<=p->nMem );
+    pIn2 = &aMem[u.ay.p2];
     assert( memIsValid(pIn2) );
     assert( (pIn2->flags & MEM_Int)!=0 );
-    u.ax.p2 = (int)pIn2->u.i;
-    /* The u.ax.p2 value always comes from a prior OP_CreateTable opcode and
-    ** that opcode will always set the u.ax.p2 value to 2 or more or else fail.
+    u.ay.p2 = (int)pIn2->u.i;
+    /* The u.ay.p2 value always comes from a prior OP_CreateTable opcode and
+    ** that opcode will always set the u.ay.p2 value to 2 or more or else fail.
     ** If there were a failure, the prepared statement would have halted
     ** before reaching this instruction. */
-    if( NEVER(u.ax.p2<2) ) {
+    if( NEVER(u.ay.p2<2) ) {
       goto abort_due_to_error;
   if( pOp->p4type==P4_KEYINFO ){
-    u.ax.pKeyInfo = pOp->p4.pKeyInfo;
-    u.ax.pKeyInfo->enc = ENC(p->db);
-    u.ax.nField = u.ax.pKeyInfo->nField+1;
+    u.ay.pKeyInfo = pOp->p4.pKeyInfo;
+    u.ay.pKeyInfo->enc = ENC(p->db);
+    u.ay.nField = u.ay.pKeyInfo->nField+1;
   }else if( pOp->p4type==P4_INT32 ){
-    u.ax.nField = pOp->p4.i;
+    u.ay.nField = pOp->p4.i;
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 );
-  u.ax.pCur = allocateCursor(p, pOp->p1, u.ax.nField, u.ax.iDb, 1);
-  if( u.ax.pCur==0 ) goto no_mem;
-  u.ax.pCur->nullRow = 1;
-  u.ax.pCur->isOrdered = 1;
-  rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(u.ax.pX, u.ax.p2, u.ax.wrFlag, u.ax.pKeyInfo, u.ax.pCur->pCursor);
-  u.ax.pCur->pKeyInfo = u.ax.pKeyInfo;
+  u.ay.pCur = allocateCursor(p, pOp->p1, u.ay.nField, u.ay.iDb, 1);
+  if( u.ay.pCur==0 ) goto no_mem;
+  u.ay.pCur->nullRow = 1;
+  u.ay.pCur->isOrdered = 1;
+  rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(u.ay.pX, u.ay.p2, u.ay.wrFlag, u.ay.pKeyInfo, u.ay.pCur->pCursor);
+  u.ay.pCur->pKeyInfo = u.ay.pKeyInfo;
+  sqlite3BtreeCursorHints(u.ay.pCur->pCursor, (pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_BULKCSR));
   /* Since it performs no memory allocation or IO, the only value that
   ** sqlite3BtreeCursor() may return is SQLITE_OK. */
@@ -68357,8 +68593,8 @@
   ** SQLite used to check if the root-page flags were sane at this point
   ** and report database corruption if they were not, but this check has
   ** since moved into the btree layer.  */
-  u.ax.pCur->isTable = pOp->p4type!=P4_KEYINFO;
-  u.ax.pCur->isIndex = !u.ax.pCur->isTable;
+  u.ay.pCur->isTable = pOp->p4type!=P4_KEYINFO;
+  u.ay.pCur->isIndex = !u.ay.pCur->isTable;
@@ -68394,9 +68630,9 @@
 case OP_OpenAutoindex: 
 case OP_OpenEphemeral: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ay */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.az */
   VdbeCursor *pCx;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.ay */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.az */
   static const int vfsFlags =
@@ -68405,13 +68641,13 @@
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 );
-  u.ay.pCx = allocateCursor(p, pOp->p1, pOp->p2, -1, 1);
-  if( u.ay.pCx==0 ) goto no_mem;
-  u.ay.pCx->nullRow = 1;
-  rc = sqlite3BtreeOpen(db->pVfs, 0, db, &u.ay.pCx->pBt,
+  u.az.pCx = allocateCursor(p, pOp->p1, pOp->p2, -1, 1);
+  if( u.az.pCx==0 ) goto no_mem;
+  u.az.pCx->nullRow = 1;
+  rc = sqlite3BtreeOpen(db->pVfs, 0, db, &u.az.pCx->pBt,
                         BTREE_OMIT_JOURNAL | BTREE_SINGLE | pOp->p5, vfsFlags);
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-    rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(u.ay.pCx->pBt, 1);
+    rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(u.az.pCx->pBt, 1);
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
     /* If a transient index is required, create it by calling
@@ -68422,55 +68658,52 @@
     if( pOp->p4.pKeyInfo ){
       int pgno;
       assert( pOp->p4type==P4_KEYINFO );
-      rc = sqlite3BtreeCreateTable(u.ay.pCx->pBt, &pgno, BTREE_BLOBKEY | pOp->p5);
+      rc = sqlite3BtreeCreateTable(u.az.pCx->pBt, &pgno, BTREE_BLOBKEY | pOp->p5);
       if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
         assert( pgno==MASTER_ROOT+1 );
-        rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(u.ay.pCx->pBt, pgno, 1,
-                                (KeyInfo*)pOp->p4.z, u.ay.pCx->pCursor);
-        u.ay.pCx->pKeyInfo = pOp->p4.pKeyInfo;
-        u.ay.pCx->pKeyInfo->enc = ENC(p->db);
+        rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(u.az.pCx->pBt, pgno, 1,
+                                (KeyInfo*)pOp->p4.z, u.az.pCx->pCursor);
+        u.az.pCx->pKeyInfo = pOp->p4.pKeyInfo;
+        u.az.pCx->pKeyInfo->enc = ENC(p->db);
-      u.ay.pCx->isTable = 0;
+      u.az.pCx->isTable = 0;
-      rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(u.ay.pCx->pBt, MASTER_ROOT, 1, 0, u.ay.pCx->pCursor);
-      u.ay.pCx->isTable = 1;
+      rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(u.az.pCx->pBt, MASTER_ROOT, 1, 0, u.az.pCx->pCursor);
+      u.az.pCx->isTable = 1;
-  u.ay.pCx->isOrdered = (pOp->p5!=BTREE_UNORDERED);
-  u.ay.pCx->isIndex = !u.ay.pCx->isTable;
+  u.az.pCx->isOrdered = (pOp->p5!=BTREE_UNORDERED);
+  u.az.pCx->isIndex = !u.az.pCx->isTable;
-/* Opcode: OpenSorter P1 P2 * P4 *
+/* Opcode: SorterOpen P1 P2 * P4 *
 ** This opcode works like OP_OpenEphemeral except that it opens
 ** a transient index that is specifically designed to sort large
 ** tables using an external merge-sort algorithm.
 case OP_SorterOpen: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.az */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ba */
   VdbeCursor *pCx;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.az */
-  u.az.pCx = allocateCursor(p, pOp->p1, pOp->p2, -1, 1);
-  if( u.az.pCx==0 ) goto no_mem;
-  u.az.pCx->pKeyInfo = pOp->p4.pKeyInfo;
-  u.az.pCx->pKeyInfo->enc = ENC(p->db);
-  u.az.pCx->isSorter = 1;
-  rc = sqlite3VdbeSorterInit(db, u.az.pCx);
-  pOp->opcode = OP_OpenEphemeral;
-  pc--;
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.ba */
+  u.ba.pCx = allocateCursor(p, pOp->p1, pOp->p2, -1, 1);
+  if( u.ba.pCx==0 ) goto no_mem;
+  u.ba.pCx->pKeyInfo = pOp->p4.pKeyInfo;
+  u.ba.pCx->pKeyInfo->enc = ENC(p->db);
+  u.ba.pCx->isSorter = 1;
+  rc = sqlite3VdbeSorterInit(db, u.ba.pCx);
-/* Opcode: OpenPseudo P1 P2 P3 * *
+/* Opcode: OpenPseudo P1 P2 P3 * P5
 ** Open a new cursor that points to a fake table that contains a single
 ** row of data.  The content of that one row in the content of memory
-** register P2.  In other words, cursor P1 becomes an alias for the 
-** MEM_Blob content contained in register P2.
+** register P2 when P5==0.  In other words, cursor P1 becomes an alias for the 
+** MEM_Blob content contained in register P2.  When P5==1, then the
+** row is represented by P3 consecutive registers beginning with P2.
 ** A pseudo-table created by this opcode is used to hold a single
 ** row output from the sorter so that the row can be decomposed into
@@ -68481,17 +68714,18 @@
 ** the pseudo-table.
 case OP_OpenPseudo: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ba */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bb */
   VdbeCursor *pCx;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.ba */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bb */
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 );
-  u.ba.pCx = allocateCursor(p, pOp->p1, pOp->p3, -1, 0);
-  if( u.ba.pCx==0 ) goto no_mem;
-  u.ba.pCx->nullRow = 1;
-  u.ba.pCx->pseudoTableReg = pOp->p2;
-  u.ba.pCx->isTable = 1;
-  u.ba.pCx->isIndex = 0;
+  u.bb.pCx = allocateCursor(p, pOp->p1, pOp->p3, -1, 0);
+  if( u.bb.pCx==0 ) goto no_mem;
+  u.bb.pCx->nullRow = 1;
+  u.bb.pCx->pseudoTableReg = pOp->p2;
+  u.bb.pCx->isTable = 1;
+  u.bb.pCx->isIndex = 0;
+  u.bb.pCx->multiPseudo = pOp->p5;
@@ -68563,35 +68797,35 @@
 case OP_SeekLe:         /* jump, in3 */
 case OP_SeekGe:         /* jump, in3 */
 case OP_SeekGt: {       /* jump, in3 */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bb */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bc */
   int res;
   int oc;
   VdbeCursor *pC;
   UnpackedRecord r;
   int nField;
   i64 iKey;      /* The rowid we are to seek to */
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bb */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bc */
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor );
   assert( pOp->p2!=0 );
-  u.bb.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.bb.pC!=0 );
-  assert( u.bb.pC->pseudoTableReg==0 );
+  u.bc.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.bc.pC!=0 );
+  assert( u.bc.pC->pseudoTableReg==0 );
   assert( OP_SeekLe == OP_SeekLt+1 );
   assert( OP_SeekGe == OP_SeekLt+2 );
   assert( OP_SeekGt == OP_SeekLt+3 );
-  assert( u.bb.pC->isOrdered );
-  if( ALWAYS(u.bb.pC->pCursor!=0) ){
-    u.bb.oc = pOp->opcode;
-    u.bb.pC->nullRow = 0;
-    if( u.bb.pC->isTable ){
+  assert( u.bc.pC->isOrdered );
+  if( ALWAYS(u.bc.pC->pCursor!=0) ){
+    u.bc.oc = pOp->opcode;
+    u.bc.pC->nullRow = 0;
+    if( u.bc.pC->isTable ){
       /* The input value in P3 might be of any type: integer, real, string,
       ** blob, or NULL.  But it needs to be an integer before we can do
       ** the seek, so covert it. */
       pIn3 = &aMem[pOp->p3];
-      u.bb.iKey = sqlite3VdbeIntValue(pIn3);
-      u.bb.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
+      u.bc.iKey = sqlite3VdbeIntValue(pIn3);
+      u.bc.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
       /* If the P3 value could not be converted into an integer without
       ** loss of information, then special processing is required... */
@@ -68606,101 +68840,101 @@
         ** point number. */
         assert( (pIn3->flags & MEM_Real)!=0 );
-        if( u.bb.iKey==SMALLEST_INT64 && (pIn3->r<(double)u.bb.iKey || pIn3->r>0) ){
+        if( u.bc.iKey==SMALLEST_INT64 && (pIn3->r<(double)u.bc.iKey || pIn3->r>0) ){
           /* The P3 value is too large in magnitude to be expressed as an
           ** integer. */
-          u.bb.res = 1;
+          u.bc.res = 1;
           if( pIn3->r<0 ){
-            if( u.bb.oc>=OP_SeekGe ){  assert( u.bb.oc==OP_SeekGe || u.bb.oc==OP_SeekGt );
-              rc = sqlite3BtreeFirst(u.bb.pC->pCursor, &u.bb.res);
+            if( u.bc.oc>=OP_SeekGe ){  assert( u.bc.oc==OP_SeekGe || u.bc.oc==OP_SeekGt );
+              rc = sqlite3BtreeFirst(u.bc.pC->pCursor, &u.bc.res);
               if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto abort_due_to_error;
-            if( u.bb.oc<=OP_SeekLe ){  assert( u.bb.oc==OP_SeekLt || u.bb.oc==OP_SeekLe );
-              rc = sqlite3BtreeLast(u.bb.pC->pCursor, &u.bb.res);
+            if( u.bc.oc<=OP_SeekLe ){  assert( u.bc.oc==OP_SeekLt || u.bc.oc==OP_SeekLe );
+              rc = sqlite3BtreeLast(u.bc.pC->pCursor, &u.bc.res);
               if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto abort_due_to_error;
-          if( u.bb.res ){
+          if( u.bc.res ){
             pc = pOp->p2 - 1;
-        }else if( u.bb.oc==OP_SeekLt || u.bb.oc==OP_SeekGe ){
+        }else if( u.bc.oc==OP_SeekLt || u.bc.oc==OP_SeekGe ){
           /* Use the ceiling() function to convert real->int */
-          if( pIn3->r > (double)u.bb.iKey ) u.bb.iKey++;
+          if( pIn3->r > (double)u.bc.iKey ) u.bc.iKey++;
           /* Use the floor() function to convert real->int */
-          assert( u.bb.oc==OP_SeekLe || u.bb.oc==OP_SeekGt );
-          if( pIn3->r < (double)u.bb.iKey ) u.bb.iKey--;
+          assert( u.bc.oc==OP_SeekLe || u.bc.oc==OP_SeekGt );
+          if( pIn3->r < (double)u.bc.iKey ) u.bc.iKey--;
-      rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(u.bb.pC->pCursor, 0, (u64)u.bb.iKey, 0, &u.bb.res);
+      rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(u.bc.pC->pCursor, 0, (u64)u.bc.iKey, 0, &u.bc.res);
       if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
         goto abort_due_to_error;
-      if( u.bb.res==0 ){
-        u.bb.pC->rowidIsValid = 1;
-        u.bb.pC->lastRowid = u.bb.iKey;
+      if( u.bc.res==0 ){
+        u.bc.pC->rowidIsValid = 1;
+        u.bc.pC->lastRowid = u.bc.iKey;
-      u.bb.nField = pOp->p4.i;
+      u.bc.nField = pOp->p4.i;
       assert( pOp->p4type==P4_INT32 );
-      assert( u.bb.nField>0 );
-      u.bb.r.pKeyInfo = u.bb.pC->pKeyInfo;
-      u.bb.r.nField = (u16)u.bb.nField;
+      assert( u.bc.nField>0 );
+      u.bc.r.pKeyInfo = u.bc.pC->pKeyInfo;
+      u.bc.r.nField = (u16)u.bc.nField;
       /* The next line of code computes as follows, only faster:
-      **   if( u.bb.oc==OP_SeekGt || u.bb.oc==OP_SeekLe ){
-      **     u.bb.r.flags = UNPACKED_INCRKEY;
+      **   if( u.bc.oc==OP_SeekGt || u.bc.oc==OP_SeekLe ){
+      **     u.bc.r.flags = UNPACKED_INCRKEY;
       **   }else{
-      **     u.bb.r.flags = 0;
+      **     u.bc.r.flags = 0;
       **   }
-      u.bb.r.flags = (u16)(UNPACKED_INCRKEY * (1 & (u.bb.oc - OP_SeekLt)));
-      assert( u.bb.oc!=OP_SeekGt || u.bb.r.flags==UNPACKED_INCRKEY );
-      assert( u.bb.oc!=OP_SeekLe || u.bb.r.flags==UNPACKED_INCRKEY );
-      assert( u.bb.oc!=OP_SeekGe || u.bb.r.flags==0 );
-      assert( u.bb.oc!=OP_SeekLt || u.bb.r.flags==0 );
+      u.bc.r.flags = (u8)(UNPACKED_INCRKEY * (1 & (u.bc.oc - OP_SeekLt)));
+      assert( u.bc.oc!=OP_SeekGt || u.bc.r.flags==UNPACKED_INCRKEY );
+      assert( u.bc.oc!=OP_SeekLe || u.bc.r.flags==UNPACKED_INCRKEY );
+      assert( u.bc.oc!=OP_SeekGe || u.bc.r.flags==0 );
+      assert( u.bc.oc!=OP_SeekLt || u.bc.r.flags==0 );
-      u.bb.r.aMem = &aMem[pOp->p3];
+      u.bc.r.aMem = &aMem[pOp->p3];
-      { int i; for(i=0; i<u.bb.r.nField; i++) assert( memIsValid(&u.bb.r.aMem[i]) ); }
+      { int i; for(i=0; i<u.bc.r.nField; i++) assert( memIsValid(&u.bc.r.aMem[i]) ); }
-      ExpandBlob(u.bb.r.aMem);
-      rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(u.bb.pC->pCursor, &u.bb.r, 0, 0, &u.bb.res);
+      ExpandBlob(u.bc.r.aMem);
+      rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(u.bc.pC->pCursor, &u.bc.r, 0, 0, &u.bc.res);
       if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
         goto abort_due_to_error;
-      u.bb.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
+      u.bc.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
-    u.bb.pC->deferredMoveto = 0;
-    u.bb.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
+    u.bc.pC->deferredMoveto = 0;
+    u.bc.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
-    if( u.bb.oc>=OP_SeekGe ){  assert( u.bb.oc==OP_SeekGe || u.bb.oc==OP_SeekGt );
-      if( u.bb.res<0 || (u.bb.res==0 && u.bb.oc==OP_SeekGt) ){
-        rc = sqlite3BtreeNext(u.bb.pC->pCursor, &u.bb.res);
+    if( u.bc.oc>=OP_SeekGe ){  assert( u.bc.oc==OP_SeekGe || u.bc.oc==OP_SeekGt );
+      if( u.bc.res<0 || (u.bc.res==0 && u.bc.oc==OP_SeekGt) ){
+        rc = sqlite3BtreeNext(u.bc.pC->pCursor, &u.bc.res);
         if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto abort_due_to_error;
-        u.bb.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
+        u.bc.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
-        u.bb.res = 0;
+        u.bc.res = 0;
-      assert( u.bb.oc==OP_SeekLt || u.bb.oc==OP_SeekLe );
-      if( u.bb.res>0 || (u.bb.res==0 && u.bb.oc==OP_SeekLt) ){
-        rc = sqlite3BtreePrevious(u.bb.pC->pCursor, &u.bb.res);
+      assert( u.bc.oc==OP_SeekLt || u.bc.oc==OP_SeekLe );
+      if( u.bc.res>0 || (u.bc.res==0 && u.bc.oc==OP_SeekLt) ){
+        rc = sqlite3BtreePrevious(u.bc.pC->pCursor, &u.bc.res);
         if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto abort_due_to_error;
-        u.bb.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
+        u.bc.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
-        /* u.bb.res might be negative because the table is empty.  Check to
+        /* u.bc.res might be negative because the table is empty.  Check to
         ** see if this is the case.
-        u.bb.res = sqlite3BtreeEof(u.bb.pC->pCursor);
+        u.bc.res = sqlite3BtreeEof(u.bc.pC->pCursor);
     assert( pOp->p2>0 );
-    if( u.bb.res ){
+    if( u.bc.res ){
       pc = pOp->p2 - 1;
@@ -68723,20 +68957,20 @@
 ** occur, no unnecessary I/O happens.
 case OP_Seek: {    /* in2 */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bc */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bd */
   VdbeCursor *pC;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bc */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bd */
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor );
-  u.bc.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.bc.pC!=0 );
-  if( ALWAYS(u.bc.pC->pCursor!=0) ){
-    assert( u.bc.pC->isTable );
-    u.bc.pC->nullRow = 0;
+  u.bd.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.bd.pC!=0 );
+  if( ALWAYS(u.bd.pC->pCursor!=0) ){
+    assert( u.bd.pC->isTable );
+    u.bd.pC->nullRow = 0;
     pIn2 = &aMem[pOp->p2];
-    u.bc.pC->movetoTarget = sqlite3VdbeIntValue(pIn2);
-    u.bc.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
-    u.bc.pC->deferredMoveto = 1;
+    u.bd.pC->movetoTarget = sqlite3VdbeIntValue(pIn2);
+    u.bd.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
+    u.bd.pC->deferredMoveto = 1;
@@ -68768,7 +69002,7 @@
 case OP_NotFound:       /* jump, in3 */
 case OP_Found: {        /* jump, in3 */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bd */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.be */
   int alreadyExists;
   VdbeCursor *pC;
   int res;
@@ -68776,55 +69010,55 @@
   UnpackedRecord *pIdxKey;
   UnpackedRecord r;
   char aTempRec[ROUND8(sizeof(UnpackedRecord)) + sizeof(Mem)*3 + 7];
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bd */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.be */
-  u.bd.alreadyExists = 0;
+  u.be.alreadyExists = 0;
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor );
   assert( pOp->p4type==P4_INT32 );
-  u.bd.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.bd.pC!=0 );
+  u.be.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.be.pC!=0 );
   pIn3 = &aMem[pOp->p3];
-  if( ALWAYS(u.bd.pC->pCursor!=0) ){
+  if( ALWAYS(u.be.pC->pCursor!=0) ){
-    assert( u.bd.pC->isTable==0 );
+    assert( u.be.pC->isTable==0 );
     if( pOp->p4.i>0 ){
-      u.bd.r.pKeyInfo = u.bd.pC->pKeyInfo;
-      u.bd.r.nField = (u16)pOp->p4.i;
-      u.bd.r.aMem = pIn3;
+      u.be.r.pKeyInfo = u.be.pC->pKeyInfo;
+      u.be.r.nField = (u16)pOp->p4.i;
+      u.be.r.aMem = pIn3;
-      { int i; for(i=0; i<u.bd.r.nField; i++) assert( memIsValid(&u.bd.r.aMem[i]) ); }
+      { int i; for(i=0; i<u.be.r.nField; i++) assert( memIsValid(&u.be.r.aMem[i]) ); }
-      u.bd.r.flags = UNPACKED_PREFIX_MATCH;
-      u.bd.pIdxKey = &u.bd.r;
+      u.be.r.flags = UNPACKED_PREFIX_MATCH;
+      u.be.pIdxKey = &u.be.r;
-      u.bd.pIdxKey = sqlite3VdbeAllocUnpackedRecord(
-          u.bd.pC->pKeyInfo, u.bd.aTempRec, sizeof(u.bd.aTempRec), &u.bd.pFree
+      u.be.pIdxKey = sqlite3VdbeAllocUnpackedRecord(
+          u.be.pC->pKeyInfo, u.be.aTempRec, sizeof(u.be.aTempRec), &u.be.pFree
-      if( u.bd.pIdxKey==0 ) goto no_mem;
+      if( u.be.pIdxKey==0 ) goto no_mem;
       assert( pIn3->flags & MEM_Blob );
       assert( (pIn3->flags & MEM_Zero)==0 );  /* zeroblobs already expanded */
-      sqlite3VdbeRecordUnpack(u.bd.pC->pKeyInfo, pIn3->n, pIn3->z, u.bd.pIdxKey);
-      u.bd.pIdxKey->flags |= UNPACKED_PREFIX_MATCH;
+      sqlite3VdbeRecordUnpack(u.be.pC->pKeyInfo, pIn3->n, pIn3->z, u.be.pIdxKey);
+      u.be.pIdxKey->flags |= UNPACKED_PREFIX_MATCH;
-    rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(u.bd.pC->pCursor, u.bd.pIdxKey, 0, 0, &u.bd.res);
+    rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(u.be.pC->pCursor, u.be.pIdxKey, 0, 0, &u.be.res);
     if( pOp->p4.i==0 ){
-      sqlite3DbFree(db, u.bd.pFree);
+      sqlite3DbFree(db, u.be.pFree);
     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
-    u.bd.alreadyExists = (u.bd.res==0);
-    u.bd.pC->deferredMoveto = 0;
-    u.bd.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
+    u.be.alreadyExists = (u.be.res==0);
+    u.be.pC->deferredMoveto = 0;
+    u.be.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
   if( pOp->opcode==OP_Found ){
-    if( u.bd.alreadyExists ) pc = pOp->p2 - 1;
+    if( u.be.alreadyExists ) pc = pOp->p2 - 1;
-    if( !u.bd.alreadyExists ) pc = pOp->p2 - 1;
+    if( !u.be.alreadyExists ) pc = pOp->p2 - 1;
@@ -68856,7 +69090,7 @@
 ** See also: NotFound, NotExists, Found
 case OP_IsUnique: {        /* jump, in3 */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.be */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bf */
   u16 ii;
   VdbeCursor *pCx;
   BtCursor *pCrsr;
@@ -68864,55 +69098,55 @@
   Mem *aMx;
   UnpackedRecord r;                  /* B-Tree index search key */
   i64 R;                             /* Rowid stored in register P3 */
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.be */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bf */
   pIn3 = &aMem[pOp->p3];
-  u.be.aMx = &aMem[pOp->p4.i];
+  u.bf.aMx = &aMem[pOp->p4.i];
   /* Assert that the values of parameters P1 and P4 are in range. */
   assert( pOp->p4type==P4_INT32 );
   assert( pOp->p4.i>0 && pOp->p4.i<=p->nMem );
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor );
   /* Find the index cursor. */
-  u.be.pCx = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.be.pCx->deferredMoveto==0 );
-  u.be.pCx->seekResult = 0;
-  u.be.pCx->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
-  u.be.pCrsr = u.be.pCx->pCursor;
+  u.bf.pCx = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.bf.pCx->deferredMoveto==0 );
+  u.bf.pCx->seekResult = 0;
+  u.bf.pCx->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
+  u.bf.pCrsr = u.bf.pCx->pCursor;
   /* If any of the values are NULL, take the jump. */
-  u.be.nField = u.be.pCx->pKeyInfo->nField;
-  for(u.be.ii=0; u.be.ii<u.be.nField; u.be.ii++){
-    if( u.be.aMx[u.be.ii].flags & MEM_Null ){
+  u.bf.nField = u.bf.pCx->pKeyInfo->nField;
+  for(u.bf.ii=0; u.bf.ii<u.bf.nField; u.bf.ii++){
+    if( u.bf.aMx[u.bf.ii].flags & MEM_Null ){
       pc = pOp->p2 - 1;
-      u.be.pCrsr = 0;
+      u.bf.pCrsr = 0;
-  assert( (u.be.aMx[u.be.nField].flags & MEM_Null)==0 );
+  assert( (u.bf.aMx[u.bf.nField].flags & MEM_Null)==0 );
-  if( u.be.pCrsr!=0 ){
+  if( u.bf.pCrsr!=0 ){
     /* Populate the index search key. */
-    u.be.r.pKeyInfo = u.be.pCx->pKeyInfo;
-    u.be.r.nField = u.be.nField + 1;
-    u.be.r.flags = UNPACKED_PREFIX_SEARCH;
-    u.be.r.aMem = u.be.aMx;
+    u.bf.r.pKeyInfo = u.bf.pCx->pKeyInfo;
+    u.bf.r.nField = u.bf.nField + 1;
+    u.bf.r.flags = UNPACKED_PREFIX_SEARCH;
+    u.bf.r.aMem = u.bf.aMx;
-    { int i; for(i=0; i<u.be.r.nField; i++) assert( memIsValid(&u.be.r.aMem[i]) ); }
+    { int i; for(i=0; i<u.bf.r.nField; i++) assert( memIsValid(&u.bf.r.aMem[i]) ); }
-    /* Extract the value of u.be.R from register P3. */
+    /* Extract the value of u.bf.R from register P3. */
-    u.be.R = pIn3->u.i;
+    u.bf.R = pIn3->u.i;
     /* Search the B-Tree index. If no conflicting record is found, jump
     ** to P2. Otherwise, copy the rowid of the conflicting record to
     ** register P3 and fall through to the next instruction.  */
-    rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(u.be.pCrsr, &u.be.r, 0, 0, &u.be.pCx->seekResult);
-    if( (u.be.r.flags & UNPACKED_PREFIX_SEARCH) || u.be.r.rowid==u.be.R ){
+    rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(u.bf.pCrsr, &u.bf.r, 0, 0, &u.bf.pCx->seekResult);
+    if( (u.bf.r.flags & UNPACKED_PREFIX_SEARCH) || u.bf.r.rowid==u.bf.R ){
       pc = pOp->p2 - 1;
-      pIn3->u.i = u.be.r.rowid;
+      pIn3->u.i = u.bf.r.rowid;
@@ -68933,42 +69167,42 @@
 ** See also: Found, NotFound, IsUnique
 case OP_NotExists: {        /* jump, in3 */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bf */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bg */
   VdbeCursor *pC;
   BtCursor *pCrsr;
   int res;
   u64 iKey;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bf */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bg */
   pIn3 = &aMem[pOp->p3];
   assert( pIn3->flags & MEM_Int );
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor );
-  u.bf.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.bf.pC!=0 );
-  assert( u.bf.pC->isTable );
-  assert( u.bf.pC->pseudoTableReg==0 );
-  u.bf.pCrsr = u.bf.pC->pCursor;
-  if( ALWAYS(u.bf.pCrsr!=0) ){
-    u.bf.res = 0;
-    u.bf.iKey = pIn3->u.i;
-    rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(u.bf.pCrsr, 0, u.bf.iKey, 0, &u.bf.res);
-    u.bf.pC->lastRowid = pIn3->u.i;
-    u.bf.pC->rowidIsValid = u.bf.res==0 ?1:0;
-    u.bf.pC->nullRow = 0;
-    u.bf.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
-    u.bf.pC->deferredMoveto = 0;
-    if( u.bf.res!=0 ){
+  u.bg.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.bg.pC!=0 );
+  assert( u.bg.pC->isTable );
+  assert( u.bg.pC->pseudoTableReg==0 );
+  u.bg.pCrsr = u.bg.pC->pCursor;
+  if( ALWAYS(u.bg.pCrsr!=0) ){
+    u.bg.res = 0;
+    u.bg.iKey = pIn3->u.i;
+    rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(u.bg.pCrsr, 0, u.bg.iKey, 0, &u.bg.res);
+    u.bg.pC->lastRowid = pIn3->u.i;
+    u.bg.pC->rowidIsValid = u.bg.res==0 ?1:0;
+    u.bg.pC->nullRow = 0;
+    u.bg.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
+    u.bg.pC->deferredMoveto = 0;
+    if( u.bg.res!=0 ){
       pc = pOp->p2 - 1;
-      assert( u.bf.pC->rowidIsValid==0 );
+      assert( u.bg.pC->rowidIsValid==0 );
-    u.bf.pC->seekResult = u.bf.res;
+    u.bg.pC->seekResult = u.bg.res;
     /* This happens when an attempt to open a read cursor on the
     ** sqlite_master table returns SQLITE_EMPTY.
     pc = pOp->p2 - 1;
-    assert( u.bf.pC->rowidIsValid==0 );
-    u.bf.pC->seekResult = 0;
+    assert( u.bg.pC->rowidIsValid==0 );
+    u.bg.pC->seekResult = 0;
@@ -69003,21 +69237,21 @@
 ** AUTOINCREMENT feature.
 case OP_NewRowid: {           /* out2-prerelease */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bg */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bh */
   i64 v;                 /* The new rowid */
   VdbeCursor *pC;        /* Cursor of table to get the new rowid */
   int res;               /* Result of an sqlite3BtreeLast() */
   int cnt;               /* Counter to limit the number of searches */
   Mem *pMem;             /* Register holding largest rowid for AUTOINCREMENT */
   VdbeFrame *pFrame;     /* Root frame of VDBE */
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bg */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bh */
-  u.bg.v = 0;
-  u.bg.res = 0;
+  u.bh.v = 0;
+  u.bh.res = 0;
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor );
-  u.bg.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.bg.pC!=0 );
-  if( NEVER(u.bg.pC->pCursor==0) ){
+  u.bh.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.bh.pC!=0 );
+  if( NEVER(u.bh.pC->pCursor==0) ){
     /* The zero initialization above is all that is needed */
     /* The next rowid or record number (different terms for the same
@@ -69033,7 +69267,7 @@
     ** succeeded.  If the random rowid does exist, we select a new one
     ** and try again, up to 100 times.
-    assert( u.bg.pC->isTable );
+    assert( u.bh.pC->isTable );
 #   define MAX_ROWID 0x7fffffff
@@ -69045,23 +69279,23 @@
 #   define MAX_ROWID  (i64)( (((u64)0x7fffffff)<<32) | (u64)0xffffffff )
-    if( !u.bg.pC->useRandomRowid ){
-      u.bg.v = sqlite3BtreeGetCachedRowid(u.bg.pC->pCursor);
-      if( u.bg.v==0 ){
-        rc = sqlite3BtreeLast(u.bg.pC->pCursor, &u.bg.res);
+    if( !u.bh.pC->useRandomRowid ){
+      u.bh.v = sqlite3BtreeGetCachedRowid(u.bh.pC->pCursor);
+      if( u.bh.v==0 ){
+        rc = sqlite3BtreeLast(u.bh.pC->pCursor, &u.bh.res);
         if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
           goto abort_due_to_error;
-        if( u.bg.res ){
-          u.bg.v = 1;   /* IMP: R-61914-48074 */
+        if( u.bh.res ){
+          u.bh.v = 1;   /* IMP: R-61914-48074 */
-          assert( sqlite3BtreeCursorIsValid(u.bg.pC->pCursor) );
-          rc = sqlite3BtreeKeySize(u.bg.pC->pCursor, &u.bg.v);
+          assert( sqlite3BtreeCursorIsValid(u.bh.pC->pCursor) );
+          rc = sqlite3BtreeKeySize(u.bh.pC->pCursor, &u.bh.v);
           assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );   /* Cannot fail following BtreeLast() */
-          if( u.bg.v>=MAX_ROWID ){
-            u.bg.pC->useRandomRowid = 1;
+          if( u.bh.v>=MAX_ROWID ){
+            u.bh.pC->useRandomRowid = 1;
-            u.bg.v++;   /* IMP: R-29538-34987 */
+            u.bh.v++;   /* IMP: R-29538-34987 */
@@ -69071,35 +69305,35 @@
         /* Assert that P3 is a valid memory cell. */
         assert( pOp->p3>0 );
         if( p->pFrame ){
-          for(u.bg.pFrame=p->pFrame; u.bg.pFrame->pParent; u.bg.pFrame=u.bg.pFrame->pParent);
+          for(u.bh.pFrame=p->pFrame; u.bh.pFrame->pParent; u.bh.pFrame=u.bh.pFrame->pParent);
           /* Assert that P3 is a valid memory cell. */
-          assert( pOp->p3<=u.bg.pFrame->nMem );
-          u.bg.pMem = &u.bg.pFrame->aMem[pOp->p3];
+          assert( pOp->p3<=u.bh.pFrame->nMem );
+          u.bh.pMem = &u.bh.pFrame->aMem[pOp->p3];
           /* Assert that P3 is a valid memory cell. */
           assert( pOp->p3<=p->nMem );
-          u.bg.pMem = &aMem[pOp->p3];
-          memAboutToChange(p, u.bg.pMem);
+          u.bh.pMem = &aMem[pOp->p3];
+          memAboutToChange(p, u.bh.pMem);
-        assert( memIsValid(u.bg.pMem) );
+        assert( memIsValid(u.bh.pMem) );
-        REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p3, u.bg.pMem);
-        sqlite3VdbeMemIntegerify(u.bg.pMem);
-        assert( (u.bg.pMem->flags & MEM_Int)!=0 );  /* mem(P3) holds an integer */
-        if( u.bg.pMem->u.i==MAX_ROWID || u.bg.pC->useRandomRowid ){
+        REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p3, u.bh.pMem);
+        sqlite3VdbeMemIntegerify(u.bh.pMem);
+        assert( (u.bh.pMem->flags & MEM_Int)!=0 );  /* mem(P3) holds an integer */
+        if( u.bh.pMem->u.i==MAX_ROWID || u.bh.pC->useRandomRowid ){
           rc = SQLITE_FULL;   /* IMP: R-12275-61338 */
           goto abort_due_to_error;
-        if( u.bg.v<u.bg.pMem->u.i+1 ){
-          u.bg.v = u.bg.pMem->u.i + 1;
+        if( u.bh.v<u.bh.pMem->u.i+1 ){
+          u.bh.v = u.bh.pMem->u.i + 1;
-        u.bg.pMem->u.i = u.bg.v;
+        u.bh.pMem->u.i = u.bh.v;
-      sqlite3BtreeSetCachedRowid(u.bg.pC->pCursor, u.bg.v<MAX_ROWID ? u.bg.v+1 : 0);
+      sqlite3BtreeSetCachedRowid(u.bh.pC->pCursor, u.bh.v<MAX_ROWID ? u.bh.v+1 : 0);
-    if( u.bg.pC->useRandomRowid ){
+    if( u.bh.pC->useRandomRowid ){
       /* IMPLEMENTATION-OF: R-07677-41881 If the largest ROWID is equal to the
       ** largest possible integer (9223372036854775807) then the database
       ** engine starts picking positive candidate ROWIDs at random until
@@ -69107,35 +69341,35 @@
       assert( pOp->p3==0 );  /* We cannot be in random rowid mode if this is
                              ** an AUTOINCREMENT table. */
       /* on the first attempt, simply do one more than previous */
-      u.bg.v = lastRowid;
-      u.bg.v &= (MAX_ROWID>>1); /* ensure doesn't go negative */
-      u.bg.v++; /* ensure non-zero */
-      u.bg.cnt = 0;
-      while(   ((rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(u.bg.pC->pCursor, 0, (u64)u.bg.v,
-                                                 0, &u.bg.res))==SQLITE_OK)
-            && (u.bg.res==0)
-            && (++u.bg.cnt<100)){
+      u.bh.v = lastRowid;
+      u.bh.v &= (MAX_ROWID>>1); /* ensure doesn't go negative */
+      u.bh.v++; /* ensure non-zero */
+      u.bh.cnt = 0;
+      while(   ((rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(u.bh.pC->pCursor, 0, (u64)u.bh.v,
+                                                 0, &u.bh.res))==SQLITE_OK)
+            && (u.bh.res==0)
+            && (++u.bh.cnt<100)){
         /* collision - try another random rowid */
-        sqlite3_randomness(sizeof(u.bg.v), &u.bg.v);
-        if( u.bg.cnt<5 ){
+        sqlite3_randomness(sizeof(u.bh.v), &u.bh.v);
+        if( u.bh.cnt<5 ){
           /* try "small" random rowids for the initial attempts */
-          u.bg.v &= 0xffffff;
+          u.bh.v &= 0xffffff;
-          u.bg.v &= (MAX_ROWID>>1); /* ensure doesn't go negative */
+          u.bh.v &= (MAX_ROWID>>1); /* ensure doesn't go negative */
-        u.bg.v++; /* ensure non-zero */
+        u.bh.v++; /* ensure non-zero */
-      if( rc==SQLITE_OK && u.bg.res==0 ){
+      if( rc==SQLITE_OK && u.bh.res==0 ){
         rc = SQLITE_FULL;   /* IMP: R-38219-53002 */
         goto abort_due_to_error;
-      assert( u.bg.v>0 );  /* EV: R-40812-03570 */
+      assert( u.bh.v>0 );  /* EV: R-40812-03570 */
-    u.bg.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
-    u.bg.pC->deferredMoveto = 0;
-    u.bg.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
+    u.bh.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
+    u.bh.pC->deferredMoveto = 0;
+    u.bh.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
-  pOut->u.i = u.bg.v;
+  pOut->u.i = u.bh.v;
@@ -69185,7 +69419,7 @@
 case OP_Insert: 
 case OP_InsertInt: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bh */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bi */
   Mem *pData;       /* MEM cell holding data for the record to be inserted */
   Mem *pKey;        /* MEM cell holding key  for the record */
   i64 iKey;         /* The integer ROWID or key for the record to be inserted */
@@ -69195,60 +69429,60 @@
   const char *zDb;  /* database name - used by the update hook */
   const char *zTbl; /* Table name - used by the opdate hook */
   int op;           /* Opcode for update hook: SQLITE_UPDATE or SQLITE_INSERT */
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bh */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bi */
-  u.bh.pData = &aMem[pOp->p2];
+  u.bi.pData = &aMem[pOp->p2];
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor );
-  assert( memIsValid(u.bh.pData) );
-  u.bh.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.bh.pC!=0 );
-  assert( u.bh.pC->pCursor!=0 );
-  assert( u.bh.pC->pseudoTableReg==0 );
-  assert( u.bh.pC->isTable );
-  REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p2, u.bh.pData);
+  assert( memIsValid(u.bi.pData) );
+  u.bi.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.bi.pC!=0 );
+  assert( u.bi.pC->pCursor!=0 );
+  assert( u.bi.pC->pseudoTableReg==0 );
+  assert( u.bi.pC->isTable );
+  REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p2, u.bi.pData);
   if( pOp->opcode==OP_Insert ){
-    u.bh.pKey = &aMem[pOp->p3];
-    assert( u.bh.pKey->flags & MEM_Int );
-    assert( memIsValid(u.bh.pKey) );
-    REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p3, u.bh.pKey);
-    u.bh.iKey = u.bh.pKey->u.i;
+    u.bi.pKey = &aMem[pOp->p3];
+    assert( u.bi.pKey->flags & MEM_Int );
+    assert( memIsValid(u.bi.pKey) );
+    REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p3, u.bi.pKey);
+    u.bi.iKey = u.bi.pKey->u.i;
     assert( pOp->opcode==OP_InsertInt );
-    u.bh.iKey = pOp->p3;
+    u.bi.iKey = pOp->p3;
   if( pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_NCHANGE ) p->nChange++;
-  if( pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_LASTROWID ) db->lastRowid = lastRowid = u.bh.iKey;
-  if( u.bh.pData->flags & MEM_Null ){
-    u.bh.pData->z = 0;
-    u.bh.pData->n = 0;
-  }else{
-    assert( u.bh.pData->flags & (MEM_Blob|MEM_Str) );
-  }
-  u.bh.seekResult = ((pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_USESEEKRESULT) ? u.bh.pC->seekResult : 0);
-  if( u.bh.pData->flags & MEM_Zero ){
-    u.bh.nZero = u.bh.pData->u.nZero;
-  }else{
-    u.bh.nZero = 0;
-  }
-  sqlite3BtreeSetCachedRowid(u.bh.pC->pCursor, 0);
-  rc = sqlite3BtreeInsert(u.bh.pC->pCursor, 0, u.bh.iKey,
-                          u.bh.pData->z, u.bh.pData->n, u.bh.nZero,
-                          pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_APPEND, u.bh.seekResult
+  if( pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_LASTROWID ) db->lastRowid = lastRowid = u.bi.iKey;
+  if( u.bi.pData->flags & MEM_Null ){
+    u.bi.pData->z = 0;
+    u.bi.pData->n = 0;
+  }else{
+    assert( u.bi.pData->flags & (MEM_Blob|MEM_Str) );
+  }
+  u.bi.seekResult = ((pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_USESEEKRESULT) ? u.bi.pC->seekResult : 0);
+  if( u.bi.pData->flags & MEM_Zero ){
+    u.bi.nZero = u.bi.pData->u.nZero;
+  }else{
+    u.bi.nZero = 0;
+  }
+  sqlite3BtreeSetCachedRowid(u.bi.pC->pCursor, 0);
+  rc = sqlite3BtreeInsert(u.bi.pC->pCursor, 0, u.bi.iKey,
+                          u.bi.pData->z, u.bi.pData->n, u.bi.nZero,
+                          pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_APPEND, u.bi.seekResult
-  u.bh.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
-  u.bh.pC->deferredMoveto = 0;
-  u.bh.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
+  u.bi.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
+  u.bi.pC->deferredMoveto = 0;
+  u.bi.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
   /* Invoke the update-hook if required. */
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK && db->xUpdateCallback && pOp->p4.z ){
-    u.bh.zDb = db->aDb[u.bh.pC->iDb].zName;
-    u.bh.zTbl = pOp->p4.z;
-    assert( u.bh.pC->isTable );
-    db->xUpdateCallback(db->pUpdateArg, u.bh.op, u.bh.zDb, u.bh.zTbl, u.bh.iKey);
-    assert( u.bh.pC->iDb>=0 );
+    u.bi.zDb = db->aDb[u.bi.pC->iDb].zName;
+    u.bi.zTbl = pOp->p4.z;
+    assert( u.bi.pC->isTable );
+    db->xUpdateCallback(db->pUpdateArg, u.bi.op, u.bi.zDb, u.bi.zTbl, u.bi.iKey);
+    assert( u.bi.pC->iDb>=0 );
@@ -69274,47 +69508,47 @@
 ** using OP_NotFound prior to invoking this opcode.
 case OP_Delete: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bi */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bj */
   i64 iKey;
   VdbeCursor *pC;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bi */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bj */
-  u.bi.iKey = 0;
+  u.bj.iKey = 0;
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor );
-  u.bi.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.bi.pC!=0 );
-  assert( u.bi.pC->pCursor!=0 );  /* Only valid for real tables, no pseudotables */
+  u.bj.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.bj.pC!=0 );
+  assert( u.bj.pC->pCursor!=0 );  /* Only valid for real tables, no pseudotables */
-  /* If the update-hook will be invoked, set u.bi.iKey to the rowid of the
+  /* If the update-hook will be invoked, set u.bj.iKey to the rowid of the
   ** row being deleted.
   if( db->xUpdateCallback && pOp->p4.z ){
-    assert( u.bi.pC->isTable );
-    assert( u.bi.pC->rowidIsValid );  /* lastRowid set by previous OP_NotFound */
-    u.bi.iKey = u.bi.pC->lastRowid;
+    assert( u.bj.pC->isTable );
+    assert( u.bj.pC->rowidIsValid );  /* lastRowid set by previous OP_NotFound */
+    u.bj.iKey = u.bj.pC->lastRowid;
   /* The OP_Delete opcode always follows an OP_NotExists or OP_Last or
   ** OP_Column on the same table without any intervening operations that
-  ** might move or invalidate the cursor.  Hence cursor u.bi.pC is always pointing
+  ** might move or invalidate the cursor.  Hence cursor u.bj.pC is always pointing
   ** to the row to be deleted and the sqlite3VdbeCursorMoveto() operation
   ** below is always a no-op and cannot fail.  We will run it anyhow, though,
   ** to guard against future changes to the code generator.
-  assert( u.bi.pC->deferredMoveto==0 );
-  rc = sqlite3VdbeCursorMoveto(u.bi.pC);
+  assert( u.bj.pC->deferredMoveto==0 );
+  rc = sqlite3VdbeCursorMoveto(u.bj.pC);
   if( NEVER(rc!=SQLITE_OK) ) goto abort_due_to_error;
-  sqlite3BtreeSetCachedRowid(u.bi.pC->pCursor, 0);
-  rc = sqlite3BtreeDelete(u.bi.pC->pCursor);
-  u.bi.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
+  sqlite3BtreeSetCachedRowid(u.bj.pC->pCursor, 0);
+  rc = sqlite3BtreeDelete(u.bj.pC->pCursor);
+  u.bj.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
   /* Invoke the update-hook if required. */
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK && db->xUpdateCallback && pOp->p4.z ){
-    const char *zDb = db->aDb[u.bi.pC->iDb].zName;
+    const char *zDb = db->aDb[u.bj.pC->iDb].zName;
     const char *zTbl = pOp->p4.z;
-    db->xUpdateCallback(db->pUpdateArg, SQLITE_DELETE, zDb, zTbl, u.bi.iKey);
-    assert( u.bi.pC->iDb>=0 );
+    db->xUpdateCallback(db->pUpdateArg, SQLITE_DELETE, zDb, zTbl, u.bj.iKey);
+    assert( u.bj.pC->iDb>=0 );
   if( pOp->p2 & OPFLAG_NCHANGE ) p->nChange++;
@@ -69340,16 +69574,16 @@
 ** fall through to the next instruction. Otherwise, jump to instruction P2.
 case OP_SorterCompare: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bj */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bk */
   VdbeCursor *pC;
   int res;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bj */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bk */
-  u.bj.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( isSorter(u.bj.pC) );
+  u.bk.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( isSorter(u.bk.pC) );
   pIn3 = &aMem[pOp->p3];
-  rc = sqlite3VdbeSorterCompare(u.bj.pC, pIn3, &u.bj.res);
-  if( u.bj.res ){
+  rc = sqlite3VdbeSorterCompare(u.bk.pC, pIn3, &u.bk.res);
+  if( u.bk.res ){
     pc = pOp->p2-1;
@@ -69360,18 +69594,14 @@
 ** Write into register P2 the current sorter data for sorter cursor P1.
 case OP_SorterData: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bk */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bl */
   VdbeCursor *pC;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bk */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bl */
   pOut = &aMem[pOp->p2];
-  u.bk.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.bk.pC->isSorter );
-  rc = sqlite3VdbeSorterRowkey(u.bk.pC, pOut);
-  pOp->opcode = OP_RowKey;
-  pc--;
+  u.bl.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.bl.pC->isSorter );
+  rc = sqlite3VdbeSorterRowkey(u.bl.pC, pOut);
@@ -69397,63 +69627,62 @@
 case OP_RowKey:
 case OP_RowData: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bl */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bm */
   VdbeCursor *pC;
   BtCursor *pCrsr;
   u32 n;
   i64 n64;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bl */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bm */
   pOut = &aMem[pOp->p2];
   memAboutToChange(p, pOut);
   /* Note that RowKey and RowData are really exactly the same instruction */
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor );
-  u.bl.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.bl.pC->isSorter==0 );
-  assert( u.bl.pC->isTable || pOp->opcode!=OP_RowData );
-  assert( u.bl.pC->isIndex || pOp->opcode==OP_RowData );
-  assert( u.bl.pC!=0 );
-  assert( u.bl.pC->nullRow==0 );
-  assert( u.bl.pC->pseudoTableReg==0 );
-  assert( !u.bl.pC->isSorter );
-  assert( u.bl.pC->pCursor!=0 );
-  u.bl.pCrsr = u.bl.pC->pCursor;
-  assert( sqlite3BtreeCursorIsValid(u.bl.pCrsr) );
+  u.bm.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.bm.pC->isSorter==0 );
+  assert( u.bm.pC->isTable || pOp->opcode!=OP_RowData );
+  assert( u.bm.pC->isIndex || pOp->opcode==OP_RowData );
+  assert( u.bm.pC!=0 );
+  assert( u.bm.pC->nullRow==0 );
+  assert( u.bm.pC->pseudoTableReg==0 );
+  assert( u.bm.pC->pCursor!=0 );
+  u.bm.pCrsr = u.bm.pC->pCursor;
+  assert( sqlite3BtreeCursorIsValid(u.bm.pCrsr) );
   /* The OP_RowKey and OP_RowData opcodes always follow OP_NotExists or
   ** OP_Rewind/Op_Next with no intervening instructions that might invalidate
   ** the cursor.  Hence the following sqlite3VdbeCursorMoveto() call is always
   ** a no-op and can never fail.  But we leave it in place as a safety.
-  assert( u.bl.pC->deferredMoveto==0 );
-  rc = sqlite3VdbeCursorMoveto(u.bl.pC);
+  assert( u.bm.pC->deferredMoveto==0 );
+  rc = sqlite3VdbeCursorMoveto(u.bm.pC);
   if( NEVER(rc!=SQLITE_OK) ) goto abort_due_to_error;
-  if( u.bl.pC->isIndex ){
-    assert( !u.bl.pC->isTable );
-    VVA_ONLY(rc =) sqlite3BtreeKeySize(u.bl.pCrsr, &u.bl.n64);
+  if( u.bm.pC->isIndex ){
+    assert( !u.bm.pC->isTable );
+    VVA_ONLY(rc =) sqlite3BtreeKeySize(u.bm.pCrsr, &u.bm.n64);
     assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );    /* True because of CursorMoveto() call above */
-    if( u.bl.n64>db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH] ){
+    if( u.bm.n64>db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH] ){
       goto too_big;
-    u.bl.n = (u32)u.bl.n64;
+    u.bm.n = (u32)u.bm.n64;
-    VVA_ONLY(rc =) sqlite3BtreeDataSize(u.bl.pCrsr, &u.bl.n);
+    VVA_ONLY(rc =) sqlite3BtreeDataSize(u.bm.pCrsr, &u.bm.n);
     assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );    /* DataSize() cannot fail */
-    if( u.bl.n>(u32)db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH] ){
+    if( u.bm.n>(u32)db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH] ){
       goto too_big;
-  if( sqlite3VdbeMemGrow(pOut, u.bl.n, 0) ){
+  if( sqlite3VdbeMemGrow(pOut, u.bm.n, 0) ){
     goto no_mem;
-  pOut->n = u.bl.n;
+  pOut->n = u.bm.n;
   MemSetTypeFlag(pOut, MEM_Blob);
-  if( u.bl.pC->isIndex ){
-    rc = sqlite3BtreeKey(u.bl.pCrsr, 0, u.bl.n, pOut->z);
+  if( u.bm.pC->isIndex ){
+    rc = sqlite3BtreeKey(u.bm.pCrsr, 0, u.bm.n, pOut->z);
-    rc = sqlite3BtreeData(u.bl.pCrsr, 0, u.bl.n, pOut->z);
+    rc = sqlite3BtreeData(u.bm.pCrsr, 0, u.bm.n, pOut->z);
   pOut->enc = SQLITE_UTF8;  /* In case the blob is ever cast to text */
@@ -69470,42 +69699,42 @@
 ** one opcode now works for both table types.
 case OP_Rowid: {                 /* out2-prerelease */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bm */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bn */
   VdbeCursor *pC;
   i64 v;
   sqlite3_vtab *pVtab;
   const sqlite3_module *pModule;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bm */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bn */
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor );
-  u.bm.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.bm.pC!=0 );
-  assert( u.bm.pC->pseudoTableReg==0 );
-  if( u.bm.pC->nullRow ){
+  u.bn.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.bn.pC!=0 );
+  assert( u.bn.pC->pseudoTableReg==0 || u.bn.pC->nullRow );
+  if( u.bn.pC->nullRow ){
     pOut->flags = MEM_Null;
-  }else if( u.bm.pC->deferredMoveto ){
-    u.bm.v = u.bm.pC->movetoTarget;
+  }else if( u.bn.pC->deferredMoveto ){
+    u.bn.v = u.bn.pC->movetoTarget;
-  }else if( u.bm.pC->pVtabCursor ){
-    u.bm.pVtab = u.bm.pC->pVtabCursor->pVtab;
-    u.bm.pModule = u.bm.pVtab->pModule;
-    assert( u.bm.pModule->xRowid );
-    rc = u.bm.pModule->xRowid(u.bm.pC->pVtabCursor, &u.bm.v);
-    importVtabErrMsg(p, u.bm.pVtab);
+  }else if( u.bn.pC->pVtabCursor ){
+    u.bn.pVtab = u.bn.pC->pVtabCursor->pVtab;
+    u.bn.pModule = u.bn.pVtab->pModule;
+    assert( u.bn.pModule->xRowid );
+    rc = u.bn.pModule->xRowid(u.bn.pC->pVtabCursor, &u.bn.v);
+    importVtabErrMsg(p, u.bn.pVtab);
-    assert( u.bm.pC->pCursor!=0 );
-    rc = sqlite3VdbeCursorMoveto(u.bm.pC);
+    assert( u.bn.pC->pCursor!=0 );
+    rc = sqlite3VdbeCursorMoveto(u.bn.pC);
     if( rc ) goto abort_due_to_error;
-    if( u.bm.pC->rowidIsValid ){
-      u.bm.v = u.bm.pC->lastRowid;
+    if( u.bn.pC->rowidIsValid ){
+      u.bn.v = u.bn.pC->lastRowid;
-      rc = sqlite3BtreeKeySize(u.bm.pC->pCursor, &u.bm.v);
+      rc = sqlite3BtreeKeySize(u.bn.pC->pCursor, &u.bn.v);
       assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );  /* Always so because of CursorMoveto() above */
-  pOut->u.i = u.bm.v;
+  pOut->u.i = u.bn.v;
@@ -69516,18 +69745,18 @@
 ** write a NULL.
 case OP_NullRow: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bn */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bo */
   VdbeCursor *pC;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bn */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bo */
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor );
-  u.bn.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.bn.pC!=0 );
-  u.bn.pC->nullRow = 1;
-  u.bn.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
-  assert( u.bn.pC->pCursor || u.bn.pC->pVtabCursor );
-  if( u.bn.pC->pCursor ){
-    sqlite3BtreeClearCursor(u.bn.pC->pCursor);
+  u.bo.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.bo.pC!=0 );
+  u.bo.pC->nullRow = 1;
+  u.bo.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
+  assert( u.bo.pC->pCursor || u.bo.pC->pVtabCursor );
+  if( u.bo.pC->pCursor ){
+    sqlite3BtreeClearCursor(u.bo.pC->pCursor);
@@ -69541,25 +69770,25 @@
 ** to the following instruction.
 case OP_Last: {        /* jump */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bo */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bp */
   VdbeCursor *pC;
   BtCursor *pCrsr;
   int res;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bo */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bp */
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor );
-  u.bo.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.bo.pC!=0 );
-  u.bo.pCrsr = u.bo.pC->pCursor;
-  u.bo.res = 0;
-  if( ALWAYS(u.bo.pCrsr!=0) ){
-    rc = sqlite3BtreeLast(u.bo.pCrsr, &u.bo.res);
+  u.bp.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.bp.pC!=0 );
+  u.bp.pCrsr = u.bp.pC->pCursor;
+  u.bp.res = 0;
+  if( ALWAYS(u.bp.pCrsr!=0) ){
+    rc = sqlite3BtreeLast(u.bp.pCrsr, &u.bp.res);
-  u.bo.pC->nullRow = (u8)u.bo.res;
-  u.bo.pC->deferredMoveto = 0;
-  u.bo.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
-  u.bo.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
-  if( pOp->p2>0 && u.bo.res ){
+  u.bp.pC->nullRow = (u8)u.bp.res;
+  u.bp.pC->deferredMoveto = 0;
+  u.bp.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
+  u.bp.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
+  if( pOp->p2>0 && u.bp.res ){
     pc = pOp->p2 - 1;
@@ -69579,9 +69808,6 @@
 ** correctly optimizing out sorts.
 case OP_SorterSort:    /* jump */
-  pOp->opcode = OP_Sort;
 case OP_Sort: {        /* jump */
@@ -69599,31 +69825,31 @@
 ** to the following instruction.
 case OP_Rewind: {        /* jump */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bp */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bq */
   VdbeCursor *pC;
   BtCursor *pCrsr;
   int res;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bp */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bq */
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor );
-  u.bp.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.bp.pC!=0 );
-  assert( u.bp.pC->isSorter==(pOp->opcode==OP_SorterSort) );
-  u.bp.res = 1;
-  if( isSorter(u.bp.pC) ){
-    rc = sqlite3VdbeSorterRewind(db, u.bp.pC, &u.bp.res);
+  u.bq.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.bq.pC!=0 );
+  assert( u.bq.pC->isSorter==(pOp->opcode==OP_SorterSort) );
+  u.bq.res = 1;
+  if( isSorter(u.bq.pC) ){
+    rc = sqlite3VdbeSorterRewind(db, u.bq.pC, &u.bq.res);
-    u.bp.pCrsr = u.bp.pC->pCursor;
-    assert( u.bp.pCrsr );
-    rc = sqlite3BtreeFirst(u.bp.pCrsr, &u.bp.res);
-    u.bp.pC->atFirst = u.bp.res==0 ?1:0;
-    u.bp.pC->deferredMoveto = 0;
-    u.bp.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
-    u.bp.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
+    u.bq.pCrsr = u.bq.pC->pCursor;
+    assert( u.bq.pCrsr );
+    rc = sqlite3BtreeFirst(u.bq.pCrsr, &u.bq.res);
+    u.bq.pC->atFirst = u.bq.res==0 ?1:0;
+    u.bq.pC->deferredMoveto = 0;
+    u.bq.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
+    u.bq.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
-  u.bp.pC->nullRow = (u8)u.bp.res;
+  u.bq.pC->nullRow = (u8)u.bq.res;
   assert( pOp->p2>0 && pOp->p2<p->nOp );
-  if( u.bp.res ){
+  if( u.bq.res ){
     pc = pOp->p2 - 1;
@@ -69662,45 +69888,42 @@
 ** number P5-1 in the prepared statement is incremented.
 case OP_SorterNext:    /* jump */
-  pOp->opcode = OP_Next;
 case OP_Prev:          /* jump */
 case OP_Next: {        /* jump */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bq */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.br */
   VdbeCursor *pC;
   int res;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bq */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.br */
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor );
   assert( pOp->p5<=ArraySize(p->aCounter) );
-  u.bq.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  if( u.bq.pC==0 ){
+  u.br.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  if( u.br.pC==0 ){
     break;  /* See ticket #2273 */
-  assert( u.bq.pC->isSorter==(pOp->opcode==OP_SorterNext) );
-  if( isSorter(u.bq.pC) ){
+  assert( u.br.pC->isSorter==(pOp->opcode==OP_SorterNext) );
+  if( isSorter(u.br.pC) ){
     assert( pOp->opcode==OP_SorterNext );
-    rc = sqlite3VdbeSorterNext(db, u.bq.pC, &u.bq.res);
+    rc = sqlite3VdbeSorterNext(db, u.br.pC, &u.br.res);
-    u.bq.res = 1;
-    assert( u.bq.pC->deferredMoveto==0 );
-    assert( u.bq.pC->pCursor );
+    u.br.res = 1;
+    assert( u.br.pC->deferredMoveto==0 );
+    assert( u.br.pC->pCursor );
     assert( pOp->opcode!=OP_Next || pOp->p4.xAdvance==sqlite3BtreeNext );
     assert( pOp->opcode!=OP_Prev || pOp->p4.xAdvance==sqlite3BtreePrevious );
-    rc = pOp->p4.xAdvance(u.bq.pC->pCursor, &u.bq.res);
+    rc = pOp->p4.xAdvance(u.br.pC->pCursor, &u.br.res);
-  u.bq.pC->nullRow = (u8)u.bq.res;
-  u.bq.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
-  if( u.bq.res==0 ){
+  u.br.pC->nullRow = (u8)u.br.res;
+  u.br.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
+  if( u.br.res==0 ){
     pc = pOp->p2 - 1;
     if( pOp->p5 ) p->aCounter[pOp->p5-1]++;
-  u.bq.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
+  u.br.pC->rowidIsValid = 0;
@@ -69717,38 +69940,35 @@
 ** for tables is OP_Insert.
 case OP_SorterInsert:       /* in2 */
-  pOp->opcode = OP_IdxInsert;
 case OP_IdxInsert: {        /* in2 */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.br */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bs */
   VdbeCursor *pC;
   BtCursor *pCrsr;
   int nKey;
   const char *zKey;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.br */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bs */
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor );
-  u.br.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.br.pC!=0 );
-  assert( u.br.pC->isSorter==(pOp->opcode==OP_SorterInsert) );
+  u.bs.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.bs.pC!=0 );
+  assert( u.bs.pC->isSorter==(pOp->opcode==OP_SorterInsert) );
   pIn2 = &aMem[pOp->p2];
   assert( pIn2->flags & MEM_Blob );
-  u.br.pCrsr = u.br.pC->pCursor;
-  if( ALWAYS(u.br.pCrsr!=0) ){
-    assert( u.br.pC->isTable==0 );
+  u.bs.pCrsr = u.bs.pC->pCursor;
+  if( ALWAYS(u.bs.pCrsr!=0) ){
+    assert( u.bs.pC->isTable==0 );
     rc = ExpandBlob(pIn2);
     if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-      if( isSorter(u.br.pC) ){
-        rc = sqlite3VdbeSorterWrite(db, u.br.pC, pIn2);
+      if( isSorter(u.bs.pC) ){
+        rc = sqlite3VdbeSorterWrite(db, u.bs.pC, pIn2);
-        u.br.nKey = pIn2->n;
-        u.br.zKey = pIn2->z;
-        rc = sqlite3BtreeInsert(u.br.pCrsr, u.br.zKey, u.br.nKey, "", 0, 0, pOp->p3,
-            ((pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_USESEEKRESULT) ? u.br.pC->seekResult : 0)
+        u.bs.nKey = pIn2->n;
+        u.bs.zKey = pIn2->z;
+        rc = sqlite3BtreeInsert(u.bs.pCrsr, u.bs.zKey, u.bs.nKey, "", 0, 0, pOp->p3,
+            ((pOp->p5 & OPFLAG_USESEEKRESULT) ? u.bs.pC->seekResult : 0)
-        assert( u.br.pC->deferredMoveto==0 );
-        u.br.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
+        assert( u.bs.pC->deferredMoveto==0 );
+        u.bs.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
@@ -69762,33 +69982,33 @@
 ** index opened by cursor P1.
 case OP_IdxDelete: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bs */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bt */
   VdbeCursor *pC;
   BtCursor *pCrsr;
   int res;
   UnpackedRecord r;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bs */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bt */
   assert( pOp->p3>0 );
   assert( pOp->p2>0 && pOp->p2+pOp->p3<=p->nMem+1 );
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor );
-  u.bs.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.bs.pC!=0 );
-  u.bs.pCrsr = u.bs.pC->pCursor;
-  if( ALWAYS(u.bs.pCrsr!=0) ){
-    u.bs.r.pKeyInfo = u.bs.pC->pKeyInfo;
-    u.bs.r.nField = (u16)pOp->p3;
-    u.bs.r.flags = 0;
-    u.bs.r.aMem = &aMem[pOp->p2];
+  u.bt.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.bt.pC!=0 );
+  u.bt.pCrsr = u.bt.pC->pCursor;
+  if( ALWAYS(u.bt.pCrsr!=0) ){
+    u.bt.r.pKeyInfo = u.bt.pC->pKeyInfo;
+    u.bt.r.nField = (u16)pOp->p3;
+    u.bt.r.flags = 0;
+    u.bt.r.aMem = &aMem[pOp->p2];
-    { int i; for(i=0; i<u.bs.r.nField; i++) assert( memIsValid(&u.bs.r.aMem[i]) ); }
+    { int i; for(i=0; i<u.bt.r.nField; i++) assert( memIsValid(&u.bt.r.aMem[i]) ); }
-    rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(u.bs.pCrsr, &u.bs.r, 0, 0, &u.bs.res);
-    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && u.bs.res==0 ){
-      rc = sqlite3BtreeDelete(u.bs.pCrsr);
+    rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(u.bt.pCrsr, &u.bt.r, 0, 0, &u.bt.res);
+    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && u.bt.res==0 ){
+      rc = sqlite3BtreeDelete(u.bt.pCrsr);
-    assert( u.bs.pC->deferredMoveto==0 );
-    u.bs.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
+    assert( u.bt.pC->deferredMoveto==0 );
+    u.bt.pC->cacheStatus = CACHE_STALE;
@@ -69802,28 +70022,28 @@
 ** See also: Rowid, MakeRecord.
 case OP_IdxRowid: {              /* out2-prerelease */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bt */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bu */
   BtCursor *pCrsr;
   VdbeCursor *pC;
   i64 rowid;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bt */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bu */
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor );
-  u.bt.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.bt.pC!=0 );
-  u.bt.pCrsr = u.bt.pC->pCursor;
+  u.bu.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.bu.pC!=0 );
+  u.bu.pCrsr = u.bu.pC->pCursor;
   pOut->flags = MEM_Null;
-  if( ALWAYS(u.bt.pCrsr!=0) ){
-    rc = sqlite3VdbeCursorMoveto(u.bt.pC);
+  if( ALWAYS(u.bu.pCrsr!=0) ){
+    rc = sqlite3VdbeCursorMoveto(u.bu.pC);
     if( NEVER(rc) ) goto abort_due_to_error;
-    assert( u.bt.pC->deferredMoveto==0 );
-    assert( u.bt.pC->isTable==0 );
-    if( !u.bt.pC->nullRow ){
-      rc = sqlite3VdbeIdxRowid(db, u.bt.pCrsr, &u.bt.rowid);
+    assert( u.bu.pC->deferredMoveto==0 );
+    assert( u.bu.pC->isTable==0 );
+    if( !u.bu.pC->nullRow ){
+      rc = sqlite3VdbeIdxRowid(db, u.bu.pCrsr, &u.bu.rowid);
       if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
         goto abort_due_to_error;
-      pOut->u.i = u.bt.rowid;
+      pOut->u.i = u.bu.rowid;
       pOut->flags = MEM_Int;
@@ -69858,39 +70078,39 @@
 case OP_IdxLT:          /* jump */
 case OP_IdxGE: {        /* jump */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bu */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bv */
   VdbeCursor *pC;
   int res;
   UnpackedRecord r;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bu */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bv */
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<p->nCursor );
-  u.bu.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.bu.pC!=0 );
-  assert( u.bu.pC->isOrdered );
-  if( ALWAYS(u.bu.pC->pCursor!=0) ){
-    assert( u.bu.pC->deferredMoveto==0 );
+  u.bv.pC = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.bv.pC!=0 );
+  assert( u.bv.pC->isOrdered );
+  if( ALWAYS(u.bv.pC->pCursor!=0) ){
+    assert( u.bv.pC->deferredMoveto==0 );
     assert( pOp->p5==0 || pOp->p5==1 );
     assert( pOp->p4type==P4_INT32 );
-    u.bu.r.pKeyInfo = u.bu.pC->pKeyInfo;
-    u.bu.r.nField = (u16)pOp->p4.i;
+    u.bv.r.pKeyInfo = u.bv.pC->pKeyInfo;
+    u.bv.r.nField = (u16)pOp->p4.i;
     if( pOp->p5 ){
-      u.bu.r.flags = UNPACKED_PREFIX_MATCH;
+      u.bv.r.flags = UNPACKED_PREFIX_MATCH;
-    u.bu.r.aMem = &aMem[pOp->p3];
+    u.bv.r.aMem = &aMem[pOp->p3];
-    { int i; for(i=0; i<u.bu.r.nField; i++) assert( memIsValid(&u.bu.r.aMem[i]) ); }
+    { int i; for(i=0; i<u.bv.r.nField; i++) assert( memIsValid(&u.bv.r.aMem[i]) ); }
-    rc = sqlite3VdbeIdxKeyCompare(u.bu.pC, &u.bu.r, &u.bu.res);
+    rc = sqlite3VdbeIdxKeyCompare(u.bv.pC, &u.bv.r, &u.bv.res);
     if( pOp->opcode==OP_IdxLT ){
-      u.bu.res = -u.bu.res;
+      u.bv.res = -u.bv.res;
       assert( pOp->opcode==OP_IdxGE );
-      u.bu.res++;
+      u.bv.res++;
-    if( u.bu.res>0 ){
+    if( u.bv.res>0 ){
       pc = pOp->p2 - 1 ;
@@ -69918,39 +70138,40 @@
 ** See also: Clear
 case OP_Destroy: {     /* out2-prerelease */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bv */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bw */
   int iMoved;
   int iCnt;
   Vdbe *pVdbe;
   int iDb;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bv */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bw */
-  u.bv.iCnt = 0;
-  for(u.bv.pVdbe=db->pVdbe; u.bv.pVdbe; u.bv.pVdbe = u.bv.pVdbe->pNext){
-    if( u.bv.pVdbe->magic==VDBE_MAGIC_RUN && u.bv.pVdbe->inVtabMethod<2 && u.bv.pVdbe->pc>=0 ){
-      u.bv.iCnt++;
+  u.bw.iCnt = 0;
+  for(u.bw.pVdbe=db->pVdbe; u.bw.pVdbe; u.bw.pVdbe = u.bw.pVdbe->pNext){
+    if( u.bw.pVdbe->magic==VDBE_MAGIC_RUN && u.bw.pVdbe->inVtabMethod<2 && u.bw.pVdbe->pc>=0 ){
+      u.bw.iCnt++;
-  u.bv.iCnt = db->activeVdbeCnt;
+  u.bw.iCnt = db->activeVdbeCnt;
   pOut->flags = MEM_Null;
-  if( u.bv.iCnt>1 ){
+  if( u.bw.iCnt>1 ){
     rc = SQLITE_LOCKED;
     p->errorAction = OE_Abort;
-    u.bv.iDb = pOp->p3;
-    assert( u.bv.iCnt==1 );
-    assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<u.bv.iDb))!=0 );
-    rc = sqlite3BtreeDropTable(db->aDb[u.bv.iDb].pBt, pOp->p1, &u.bv.iMoved);
+    u.bw.iDb = pOp->p3;
+    assert( u.bw.iCnt==1 );
+    assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<u.bw.iDb))!=0 );
+    rc = sqlite3BtreeDropTable(db->aDb[u.bw.iDb].pBt, pOp->p1, &u.bw.iMoved);
     pOut->flags = MEM_Int;
-    pOut->u.i = u.bv.iMoved;
+    pOut->u.i = u.bw.iMoved;
-    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && u.bv.iMoved!=0 ){
-      sqlite3RootPageMoved(db, u.bv.iDb, u.bv.iMoved, pOp->p1);
+    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && u.bw.iMoved!=0 ){
+      sqlite3RootPageMoved(db, u.bw.iDb, u.bw.iMoved, pOp->p1);
       /* All OP_Destroy operations occur on the same btree */
-      assert( resetSchemaOnFault==0 || resetSchemaOnFault==u.bv.iDb+1 );
-      resetSchemaOnFault = u.bv.iDb+1;
+      assert( resetSchemaOnFault==0 || resetSchemaOnFault==u.bw.iDb+1 );
+      resetSchemaOnFault = u.bw.iDb+1;
@@ -69976,21 +70197,21 @@
 ** See also: Destroy
 case OP_Clear: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bw */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bx */
   int nChange;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bw */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bx */
-  u.bw.nChange = 0;
+  u.bx.nChange = 0;
   assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<pOp->p2))!=0 );
   rc = sqlite3BtreeClearTable(
-      db->aDb[pOp->p2].pBt, pOp->p1, (pOp->p3 ? &u.bw.nChange : 0)
+      db->aDb[pOp->p2].pBt, pOp->p1, (pOp->p3 ? &u.bx.nChange : 0)
   if( pOp->p3 ){
-    p->nChange += u.bw.nChange;
+    p->nChange += u.bx.nChange;
     if( pOp->p3>0 ){
       assert( memIsValid(&aMem[pOp->p3]) );
       memAboutToChange(p, &aMem[pOp->p3]);
-      aMem[pOp->p3].u.i += u.bw.nChange;
+      aMem[pOp->p3].u.i += u.bx.nChange;
@@ -70020,25 +70241,25 @@
 case OP_CreateIndex:            /* out2-prerelease */
 case OP_CreateTable: {          /* out2-prerelease */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bx */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.by */
   int pgno;
   int flags;
   Db *pDb;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bx */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.by */
-  u.bx.pgno = 0;
+  u.by.pgno = 0;
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<db->nDb );
   assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<pOp->p1))!=0 );
-  u.bx.pDb = &db->aDb[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.bx.pDb->pBt!=0 );
+  u.by.pDb = &db->aDb[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.by.pDb->pBt!=0 );
   if( pOp->opcode==OP_CreateTable ){
-    /* u.bx.flags = BTREE_INTKEY; */
-    u.bx.flags = BTREE_INTKEY;
+    /* u.by.flags = BTREE_INTKEY; */
+    u.by.flags = BTREE_INTKEY;
-    u.bx.flags = BTREE_BLOBKEY;
+    u.by.flags = BTREE_BLOBKEY;
-  rc = sqlite3BtreeCreateTable(u.bx.pDb->pBt, &u.bx.pgno, u.bx.flags);
-  pOut->u.i = u.bx.pgno;
+  rc = sqlite3BtreeCreateTable(u.by.pDb->pBt, &u.by.pgno, u.by.flags);
+  pOut->u.i = u.by.pgno;
@@ -70051,48 +70272,48 @@
 ** then runs the new virtual machine.  It is thus a re-entrant opcode.
 case OP_ParseSchema: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.by */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bz */
   int iDb;
   const char *zMaster;
   char *zSql;
   InitData initData;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.by */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.bz */
   /* Any prepared statement that invokes this opcode will hold mutexes
   ** on every btree.  This is a prerequisite for invoking
   ** sqlite3InitCallback().
-  for(u.by.iDb=0; u.by.iDb<db->nDb; u.by.iDb++){
-    assert( u.by.iDb==1 || sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(db->aDb[u.by.iDb].pBt) );
+  for(u.bz.iDb=0; u.bz.iDb<db->nDb; u.bz.iDb++){
+    assert( u.bz.iDb==1 || sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(db->aDb[u.bz.iDb].pBt) );
-  u.by.iDb = pOp->p1;
-  assert( u.by.iDb>=0 && u.by.iDb<db->nDb );
-  assert( DbHasProperty(db, u.by.iDb, DB_SchemaLoaded) );
+  u.bz.iDb = pOp->p1;
+  assert( u.bz.iDb>=0 && u.bz.iDb<db->nDb );
+  assert( DbHasProperty(db, u.bz.iDb, DB_SchemaLoaded) );
   /* Used to be a conditional */ {
-    u.by.zMaster = SCHEMA_TABLE(u.by.iDb);
-    u.by.initData.db = db;
-    u.by.initData.iDb = pOp->p1;
-    u.by.initData.pzErrMsg = &p->zErrMsg;
-    u.by.zSql = sqlite3MPrintf(db,
+    u.bz.zMaster = SCHEMA_TABLE(u.bz.iDb);
+    u.bz.initData.db = db;
+    u.bz.initData.iDb = pOp->p1;
+    u.bz.initData.pzErrMsg = &p->zErrMsg;
+    u.bz.zSql = sqlite3MPrintf(db,
        "SELECT name, rootpage, sql FROM '%q'.%s WHERE %s ORDER BY rowid",
-       db->aDb[u.by.iDb].zName, u.by.zMaster, pOp->p4.z);
-    if( u.by.zSql==0 ){
+       db->aDb[u.bz.iDb].zName, u.bz.zMaster, pOp->p4.z);
+    if( u.bz.zSql==0 ){
       rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
       assert( db->init.busy==0 );
       db->init.busy = 1;
-      u.by.initData.rc = SQLITE_OK;
+      u.bz.initData.rc = SQLITE_OK;
       assert( !db->mallocFailed );
-      rc = sqlite3_exec(db, u.by.zSql, sqlite3InitCallback, &u.by.initData, 0);
-      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = u.by.initData.rc;
-      sqlite3DbFree(db, u.by.zSql);
+      rc = sqlite3_exec(db, u.bz.zSql, sqlite3InitCallback, &u.bz.initData, 0);
+      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = u.bz.initData.rc;
+      sqlite3DbFree(db, u.bz.zSql);
       db->init.busy = 0;
-  if( rc ) sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1);
+  if( rc ) sqlite3ResetAllSchemasOfConnection(db);
   if( rc==SQLITE_NOMEM ){
     goto no_mem;
@@ -70172,41 +70393,41 @@
 ** This opcode is used to implement the integrity_check pragma.
 case OP_IntegrityCk: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.bz */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ca */
   int nRoot;      /* Number of tables to check.  (Number of root pages.) */
   int *aRoot;     /* Array of rootpage numbers for tables to be checked */
   int j;          /* Loop counter */
   int nErr;       /* Number of errors reported */
   char *z;        /* Text of the error report */
   Mem *pnErr;     /* Register keeping track of errors remaining */
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.bz */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.ca */
-  u.bz.nRoot = pOp->p2;
-  assert( u.bz.nRoot>0 );
-  u.bz.aRoot = sqlite3DbMallocRaw(db, sizeof(int)*(u.bz.nRoot+1) );
-  if( u.bz.aRoot==0 ) goto no_mem;
+  u.ca.nRoot = pOp->p2;
+  assert( u.ca.nRoot>0 );
+  u.ca.aRoot = sqlite3DbMallocRaw(db, sizeof(int)*(u.ca.nRoot+1) );
+  if( u.ca.aRoot==0 ) goto no_mem;
   assert( pOp->p3>0 && pOp->p3<=p->nMem );
-  u.bz.pnErr = &aMem[pOp->p3];
-  assert( (u.bz.pnErr->flags & MEM_Int)!=0 );
-  assert( (u.bz.pnErr->flags & (MEM_Str|MEM_Blob))==0 );
+  u.ca.pnErr = &aMem[pOp->p3];
+  assert( (u.ca.pnErr->flags & MEM_Int)!=0 );
+  assert( (u.ca.pnErr->flags & (MEM_Str|MEM_Blob))==0 );
   pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1];
-  for(u.bz.j=0; u.bz.j<u.bz.nRoot; u.bz.j++){
-    u.bz.aRoot[u.bz.j] = (int)sqlite3VdbeIntValue(&pIn1[u.bz.j]);
+  for(u.ca.j=0; u.ca.j<u.ca.nRoot; u.ca.j++){
+    u.ca.aRoot[u.ca.j] = (int)sqlite3VdbeIntValue(&pIn1[u.ca.j]);
-  u.bz.aRoot[u.bz.j] = 0;
+  u.ca.aRoot[u.ca.j] = 0;
   assert( pOp->p5<db->nDb );
   assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<pOp->p5))!=0 );
-  u.bz.z = sqlite3BtreeIntegrityCheck(db->aDb[pOp->p5].pBt, u.bz.aRoot, u.bz.nRoot,
-                                 (int)u.bz.pnErr->u.i, &u.bz.nErr);
-  sqlite3DbFree(db, u.bz.aRoot);
-  u.bz.pnErr->u.i -= u.bz.nErr;
+  u.ca.z = sqlite3BtreeIntegrityCheck(db->aDb[pOp->p5].pBt, u.ca.aRoot, u.ca.nRoot,
+                                 (int)u.ca.pnErr->u.i, &u.ca.nErr);
+  sqlite3DbFree(db, u.ca.aRoot);
+  u.ca.pnErr->u.i -= u.ca.nErr;
-  if( u.bz.nErr==0 ){
-    assert( u.bz.z==0 );
-  }else if( u.bz.z==0 ){
+  if( u.ca.nErr==0 ){
+    assert( u.ca.z==0 );
+  }else if( u.ca.z==0 ){
     goto no_mem;
-    sqlite3VdbeMemSetStr(pIn1, u.bz.z, -1, SQLITE_UTF8, sqlite3_free);
+    sqlite3VdbeMemSetStr(pIn1, u.ca.z, -1, SQLITE_UTF8, sqlite3_free);
   sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(pIn1, encoding);
@@ -70240,20 +70461,20 @@
 ** unchanged and jump to instruction P2.
 case OP_RowSetRead: {       /* jump, in1, out3 */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ca */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cb */
   i64 val;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.ca */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.cb */
   pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1];
   if( (pIn1->flags & MEM_RowSet)==0
-   || sqlite3RowSetNext(pIn1->u.pRowSet, &u.ca.val)==0
+   || sqlite3RowSetNext(pIn1->u.pRowSet, &u.cb.val)==0
     /* The boolean index is empty */
     pc = pOp->p2 - 1;
     /* A value was pulled from the index */
-    sqlite3VdbeMemSetInt64(&aMem[pOp->p3], u.ca.val);
+    sqlite3VdbeMemSetInt64(&aMem[pOp->p3], u.cb.val);
@@ -70282,14 +70503,14 @@
 ** inserted as part of some other set).
 case OP_RowSetTest: {                     /* jump, in1, in3 */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cb */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cc */
   int iSet;
   int exists;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.cb */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.cc */
   pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1];
   pIn3 = &aMem[pOp->p3];
-  u.cb.iSet = pOp->p4.i;
+  u.cc.iSet = pOp->p4.i;
   assert( pIn3->flags&MEM_Int );
   /* If there is anything other than a rowset object in memory cell P1,
@@ -70301,17 +70522,17 @@
   assert( pOp->p4type==P4_INT32 );
-  assert( u.cb.iSet==-1 || u.cb.iSet>=0 );
-  if( u.cb.iSet ){
-    u.cb.exists = sqlite3RowSetTest(pIn1->u.pRowSet,
-                               (u8)(u.cb.iSet>=0 ? u.cb.iSet & 0xf : 0xff),
+  assert( u.cc.iSet==-1 || u.cc.iSet>=0 );
+  if( u.cc.iSet ){
+    u.cc.exists = sqlite3RowSetTest(pIn1->u.pRowSet,
+                               (u8)(u.cc.iSet>=0 ? u.cc.iSet & 0xf : 0xff),
-    if( u.cb.exists ){
+    if( u.cc.exists ){
       pc = pOp->p2 - 1;
-  if( u.cb.iSet>=0 ){
+  if( u.cc.iSet>=0 ){
     sqlite3RowSetInsert(pIn1->u.pRowSet, pIn3->u.i);
@@ -70334,7 +70555,7 @@
 ** P4 is a pointer to the VM containing the trigger program.
 case OP_Program: {        /* jump */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cc */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cd */
   int nMem;               /* Number of memory registers for sub-program */
   int nByte;              /* Bytes of runtime space required for sub-program */
   Mem *pRt;               /* Register to allocate runtime space */
@@ -70343,11 +70564,11 @@
   VdbeFrame *pFrame;      /* New vdbe frame to execute in */
   SubProgram *pProgram;   /* Sub-program to execute */
   void *t;                /* Token identifying trigger */
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.cc */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.cd */
-  u.cc.pProgram = pOp->p4.pProgram;
-  u.cc.pRt = &aMem[pOp->p3];
-  assert( u.cc.pProgram->nOp>0 );
+  u.cd.pProgram = pOp->p4.pProgram;
+  u.cd.pRt = &aMem[pOp->p3];
+  assert( u.cd.pProgram->nOp>0 );
   /* If the p5 flag is clear, then recursive invocation of triggers is
   ** disabled for backwards compatibility (p5 is set if this sub-program
@@ -70361,9 +70582,9 @@
   ** single trigger all have the same value for the SubProgram.token
   ** variable.  */
   if( pOp->p5 ){
-    u.cc.t = u.cc.pProgram->token;
-    for(u.cc.pFrame=p->pFrame; u.cc.pFrame && u.cc.pFrame->token!=u.cc.t; u.cc.pFrame=u.cc.pFrame->pParent);
-    if( u.cc.pFrame ) break;
+    u.cd.t = u.cd.pProgram->token;
+    for(u.cd.pFrame=p->pFrame; u.cd.pFrame && u.cd.pFrame->token!=u.cd.t; u.cd.pFrame=u.cd.pFrame->pParent);
+    if( u.cd.pFrame ) break;
   if( p->nFrame>=db->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_TRIGGER_DEPTH] ){
@@ -70372,69 +70593,69 @@
-  /* Register u.cc.pRt is used to store the memory required to save the state
+  /* Register u.cd.pRt is used to store the memory required to save the state
   ** of the current program, and the memory required at runtime to execute
-  ** the trigger program. If this trigger has been fired before, then u.cc.pRt
+  ** the trigger program. If this trigger has been fired before, then u.cd.pRt
   ** is already allocated. Otherwise, it must be initialized.  */
-  if( (u.cc.pRt->flags&MEM_Frame)==0 ){
+  if( (u.cd.pRt->flags&MEM_Frame)==0 ){
     /* SubProgram.nMem is set to the number of memory cells used by the
     ** program stored in SubProgram.aOp. As well as these, one memory
     ** cell is required for each cursor used by the program. Set local
-    ** variable u.cc.nMem (and later, VdbeFrame.nChildMem) to this value.
+    ** variable u.cd.nMem (and later, VdbeFrame.nChildMem) to this value.
-    u.cc.nMem = u.cc.pProgram->nMem + u.cc.pProgram->nCsr;
-    u.cc.nByte = ROUND8(sizeof(VdbeFrame))
-              + u.cc.nMem * sizeof(Mem)
-              + u.cc.pProgram->nCsr * sizeof(VdbeCursor *)
-              + u.cc.pProgram->nOnce * sizeof(u8);
-    u.cc.pFrame = sqlite3DbMallocZero(db, u.cc.nByte);
-    if( !u.cc.pFrame ){
+    u.cd.nMem = u.cd.pProgram->nMem + u.cd.pProgram->nCsr;
+    u.cd.nByte = ROUND8(sizeof(VdbeFrame))
+              + u.cd.nMem * sizeof(Mem)
+              + u.cd.pProgram->nCsr * sizeof(VdbeCursor *)
+              + u.cd.pProgram->nOnce * sizeof(u8);
+    u.cd.pFrame = sqlite3DbMallocZero(db, u.cd.nByte);
+    if( !u.cd.pFrame ){
       goto no_mem;
-    sqlite3VdbeMemRelease(u.cc.pRt);
-    u.cc.pRt->flags = MEM_Frame;
-    u.cc.pRt->u.pFrame = u.cc.pFrame;
-    u.cc.pFrame->v = p;
-    u.cc.pFrame->nChildMem = u.cc.nMem;
-    u.cc.pFrame->nChildCsr = u.cc.pProgram->nCsr;
-    u.cc.pFrame->pc = pc;
-    u.cc.pFrame->aMem = p->aMem;
-    u.cc.pFrame->nMem = p->nMem;
-    u.cc.pFrame->apCsr = p->apCsr;
-    u.cc.pFrame->nCursor = p->nCursor;
-    u.cc.pFrame->aOp = p->aOp;
-    u.cc.pFrame->nOp = p->nOp;
-    u.cc.pFrame->token = u.cc.pProgram->token;
-    u.cc.pFrame->aOnceFlag = p->aOnceFlag;
-    u.cc.pFrame->nOnceFlag = p->nOnceFlag;
-    u.cc.pEnd = &VdbeFrameMem(u.cc.pFrame)[u.cc.pFrame->nChildMem];
-    for(u.cc.pMem=VdbeFrameMem(u.cc.pFrame); u.cc.pMem!=u.cc.pEnd; u.cc.pMem++){
-      u.cc.pMem->flags = MEM_Invalid;
-      u.cc.pMem->db = db;
-    }
-  }else{
-    u.cc.pFrame = u.cc.pRt->u.pFrame;
-    assert( u.cc.pProgram->nMem+u.cc.pProgram->nCsr==u.cc.pFrame->nChildMem );
-    assert( u.cc.pProgram->nCsr==u.cc.pFrame->nChildCsr );
-    assert( pc==u.cc.pFrame->pc );
+    sqlite3VdbeMemRelease(u.cd.pRt);
+    u.cd.pRt->flags = MEM_Frame;
+    u.cd.pRt->u.pFrame = u.cd.pFrame;
+    u.cd.pFrame->v = p;
+    u.cd.pFrame->nChildMem = u.cd.nMem;
+    u.cd.pFrame->nChildCsr = u.cd.pProgram->nCsr;
+    u.cd.pFrame->pc = pc;
+    u.cd.pFrame->aMem = p->aMem;
+    u.cd.pFrame->nMem = p->nMem;
+    u.cd.pFrame->apCsr = p->apCsr;
+    u.cd.pFrame->nCursor = p->nCursor;
+    u.cd.pFrame->aOp = p->aOp;
+    u.cd.pFrame->nOp = p->nOp;
+    u.cd.pFrame->token = u.cd.pProgram->token;
+    u.cd.pFrame->aOnceFlag = p->aOnceFlag;
+    u.cd.pFrame->nOnceFlag = p->nOnceFlag;
+    u.cd.pEnd = &VdbeFrameMem(u.cd.pFrame)[u.cd.pFrame->nChildMem];
+    for(u.cd.pMem=VdbeFrameMem(u.cd.pFrame); u.cd.pMem!=u.cd.pEnd; u.cd.pMem++){
+      u.cd.pMem->flags = MEM_Invalid;
+      u.cd.pMem->db = db;
+    }
+  }else{
+    u.cd.pFrame = u.cd.pRt->u.pFrame;
+    assert( u.cd.pProgram->nMem+u.cd.pProgram->nCsr==u.cd.pFrame->nChildMem );
+    assert( u.cd.pProgram->nCsr==u.cd.pFrame->nChildCsr );
+    assert( pc==u.cd.pFrame->pc );
-  u.cc.pFrame->pParent = p->pFrame;
-  u.cc.pFrame->lastRowid = lastRowid;
-  u.cc.pFrame->nChange = p->nChange;
+  u.cd.pFrame->pParent = p->pFrame;
+  u.cd.pFrame->lastRowid = lastRowid;
+  u.cd.pFrame->nChange = p->nChange;
   p->nChange = 0;
-  p->pFrame = u.cc.pFrame;
-  p->aMem = aMem = &VdbeFrameMem(u.cc.pFrame)[-1];
-  p->nMem = u.cc.pFrame->nChildMem;
-  p->nCursor = (u16)u.cc.pFrame->nChildCsr;
+  p->pFrame = u.cd.pFrame;
+  p->aMem = aMem = &VdbeFrameMem(u.cd.pFrame)[-1];
+  p->nMem = u.cd.pFrame->nChildMem;
+  p->nCursor = (u16)u.cd.pFrame->nChildCsr;
   p->apCsr = (VdbeCursor **)&aMem[p->nMem+1];
-  p->aOp = aOp = u.cc.pProgram->aOp;
-  p->nOp = u.cc.pProgram->nOp;
+  p->aOp = aOp = u.cd.pProgram->aOp;
+  p->nOp = u.cd.pProgram->nOp;
   p->aOnceFlag = (u8 *)&p->apCsr[p->nCursor];
-  p->nOnceFlag = u.cc.pProgram->nOnce;
+  p->nOnceFlag = u.cd.pProgram->nOnce;
   pc = -1;
   memset(p->aOnceFlag, 0, p->nOnceFlag);
@@ -70454,13 +70675,13 @@
 ** calling OP_Program instruction.
 case OP_Param: {           /* out2-prerelease */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cd */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ce */
   VdbeFrame *pFrame;
   Mem *pIn;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.cd */
-  u.cd.pFrame = p->pFrame;
-  u.cd.pIn = &u.cd.pFrame->aMem[pOp->p1 + u.cd.pFrame->aOp[u.cd.pFrame->pc].p1];
-  sqlite3VdbeMemShallowCopy(pOut, u.cd.pIn, MEM_Ephem);
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.ce */
+  u.ce.pFrame = p->pFrame;
+  u.ce.pIn = &u.ce.pFrame->aMem[pOp->p1 + u.ce.pFrame->aOp[u.ce.pFrame->pc].p1];
+  sqlite3VdbeMemShallowCopy(pOut, u.ce.pIn, MEM_Ephem);
@@ -70516,22 +70737,22 @@
 ** an integer.
 case OP_MemMax: {        /* in2 */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ce */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cf */
   Mem *pIn1;
   VdbeFrame *pFrame;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.ce */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.cf */
   if( p->pFrame ){
-    for(u.ce.pFrame=p->pFrame; u.ce.pFrame->pParent; u.ce.pFrame=u.ce.pFrame->pParent);
-    u.ce.pIn1 = &u.ce.pFrame->aMem[pOp->p1];
+    for(u.cf.pFrame=p->pFrame; u.cf.pFrame->pParent; u.cf.pFrame=u.cf.pFrame->pParent);
+    u.cf.pIn1 = &u.cf.pFrame->aMem[pOp->p1];
-    u.ce.pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1];
+    u.cf.pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1];
-  assert( memIsValid(u.ce.pIn1) );
-  sqlite3VdbeMemIntegerify(u.ce.pIn1);
+  assert( memIsValid(u.cf.pIn1) );
+  sqlite3VdbeMemIntegerify(u.cf.pIn1);
   pIn2 = &aMem[pOp->p2];
-  if( u.ce.pIn1->u.i<pIn2->u.i){
-    u.ce.pIn1->u.i = pIn2->u.i;
+  if( u.cf.pIn1->u.i<pIn2->u.i){
+    u.cf.pIn1->u.i = pIn2->u.i;
@@ -70598,56 +70819,56 @@
 ** successors.
 case OP_AggStep: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cf */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cg */
   int n;
   int i;
   Mem *pMem;
   Mem *pRec;
   sqlite3_context ctx;
   sqlite3_value **apVal;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.cf */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.cg */
-  u.cf.n = pOp->p5;
-  assert( u.cf.n>=0 );
-  u.cf.pRec = &aMem[pOp->p2];
-  u.cf.apVal = p->apArg;
-  assert( u.cf.apVal || u.cf.n==0 );
-  for(u.cf.i=0; u.cf.i<u.cf.n; u.cf.i++, u.cf.pRec++){
-    assert( memIsValid(u.cf.pRec) );
-    u.cf.apVal[u.cf.i] = u.cf.pRec;
-    memAboutToChange(p, u.cf.pRec);
-    sqlite3VdbeMemStoreType(u.cf.pRec);
+  u.cg.n = pOp->p5;
+  assert( u.cg.n>=0 );
+  u.cg.pRec = &aMem[pOp->p2];
+  u.cg.apVal = p->apArg;
+  assert( u.cg.apVal || u.cg.n==0 );
+  for(u.cg.i=0; u.cg.i<u.cg.n; u.cg.i++, u.cg.pRec++){
+    assert( memIsValid(u.cg.pRec) );
+    u.cg.apVal[u.cg.i] = u.cg.pRec;
+    memAboutToChange(p, u.cg.pRec);
+    sqlite3VdbeMemStoreType(u.cg.pRec);
-  u.cf.ctx.pFunc = pOp->p4.pFunc;
+  u.cg.ctx.pFunc = pOp->p4.pFunc;
   assert( pOp->p3>0 && pOp->p3<=p->nMem );
-  u.cf.ctx.pMem = u.cf.pMem = &aMem[pOp->p3];
-  u.cf.pMem->n++;
-  u.cf.ctx.s.flags = MEM_Null;
-  u.cf.ctx.s.z = 0;
-  u.cf.ctx.s.zMalloc = 0;
-  u.cf.ctx.s.xDel = 0;
-  u.cf.ctx.s.db = db;
-  u.cf.ctx.isError = 0;
-  u.cf.ctx.pColl = 0;
-  u.cf.ctx.skipFlag = 0;
-  if( u.cf.ctx.pFunc->flags & SQLITE_FUNC_NEEDCOLL ){
+  u.cg.ctx.pMem = u.cg.pMem = &aMem[pOp->p3];
+  u.cg.pMem->n++;
+  u.cg.ctx.s.flags = MEM_Null;
+  u.cg.ctx.s.z = 0;
+  u.cg.ctx.s.zMalloc = 0;
+  u.cg.ctx.s.xDel = 0;
+  u.cg.ctx.s.db = db;
+  u.cg.ctx.isError = 0;
+  u.cg.ctx.pColl = 0;
+  u.cg.ctx.skipFlag = 0;
+  if( u.cg.ctx.pFunc->flags & SQLITE_FUNC_NEEDCOLL ){
     assert( pOp>p->aOp );
     assert( pOp[-1].p4type==P4_COLLSEQ );
     assert( pOp[-1].opcode==OP_CollSeq );
-    u.cf.ctx.pColl = pOp[-1].p4.pColl;
+    u.cg.ctx.pColl = pOp[-1].p4.pColl;
-  (u.cf.ctx.pFunc->xStep)(&u.cf.ctx, u.cf.n, u.cf.apVal); /* IMP: R-24505-23230 */
-  if( u.cf.ctx.isError ){
-    sqlite3SetString(&p->zErrMsg, db, "%s", sqlite3_value_text(&u.cf.ctx.s));
-    rc = u.cf.ctx.isError;
+  (u.cg.ctx.pFunc->xStep)(&u.cg.ctx, u.cg.n, u.cg.apVal); /* IMP: R-24505-23230 */
+  if( u.cg.ctx.isError ){
+    sqlite3SetString(&p->zErrMsg, db, "%s", sqlite3_value_text(&u.cg.ctx.s));
+    rc = u.cg.ctx.isError;
-  if( u.cf.ctx.skipFlag ){
+  if( u.cg.ctx.skipFlag ){
     assert( pOp[-1].opcode==OP_CollSeq );
-    u.cf.i = pOp[-1].p1;
-    if( u.cf.i ) sqlite3VdbeMemSetInt64(&aMem[u.cf.i], 1);
+    u.cg.i = pOp[-1].p1;
+    if( u.cg.i ) sqlite3VdbeMemSetInt64(&aMem[u.cg.i], 1);
-  sqlite3VdbeMemRelease(&u.cf.ctx.s);
+  sqlite3VdbeMemRelease(&u.cg.ctx.s);
@@ -70665,19 +70886,19 @@
 ** the step function was not previously called.
 case OP_AggFinal: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cg */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ch */
   Mem *pMem;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.cg */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.ch */
   assert( pOp->p1>0 && pOp->p1<=p->nMem );
-  u.cg.pMem = &aMem[pOp->p1];
-  assert( (u.cg.pMem->flags & ~(MEM_Null|MEM_Agg))==0 );
-  rc = sqlite3VdbeMemFinalize(u.cg.pMem, pOp->p4.pFunc);
+  u.ch.pMem = &aMem[pOp->p1];
+  assert( (u.ch.pMem->flags & ~(MEM_Null|MEM_Agg))==0 );
+  rc = sqlite3VdbeMemFinalize(u.ch.pMem, pOp->p4.pFunc);
   if( rc ){
-    sqlite3SetString(&p->zErrMsg, db, "%s", sqlite3_value_text(u.cg.pMem));
+    sqlite3SetString(&p->zErrMsg, db, "%s", sqlite3_value_text(u.ch.pMem));
-  sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(u.cg.pMem, encoding);
-  if( sqlite3VdbeMemTooBig(u.cg.pMem) ){
+  sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(u.ch.pMem, encoding);
+  if( sqlite3VdbeMemTooBig(u.ch.pMem) ){
     goto too_big;
@@ -70696,25 +70917,25 @@
 ** mem[P3+2] are initialized to -1.
 case OP_Checkpoint: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ch */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ci */
   int i;                          /* Loop counter */
   int aRes[3];                    /* Results */
   Mem *pMem;                      /* Write results here */
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.ch */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.ci */
-  u.ch.aRes[0] = 0;
-  u.ch.aRes[1] = u.ch.aRes[2] = -1;
+  u.ci.aRes[0] = 0;
+  u.ci.aRes[1] = u.ci.aRes[2] = -1;
        || pOp->p2==SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_FULL
-  rc = sqlite3Checkpoint(db, pOp->p1, pOp->p2, &u.ch.aRes[1], &u.ch.aRes[2]);
+  rc = sqlite3Checkpoint(db, pOp->p1, pOp->p2, &u.ci.aRes[1], &u.ci.aRes[2]);
   if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){
     rc = SQLITE_OK;
-    u.ch.aRes[0] = 1;
+    u.ci.aRes[0] = 1;
-  for(u.ch.i=0, u.ch.pMem = &aMem[pOp->p3]; u.ch.i<3; u.ch.i++, u.ch.pMem++){
-    sqlite3VdbeMemSetInt64(u.ch.pMem, (i64)u.ch.aRes[u.ch.i]);
+  for(u.ci.i=0, u.ci.pMem = &aMem[pOp->p3]; u.ci.i<3; u.ci.i++, u.ci.pMem++){
+    sqlite3VdbeMemSetInt64(u.ci.pMem, (i64)u.ci.aRes[u.ci.i]);
@@ -70733,91 +70954,93 @@
 ** Write a string containing the final journal-mode to register P2.
 case OP_JournalMode: {    /* out2-prerelease */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ci */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cj */
   Btree *pBt;                     /* Btree to change journal mode of */
   Pager *pPager;                  /* Pager associated with pBt */
   int eNew;                       /* New journal mode */
   int eOld;                       /* The old journal mode */
   const char *zFilename;          /* Name of database file for pPager */
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.ci */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.cj */
-  u.ci.eNew = pOp->p3;
-  assert( u.ci.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_DELETE
-       || u.ci.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF
-       || u.ci.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY
-       || u.ci.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL
-       || u.ci.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_QUERY
+  u.cj.eNew = pOp->p3;
+  assert( u.cj.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_DELETE
+       || u.cj.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF
+       || u.cj.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY
+       || u.cj.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL
+       || u.cj.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_QUERY
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<db->nDb );
-  u.ci.pBt = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pBt;
-  u.ci.pPager = sqlite3BtreePager(u.ci.pBt);
-  u.ci.eOld = sqlite3PagerGetJournalMode(u.ci.pPager);
-  if( u.ci.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_QUERY ) u.ci.eNew = u.ci.eOld;
-  if( !sqlite3PagerOkToChangeJournalMode(u.ci.pPager) ) u.ci.eNew = u.ci.eOld;
+  u.cj.pBt = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pBt;
+  u.cj.pPager = sqlite3BtreePager(u.cj.pBt);
+  u.cj.eOld = sqlite3PagerGetJournalMode(u.cj.pPager);
+  if( u.cj.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_QUERY ) u.cj.eNew = u.cj.eOld;
+  if( !sqlite3PagerOkToChangeJournalMode(u.cj.pPager) ) u.cj.eNew = u.cj.eOld;
-  u.ci.zFilename = sqlite3PagerFilename(u.ci.pPager);
+  u.cj.zFilename = sqlite3PagerFilename(u.cj.pPager, 1);
   /* Do not allow a transition to journal_mode=WAL for a database
   ** in temporary storage or if the VFS does not support shared memory
-   && (sqlite3Strlen30(u.ci.zFilename)==0           /* Temp file */
-       || !sqlite3PagerWalSupported(u.ci.pPager))   /* No shared-memory support */
+   && (sqlite3Strlen30(u.cj.zFilename)==0           /* Temp file */
+       || !sqlite3PagerWalSupported(u.cj.pPager))   /* No shared-memory support */
-    u.ci.eNew = u.ci.eOld;
+    u.cj.eNew = u.cj.eOld;
-  if( (u.ci.eNew!=u.ci.eOld)
+  if( (u.cj.eNew!=u.cj.eOld)
     if( !db->autoCommit || db->activeVdbeCnt>1 ){
       rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
       sqlite3SetString(&p->zErrMsg, db,
           "cannot change %s wal mode from within a transaction",
-          (u.ci.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL ? "into" : "out of")
+          (u.cj.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL ? "into" : "out of")
-      if( u.ci.eOld==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL ){
+      if( u.cj.eOld==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL ){
         /* If leaving WAL mode, close the log file. If successful, the call
         ** to PagerCloseWal() checkpoints and deletes the write-ahead-log
         ** file. An EXCLUSIVE lock may still be held on the database file
         ** after a successful return.
-        rc = sqlite3PagerCloseWal(u.ci.pPager);
+        rc = sqlite3PagerCloseWal(u.cj.pPager);
         if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-          sqlite3PagerSetJournalMode(u.ci.pPager, u.ci.eNew);
+          sqlite3PagerSetJournalMode(u.cj.pPager, u.cj.eNew);
-      }else if( u.ci.eOld==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY ){
+      }else if( u.cj.eOld==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY ){
         /* Cannot transition directly from MEMORY to WAL.  Use mode OFF
         ** as an intermediate */
-        sqlite3PagerSetJournalMode(u.ci.pPager, PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF);
+        sqlite3PagerSetJournalMode(u.cj.pPager, PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF);
       /* Open a transaction on the database file. Regardless of the journal
       ** mode, this transaction always uses a rollback journal.
-      assert( sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(u.ci.pBt)==0 );
+      assert( sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(u.cj.pBt)==0 );
       if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-        rc = sqlite3BtreeSetVersion(u.ci.pBt, (u.ci.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL ? 2 : 1));
+        rc = sqlite3BtreeSetVersion(u.cj.pBt, (u.cj.eNew==PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL ? 2 : 1));
 #endif /* ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL */
   if( rc ){
-    u.ci.eNew = u.ci.eOld;
+    u.cj.eNew = u.cj.eOld;
-  u.ci.eNew = sqlite3PagerSetJournalMode(u.ci.pPager, u.ci.eNew);
+  u.cj.eNew = sqlite3PagerSetJournalMode(u.cj.pPager, u.cj.eNew);
   pOut = &aMem[pOp->p2];
   pOut->flags = MEM_Str|MEM_Static|MEM_Term;
-  pOut->z = (char *)sqlite3JournalModename(u.ci.eNew);
+  pOut->z = (char *)sqlite3JournalModename(u.cj.eNew);
   pOut->n = sqlite3Strlen30(pOut->z);
   pOut->enc = SQLITE_UTF8;
   sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(pOut, encoding);
@@ -70846,14 +71069,14 @@
 ** P2. Otherwise, fall through to the next instruction.
 case OP_IncrVacuum: {        /* jump */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cj */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ck */
   Btree *pBt;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.cj */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.ck */
   assert( pOp->p1>=0 && pOp->p1<db->nDb );
   assert( (p->btreeMask & (((yDbMask)1)<<pOp->p1))!=0 );
-  u.cj.pBt = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pBt;
-  rc = sqlite3BtreeIncrVacuum(u.cj.pBt);
+  u.ck.pBt = db->aDb[pOp->p1].pBt;
+  rc = sqlite3BtreeIncrVacuum(u.ck.pBt);
   if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
     pc = pOp->p2 - 1;
     rc = SQLITE_OK;
@@ -70923,12 +71146,12 @@
 ** code will be set to SQLITE_LOCKED.
 case OP_VBegin: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.ck */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cl */
   VTable *pVTab;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.ck */
-  u.ck.pVTab = pOp->p4.pVtab;
-  rc = sqlite3VtabBegin(db, u.ck.pVTab);
-  if( u.ck.pVTab ) importVtabErrMsg(p, u.ck.pVTab->pVtab);
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.cl */
+  u.cl.pVTab = pOp->p4.pVtab;
+  rc = sqlite3VtabBegin(db, u.cl.pVTab);
+  if( u.cl.pVTab ) importVtabErrMsg(p, u.cl.pVTab->pVtab);
@@ -70967,32 +71190,32 @@
 ** table and stores that cursor in P1.
 case OP_VOpen: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cl */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cm */
   VdbeCursor *pCur;
   sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVtabCursor;
   sqlite3_vtab *pVtab;
   sqlite3_module *pModule;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.cl */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.cm */
-  u.cl.pCur = 0;
-  u.cl.pVtabCursor = 0;
-  u.cl.pVtab = pOp->p4.pVtab->pVtab;
-  u.cl.pModule = (sqlite3_module *)u.cl.pVtab->pModule;
-  assert(u.cl.pVtab && u.cl.pModule);
-  rc = u.cl.pModule->xOpen(u.cl.pVtab, &u.cl.pVtabCursor);
-  importVtabErrMsg(p, u.cl.pVtab);
+  u.cm.pCur = 0;
+  u.cm.pVtabCursor = 0;
+  u.cm.pVtab = pOp->p4.pVtab->pVtab;
+  u.cm.pModule = (sqlite3_module *)u.cm.pVtab->pModule;
+  assert(u.cm.pVtab && u.cm.pModule);
+  rc = u.cm.pModule->xOpen(u.cm.pVtab, &u.cm.pVtabCursor);
+  importVtabErrMsg(p, u.cm.pVtab);
   if( SQLITE_OK==rc ){
     /* Initialize sqlite3_vtab_cursor base class */
-    u.cl.pVtabCursor->pVtab = u.cl.pVtab;
+    u.cm.pVtabCursor->pVtab = u.cm.pVtab;
-    /* Initialise vdbe cursor object */
-    u.cl.pCur = allocateCursor(p, pOp->p1, 0, -1, 0);
-    if( u.cl.pCur ){
-      u.cl.pCur->pVtabCursor = u.cl.pVtabCursor;
-      u.cl.pCur->pModule = u.cl.pVtabCursor->pVtab->pModule;
+    /* Initialize vdbe cursor object */
+    u.cm.pCur = allocateCursor(p, pOp->p1, 0, -1, 0);
+    if( u.cm.pCur ){
+      u.cm.pCur->pVtabCursor = u.cm.pVtabCursor;
+      u.cm.pCur->pModule = u.cm.pVtabCursor->pVtab->pModule;
       db->mallocFailed = 1;
-      u.cl.pModule->xClose(u.cl.pVtabCursor);
+      u.cm.pModule->xClose(u.cm.pVtabCursor);
@@ -71019,7 +71242,7 @@
 ** A jump is made to P2 if the result set after filtering would be empty.
 case OP_VFilter: {   /* jump */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cm */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cn */
   int nArg;
   int iQuery;
   const sqlite3_module *pModule;
@@ -71031,45 +71254,45 @@
   int res;
   int i;
   Mem **apArg;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.cm */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.cn */
-  u.cm.pQuery = &aMem[pOp->p3];
-  u.cm.pArgc = &u.cm.pQuery[1];
-  u.cm.pCur = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( memIsValid(u.cm.pQuery) );
-  REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p3, u.cm.pQuery);
-  assert( u.cm.pCur->pVtabCursor );
-  u.cm.pVtabCursor = u.cm.pCur->pVtabCursor;
-  u.cm.pVtab = u.cm.pVtabCursor->pVtab;
-  u.cm.pModule = u.cm.pVtab->pModule;
+  u.cn.pQuery = &aMem[pOp->p3];
+  u.cn.pArgc = &u.cn.pQuery[1];
+  u.cn.pCur = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( memIsValid(u.cn.pQuery) );
+  REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p3, u.cn.pQuery);
+  assert( u.cn.pCur->pVtabCursor );
+  u.cn.pVtabCursor = u.cn.pCur->pVtabCursor;
+  u.cn.pVtab = u.cn.pVtabCursor->pVtab;
+  u.cn.pModule = u.cn.pVtab->pModule;
   /* Grab the index number and argc parameters */
-  assert( (u.cm.pQuery->flags&MEM_Int)!=0 && u.cm.pArgc->flags==MEM_Int );
-  u.cm.nArg = (int)u.cm.pArgc->u.i;
-  u.cm.iQuery = (int)u.cm.pQuery->u.i;
+  assert( (u.cn.pQuery->flags&MEM_Int)!=0 && u.cn.pArgc->flags==MEM_Int );
+  u.cn.nArg = (int)u.cn.pArgc->u.i;
+  u.cn.iQuery = (int)u.cn.pQuery->u.i;
   /* Invoke the xFilter method */
-    u.cm.res = 0;
-    u.cm.apArg = p->apArg;
-    for(u.cm.i = 0; u.cm.i<u.cm.nArg; u.cm.i++){
-      u.cm.apArg[u.cm.i] = &u.cm.pArgc[u.cm.i+1];
-      sqlite3VdbeMemStoreType(u.cm.apArg[u.cm.i]);
+    u.cn.res = 0;
+    u.cn.apArg = p->apArg;
+    for(u.cn.i = 0; u.cn.i<u.cn.nArg; u.cn.i++){
+      u.cn.apArg[u.cn.i] = &u.cn.pArgc[u.cn.i+1];
+      sqlite3VdbeMemStoreType(u.cn.apArg[u.cn.i]);
     p->inVtabMethod = 1;
-    rc = u.cm.pModule->xFilter(u.cm.pVtabCursor, u.cm.iQuery, pOp->p4.z, u.cm.nArg, u.cm.apArg);
+    rc = u.cn.pModule->xFilter(u.cn.pVtabCursor, u.cn.iQuery, pOp->p4.z, u.cn.nArg, u.cn.apArg);
     p->inVtabMethod = 0;
-    importVtabErrMsg(p, u.cm.pVtab);
+    importVtabErrMsg(p, u.cn.pVtab);
     if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-      u.cm.res = u.cm.pModule->xEof(u.cm.pVtabCursor);
+      u.cn.res = u.cn.pModule->xEof(u.cn.pVtabCursor);
-    if( u.cm.res ){
+    if( u.cn.res ){
       pc = pOp->p2 - 1;
-  u.cm.pCur->nullRow = 0;
+  u.cn.pCur->nullRow = 0;
@@ -71083,51 +71306,51 @@
 ** P1 cursor is pointing to into register P3.
 case OP_VColumn: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cn */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.co */
   sqlite3_vtab *pVtab;
   const sqlite3_module *pModule;
   Mem *pDest;
   sqlite3_context sContext;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.cn */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.co */
   VdbeCursor *pCur = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
   assert( pCur->pVtabCursor );
   assert( pOp->p3>0 && pOp->p3<=p->nMem );
-  u.cn.pDest = &aMem[pOp->p3];
-  memAboutToChange(p, u.cn.pDest);
+  u.co.pDest = &aMem[pOp->p3];
+  memAboutToChange(p, u.co.pDest);
   if( pCur->nullRow ){
-    sqlite3VdbeMemSetNull(u.cn.pDest);
+    sqlite3VdbeMemSetNull(u.co.pDest);
-  u.cn.pVtab = pCur->pVtabCursor->pVtab;
-  u.cn.pModule = u.cn.pVtab->pModule;
-  assert( u.cn.pModule->xColumn );
-  memset(&u.cn.sContext, 0, sizeof(u.cn.sContext));
+  u.co.pVtab = pCur->pVtabCursor->pVtab;
+  u.co.pModule = u.co.pVtab->pModule;
+  assert( u.co.pModule->xColumn );
+  memset(&u.co.sContext, 0, sizeof(u.co.sContext));
   /* The output cell may already have a buffer allocated. Move
-  ** the current contents to u.cn.sContext.s so in case the user-function
+  ** the current contents to u.co.sContext.s so in case the user-function
   ** can use the already allocated buffer instead of allocating a
   ** new one.
-  sqlite3VdbeMemMove(&u.cn.sContext.s, u.cn.pDest);
-  MemSetTypeFlag(&u.cn.sContext.s, MEM_Null);
+  sqlite3VdbeMemMove(&u.co.sContext.s, u.co.pDest);
+  MemSetTypeFlag(&u.co.sContext.s, MEM_Null);
-  rc = u.cn.pModule->xColumn(pCur->pVtabCursor, &u.cn.sContext, pOp->p2);
-  importVtabErrMsg(p, u.cn.pVtab);
-  if( u.cn.sContext.isError ){
-    rc = u.cn.sContext.isError;
+  rc = u.co.pModule->xColumn(pCur->pVtabCursor, &u.co.sContext, pOp->p2);
+  importVtabErrMsg(p, u.co.pVtab);
+  if( u.co.sContext.isError ){
+    rc = u.co.sContext.isError;
   /* Copy the result of the function to the P3 register. We
   ** do this regardless of whether or not an error occurred to ensure any
-  ** dynamic allocation in u.cn.sContext.s (a Mem struct) is  released.
+  ** dynamic allocation in u.co.sContext.s (a Mem struct) is  released.
-  sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(&u.cn.sContext.s, encoding);
-  sqlite3VdbeMemMove(u.cn.pDest, &u.cn.sContext.s);
-  REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p3, u.cn.pDest);
+  sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(&u.co.sContext.s, encoding);
+  sqlite3VdbeMemMove(u.co.pDest, &u.co.sContext.s);
+  REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p3, u.co.pDest);
-  if( sqlite3VdbeMemTooBig(u.cn.pDest) ){
+  if( sqlite3VdbeMemTooBig(u.co.pDest) ){
     goto too_big;
@@ -71142,22 +71365,22 @@
 ** the end of its result set, then fall through to the next instruction.
 case OP_VNext: {   /* jump */
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.co */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cp */
   sqlite3_vtab *pVtab;
   const sqlite3_module *pModule;
   int res;
   VdbeCursor *pCur;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.co */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.cp */
-  u.co.res = 0;
-  u.co.pCur = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.co.pCur->pVtabCursor );
-  if( u.co.pCur->nullRow ){
+  u.cp.res = 0;
+  u.cp.pCur = p->apCsr[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.cp.pCur->pVtabCursor );
+  if( u.cp.pCur->nullRow ){
-  u.co.pVtab = u.co.pCur->pVtabCursor->pVtab;
-  u.co.pModule = u.co.pVtab->pModule;
-  assert( u.co.pModule->xNext );
+  u.cp.pVtab = u.cp.pCur->pVtabCursor->pVtab;
+  u.cp.pModule = u.cp.pVtab->pModule;
+  assert( u.cp.pModule->xNext );
   /* Invoke the xNext() method of the module. There is no way for the
   ** underlying implementation to return an error if one occurs during
@@ -71166,14 +71389,14 @@
   ** some other method is next invoked on the save virtual table cursor.
   p->inVtabMethod = 1;
-  rc = u.co.pModule->xNext(u.co.pCur->pVtabCursor);
+  rc = u.cp.pModule->xNext(u.cp.pCur->pVtabCursor);
   p->inVtabMethod = 0;
-  importVtabErrMsg(p, u.co.pVtab);
+  importVtabErrMsg(p, u.cp.pVtab);
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-    u.co.res = u.co.pModule->xEof(u.co.pCur->pVtabCursor);
+    u.cp.res = u.cp.pModule->xEof(u.cp.pCur->pVtabCursor);
-  if( !u.co.res ){
+  if( !u.cp.res ){
     /* If there is data, jump to P2 */
     pc = pOp->p2 - 1;
@@ -71189,24 +71412,24 @@
 ** in register P1 is passed as the zName argument to the xRename method.
 case OP_VRename: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cp */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cq */
   sqlite3_vtab *pVtab;
   Mem *pName;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.cp */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.cq */
-  u.cp.pVtab = pOp->p4.pVtab->pVtab;
-  u.cp.pName = &aMem[pOp->p1];
-  assert( u.cp.pVtab->pModule->xRename );
-  assert( memIsValid(u.cp.pName) );
-  REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p1, u.cp.pName);
-  assert( u.cp.pName->flags & MEM_Str );
-  testcase( u.cp.pName->enc==SQLITE_UTF8 );
-  testcase( u.cp.pName->enc==SQLITE_UTF16BE );
-  testcase( u.cp.pName->enc==SQLITE_UTF16LE );
-  rc = sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(u.cp.pName, SQLITE_UTF8);
+  u.cq.pVtab = pOp->p4.pVtab->pVtab;
+  u.cq.pName = &aMem[pOp->p1];
+  assert( u.cq.pVtab->pModule->xRename );
+  assert( memIsValid(u.cq.pName) );
+  REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p1, u.cq.pName);
+  assert( u.cq.pName->flags & MEM_Str );
+  testcase( u.cq.pName->enc==SQLITE_UTF8 );
+  testcase( u.cq.pName->enc==SQLITE_UTF16BE );
+  testcase( u.cq.pName->enc==SQLITE_UTF16LE );
+  rc = sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding(u.cq.pName, SQLITE_UTF8);
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-    rc = u.cp.pVtab->pModule->xRename(u.cp.pVtab, u.cp.pName->z);
-    importVtabErrMsg(p, u.cp.pVtab);
+    rc = u.cq.pVtab->pModule->xRename(u.cq.pVtab, u.cq.pName->z);
+    importVtabErrMsg(p, u.cq.pVtab);
     p->expired = 0;
@@ -71238,7 +71461,7 @@
 ** is set to the value of the rowid for the row just inserted.
 case OP_VUpdate: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cq */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cr */
   sqlite3_vtab *pVtab;
   sqlite3_module *pModule;
   int nArg;
@@ -71246,35 +71469,35 @@
   sqlite_int64 rowid;
   Mem **apArg;
   Mem *pX;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.cq */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.cr */
   assert( pOp->p2==1        || pOp->p5==OE_Fail   || pOp->p5==OE_Rollback
        || pOp->p5==OE_Abort || pOp->p5==OE_Ignore || pOp->p5==OE_Replace
-  u.cq.pVtab = pOp->p4.pVtab->pVtab;
-  u.cq.pModule = (sqlite3_module *)u.cq.pVtab->pModule;
-  u.cq.nArg = pOp->p2;
+  u.cr.pVtab = pOp->p4.pVtab->pVtab;
+  u.cr.pModule = (sqlite3_module *)u.cr.pVtab->pModule;
+  u.cr.nArg = pOp->p2;
   assert( pOp->p4type==P4_VTAB );
-  if( ALWAYS(u.cq.pModule->xUpdate) ){
+  if( ALWAYS(u.cr.pModule->xUpdate) ){
     u8 vtabOnConflict = db->vtabOnConflict;
-    u.cq.apArg = p->apArg;
-    u.cq.pX = &aMem[pOp->p3];
-    for(u.cq.i=0; u.cq.i<u.cq.nArg; u.cq.i++){
-      assert( memIsValid(u.cq.pX) );
-      memAboutToChange(p, u.cq.pX);
-      sqlite3VdbeMemStoreType(u.cq.pX);
-      u.cq.apArg[u.cq.i] = u.cq.pX;
-      u.cq.pX++;
+    u.cr.apArg = p->apArg;
+    u.cr.pX = &aMem[pOp->p3];
+    for(u.cr.i=0; u.cr.i<u.cr.nArg; u.cr.i++){
+      assert( memIsValid(u.cr.pX) );
+      memAboutToChange(p, u.cr.pX);
+      sqlite3VdbeMemStoreType(u.cr.pX);
+      u.cr.apArg[u.cr.i] = u.cr.pX;
+      u.cr.pX++;
     db->vtabOnConflict = pOp->p5;
-    rc = u.cq.pModule->xUpdate(u.cq.pVtab, u.cq.nArg, u.cq.apArg, &u.cq.rowid);
+    rc = u.cr.pModule->xUpdate(u.cr.pVtab, u.cr.nArg, u.cr.apArg, &u.cr.rowid);
     db->vtabOnConflict = vtabOnConflict;
-    importVtabErrMsg(p, u.cq.pVtab);
+    importVtabErrMsg(p, u.cr.pVtab);
     if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pOp->p1 ){
-      assert( u.cq.nArg>1 && u.cq.apArg[0] && (u.cq.apArg[0]->flags&MEM_Null) );
-      db->lastRowid = lastRowid = u.cq.rowid;
+      assert( u.cr.nArg>1 && u.cr.apArg[0] && (u.cr.apArg[0]->flags&MEM_Null) );
+      db->lastRowid = lastRowid = u.cr.rowid;
-    if( rc==SQLITE_CONSTRAINT && pOp->p4.pVtab->bConstraint ){
+    if( (rc&0xff)==SQLITE_CONSTRAINT && pOp->p4.pVtab->bConstraint ){
       if( pOp->p5==OE_Ignore ){
         rc = SQLITE_OK;
@@ -71332,21 +71555,24 @@
 ** the UTF-8 string contained in P4 is emitted on the trace callback.
 case OP_Trace: {
-#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cr */
+#if 0  /* local variables moved into u.cs */
   char *zTrace;
   char *z;
-#endif /* local variables moved into u.cr */
+#endif /* local variables moved into u.cs */
-  if( db->xTrace && (u.cr.zTrace = (pOp->p4.z ? pOp->p4.z : p->zSql))!=0 ){
-    u.cr.z = sqlite3VdbeExpandSql(p, u.cr.zTrace);
-    db->xTrace(db->pTraceArg, u.cr.z);
-    sqlite3DbFree(db, u.cr.z);
+  if( db->xTrace
+   && !p->doingRerun
+   && (u.cs.zTrace = (pOp->p4.z ? pOp->p4.z : p->zSql))!=0
+  ){
+    u.cs.z = sqlite3VdbeExpandSql(p, u.cs.zTrace);
+    db->xTrace(db->pTraceArg, u.cs.z);
+    sqlite3DbFree(db, u.cs.z);
   if( (db->flags & SQLITE_SqlTrace)!=0
-   && (u.cr.zTrace = (pOp->p4.z ? pOp->p4.z : p->zSql))!=0
+   && (u.cs.zTrace = (pOp->p4.z ? pOp->p4.z : p->zSql))!=0
-    sqlite3DebugPrintf("SQL-trace: %s\n", u.cr.zTrace);
+    sqlite3DebugPrintf("SQL-trace: %s\n", u.cs.zTrace);
 #endif /* SQLITE_DEBUG */
@@ -71425,7 +71651,7 @@
   if( rc==SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM ) db->mallocFailed = 1;
   if( resetSchemaOnFault>0 ){
-    sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, resetSchemaOnFault-1);
+    sqlite3ResetOneSchema(db, resetSchemaOnFault-1);
   /* This is the only way out of this procedure.  We have to
@@ -71789,7 +72015,7 @@
     sqlite3_bind_int64(pBlob->pStmt, 1, iRow);
     rc = blobSeekToRow(pBlob, iRow, &zErr);
-  } while( (++nAttempt)<5 && rc==SQLITE_SCHEMA );
+  } while( (++nAttempt)<SQLITE_MAX_SCHEMA_RETRY && rc==SQLITE_SCHEMA );
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK && db->mallocFailed==0 ){
@@ -71964,10 +72190,10 @@
 typedef struct VdbeSorterIter VdbeSorterIter;
 typedef struct SorterRecord SorterRecord;
+typedef struct FileWriter FileWriter;
@@ -72065,6 +72291,24 @@
   sqlite3_file *pFile;            /* File iterator is reading from */
   u8 *aAlloc;                     /* Allocated space */
   u8 *aKey;                       /* Pointer to current key */
+  u8 *aBuffer;                    /* Current read buffer */
+  int nBuffer;                    /* Size of read buffer in bytes */
+** An instance of this structure is used to organize the stream of records
+** being written to files by the merge-sort code into aligned, page-sized
+** blocks.  Doing all I/O in aligned page-sized blocks helps I/O to go
+** faster on many operating systems.
+struct FileWriter {
+  int eFWErr;                     /* Non-zero if in an error state */
+  u8 *aBuffer;                    /* Pointer to write buffer */
+  int nBuffer;                    /* Size of write buffer in bytes */
+  int iBufStart;                  /* First byte of buffer to write */
+  int iBufEnd;                    /* Last byte of buffer to write */
+  i64 iWriteOff;                  /* Offset of start of buffer in file */
+  sqlite3_file *pFile;            /* File to write to */
@@ -72090,108 +72334,147 @@
 static void vdbeSorterIterZero(sqlite3 *db, VdbeSorterIter *pIter){
   sqlite3DbFree(db, pIter->aAlloc);
+  sqlite3DbFree(db, pIter->aBuffer);
   memset(pIter, 0, sizeof(VdbeSorterIter));
-** Advance iterator pIter to the next key in its PMA. Return SQLITE_OK if
-** no error occurs, or an SQLite error code if one does.
+** Read nByte bytes of data from the stream of data iterated by object p.
+** If successful, set *ppOut to point to a buffer containing the data
+** and return SQLITE_OK. Otherwise, if an error occurs, return an SQLite
+** error code.
+** The buffer indicated by *ppOut may only be considered valid until the
+** next call to this function.
-static int vdbeSorterIterNext(
-  sqlite3 *db,                    /* Database handle (for sqlite3DbMalloc() ) */
-  VdbeSorterIter *pIter           /* Iterator to advance */
-  int rc;                         /* Return Code */
-  int nRead;                      /* Number of bytes read */
-  int nRec = 0;                   /* Size of record in bytes */
-  int iOff = 0;                   /* Size of serialized size varint in bytes */
-  assert( pIter->iEof>=pIter->iReadOff );
-  if( pIter->iEof-pIter->iReadOff>5 ){
-    nRead = 5;
-  }else{
-    nRead = (int)(pIter->iEof - pIter->iReadOff);
-  }
-  if( nRead<=0 ){
-    /* This is an EOF condition */
-    vdbeSorterIterZero(db, pIter);
-    return SQLITE_OK;
+static int vdbeSorterIterRead(
+  sqlite3 *db,                    /* Database handle (for malloc) */
+  VdbeSorterIter *p,              /* Iterator */
+  int nByte,                      /* Bytes of data to read */
+  u8 **ppOut                      /* OUT: Pointer to buffer containing data */
+  int iBuf;                       /* Offset within buffer to read from */
+  int nAvail;                     /* Bytes of data available in buffer */
+  assert( p->aBuffer );
+  /* If there is no more data to be read from the buffer, read the next 
+  ** p->nBuffer bytes of data from the file into it. Or, if there are less
+  ** than p->nBuffer bytes remaining in the PMA, read all remaining data.  */
+  iBuf = p->iReadOff % p->nBuffer;
+  if( iBuf==0 ){
+    int nRead;                    /* Bytes to read from disk */
+    int rc;                       /* sqlite3OsRead() return code */
+    /* Determine how many bytes of data to read. */
+    if( (p->iEof - p->iReadOff) > (i64)p->nBuffer ){
+      nRead = p->nBuffer;
+    }else{
+      nRead = (int)(p->iEof - p->iReadOff);
+    }
+    assert( nRead>0 );
+    /* Read data from the file. Return early if an error occurs. */
+    rc = sqlite3OsRead(p->pFile, p->aBuffer, nRead, p->iReadOff);
+    assert( rc!=SQLITE_IOERR_SHORT_READ );
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  nAvail = p->nBuffer - iBuf; 
-  rc = sqlite3OsRead(pIter->pFile, pIter->aAlloc, nRead, pIter->iReadOff);
-  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-    iOff = getVarint32(pIter->aAlloc, nRec);
-    if( (iOff+nRec)>nRead ){
-      int nRead2;                   /* Number of extra bytes to read */
-      if( (iOff+nRec)>pIter->nAlloc ){
-        int nNew = pIter->nAlloc*2;
-        while( (iOff+nRec)>nNew ) nNew = nNew*2;
-        pIter->aAlloc = sqlite3DbReallocOrFree(db, pIter->aAlloc, nNew);
-        if( !pIter->aAlloc ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
-        pIter->nAlloc = nNew;
-      }
+  if( nByte<=nAvail ){
+    /* The requested data is available in the in-memory buffer. In this
+    ** case there is no need to make a copy of the data, just return a 
+    ** pointer into the buffer to the caller.  */
+    *ppOut = &p->aBuffer[iBuf];
+    p->iReadOff += nByte;
+  }else{
+    /* The requested data is not all available in the in-memory buffer.
+    ** In this case, allocate space at p->aAlloc[] to copy the requested
+    ** range into. Then return a copy of pointer p->aAlloc to the caller.  */
+    int nRem;                     /* Bytes remaining to copy */
+    /* Extend the p->aAlloc[] allocation if required. */
+    if( p->nAlloc<nByte ){
+      int nNew = p->nAlloc*2;
+      while( nByte>nNew ) nNew = nNew*2;
+      p->aAlloc = sqlite3DbReallocOrFree(db, p->aAlloc, nNew);
+      if( !p->aAlloc ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+      p->nAlloc = nNew;
+    }
+    /* Copy as much data as is available in the buffer into the start of
+    ** p->aAlloc[].  */
+    memcpy(p->aAlloc, &p->aBuffer[iBuf], nAvail);
+    p->iReadOff += nAvail;
+    nRem = nByte - nAvail;
-      nRead2 = iOff + nRec - nRead;
-      rc = sqlite3OsRead(
-          pIter->pFile, &pIter->aAlloc[nRead], nRead2, pIter->iReadOff+nRead
-      );
+    /* The following loop copies up to p->nBuffer bytes per iteration into
+    ** the p->aAlloc[] buffer.  */
+    while( nRem>0 ){
+      int rc;                     /* vdbeSorterIterRead() return code */
+      int nCopy;                  /* Number of bytes to copy */
+      u8 *aNext;                  /* Pointer to buffer to copy data from */
+      nCopy = nRem;
+      if( nRem>p->nBuffer ) nCopy = p->nBuffer;
+      rc = vdbeSorterIterRead(db, p, nCopy, &aNext);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+      assert( aNext!=p->aAlloc );
+      memcpy(&p->aAlloc[nByte - nRem], aNext, nCopy);
+      nRem -= nCopy;
+    *ppOut = p->aAlloc;
-  assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || nRec>0 );
-  pIter->iReadOff += iOff+nRec;
-  pIter->nKey = nRec;
-  pIter->aKey = &pIter->aAlloc[iOff];
-  return rc;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
-** Write a single varint, value iVal, to file-descriptor pFile. Return
-** SQLITE_OK if successful, or an SQLite error code if some error occurs.
-** The value of *piOffset when this function is called is used as the byte
-** offset in file pFile to write to. Before returning, *piOffset is 
-** incremented by the number of bytes written.
+** Read a varint from the stream of data accessed by p. Set *pnOut to
+** the value read.
-static int vdbeSorterWriteVarint(
-  sqlite3_file *pFile,            /* File to write to */
-  i64 iVal,                       /* Value to write as a varint */
-  i64 *piOffset                   /* IN/OUT: Write offset in file pFile */
-  u8 aVarint[9];                  /* Buffer large enough for a varint */
-  int nVarint;                    /* Number of used bytes in varint */
-  int rc;                         /* Result of write() call */
+static int vdbeSorterIterVarint(sqlite3 *db, VdbeSorterIter *p, u64 *pnOut){
+  int iBuf;
-  nVarint = sqlite3PutVarint(aVarint, iVal);
-  rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pFile, aVarint, nVarint, *piOffset);
-  *piOffset += nVarint;
+  iBuf = p->iReadOff % p->nBuffer;
+  if( iBuf && (p->nBuffer-iBuf)>=9 ){
+    p->iReadOff += sqlite3GetVarint(&p->aBuffer[iBuf], pnOut);
+  }else{
+    u8 aVarint[16], *a;
+    int i = 0, rc;
+    do{
+      rc = vdbeSorterIterRead(db, p, 1, &a);
+      if( rc ) return rc;
+      aVarint[(i++)&0xf] = a[0];
+    }while( (a[0]&0x80)!=0 );
+    sqlite3GetVarint(aVarint, pnOut);
+  }
-  return rc;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
-** Read a single varint from file-descriptor pFile. Return SQLITE_OK if
-** successful, or an SQLite error code if some error occurs.
-** The value of *piOffset when this function is called is used as the
-** byte offset in file pFile from whence to read the varint. If successful
-** (i.e. if no IO error occurs), then *piOffset is set to the offset of
-** the first byte past the end of the varint before returning. *piVal is
-** set to the integer value read. If an error occurs, the final values of
-** both *piOffset and *piVal are undefined.
+** Advance iterator pIter to the next key in its PMA. Return SQLITE_OK if
+** no error occurs, or an SQLite error code if one does.
-static int vdbeSorterReadVarint(
-  sqlite3_file *pFile,            /* File to read from */
-  i64 *piOffset,                  /* IN/OUT: Read offset in pFile */
-  i64 *piVal                      /* OUT: Value read from file */
+static int vdbeSorterIterNext(
+  sqlite3 *db,                    /* Database handle (for sqlite3DbMalloc() ) */
+  VdbeSorterIter *pIter           /* Iterator to advance */
-  u8 aVarint[9];                  /* Buffer large enough for a varint */
-  i64 iOff = *piOffset;           /* Offset in file to read from */
-  int rc;                         /* Return code */
+  int rc;                         /* Return Code */
+  u64 nRec = 0;                   /* Size of record in bytes */
+  if( pIter->iReadOff>=pIter->iEof ){
+    /* This is an EOF condition */
+    vdbeSorterIterZero(db, pIter);
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
-  rc = sqlite3OsRead(pFile, aVarint, 9, iOff);
+  rc = vdbeSorterIterVarint(db, pIter, &nRec);
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-    *piOffset += getVarint(aVarint, (u64 *)piVal);
+    pIter->nKey = (int)nRec;
+    rc = vdbeSorterIterRead(db, pIter, (int)nRec, &pIter->aKey);
   return rc;
@@ -72205,27 +72488,52 @@
 static int vdbeSorterIterInit(
   sqlite3 *db,                    /* Database handle */
-  VdbeSorter *pSorter,            /* Sorter object */
+  const VdbeSorter *pSorter,      /* Sorter object */
   i64 iStart,                     /* Start offset in pFile */
   VdbeSorterIter *pIter,          /* Iterator to populate */
   i64 *pnByte                     /* IN/OUT: Increment this value by PMA size */
-  int rc;
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  int nBuf;
+  nBuf = sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(db->aDb[0].pBt);
   assert( pSorter->iWriteOff>iStart );
   assert( pIter->aAlloc==0 );
+  assert( pIter->aBuffer==0 );
   pIter->pFile = pSorter->pTemp1;
   pIter->iReadOff = iStart;
   pIter->nAlloc = 128;
   pIter->aAlloc = (u8 *)sqlite3DbMallocRaw(db, pIter->nAlloc);
-  if( !pIter->aAlloc ){
+  pIter->nBuffer = nBuf;
+  pIter->aBuffer = (u8 *)sqlite3DbMallocRaw(db, nBuf);
+  if( !pIter->aBuffer ){
     rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
-    i64 nByte;                         /* Total size of PMA in bytes */
-    rc = vdbeSorterReadVarint(pSorter->pTemp1, &pIter->iReadOff, &nByte);
-    *pnByte += nByte;
+    int iBuf;
+    iBuf = iStart % nBuf;
+    if( iBuf ){
+      int nRead = nBuf - iBuf;
+      if( (iStart + nRead) > pSorter->iWriteOff ){
+        nRead = (int)(pSorter->iWriteOff - iStart);
+      }
+      rc = sqlite3OsRead(
+          pSorter->pTemp1, &pIter->aBuffer[iBuf], nRead, iStart
+      );
+      assert( rc!=SQLITE_IOERR_SHORT_READ );
+    }
+    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+      u64 nByte;                       /* Size of PMA in bytes */
+      pIter->iEof = pSorter->iWriteOff;
+      rc = vdbeSorterIterVarint(db, pIter, &nByte);
     pIter->iEof = pIter->iReadOff + nByte;
+      *pnByte += nByte;
+  }
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
     rc = vdbeSorterIterNext(db, pIter);
@@ -72249,10 +72557,10 @@
 ** has been allocated and contains an unpacked record that is used as key2.
 static void vdbeSorterCompare(
-  VdbeCursor *pCsr,               /* Cursor object (for pKeyInfo) */
+  const VdbeCursor *pCsr,         /* Cursor object (for pKeyInfo) */
   int bOmitRowid,                 /* Ignore rowid field at end of keys */
-  void *pKey1, int nKey1,         /* Left side of comparison */
-  void *pKey2, int nKey2,         /* Right side of comparison */
+  const void *pKey1, int nKey1,   /* Left side of comparison */
+  const void *pKey2, int nKey2,   /* Right side of comparison */
   int *pRes                       /* OUT: Result of comparison */
   KeyInfo *pKeyInfo = pCsr->pKeyInfo;
@@ -72284,7 +72592,7 @@
 ** multiple b-tree segments. Parameter iOut is the index of the aTree[] 
 ** value to recalculate.
-static int vdbeSorterDoCompare(VdbeCursor *pCsr, int iOut){
+static int vdbeSorterDoCompare(const VdbeCursor *pCsr, int iOut){
   VdbeSorter *pSorter = pCsr->pSorter;
   int i1;
   int i2;
@@ -72410,7 +72718,7 @@
 ** Set *ppOut to the head of the new list.
 static void vdbeSorterMerge(
-  VdbeCursor *pCsr,               /* For pKeyInfo */
+  const VdbeCursor *pCsr,         /* For pKeyInfo */
   SorterRecord *p1,               /* First list to merge */
   SorterRecord *p2,               /* Second list to merge */
   SorterRecord **ppOut            /* OUT: Head of merged list */
@@ -72444,7 +72752,7 @@
 ** if successful, or an SQLite error code (i.e. SQLITE_NOMEM) if an error
 ** occurs.
-static int vdbeSorterSort(VdbeCursor *pCsr){
+static int vdbeSorterSort(const VdbeCursor *pCsr){
   int i;
   SorterRecord **aSlot;
   SorterRecord *p;
@@ -72477,6 +72785,91 @@
   return SQLITE_OK;
+** Initialize a file-writer object.
+static void fileWriterInit(
+  sqlite3 *db,                    /* Database (for malloc) */
+  sqlite3_file *pFile,            /* File to write to */
+  FileWriter *p,                  /* Object to populate */
+  i64 iStart                      /* Offset of pFile to begin writing at */
+  int nBuf = sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(db->aDb[0].pBt);
+  memset(p, 0, sizeof(FileWriter));
+  p->aBuffer = (u8 *)sqlite3DbMallocRaw(db, nBuf);
+  if( !p->aBuffer ){
+    p->eFWErr = SQLITE_NOMEM;
+  }else{
+    p->iBufEnd = p->iBufStart = (iStart % nBuf);
+    p->iWriteOff = iStart - p->iBufStart;
+    p->nBuffer = nBuf;
+    p->pFile = pFile;
+  }
+** Write nData bytes of data to the file-write object. Return SQLITE_OK
+** if successful, or an SQLite error code if an error occurs.
+static void fileWriterWrite(FileWriter *p, u8 *pData, int nData){
+  int nRem = nData;
+  while( nRem>0 && p->eFWErr==0 ){
+    int nCopy = nRem;
+    if( nCopy>(p->nBuffer - p->iBufEnd) ){
+      nCopy = p->nBuffer - p->iBufEnd;
+    }
+    memcpy(&p->aBuffer[p->iBufEnd], &pData[nData-nRem], nCopy);
+    p->iBufEnd += nCopy;
+    if( p->iBufEnd==p->nBuffer ){
+      p->eFWErr = sqlite3OsWrite(p->pFile, 
+          &p->aBuffer[p->iBufStart], p->iBufEnd - p->iBufStart, 
+          p->iWriteOff + p->iBufStart
+      );
+      p->iBufStart = p->iBufEnd = 0;
+      p->iWriteOff += p->nBuffer;
+    }
+    assert( p->iBufEnd<p->nBuffer );
+    nRem -= nCopy;
+  }
+** Flush any buffered data to disk and clean up the file-writer object.
+** The results of using the file-writer after this call are undefined.
+** Return SQLITE_OK if flushing the buffered data succeeds or is not 
+** required. Otherwise, return an SQLite error code.
+** Before returning, set *piEof to the offset immediately following the
+** last byte written to the file.
+static int fileWriterFinish(sqlite3 *db, FileWriter *p, i64 *piEof){
+  int rc;
+  if( p->eFWErr==0 && ALWAYS(p->aBuffer) && p->iBufEnd>p->iBufStart ){
+    p->eFWErr = sqlite3OsWrite(p->pFile, 
+        &p->aBuffer[p->iBufStart], p->iBufEnd - p->iBufStart, 
+        p->iWriteOff + p->iBufStart
+    );
+  }
+  *piEof = (p->iWriteOff + p->iBufEnd);
+  sqlite3DbFree(db, p->aBuffer);
+  rc = p->eFWErr;
+  memset(p, 0, sizeof(FileWriter));
+  return rc;
+** Write value iVal encoded as a varint to the file-write object. Return 
+** SQLITE_OK if successful, or an SQLite error code if an error occurs.
+static void fileWriterWriteVarint(FileWriter *p, u64 iVal){
+  int nByte; 
+  u8 aByte[10];
+  nByte = sqlite3PutVarint(aByte, iVal);
+  fileWriterWrite(p, aByte, nByte);
 ** Write the current contents of the in-memory linked-list to a PMA. Return
@@ -72491,9 +72884,12 @@
 **       Each record consists of a varint followed by a blob of data (the 
 **       key). The varint is the number of bytes in the blob of data.
-static int vdbeSorterListToPMA(sqlite3 *db, VdbeCursor *pCsr){
+static int vdbeSorterListToPMA(sqlite3 *db, const VdbeCursor *pCsr){
   int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return code */
   VdbeSorter *pSorter = pCsr->pSorter;
+  FileWriter writer;
+  memset(&writer, 0, sizeof(FileWriter));
   if( pSorter->nInMemory==0 ){
     assert( pSorter->pRecord==0 );
@@ -72511,39 +72907,20 @@
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-    i64 iOff = pSorter->iWriteOff;
     SorterRecord *p;
     SorterRecord *pNext = 0;
-    static const char eightZeros[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+    fileWriterInit(db, pSorter->pTemp1, &writer, pSorter->iWriteOff);
-    rc = vdbeSorterWriteVarint(pSorter->pTemp1, pSorter->nInMemory, &iOff);
-    for(p=pSorter->pRecord; rc==SQLITE_OK && p; p=pNext){
+    fileWriterWriteVarint(&writer, pSorter->nInMemory);
+    for(p=pSorter->pRecord; p; p=pNext){
       pNext = p->pNext;
-      rc = vdbeSorterWriteVarint(pSorter->pTemp1, p->nVal, &iOff);
-      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-        rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pSorter->pTemp1, p->pVal, p->nVal, iOff);
-        iOff += p->nVal;
-      }
+      fileWriterWriteVarint(&writer, p->nVal);
+      fileWriterWrite(&writer, p->pVal, p->nVal);
       sqlite3DbFree(db, p);
-    /* This assert verifies that unless an error has occurred, the size of 
-    ** the PMA on disk is the same as the expected size stored in
-    ** pSorter->nInMemory. */ 
-    assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || pSorter->nInMemory==(
-          iOff-pSorter->iWriteOff-sqlite3VarintLen(pSorter->nInMemory)
-    ));
-    pSorter->iWriteOff = iOff;
-    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-      /* Terminate each file with 8 extra bytes so that from any offset
-      ** in the file we can always read 9 bytes without a SHORT_READ error */
-      rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pSorter->pTemp1, eightZeros, 8, iOff);
-    }
     pSorter->pRecord = p;
+    rc = fileWriterFinish(db, &writer, &pSorter->iWriteOff);
   return rc;
@@ -72554,7 +72931,7 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterWrite(
   sqlite3 *db,                    /* Database handle */
-  VdbeCursor *pCsr,               /* Sorter cursor */
+  const VdbeCursor *pCsr,               /* Sorter cursor */
   Mem *pVal                       /* Memory cell containing record */
   VdbeSorter *pSorter = pCsr->pSorter;
@@ -72588,8 +72965,14 @@
      || (pSorter->nInMemory>pSorter->mnPmaSize && sqlite3HeapNearlyFull())
+    i64 nExpect = pSorter->iWriteOff
+                + sqlite3VarintLen(pSorter->nInMemory)
+                + pSorter->nInMemory;
     rc = vdbeSorterListToPMA(db, pCsr);
     pSorter->nInMemory = 0;
+    assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || (nExpect==pSorter->iWriteOff) );
   return rc;
@@ -72600,7 +72983,7 @@
 static int vdbeSorterInitMerge(
   sqlite3 *db,                    /* Database handle */
-  VdbeCursor *pCsr,               /* Cursor handle for this sorter */
+  const VdbeCursor *pCsr,         /* Cursor handle for this sorter */
   i64 *pnByte                     /* Sum of bytes in all opened PMAs */
   VdbeSorter *pSorter = pCsr->pSorter;
@@ -72630,7 +73013,7 @@
 ** Once the sorter has been populated, this function is called to prepare
 ** for iterating through its contents in sorted order.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterRewind(sqlite3 *db, VdbeCursor *pCsr, int *pbEof){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterRewind(sqlite3 *db, const VdbeCursor *pCsr, int *pbEof){
   VdbeSorter *pSorter = pCsr->pSorter;
   int rc;                         /* Return code */
   sqlite3_file *pTemp2 = 0;       /* Second temp file to use */
@@ -72650,7 +73033,7 @@
     return vdbeSorterSort(pCsr);
-  /* Write the current b-tree to a PMA. Close the b-tree cursor. */
+  /* Write the current in-memory list to a PMA. */
   rc = vdbeSorterListToPMA(db, pCsr);
   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
@@ -72672,8 +73055,12 @@
         rc==SQLITE_OK && iNew*SORTER_MAX_MERGE_COUNT<pSorter->nPMA; 
+      int rc2;                    /* Return code from fileWriterFinish() */
+      FileWriter writer;          /* Object used to write to disk */
       i64 nWrite;                 /* Number of bytes in new PMA */
+      memset(&writer, 0, sizeof(FileWriter));
       /* If there are SORTER_MAX_MERGE_COUNT or less PMAs in file pTemp1,
       ** initialize an iterator for each of them and break out of the loop.
       ** These iterators will be incrementally merged as the VDBE layer calls
@@ -72696,22 +73083,19 @@
       if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-        rc = vdbeSorterWriteVarint(pTemp2, nWrite, &iWrite2);
-      }
-      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
         int bEof = 0;
+        fileWriterInit(db, pTemp2, &writer, iWrite2);
+        fileWriterWriteVarint(&writer, nWrite);
         while( rc==SQLITE_OK && bEof==0 ){
-          int nToWrite;
           VdbeSorterIter *pIter = &pSorter->aIter[ pSorter->aTree[1] ];
           assert( pIter->pFile );
-          nToWrite = pIter->nKey + sqlite3VarintLen(pIter->nKey);
-          rc = sqlite3OsWrite(pTemp2, pIter->aAlloc, nToWrite, iWrite2);
-          iWrite2 += nToWrite;
-          if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+          fileWriterWriteVarint(&writer, pIter->nKey);
+          fileWriterWrite(&writer, pIter->aKey, pIter->nKey);
             rc = sqlite3VdbeSorterNext(db, pCsr, &bEof);
-        }
+        rc2 = fileWriterFinish(db, &writer, &iWrite2);
+        if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = rc2;
@@ -72738,7 +73122,7 @@
 ** Advance to the next element in the sorter.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterNext(sqlite3 *db, VdbeCursor *pCsr, int *pbEof){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterNext(sqlite3 *db, const VdbeCursor *pCsr, int *pbEof){
   VdbeSorter *pSorter = pCsr->pSorter;
   int rc;                         /* Return code */
@@ -72768,7 +73152,7 @@
 ** current key.
 static void *vdbeSorterRowkey(
-  VdbeSorter *pSorter,            /* Sorter object */
+  const VdbeSorter *pSorter,      /* Sorter object */
   int *pnKey                      /* OUT: Size of current key in bytes */
   void *pKey;
@@ -72787,7 +73171,7 @@
 ** Copy the current sorter key into the memory cell pOut.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterRowkey(VdbeCursor *pCsr, Mem *pOut){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterRowkey(const VdbeCursor *pCsr, Mem *pOut){
   VdbeSorter *pSorter = pCsr->pSorter;
   void *pKey; int nKey;           /* Sorter key to copy into pOut */
@@ -72813,7 +73197,7 @@
 ** key.
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSorterCompare(
-  VdbeCursor *pCsr,               /* Sorter cursor */
+  const VdbeCursor *pCsr,         /* Sorter cursor */
   Mem *pVal,                      /* Value to compare to current sorter key */
   int *pRes                       /* OUT: Result of comparison */
@@ -72825,8 +73209,6 @@
   return SQLITE_OK;
-#endif /* #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_MERGE_SORT */
 /************** End of vdbesort.c ********************************************/
 /************** Begin file journal.c *****************************************/
@@ -72889,6 +73271,14 @@
         rc = sqlite3OsWrite(p->pReal, p->zBuf, p->iSize, 0);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+        /* If an error occurred while writing to the file, close it before
+        ** returning. This way, SQLite uses the in-memory journal data to 
+        ** roll back changes made to the internal page-cache before this
+        ** function was called.  */
+        sqlite3OsClose(pReal);
+        p->pReal = 0;
+      }
   return rc;
@@ -73059,6 +73449,16 @@
+** The file-handle passed as the only argument is guaranteed to be an open
+** file. It may or may not be of class JournalFile. If the file is a
+** JournalFile, and the underlying file on disk has not yet been opened,
+** return 0. Otherwise, return 1.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3JournalExists(sqlite3_file *p){
+  return (p->pMethods!=&JournalFileMethods || ((JournalFile *)p)->pReal!=0);
 ** Return the number of bytes required to store a JournalFile that uses vfs
 ** pVfs to create the underlying on-disk files.
@@ -73300,7 +73700,9 @@
   0,                /* xShmMap */
   0,                /* xShmLock */
   0,                /* xShmBarrier */
-  0                 /* xShmUnlock */
+  0,                /* xShmUnmap */
+  0,                /* xFetch */
+  0                 /* xUnfetch */
@@ -73444,7 +73846,9 @@
 ** Call sqlite3WalkExpr() for every expression in Select statement p.
 ** Invoke sqlite3WalkSelect() for subqueries in the FROM clause and
-** on the compound select chain, p->pPrior.
+** on the compound select chain, p->pPrior.  Invoke the xSelectCallback()
+** either before or after the walk of expressions and FROM clause, depending
+** on whether pWalker->bSelectDepthFirst is false or true, respectively.
 ** Return WRC_Continue under normal conditions.  Return WRC_Abort if
 ** there is an abort request.
@@ -73456,13 +73860,28 @@
   int rc;
   if( p==0 || pWalker->xSelectCallback==0 ) return WRC_Continue;
   rc = WRC_Continue;
+  pWalker->walkerDepth++;
   while( p  ){
+    if( !pWalker->bSelectDepthFirst ){
     rc = pWalker->xSelectCallback(pWalker, p);
     if( rc ) break;
-    if( sqlite3WalkSelectExpr(pWalker, p) ) return WRC_Abort;
-    if( sqlite3WalkSelectFrom(pWalker, p) ) return WRC_Abort;
+    }
+    if( sqlite3WalkSelectExpr(pWalker, p)
+     || sqlite3WalkSelectFrom(pWalker, p)
+    ){
+      pWalker->walkerDepth--;
+      return WRC_Abort;
+    }
+    if( pWalker->bSelectDepthFirst ){
+      rc = pWalker->xSelectCallback(pWalker, p);
+      /* Depth-first search is currently only used for
+      ** selectAddSubqueryTypeInfo() and that routine always returns
+      ** WRC_Continue (0).  So the following branch is never taken. */
+      if( NEVER(rc) ) break;
+    }
     p = p->pPrior;
+  pWalker->walkerDepth--;
   return rc & WRC_Abort;
@@ -73488,6 +73907,29 @@
 /* #include <string.h> */
+** Walk the expression tree pExpr and increase the aggregate function
+** depth (the Expr.op2 field) by N on every TK_AGG_FUNCTION node.
+** This needs to occur when copying a TK_AGG_FUNCTION node from an
+** outer query into an inner subquery.
+** incrAggFunctionDepth(pExpr,n) is the main routine.  incrAggDepth(..)
+** is a helper function - a callback for the tree walker.
+static int incrAggDepth(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
+  if( pExpr->op==TK_AGG_FUNCTION ) pExpr->op2 += pWalker->u.i;
+  return WRC_Continue;
+static void incrAggFunctionDepth(Expr *pExpr, int N){
+  if( N>0 ){
+    Walker w;
+    memset(&w, 0, sizeof(w));
+    w.xExprCallback = incrAggDepth;
+    w.u.i = N;
+    sqlite3WalkExpr(&w, pExpr);
+  }
 ** Turn the pExpr expression into an alias for the iCol-th column of the
 ** result set in pEList.
@@ -73513,13 +73955,29 @@
 ** The result of random()%5 in the GROUP BY clause is probably different
 ** from the result in the result-set.  We might fix this someday.  Or
 ** then again, we might not...
+** If the reference is followed by a COLLATE operator, then make sure
+** the COLLATE operator is preserved.  For example:
+**     SELECT a+b, c+d FROM t1 ORDER BY 1 COLLATE nocase;
+** Should be transformed into:
+**     SELECT a+b, c+d FROM t1 ORDER BY (a+b) COLLATE nocase;
+** The nSubquery parameter specifies how many levels of subquery the
+** alias is removed from the original expression.  The usually value is
+** zero but it might be more if the alias is contained within a subquery
+** of the original expression.  The Expr.op2 field of TK_AGG_FUNCTION
+** structures must be increased by the nSubquery amount.
 static void resolveAlias(
   Parse *pParse,         /* Parsing context */
   ExprList *pEList,      /* A result set */
   int iCol,              /* A column in the result set.  0..pEList->nExpr-1 */
   Expr *pExpr,           /* Transform this into an alias to the result set */
-  const char *zType      /* "GROUP" or "ORDER" or "" */
+  const char *zType,     /* "GROUP" or "ORDER" or "" */
+  int nSubquery          /* Number of subqueries that the label is moving */
   Expr *pOrig;           /* The iCol-th column of the result set */
   Expr *pDup;            /* Copy of pOrig */
@@ -73530,40 +73988,36 @@
   assert( pOrig!=0 );
   assert( pOrig->flags & EP_Resolved );
   db = pParse->db;
-  if( pOrig->op!=TK_COLUMN && zType[0]!='G' ){
     pDup = sqlite3ExprDup(db, pOrig, 0);
+  if( pDup==0 ) return;
+  if( pOrig->op!=TK_COLUMN && zType[0]!='G' ){
+    incrAggFunctionDepth(pDup, nSubquery);
     pDup = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_AS, pDup, 0, 0);
     if( pDup==0 ) return;
     if( pEList->a[iCol].iAlias==0 ){
       pEList->a[iCol].iAlias = (u16)(++pParse->nAlias);
     pDup->iTable = pEList->a[iCol].iAlias;
-  }else if( ExprHasProperty(pOrig, EP_IntValue) || pOrig->u.zToken==0 ){
-    pDup = sqlite3ExprDup(db, pOrig, 0);
-    if( pDup==0 ) return;
-  }else{
-    char *zToken = pOrig->u.zToken;
-    assert( zToken!=0 );
-    pOrig->u.zToken = 0;
-    pDup = sqlite3ExprDup(db, pOrig, 0);
-    pOrig->u.zToken = zToken;
-    if( pDup==0 ) return;
-    assert( (pDup->flags & (EP_Reduced|EP_TokenOnly))==0 );
-    pDup->flags2 |= EP2_MallocedToken;
-    pDup->u.zToken = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, zToken);
-  }
-  if( pExpr->flags & EP_ExpCollate ){
-    pDup->pColl = pExpr->pColl;
-    pDup->flags |= EP_ExpCollate;
+  }
+  if( pExpr->op==TK_COLLATE ){
+    pDup = sqlite3ExprAddCollateString(pParse, pDup, pExpr->u.zToken);
   /* Before calling sqlite3ExprDelete(), set the EP_Static flag. This 
   ** prevents ExprDelete() from deleting the Expr structure itself,
   ** allowing it to be repopulated by the memcpy() on the following line.
+  ** The pExpr->u.zToken might point into memory that will be freed by the
+  ** sqlite3DbFree(db, pDup) on the last line of this block, so be sure to
+  ** make a copy of the token before doing the sqlite3DbFree().
   ExprSetProperty(pExpr, EP_Static);
   sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pExpr);
   memcpy(pExpr, pDup, sizeof(*pExpr));
+  if( !ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_IntValue) && pExpr->u.zToken!=0 ){
+    assert( (pExpr->flags & (EP_Reduced|EP_TokenOnly))==0 );
+    pExpr->u.zToken = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pExpr->u.zToken);
+    pExpr->flags2 |= EP2_MallocedToken;
+  }
   sqlite3DbFree(db, pDup);
@@ -73584,6 +74038,35 @@
   return 0;
+** Subqueries stores the original database, table and column names for their
+** result sets in ExprList.a[].zSpan, in the form "DATABASE.TABLE.COLUMN".
+** Check to see if the zSpan given to this routine matches the zDb, zTab,
+** and zCol.  If any of zDb, zTab, and zCol are NULL then those fields will
+** match anything.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3MatchSpanName(
+  const char *zSpan,
+  const char *zCol,
+  const char *zTab,
+  const char *zDb
+  int n;
+  for(n=0; ALWAYS(zSpan[n]) && zSpan[n]!='.'; n++){}
+  if( zDb && (sqlite3StrNICmp(zSpan, zDb, n)!=0 || zDb[n]!=0) ){
+    return 0;
+  }
+  zSpan += n+1;
+  for(n=0; ALWAYS(zSpan[n]) && zSpan[n]!='.'; n++){}
+  if( zTab && (sqlite3StrNICmp(zSpan, zTab, n)!=0 || zTab[n]!=0) ){
+    return 0;
+  }
+  zSpan += n+1;
+  if( zCol && sqlite3StrICmp(zSpan, zCol)!=0 ){
+    return 0;
+  }
+  return 1;
 ** Given the name of a column of the form X.Y.Z or Y.Z or just Z, look up
@@ -73623,6 +74106,7 @@
   int i, j;            /* Loop counters */
   int cnt = 0;                      /* Number of matching column names */
   int cntTab = 0;                   /* Number of matching table names */
+  int nSubquery = 0;                /* How many levels of subquery */
   sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;         /* The database connection */
   struct SrcList_item *pItem;       /* Use for looping over pSrcList items */
   struct SrcList_item *pMatch = 0;  /* The matching pSrcList item */
@@ -73632,13 +74116,27 @@
   assert( pNC );     /* the name context cannot be NULL. */
   assert( zCol );    /* The Z in X.Y.Z cannot be NULL */
-  assert( ~ExprHasAnyProperty(pExpr, EP_TokenOnly|EP_Reduced) );
+  assert( !ExprHasAnyProperty(pExpr, EP_TokenOnly|EP_Reduced) );
   /* Initialize the node to no-match */
   pExpr->iTable = -1;
   pExpr->pTab = 0;
+  /* Translate the schema name in zDb into a pointer to the corresponding
+  ** schema.  If not found, pSchema will remain NULL and nothing will match
+  ** resulting in an appropriate error message toward the end of this routine
+  */
+  if( zDb ){
+    for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){
+      assert( db->aDb[i].zName );
+      if( sqlite3StrICmp(db->aDb[i].zName,zDb)==0 ){
+        pSchema = db->aDb[i].pSchema;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
   /* Start at the inner-most context and move outward until a match is found */
   while( pNC && cnt==0 ){
     ExprList *pEList;
@@ -73647,31 +74145,36 @@
     if( pSrcList ){
       for(i=0, pItem=pSrcList->a; i<pSrcList->nSrc; i++, pItem++){
         Table *pTab;
-        int iDb;
         Column *pCol;
         pTab = pItem->pTab;
         assert( pTab!=0 && pTab->zName!=0 );
-        iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pTab->pSchema);
         assert( pTab->nCol>0 );
-        if( zTab ){
-          if( pItem->zAlias ){
-            char *zTabName = pItem->zAlias;
-            if( sqlite3StrICmp(zTabName, zTab)!=0 ) continue;
-          }else{
-            char *zTabName = pTab->zName;
-            if( NEVER(zTabName==0) || sqlite3StrICmp(zTabName, zTab)!=0 ){
-              continue;
+        if( pItem->pSelect && (pItem->pSelect->selFlags & SF_NestedFrom)!=0 ){
+          int hit = 0;
+          pEList = pItem->pSelect->pEList;
+          for(j=0; j<pEList->nExpr; j++){
+            if( sqlite3MatchSpanName(pEList->a[j].zSpan, zCol, zTab, zDb) ){
+              cnt++;
+              cntTab = 2;
+              pMatch = pItem;
+              pExpr->iColumn = j;
+              hit = 1;
+            }
-            if( zDb!=0 && sqlite3StrICmp(db->aDb[iDb].zName, zDb)!=0 ){
+          if( hit || zTab==0 ) continue;
+        }
+        if( zDb && pTab->pSchema!=pSchema ){
+        if( zTab ){
+          const char *zTabName = pItem->zAlias ? pItem->zAlias : pTab->zName;
+          assert( zTabName!=0 );
+          if( sqlite3StrICmp(zTabName, zTab)!=0 ){
+            continue;
         if( 0==(cntTab++) ){
-          pExpr->iTable = pItem->iCursor;
-          pExpr->pTab = pTab;
-          pSchema = pTab->pSchema;
           pMatch = pItem;
         for(j=0, pCol=pTab->aCol; j<pTab->nCol; j++, pCol++){
@@ -73685,17 +74188,19 @@
               if( nameInUsingClause(pItem->pUsing, zCol) ) continue;
-            pExpr->iTable = pItem->iCursor;
-            pExpr->pTab = pTab;
             pMatch = pItem;
-            pSchema = pTab->pSchema;
             /* Substitute the rowid (column -1) for the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY */
             pExpr->iColumn = j==pTab->iPKey ? -1 : (i16)j;
+      if( pMatch ){
+        pExpr->iTable = pMatch->iCursor;
+        pExpr->pTab = pMatch->pTab;
+        pSchema = pExpr->pTab->pSchema;
+    } /* if( pSrcList ) */
     /* If we have not already resolved the name, then maybe 
@@ -73771,7 +74276,10 @@
     ** Note that the expression in the result set should have already been
     ** resolved by the time the WHERE clause is resolved.
-    if( cnt==0 && (pEList = pNC->pEList)!=0 && zTab==0 ){
+    if( (pEList = pNC->pEList)!=0
+     && zTab==0
+     && ((pNC->ncFlags & NC_AsMaybe)==0 || cnt==0)
+    ){
       for(j=0; j<pEList->nExpr; j++){
         char *zAs = pEList->a[j].zName;
         if( zAs!=0 && sqlite3StrICmp(zAs, zCol)==0 ){
@@ -73784,7 +74292,7 @@
             sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "misuse of aliased aggregate %s", zAs);
             return WRC_Abort;
-          resolveAlias(pParse, pEList, j, pExpr, "");
+          resolveAlias(pParse, pEList, j, pExpr, "", nSubquery);
           cnt = 1;
           pMatch = 0;
           assert( zTab==0 && zDb==0 );
@@ -73798,6 +74306,7 @@
     if( cnt==0 ){
       pNC = pNC->pNext;
+      nSubquery++;
@@ -73861,7 +74370,9 @@
   if( cnt==1 ){
     assert( pNC!=0 );
+    if( pExpr->op!=TK_AS ){
     sqlite3AuthRead(pParse, pExpr, pSchema, pNC->pSrcList);
+    }
     /* Increment the nRef value on all name contexts from TopNC up to
     ** the point where the name matched. */
@@ -74029,7 +74540,7 @@
         sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "misuse of aggregate function %.*s()", nId,zId);
         is_agg = 0;
-      }else if( no_such_func ){
+      }else if( no_such_func && pParse->db->init.busy==0 ){
         sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such function: %.*s", nId, zId);
       }else if( wrong_num_args ){
@@ -74037,13 +74548,19 @@
              nId, zId);
+      if( is_agg ) pNC->ncFlags &= ~NC_AllowAgg;
+      sqlite3WalkExprList(pWalker, pList);
       if( is_agg ){
+        NameContext *pNC2 = pNC;
         pExpr->op = TK_AGG_FUNCTION;
-        pNC->ncFlags |= NC_HasAgg;
+        pExpr->op2 = 0;
+        while( pNC2 && !sqlite3FunctionUsesThisSrc(pExpr, pNC2->pSrcList) ){
+          pExpr->op2++;
+          pNC2 = pNC2->pNext;
+        }
+        if( pNC2 ) pNC2->ncFlags |= NC_HasAgg;
+        pNC->ncFlags |= NC_AllowAgg;
-      if( is_agg ) pNC->ncFlags &= ~NC_AllowAgg;
-      sqlite3WalkExprList(pWalker, pList);
-      if( is_agg ) pNC->ncFlags |= NC_AllowAgg;
       /* FIX ME:  Compute pExpr->affinity based on the expected return
       ** type of the function 
@@ -74242,7 +74759,7 @@
       int iCol = -1;
       Expr *pE, *pDup;
       if( pItem->done ) continue;
-      pE = pItem->pExpr;
+      pE = sqlite3ExprSkipCollate(pItem->pExpr);
       if( sqlite3ExprIsInteger(pE, &iCol) ){
         if( iCol<=0 || iCol>pEList->nExpr ){
           resolveOutOfRangeError(pParse, "ORDER", i+1, pEList->nExpr);
@@ -74260,14 +74777,20 @@
       if( iCol>0 ){
-        CollSeq *pColl = pE->pColl;
-        int flags = pE->flags & EP_ExpCollate;
+        /* Convert the ORDER BY term into an integer column number iCol,
+        ** taking care to preserve the COLLATE clause if it exists */
+        Expr *pNew = sqlite3Expr(db, TK_INTEGER, 0);
+        if( pNew==0 ) return 1;
+        pNew->flags |= EP_IntValue;
+        pNew->u.iValue = iCol;
+        if( pItem->pExpr==pE ){
+          pItem->pExpr = pNew;
+        }else{
+          assert( pItem->pExpr->op==TK_COLLATE );
+          assert( pItem->pExpr->pLeft==pE );
+          pItem->pExpr->pLeft = pNew;
+        }
         sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pE);
-        pItem->pExpr = pE = sqlite3Expr(db, TK_INTEGER, 0);
-        if( pE==0 ) return 1;
-        pE->pColl = pColl;
-        pE->flags |= EP_IntValue | flags;
-        pE->u.iValue = iCol;
         pItem->iOrderByCol = (u16)iCol;
         pItem->done = 1;
@@ -74322,7 +74845,7 @@
         resolveOutOfRangeError(pParse, zType, i+1, pEList->nExpr);
         return 1;
-      resolveAlias(pParse, pEList, pItem->iOrderByCol-1, pItem->pExpr, zType);
+      resolveAlias(pParse, pEList, pItem->iOrderByCol-1, pItem->pExpr, zType,0);
   return 0;
@@ -74372,11 +74895,11 @@
       pItem->iOrderByCol = (u16)iCol;
-    if( sqlite3ExprIsInteger(pE, &iCol) ){
+    if( sqlite3ExprIsInteger(sqlite3ExprSkipCollate(pE), &iCol) ){
       /* The ORDER BY term is an integer constant.  Again, set the column
       ** number so that sqlite3ResolveOrderGroupBy() will convert the
       ** order-by term to a copy of the result-set expression */
-      if( iCol<1 ){
+      if( iCol<1 || iCol>0xffff ){
         resolveOutOfRangeError(pParse, zType, i+1, nResult);
         return 1;
@@ -74453,23 +74976,6 @@
       return WRC_Abort;
-    /* Set up the local name-context to pass to sqlite3ResolveExprNames() to
-    ** resolve the result-set expression list.
-    */
-    sNC.ncFlags = NC_AllowAgg;
-    sNC.pSrcList = p->pSrc;
-    sNC.pNext = pOuterNC;
-    /* Resolve names in the result set. */
-    pEList = p->pEList;
-    assert( pEList!=0 );
-    for(i=0; i<pEList->nExpr; i++){
-      Expr *pX = pEList->a[i].pExpr;
-      if( sqlite3ResolveExprNames(&sNC, pX) ){
-        return WRC_Abort;
-      }
-    }
     /* Recursively resolve names in all subqueries
     for(i=0; i<p->pSrc->nSrc; i++){
@@ -74497,6 +75003,23 @@
+    /* Set up the local name-context to pass to sqlite3ResolveExprNames() to
+    ** resolve the result-set expression list.
+    */
+    sNC.ncFlags = NC_AllowAgg;
+    sNC.pSrcList = p->pSrc;
+    sNC.pNext = pOuterNC;
+    /* Resolve names in the result set. */
+    pEList = p->pEList;
+    assert( pEList!=0 );
+    for(i=0; i<pEList->nExpr; i++){
+      Expr *pX = pEList->a[i].pExpr;
+      if( sqlite3ResolveExprNames(&sNC, pX) ){
+        return WRC_Abort;
+      }
+    }
     /* If there are no aggregate functions in the result-set, and no GROUP BY 
     ** expression, do not allow aggregates in any of the other expressions.
@@ -74524,11 +75047,10 @@
     ** re-evaluated for each reference to it.
     sNC.pEList = p->pEList;
-    if( sqlite3ResolveExprNames(&sNC, p->pWhere) ||
-       sqlite3ResolveExprNames(&sNC, p->pHaving)
-    ){
-      return WRC_Abort;
-    }
+    sNC.ncFlags |= NC_AsMaybe;
+    if( sqlite3ResolveExprNames(&sNC, p->pHaving) ) return WRC_Abort;
+    if( sqlite3ResolveExprNames(&sNC, p->pWhere) ) return WRC_Abort;
+    sNC.ncFlags &= ~NC_AsMaybe;
     /* The ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses may not refer to terms in
     ** outer queries 
@@ -74649,6 +75171,7 @@
   savedHasAgg = pNC->ncFlags & NC_HasAgg;
   pNC->ncFlags &= ~NC_HasAgg;
+  memset(&w, 0, sizeof(w));
   w.xExprCallback = resolveExprStep;
   w.xSelectCallback = resolveSelectStep;
   w.pParse = pNC->pParse;
@@ -74689,6 +75212,7 @@
   Walker w;
   assert( p!=0 );
+  memset(&w, 0, sizeof(w));
   w.xExprCallback = resolveExprStep;
   w.xSelectCallback = resolveSelectStep;
   w.pParse = pParse;
@@ -74730,7 +75254,9 @@
 ** SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (select a from t1);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE char sqlite3ExprAffinity(Expr *pExpr){
-  int op = pExpr->op;
+  int op;
+  pExpr = sqlite3ExprSkipCollate(pExpr);
+  op = pExpr->op;
   if( op==TK_SELECT ){
     assert( pExpr->flags&EP_xIsSelect );
     return sqlite3ExprAffinity(pExpr->x.pSelect->pEList->a[0].pExpr);
@@ -74755,66 +75281,89 @@
-** Set the explicit collating sequence for an expression to the
-** collating sequence supplied in the second argument.
+** Set the collating sequence for expression pExpr to be the collating
+** sequence named by pToken.   Return a pointer to a new Expr node that
+** implements the COLLATE operator.
+** If a memory allocation error occurs, that fact is recorded in pParse->db
+** and the pExpr parameter is returned unchanged.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprSetColl(Expr *pExpr, CollSeq *pColl){
-  if( pExpr && pColl ){
-    pExpr->pColl = pColl;
-    pExpr->flags |= EP_ExpCollate;
+SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprAddCollateToken(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr, Token *pCollName){
+  if( pCollName->n>0 ){
+    Expr *pNew = sqlite3ExprAlloc(pParse->db, TK_COLLATE, pCollName, 1);
+    if( pNew ){
+      pNew->pLeft = pExpr;
+      pNew->flags |= EP_Collate;
+      pExpr = pNew;
+    }
   return pExpr;
+SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprAddCollateString(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr, const char *zC){
+  Token s;
+  assert( zC!=0 );
+  s.z = zC;
+  s.n = sqlite3Strlen30(s.z);
+  return sqlite3ExprAddCollateToken(pParse, pExpr, &s);
-** Set the collating sequence for expression pExpr to be the collating
-** sequence named by pToken.   Return a pointer to the revised expression.
-** The collating sequence is marked as "explicit" using the EP_ExpCollate
-** flag.  An explicit collating sequence will override implicit
-** collating sequences.
+** Skip over any TK_COLLATE and/or TK_AS operators at the root of
+** an expression.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprSetCollByToken(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr, Token *pCollName){
-  char *zColl = 0;            /* Dequoted name of collation sequence */
-  CollSeq *pColl;
-  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
-  zColl = sqlite3NameFromToken(db, pCollName);
-  pColl = sqlite3LocateCollSeq(pParse, zColl);
-  sqlite3ExprSetColl(pExpr, pColl);
-  sqlite3DbFree(db, zColl);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE Expr *sqlite3ExprSkipCollate(Expr *pExpr){
+  while( pExpr && (pExpr->op==TK_COLLATE || pExpr->op==TK_AS) ){
+    pExpr = pExpr->pLeft;
+  }
   return pExpr;
-** Return the default collation sequence for the expression pExpr. If
-** there is no default collation type, return 0.
+** Return the collation sequence for the expression pExpr. If
+** there is no defined collating sequence, return NULL.
+** The collating sequence might be determined by a COLLATE operator
+** or by the presence of a column with a defined collating sequence.
+** COLLATE operators take first precedence.  Left operands take
+** precedence over right operands.
 SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3ExprCollSeq(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
   CollSeq *pColl = 0;
   Expr *p = pExpr;
   while( p ){
-    int op;
-    pColl = p->pColl;
-    if( pColl ) break;
-    op = p->op;
-    if( p->pTab!=0 && (
-        op==TK_AGG_COLUMN || op==TK_COLUMN || op==TK_REGISTER || op==TK_TRIGGER
-    )){
+    int op = p->op;
+    if( op==TK_CAST || op==TK_UPLUS ){
+      p = p->pLeft;
+      continue;
+    }
+    assert( op!=TK_REGISTER || p->op2!=TK_COLLATE );
+    if( op==TK_COLLATE ){
+      pColl = sqlite3GetCollSeq(pParse, ENC(db), 0, p->u.zToken);
+      break;
+    }
+    if( p->pTab!=0
+     && (op==TK_AGG_COLUMN || op==TK_COLUMN
+          || op==TK_REGISTER || op==TK_TRIGGER)
+    ){
       /* op==TK_REGISTER && p->pTab!=0 happens when pExpr was originally
       ** a TK_COLUMN but was previously evaluated and cached in a register */
-      const char *zColl;
       int j = p->iColumn;
       if( j>=0 ){
-        sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
-        zColl = p->pTab->aCol[j].zColl;
+        const char *zColl = p->pTab->aCol[j].zColl;
         pColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, ENC(db), zColl, 0);
-        pExpr->pColl = pColl;
-    if( op!=TK_CAST && op!=TK_UPLUS ){
+    if( p->flags & EP_Collate ){
+      if( ALWAYS(p->pLeft) && (p->pLeft->flags & EP_Collate)!=0 ){
+        p = p->pLeft;
+      }else{
+        p = p->pRight;
+      }
+    }else{
-    p = p->pLeft;
   if( sqlite3CheckCollSeq(pParse, pColl) ){ 
     pColl = 0;
@@ -74918,12 +75467,10 @@
   CollSeq *pColl;
   assert( pLeft );
-  if( pLeft->flags & EP_ExpCollate ){
-    assert( pLeft->pColl );
-    pColl = pLeft->pColl;
-  }else if( pRight && pRight->flags & EP_ExpCollate ){
-    assert( pRight->pColl );
-    pColl = pRight->pColl;
+  if( pLeft->flags & EP_Collate ){
+    pColl = sqlite3ExprCollSeq(pParse, pLeft);
+  }else if( pRight && (pRight->flags & EP_Collate)!=0 ){
+    pColl = sqlite3ExprCollSeq(pParse, pRight);
     pColl = sqlite3ExprCollSeq(pParse, pLeft);
     if( !pColl ){
@@ -75153,17 +75700,11 @@
     if( pRight ){
       pRoot->pRight = pRight;
-      if( pRight->flags & EP_ExpCollate ){
-        pRoot->flags |= EP_ExpCollate;
-        pRoot->pColl = pRight->pColl;
-      }
+      pRoot->flags |= EP_Collate & pRight->flags;
     if( pLeft ){
       pRoot->pLeft = pLeft;
-      if( pLeft->flags & EP_ExpCollate ){
-        pRoot->flags |= EP_ExpCollate;
-        pRoot->pColl = pLeft->pColl;
-      }
+      pRoot->flags |= EP_Collate & pLeft->flags;
@@ -75315,7 +75856,7 @@
       ynVar i;
       for(i=0; i<pParse->nzVar; i++){
-        if( pParse->azVar[i] && memcmp(pParse->azVar[i],z,n+1)==0 ){
+        if( pParse->azVar[i] && strcmp(pParse->azVar[i],z)==0 ){
           pExpr->iColumn = x = (ynVar)i+1;
@@ -75421,7 +75962,7 @@
     assert( !ExprHasProperty(p, EP_FromJoin) ); 
     assert( (p->flags2 & EP2_MallocedToken)==0 );
     assert( (p->flags2 & EP2_Irreducible)==0 );
-    if( p->pLeft || p->pRight || p->pColl || p->x.pList ){
+    if( p->pLeft || p->pRight || p->x.pList ){
       nSize = EXPR_REDUCEDSIZE | EP_Reduced;
       nSize = EXPR_TOKENONLYSIZE | EP_TokenOnly;
@@ -75629,6 +76170,7 @@
     struct SrcList_item *pNewItem = &pNew->a[i];
     struct SrcList_item *pOldItem = &p->a[i];
     Table *pTab;
+    pNewItem->pSchema = pOldItem->pSchema;
     pNewItem->zDatabase = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pOldItem->zDatabase);
     pNewItem->zName = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pOldItem->zName);
     pNewItem->zAlias = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pOldItem->zAlias);
@@ -75637,6 +76179,7 @@
     pNewItem->addrFillSub = pOldItem->addrFillSub;
     pNewItem->regReturn = pOldItem->regReturn;
     pNewItem->isCorrelated = pOldItem->isCorrelated;
+    pNewItem->viaCoroutine = pOldItem->viaCoroutine;
     pNewItem->zIndex = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pOldItem->zIndex);
     pNewItem->notIndexed = pOldItem->notIndexed;
     pNewItem->pIndex = pOldItem->pIndex;
@@ -75889,6 +76432,7 @@
 static int exprIsConst(Expr *p, int initFlag){
   Walker w;
+  memset(&w, 0, sizeof(w));
   w.u.i = initFlag;
   w.xExprCallback = exprNodeIsConstant;
   w.xSelectCallback = selectNodeIsConstant;
@@ -76119,24 +76663,34 @@
 ** This function is used by the implementation of the IN (...) operator.
-** It's job is to find or create a b-tree structure that may be used
-** either to test for membership of the (...) set or to iterate through
-** its members, skipping duplicates.
+** The pX parameter is the expression on the RHS of the IN operator, which
+** might be either a list of expressions or a subquery.
+** The job of this routine is to find or create a b-tree object that can
+** be used either to test for membership in the RHS set or to iterate through
+** all members of the RHS set, skipping duplicates.
+** A cursor is opened on the b-tree object that the RHS of the IN operator
+** and pX->iTable is set to the index of that cursor.
-** The index of the cursor opened on the b-tree (database table, database index 
-** or ephermal table) is stored in pX->iTable before this function returns.
 ** The returned value of this function indicates the b-tree type, as follows:
 **   IN_INDEX_ROWID - The cursor was opened on a database table.
-**   IN_INDEX_INDEX - The cursor was opened on a database index.
+**   IN_INDEX_INDEX_ASC  - The cursor was opened on an ascending index.
+**   IN_INDEX_INDEX_DESC - The cursor was opened on a descending index.
 **   IN_INDEX_EPH -   The cursor was opened on a specially created and
 **                    populated epheremal table.
-** An existing b-tree may only be used if the SELECT is of the simple
-** form:
+** An existing b-tree might be used if the RHS expression pX is a simple
+** subquery such as:
 **     SELECT <column> FROM <table>
+** If the RHS of the IN operator is a list or a more complex subquery, then
+** an ephemeral table might need to be generated from the RHS and then
+** pX->iTable made to point to the ephermeral table instead of an
+** existing table.  
 ** If the prNotFound parameter is 0, then the b-tree will be used to iterate
 ** through the set members, skipping any duplicates. In this case an
 ** epheremal table must be used unless the selected <column> is guaranteed
@@ -76232,8 +76786,7 @@
       ** comparison is the same as the affinity of the column. If
       ** it is not, it is not possible to use any index.
-      char aff = comparisonAffinity(pX);
-      int affinity_ok = (pTab->aCol[iCol].affinity==aff||aff==SQLITE_AFF_NONE);
+      int affinity_ok = sqlite3IndexAffinityOk(pX, pTab->aCol[iCol].affinity);
       for(pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx && eType==0 && affinity_ok; pIdx=pIdx->pNext){
         if( (pIdx->aiColumn[0]==iCol)
@@ -76249,7 +76802,8 @@
           sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_OpenRead, iTab, pIdx->tnum, iDb,
           VdbeComment((v, "%s", pIdx->zName));
-          eType = IN_INDEX_INDEX;
+          assert( IN_INDEX_INDEX_DESC == IN_INDEX_INDEX_ASC+1 );
+          eType = IN_INDEX_INDEX_ASC + pIdx->aSortOrder[0];
           sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, iAddr);
           if( prNotFound && !pTab->aCol[iCol].notNull ){
@@ -76361,6 +76915,7 @@
     case TK_IN: {
       char affinity;              /* Affinity of the LHS of the IN */
       KeyInfo keyInfo;            /* Keyinfo for the generated table */
+      static u8 sortOrder = 0;    /* Fake aSortOrder for keyInfo */
       int addr;                   /* Address of OP_OpenEphemeral instruction */
       Expr *pLeft = pExpr->pLeft; /* the LHS of the IN operator */
@@ -76388,6 +76943,7 @@
       if( rMayHaveNull==0 ) sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, BTREE_UNORDERED);
       memset(&keyInfo, 0, sizeof(keyInfo));
       keyInfo.nField = 1;
+      keyInfo.aSortOrder = &sortOrder;
       if( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_xIsSelect) ){
         /* Case 1:     expr IN (SELECT ...)
@@ -76400,7 +76956,7 @@
         assert( !isRowid );
         sqlite3SelectDestInit(&dest, SRT_Set, pExpr->iTable);
-        dest.affinity = (u8)affinity;
+        dest.affSdst = (u8)affinity;
         assert( (pExpr->iTable&0x0000FFFF)==pExpr->iTable );
         pExpr->x.pSelect->iLimit = 0;
         if( sqlite3Select(pParse, pExpr->x.pSelect, &dest) ){
@@ -76428,6 +76984,7 @@
           affinity = SQLITE_AFF_NONE;
         keyInfo.aColl[0] = sqlite3ExprCollSeq(pParse, pExpr->pLeft);
+        keyInfo.aSortOrder = &sortOrder;
         /* Loop through each expression in <exprlist>. */
         r1 = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
@@ -76493,11 +77050,11 @@
       sqlite3SelectDestInit(&dest, 0, ++pParse->nMem);
       if( pExpr->op==TK_SELECT ){
         dest.eDest = SRT_Mem;
-        sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, dest.iParm);
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, dest.iSDParm);
         VdbeComment((v, "Init subquery result"));
         dest.eDest = SRT_Exists;
-        sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, dest.iParm);
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, dest.iSDParm);
         VdbeComment((v, "Init EXISTS result"));
       sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, pSel->pLimit);
@@ -76507,7 +77064,7 @@
       if( sqlite3Select(pParse, pSel, &dest) ){
         return 0;
-      rReg = dest.iParm;
+      rReg = dest.iSDParm;
@@ -76754,7 +77311,7 @@
   ** for testing only - to verify that SQLite always gets the same answer
   ** with and without the column cache.
-  if( pParse->db->flags & SQLITE_ColumnCache ) return;
+  if( OptimizationDisabled(pParse->db, SQLITE_ColumnCache) ) return;
   /* First replace any existing entry.
@@ -76951,8 +77508,8 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeMove(Parse *pParse, int iFrom, int iTo, int nReg){
   int i;
   struct yColCache *p;
-  if( NEVER(iFrom==iTo) ) return;
-  sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(pParse->pVdbe, OP_Move, iFrom, iTo, nReg);
+  assert( iFrom>=iTo+nReg || iFrom+nReg<=iTo );
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(pParse->pVdbe, OP_Move, iFrom, iTo, nReg-1);
   for(i=0, p=pParse->aColCache; i<SQLITE_N_COLCACHE; i++, p++){
     int x = p->iReg;
     if( x>=iFrom && x<iFrom+nReg ){
@@ -76961,18 +77518,6 @@
-** Generate code to copy content from registers iFrom...iFrom+nReg-1
-** over to iTo..iTo+nReg-1.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeCopy(Parse *pParse, int iFrom, int iTo, int nReg){
-  int i;
-  if( NEVER(iFrom==iTo) ) return;
-  for(i=0; i<nReg; i++){
-    sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(pParse->pVdbe, OP_Copy, iFrom+i, iTo+i);
-  }
 #if defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) || defined(SQLITE_COVERAGE_TEST)
 ** Return true if any register in the range iFrom..iTo (inclusive)
@@ -77444,6 +77989,7 @@
       sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, r4);
+    case TK_COLLATE: 
     case TK_UPLUS: {
       inReg = sqlite3ExprCodeTarget(pParse, pExpr->pLeft, target);
@@ -77610,7 +78156,8 @@
             v, OP_Halt, SQLITE_OK, OE_Ignore, 0, pExpr->u.zToken,0);
-        sqlite3HaltConstraint(pParse, pExpr->affinity, pExpr->u.zToken, 0);
+        sqlite3HaltConstraint(pParse, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_TRIGGER,
+                              pExpr->affinity, pExpr->u.zToken, 0);
@@ -77813,6 +78360,12 @@
     case TK_ISNULL:  zUniOp = "ISNULL"; break;
     case TK_NOTNULL: zUniOp = "NOTNULL"; break;
+    case TK_COLLATE: {
+      sqlite3ExplainExpr(pOut, pExpr->pLeft);
+      sqlite3ExplainPrintf(pOut,".COLLATE(%s)",pExpr->u.zToken);
+      break;
+    }
     case TK_AGG_FUNCTION:
     case TK_CONST_FUNC:
     case TK_FUNCTION: {
@@ -77822,9 +78375,12 @@
         pFarg = pExpr->x.pList;
-      sqlite3ExplainPrintf(pOut, "%sFUNCTION:%s(",
-                           op==TK_AGG_FUNCTION ? "AGG_" : "",
-                           pExpr->u.zToken);
+      if( op==TK_AGG_FUNCTION ){
+        sqlite3ExplainPrintf(pOut, "AGG_FUNCTION%d:%s(",
+                             pExpr->op2, pExpr->u.zToken);
+      }else{
+        sqlite3ExplainPrintf(pOut, "FUNCTION:%s(", pExpr->u.zToken);
+      }
       if( pFarg ){
         sqlite3ExplainExprList(pOut, pFarg);
@@ -77947,6 +78503,12 @@
       sqlite3ExplainExpr(pOut, pList->a[i].pExpr);
+      if( pList->a[i].zName ){
+        sqlite3ExplainPrintf(pOut, " AS %s", pList->a[i].zName);
+      }
+      if( pList->a[i].bSpanIsTab ){
+        sqlite3ExplainPrintf(pOut, " (%s)", pList->a[i].zSpan);
+      }
       if( i<pList->nExpr-1 ){
@@ -78028,6 +78590,9 @@
     case TK_REGISTER: {
       return WRC_Prune;
+    case TK_COLLATE: {
+      return WRC_Continue;
+    }
     case TK_FUNCTION:
     case TK_AGG_FUNCTION:
     case TK_CONST_FUNC: {
@@ -78049,9 +78614,11 @@
   if( isAppropriateForFactoring(pExpr) ){
     int r1 = ++pParse->nMem;
-    int r2;
-    r2 = sqlite3ExprCodeTarget(pParse, pExpr, r1);
-    if( NEVER(r1!=r2) ) sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, r1);
+    int r2 = sqlite3ExprCodeTarget(pParse, pExpr, r1);
+    /* If r2!=r1, it means that register r1 is never used.  That is harmless
+    ** but suboptimal, so we want to know about the situation to fix it.
+    ** Hence the following assert: */
+    assert( r2==r1 );
     pExpr->op2 = pExpr->op;
     pExpr->op = TK_REGISTER;
     pExpr->iTable = r2;
@@ -78079,9 +78646,9 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ExprCodeConstants(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
   Walker w;
   if( pParse->cookieGoto ) return;
-  if( (pParse->db->flags & SQLITE_FactorOutConst)!=0 ) return;
+  if( OptimizationDisabled(pParse->db, SQLITE_FactorOutConst) ) return;
+  memset(&w, 0, sizeof(w));
   w.xExprCallback = evalConstExpr;
-  w.xSelectCallback = 0;
   w.pParse = pParse;
   sqlite3WalkExpr(&w, pExpr);
@@ -78194,7 +78761,7 @@
   int r1, r2;
   assert( jumpIfNull==SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL || jumpIfNull==0 );
-  if( NEVER(v==0) )     return;  /* Existance of VDBE checked by caller */
+  if( NEVER(v==0) )     return;  /* Existence of VDBE checked by caller */
   if( NEVER(pExpr==0) ) return;  /* No way this can happen */
   op = pExpr->op;
   switch( op ){
@@ -78314,7 +78881,7 @@
   int r1, r2;
   assert( jumpIfNull==SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL || jumpIfNull==0 );
-  if( NEVER(v==0) ) return; /* Existance of VDBE checked by caller */
+  if( NEVER(v==0) ) return; /* Existence of VDBE checked by caller */
   if( pExpr==0 )    return;
   /* The value of pExpr->op and op are related as follows:
@@ -78468,7 +79035,15 @@
     return 2;
   if( (pA->flags & EP_Distinct)!=(pB->flags & EP_Distinct) ) return 2;
-  if( pA->op!=pB->op ) return 2;
+  if( pA->op!=pB->op ){
+    if( pA->op==TK_COLLATE && sqlite3ExprCompare(pA->pLeft, pB)<2 ){
+      return 1;
+    }
+    if( pB->op==TK_COLLATE && sqlite3ExprCompare(pA, pB->pLeft)<2 ){
+      return 1;
+    }
+    return 2;
+  }
   if( sqlite3ExprCompare(pA->pLeft, pB->pLeft) ) return 2;
   if( sqlite3ExprCompare(pA->pRight, pB->pRight) ) return 2;
   if( sqlite3ExprListCompare(pA->x.pList, pB->x.pList) ) return 2;
@@ -78480,11 +79055,9 @@
   }else if( pA->op!=TK_COLUMN && ALWAYS(pA->op!=TK_AGG_COLUMN) && pA->u.zToken){
     if( ExprHasProperty(pB, EP_IntValue) || NEVER(pB->u.zToken==0) ) return 2;
     if( strcmp(pA->u.zToken,pB->u.zToken)!=0 ){
-      return 2;
+      return pA->op==TK_COLLATE ? 1 : 2;
-  if( (pA->flags & EP_ExpCollate)!=(pB->flags & EP_ExpCollate) ) return 1;
-  if( (pA->flags & EP_ExpCollate)!=0 && pA->pColl!=pB->pColl ) return 2;
   return 0;
@@ -78515,38 +79088,60 @@
-** This is the expression callback for sqlite3FunctionUsesOtherSrc().
-** Determine if an expression references any table other than one of the
-** tables in pWalker->u.pSrcList and abort if it does.
-static int exprUsesOtherSrc(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
-  if( pExpr->op==TK_COLUMN || pExpr->op==TK_AGG_COLUMN ){
+** An instance of the following structure is used by the tree walker
+** to count references to table columns in the arguments of an 
+** aggregate function, in order to implement the
+** sqlite3FunctionThisSrc() routine.
+struct SrcCount {
+  SrcList *pSrc;   /* One particular FROM clause in a nested query */
+  int nThis;       /* Number of references to columns in pSrcList */
+  int nOther;      /* Number of references to columns in other FROM clauses */
+** Count the number of references to columns.
+static int exprSrcCount(Walker *pWalker, Expr *pExpr){
+  /* The NEVER() on the second term is because sqlite3FunctionUsesThisSrc()
+  ** is always called before sqlite3ExprAnalyzeAggregates() and so the
+  ** TK_COLUMNs have not yet been converted into TK_AGG_COLUMN.  If
+  ** sqlite3FunctionUsesThisSrc() is used differently in the future, the
+  ** NEVER() will need to be removed. */
+  if( pExpr->op==TK_COLUMN || NEVER(pExpr->op==TK_AGG_COLUMN) ){
     int i;
-    SrcList *pSrc = pWalker->u.pSrcList;
+    struct SrcCount *p = pWalker->u.pSrcCount;
+    SrcList *pSrc = p->pSrc;
     for(i=0; i<pSrc->nSrc; i++){
-      if( pExpr->iTable==pSrc->a[i].iCursor ) return WRC_Continue;
+      if( pExpr->iTable==pSrc->a[i].iCursor ) break;
-    return WRC_Abort;
+    if( i<pSrc->nSrc ){
+      p->nThis++;
-    return WRC_Continue;
+      p->nOther++;
+  }
+  return WRC_Continue;
-** Determine if any of the arguments to the pExpr Function references
-** any SrcList other than pSrcList.  Return true if they do.  Return
-** false if pExpr has no argument or has only constant arguments or
-** only references tables named in pSrcList.
+** Determine if any of the arguments to the pExpr Function reference
+** pSrcList.  Return true if they do.  Also return true if the function
+** has no arguments or has only constant arguments.  Return false if pExpr
+** references columns but not columns of tables found in pSrcList.
-static int sqlite3FunctionUsesOtherSrc(Expr *pExpr, SrcList *pSrcList){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3FunctionUsesThisSrc(Expr *pExpr, SrcList *pSrcList){
   Walker w;
+  struct SrcCount cnt;
   assert( pExpr->op==TK_AGG_FUNCTION );
   memset(&w, 0, sizeof(w));
-  w.xExprCallback = exprUsesOtherSrc;
-  w.u.pSrcList = pSrcList;
-  if( sqlite3WalkExprList(&w, pExpr->x.pList)!=WRC_Continue ) return 1;
-  return 0;
+  w.xExprCallback = exprSrcCount;
+  w.u.pSrcCount = &cnt;
+  cnt.pSrc = pSrcList;
+  cnt.nThis = 0;
+  cnt.nOther = 0;
+  sqlite3WalkExprList(&w, pExpr->x.pList);
+  return cnt.nThis>0 || cnt.nOther==0;
@@ -78665,7 +79260,7 @@
     case TK_AGG_FUNCTION: {
       if( (pNC->ncFlags & NC_InAggFunc)==0
-       && !sqlite3FunctionUsesOtherSrc(pExpr, pSrcList)
+       && pWalker->walkerDepth==pExpr->op2
         /* Check to see if pExpr is a duplicate of another aggregate 
         ** function that is already in the pAggInfo structure
@@ -78703,8 +79298,10 @@
         pExpr->iAgg = (i16)i;
         pExpr->pAggInfo = pAggInfo;
-      }
       return WRC_Prune;
+      }else{
+        return WRC_Continue;
+      }
   return WRC_Continue;
@@ -78716,9 +79313,10 @@
-** Analyze the given expression looking for aggregate functions and
-** for variables that need to be added to the pParse->aAgg[] array.
-** Make additional entries to the pParse->aAgg[] array as necessary.
+** Analyze the pExpr expression looking for aggregate functions and
+** for variables that need to be added to AggInfo object that pNC->pAggInfo
+** points to.  Additional entries are made on the AggInfo object as
+** necessary.
 ** This routine should only be called after the expression has been
 ** analyzed by sqlite3ResolveExprNames().
@@ -79231,7 +79829,7 @@
   assert( pSrc->nSrc==1 );
   assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(pParse->db) );
-  pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, 0, pSrc->a[0].zName, pSrc->a[0].zDatabase);
+  pTab = sqlite3LocateTableItem(pParse, 0, &pSrc->a[0]);
   if( !pTab ) goto exit_rename_table;
   iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pTab->pSchema);
   zDb = db->aDb[iDb].zName;
@@ -79481,7 +80079,7 @@
   ** If there is a NOT NULL constraint, then the default value for the
   ** column must not be NULL.
-  if( pCol->isPrimKey ){
+  if( pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_PRIMKEY ){
     sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "Cannot add a PRIMARY KEY column");
@@ -79574,7 +80172,7 @@
   assert( pParse->pNewTable==0 );
   assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(db) );
   if( db->mallocFailed ) goto exit_begin_add_column;
-  pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, 0, pSrc->a[0].zName, pSrc->a[0].zDatabase);
+  pTab = sqlite3LocateTableItem(pParse, 0, &pSrc->a[0]);
   if( !pTab ) goto exit_begin_add_column;
@@ -79821,7 +80419,7 @@
           "CREATE TABLE %Q.%s(%s)", pDb->zName, zTab, aTable[i].zCols
       aRoot[i] = pParse->regRoot;
-      aCreateTbl[i] = 1;
+      aCreateTbl[i] = OPFLAG_P2ISREG;
       /* The table already exists. If zWhere is not NULL, delete all entries 
       ** associated with the table zWhere. If zWhere is NULL, delete the
@@ -79901,12 +80499,11 @@
   nRow = (tRowcnt)sqlite3_value_int64(argv[0]);
   mxSample = sqlite3_value_int(argv[1]);
   n = sizeof(*p) + sizeof(p->a[0])*mxSample;
-  p = sqlite3_malloc( n );
+  p = sqlite3MallocZero( n );
   if( p==0 ){
-  memset(p, 0, n);
   p->a = (struct Stat3Sample*)&p[1];
   p->nRow = nRow;
   p->mxSample = mxSample;
@@ -80119,7 +80716,7 @@
     /* Do not gather statistics on views or virtual tables */
-  if( memcmp(pTab->zName, "sqlite_", 7)==0 ){
+  if( sqlite3_strnicmp(pTab->zName, "sqlite_", 7)==0 ){
     /* Do not gather statistics on system tables */
@@ -80529,7 +81126,7 @@
     if( pIndex==0 ) break;
     pIndex->aiRowEst[i] = v;
     if( *z==' ' ) z++;
-    if( memcmp(z, "unordered", 10)==0 ){
+    if( strcmp(z, "unordered")==0 ){
       pIndex->bUnordered = 1;
@@ -80881,7 +81478,7 @@
-  /* Allocate the new entry in the db->aDb[] array and initialise the schema
+  /* Allocate the new entry in the db->aDb[] array and initialize the schema
   ** hash tables.
   if( db->aDb==db->aDbStatic ){
@@ -80898,7 +81495,7 @@
   /* Open the database file. If the btree is successfully opened, use
   ** it to obtain the database schema. At this point the schema may
-  ** or may not be initialised.
+  ** or may not be initialized.
   flags = db->openFlags;
   rc = sqlite3ParseUri(db->pVfs->zName, zFile, &flags, &pVfs, &zPath, &zErr);
@@ -80988,7 +81585,7 @@
       db->aDb[iDb].pBt = 0;
       db->aDb[iDb].pSchema = 0;
-    sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1);
+    sqlite3ResetAllSchemasOfConnection(db);
     db->nDb = iDb;
     if( rc==SQLITE_NOMEM || rc==SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM ){
       db->mallocFailed = 1;
@@ -81060,7 +81657,7 @@
   pDb->pBt = 0;
   pDb->pSchema = 0;
-  sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1);
+  sqlite3ResetAllSchemasOfConnection(db);
@@ -81206,6 +81803,7 @@
   assert( db->nDb>iDb );
   pFix->pParse = pParse;
   pFix->zDb = db->aDb[iDb].zName;
+  pFix->pSchema = db->aDb[iDb].pSchema;
   pFix->zType = zType;
   pFix->pName = pName;
   return 1;
@@ -81236,14 +81834,15 @@
   if( NEVER(pList==0) ) return 0;
   zDb = pFix->zDb;
   for(i=0, pItem=pList->a; i<pList->nSrc; i++, pItem++){
-    if( pItem->zDatabase==0 ){
-      pItem->zDatabase = sqlite3DbStrDup(pFix->pParse->db, zDb);
-    }else if( sqlite3StrICmp(pItem->zDatabase,zDb)!=0 ){
+    if( pItem->zDatabase && sqlite3StrICmp(pItem->zDatabase, zDb) ){
          "%s %T cannot reference objects in database %s",
          pFix->zType, pFix->pName, pItem->zDatabase);
       return 1;
+    sqlite3DbFree(pFix->pParse->db, pItem->zDatabase);
+    pItem->zDatabase = 0;
+    pItem->pSchema = pFix->pSchema;
 #if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_VIEW) || !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_TRIGGER)
     if( sqlite3FixSelect(pFix, pItem->pSelect) ) return 1;
     if( sqlite3FixExpr(pFix, pItem->pOn) ) return 1;
@@ -81709,6 +82308,7 @@
   sqlite3 *db;
   Vdbe *v;
+  assert( pParse->pToplevel==0 );
   db = pParse->db;
   if( db->mallocFailed ) return;
   if( pParse->nested ) return;
@@ -81902,6 +82502,31 @@
+** Locate the table identified by *p.
+** This is a wrapper around sqlite3LocateTable(). The difference between
+** sqlite3LocateTable() and this function is that this function restricts
+** the search to schema (p->pSchema) if it is not NULL. p->pSchema may be
+** non-NULL if it is part of a view or trigger program definition. See
+** sqlite3FixSrcList() for details.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE Table *sqlite3LocateTableItem(
+  Parse *pParse, 
+  int isView, 
+  struct SrcList_item *p
+  const char *zDb;
+  assert( p->pSchema==0 || p->zDatabase==0 );
+  if( p->pSchema ){
+    int iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, p->pSchema);
+    zDb = pParse->db->aDb[iDb].zName;
+  }else{
+    zDb = p->zDatabase;
+  }
+  return sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, isView, p->zName, zDb);
 ** Locate the in-memory structure that describes 
 ** a particular index given the name of that index
 ** and the name of the database that contains the index.
@@ -81976,23 +82601,46 @@
-** Erase all schema information from the in-memory hash tables of
-** a single database.  This routine is called to reclaim memory
-** before the database closes.  It is also called during a rollback
-** if there were schema changes during the transaction or if a
-** schema-cookie mismatch occurs.
-** If iDb<0 then reset the internal schema tables for all database
-** files.  If iDb>=0 then reset the internal schema for only the
-** single file indicated.
+** Look through the list of open database files in db->aDb[] and if
+** any have been closed, remove them from the list.  Reallocate the
+** db->aDb[] structure to a smaller size, if possible.
+** Entry 0 (the "main" database) and entry 1 (the "temp" database)
+** are never candidates for being collapsed.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(sqlite3 *db, int iDb){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CollapseDatabaseArray(sqlite3 *db){
   int i, j;
+  for(i=j=2; i<db->nDb; i++){
+    struct Db *pDb = &db->aDb[i];
+    if( pDb->pBt==0 ){
+      sqlite3DbFree(db, pDb->zName);
+      pDb->zName = 0;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if( j<i ){
+      db->aDb[j] = db->aDb[i];
+    }
+    j++;
+  }
+  memset(&db->aDb[j], 0, (db->nDb-j)*sizeof(db->aDb[j]));
+  db->nDb = j;
+  if( db->nDb<=2 && db->aDb!=db->aDbStatic ){
+    memcpy(db->aDbStatic, db->aDb, 2*sizeof(db->aDb[0]));
+    sqlite3DbFree(db, db->aDb);
+    db->aDb = db->aDbStatic;
+  }
+** Reset the schema for the database at index iDb.  Also reset the
+** TEMP schema.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ResetOneSchema(sqlite3 *db, int iDb){
+  Db *pDb;
   assert( iDb<db->nDb );
-  if( iDb>=0 ){
     /* Case 1:  Reset the single schema identified by iDb */
-    Db *pDb = &db->aDb[iDb];
+  pDb = &db->aDb[iDb];
     assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) );
     assert( pDb->pSchema!=0 );
@@ -82007,10 +82655,14 @@
-  }
-  /* Case 2 (from here to the end): Reset all schemas for all attached
-  ** databases. */
-  assert( iDb<0 );
+** Erase all schema information from all attached databases (including
+** "main" and "temp") for a single database connection.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3ResetAllSchemasOfConnection(sqlite3 *db){
+  int i;
   for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){
     Db *pDb = &db->aDb[i];
@@ -82021,32 +82673,7 @@
   db->flags &= ~SQLITE_InternChanges;
-  /* If one or more of the auxiliary database files has been closed,
-  ** then remove them from the auxiliary database list.  We take the
-  ** opportunity to do this here since we have just deleted all of the
-  ** schema hash tables and therefore do not have to make any changes
-  ** to any of those tables.
-  */
-  for(i=j=2; i<db->nDb; i++){
-    struct Db *pDb = &db->aDb[i];
-    if( pDb->pBt==0 ){
-      sqlite3DbFree(db, pDb->zName);
-      pDb->zName = 0;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if( j<i ){
-      db->aDb[j] = db->aDb[i];
-    }
-    j++;
-  }
-  memset(&db->aDb[j], 0, (db->nDb-j)*sizeof(db->aDb[j]));
-  db->nDb = j;
-  if( db->nDb<=2 && db->aDb!=db->aDbStatic ){
-    memcpy(db->aDbStatic, db->aDb, 2*sizeof(db->aDb[0]));
-    sqlite3DbFree(db, db->aDb);
-    db->aDb = db->aDbStatic;
-  }
+  sqlite3CollapseDatabaseArray(db);
@@ -82749,7 +83376,7 @@
   pTab->tabFlags |= TF_HasPrimaryKey;
   if( pList==0 ){
     iCol = pTab->nCol - 1;
-    pTab->aCol[iCol].isPrimKey = 1;
+    pTab->aCol[iCol].colFlags |= COLFLAG_PRIMKEY;
     for(i=0; i<pList->nExpr; i++){
       for(iCol=0; iCol<pTab->nCol; iCol++){
@@ -82758,7 +83385,7 @@
       if( iCol<pTab->nCol ){
-        pTab->aCol[iCol].isPrimKey = 1;
+        pTab->aCol[iCol].colFlags |= COLFLAG_PRIMKEY;
     if( pList->nExpr>1 ) iCol = -1;
@@ -82875,10 +83502,7 @@
   pColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, enc, zName, initbusy);
   if( !initbusy && (!pColl || !pColl->xCmp) ){
-    pColl = sqlite3GetCollSeq(db, enc, pColl, zName);
-    if( !pColl ){
-      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such collation sequence: %s", zName);
-    }
+    pColl = sqlite3GetCollSeq(pParse, enc, pColl, zName);
   return pColl;
@@ -83161,7 +83785,7 @@
       sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_OpenWrite, 1, pParse->regRoot, iDb);
-      sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, 1);
+      sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, OPFLAG_P2ISREG);
       pParse->nTab = 2;
       sqlite3SelectDestInit(&dest, SRT_Table, 1);
       sqlite3Select(pParse, pSelect, &dest);
@@ -83577,6 +84201,7 @@
       int iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pTab->pSchema);
+      assert( iDb>=0 && iDb<pParse->db->nDb );
       destroyRootPage(pParse, iLargest, iDb);
       iDestroyed = iLargest;
@@ -83656,7 +84281,7 @@
   /* Drop all SQLITE_MASTER table and index entries that refer to the
   ** table. The program name loops through the master table and deletes
   ** every row that refers to a table of the same name as the one being
-  ** dropped. Triggers are handled seperately because a trigger can be
+  ** dropped. Triggers are handled separately because a trigger can be
   ** created in the temp database that refers to a table in another
   ** database.
@@ -83694,8 +84319,7 @@
   assert( pParse->nErr==0 );
   assert( pName->nSrc==1 );
   if( noErr ) db->suppressErr++;
-  pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, isView, 
-                            pName->a[0].zName, pName->a[0].zDatabase);
+  pTab = sqlite3LocateTableItem(pParse, isView, &pName->a[0]);
   if( noErr ) db->suppressErr--;
   if( pTab==0 ){
@@ -83949,9 +84573,6 @@
   int tnum;                      /* Root page of index */
   Vdbe *v;                       /* Generate code into this virtual machine */
   KeyInfo *pKey;                 /* KeyInfo for index */
-  int regIdxKey;                 /* Registers containing the index key */
   int regRecord;                 /* Register holding assemblied index record */
   sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;      /* The database connection */
   int iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pIndex->pSchema);
@@ -83977,17 +84598,11 @@
   pKey = sqlite3IndexKeyinfo(pParse, pIndex);
   sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_OpenWrite, iIdx, tnum, iDb, 
                     (char *)pKey, P4_KEYINFO_HANDOFF);
-  if( memRootPage>=0 ){
-    sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, 1);
-  }
+  sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, OPFLAG_BULKCSR|((memRootPage>=0)?OPFLAG_P2ISREG:0));
   /* Open the sorter cursor if we are to use one. */
   iSorter = pParse->nTab++;
   sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_SorterOpen, iSorter, 0, 0, (char*)pKey, P4_KEYINFO);
-  iSorter = iTab;
   /* Open the table. Loop through all rows of the table, inserting index
   ** records into the sorter. */
@@ -83995,7 +84610,6 @@
   addr1 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rewind, iTab, 0);
   regRecord = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
   sqlite3GenerateIndexKey(pParse, pIndex, iTab, regRecord, 1);
   sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SorterInsert, iSorter, regRecord);
   sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, iTab, addr1+1);
@@ -84006,8 +84620,8 @@
     sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, j2);
     addr2 = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
     sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_SorterCompare, iSorter, j2, regRecord);
-    sqlite3HaltConstraint(
-        pParse, OE_Abort, "indexed columns are not unique", P4_STATIC
+    sqlite3HaltConstraint(pParse, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE,
+        OE_Abort, "indexed columns are not unique", P4_STATIC
     addr2 = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
@@ -84015,30 +84629,6 @@
   sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SorterData, iSorter, regRecord);
   sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_IdxInsert, iIdx, regRecord, 1);
   sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, OPFLAG_USESEEKRESULT);
-  regIdxKey = sqlite3GenerateIndexKey(pParse, pIndex, iTab, regRecord, 1);
-  addr2 = addr1 + 1;
-  if( pIndex->onError!=OE_None ){
-    const int regRowid = regIdxKey + pIndex->nColumn;
-    const int j2 = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v) + 2;
-    void * const pRegKey = SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR(regIdxKey);
-    /* The registers accessed by the OP_IsUnique opcode were allocated
-    ** using sqlite3GetTempRange() inside of the sqlite3GenerateIndexKey()
-    ** call above. Just before that function was freed they were released
-    ** (made available to the compiler for reuse) using 
-    ** sqlite3ReleaseTempRange(). So in some ways having the OP_IsUnique
-    ** opcode use the values stored within seems dangerous. However, since
-    ** we can be sure that no other temp registers have been allocated
-    ** since sqlite3ReleaseTempRange() was called, it is safe to do so.
-    */
-    sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_IsUnique, iIdx, j2, regRowid, pRegKey, P4_INT32);
-    sqlite3HaltConstraint(
-        pParse, OE_Abort, "indexed columns are not unique", P4_STATIC);
-  }
-  sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_IdxInsert, iIdx, regRecord, 0);
-  sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, OPFLAG_USESEEKRESULT);
   sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, regRecord);
   sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SorterNext, iSorter, addr2);
   sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr1);
@@ -84118,7 +84708,7 @@
     assert( pName && pName->z );
-    /* If the index name was unqualified, check if the the table
+    /* If the index name was unqualified, check if the table
     ** is a temp table. If so, set the database to 1. Do not do this
     ** if initialising a database schema.
@@ -84137,9 +84727,9 @@
       ** sqlite3FixSrcList can never fail. */
-    pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, 0, pTblName->a[0].zName, 
-        pTblName->a[0].zDatabase);
-    if( !pTab || db->mallocFailed ) goto exit_create_index;
+    pTab = sqlite3LocateTableItem(pParse, 0, &pTblName->a[0]);
+    assert( db->mallocFailed==0 || pTab==0 );
+    if( pTab==0 ) goto exit_create_index;
     assert( db->aDb[iDb].pSchema==pTab->pSchema );
     assert( pName==0 );
@@ -84153,7 +84743,7 @@
   assert( pTab!=0 );
   assert( pParse->nErr==0 );
   if( sqlite3StrNICmp(pTab->zName, "sqlite_", 7)==0 
-       && memcmp(&pTab->zName[7],"altertab_",9)!=0 ){
+       && sqlite3StrNICmp(&pTab->zName[7],"altertab_",9)!=0 ){
     sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "table %s may not be indexed", pTab->zName);
     goto exit_create_index;
@@ -84250,12 +84840,8 @@
   for(i=0; i<pList->nExpr; i++){
     Expr *pExpr = pList->a[i].pExpr;
     if( pExpr ){
-      CollSeq *pColl = pExpr->pColl;
-      /* Either pColl!=0 or there was an OOM failure.  But if an OOM
-      ** failure we have quit before reaching this point. */
-      if( ALWAYS(pColl) ){
-        nExtra += (1 + sqlite3Strlen30(pColl->zName));
-      }
+      assert( pExpr->op==TK_COLLATE );
+      nExtra += (1 + sqlite3Strlen30(pExpr->u.zToken));
@@ -84328,14 +84914,10 @@
       goto exit_create_index;
     pIndex->aiColumn[i] = j;
-    /* Justification of the ALWAYS(pListItem->pExpr->pColl):  Because of
-    ** the way the "idxlist" non-terminal is constructed by the parser,
-    ** if pListItem->pExpr is not null then either pListItem->pExpr->pColl
-    ** must exist or else there must have been an OOM error.  But if there
-    ** was an OOM error, we would never reach this point. */
-    if( pListItem->pExpr && ALWAYS(pListItem->pExpr->pColl) ){
+    if( pListItem->pExpr ){
       int nColl;
-      zColl = pListItem->pExpr->pColl->zName;
+      assert( pListItem->pExpr->op==TK_COLLATE );
+      zColl = pListItem->pExpr->u.zToken;
       nColl = sqlite3Strlen30(zColl) + 1;
       assert( nExtra>=nColl );
       memcpy(zExtra, zColl, nColl);
@@ -84344,9 +84926,7 @@
       nExtra -= nColl;
       zColl = pTab->aCol[j].zColl;
-      if( !zColl ){
-        zColl = db->pDfltColl->zName;
-      }
+      if( !zColl ) zColl = "BINARY";
     if( !db->init.busy && !sqlite3LocateCollSeq(pParse, zColl) ){
       goto exit_create_index;
@@ -84402,7 +84982,7 @@
           ** However the ON CONFLICT clauses are different. If both this 
           ** constraint and the previous equivalent constraint have explicit
           ** ON CONFLICT clauses this is an error. Otherwise, use the
-          ** explicitly specified behaviour for the index.
+          ** explicitly specified behavior for the index.
           if( !(pIdx->onError==OE_Default || pIndex->onError==OE_Default) ){
@@ -85149,6 +85729,15 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(Parse *pParse, int iDb){
   Parse *pToplevel = sqlite3ParseToplevel(pParse);
+  if( pToplevel!=pParse ){
+    /* This branch is taken if a trigger is currently being coded. In this
+    ** case, set cookieGoto to a non-zero value to show that this function
+    ** has been called. This is used by the sqlite3ExprCodeConstants()
+    ** function. */
+    pParse->cookieGoto = -1;
+  }
   if( pToplevel->cookieGoto==0 ){
     Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pToplevel);
     if( v==0 ) return;  /* This only happens if there was a prior error */
@@ -85246,12 +85835,19 @@
 ** error. The onError parameter determines which (if any) of the statement
 ** and/or current transaction is rolled back.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3HaltConstraint(Parse *pParse, int onError, char *p4, int p4type){
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3HaltConstraint(
+  Parse *pParse,    /* Parsing context */
+  int errCode,      /* extended error code */
+  int onError,      /* Constraint type */
+  char *p4,         /* Error message */
+  int p4type        /* P4_STATIC or P4_TRANSIENT */
   Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  assert( (errCode&0xff)==SQLITE_CONSTRAINT );
   if( onError==OE_Abort ){
-  sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Halt, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT, onError, 0, p4, p4type);
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Halt, errCode, onError, 0, p4, p4type);
@@ -85498,17 +86094,18 @@
 ** The return value is either the collation sequence to be used in database
 ** db for collation type name zName, length nName, or NULL, if no collation
-** sequence can be found.
+** sequence can be found.  If no collation is found, leave an error message.
 ** See also: sqlite3LocateCollSeq(), sqlite3FindCollSeq()
 SQLITE_PRIVATE CollSeq *sqlite3GetCollSeq(
-  sqlite3* db,          /* The database connection */
+  Parse *pParse,        /* Parsing context */
   u8 enc,               /* The desired encoding for the collating sequence */
   CollSeq *pColl,       /* Collating sequence with native encoding, or NULL */
   const char *zName     /* Collating sequence name */
   CollSeq *p;
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
   p = pColl;
   if( !p ){
@@ -85525,6 +86122,9 @@
     p = 0;
   assert( !p || p->xCmp );
+  if( p==0 ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such collation sequence: %s", zName);
+  }
   return p;
@@ -85543,10 +86143,8 @@
   if( pColl ){
     const char *zName = pColl->zName;
     sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
-    CollSeq *p = sqlite3GetCollSeq(db, ENC(db), pColl, zName);
+    CollSeq *p = sqlite3GetCollSeq(pParse, ENC(db), pColl, zName);
     if( !p ){
-      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such collation sequence: %s", zName);
-      pParse->nErr++;
       return SQLITE_ERROR;
     assert( p==pColl );
@@ -85933,7 +86531,7 @@
   struct SrcList_item *pItem = pSrc->a;
   Table *pTab;
   assert( pItem && pSrc->nSrc==1 );
-  pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, 0, pItem->zName, pItem->zDatabase);
+  pTab = sqlite3LocateTableItem(pParse, 0, pItem);
   sqlite3DeleteTable(pParse->db, pItem->pTab);
   pItem->pTab = pTab;
   if( pTab ){
@@ -85994,29 +86592,28 @@
   int iCur             /* Cursor number for ephemerial table */
   SelectDest dest;
-  Select *pDup;
-  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
-  pDup = sqlite3SelectDup(db, pView->pSelect, 0);
-  if( pWhere ){
+  Select *pSel;
     SrcList *pFrom;
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
+  int iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pView->pSchema);
     pWhere = sqlite3ExprDup(db, pWhere, 0);
     pFrom = sqlite3SrcListAppend(db, 0, 0, 0);
     if( pFrom ){
       assert( pFrom->nSrc==1 );
-      pFrom->a[0].zAlias = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pView->zName);
-      pFrom->a[0].pSelect = pDup;
+    pFrom->a[0].zName = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pView->zName);
+    pFrom->a[0].zDatabase = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, db->aDb[iDb].zName);
       assert( pFrom->a[0].pOn==0 );
       assert( pFrom->a[0].pUsing==0 );
-    }else{
-      sqlite3SelectDelete(db, pDup);
-    }
-    pDup = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse, 0, pFrom, pWhere, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+  pSel = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse, 0, pFrom, pWhere, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+  if( pSel ) pSel->selFlags |= SF_Materialize;
   sqlite3SelectDestInit(&dest, SRT_EphemTab, iCur);
-  sqlite3Select(pParse, pDup, &dest);
-  sqlite3SelectDelete(db, pDup);
+  sqlite3Select(pParse, pSel, &dest);
+  sqlite3SelectDelete(db, pSel);
 #endif /* !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_VIEW) && !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_TRIGGER) */
@@ -86272,7 +86869,7 @@
     sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, iRowSet);
     pWInfo = sqlite3WhereBegin(
-        pParse, pTabList, pWhere, 0, 0, WHERE_DUPLICATES_OK
+        pParse, pTabList, pWhere, 0, 0, WHERE_DUPLICATES_OK, 0
     if( pWInfo==0 ) goto delete_from_cleanup;
     regRowid = sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumn(pParse, pTab, -1, iCur, iRowid, 0);
@@ -86539,7 +87136,9 @@
   if( doMakeRec ){
     const char *zAff;
-    if( pTab->pSelect || (pParse->db->flags & SQLITE_IdxRealAsInt)!=0 ){
+    if( pTab->pSelect
+     || OptimizationDisabled(pParse->db, SQLITE_IdxRealAsInt)
+    ){
       zAff = 0;
       zAff = sqlite3IndexAffinityStr(v, pIdx);
@@ -86722,6 +87321,56 @@
+** Implementation of the instr() function.
+** instr(haystack,needle) finds the first occurrence of needle
+** in haystack and returns the number of previous characters plus 1,
+** or 0 if needle does not occur within haystack.
+** If both haystack and needle are BLOBs, then the result is one more than
+** the number of bytes in haystack prior to the first occurrence of needle,
+** or 0 if needle never occurs in haystack.
+static void instrFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  const unsigned char *zHaystack;
+  const unsigned char *zNeedle;
+  int nHaystack;
+  int nNeedle;
+  int typeHaystack, typeNeedle;
+  int N = 1;
+  int isText;
+  typeHaystack = sqlite3_value_type(argv[0]);
+  typeNeedle = sqlite3_value_type(argv[1]);
+  if( typeHaystack==SQLITE_NULL || typeNeedle==SQLITE_NULL ) return;
+  nHaystack = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0]);
+  nNeedle = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[1]);
+  if( typeHaystack==SQLITE_BLOB && typeNeedle==SQLITE_BLOB ){
+    zHaystack = sqlite3_value_blob(argv[0]);
+    zNeedle = sqlite3_value_blob(argv[1]);
+    isText = 0;
+  }else{
+    zHaystack = sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
+    zNeedle = sqlite3_value_text(argv[1]);
+    isText = 1;
+  }
+  while( nNeedle<=nHaystack && memcmp(zHaystack, zNeedle, nNeedle)!=0 ){
+    N++;
+    do{
+      nHaystack--;
+      zHaystack++;
+    }while( isText && (zHaystack[0]&0xc0)==0x80 );
+  }
+  if( nNeedle>nHaystack ) N = 0;
+  sqlite3_result_int(context, N);
 ** Implementation of the substr() function.
 ** substr(x,p1,p2)  returns p2 characters of x[] beginning with p1.
@@ -86920,33 +87569,14 @@
-#if 0  /* This function is never used. */
-** The COALESCE() and IFNULL() functions used to be implemented as shown
-** here.  But now they are implemented as VDBE code so that unused arguments
-** do not have to be computed.  This legacy implementation is retained as
-** comment.
+** The COALESCE() and IFNULL() functions are implemented as VDBE code so
+** that unused argument values do not have to be computed.  However, we
+** still need some kind of function implementation for this routines in
+** the function table.  That function implementation will never be called
+** so it doesn't matter what the implementation is.  We might as well use
+** the "version()" function as a substitute.
-** Implementation of the IFNULL(), NVL(), and COALESCE() functions.  
-** All three do the same thing.  They return the first non-NULL
-** argument.
-static void ifnullFunc(
-  sqlite3_context *context,
-  int argc,
-  sqlite3_value **argv
-  int i;
-  for(i=0; i<argc; i++){
-    if( SQLITE_NULL!=sqlite3_value_type(argv[i]) ){
-      sqlite3_result_value(context, argv[i]);
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-#endif /* NOT USED */
 #define ifnullFunc versionFunc   /* Substitute function - never called */
@@ -87065,7 +87695,7 @@
 ** whereas only characters less than 0x80 do in ASCII.
 #if defined(SQLITE_EBCDIC)
-# define sqlite3Utf8Read(A,C)  (*(A++))
+# define sqlite3Utf8Read(A)    (*((*A)++))
 # define GlogUpperToLower(A)   A = sqlite3UpperToLower[A]
 # define GlogUpperToLower(A)   if( !((A)&~0x7f) ){ A = sqlite3UpperToLower[A]; }
@@ -87122,18 +87752,18 @@
   u8 noCase = pInfo->noCase; 
   int prevEscape = 0;     /* True if the previous character was 'escape' */
-  while( (c = sqlite3Utf8Read(zPattern,&zPattern))!=0 ){
-    if( !prevEscape && c==matchAll ){
-      while( (c=sqlite3Utf8Read(zPattern,&zPattern)) == matchAll
+  while( (c = sqlite3Utf8Read(&zPattern))!=0 ){
+    if( c==matchAll && !prevEscape ){
+      while( (c=sqlite3Utf8Read(&zPattern)) == matchAll
                || c == matchOne ){
-        if( c==matchOne && sqlite3Utf8Read(zString, &zString)==0 ){
+        if( c==matchOne && sqlite3Utf8Read(&zString)==0 ){
           return 0;
       if( c==0 ){
         return 1;
       }else if( c==esc ){
-        c = sqlite3Utf8Read(zPattern, &zPattern);
+        c = sqlite3Utf8Read(&zPattern);
         if( c==0 ){
           return 0;
@@ -87145,25 +87775,25 @@
         return *zString!=0;
-      while( (c2 = sqlite3Utf8Read(zString,&zString))!=0 ){
+      while( (c2 = sqlite3Utf8Read(&zString))!=0 ){
         if( noCase ){
           while( c2 != 0 && c2 != c ){
-            c2 = sqlite3Utf8Read(zString, &zString);
+            c2 = sqlite3Utf8Read(&zString);
           while( c2 != 0 && c2 != c ){
-            c2 = sqlite3Utf8Read(zString, &zString);
+            c2 = sqlite3Utf8Read(&zString);
         if( c2==0 ) return 0;
         if( patternCompare(zPattern,zString,pInfo,esc) ) return 1;
       return 0;
-    }else if( !prevEscape && c==matchOne ){
-      if( sqlite3Utf8Read(zString, &zString)==0 ){
+    }else if( c==matchOne && !prevEscape ){
+      if( sqlite3Utf8Read(&zString)==0 ){
         return 0;
     }else if( c==matchSet ){
@@ -87171,20 +87801,20 @@
       assert( esc==0 );    /* This only occurs for GLOB, not LIKE */
       seen = 0;
       invert = 0;
-      c = sqlite3Utf8Read(zString, &zString);
+      c = sqlite3Utf8Read(&zString);
       if( c==0 ) return 0;
-      c2 = sqlite3Utf8Read(zPattern, &zPattern);
+      c2 = sqlite3Utf8Read(&zPattern);
       if( c2=='^' ){
         invert = 1;
-        c2 = sqlite3Utf8Read(zPattern, &zPattern);
+        c2 = sqlite3Utf8Read(&zPattern);
       if( c2==']' ){
         if( c==']' ) seen = 1;
-        c2 = sqlite3Utf8Read(zPattern, &zPattern);
+        c2 = sqlite3Utf8Read(&zPattern);
       while( c2 && c2!=']' ){
         if( c2=='-' && zPattern[0]!=']' && zPattern[0]!=0 && prior_c>0 ){
-          c2 = sqlite3Utf8Read(zPattern, &zPattern);
+          c2 = sqlite3Utf8Read(&zPattern);
           if( c>=prior_c && c<=c2 ) seen = 1;
           prior_c = 0;
@@ -87193,7 +87823,7 @@
           prior_c = c2;
-        c2 = sqlite3Utf8Read(zPattern, &zPattern);
+        c2 = sqlite3Utf8Read(&zPattern);
       if( c2==0 || (seen ^ invert)==0 ){
         return 0;
@@ -87201,7 +87831,7 @@
     }else if( esc==c && !prevEscape ){
       prevEscape = 1;
-      c2 = sqlite3Utf8Read(zString, &zString);
+      c2 = sqlite3Utf8Read(&zString);
       if( noCase ){
@@ -87216,6 +87846,13 @@
+** The sqlite3_strglob() interface.
+SQLITE_API int sqlite3_strglob(const char *zGlobPattern, const char *zString){
+  return patternCompare((u8*)zGlobPattern, (u8*)zString, &globInfo, 0)==0;
 ** Count the number of times that the LIKE operator (or GLOB which is
 ** just a variation of LIKE) gets called.  This is used for testing
 ** only.
@@ -87273,7 +87910,7 @@
           "ESCAPE expression must be a single character", -1);
-    escape = sqlite3Utf8Read(zEsc, &zEsc);
+    escape = sqlite3Utf8Read(&zEsc);
   if( zA && zB ){
     struct compareInfo *pInfo = sqlite3_user_data(context);
@@ -87416,8 +88053,19 @@
   assert( argc==1 );
   switch( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0]) ){
     case SQLITE_FLOAT: {
+      double r1, r2;
+      char zBuf[50];
+      r1 = sqlite3_value_double(argv[0]);
+      sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, "%!.15g", r1);
+      sqlite3AtoF(zBuf, &r2, 20, SQLITE_UTF8);
+      if( r1!=r2 ){
+        sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, "%!.20e", r1);
+      }
+      sqlite3_result_text(context, zBuf, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+      break;
+    }
+    case SQLITE_INTEGER: {
       sqlite3_result_value(context, argv[0]);
@@ -87474,6 +88122,62 @@
+** The unicode() function.  Return the integer unicode code-point value
+** for the first character of the input string. 
+static void unicodeFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  const unsigned char *z = sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
+  (void)argc;
+  if( z && z[0] ) sqlite3_result_int(context, sqlite3Utf8Read(&z));
+** The char() function takes zero or more arguments, each of which is
+** an integer.  It constructs a string where each character of the string
+** is the unicode character for the corresponding integer argument.
+static void charFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  unsigned char *z, *zOut;
+  int i;
+  zOut = z = sqlite3_malloc( argc*4 );
+  if( z==0 ){
+    sqlite3_result_error_nomem(context);
+    return;
+  }
+  for(i=0; i<argc; i++){
+    sqlite3_int64 x;
+    unsigned c;
+    x = sqlite3_value_int64(argv[i]);
+    if( x<0 || x>0x10ffff ) x = 0xfffd;
+    c = (unsigned)(x & 0x1fffff);
+    if( c<0x00080 ){
+      *zOut++ = (u8)(c&0xFF);
+    }else if( c<0x00800 ){
+      *zOut++ = 0xC0 + (u8)((c>>6)&0x1F);
+      *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)(c & 0x3F);
+    }else if( c<0x10000 ){
+      *zOut++ = 0xE0 + (u8)((c>>12)&0x0F);
+      *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)((c>>6) & 0x3F);
+      *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)(c & 0x3F);
+    }else{
+      *zOut++ = 0xF0 + (u8)((c>>18) & 0x07);
+      *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)((c>>12) & 0x3F);
+      *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)((c>>6) & 0x3F);
+      *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)(c & 0x3F);
+    }                                                    \
+  }
+  sqlite3_result_text(context, (char*)z, (int)(zOut-z), sqlite3_free);
 ** The hex() function.  Interpret the argument as a blob.  Return
 ** a hexadecimal rendering as text.
@@ -88097,8 +88801,11 @@
     AGGREGATE(max,               1, 1, 1, minmaxStep,      minMaxFinalize ),
     FUNCTION2(typeof,            1, 0, 0, typeofFunc,  SQLITE_FUNC_TYPEOF),
     FUNCTION2(length,            1, 0, 0, lengthFunc,  SQLITE_FUNC_LENGTH),
+    FUNCTION(instr,              2, 0, 0, instrFunc        ),
     FUNCTION(substr,             2, 0, 0, substrFunc       ),
     FUNCTION(substr,             3, 0, 0, substrFunc       ),
+    FUNCTION(unicode,            1, 0, 0, unicodeFunc      ),
+    FUNCTION(char,              -1, 0, 0, charFunc         ),
     FUNCTION(abs,                1, 0, 0, absFunc          ),
     FUNCTION(round,              1, 0, 0, roundFunc        ),
@@ -88190,8 +88897,9 @@
 ** --------------------------
 ** Foreign keys in SQLite come in two flavours: deferred and immediate.
-** If an immediate foreign key constraint is violated, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT
-** is returned and the current statement transaction rolled back. If a 
+** If an immediate foreign key constraint is violated,
+** SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_FOREIGNKEY is returned and the current
+** statement transaction rolled back. If a 
 ** deferred foreign key constraint is violated, no action is taken 
 ** immediately. However if the application attempts to commit the 
 ** transaction before fixing the constraint violation, the attempt fails.
@@ -88255,7 +88963,8 @@
 ** Immediate constraints are usually handled similarly. The only difference 
 ** is that the counter used is stored as part of each individual statement
 ** object (struct Vdbe). If, after the statement has run, its immediate
-** constraint counter is greater than zero, it returns SQLITE_CONSTRAINT
+** constraint counter is greater than zero,
 ** and the statement transaction is rolled back. An exception is an INSERT
 ** statement that inserts a single row only (no triggers). In this case,
 ** instead of using a counter, an exception is thrown immediately if the
@@ -88311,7 +89020,7 @@
 ** A foreign key constraint requires that the key columns in the parent
 ** table are collectively subject to a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint.
 ** Given that pParent is the parent table for foreign key constraint pFKey, 
-** search the schema a unique index on the parent key columns. 
+** search the schema for a unique index on the parent key columns. 
 ** If successful, zero is returned. If the parent key is an INTEGER PRIMARY 
 ** KEY column, then output variable *ppIdx is set to NULL. Otherwise, *ppIdx 
@@ -88347,7 +89056,7 @@
 ** into pParse. If an OOM error occurs, non-zero is returned and the
 ** pParse->db->mallocFailed flag is set.
-static int locateFkeyIndex(
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3FkLocateIndex(
   Parse *pParse,                  /* Parse context to store any error in */
   Table *pParent,                 /* Parent table of FK constraint pFKey */
   FKey *pFKey,                    /* Foreign key to find index for */
@@ -88444,7 +89153,9 @@
   if( !pIdx ){
     if( !pParse->disableTriggers ){
-      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "foreign key mismatch");
+      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse,
+           "foreign key mismatch - \"%w\" referencing \"%w\"",
+           pFKey->pFrom->zName, pFKey->zTo);
     sqlite3DbFree(pParse->db, aiCol);
     return 1;
@@ -88593,8 +89304,8 @@
     ** incrementing a counter. This is necessary as the VM code is being
     ** generated for will not open a statement transaction.  */
     assert( nIncr==1 );
-    sqlite3HaltConstraint(
-        pParse, OE_Abort, "foreign key constraint failed", P4_STATIC
+    sqlite3HaltConstraint(pParse, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_FOREIGNKEY,
+        OE_Abort, "foreign key constraint failed", P4_STATIC
     if( nIncr>0 && pFKey->isDeferred==0 ){
@@ -88680,12 +89391,15 @@
       ** expression to the parent key column defaults.  */
       if( pIdx ){
         Column *pCol;
+        const char *zColl;
         iCol = pIdx->aiColumn[i];
         pCol = &pTab->aCol[iCol];
         if( pTab->iPKey==iCol ) iCol = -1;
         pLeft->iTable = regData+iCol+1;
         pLeft->affinity = pCol->affinity;
-        pLeft->pColl = sqlite3LocateCollSeq(pParse, pCol->zColl);
+        zColl = pCol->zColl;
+        if( zColl==0 ) zColl = db->pDfltColl->zName;
+        pLeft = sqlite3ExprAddCollateString(pParse, pLeft, zColl);
         pLeft->iTable = regData;
         pLeft->affinity = SQLITE_AFF_INTEGER;
@@ -88729,7 +89443,7 @@
   ** clause. If the constraint is not deferred, throw an exception for
   ** each row found. Otherwise, for deferred constraints, increment the
   ** deferred constraint counter by nIncr for each row selected.  */
-  pWInfo = sqlite3WhereBegin(pParse, pSrc, pWhere, 0, 0, 0);
+  pWInfo = sqlite3WhereBegin(pParse, pSrc, pWhere, 0, 0, 0, 0);
   if( nIncr>0 && pFKey->isDeferred==0 ){
     sqlite3ParseToplevel(pParse)->mayAbort = 1;
@@ -88831,8 +89545,8 @@
     ** any modifications to the schema are made. This is because statement
     ** transactions are not able to rollback schema changes.  */
     sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_FkIfZero, 0, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+2);
-    sqlite3HaltConstraint(
-        pParse, OE_Abort, "foreign key constraint failed", P4_STATIC
+    sqlite3HaltConstraint(pParse, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_FOREIGNKEY,
+        OE_Abort, "foreign key constraint failed", P4_STATIC
     if( iSkip ){
@@ -88902,7 +89616,7 @@
       pTo = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, 0, pFKey->zTo, zDb);
-    if( !pTo || locateFkeyIndex(pParse, pTo, pFKey, &pIdx, &aiFree) ){
+    if( !pTo || sqlite3FkLocateIndex(pParse, pTo, pFKey, &pIdx, &aiFree) ){
       assert( isIgnoreErrors==0 || (regOld!=0 && regNew==0) );
       if( !isIgnoreErrors || db->mallocFailed ) return;
       if( pTo==0 ){
@@ -88982,7 +89696,7 @@
-    if( locateFkeyIndex(pParse, pTab, pFKey, &pIdx, &aiCol) ){
+    if( sqlite3FkLocateIndex(pParse, pTab, pFKey, &pIdx, &aiCol) ){
       if( !isIgnoreErrors || db->mallocFailed ) return;
@@ -89037,7 +89751,7 @@
     for(p=sqlite3FkReferences(pTab); p; p=p->pNextTo){
       Index *pIdx = 0;
-      locateFkeyIndex(pParse, pTab, p, &pIdx, 0);
+      sqlite3FkLocateIndex(pParse, pTab, p, &pIdx, 0);
       if( pIdx ){
         for(i=0; i<pIdx->nColumn; i++) mask |= COLUMN_MASK(pIdx->aiColumn[i]);
@@ -89094,7 +89808,8 @@
           int iKey;
           for(iKey=0; iKey<pTab->nCol; iKey++){
             Column *pCol = &pTab->aCol[iKey];
-            if( (zKey ? !sqlite3StrICmp(pCol->zName, zKey) : pCol->isPrimKey) ){
+            if( (zKey ? !sqlite3StrICmp(pCol->zName, zKey)
+                      : (pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_PRIMKEY)!=0) ){
               if( aChange[iKey]>=0 ) return 1;
               if( iKey==pTab->iPKey && chngRowid ) return 1;
@@ -89162,7 +89877,7 @@
     int i;                        /* Iterator variable */
     Expr *pWhen = 0;              /* WHEN clause for the trigger */
-    if( locateFkeyIndex(pParse, pTab, pFKey, &pIdx, &aiCol) ) return 0;
+    if( sqlite3FkLocateIndex(pParse, pTab, pFKey, &pIdx, &aiCol) ) return 0;
     assert( aiCol || pFKey->nCol==1 );
     for(i=0; i<pFKey->nCol; i++){
@@ -89415,7 +90130,7 @@
   int opcode      /* OP_OpenRead or OP_OpenWrite */
   Vdbe *v;
-  if( IsVirtual(pTab) ) return;
+  assert( !IsVirtual(pTab) );
   v = sqlite3GetVdbe(p);
   assert( opcode==OP_OpenWrite || opcode==OP_OpenRead );
   sqlite3TableLock(p, iDb, pTab->tnum, (opcode==OP_OpenWrite)?1:0, pTab->zName);
@@ -89710,6 +90425,97 @@
+** Generate code for a co-routine that will evaluate a subquery one
+** row at a time.
+** The pSelect parameter is the subquery that the co-routine will evaluation.
+** Information about the location of co-routine and the registers it will use
+** is returned by filling in the pDest object.
+** Registers are allocated as follows:
+**   pDest->iSDParm      The register holding the next entry-point of the
+**                       co-routine.  Run the co-routine to its next breakpoint
+**                       by calling "OP_Yield $X" where $X is pDest->iSDParm.
+**   pDest->iSDParm+1    The register holding the "completed" flag for the
+**                       co-routine. This register is 0 if the previous Yield
+**                       generated a new result row, or 1 if the subquery
+**                       has completed.  If the Yield is called again
+**                       after this register becomes 1, then the VDBE will
+**                       halt with an SQLITE_INTERNAL error.
+**   pDest->iSdst        First result register.
+**   pDest->nSdst        Number of result registers.
+** This routine handles all of the register allocation and fills in the
+** pDest structure appropriately.
+** Here is a schematic of the generated code assuming that X is the 
+** co-routine entry-point register reg[pDest->iSDParm], that EOF is the
+** completed flag reg[pDest->iSDParm+1], and R and S are the range of
+** registers that hold the result set, reg[pDest->iSdst] through
+** reg[pDest->iSdst+pDest->nSdst-1]:
+**         X <- A
+**         EOF <- 0
+**         goto B
+**      A: setup for the SELECT
+**         loop rows in the SELECT
+**           load results into registers R..S
+**           yield X
+**         end loop
+**         cleanup after the SELECT
+**         EOF <- 1
+**         yield X
+**         halt-error
+**      B:
+** To use this subroutine, the caller generates code as follows:
+**         [ Co-routine generated by this subroutine, shown above ]
+**      S: yield X
+**         if EOF goto E
+**         if skip this row, goto C
+**         if terminate loop, goto E
+**         deal with this row
+**      C: goto S
+**      E:
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3CodeCoroutine(Parse *pParse, Select *pSelect, SelectDest *pDest){
+  int regYield;       /* Register holding co-routine entry-point */
+  int regEof;         /* Register holding co-routine completion flag */
+  int addrTop;        /* Top of the co-routine */
+  int j1;             /* Jump instruction */
+  int rc;             /* Result code */
+  Vdbe *v;            /* VDBE under construction */
+  regYield = ++pParse->nMem;
+  regEof = ++pParse->nMem;
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  addrTop = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, addrTop+2, regYield); /* X <- A */
+  VdbeComment((v, "Co-routine entry point"));
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, regEof);           /* EOF <- 0 */
+  VdbeComment((v, "Co-routine completion flag"));
+  sqlite3SelectDestInit(pDest, SRT_Coroutine, regYield);
+  j1 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, 0);
+  rc = sqlite3Select(pParse, pSelect, pDest);
+  assert( pParse->nErr==0 || rc );
+  if( pParse->db->mallocFailed && rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
+  if( rc ) return rc;
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 1, regEof);            /* EOF <- 1 */
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Yield, regYield);   /* yield X */
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Halt, SQLITE_INTERNAL, OE_Abort);
+  VdbeComment((v, "End of coroutine"));
+  sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, j1);                             /* label B: */
+  return rc;
 /* Forward declaration */
 static int xferOptimization(
   Parse *pParse,        /* Parser context */
@@ -89958,55 +90764,16 @@
   ** co-routine is the common header to the 3rd and 4th templates.
   if( pSelect ){
-    /* Data is coming from a SELECT.  Generate code to implement that SELECT
-    ** as a co-routine.  The code is common to both the 3rd and 4th
-    ** templates:
-    **
-    **         EOF <- 0
-    **         X <- A
-    **         goto B
-    **      A: setup for the SELECT
-    **         loop over the tables in the SELECT
-    **           load value into register R..R+n
-    **           yield X
-    **         end loop
-    **         cleanup after the SELECT
-    **         EOF <- 1
-    **         yield X
-    **         halt-error
-    **
-    ** On each invocation of the co-routine, it puts a single row of the
-    ** SELECT result into registers dest.iMem...dest.iMem+dest.nMem-1.
-    ** (These output registers are allocated by sqlite3Select().)  When
-    ** the SELECT completes, it sets the EOF flag stored in regEof.
-    */
-    int rc, j1;
-    regEof = ++pParse->nMem;
-    sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, regEof);      /* EOF <- 0 */
-    VdbeComment((v, "SELECT eof flag"));
-    sqlite3SelectDestInit(&dest, SRT_Coroutine, ++pParse->nMem);
-    addrSelect = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+2;
-    sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, addrSelect-1, dest.iParm);
-    j1 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, 0);
-    VdbeComment((v, "Jump over SELECT coroutine"));
-    /* Resolve the expressions in the SELECT statement and execute it. */
-    rc = sqlite3Select(pParse, pSelect, &dest);
-    assert( pParse->nErr==0 || rc );
-    if( rc || NEVER(pParse->nErr) || db->mallocFailed ){
-      goto insert_cleanup;
-    }
-    sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 1, regEof);         /* EOF <- 1 */
-    sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Yield, dest.iParm);   /* yield X */
-    sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Halt, SQLITE_INTERNAL, OE_Abort);
-    VdbeComment((v, "End of SELECT coroutine"));
-    sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, j1);                          /* label B: */
+    /* Data is coming from a SELECT.  Generate a co-routine to run that
+    ** SELECT. */
+    int rc = sqlite3CodeCoroutine(pParse, pSelect, &dest);
+    if( rc ) goto insert_cleanup;
-    regFromSelect = dest.iMem;
+    regEof = dest.iSDParm + 1;
+    regFromSelect = dest.iSdst;
     assert( pSelect->pEList );
     nColumn = pSelect->pEList->nExpr;
-    assert( dest.nMem==nColumn );
+    assert( dest.nSdst==nColumn );
     /* Set useTempTable to TRUE if the result of the SELECT statement
     ** should be written into a temporary table (template 4).  Set to
@@ -90042,7 +90809,7 @@
       regRec = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
       regTempRowid = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
       sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenEphemeral, srcTab, nColumn);
-      addrTop = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Yield, dest.iParm);
+      addrTop = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Yield, dest.iSDParm);
       addrIf = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_If, regEof);
       sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, regFromSelect, nColumn, regRec);
       sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_NewRowid, srcTab, regTempRowid);
@@ -90179,7 +90946,7 @@
     **         goto C
     **      D: ...
-    addrCont = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Yield, dest.iParm);
+    addrCont = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Yield, dest.iSDParm);
     addrInsTop = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_If, regEof);
@@ -90583,7 +91350,7 @@
       case OE_Fail: {
         char *zMsg;
         sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_HaltIfNull,
-                                  SQLITE_CONSTRAINT, onError, regData+i);
+                          SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_NOTNULL, onError, regData+i);
         zMsg = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "%s.%s may not be NULL",
                               pTab->zName, pTab->aCol[i].zName);
         sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, zMsg, P4_DYNAMIC);
@@ -90623,7 +91390,8 @@
           zConsName = 0;
-        sqlite3HaltConstraint(pParse, onError, zConsName, P4_DYNAMIC);
+        sqlite3HaltConstraint(pParse, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_CHECK,
+                              onError, zConsName, P4_DYNAMIC);
       sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, allOk);
@@ -90654,14 +91422,14 @@
       case OE_Rollback:
       case OE_Abort:
       case OE_Fail: {
-        sqlite3HaltConstraint(
-          pParse, onError, "PRIMARY KEY must be unique", P4_STATIC);
+        sqlite3HaltConstraint(pParse, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_PRIMARYKEY,
+           onError, "PRIMARY KEY must be unique", P4_STATIC);
       case OE_Replace: {
         /* If there are DELETE triggers on this table and the
         ** recursive-triggers flag is set, call GenerateRowDelete() to
-        ** remove the conflicting row from the the table. This will fire
+        ** remove the conflicting row from the table. This will fire
         ** the triggers and remove both the table and index b-tree entries.
         ** Otherwise, if there are no triggers or the recursive-triggers
@@ -90782,7 +91550,8 @@
             pIdx->nColumn>1 ? " are not unique" : " is not unique", -1);
         zErr = sqlite3StrAccumFinish(&errMsg);
-        sqlite3HaltConstraint(pParse, onError, zErr, 0);
+        sqlite3HaltConstraint(pParse, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE,
+                              onError, zErr, 0);
         sqlite3DbFree(errMsg.db, zErr);
@@ -91081,7 +91850,7 @@
   ** we have to check the semantics.
   pItem = pSelect->pSrc->a;
-  pSrc = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, 0, pItem->zName, pItem->zDatabase);
+  pSrc = sqlite3LocateTableItem(pParse, 0, pItem);
   if( pSrc==0 ){
     return 0;   /* FROM clause does not contain a real table */
@@ -91190,8 +91959,8 @@
   if( pDest->iPKey>=0 ){
     addr1 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rowid, iSrc, regRowid);
     addr2 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_NotExists, iDest, 0, regRowid);
-    sqlite3HaltConstraint(
-        pParse, onError, "PRIMARY KEY must be unique", P4_STATIC);
+    sqlite3HaltConstraint(pParse, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_PRIMARYKEY,
+        onError, "PRIMARY KEY must be unique", P4_STATIC);
     sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr2);
     autoIncStep(pParse, regAutoinc, regRowid);
   }else if( pDest->pIndex==0 ){
@@ -91283,7 +92052,6 @@
   const char *zLeftover;      /* Tail of unprocessed SQL */
   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;    /* The current SQL statement */
   char **azCols = 0;          /* Names of result columns */
-  int nRetry = 0;             /* Number of retry attempts */
   int callbackIsInit;         /* True if callback data is initialized */
   if( !sqlite3SafetyCheckOk(db) ) return SQLITE_MISUSE_BKPT;
@@ -91291,12 +92059,12 @@
   sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_OK, 0);
-  while( (rc==SQLITE_OK || (rc==SQLITE_SCHEMA && (++nRetry)<2)) && zSql[0] ){
+  while( rc==SQLITE_OK && zSql[0] ){
     int nCol;
     char **azVals = 0;
     pStmt = 0;
-    rc = sqlite3_prepare(db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, &zLeftover);
+    rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, &zLeftover);
     assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || pStmt==0 );
     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
@@ -91353,11 +92121,8 @@
       if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW ){
         rc = sqlite3VdbeFinalize((Vdbe *)pStmt);
         pStmt = 0;
-        if( rc!=SQLITE_SCHEMA ){
-          nRetry = 0;
           zSql = zLeftover;
           while( sqlite3Isspace(zSql[0]) ) zSql++;
-        }
@@ -91648,6 +92413,20 @@
   int (*blob_reopen)(sqlite3_blob*,sqlite3_int64);
   int (*vtab_config)(sqlite3*,int op,...);
   int (*vtab_on_conflict)(sqlite3*);
+  /* Version 3.7.16 and later */
+  int (*close_v2)(sqlite3*);
+  const char *(*db_filename)(sqlite3*,const char*);
+  int (*db_readonly)(sqlite3*,const char*);
+  int (*db_release_memory)(sqlite3*);
+  const char *(*errstr)(int);
+  int (*stmt_busy)(sqlite3_stmt*);
+  int (*stmt_readonly)(sqlite3_stmt*);
+  int (*stricmp)(const char*,const char*);
+  int (*uri_boolean)(const char*,const char*,int);
+  sqlite3_int64 (*uri_int64)(const char*,const char*,sqlite3_int64);
+  const char *(*uri_parameter)(const char*,const char*);
+  char *(*vsnprintf)(int,char*,const char*,va_list);
+  int (*wal_checkpoint_v2)(sqlite3*,const char*,int,int*,int*);
@@ -91851,10 +92630,33 @@
 #define sqlite3_blob_reopen            sqlite3_api->blob_reopen
 #define sqlite3_vtab_config            sqlite3_api->vtab_config
 #define sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict       sqlite3_api->vtab_on_conflict
+/* Version 3.7.16 and later */
+#define sqlite3_close_v2               sqlite3_api->close_v2
+#define sqlite3_db_filename            sqlite3_api->db_filename
+#define sqlite3_db_readonly            sqlite3_api->db_readonly
+#define sqlite3_db_release_memory      sqlite3_api->db_release_memory
+#define sqlite3_errstr                 sqlite3_api->errstr
+#define sqlite3_stmt_busy              sqlite3_api->stmt_busy
+#define sqlite3_stmt_readonly          sqlite3_api->stmt_readonly
+#define sqlite3_stricmp                sqlite3_api->stricmp
+#define sqlite3_uri_boolean            sqlite3_api->uri_boolean
+#define sqlite3_uri_int64              sqlite3_api->uri_int64
+#define sqlite3_uri_parameter          sqlite3_api->uri_parameter
+#define sqlite3_uri_vsnprintf          sqlite3_api->vsnprintf
+#define sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2      sqlite3_api->wal_checkpoint_v2
 #endif /* SQLITE_CORE */
-#define SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT1     const sqlite3_api_routines *sqlite3_api = 0;
-#define SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT2(v)  sqlite3_api = v;
+#ifndef SQLITE_CORE
+  /* This case when the file really is being compiled as a loadable 
+  ** extension */
+# define SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT1     const sqlite3_api_routines *sqlite3_api=0;
+# define SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT2(v)  sqlite3_api=v;
+  /* This case when the file is being statically linked into the 
+  ** application */
+# define SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT1     /*no-op*/
+# define SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT2(v)  (void)v; /* unused parameter */
 #endif /* _SQLITE3EXT_H_ */
@@ -92220,6 +93022,19 @@
+  sqlite3_close_v2,
+  sqlite3_db_filename,
+  sqlite3_db_readonly,
+  sqlite3_db_release_memory,
+  sqlite3_errstr,
+  sqlite3_stmt_busy,
+  sqlite3_stmt_readonly,
+  sqlite3_stricmp,
+  sqlite3_uri_boolean,
+  sqlite3_uri_int64,
+  sqlite3_uri_parameter,
+  sqlite3_vsnprintf,
+  sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2
@@ -92244,8 +93059,23 @@
   void *handle;
   int (*xInit)(sqlite3*,char**,const sqlite3_api_routines*);
   char *zErrmsg = 0;
+  const char *zEntry;
+  char *zAltEntry = 0;
   void **aHandle;
   int nMsg = 300 + sqlite3Strlen30(zFile);
+  int ii;
+  /* Shared library endings to try if zFile cannot be loaded as written */
+  static const char *azEndings[] = {
+     "dll"   
+#elif defined(__APPLE__)
+     "dylib"
+     "so"
+  };
   if( pzErrMsg ) *pzErrMsg = 0;
@@ -92262,11 +93092,17 @@
     return SQLITE_ERROR;
-  if( zProc==0 ){
-    zProc = "sqlite3_extension_init";
-  }
+  zEntry = zProc ? zProc : "sqlite3_extension_init";
   handle = sqlite3OsDlOpen(pVfs, zFile);
+  for(ii=0; ii<ArraySize(azEndings) && handle==0; ii++){
+    char *zAltFile = sqlite3_mprintf("%s.%s", zFile, azEndings[ii]);
+    if( zAltFile==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+    handle = sqlite3OsDlOpen(pVfs, zAltFile);
+    sqlite3_free(zAltFile);
+  }
   if( handle==0 ){
     if( pzErrMsg ){
       *pzErrMsg = zErrmsg = sqlite3_malloc(nMsg);
@@ -92279,20 +93115,57 @@
     return SQLITE_ERROR;
   xInit = (int(*)(sqlite3*,char**,const sqlite3_api_routines*))
-                   sqlite3OsDlSym(pVfs, handle, zProc);
+                   sqlite3OsDlSym(pVfs, handle, zEntry);
+  /* If no entry point was specified and the default legacy
+  ** entry point name "sqlite3_extension_init" was not found, then
+  ** construct an entry point name "sqlite3_X_init" where the X is
+  ** replaced by the lowercase value of every ASCII alphabetic 
+  ** character in the filename after the last "/" upto the first ".",
+  ** and eliding the first three characters if they are "lib".  
+  ** Examples:
+  **
+  **    /usr/local/lib/libExample5.4.3.so ==>  sqlite3_example_init
+  **    C:/lib/mathfuncs.dll              ==>  sqlite3_mathfuncs_init
+  */
+  if( xInit==0 && zProc==0 ){
+    int iFile, iEntry, c;
+    int ncFile = sqlite3Strlen30(zFile);
+    zAltEntry = sqlite3_malloc(ncFile+30);
+    if( zAltEntry==0 ){
+      sqlite3OsDlClose(pVfs, handle);
+      return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+    }
+    memcpy(zAltEntry, "sqlite3_", 8);
+    for(iFile=ncFile-1; iFile>=0 && zFile[iFile]!='/'; iFile--){}
+    iFile++;
+    if( sqlite3_strnicmp(zFile+iFile, "lib", 3)==0 ) iFile += 3;
+    for(iEntry=8; (c = zFile[iFile])!=0 && c!='.'; iFile++){
+      if( sqlite3Isalpha(c) ){
+        zAltEntry[iEntry++] = (char)sqlite3UpperToLower[(unsigned)c];
+      }
+    }
+    memcpy(zAltEntry+iEntry, "_init", 6);
+    zEntry = zAltEntry;
+    xInit = (int(*)(sqlite3*,char**,const sqlite3_api_routines*))
+                     sqlite3OsDlSym(pVfs, handle, zEntry);
+  }
   if( xInit==0 ){
     if( pzErrMsg ){
-      nMsg += sqlite3Strlen30(zProc);
+      nMsg += sqlite3Strlen30(zEntry);
       *pzErrMsg = zErrmsg = sqlite3_malloc(nMsg);
       if( zErrmsg ){
         sqlite3_snprintf(nMsg, zErrmsg,
-            "no entry point [%s] in shared library [%s]", zProc,zFile);
+            "no entry point [%s] in shared library [%s]", zEntry, zFile);
         sqlite3OsDlError(pVfs, nMsg-1, zErrmsg);
-      sqlite3OsDlClose(pVfs, handle);
+    sqlite3OsDlClose(pVfs, handle);
+    sqlite3_free(zAltEntry);
     return SQLITE_ERROR;
-  }else if( xInit(db, &zErrmsg, &sqlite3Apis) ){
+  }
+  sqlite3_free(zAltEntry);
+  if( xInit(db, &zErrmsg, &sqlite3Apis) ){
     if( pzErrMsg ){
       *pzErrMsg = sqlite3_mprintf("error during initialization: %s", zErrmsg);
@@ -92620,7 +93493,7 @@
     db->aDb[1].pBt = 0;
-    sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1);
+    sqlite3ResetAllSchemasOfConnection(db);
   return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -92686,6 +93559,9 @@
     { "sql_trace",                SQLITE_SqlTrace      },
     { "vdbe_listing",             SQLITE_VdbeListing   },
     { "vdbe_trace",               SQLITE_VdbeTrace     },
+    { "vdbe_addoptrace",          SQLITE_VdbeAddopTrace},
+    { "vdbe_debug",    SQLITE_SqlTrace | SQLITE_VdbeListing
+                               | SQLITE_VdbeTrace      },
     { "ignore_check_constraints", SQLITE_IgnoreChecks  },
@@ -92818,7 +93694,7 @@
   int rc;                      /* return value form SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA */
   sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;    /* The database connection */
   Db *pDb;                     /* The specific database being pragmaed */
-  Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe = sqlite3VdbeCreate(db);  /* Prepared statement */
+  Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);  /* Prepared statement */
   if( v==0 ) return;
@@ -92859,6 +93735,7 @@
   aFcntl[1] = zLeft;
   aFcntl[2] = zRight;
   aFcntl[3] = 0;
+  db->busyHandler.nBusy = 0;
   rc = sqlite3_file_control(db, zDb, SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA, (void*)aFcntl);
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
     if( aFcntl[0] ){
@@ -92900,11 +93777,12 @@
     static const VdbeOpList getCacheSize[] = {
       { OP_Transaction, 0, 0,        0},                         /* 0 */
       { OP_ReadCookie,  0, 1,        BTREE_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE},  /* 1 */
-      { OP_IfPos,       1, 7,        0},
+      { OP_IfPos,       1, 8,        0},
       { OP_Integer,     0, 2,        0},
       { OP_Subtract,    1, 2,        1},
-      { OP_IfPos,       1, 7,        0},
+      { OP_IfPos,       1, 8,        0},
       { OP_Integer,     0, 1,        0},                         /* 6 */
+      { OP_Noop,        0, 0,        0},
       { OP_ResultRow,   1, 1,        0},
     int addr;
@@ -93243,6 +94121,43 @@
+  **  PRAGMA [database.]mmap_size(N)
+  **
+  ** Used to set mapping size limit. The mapping size limit is
+  ** used to limit the aggregate size of all memory mapped regions of the
+  ** database file. If this parameter is set to zero, then memory mapping
+  ** is not used at all.  If N is negative, then the default memory map
+  ** limit determined by sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_MMAP_SIZE) is set.
+  ** The parameter N is measured in bytes.
+  **
+  ** This value is advisory.  The underlying VFS is free to memory map
+  ** as little or as much as it wants.  Except, if N is set to 0 then the
+  ** upper layers will never invoke the xFetch interfaces to the VFS.
+  */
+  if( sqlite3StrICmp(zLeft,"mmap_size")==0 ){
+    sqlite3_int64 sz;
+    assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) );
+    if( zRight ){
+      int ii;
+      sqlite3Atoi64(zRight, &sz, 1000, SQLITE_UTF8);
+      if( sz<0 ) sz = sqlite3GlobalConfig.szMmap;
+      if( pId2->n==0 ) db->szMmap = sz;
+      for(ii=db->nDb-1; ii>=0; ii--){
+        if( db->aDb[ii].pBt && (ii==iDb || pId2->n==0) ){
+          sqlite3BtreeSetMmapLimit(db->aDb[ii].pBt, sz);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    sz = -1;
+    if( sqlite3_file_control(db,zDb,SQLITE_FCNTL_MMAP_SIZE,&sz)==SQLITE_OK ){
+      sz = 0;
+      returnSingleInt(pParse, "mmap_size", sz);
+    }
+  }else
+  /*
   **   PRAGMA temp_store
   **   PRAGMA temp_store = "default"|"memory"|"file"
@@ -93306,6 +94221,50 @@
+  /*
+  **   PRAGMA data_store_directory
+  **   PRAGMA data_store_directory = ""|"directory_name"
+  **
+  ** Return or set the local value of the data_store_directory flag.  Changing
+  ** the value sets a specific directory to be used for database files that
+  ** were specified with a relative pathname.  Setting to a null string reverts
+  ** to the default database directory, which for database files specified with
+  ** a relative path will probably be based on the current directory for the
+  ** process.  Database file specified with an absolute path are not impacted
+  ** by this setting, regardless of its value.
+  **
+  */
+  if( sqlite3StrICmp(zLeft, "data_store_directory")==0 ){
+    if( !zRight ){
+      if( sqlite3_data_directory ){
+        sqlite3VdbeSetNumCols(v, 1);
+        sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 0, COLNAME_NAME, 
+            "data_store_directory", SQLITE_STATIC);
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_String8, 0, 1, 0, sqlite3_data_directory, 0);
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_ResultRow, 1, 1);
+      }
+    }else{
+      if( zRight[0] ){
+        int res;
+        rc = sqlite3OsAccess(db->pVfs, zRight, SQLITE_ACCESS_READWRITE, &res);
+        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || res==0 ){
+          sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "not a writable directory");
+          goto pragma_out;
+        }
+      }
+      sqlite3_free(sqlite3_data_directory);
+      if( zRight[0] ){
+        sqlite3_data_directory = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", zRight);
+      }else{
+        sqlite3_data_directory = 0;
+      }
+#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_WSD */
+    }
+  }else
 #  if defined(__APPLE__)
@@ -93405,11 +94364,14 @@
     if( sqlite3ReadSchema(pParse) ) goto pragma_out;
     pTab = sqlite3FindTable(db, zRight, zDb);
     if( pTab ){
-      int i;
+      int i, k;
       int nHidden = 0;
       Column *pCol;
+      Index *pPk;
+      for(pPk=pTab->pIndex; pPk && pPk->autoIndex!=2; pPk=pPk->pNext){}
       sqlite3VdbeSetNumCols(v, 6);
       pParse->nMem = 6;
+      sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(pParse, iDb);
       sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 0, COLNAME_NAME, "cid", SQLITE_STATIC);
       sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 1, COLNAME_NAME, "name", SQLITE_STATIC);
       sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 2, COLNAME_NAME, "type", SQLITE_STATIC);
@@ -93432,7 +94394,14 @@
           sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Null, 0, 5);
-        sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, pCol->isPrimKey, 6);
+        if( (pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_PRIMKEY)==0 ){
+          k = 0;
+        }else if( pPk==0 ){
+          k = 1;
+        }else{
+          for(k=1; ALWAYS(k<=pTab->nCol) && pPk->aiColumn[k-1]!=i; k++){}
+        }
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, k, 6);
         sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_ResultRow, 1, 6);
@@ -93448,6 +94417,7 @@
       pTab = pIdx->pTable;
       sqlite3VdbeSetNumCols(v, 3);
       pParse->nMem = 3;
+      sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(pParse, iDb);
       sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 0, COLNAME_NAME, "seqno", SQLITE_STATIC);
       sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 1, COLNAME_NAME, "cid", SQLITE_STATIC);
       sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 2, COLNAME_NAME, "name", SQLITE_STATIC);
@@ -93474,6 +94444,7 @@
         int i = 0; 
         sqlite3VdbeSetNumCols(v, 3);
         pParse->nMem = 3;
+        sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(pParse, iDb);
         sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 0, COLNAME_NAME, "seq", SQLITE_STATIC);
         sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 1, COLNAME_NAME, "name", SQLITE_STATIC);
         sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 2, COLNAME_NAME, "unique", SQLITE_STATIC);
@@ -93537,6 +94508,7 @@
         int i = 0; 
         sqlite3VdbeSetNumCols(v, 8);
         pParse->nMem = 8;
+        sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(pParse, iDb);
         sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 0, COLNAME_NAME, "id", SQLITE_STATIC);
         sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 1, COLNAME_NAME, "seq", SQLITE_STATIC);
         sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 2, COLNAME_NAME, "table", SQLITE_STATIC);
@@ -93570,6 +94542,122 @@
 #endif /* !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_FOREIGN_KEY) */
+  if( sqlite3StrICmp(zLeft, "foreign_key_check")==0 ){
+    FKey *pFK;             /* A foreign key constraint */
+    Table *pTab;           /* Child table contain "REFERENCES" keyword */
+    Table *pParent;        /* Parent table that child points to */
+    Index *pIdx;           /* Index in the parent table */
+    int i;                 /* Loop counter:  Foreign key number for pTab */
+    int j;                 /* Loop counter:  Field of the foreign key */
+    HashElem *k;           /* Loop counter:  Next table in schema */
+    int x;                 /* result variable */
+    int regResult;         /* 3 registers to hold a result row */
+    int regKey;            /* Register to hold key for checking the FK */
+    int regRow;            /* Registers to hold a row from pTab */
+    int addrTop;           /* Top of a loop checking foreign keys */
+    int addrOk;            /* Jump here if the key is OK */
+    int *aiCols;           /* child to parent column mapping */
+    if( sqlite3ReadSchema(pParse) ) goto pragma_out;
+    regResult = pParse->nMem+1;
+    pParse->nMem += 4;
+    regKey = ++pParse->nMem;
+    regRow = ++pParse->nMem;
+    v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+    sqlite3VdbeSetNumCols(v, 4);
+    sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 0, COLNAME_NAME, "table", SQLITE_STATIC);
+    sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 1, COLNAME_NAME, "rowid", SQLITE_STATIC);
+    sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 2, COLNAME_NAME, "parent", SQLITE_STATIC);
+    sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 3, COLNAME_NAME, "fkid", SQLITE_STATIC);
+    sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(pParse, iDb);
+    k = sqliteHashFirst(&db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->tblHash);
+    while( k ){
+      if( zRight ){
+        pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, 0, zRight, zDb);
+        k = 0;
+      }else{
+        pTab = (Table*)sqliteHashData(k);
+        k = sqliteHashNext(k);
+      }
+      if( pTab==0 || pTab->pFKey==0 ) continue;
+      sqlite3TableLock(pParse, iDb, pTab->tnum, 0, pTab->zName);
+      if( pTab->nCol+regRow>pParse->nMem ) pParse->nMem = pTab->nCol + regRow;
+      sqlite3OpenTable(pParse, 0, iDb, pTab, OP_OpenRead);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_String8, 0, regResult, 0, pTab->zName,
+                        P4_TRANSIENT);
+      for(i=1, pFK=pTab->pFKey; pFK; i++, pFK=pFK->pNextFrom){
+        pParent = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, 0, pFK->zTo, zDb);
+        if( pParent==0 ) break;
+        pIdx = 0;
+        sqlite3TableLock(pParse, iDb, pParent->tnum, 0, pParent->zName);
+        x = sqlite3FkLocateIndex(pParse, pParent, pFK, &pIdx, 0);
+        if( x==0 ){
+          if( pIdx==0 ){
+            sqlite3OpenTable(pParse, i, iDb, pParent, OP_OpenRead);
+          }else{
+            KeyInfo *pKey = sqlite3IndexKeyinfo(pParse, pIdx);
+            sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_OpenRead, i, pIdx->tnum, iDb);
+            sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, (char*)pKey, P4_KEYINFO_HANDOFF);
+          }
+        }else{
+          k = 0;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if( pFK ) break;
+      if( pParse->nTab<i ) pParse->nTab = i;
+      addrTop = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Rewind, 0);
+      for(i=1, pFK=pTab->pFKey; pFK; i++, pFK=pFK->pNextFrom){
+        pParent = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, 0, pFK->zTo, zDb);
+        assert( pParent!=0 );
+        pIdx = 0;
+        aiCols = 0;
+        x = sqlite3FkLocateIndex(pParse, pParent, pFK, &pIdx, &aiCols);
+        assert( x==0 );
+        addrOk = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v);
+        if( pIdx==0 ){
+          int iKey = pFK->aCol[0].iFrom;
+          assert( iKey>=0 && iKey<pTab->nCol );
+          if( iKey!=pTab->iPKey ){
+            sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, 0, iKey, regRow);
+            sqlite3ColumnDefault(v, pTab, iKey, regRow);
+            sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IsNull, regRow, addrOk);
+            sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_MustBeInt, regRow,
+               sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+3);
+          }else{
+            sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rowid, 0, regRow);
+          }
+          sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_NotExists, i, 0, regRow);
+          sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, addrOk);
+          sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)-2);
+        }else{
+          for(j=0; j<pFK->nCol; j++){
+            sqlite3ExprCodeGetColumnOfTable(v, pTab, 0,
+                            aiCols ? aiCols[j] : pFK->aCol[0].iFrom, regRow+j);
+            sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IsNull, regRow+j, addrOk);
+          }
+          sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, regRow, pFK->nCol, regKey);
+          sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1,
+                   sqlite3IndexAffinityStr(v,pIdx), P4_TRANSIENT);
+          sqlite3VdbeAddOp4Int(v, OP_Found, i, addrOk, regKey, 0);
+        }
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rowid, 0, regResult+1);
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_String8, 0, regResult+2, 0, 
+                          pFK->zTo, P4_TRANSIENT);
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, i-1, regResult+3);
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_ResultRow, regResult, 4);
+        sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, addrOk);
+        sqlite3DbFree(db, aiCols);
+      }
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, 0, addrTop+1);
+      sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrTop);
+    }
+  }else
+#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_TRIGGER) */
+#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_FOREIGN_KEY) */
 #ifndef NDEBUG
   if( sqlite3StrICmp(zLeft, "parser_trace")==0 ){
     if( zRight ){
@@ -93618,6 +94706,19 @@
     int isQuick = (sqlite3Tolower(zLeft[0])=='q');
+    /* If the PRAGMA command was of the form "PRAGMA <db>.integrity_check",
+    ** then iDb is set to the index of the database identified by <db>.
+    ** In this case, the integrity of database iDb only is verified by
+    ** the VDBE created below.
+    **
+    ** Otherwise, if the command was simply "PRAGMA integrity_check" (or
+    ** "PRAGMA quick_check"), then iDb is set to 0. In this case, set iDb
+    ** to -1 here, to indicate that the VDBE should verify the integrity
+    ** of all attached databases.  */
+    assert( iDb>=0 );
+    assert( iDb==0 || pId2->z );
+    if( pId2->z==0 ) iDb = -1;
     /* Initialize the VDBE program */
     if( sqlite3ReadSchema(pParse) ) goto pragma_out;
     pParse->nMem = 6;
@@ -93641,6 +94742,7 @@
       int cnt = 0;
       if( OMIT_TEMPDB && i==1 ) continue;
+      if( iDb>=0 && i!=iDb ) continue;
       sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(pParse, i);
       addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_IfPos, 1); /* Halt if out of errors */
@@ -93652,7 +94754,7 @@
       ** Begin by filling registers 2, 3, ... with the root pages numbers
       ** for all tables and indices in the database.
-      assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) );
+      assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, i, 0) );
       pTbls = &db->aDb[i].pSchema->tblHash;
       for(x=sqliteHashFirst(pTbls); x; x=sqliteHashNext(x)){
         Table *pTab = sqliteHashData(x);
@@ -93677,7 +94779,7 @@
       sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_String8, 0, 3, 0,
          sqlite3MPrintf(db, "*** in database %s ***\n", db->aDb[i].zName),
-      sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Move, 2, 4, 1);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Move, 2, 4);
       sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Concat, 4, 3, 2);
       sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_ResultRow, 2, 1);
       sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr);
@@ -93840,6 +94942,11 @@
   **   PRAGMA [database.]user_version
   **   PRAGMA [database.]user_version = <integer>
+  **   PRAGMA [database.]freelist_count = <integer>
+  **
+  **   PRAGMA [database.]application_id
+  **   PRAGMA [database.]application_id = <integer>
+  **
   ** The pragma's schema_version and user_version are used to set or get
   ** the value of the schema-version and user-version, respectively. Both
   ** the schema-version and the user-version are 32-bit signed integers
@@ -93861,10 +94968,14 @@
   if( sqlite3StrICmp(zLeft, "schema_version")==0 
    || sqlite3StrICmp(zLeft, "user_version")==0 
    || sqlite3StrICmp(zLeft, "freelist_count")==0 
+   || sqlite3StrICmp(zLeft, "application_id")==0 
     int iCookie;   /* Cookie index. 1 for schema-cookie, 6 for user-cookie. */
     sqlite3VdbeUsesBtree(v, iDb);
     switch( zLeft[0] ){
+      case 'a': case 'A':
+        iCookie = BTREE_APPLICATION_ID;
+        break;
       case 'f': case 'F':
         iCookie = BTREE_FREE_PAGE_COUNT;
@@ -93980,6 +95091,22 @@
+  /*
+  **   PRAGMA busy_timeout
+  **   PRAGMA busy_timeout = N
+  **
+  ** Call sqlite3_busy_timeout(db, N).  Return the current timeout value
+  ** if one is set.  If no busy handler or a different busy handler is set
+  ** then 0 is returned.  Setting the busy_timeout to 0 or negative
+  ** disables the timeout.
+  */
+  if( sqlite3StrICmp(zLeft, "busy_timeout")==0 ){
+    if( zRight ){
+      sqlite3_busy_timeout(db, sqlite3Atoi(zRight));
+    }
+    returnSingleInt(pParse, "timeout",  db->busyTimeout);
+  }else
 #if defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) || defined(SQLITE_TEST)
   ** Report the current state of file logs for all databases
@@ -93995,13 +95122,12 @@
     sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 1, COLNAME_NAME, "status", SQLITE_STATIC);
     for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){
       Btree *pBt;
-      Pager *pPager;
       const char *zState = "unknown";
       int j;
       if( db->aDb[i].zName==0 ) continue;
       sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_String8, 0, 1, 0, db->aDb[i].zName, P4_STATIC);
       pBt = db->aDb[i].pBt;
-      if( pBt==0 || (pPager = sqlite3BtreePager(pBt))==0 ){
+      if( pBt==0 || sqlite3BtreePager(pBt)==0 ){
         zState = "closed";
       }else if( sqlite3_file_control(db, i ? db->aDb[i].zName : 0, 
                                      SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCKSTATE, &j)==SQLITE_OK ){
@@ -94038,7 +95164,7 @@
 #if defined(SQLITE_HAS_CODEC) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_CEROD)
-  if( sqlite3StrICmp(zLeft, "activate_extensions")==0 ){
+  if( sqlite3StrICmp(zLeft, "activate_extensions")==0 && zRight ){
     if( sqlite3StrNICmp(zRight, "see-", 4)==0 ){
@@ -94210,7 +95336,9 @@
 static int sqlite3InitOne(sqlite3 *db, int iDb, char **pzErrMsg){
   int rc;
   int i;
   int size;
   Table *pTab;
   Db *pDb;
   char const *azArg[4];
@@ -94253,7 +95381,7 @@
   /* zMasterSchema and zInitScript are set to point at the master schema
   ** and initialisation script appropriate for the database being
-  ** initialised. zMasterName is the name of the master table.
+  ** initialized. zMasterName is the name of the master table.
   if( !OMIT_TEMPDB && iDb==1 ){
     zMasterSchema = temp_master_schema;
@@ -94333,12 +95461,15 @@
   if( meta[BTREE_TEXT_ENCODING-1] ){  /* text encoding */
     if( iDb==0 ){
+#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
       u8 encoding;
       /* If opening the main database, set ENC(db). */
       encoding = (u8)meta[BTREE_TEXT_ENCODING-1] & 3;
       if( encoding==0 ) encoding = SQLITE_UTF8;
       ENC(db) = encoding;
-      db->pDfltColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, SQLITE_UTF8, "BINARY", 0);
+      ENC(db) = SQLITE_UTF8;
       /* If opening an attached database, the encoding much match ENC(db) */
       if( meta[BTREE_TEXT_ENCODING-1]!=ENC(db) ){
@@ -94418,7 +95549,7 @@
   if( db->mallocFailed ){
     rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
-    sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1);
+    sqlite3ResetAllSchemasOfConnection(db);
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK || (db->flags&SQLITE_RecoveryMode)){
     /* Black magic: If the SQLITE_RecoveryMode flag is set, then consider
@@ -94471,11 +95602,11 @@
     if( DbHasProperty(db, i, DB_SchemaLoaded) || i==1 ) continue;
     rc = sqlite3InitOne(db, i, pzErrMsg);
     if( rc ){
-      sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, i);
+      sqlite3ResetOneSchema(db, i);
-  /* Once all the other databases have been initialised, load the schema
+  /* Once all the other databases have been initialized, load the schema
   ** for the TEMP database. This is loaded last, as the TEMP database
   ** schema may contain references to objects in other databases.
@@ -94484,7 +95615,7 @@
                     && !DbHasProperty(db, 1, DB_SchemaLoaded) ){
     rc = sqlite3InitOne(db, 1, pzErrMsg);
     if( rc ){
-      sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 1);
+      sqlite3ResetOneSchema(db, 1);
@@ -94498,7 +95629,7 @@
-** This routine is a no-op if the database schema is already initialised.
+** This routine is a no-op if the database schema is already initialized.
 ** Otherwise, the schema is loaded. An error code is returned.
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3ReadSchema(Parse *pParse){
@@ -94552,7 +95683,7 @@
     sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(pBt, BTREE_SCHEMA_VERSION, (u32 *)&cookie);
     assert( sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, 0) );
     if( cookie!=db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->schema_cookie ){
-      sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, iDb);
+      sqlite3ResetOneSchema(db, iDb);
       pParse->rc = SQLITE_SCHEMA;
@@ -94725,7 +95856,6 @@
-  assert( db->init.busy==0 || saveSqlFlag==0 );
   if( db->init.busy==0 ){
     Vdbe *pVdbe = pParse->pVdbe;
     sqlite3VdbeSetSql(pVdbe, zSql, (int)(pParse->zTail-zSql), saveSqlFlag);
@@ -94977,10 +96107,10 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3SelectDestInit(SelectDest *pDest, int eDest, int iParm){
   pDest->eDest = (u8)eDest;
-  pDest->iParm = iParm;
-  pDest->affinity = 0;
-  pDest->iMem = 0;
-  pDest->nMem = 0;
+  pDest->iSDParm = iParm;
+  pDest->affSdst = 0;
+  pDest->iSdst = 0;
+  pDest->nSdst = 0;
@@ -94996,7 +96126,7 @@
   ExprList *pGroupBy,   /* the GROUP BY clause */
   Expr *pHaving,        /* the HAVING clause */
   ExprList *pOrderBy,   /* the ORDER BY clause */
-  int isDistinct,       /* true if the DISTINCT keyword is present */
+  u16 selFlags,         /* Flag parameters, such as SF_Distinct */
   Expr *pLimit,         /* LIMIT value.  NULL means not used */
   Expr *pOffset         /* OFFSET value.  NULL means no offset */
@@ -95020,7 +96150,7 @@
   pNew->pGroupBy = pGroupBy;
   pNew->pHaving = pHaving;
   pNew->pOrderBy = pOrderBy;
-  pNew->selFlags = isDistinct ? SF_Distinct : 0;
+  pNew->selFlags = selFlags;
   pNew->op = TK_SELECT;
   pNew->pLimit = pLimit;
   pNew->pOffset = pOffset;
@@ -95467,6 +96597,19 @@
+** An instance of the following object is used to record information about
+** how to process the DISTINCT keyword, to simplify passing that information
+** into the selectInnerLoop() routine.
+typedef struct DistinctCtx DistinctCtx;
+struct DistinctCtx {
+  u8 isTnct;      /* True if the DISTINCT keyword is present */
+  u8 eTnctType;   /* One of the WHERE_DISTINCT_* operators */
+  int tabTnct;    /* Ephemeral table used for DISTINCT processing */
+  int addrTnct;   /* Address of OP_OpenEphemeral opcode for tabTnct */
 ** This routine generates the code for the inside of the inner loop
 ** of a SELECT.
@@ -95482,7 +96625,7 @@
   int srcTab,             /* Pull data from this table */
   int nColumn,            /* Number of columns in the source table */
   ExprList *pOrderBy,     /* If not NULL, sort results using this key */
-  int distinct,           /* If >=0, make sure results are distinct */
+  DistinctCtx *pDistinct, /* If not NULL, info on how to process DISTINCT */
   SelectDest *pDest,      /* How to dispose of the results */
   int iContinue,          /* Jump here to continue with next row */
   int iBreak              /* Jump here to break out of the inner loop */
@@ -95492,13 +96635,13 @@
   int hasDistinct;        /* True if the DISTINCT keyword is present */
   int regResult;              /* Start of memory holding result set */
   int eDest = pDest->eDest;   /* How to dispose of results */
-  int iParm = pDest->iParm;   /* First argument to disposal method */
+  int iParm = pDest->iSDParm; /* First argument to disposal method */
   int nResultCol;             /* Number of result columns */
   assert( v );
   if( NEVER(v==0) ) return;
   assert( pEList!=0 );
-  hasDistinct = distinct>=0;
+  hasDistinct = pDistinct ? pDistinct->eTnctType : WHERE_DISTINCT_NOOP;
   if( pOrderBy==0 && !hasDistinct ){
     codeOffset(v, p, iContinue);
@@ -95510,14 +96653,14 @@
     nResultCol = pEList->nExpr;
-  if( pDest->iMem==0 ){
-    pDest->iMem = pParse->nMem+1;
-    pDest->nMem = nResultCol;
+  if( pDest->iSdst==0 ){
+    pDest->iSdst = pParse->nMem+1;
+    pDest->nSdst = nResultCol;
     pParse->nMem += nResultCol;
-    assert( pDest->nMem==nResultCol );
+    assert( pDest->nSdst==nResultCol );
-  regResult = pDest->iMem;
+  regResult = pDest->iSdst;
   if( nColumn>0 ){
     for(i=0; i<nColumn; i++){
       sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, srcTab, i, regResult+i);
@@ -95538,7 +96681,55 @@
   if( hasDistinct ){
     assert( pEList!=0 );
     assert( pEList->nExpr==nColumn );
-    codeDistinct(pParse, distinct, iContinue, nColumn, regResult);
+    switch( pDistinct->eTnctType ){
+        VdbeOp *pOp;            /* No longer required OpenEphemeral instr. */
+        int iJump;              /* Jump destination */
+        int regPrev;            /* Previous row content */
+        /* Allocate space for the previous row */
+        regPrev = pParse->nMem+1;
+        pParse->nMem += nColumn;
+        /* Change the OP_OpenEphemeral coded earlier to an OP_Null
+        ** sets the MEM_Cleared bit on the first register of the
+        ** previous value.  This will cause the OP_Ne below to always
+        ** fail on the first iteration of the loop even if the first
+        ** row is all NULLs.
+        */
+        sqlite3VdbeChangeToNoop(v, pDistinct->addrTnct);
+        pOp = sqlite3VdbeGetOp(v, pDistinct->addrTnct);
+        pOp->opcode = OP_Null;
+        pOp->p1 = 1;
+        pOp->p2 = regPrev;
+        iJump = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v) + nColumn;
+        for(i=0; i<nColumn; i++){
+          CollSeq *pColl = sqlite3ExprCollSeq(pParse, pEList->a[i].pExpr);
+          if( i<nColumn-1 ){
+            sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Ne, regResult+i, iJump, regPrev+i);
+          }else{
+            sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Eq, regResult+i, iContinue, regPrev+i);
+          }
+          sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, (const char *)pColl, P4_COLLSEQ);
+          sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, SQLITE_NULLEQ);
+        }
+        assert( sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)==iJump );
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Copy, regResult, regPrev, nColumn-1);
+        break;
+      }
+        sqlite3VdbeChangeToNoop(v, pDistinct->addrTnct);
+        break;
+      }
+      default: {
+        assert( pDistinct->eTnctType==WHERE_DISTINCT_UNORDERED );
+        codeDistinct(pParse, pDistinct->tabTnct, iContinue, nColumn, regResult);
+        break;
+      }
+    }
     if( pOrderBy==0 ){
       codeOffset(v, p, iContinue);
@@ -95596,7 +96787,8 @@
     case SRT_Set: {
       assert( nColumn==1 );
-      p->affinity = sqlite3CompareAffinity(pEList->a[0].pExpr, pDest->affinity);
+      pDest->affSdst =
+                  sqlite3CompareAffinity(pEList->a[0].pExpr, pDest->affSdst);
       if( pOrderBy ){
         /* At first glance you would think we could optimize out the
         ** ORDER BY in this case since the order of entries in the set
@@ -95605,7 +96797,7 @@
         pushOntoSorter(pParse, pOrderBy, p, regResult);
         int r1 = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
-        sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_MakeRecord, regResult, 1, r1, &p->affinity, 1);
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_MakeRecord, regResult,1,r1, &pDest->affSdst, 1);
         sqlite3ExprCacheAffinityChange(pParse, regResult, 1);
         sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IdxInsert, iParm, r1);
         sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, r1);
@@ -95651,7 +96843,7 @@
         pushOntoSorter(pParse, pOrderBy, p, r1);
         sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, r1);
       }else if( eDest==SRT_Coroutine ){
-        sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Yield, pDest->iParm);
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Yield, pDest->iSDParm);
         sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_ResultRow, regResult, nColumn);
         sqlite3ExprCacheAffinityChange(pParse, regResult, nColumn);
@@ -95831,7 +97023,7 @@
   ExprList *pOrderBy = p->pOrderBy;
   int eDest = pDest->eDest;
-  int iParm = pDest->iParm;
+  int iParm = pDest->iSDParm;
   int regRow;
   int regRowid;
@@ -95872,7 +97064,8 @@
     case SRT_Set: {
       assert( nColumn==1 );
-      sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_MakeRecord, regRow, 1, regRowid, &p->affinity, 1);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_MakeRecord, regRow, 1, regRowid,
+                        &pDest->affSdst, 1);
       sqlite3ExprCacheAffinityChange(pParse, regRow, 1);
       sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IdxInsert, iParm, regRowid);
@@ -95890,17 +97083,17 @@
       testcase( eDest==SRT_Output );
       testcase( eDest==SRT_Coroutine );
       for(i=0; i<nColumn; i++){
-        assert( regRow!=pDest->iMem+i );
-        sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, pseudoTab, i, pDest->iMem+i);
+        assert( regRow!=pDest->iSdst+i );
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, pseudoTab, i, pDest->iSdst+i);
         if( i==0 ){
           sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, OPFLAG_CLEARCACHE);
       if( eDest==SRT_Output ){
-        sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_ResultRow, pDest->iMem, nColumn);
-        sqlite3ExprCacheAffinityChange(pParse, pDest->iMem, nColumn);
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_ResultRow, pDest->iSdst, nColumn);
+        sqlite3ExprCacheAffinityChange(pParse, pDest->iSdst, nColumn);
-        sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Yield, pDest->iParm);
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Yield, pDest->iSDParm);
@@ -96187,7 +97380,7 @@
 static int selectColumnsFromExprList(
   Parse *pParse,          /* Parsing context */
   ExprList *pEList,       /* Expr list from which to derive column names */
-  int *pnCol,             /* Write the number of columns here */
+  i16 *pnCol,             /* Write the number of columns here */
   Column **paCol          /* Write the new column list here */
   sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;   /* Database connection */
@@ -96213,9 +97406,7 @@
   for(i=0, pCol=aCol; i<nCol; i++, pCol++){
     /* Get an appropriate name for the column
-    p = pEList->a[i].pExpr;
-    assert( p->pRight==0 || ExprHasProperty(p->pRight, EP_IntValue)
-               || p->pRight->u.zToken==0 || p->pRight->u.zToken[0]!=0 );
+    p = sqlite3ExprSkipCollate(pEList->a[i].pExpr);
     if( (zName = pEList->a[i].zName)!=0 ){
       /* If the column contains an "AS <name>" phrase, use <name> as the name */
       zName = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, zName);
@@ -96253,6 +97444,9 @@
     for(j=cnt=0; j<i; j++){
       if( sqlite3StrICmp(aCol[j].zName, zName)==0 ){
         char *zNewName;
+        int k;
+        for(k=nName-1; k>1 && sqlite3Isdigit(zName[k]); k--){}
+        if( zName[k]==':' ) nName = k;
         zName[nName] = 0;
         zNewName = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "%s:%d", zName, ++cnt);
         sqlite3DbFree(db, zName);
@@ -96551,7 +97745,7 @@
   if( dest.eDest==SRT_EphemTab ){
     assert( p->pEList );
-    sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenEphemeral, dest.iParm, p->pEList->nExpr);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenEphemeral, dest.iSDParm, p->pEList->nExpr);
     sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, BTREE_UNORDERED);
     dest.eDest = SRT_Table;
@@ -96584,6 +97778,8 @@
       int addr = 0;
       int nLimit;
       assert( !pPrior->pLimit );
+      pPrior->iLimit = p->iLimit;
+      pPrior->iOffset = p->iOffset;
       pPrior->pLimit = p->pLimit;
       pPrior->pOffset = p->pOffset;
       explainSetInteger(iSub1, pParse->iNextSelectId);
@@ -96637,7 +97833,7 @@
                                      ** of a 3-way or more compound */
         assert( p->pLimit==0 );      /* Not allowed on leftward elements */
         assert( p->pOffset==0 );     /* Not allowed on leftward elements */
-        unionTab = dest.iParm;
+        unionTab = dest.iSDParm;
         /* We will need to create our own temporary table to hold the
         ** intermediate results.
@@ -96694,7 +97890,7 @@
       /* Convert the data in the temporary table into whatever form
       ** it is that we currently need.
-      assert( unionTab==dest.iParm || dest.eDest!=priorOp );
+      assert( unionTab==dest.iSDParm || dest.eDest!=priorOp );
       if( dest.eDest!=priorOp ){
         int iCont, iBreak, iStart;
         assert( p->pEList );
@@ -96709,7 +97905,7 @@
         sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rewind, unionTab, iBreak);
         iStart = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
         selectInnerLoop(pParse, p, p->pEList, unionTab, p->pEList->nExpr,
-                        0, -1, &dest, iCont, iBreak);
+                        0, 0, &dest, iCont, iBreak);
         sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, iCont);
         sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, unionTab, iStart);
         sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, iBreak);
@@ -96758,7 +97954,7 @@
       p->pLimit = 0;
       pOffset = p->pOffset;
       p->pOffset = 0;
-      intersectdest.iParm = tab2;
+      intersectdest.iSDParm = tab2;
       explainSetInteger(iSub2, pParse->iNextSelectId);
       rc = sqlite3Select(pParse, p, &intersectdest);
       testcase( rc!=SQLITE_OK );
@@ -96787,7 +97983,7 @@
       sqlite3VdbeAddOp4Int(v, OP_NotFound, tab2, iCont, r1, 0);
       sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, r1);
       selectInnerLoop(pParse, p, p->pEList, tab1, p->pEList->nExpr,
-                      0, -1, &dest, iCont, iBreak);
+                      0, 0, &dest, iCont, iBreak);
       sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, iCont);
       sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, tab1, iStart);
       sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, iBreak);
@@ -96833,6 +98029,7 @@
         *apColl = db->pDfltColl;
+    pKeyInfo->aSortOrder = (u8*)apColl;
     for(pLoop=p; pLoop; pLoop=pLoop->pPrior){
       for(i=0; i<2; i++){
@@ -96852,8 +98049,8 @@
-  pDest->iMem = dest.iMem;
-  pDest->nMem = dest.nMem;
+  pDest->iSdst = dest.iSdst;
+  pDest->nSdst = dest.nSdst;
   sqlite3SelectDelete(db, pDelete);
   return rc;
@@ -96863,8 +98060,8 @@
 ** Code an output subroutine for a coroutine implementation of a
 ** SELECT statment.
-** The data to be output is contained in pIn->iMem.  There are
-** pIn->nMem columns to be output.  pDest is where the output should
+** The data to be output is contained in pIn->iSdst.  There are
+** pIn->nSdst columns to be output.  pDest is where the output should
 ** be sent.
 ** regReturn is the number of the register holding the subroutine
@@ -96902,16 +98099,16 @@
   if( regPrev ){
     int j1, j2;
     j1 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_IfNot, regPrev);
-    j2 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Compare, pIn->iMem, regPrev+1, pIn->nMem,
+    j2 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Compare, pIn->iSdst, regPrev+1, pIn->nSdst,
                               (char*)pKeyInfo, p4type);
     sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Jump, j2+2, iContinue, j2+2);
     sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, j1);
-    sqlite3ExprCodeCopy(pParse, pIn->iMem, regPrev+1, pIn->nMem);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Copy, pIn->iSdst, regPrev+1, pIn->nSdst-1);
     sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 1, regPrev);
   if( pParse->db->mallocFailed ) return 0;
-  /* Suppress the the first OFFSET entries if there is an OFFSET clause
+  /* Suppress the first OFFSET entries if there is an OFFSET clause
   codeOffset(v, p, iContinue);
@@ -96924,9 +98121,9 @@
       int r2 = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
       testcase( pDest->eDest==SRT_Table );
       testcase( pDest->eDest==SRT_EphemTab );
-      sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, pIn->iMem, pIn->nMem, r1);
-      sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_NewRowid, pDest->iParm, r2);
-      sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Insert, pDest->iParm, r1, r2);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, pIn->iSdst, pIn->nSdst, r1);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_NewRowid, pDest->iSDParm, r2);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Insert, pDest->iSDParm, r1, r2);
       sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, OPFLAG_APPEND);
       sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, r2);
       sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, r1);
@@ -96940,13 +98137,13 @@
     case SRT_Set: {
       int r1;
-      assert( pIn->nMem==1 );
-      p->affinity = 
-         sqlite3CompareAffinity(p->pEList->a[0].pExpr, pDest->affinity);
+      assert( pIn->nSdst==1 );
+      pDest->affSdst = 
+         sqlite3CompareAffinity(p->pEList->a[0].pExpr, pDest->affSdst);
       r1 = sqlite3GetTempReg(pParse);
-      sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_MakeRecord, pIn->iMem, 1, r1, &p->affinity, 1);
-      sqlite3ExprCacheAffinityChange(pParse, pIn->iMem, 1);
-      sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IdxInsert, pDest->iParm, r1);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_MakeRecord, pIn->iSdst, 1, r1, &pDest->affSdst,1);
+      sqlite3ExprCacheAffinityChange(pParse, pIn->iSdst, 1);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_IdxInsert, pDest->iSDParm, r1);
       sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, r1);
@@ -96955,7 +98152,7 @@
     /* If any row exist in the result set, record that fact and abort.
     case SRT_Exists: {
-      sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 1, pDest->iParm);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 1, pDest->iSDParm);
       /* The LIMIT clause will terminate the loop for us */
@@ -96966,23 +98163,23 @@
     ** of the scan loop.
     case SRT_Mem: {
-      assert( pIn->nMem==1 );
-      sqlite3ExprCodeMove(pParse, pIn->iMem, pDest->iParm, 1);
+      assert( pIn->nSdst==1 );
+      sqlite3ExprCodeMove(pParse, pIn->iSdst, pDest->iSDParm, 1);
       /* The LIMIT clause will jump out of the loop for us */
 #endif /* #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_SUBQUERY */
     /* The results are stored in a sequence of registers
-    ** starting at pDest->iMem.  Then the co-routine yields.
+    ** starting at pDest->iSdst.  Then the co-routine yields.
     case SRT_Coroutine: {
-      if( pDest->iMem==0 ){
-        pDest->iMem = sqlite3GetTempRange(pParse, pIn->nMem);
-        pDest->nMem = pIn->nMem;
+      if( pDest->iSdst==0 ){
+        pDest->iSdst = sqlite3GetTempRange(pParse, pIn->nSdst);
+        pDest->nSdst = pIn->nSdst;
-      sqlite3ExprCodeMove(pParse, pIn->iMem, pDest->iMem, pDest->nMem);
-      sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Yield, pDest->iParm);
+      sqlite3ExprCodeMove(pParse, pIn->iSdst, pDest->iSdst, pDest->nSdst);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Yield, pDest->iSDParm);
@@ -96996,8 +98193,8 @@
     default: {
       assert( pDest->eDest==SRT_Output );
-      sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_ResultRow, pIn->iMem, pIn->nMem);
-      sqlite3ExprCacheAffinityChange(pParse, pIn->iMem, pIn->nMem);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_ResultRow, pIn->iSdst, pIn->nSdst);
+      sqlite3ExprCacheAffinityChange(pParse, pIn->iSdst, pIn->nSdst);
@@ -97210,12 +98407,13 @@
       for(i=0; i<nOrderBy; i++){
         CollSeq *pColl;
         Expr *pTerm = pOrderBy->a[i].pExpr;
-        if( pTerm->flags & EP_ExpCollate ){
-          pColl = pTerm->pColl;
+        if( pTerm->flags & EP_Collate ){
+          pColl = sqlite3ExprCollSeq(pParse, pTerm);
           pColl = multiSelectCollSeq(pParse, p, aPermute[i]);
-          pTerm->flags |= EP_ExpCollate;
-          pTerm->pColl = pColl;
+          if( pColl==0 ) pColl = db->pDfltColl;
+          pOrderBy->a[i].pExpr =
+             sqlite3ExprAddCollateString(pParse, pTerm, pColl->zName);
         pKeyMerge->aColl[i] = pColl;
         pKeyMerge->aSortOrder[i] = pOrderBy->a[i].sortOrder;
@@ -97239,7 +98437,8 @@
     int nExpr = p->pEList->nExpr;
     assert( nOrderBy>=nExpr || db->mallocFailed );
-    regPrev = sqlite3GetTempRange(pParse, nExpr+1);
+    regPrev = pParse->nMem+1;
+    pParse->nMem += nExpr+1;
     sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, regPrev);
     pKeyDup = sqlite3DbMallocZero(db,
                   sizeof(*pKeyDup) + nExpr*(sizeof(CollSeq*)+1) );
@@ -97416,16 +98615,11 @@
   sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, labelCmpr);
   sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Permutation, 0, 0, 0, (char*)aPermute, P4_INTARRAY);
-  sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Compare, destA.iMem, destB.iMem, nOrderBy,
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_Compare, destA.iSdst, destB.iSdst, nOrderBy,
                          (char*)pKeyMerge, P4_KEYINFO_HANDOFF);
+  sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, OPFLAG_PERMUTE);
   sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Jump, addrAltB, addrAeqB, addrAgtB);
-  /* Release temporary registers
-  */
-  if( regPrev ){
-    sqlite3ReleaseTempRange(pParse, regPrev, nOrderBy+1);
-  }
   /* Jump to the this point in order to terminate the query.
   sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, labelEnd);
@@ -97485,9 +98679,6 @@
       assert( pEList!=0 && pExpr->iColumn<pEList->nExpr );
       assert( pExpr->pLeft==0 && pExpr->pRight==0 );
       pNew = sqlite3ExprDup(db, pEList->a[pExpr->iColumn].pExpr, 0);
-      if( pNew && pExpr->pColl ){
-        pNew->pColl = pExpr->pColl;
-      }
       sqlite3ExprDelete(db, pExpr);
       pExpr = pNew;
@@ -97630,6 +98821,12 @@
 **        operators have an implied DISTINCT which is disallowed by
 **        restriction (4).
+**        Also, each component of the sub-query must return the same number
+**        of result columns. This is actually a requirement for any compound
+**        SELECT statement, but all the code here does is make sure that no
+**        such (illegal) sub-query is flattened. The caller will detect the
+**        syntax error and return a detailed message.
 **  (18)  If the sub-query is a compound select, then all terms of the
 **        ORDER by clause of the parent must be simple references to 
 **        columns of the sub-query.
@@ -97680,7 +98877,7 @@
   assert( p!=0 );
   assert( p->pPrior==0 );  /* Unable to flatten compound queries */
-  if( db->flags & SQLITE_QueryFlattener ) return 0;
+  if( OptimizationDisabled(db, SQLITE_QueryFlattener) ) return 0;
   pSrc = p->pSrc;
   assert( pSrc && iFrom>=0 && iFrom<pSrc->nSrc );
   pSubitem = &pSrc->a[iFrom];
@@ -97773,6 +98970,7 @@
       if( (pSub1->selFlags & (SF_Distinct|SF_Aggregate))!=0
        || (pSub1->pPrior && pSub1->op!=TK_ALL) 
        || pSub1->pSrc->nSrc<1
+       || pSub->pEList->nExpr!=pSub1->pEList->nExpr
         return 0;
@@ -97833,12 +99031,15 @@
     Select *pNew;
     ExprList *pOrderBy = p->pOrderBy;
     Expr *pLimit = p->pLimit;
+    Expr *pOffset = p->pOffset;
     Select *pPrior = p->pPrior;
     p->pOrderBy = 0;
     p->pSrc = 0;
     p->pPrior = 0;
     p->pLimit = 0;
+    p->pOffset = 0;
     pNew = sqlite3SelectDup(db, p, 0);
+    p->pOffset = pOffset;
     p->pLimit = pLimit;
     p->pOrderBy = pOrderBy;
     p->pSrc = pSrc;
@@ -97968,10 +99169,9 @@
     pList = pParent->pEList;
     for(i=0; i<pList->nExpr; i++){
       if( pList->a[i].zName==0 ){
-        const char *zSpan = pList->a[i].zSpan;
-        if( ALWAYS(zSpan) ){
-          pList->a[i].zName = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, zSpan);
-        }
+        char *zName = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pList->a[i].zSpan);
+        sqlite3Dequote(zName);
+        pList->a[i].zName = zName;
     substExprList(db, pParent->pEList, iParent, pSub->pEList);
@@ -98032,34 +99232,43 @@
 #endif /* !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_SUBQUERY) || !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_VIEW) */
-** Analyze the SELECT statement passed as an argument to see if it
-** is a min() or max() query. Return WHERE_ORDERBY_MIN or WHERE_ORDERBY_MAX if 
-** it is, or 0 otherwise. At present, a query is considered to be
-** a min()/max() query if:
-**   1. There is a single object in the FROM clause.
+** Based on the contents of the AggInfo structure indicated by the first
+** argument, this function checks if the following are true:
-**   2. There is a single expression in the result set, and it is
-**      either min(x) or max(x), where x is a column reference.
-static u8 minMaxQuery(Select *p){
-  Expr *pExpr;
-  ExprList *pEList = p->pEList;
+**    * the query contains just a single aggregate function,
+**    * the aggregate function is either min() or max(), and
+**    * the argument to the aggregate function is a column value.
+** If all of the above are true, then WHERE_ORDERBY_MIN or WHERE_ORDERBY_MAX
+** is returned as appropriate. Also, *ppMinMax is set to point to the 
+** list of arguments passed to the aggregate before returning.
+** Or, if the conditions above are not met, *ppMinMax is set to 0 and
+** WHERE_ORDERBY_NORMAL is returned.
+static u8 minMaxQuery(AggInfo *pAggInfo, ExprList **ppMinMax){
+  int eRet = WHERE_ORDERBY_NORMAL;          /* Return value */
+  *ppMinMax = 0;
+  if( pAggInfo->nFunc==1 ){
+    Expr *pExpr = pAggInfo->aFunc[0].pExpr; /* Aggregate function */
+    ExprList *pEList = pExpr->x.pList;      /* Arguments to agg function */
-  if( pEList->nExpr!=1 ) return WHERE_ORDERBY_NORMAL;
-  pExpr = pEList->a[0].pExpr;
-  if( pExpr->op!=TK_AGG_FUNCTION ) return 0;
-  if( NEVER(ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_xIsSelect)) ) return 0;
-  pEList = pExpr->x.pList;
-  if( pEList==0 || pEList->nExpr!=1 ) return 0;
-  if( pEList->a[0].pExpr->op!=TK_AGG_COLUMN ) return WHERE_ORDERBY_NORMAL;
-  assert( !ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_IntValue) );
-  if( sqlite3StrICmp(pExpr->u.zToken,"min")==0 ){
-    return WHERE_ORDERBY_MIN;
-  }else if( sqlite3StrICmp(pExpr->u.zToken,"max")==0 ){
-    return WHERE_ORDERBY_MAX;
+    assert( pExpr->op==TK_AGG_FUNCTION );
+    if( pEList && pEList->nExpr==1 && pEList->a[0].pExpr->op==TK_AGG_COLUMN ){
+      const char *zFunc = pExpr->u.zToken;
+      if( sqlite3StrICmp(zFunc, "min")==0 ){
+        eRet = WHERE_ORDERBY_MIN;
+        *ppMinMax = pEList;
+      }else if( sqlite3StrICmp(zFunc, "max")==0 ){
+        eRet = WHERE_ORDERBY_MAX;
+        *ppMinMax = pEList;
+    }
+  }
+  assert( *ppMinMax==0 || (*ppMinMax)->nExpr==1 );
+  return eRet;
@@ -98090,7 +99299,7 @@
   if( IsVirtual(pTab) ) return 0;
   if( pExpr->op!=TK_AGG_FUNCTION ) return 0;
-  if( pAggInfo->nFunc==0 ) return 0;
+  if( NEVER(pAggInfo->nFunc==0) ) return 0;
   if( (pAggInfo->aFunc[0].pFunc->flags&SQLITE_FUNC_COUNT)==0 ) return 0;
   if( pExpr->flags&EP_Distinct ) return 0;
@@ -98122,6 +99331,69 @@
   return SQLITE_OK;
+** Detect compound SELECT statements that use an ORDER BY clause with 
+** an alternative collating sequence.
+** These are rewritten as a subquery:
+**     ORDER BY ... COLLATE ...
+** This transformation is necessary because the multiSelectOrderBy() routine
+** above that generates the code for a compound SELECT with an ORDER BY clause
+** uses a merge algorithm that requires the same collating sequence on the
+** result columns as on the ORDER BY clause.  See ticket
+** http://www.sqlite.org/src/info/6709574d2a
+** This transformation is only needed for EXCEPT, INTERSECT, and UNION.
+** The UNION ALL operator works fine with multiSelectOrderBy() even when
+** there are COLLATE terms in the ORDER BY.
+static int convertCompoundSelectToSubquery(Walker *pWalker, Select *p){
+  int i;
+  Select *pNew;
+  Select *pX;
+  sqlite3 *db;
+  struct ExprList_item *a;
+  SrcList *pNewSrc;
+  Parse *pParse;
+  Token dummy;
+  if( p->pPrior==0 ) return WRC_Continue;
+  if( p->pOrderBy==0 ) return WRC_Continue;
+  for(pX=p; pX && (pX->op==TK_ALL || pX->op==TK_SELECT); pX=pX->pPrior){}
+  if( pX==0 ) return WRC_Continue;
+  a = p->pOrderBy->a;
+  for(i=p->pOrderBy->nExpr-1; i>=0; i--){
+    if( a[i].pExpr->flags & EP_Collate ) break;
+  }
+  if( i<0 ) return WRC_Continue;
+  /* If we reach this point, that means the transformation is required. */
+  pParse = pWalker->pParse;
+  db = pParse->db;
+  pNew = sqlite3DbMallocZero(db, sizeof(*pNew) );
+  if( pNew==0 ) return WRC_Abort;
+  memset(&dummy, 0, sizeof(dummy));
+  pNewSrc = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,0,0,0,&dummy,pNew,0,0);
+  if( pNewSrc==0 ) return WRC_Abort;
+  *pNew = *p;
+  p->pSrc = pNewSrc;
+  p->pEList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, 0, sqlite3Expr(db, TK_ALL, 0));
+  p->op = TK_SELECT;
+  p->pWhere = 0;
+  pNew->pGroupBy = 0;
+  pNew->pHaving = 0;
+  pNew->pOrderBy = 0;
+  p->pPrior = 0;
+  pNew->pLimit = 0;
+  pNew->pOffset = 0;
+  return WRC_Continue;
 ** This routine is a Walker callback for "expanding" a SELECT statement.
@@ -98154,14 +99426,16 @@
   ExprList *pEList;
   struct SrcList_item *pFrom;
   sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
+  Expr *pE, *pRight, *pExpr;
+  u16 selFlags = p->selFlags;
+  p->selFlags |= SF_Expanded;
   if( db->mallocFailed  ){
     return WRC_Abort;
-  if( NEVER(p->pSrc==0) || (p->selFlags & SF_Expanded)!=0 ){
+  if( NEVER(p->pSrc==0) || (selFlags & SF_Expanded)!=0 ){
     return WRC_Prune;
-  p->selFlags |= SF_Expanded;
   pTabList = p->pSrc;
   pEList = p->pEList;
@@ -98202,9 +99476,14 @@
       /* An ordinary table or view name in the FROM clause */
       assert( pFrom->pTab==0 );
-      pFrom->pTab = pTab = 
-        sqlite3LocateTable(pParse,0,pFrom->zName,pFrom->zDatabase);
+      pFrom->pTab = pTab = sqlite3LocateTableItem(pParse, 0, pFrom);
       if( pTab==0 ) return WRC_Abort;
+      if( pTab->nRef==0xffff ){
+        sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "too many references to \"%s\": max 65535",
+           pTab->zName);
+        pFrom->pTab = 0;
+        return WRC_Abort;
+      }
       if( pTab->pSelect || IsVirtual(pTab) ){
@@ -98240,7 +99519,7 @@
   ** that need expanding.
   for(k=0; k<pEList->nExpr; k++){
-    Expr *pE = pEList->a[k].pExpr;
+    pE = pEList->a[k].pExpr;
     if( pE->op==TK_ALL ) break;
     assert( pE->op!=TK_DOT || pE->pRight!=0 );
     assert( pE->op!=TK_DOT || (pE->pLeft!=0 && pE->pLeft->op==TK_ID) );
@@ -98258,10 +99537,18 @@
     int longNames = (flags & SQLITE_FullColNames)!=0
                       && (flags & SQLITE_ShortColNames)==0;
+    /* When processing FROM-clause subqueries, it is always the case
+    ** that full_column_names=OFF and short_column_names=ON.  The
+    ** sqlite3ResultSetOfSelect() routine makes it so. */
+    assert( (p->selFlags & SF_NestedFrom)==0
+          || ((flags & SQLITE_FullColNames)==0 &&
+              (flags & SQLITE_ShortColNames)!=0) );
     for(k=0; k<pEList->nExpr; k++){
-      Expr *pE = a[k].pExpr;
-      assert( pE->op!=TK_DOT || pE->pRight!=0 );
-      if( pE->op!=TK_ALL && (pE->op!=TK_DOT || pE->pRight->op!=TK_ALL) ){
+      pE = a[k].pExpr;
+      pRight = pE->pRight;
+      assert( pE->op!=TK_DOT || pRight!=0 );
+      if( pE->op!=TK_ALL && (pE->op!=TK_DOT || pRight->op!=TK_ALL) ){
         /* This particular expression does not need to be expanded.
         pNew = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse, pNew, a[k].pExpr);
@@ -98276,32 +99563,43 @@
         /* This expression is a "*" or a "TABLE.*" and needs to be
         ** expanded. */
         int tableSeen = 0;      /* Set to 1 when TABLE matches */
-        char *zTName;            /* text of name of TABLE */
+        char *zTName = 0;       /* text of name of TABLE */
         if( pE->op==TK_DOT ){
           assert( pE->pLeft!=0 );
           assert( !ExprHasProperty(pE->pLeft, EP_IntValue) );
           zTName = pE->pLeft->u.zToken;
-        }else{
-          zTName = 0;
         for(i=0, pFrom=pTabList->a; i<pTabList->nSrc; i++, pFrom++){
           Table *pTab = pFrom->pTab;
+          Select *pSub = pFrom->pSelect;
           char *zTabName = pFrom->zAlias;
+          const char *zSchemaName = 0;
+          int iDb;
           if( zTabName==0 ){
             zTabName = pTab->zName;
           if( db->mallocFailed ) break;
+          if( pSub==0 || (pSub->selFlags & SF_NestedFrom)==0 ){
+            pSub = 0;
           if( zTName && sqlite3StrICmp(zTName, zTabName)!=0 ){
-          tableSeen = 1;
+            iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pTab->pSchema);
+            zSchemaName = iDb>=0 ? db->aDb[iDb].zName : "*";
+          }
           for(j=0; j<pTab->nCol; j++){
-            Expr *pExpr, *pRight;
             char *zName = pTab->aCol[j].zName;
             char *zColname;  /* The computed column name */
             char *zToFree;   /* Malloced string that needs to be freed */
             Token sColname;  /* Computed column name as a token */
+            assert( zName );
+            if( zTName && pSub
+             && sqlite3MatchSpanName(pSub->pEList->a[j].zSpan, 0, zTName, 0)==0
+            ){
+              continue;
+            }
             /* If a column is marked as 'hidden' (currently only possible
             ** for virtual tables), do not include it in the expanded
             ** result-set list.
@@ -98310,6 +99608,7 @@
+            tableSeen = 1;
             if( i>0 && zTName==0 ){
               if( (pFrom->jointype & JT_NATURAL)!=0
@@ -98332,6 +99631,10 @@
               Expr *pLeft;
               pLeft = sqlite3Expr(db, TK_ID, zTabName);
               pExpr = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_DOT, pLeft, pRight, 0);
+              if( zSchemaName ){
+                pLeft = sqlite3Expr(db, TK_ID, zSchemaName);
+                pExpr = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_DOT, pLeft, pExpr, 0);
+              }
               if( longNames ){
                 zColname = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "%s.%s", zTabName, zName);
                 zToFree = zColname;
@@ -98343,6 +99646,18 @@
             sColname.z = zColname;
             sColname.n = sqlite3Strlen30(zColname);
             sqlite3ExprListSetName(pParse, pNew, &sColname, 0);
+            if( pNew && (p->selFlags & SF_NestedFrom)!=0 ){
+              struct ExprList_item *pX = &pNew->a[pNew->nExpr-1];
+              if( pSub ){
+                pX->zSpan = sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pSub->pEList->a[j].zSpan);
+                testcase( pX->zSpan==0 );
+              }else{
+                pX->zSpan = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "%s.%s.%s",
+                                           zSchemaName, zTabName, zColname);
+                testcase( pX->zSpan==0 );
+              }
+              pX->bSpanIsTab = 1;
+            }
             sqlite3DbFree(db, zToFree);
@@ -98395,10 +99710,13 @@
 static void sqlite3SelectExpand(Parse *pParse, Select *pSelect){
   Walker w;
-  w.xSelectCallback = selectExpander;
+  memset(&w, 0, sizeof(w));
+  w.xSelectCallback = convertCompoundSelectToSubquery;
   w.xExprCallback = exprWalkNoop;
   w.pParse = pParse;
   sqlite3WalkSelect(&w, pSelect);
+  w.xSelectCallback = selectExpander;
+  sqlite3WalkSelect(&w, pSelect);
@@ -98453,16 +99771,18 @@
 static void sqlite3SelectAddTypeInfo(Parse *pParse, Select *pSelect){
   Walker w;
+  memset(&w, 0, sizeof(w));
   w.xSelectCallback = selectAddSubqueryTypeInfo;
   w.xExprCallback = exprWalkNoop;
   w.pParse = pParse;
+  w.bSelectDepthFirst = 1;
   sqlite3WalkSelect(&w, pSelect);
-** This routine sets of a SELECT statement for processing.  The
+** This routine sets up a SELECT statement for processing.  The
 ** following is accomplished:
 **     *  VDBE Cursor numbers are assigned to all FROM-clause terms.
@@ -98481,6 +99801,7 @@
   sqlite3 *db;
   if( NEVER(p==0) ) return;
   db = pParse->db;
+  if( db->mallocFailed ) return;
   if( p->selFlags & SF_HasTypeInfo ) return;
   sqlite3SelectExpand(pParse, p);
   if( pParse->nErr || db->mallocFailed ) return;
@@ -98494,7 +99815,8 @@
 ** The aggregate accumulator is a set of memory cells that hold
 ** intermediate results while calculating an aggregate.  This
-** routine simply stores NULLs in all of those memory cells.
+** routine generates code that stores NULLs in all of those memory
+** cells.
 static void resetAccumulator(Parse *pParse, AggInfo *pAggInfo){
   Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe;
@@ -98662,23 +99984,24 @@
 **     SRT_Mem         Only valid if the result is a single column.
 **                     Store the first column of the first result row
-**                     in register pDest->iParm then abandon the rest
+**                     in register pDest->iSDParm then abandon the rest
 **                     of the query.  This destination implies "LIMIT 1".
 **     SRT_Set         The result must be a single column.  Store each
-**                     row of result as the key in table pDest->iParm. 
-**                     Apply the affinity pDest->affinity before storing
+**                     row of result as the key in table pDest->iSDParm. 
+**                     Apply the affinity pDest->affSdst before storing
 **                     results.  Used to implement "IN (SELECT ...)".
-**     SRT_Union       Store results as a key in a temporary table pDest->iParm.
+**     SRT_Union       Store results as a key in a temporary table 
+**                     identified by pDest->iSDParm.
-**     SRT_Except      Remove results from the temporary table pDest->iParm.
+**     SRT_Except      Remove results from the temporary table pDest->iSDParm.
-**     SRT_Table       Store results in temporary table pDest->iParm.
+**     SRT_Table       Store results in temporary table pDest->iSDParm.
 **                     This is like SRT_EphemTab except that the table
 **                     is assumed to already be open.
-**     SRT_EphemTab    Create an temporary table pDest->iParm and store
+**     SRT_EphemTab    Create an temporary table pDest->iSDParm and store
 **                     the result there. The cursor is left open after
 **                     returning.  This is like SRT_Table except that
 **                     this destination uses OP_OpenEphemeral to create
@@ -98686,9 +100009,9 @@
 **     SRT_Coroutine   Generate a co-routine that returns a new row of
 **                     results each time it is invoked.  The entry point
-**                     of the co-routine is stored in register pDest->iParm.
+**                     of the co-routine is stored in register pDest->iSDParm.
-**     SRT_Exists      Store a 1 in memory cell pDest->iParm if the result
+**     SRT_Exists      Store a 1 in memory cell pDest->iSDParm if the result
 **                     set is not empty.
 **     SRT_Discard     Throw the results away.  This is used by SELECT
@@ -98717,11 +100040,9 @@
   ExprList *pOrderBy;    /* The ORDER BY clause.  May be NULL */
   ExprList *pGroupBy;    /* The GROUP BY clause.  May be NULL */
   Expr *pHaving;         /* The HAVING clause.  May be NULL */
-  int isDistinct;        /* True if the DISTINCT keyword is present */
-  int distinct;          /* Table to use for the distinct set */
   int rc = 1;            /* Value to return from this function */
   int addrSortIndex;     /* Address of an OP_OpenEphemeral instruction */
-  int addrDistinctIndex; /* Address of an OP_OpenEphemeral instruction */
+  DistinctCtx sDistinct; /* Info on how to code the DISTINCT keyword */
   AggInfo sAggInfo;      /* Information used by aggregate queries */
   int iEnd;              /* Address of the end of the query */
   sqlite3 *db;           /* The database connection */
@@ -98781,8 +100102,17 @@
     int isAggSub;
     if( pSub==0 ) continue;
+    /* Sometimes the code for a subquery will be generated more than
+    ** once, if the subquery is part of the WHERE clause in a LEFT JOIN,
+    ** for example.  In that case, do not regenerate the code to manifest
+    ** a view or the co-routine to implement a view.  The first instance
+    ** is sufficient, though the subroutine to manifest the view does need
+    ** to be invoked again. */
     if( pItem->addrFillSub ){
+      if( pItem->viaCoroutine==0 ){
       sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Gosub, pItem->regReturn, pItem->addrFillSub);
+      }
@@ -98803,6 +100133,44 @@
         p->selFlags |= SF_Aggregate;
       i = -1;
+    }else if( pTabList->nSrc==1 && (p->selFlags & SF_Materialize)==0
+      && OptimizationEnabled(db, SQLITE_SubqCoroutine)
+    ){
+      /* Implement a co-routine that will return a single row of the result
+      ** set on each invocation.
+      */
+      int addrTop;
+      int addrEof;
+      pItem->regReturn = ++pParse->nMem;
+      addrEof = ++pParse->nMem;
+      /* Before coding the OP_Goto to jump to the start of the main routine,
+      ** ensure that the jump to the verify-schema routine has already
+      ** been coded. Otherwise, the verify-schema would likely be coded as 
+      ** part of the co-routine. If the main routine then accessed the 
+      ** database before invoking the co-routine for the first time (for 
+      ** example to initialize a LIMIT register from a sub-select), it would 
+      ** be doing so without having verified the schema version and obtained 
+      ** the required db locks. See ticket d6b36be38.  */
+      sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(pParse, -1);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp0(v, OP_Goto);
+      addrTop = sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_OpenPseudo, pItem->iCursor);
+      sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, 1);
+      VdbeComment((v, "coroutine for %s", pItem->pTab->zName));
+      pItem->addrFillSub = addrTop;
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, addrEof);
+      sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, 1);
+      sqlite3SelectDestInit(&dest, SRT_Coroutine, pItem->regReturn);
+      explainSetInteger(pItem->iSelectId, (u8)pParse->iNextSelectId);
+      sqlite3Select(pParse, pSub, &dest);
+      pItem->pTab->nRowEst = (unsigned)pSub->nSelectRow;
+      pItem->viaCoroutine = 1;
+      sqlite3VdbeChangeP2(v, addrTop, dest.iSdst);
+      sqlite3VdbeChangeP3(v, addrTop, dest.nSdst);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 1, addrEof);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Yield, pItem->regReturn);
+      VdbeComment((v, "end %s", pItem->pTab->zName));
+      sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addrTop-1);
+      sqlite3ClearTempRegCache(pParse);
       /* Generate a subroutine that will fill an ephemeral table with
       ** the content of this subquery.  pItem->addrFillSub will point
@@ -98818,7 +100186,7 @@
       pItem->addrFillSub = topAddr+1;
       VdbeNoopComment((v, "materialize %s", pItem->pTab->zName));
       if( pItem->isCorrelated==0 ){
-        /* If the subquery is no correlated and if we are not inside of
+        /* If the subquery is not correlated and if we are not inside of
         ** a trigger, then we only need to compute the value of the subquery
         ** once. */
         onceAddr = sqlite3CodeOnce(pParse);
@@ -98847,7 +100215,7 @@
   pWhere = p->pWhere;
   pGroupBy = p->pGroupBy;
   pHaving = p->pHaving;
-  isDistinct = (p->selFlags & SF_Distinct)!=0;
+  sDistinct.isTnct = (p->selFlags & SF_Distinct)!=0;
   /* If there is are a sequence of queries, do the earlier ones first.
@@ -98882,7 +100250,7 @@
   ** to disable this optimization for testing purposes.
   if( sqlite3ExprListCompare(p->pGroupBy, pOrderBy)==0
-         && (db->flags & SQLITE_GroupByOrder)==0 ){
+         && OptimizationEnabled(db, SQLITE_GroupByOrder) ){
     pOrderBy = 0;
@@ -98908,6 +100276,10 @@
     p->pGroupBy = sqlite3ExprListDup(db, p->pEList, 0);
     pGroupBy = p->pGroupBy;
     pOrderBy = 0;
+    /* Notice that even thought SF_Distinct has been cleared from p->selFlags,
+    ** the sDistinct.isTnct is still set.  Hence, isTnct represents the
+    ** original setting of the SF_Distinct flag, not the current setting */
+    assert( sDistinct.isTnct );
   /* If there is an ORDER BY clause, then this sorting
@@ -98932,7 +100304,7 @@
   /* If the output is destined for a temporary table, open that table.
   if( pDest->eDest==SRT_EphemTab ){
-    sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenEphemeral, pDest->iParm, pEList->nExpr);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_OpenEphemeral, pDest->iSDParm, pEList->nExpr);
   /* Set the limiter.
@@ -98948,24 +100320,27 @@
   /* Open a virtual index to use for the distinct set.
   if( p->selFlags & SF_Distinct ){
-    KeyInfo *pKeyInfo;
-    distinct = pParse->nTab++;
-    pKeyInfo = keyInfoFromExprList(pParse, p->pEList);
-    addrDistinctIndex = sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_OpenEphemeral, distinct, 0, 0,
-        (char*)pKeyInfo, P4_KEYINFO_HANDOFF);
+    sDistinct.tabTnct = pParse->nTab++;
+    sDistinct.addrTnct = sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_OpenEphemeral,
+                                sDistinct.tabTnct, 0, 0,
+                                (char*)keyInfoFromExprList(pParse, p->pEList),
+                                P4_KEYINFO_HANDOFF);
     sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, BTREE_UNORDERED);
+    sDistinct.eTnctType = WHERE_DISTINCT_UNORDERED;
-    distinct = addrDistinctIndex = -1;
+    sDistinct.eTnctType = WHERE_DISTINCT_NOOP;
-  /* Aggregate and non-aggregate queries are handled differently */
   if( !isAgg && pGroupBy==0 ){
-    ExprList *pDist = (isDistinct ? p->pEList : 0);
+    /* No aggregate functions and no GROUP BY clause */
+    ExprList *pDist = (sDistinct.isTnct ? p->pEList : 0);
     /* Begin the database scan. */
-    pWInfo = sqlite3WhereBegin(pParse, pTabList, pWhere, &pOrderBy, pDist, 0);
+    pWInfo = sqlite3WhereBegin(pParse, pTabList, pWhere, pOrderBy, pDist, 0,0);
     if( pWInfo==0 ) goto select_end;
     if( pWInfo->nRowOut < p->nSelectRow ) p->nSelectRow = pWInfo->nRowOut;
+    if( pWInfo->eDistinct ) sDistinct.eTnctType = pWInfo->eDistinct;
+    if( pOrderBy && pWInfo->nOBSat==pOrderBy->nExpr ) pOrderBy = 0;
     /* If sorting index that was created by a prior OP_OpenEphemeral 
     ** instruction ended up not being needed, then change the OP_OpenEphemeral
@@ -98976,59 +100351,16 @@
       p->addrOpenEphm[2] = -1;
-    if( pWInfo->eDistinct ){
-      VdbeOp *pOp;                /* No longer required OpenEphemeral instr. */
-      assert( addrDistinctIndex>=0 );
-      pOp = sqlite3VdbeGetOp(v, addrDistinctIndex);
-      assert( isDistinct );
-      assert( pWInfo->eDistinct==WHERE_DISTINCT_ORDERED 
-           || pWInfo->eDistinct==WHERE_DISTINCT_UNIQUE 
-      );
-      distinct = -1;
-      if( pWInfo->eDistinct==WHERE_DISTINCT_ORDERED ){
-        int iJump;
-        int iExpr;
-        int iFlag = ++pParse->nMem;
-        int iBase = pParse->nMem+1;
-        int iBase2 = iBase + pEList->nExpr;
-        pParse->nMem += (pEList->nExpr*2);
-        /* Change the OP_OpenEphemeral coded earlier to an OP_Integer. The
-        ** OP_Integer initializes the "first row" flag.  */
-        pOp->opcode = OP_Integer;
-        pOp->p1 = 1;
-        pOp->p2 = iFlag;
-        sqlite3ExprCodeExprList(pParse, pEList, iBase, 1);
-        iJump = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v) + 1 + pEList->nExpr + 1 + 1;
-        sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_If, iFlag, iJump-1);
-        for(iExpr=0; iExpr<pEList->nExpr; iExpr++){
-          CollSeq *pColl = sqlite3ExprCollSeq(pParse, pEList->a[iExpr].pExpr);
-          sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Ne, iBase+iExpr, iJump, iBase2+iExpr);
-          sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(v, -1, (const char *)pColl, P4_COLLSEQ);
-          sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, SQLITE_NULLEQ);
-        }
-        sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, pWInfo->iContinue);
-        sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, 0, iFlag);
-        assert( sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)==iJump );
-        sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Move, iBase, iBase2, pEList->nExpr);
-      }else{
-        pOp->opcode = OP_Noop;
-      }
-    }
     /* Use the standard inner loop. */
-    selectInnerLoop(pParse, p, pEList, 0, 0, pOrderBy, distinct, pDest,
+    selectInnerLoop(pParse, p, pEList, 0, 0, pOrderBy, &sDistinct, pDest,
                     pWInfo->iContinue, pWInfo->iBreak);
     /* End the database scan loop.
-    /* This is the processing for aggregate queries */
+    /* This case when there exist aggregate functions or a GROUP BY clause
+    ** or both */
     NameContext sNC;    /* Name context for processing aggregate information */
     int iAMem;          /* First Mem address for storing current GROUP BY */
     int iBMem;          /* First Mem address for previous GROUP BY */
@@ -99136,14 +100468,13 @@
       ** in the right order to begin with.
       sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Gosub, regReset, addrReset);
-      pWInfo = sqlite3WhereBegin(pParse, pTabList, pWhere, &pGroupBy, 0, 0);
+      pWInfo = sqlite3WhereBegin(pParse, pTabList, pWhere, pGroupBy, 0, 0, 0);
       if( pWInfo==0 ) goto select_end;
-      if( pGroupBy==0 ){
+      if( pWInfo->nOBSat==pGroupBy->nExpr ){
         /* The optimizer is able to deliver rows in group by order so
         ** we do not have to sort.  The OP_OpenEphemeral table will be
         ** cancelled later because we still need to use the pKeyInfo
-        pGroupBy = p->pGroupBy;
         groupBySort = 0;
         /* Rows are coming out in undetermined order.  We have to push
@@ -99157,7 +100488,8 @@
         int nGroupBy;
-            isDistinct && !(p->selFlags&SF_Distinct)?"DISTINCT":"GROUP BY");
+            (sDistinct.isTnct && (p->selFlags&SF_Distinct)==0) ?
+                    "DISTINCT" : "GROUP BY");
         groupBySort = 1;
         nGroupBy = pGroupBy->nExpr;
@@ -99289,7 +100621,7 @@
       finalizeAggFunctions(pParse, &sAggInfo);
       sqlite3ExprIfFalse(pParse, pHaving, addrOutputRow+1, SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL);
       selectInnerLoop(pParse, p, p->pEList, 0, 0, pOrderBy,
-                      distinct, pDest,
+                      &sDistinct, pDest,
                       addrOutputRow+1, addrSetAbort);
       sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Return, regOutputRow);
       VdbeComment((v, "end groupby result generator"));
@@ -99377,7 +100709,7 @@
         ** value of x, the only row required).
         ** A special flag must be passed to sqlite3WhereBegin() to slightly
-        ** modify behaviour as follows:
+        ** modify behavior as follows:
         **   + If the query is a "SELECT min(x)", then the loop coded by
         **     where.c should not iterate over any values with a NULL value
@@ -99389,10 +100721,17 @@
         **     Refer to code and comments in where.c for details.
         ExprList *pMinMax = 0;
-        u8 flag = minMaxQuery(p);
+        u8 flag = WHERE_ORDERBY_NORMAL;
+        assert( p->pGroupBy==0 );
+        assert( flag==0 );
+        if( p->pHaving==0 ){
+          flag = minMaxQuery(&sAggInfo, &pMinMax);
+        }
+        assert( flag==0 || (pMinMax!=0 && pMinMax->nExpr==1) );
         if( flag ){
-          assert( !ExprHasProperty(p->pEList->a[0].pExpr, EP_xIsSelect) );
-          pMinMax = sqlite3ExprListDup(db, p->pEList->a[0].pExpr->x.pList,0);
+          pMinMax = sqlite3ExprListDup(db, pMinMax, 0);
           pDel = pMinMax;
           if( pMinMax && !db->mallocFailed ){
             pMinMax->a[0].sortOrder = flag!=WHERE_ORDERBY_MIN ?1:0;
@@ -99405,13 +100744,14 @@
         ** of output.
         resetAccumulator(pParse, &sAggInfo);
-        pWInfo = sqlite3WhereBegin(pParse, pTabList, pWhere, &pMinMax, 0, flag);
+        pWInfo = sqlite3WhereBegin(pParse, pTabList, pWhere, pMinMax,0,flag,0);
         if( pWInfo==0 ){
           sqlite3ExprListDelete(db, pDel);
           goto select_end;
         updateAccumulator(pParse, &sAggInfo);
-        if( !pMinMax && flag ){
+        assert( pMinMax==0 || pMinMax->nExpr==1 );
+        if( pWInfo->nOBSat>0 ){
           sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Goto, 0, pWInfo->iBreak);
           VdbeComment((v, "%s() by index",
@@ -99422,7 +100762,7 @@
       pOrderBy = 0;
       sqlite3ExprIfFalse(pParse, pHaving, addrEnd, SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL);
-      selectInnerLoop(pParse, p, p->pEList, 0, 0, 0, -1, 
+      selectInnerLoop(pParse, p, p->pEList, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
                       pDest, addrEnd, addrEnd);
       sqlite3ExprListDelete(db, pDel);
@@ -99430,7 +100770,7 @@
   } /* endif aggregate query */
-  if( distinct>=0 ){
+  if( sDistinct.eTnctType==WHERE_DISTINCT_UNORDERED ){
     explainTempTable(pParse, "DISTINCT");
@@ -99547,7 +100887,10 @@
     sqlite3ExplainPrintf(pVdbe, "(null-select)");
-  while( p->pPrior ) p = p->pPrior;
+  while( p->pPrior ){
+    p->pPrior->pNext = p;
+    p = p->pPrior;
+  }
   while( p ){
     explainOneSelect(pVdbe, p);
@@ -99877,7 +101220,7 @@
     iDb = 1;
     pName = pName1;
-    /* Figure out the db that the the trigger will be created in */
+    /* Figure out the db that the trigger will be created in */
     iDb = sqlite3TwoPartName(pParse, pName1, pName2, &pName);
     if( iDb<0 ){
       goto trigger_cleanup;
@@ -100495,6 +101838,15 @@
     pParse->eOrconf = (orconf==OE_Default)?pStep->orconf:(u8)orconf;
+    /* Clear the cookieGoto flag. When coding triggers, the cookieGoto 
+    ** variable is used as a flag to indicate to sqlite3ExprCodeConstants()
+    ** that it is not safe to refactor constants (this happens after the
+    ** start of the first loop in the SQL statement is coded - at that 
+    ** point code may be conditionally executed, so it is no longer safe to 
+    ** initialize constant register values).  */
+    assert( pParse->cookieGoto==0 || pParse->cookieGoto==-1 );
+    pParse->cookieGoto = 0;
     switch( pStep->op ){
       case TK_UPDATE: {
@@ -101100,6 +102452,7 @@
     if( j>=pTab->nCol ){
       if( sqlite3IsRowid(pChanges->a[i].zName) ){
+        j = -1;
         chngRowid = 1;
         pRowidExpr = pChanges->a[i].pExpr;
@@ -101112,7 +102465,8 @@
       int rc;
       rc = sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_UPDATE, pTab->zName,
-                           pTab->aCol[j].zName, db->aDb[iDb].zName);
+                            j<0 ? "ROWID" : pTab->aCol[j].zName,
+                            db->aDb[iDb].zName);
       if( rc==SQLITE_DENY ){
         goto update_cleanup;
       }else if( rc==SQLITE_IGNORE ){
@@ -101205,7 +102559,7 @@
   sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Null, 0, regRowSet, regOldRowid);
   pWInfo = sqlite3WhereBegin(
-      pParse, pTabList, pWhere, 0, 0, WHERE_ONEPASS_DESIRED
+      pParse, pTabList, pWhere, 0, 0, WHERE_ONEPASS_DESIRED, 0
   if( pWInfo==0 ) goto update_cleanup;
   okOnePass = pWInfo->okOnePass;
@@ -101350,7 +102704,7 @@
     /* The row-trigger may have deleted the row being updated. In this
     ** case, jump to the next row. No updates or AFTER triggers are 
-    ** required. This behaviour - what happens when the row being updated
+    ** required. This behavior - what happens when the row being updated
     ** is deleted or renamed by a BEFORE trigger - is left undefined in the
     ** documentation.
@@ -101651,6 +103005,7 @@
   Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
   if( v ){
     sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Vacuum, 0, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeUsesBtree(v, 0);
@@ -101854,6 +103209,7 @@
        BTREE_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE, 0,  /* Preserve the default page cache size */
        BTREE_TEXT_ENCODING,      0,  /* Preserve the text encoding */
        BTREE_USER_VERSION,       0,  /* Preserve the user version */
+       BTREE_APPLICATION_ID,     0,  /* Preserve the application id */
     assert( 1==sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(pTemp) );
@@ -101905,7 +103261,7 @@
   /* This both clears the schemas and reduces the size of the db->aDb[]
   ** array. */ 
-  sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1);
+  sqlite3ResetAllSchemasOfConnection(db);
   return rc;
@@ -101937,8 +103293,8 @@
 ** are invoked only from within xCreate and xConnect methods.
 struct VtabCtx {
-  Table *pTab;
-  VTable *pVTable;
+  VTable *pVTable;    /* The virtual table being constructed */
+  Table *pTab;        /* The Table object to which the virtual table belongs */
@@ -101953,11 +103309,15 @@
   void *pAux,                     /* Context pointer for xCreate/xConnect */
   void (*xDestroy)(void *)        /* Module destructor function */
-  int rc, nName;
-  Module *pMod;
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  int nName;
   nName = sqlite3Strlen30(zName);
+  if( sqlite3HashFind(&db->aModule, zName, nName) ){
+  }else{
+    Module *pMod;
   pMod = (Module *)sqlite3DbMallocRaw(db, sizeof(Module) + nName + 1);
   if( pMod ){
     Module *pDel;
@@ -101967,19 +103327,17 @@
     pMod->pModule = pModule;
     pMod->pAux = pAux;
     pMod->xDestroy = xDestroy;
-    pDel = (Module *)sqlite3HashInsert(&db->aModule, zCopy, nName, (void*)pMod);
-    if( pDel && pDel->xDestroy ){
-      sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1);
-      pDel->xDestroy(pDel->pAux);
-    }
-    sqlite3DbFree(db, pDel);
-    if( pDel==pMod ){
+      pDel = (Module *)sqlite3HashInsert(&db->aModule,zCopy,nName,(void*)pMod);
+      assert( pDel==0 || pDel==pMod );
+      if( pDel ){
       db->mallocFailed = 1;
+        sqlite3DbFree(db, pDel);
+      }
-  }else if( xDestroy ){
-    xDestroy(pAux);
-  rc = sqlite3ApiExit(db, SQLITE_OK);
+  rc = sqlite3ApiExit(db, rc);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK && xDestroy ) xDestroy(pAux);
   return rc;
@@ -102044,7 +103402,7 @@
   assert( db );
   assert( pVTab->nRef>0 );
-  assert( sqlite3SafetyCheckOk(db) );
+  assert( db->magic==SQLITE_MAGIC_OPEN || db->magic==SQLITE_MAGIC_ZOMBIE );
   if( pVTab->nRef==0 ){
@@ -102095,6 +103453,31 @@
   return pRet;
+** Table *p is a virtual table. This function removes the VTable object
+** for table *p associated with database connection db from the linked
+** list in p->pVTab. It also decrements the VTable ref count. This is
+** used when closing database connection db to free all of its VTable
+** objects without disturbing the rest of the Schema object (which may
+** be being used by other shared-cache connections).
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VtabDisconnect(sqlite3 *db, Table *p){
+  VTable **ppVTab;
+  assert( IsVirtual(p) );
+  assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(db) );
+  assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) );
+  for(ppVTab=&p->pVTable; *ppVTab; ppVTab=&(*ppVTab)->pNext){
+    if( (*ppVTab)->db==db  ){
+      VTable *pVTab = *ppVTab;
+      *ppVTab = pVTab->pNext;
+      sqlite3VtabUnlock(pVTab);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
 ** Disconnect all the virtual table objects in the sqlite3.pDisconnect list.
@@ -102152,7 +103535,7 @@
   if( p->azModuleArg ){
     int i;
     for(i=0; i<p->nModuleArg; i++){
-      sqlite3DbFree(db, p->azModuleArg[i]);
+      if( i!=1 ) sqlite3DbFree(db, p->azModuleArg[i]);
     sqlite3DbFree(db, p->azModuleArg);
@@ -102212,7 +103595,7 @@
   pTable->tabFlags |= TF_Virtual;
   pTable->nModuleArg = 0;
   addModuleArgument(db, pTable, sqlite3NameFromToken(db, pModuleName));
-  addModuleArgument(db, pTable, sqlite3DbStrDup(db, db->aDb[iDb].zName));
+  addModuleArgument(db, pTable, 0);
   addModuleArgument(db, pTable, sqlite3DbStrDup(db, pTable->zName));
   pParse->sNameToken.n = (int)(&pModuleName->z[pModuleName->n] - pName1->z);
@@ -102369,6 +103752,7 @@
   int nArg = pTab->nModuleArg;
   char *zErr = 0;
   char *zModuleName = sqlite3MPrintf(db, "%s", pTab->zName);
+  int iDb;
   if( !zModuleName ){
     return SQLITE_NOMEM;
@@ -102382,6 +103766,9 @@
   pVTable->db = db;
   pVTable->pMod = pMod;
+  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pTab->pSchema);
+  pTab->azModuleArg[1] = db->aDb[iDb].zName;
   /* Invoke the virtual table constructor */
   assert( &db->pVtabCtx );
   assert( xConstruct );
@@ -102416,7 +103803,7 @@
       /* If everything went according to plan, link the new VTable structure
       ** into the linked list headed by pTab->pVTable. Then loop through the 
       ** columns of the table to see if any of them contain the token "hidden".
-      ** If so, set the Column.isHidden flag and remove the token from
+      ** If so, set the Column COLFLAG_HIDDEN flag and remove the token from
       ** the type string.  */
       pVTable->pNext = pTab->pVTable;
       pTab->pVTable = pVTable;
@@ -102447,7 +103834,7 @@
             assert(zType[i-1]==' ');
             zType[i-1] = '\0';
-          pTab->aCol[iCol].isHidden = 1;
+          pTab->aCol[iCol].colFlags |= COLFLAG_HIDDEN;
@@ -103008,9 +104395,10 @@
 ** Trace output macros
 #if defined(SQLITE_TEST) || defined(SQLITE_DEBUG)
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3WhereTrace = 0;
+/***/ int sqlite3WhereTrace = 0;
-#if defined(SQLITE_TEST) && defined(SQLITE_DEBUG)
+#if defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) \
+    && (defined(SQLITE_TEST) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_WHERETRACE))
 # define WHERETRACE(X)  if(sqlite3WhereTrace) sqlite3DebugPrintf X
 # define WHERETRACE(X)
@@ -103082,8 +104470,8 @@
   int leftCursor;         /* Cursor number of X in "X <op> <expr>" */
   union {
     int leftColumn;         /* Column number of X in "X <op> <expr>" */
-    WhereOrInfo *pOrInfo;   /* Extra information if eOperator==WO_OR */
-    WhereAndInfo *pAndInfo; /* Extra information if eOperator==WO_AND */
+    WhereOrInfo *pOrInfo;   /* Extra information if (eOperator & WO_OR)!=0 */
+    WhereAndInfo *pAndInfo; /* Extra information if (eOperator& WO_AND)!=0 */
   } u;
   u16 eOperator;          /* A WO_xx value describing <op> */
   u8 wtFlags;             /* TERM_xxx bit flags.  See below */
@@ -103124,7 +104512,6 @@
 struct WhereClause {
   Parse *pParse;           /* The parser context */
   WhereMaskSet *pMaskSet;  /* Mapping of table cursor numbers to bitmasks */
-  Bitmask vmask;           /* Bitmask identifying virtual table cursors */
   WhereClause *pOuter;     /* Outer conjunction */
   u8 op;                   /* Split operator.  TK_AND or TK_OR */
   u16 wctrlFlags;          /* Might include WHERE_AND_ONLY */
@@ -103211,6 +104598,7 @@
 #define WO_ISNULL 0x080
 #define WO_OR     0x100       /* Two or more OR-connected terms */
 #define WO_AND    0x200       /* Two or more AND-connected terms */
+#define WO_EQUIV  0x400       /* Of the form A==B, both columns */
 #define WO_NOOP   0x800       /* This term does not restrict search space */
 #define WO_ALL    0xfff       /* Mask of all possible WO_* values */
@@ -103237,18 +104625,55 @@
 #define WHERE_COLUMN_NULL  0x00080000  /* x IS NULL */
 #define WHERE_INDEXED      0x000f0000  /* Anything that uses an index */
 #define WHERE_NOT_FULLSCAN 0x100f3000  /* Does not do a full table scan */
-#define WHERE_IN_ABLE      0x000f1000  /* Able to support an IN operator */
+#define WHERE_IN_ABLE      0x080f1000  /* Able to support an IN operator */
 #define WHERE_TOP_LIMIT    0x00100000  /* x<EXPR or x<=EXPR constraint */
 #define WHERE_BTM_LIMIT    0x00200000  /* x>EXPR or x>=EXPR constraint */
 #define WHERE_BOTH_LIMIT   0x00300000  /* Both x>EXPR and x<EXPR */
-#define WHERE_IDX_ONLY     0x00800000  /* Use index only - omit table */
-#define WHERE_ORDERBY      0x01000000  /* Output will appear in correct order */
-#define WHERE_REVERSE      0x02000000  /* Scan in reverse order */
-#define WHERE_UNIQUE       0x04000000  /* Selects no more than one row */
+#define WHERE_IDX_ONLY     0x00400000  /* Use index only - omit table */
+#define WHERE_ORDERED      0x00800000  /* Output will appear in correct order */
+#define WHERE_REVERSE      0x01000000  /* Scan in reverse order */
+#define WHERE_UNIQUE       0x02000000  /* Selects no more than one row */
+#define WHERE_ALL_UNIQUE   0x04000000  /* This and all prior have one row */
+#define WHERE_OB_UNIQUE    0x00004000  /* Values in ORDER BY columns are 
+                                       ** different for every output row */
 #define WHERE_VIRTUALTABLE 0x08000000  /* Use virtual-table processing */
 #define WHERE_MULTI_OR     0x10000000  /* OR using multiple indices */
 #define WHERE_TEMP_INDEX   0x20000000  /* Uses an ephemeral index */
 #define WHERE_DISTINCT     0x40000000  /* Correct order for DISTINCT */
+#define WHERE_COVER_SCAN   0x80000000  /* Full scan of a covering index */
+** This module contains many separate subroutines that work together to
+** find the best indices to use for accessing a particular table in a query.
+** An instance of the following structure holds context information about the
+** index search so that it can be more easily passed between the various
+** routines.
+typedef struct WhereBestIdx WhereBestIdx;
+struct WhereBestIdx {
+  Parse *pParse;                  /* Parser context */
+  WhereClause *pWC;               /* The WHERE clause */
+  struct SrcList_item *pSrc;      /* The FROM clause term to search */
+  Bitmask notReady;               /* Mask of cursors not available */
+  Bitmask notValid;               /* Cursors not available for any purpose */
+  ExprList *pOrderBy;             /* The ORDER BY clause */
+  ExprList *pDistinct;            /* The select-list if query is DISTINCT */
+  sqlite3_index_info **ppIdxInfo; /* Index information passed to xBestIndex */
+  int i, n;                       /* Which loop is being coded; # of loops */
+  WhereLevel *aLevel;             /* Info about outer loops */
+  WhereCost cost;                 /* Lowest cost query plan */
+** Return TRUE if the probe cost is less than the baseline cost
+static int compareCost(const WhereCost *pProbe, const WhereCost *pBaseline){
+  if( pProbe->rCost<pBaseline->rCost ) return 1;
+  if( pProbe->rCost>pBaseline->rCost ) return 0;
+  if( pProbe->plan.nOBSat>pBaseline->plan.nOBSat ) return 1;
+  if( pProbe->plan.nRow<pBaseline->plan.nRow ) return 1;
+  return 0;
 ** Initialize a preallocated WhereClause structure.
@@ -103265,7 +104690,6 @@
   pWC->nTerm = 0;
   pWC->nSlot = ArraySize(pWC->aStatic);
   pWC->a = pWC->aStatic;
-  pWC->vmask = 0;
   pWC->wctrlFlags = wctrlFlags;
@@ -103352,7 +104776,7 @@
     pWC->nSlot = sqlite3DbMallocSize(db, pWC->a)/sizeof(pWC->a[0]);
   pTerm = &pWC->a[idx = pWC->nTerm++];
-  pTerm->pExpr = p;
+  pTerm->pExpr = sqlite3ExprSkipCollate(p);
   pTerm->wtFlags = wtFlags;
   pTerm->pWC = pWC;
   pTerm->iParent = -1;
@@ -103512,23 +104936,32 @@
 ** Commute a comparison operator.  Expressions of the form "X op Y"
 ** are converted into "Y op X".
-** If a collation sequence is associated with either the left or right
+** If left/right precedence rules come into play when determining the
+** collating
 ** side of the comparison, it remains associated with the same side after
 ** the commutation. So "Y collate NOCASE op X" becomes 
-** "X collate NOCASE op Y". This is because any collation sequence on
+** "X op Y". This is because any collation sequence on
 ** the left hand side of a comparison overrides any collation sequence 
-** attached to the right. For the same reason the EP_ExpCollate flag
+** attached to the right. For the same reason the EP_Collate flag
 ** is not commuted.
 static void exprCommute(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
-  u16 expRight = (pExpr->pRight->flags & EP_ExpCollate);
-  u16 expLeft = (pExpr->pLeft->flags & EP_ExpCollate);
+  u16 expRight = (pExpr->pRight->flags & EP_Collate);
+  u16 expLeft = (pExpr->pLeft->flags & EP_Collate);
   assert( allowedOp(pExpr->op) && pExpr->op!=TK_IN );
-  pExpr->pRight->pColl = sqlite3ExprCollSeq(pParse, pExpr->pRight);
-  pExpr->pLeft->pColl = sqlite3ExprCollSeq(pParse, pExpr->pLeft);
-  SWAP(CollSeq*,pExpr->pRight->pColl,pExpr->pLeft->pColl);
-  pExpr->pRight->flags = (pExpr->pRight->flags & ~EP_ExpCollate) | expLeft;
-  pExpr->pLeft->flags = (pExpr->pLeft->flags & ~EP_ExpCollate) | expRight;
+  if( expRight==expLeft ){
+    /* Either X and Y both have COLLATE operator or neither do */
+    if( expRight ){
+      /* Both X and Y have COLLATE operators.  Make sure X is always
+      ** used by clearing the EP_Collate flag from Y. */
+      pExpr->pRight->flags &= ~EP_Collate;
+    }else if( sqlite3ExprCollSeq(pParse, pExpr->pLeft)!=0 ){
+      /* Neither X nor Y have COLLATE operators, but X has a non-default
+      ** collating sequence.  So add the EP_Collate marker on X to cause
+      ** it to be searched first. */
+      pExpr->pLeft->flags |= EP_Collate;
+    }
+  }
   if( pExpr->op>=TK_GT ){
     assert( TK_LT==TK_GT+2 );
@@ -103569,6 +105002,23 @@
 ** where X is a reference to the iColumn of table iCur and <op> is one of
 ** the WO_xx operator codes specified by the op parameter.
 ** Return a pointer to the term.  Return 0 if not found.
+** The term returned might by Y=<expr> if there is another constraint in
+** the WHERE clause that specifies that X=Y.  Any such constraints will be
+** identified by the WO_EQUIV bit in the pTerm->eOperator field.  The
+** aEquiv[] array holds X and all its equivalents, with each SQL variable
+** taking up two slots in aEquiv[].  The first slot is for the cursor number
+** and the second is for the column number.  There are 22 slots in aEquiv[]
+** so that means we can look for X plus up to 10 other equivalent values.
+** Hence a search for X will return <expr> if X=A1 and A1=A2 and A2=A3
+** and ... and A9=A10 and A10=<expr>.
+** If there are multiple terms in the WHERE clause of the form "X <op> <expr>"
+** then try for the one with no dependencies on <expr> - in other words where
+** <expr> is a constant expression of some kind.  Only return entries of
+** the form "X <op> Y" where Y is a column in another table if no terms of
+** the form "X <op> <const-expr>" exist.   If no terms with a constant RHS
+** exist, try to return a term that does not use WO_EQUIV.
 static WhereTerm *findTerm(
   WhereClause *pWC,     /* The WHERE clause to be searched */
@@ -103578,45 +105028,85 @@
   u32 op,               /* Mask of WO_xx values describing operator */
   Index *pIdx           /* Must be compatible with this index, if not NULL */
-  WhereTerm *pTerm;
-  int k;
+  WhereTerm *pTerm;            /* Term being examined as possible result */
+  WhereTerm *pResult = 0;      /* The answer to return */
+  WhereClause *pWCOrig = pWC;  /* Original pWC value */
+  int j, k;                    /* Loop counters */
+  Expr *pX;                /* Pointer to an expression */
+  Parse *pParse;           /* Parsing context */
+  int iOrigCol = iColumn;  /* Original value of iColumn */
+  int nEquiv = 2;          /* Number of entires in aEquiv[] */
+  int iEquiv = 2;          /* Number of entries of aEquiv[] processed so far */
+  int aEquiv[22];          /* iCur,iColumn and up to 10 other equivalents */
   assert( iCur>=0 );
-  op &= WO_ALL;
-  for(; pWC; pWC=pWC->pOuter){
+  aEquiv[0] = iCur;
+  aEquiv[1] = iColumn;
+  for(;;){
+    for(pWC=pWCOrig; pWC; pWC=pWC->pOuter){
     for(pTerm=pWC->a, k=pWC->nTerm; k; k--, pTerm++){
       if( pTerm->leftCursor==iCur
-         && (pTerm->prereqRight & notReady)==0
          && pTerm->u.leftColumn==iColumn
-         && (pTerm->eOperator & op)!=0
-        if( iColumn>=0 && pIdx && pTerm->eOperator!=WO_ISNULL ){
-          Expr *pX = pTerm->pExpr;
+          if( (pTerm->prereqRight & notReady)==0
+           && (pTerm->eOperator & op & WO_ALL)!=0
+          ){
+            if( iOrigCol>=0 && pIdx && (pTerm->eOperator & WO_ISNULL)==0 ){
           CollSeq *pColl;
           char idxaff;
-          int j;
-          Parse *pParse = pWC->pParse;
-          idxaff = pIdx->pTable->aCol[iColumn].affinity;
-          if( !sqlite3IndexAffinityOk(pX, idxaff) ) continue;
+              pX = pTerm->pExpr;
+              pParse = pWC->pParse;
+              idxaff = pIdx->pTable->aCol[iOrigCol].affinity;
+              if( !sqlite3IndexAffinityOk(pX, idxaff) ){
+                continue;
+              }
           /* Figure out the collation sequence required from an index for
           ** it to be useful for optimising expression pX. Store this
           ** value in variable pColl.
-          pColl = sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(pParse, pX->pLeft, pX->pRight);
-          assert(pColl || pParse->nErr);
+              pColl = sqlite3BinaryCompareCollSeq(pParse,pX->pLeft,pX->pRight);
+              if( pColl==0 ) pColl = pParse->db->pDfltColl;
-          for(j=0; pIdx->aiColumn[j]!=iColumn; j++){
+              for(j=0; pIdx->aiColumn[j]!=iOrigCol; j++){
             if( NEVER(j>=pIdx->nColumn) ) return 0;
-          if( pColl && sqlite3StrICmp(pColl->zName, pIdx->azColl[j]) ) continue;
+              if( sqlite3StrICmp(pColl->zName, pIdx->azColl[j]) ){
+                continue;
-        return pTerm;
+            if( pTerm->prereqRight==0 && (pTerm->eOperator&WO_EQ)!=0 ){
+              pResult = pTerm;
+              goto findTerm_success;
+            }else if( pResult==0 ){
+              pResult = pTerm;
-  return 0;
+          if( (pTerm->eOperator & WO_EQUIV)!=0
+           && nEquiv<ArraySize(aEquiv)
+          ){
+            pX = sqlite3ExprSkipCollate(pTerm->pExpr->pRight);
+            assert( pX->op==TK_COLUMN );
+            for(j=0; j<nEquiv; j+=2){
+              if( aEquiv[j]==pX->iTable && aEquiv[j+1]==pX->iColumn ) break;
+            }
+            if( j==nEquiv ){
+              aEquiv[j] = pX->iTable;
+              aEquiv[j+1] = pX->iColumn;
+              nEquiv += 2;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if( iEquiv>=nEquiv ) break;
+    iCur = aEquiv[iEquiv++];
+    iColumn = aEquiv[iEquiv++];
+  }
+  return pResult;
 /* Forward reference */
@@ -103802,7 +105292,7 @@
 ** CASE 1:
-** If all subterms are of the form T.C=expr for some single column of C
+** If all subterms are of the form T.C=expr for some single column of C and
 ** a single table T (as shown in example B above) then create a new virtual
 ** term that is an equivalent IN expression.  In other words, if the term
 ** being analyzed is:
@@ -103890,11 +105380,10 @@
   ** Compute the set of tables that might satisfy cases 1 or 2.
   indexable = ~(Bitmask)0;
-  chngToIN = ~(pWC->vmask);
+  chngToIN = ~(Bitmask)0;
   for(i=pOrWc->nTerm-1, pOrTerm=pOrWc->a; i>=0 && indexable; i--, pOrTerm++){
     if( (pOrTerm->eOperator & WO_SINGLE)==0 ){
       WhereAndInfo *pAndInfo;
-      assert( pOrTerm->eOperator==0 );
       assert( (pOrTerm->wtFlags & (TERM_ANDINFO|TERM_ORINFO))==0 );
       chngToIN = 0;
       pAndInfo = sqlite3DbMallocRaw(db, sizeof(*pAndInfo));
@@ -103933,7 +105422,7 @@
         b |= getMask(pMaskSet, pOther->leftCursor);
       indexable &= b;
-      if( pOrTerm->eOperator!=WO_EQ ){
+      if( (pOrTerm->eOperator & WO_EQ)==0 ){
         chngToIN = 0;
         chngToIN &= b;
@@ -103984,7 +105473,7 @@
     for(j=0; j<2 && !okToChngToIN; j++){
       pOrTerm = pOrWc->a;
       for(i=pOrWc->nTerm-1; i>=0; i--, pOrTerm++){
-        assert( pOrTerm->eOperator==WO_EQ );
+        assert( pOrTerm->eOperator & WO_EQ );
         pOrTerm->wtFlags &= ~TERM_OR_OK;
         if( pOrTerm->leftCursor==iCursor ){
           /* This is the 2-bit case and we are on the second iteration and
@@ -104010,7 +105499,7 @@
         /* No candidate table+column was found.  This can only occur
         ** on the second iteration */
         assert( j==1 );
-        assert( (chngToIN&(chngToIN-1))==0 );
+        assert( IsPowerOfTwo(chngToIN) );
         assert( chngToIN==getMask(pMaskSet, iCursor) );
@@ -104020,7 +105509,7 @@
       ** table and column is common to every term in the OR clause */
       okToChngToIN = 1;
       for(; i>=0 && okToChngToIN; i--, pOrTerm++){
-        assert( pOrTerm->eOperator==WO_EQ );
+        assert( pOrTerm->eOperator & WO_EQ );
         if( pOrTerm->leftCursor!=iCursor ){
           pOrTerm->wtFlags &= ~TERM_OR_OK;
         }else if( pOrTerm->u.leftColumn!=iColumn ){
@@ -104056,7 +105545,7 @@
       for(i=pOrWc->nTerm-1, pOrTerm=pOrWc->a; i>=0; i--, pOrTerm++){
         if( (pOrTerm->wtFlags & TERM_OR_OK)==0 ) continue;
-        assert( pOrTerm->eOperator==WO_EQ );
+        assert( pOrTerm->eOperator & WO_EQ );
         assert( pOrTerm->leftCursor==iCursor );
         assert( pOrTerm->u.leftColumn==iColumn );
         pDup = sqlite3ExprDup(db, pOrTerm->pExpr->pRight, 0);
@@ -104086,7 +105575,6 @@
 ** The input to this routine is an WhereTerm structure with only the
 ** "pExpr" field filled in.  The job of this routine is to analyze the
@@ -104129,6 +105617,7 @@
   pTerm = &pWC->a[idxTerm];
   pMaskSet = pWC->pMaskSet;
   pExpr = pTerm->pExpr;
+  assert( pExpr->op!=TK_AS && pExpr->op!=TK_COLLATE );
   prereqLeft = exprTableUsage(pMaskSet, pExpr->pLeft);
   op = pExpr->op;
   if( op==TK_IN ){
@@ -104154,17 +105643,19 @@
   pTerm->leftCursor = -1;
   pTerm->iParent = -1;
   pTerm->eOperator = 0;
-  if( allowedOp(op) && (pTerm->prereqRight & prereqLeft)==0 ){
-    Expr *pLeft = pExpr->pLeft;
-    Expr *pRight = pExpr->pRight;
+  if( allowedOp(op) ){
+    Expr *pLeft = sqlite3ExprSkipCollate(pExpr->pLeft);
+    Expr *pRight = sqlite3ExprSkipCollate(pExpr->pRight);
+    u16 opMask = (pTerm->prereqRight & prereqLeft)==0 ? WO_ALL : WO_EQUIV;
     if( pLeft->op==TK_COLUMN ){
       pTerm->leftCursor = pLeft->iTable;
       pTerm->u.leftColumn = pLeft->iColumn;
-      pTerm->eOperator = operatorMask(op);
+      pTerm->eOperator = operatorMask(op) & opMask;
     if( pRight && pRight->op==TK_COLUMN ){
       WhereTerm *pNew;
       Expr *pDup;
+      u16 eExtraOp = 0;        /* Extra bits for pNew->eOperator */
       if( pTerm->leftCursor>=0 ){
         int idxNew;
         pDup = sqlite3ExprDup(db, pExpr, 0);
@@ -104179,18 +105670,25 @@
         pTerm = &pWC->a[idxTerm];
         pTerm->nChild = 1;
         pTerm->wtFlags |= TERM_COPIED;
+        if( pExpr->op==TK_EQ
+         && !ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_FromJoin)
+         && OptimizationEnabled(db, SQLITE_Transitive)
+        ){
+          pTerm->eOperator |= WO_EQUIV;
+          eExtraOp = WO_EQUIV;
+        }
         pDup = pExpr;
         pNew = pTerm;
       exprCommute(pParse, pDup);
-      pLeft = pDup->pLeft;
+      pLeft = sqlite3ExprSkipCollate(pDup->pLeft);
       pNew->leftCursor = pLeft->iTable;
       pNew->u.leftColumn = pLeft->iColumn;
       testcase( (prereqLeft | extraRight) != prereqLeft );
       pNew->prereqRight = prereqLeft | extraRight;
       pNew->prereqAll = prereqAll;
-      pNew->eOperator = operatorMask(pDup->op);
+      pNew->eOperator = (operatorMask(pDup->op) + eExtraOp) & opMask;
@@ -104263,7 +105761,7 @@
     Expr *pNewExpr2;
     int idxNew1;
     int idxNew2;
-    CollSeq *pColl;    /* Collating sequence to use */
+    Token sCollSeqName;  /* Name of collating sequence */
     pLeft = pExpr->x.pList->a[1].pExpr;
     pStr2 = sqlite3ExprDup(db, pStr1, 0);
@@ -104285,15 +105783,18 @@
       *pC = c + 1;
-    pColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, SQLITE_UTF8, noCase ? "NOCASE" : "BINARY",0);
+    sCollSeqName.z = noCase ? "NOCASE" : "BINARY";
+    sCollSeqName.n = 6;
+    pNewExpr1 = sqlite3ExprDup(db, pLeft, 0);
     pNewExpr1 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_GE, 
-                     sqlite3ExprSetColl(sqlite3ExprDup(db,pLeft,0), pColl),
+           sqlite3ExprAddCollateToken(pParse,pNewExpr1,&sCollSeqName),
                      pStr1, 0);
     idxNew1 = whereClauseInsert(pWC, pNewExpr1, TERM_VIRTUAL|TERM_DYNAMIC);
     testcase( idxNew1==0 );
     exprAnalyze(pSrc, pWC, idxNew1);
+    pNewExpr2 = sqlite3ExprDup(db, pLeft, 0);
     pNewExpr2 = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_LT,
-                     sqlite3ExprSetColl(sqlite3ExprDup(db,pLeft,0), pColl),
+           sqlite3ExprAddCollateToken(pParse,pNewExpr2,&sCollSeqName),
                      pStr2, 0);
     idxNew2 = whereClauseInsert(pWC, pNewExpr2, TERM_VIRTUAL|TERM_DYNAMIC);
     testcase( idxNew2==0 );
@@ -104392,25 +105893,6 @@
-** Return TRUE if any of the expressions in pList->a[iFirst...] contain
-** a reference to any table other than the iBase table.
-static int referencesOtherTables(
-  ExprList *pList,          /* Search expressions in ths list */
-  WhereMaskSet *pMaskSet,   /* Mapping from tables to bitmaps */
-  int iFirst,               /* Be searching with the iFirst-th expression */
-  int iBase                 /* Ignore references to this table */
-  Bitmask allowed = ~getMask(pMaskSet, iBase);
-  while( iFirst<pList->nExpr ){
-    if( (exprTableUsage(pMaskSet, pList->a[iFirst++].pExpr)&allowed)!=0 ){
-      return 1;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
 ** This function searches the expression list passed as the second argument
 ** for an expression of type TK_COLUMN that refers to the same column and
 ** uses the same collation sequence as the iCol'th column of index pIdx.
@@ -104431,12 +105913,12 @@
   const char *zColl = pIdx->azColl[iCol];
   for(i=0; i<pList->nExpr; i++){
-    Expr *p = pList->a[i].pExpr;
+    Expr *p = sqlite3ExprSkipCollate(pList->a[i].pExpr);
     if( p->op==TK_COLUMN
      && p->iColumn==pIdx->aiColumn[iCol]
      && p->iTable==iBase
-      CollSeq *pColl = sqlite3ExprCollSeq(pParse, p);
+      CollSeq *pColl = sqlite3ExprCollSeq(pParse, pList->a[i].pExpr);
       if( ALWAYS(pColl) && 0==sqlite3StrICmp(pColl->zName, zColl) ){
         return i;
@@ -104469,7 +105951,8 @@
   Bitmask mask = 0;               /* Mask of unaccounted for pDistinct exprs */
   int i;                          /* Iterator variable */
-  if( pIdx->zName==0 || pDistinct==0 || pDistinct->nExpr>=BMS ) return 0;
+  assert( pDistinct!=0 );
+  if( pIdx->zName==0 || pDistinct->nExpr>=BMS ) return 0;
   testcase( pDistinct->nExpr==BMS-1 );
   /* Loop through all the expressions in the distinct list. If any of them
@@ -104482,7 +105965,7 @@
   for(i=0; i<pDistinct->nExpr; i++){
     WhereTerm *pTerm;
-    Expr *p = pDistinct->a[i].pExpr;
+    Expr *p = sqlite3ExprSkipCollate(pDistinct->a[i].pExpr);
     if( p->op!=TK_COLUMN ) return 0;
     pTerm = findTerm(pWC, p->iTable, p->iColumn, ~(Bitmask)0, WO_EQ, 0);
     if( pTerm ){
@@ -104534,7 +106017,7 @@
   ** current SELECT is a correlated sub-query.
   for(i=0; i<pDistinct->nExpr; i++){
-    Expr *p = pDistinct->a[i].pExpr;
+    Expr *p = sqlite3ExprSkipCollate(pDistinct->a[i].pExpr);
     if( p->op==TK_COLUMN && p->iTable==iBase && p->iColumn<0 ) return 1;
@@ -104572,165 +106055,6 @@
-** This routine decides if pIdx can be used to satisfy the ORDER BY
-** clause.  If it can, it returns 1.  If pIdx cannot satisfy the
-** ORDER BY clause, this routine returns 0.
-** pOrderBy is an ORDER BY clause from a SELECT statement.  pTab is the
-** left-most table in the FROM clause of that same SELECT statement and
-** the table has a cursor number of "base".  pIdx is an index on pTab.
-** nEqCol is the number of columns of pIdx that are used as equality
-** constraints.  Any of these columns may be missing from the ORDER BY
-** clause and the match can still be a success.
-** All terms of the ORDER BY that match against the index must be either
-** ASC or DESC.  (Terms of the ORDER BY clause past the end of a UNIQUE
-** index do not need to satisfy this constraint.)  The *pbRev value is
-** set to 1 if the ORDER BY clause is all DESC and it is set to 0 if
-** the ORDER BY clause is all ASC.
-static int isSortingIndex(
-  Parse *pParse,          /* Parsing context */
-  WhereMaskSet *pMaskSet, /* Mapping from table cursor numbers to bitmaps */
-  Index *pIdx,            /* The index we are testing */
-  int base,               /* Cursor number for the table to be sorted */
-  ExprList *pOrderBy,     /* The ORDER BY clause */
-  int nEqCol,             /* Number of index columns with == constraints */
-  int wsFlags,            /* Index usages flags */
-  int *pbRev              /* Set to 1 if ORDER BY is DESC */
-  int i, j;                       /* Loop counters */
-  int sortOrder = 0;              /* XOR of index and ORDER BY sort direction */
-  int nTerm;                      /* Number of ORDER BY terms */
-  struct ExprList_item *pTerm;    /* A term of the ORDER BY clause */
-  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
-  if( !pOrderBy ) return 0;
-  if( wsFlags & WHERE_COLUMN_IN ) return 0;
-  if( pIdx->bUnordered ) return 0;
-  nTerm = pOrderBy->nExpr;
-  assert( nTerm>0 );
-  /* Argument pIdx must either point to a 'real' named index structure, 
-  ** or an index structure allocated on the stack by bestBtreeIndex() to
-  ** represent the rowid index that is part of every table.  */
-  assert( pIdx->zName || (pIdx->nColumn==1 && pIdx->aiColumn[0]==-1) );
-  /* Match terms of the ORDER BY clause against columns of
-  ** the index.
-  **
-  ** Note that indices have pIdx->nColumn regular columns plus
-  ** one additional column containing the rowid.  The rowid column
-  ** of the index is also allowed to match against the ORDER BY
-  ** clause.
-  */
-  for(i=j=0, pTerm=pOrderBy->a; j<nTerm && i<=pIdx->nColumn; i++){
-    Expr *pExpr;       /* The expression of the ORDER BY pTerm */
-    CollSeq *pColl;    /* The collating sequence of pExpr */
-    int termSortOrder; /* Sort order for this term */
-    int iColumn;       /* The i-th column of the index.  -1 for rowid */
-    int iSortOrder;    /* 1 for DESC, 0 for ASC on the i-th index term */
-    const char *zColl; /* Name of the collating sequence for i-th index term */
-    pExpr = pTerm->pExpr;
-    if( pExpr->op!=TK_COLUMN || pExpr->iTable!=base ){
-      /* Can not use an index sort on anything that is not a column in the
-      ** left-most table of the FROM clause */
-      break;
-    }
-    pColl = sqlite3ExprCollSeq(pParse, pExpr);
-    if( !pColl ){
-      pColl = db->pDfltColl;
-    }
-    if( pIdx->zName && i<pIdx->nColumn ){
-      iColumn = pIdx->aiColumn[i];
-      if( iColumn==pIdx->pTable->iPKey ){
-        iColumn = -1;
-      }
-      iSortOrder = pIdx->aSortOrder[i];
-      zColl = pIdx->azColl[i];
-    }else{
-      iColumn = -1;
-      iSortOrder = 0;
-      zColl = pColl->zName;
-    }
-    if( pExpr->iColumn!=iColumn || sqlite3StrICmp(pColl->zName, zColl) ){
-      /* Term j of the ORDER BY clause does not match column i of the index */
-      if( i<nEqCol ){
-        /* If an index column that is constrained by == fails to match an
-        ** ORDER BY term, that is OK.  Just ignore that column of the index
-        */
-        continue;
-      }else if( i==pIdx->nColumn ){
-        /* Index column i is the rowid.  All other terms match. */
-        break;
-      }else{
-        /* If an index column fails to match and is not constrained by ==
-        ** then the index cannot satisfy the ORDER BY constraint.
-        */
-        return 0;
-      }
-    }
-    assert( pIdx->aSortOrder!=0 || iColumn==-1 );
-    assert( pTerm->sortOrder==0 || pTerm->sortOrder==1 );
-    assert( iSortOrder==0 || iSortOrder==1 );
-    termSortOrder = iSortOrder ^ pTerm->sortOrder;
-    if( i>nEqCol ){
-      if( termSortOrder!=sortOrder ){
-        /* Indices can only be used if all ORDER BY terms past the
-        ** equality constraints are all either DESC or ASC. */
-        return 0;
-      }
-    }else{
-      sortOrder = termSortOrder;
-    }
-    j++;
-    pTerm++;
-    if( iColumn<0 && !referencesOtherTables(pOrderBy, pMaskSet, j, base) ){
-      /* If the indexed column is the primary key and everything matches
-      ** so far and none of the ORDER BY terms to the right reference other
-      ** tables in the join, then we are assured that the index can be used 
-      ** to sort because the primary key is unique and so none of the other
-      ** columns will make any difference
-      */
-      j = nTerm;
-    }
-  }
-  *pbRev = sortOrder!=0;
-  if( j>=nTerm ){
-    /* All terms of the ORDER BY clause are covered by this index so
-    ** this index can be used for sorting. */
-    return 1;
-  }
-  if( pIdx->onError!=OE_None && i==pIdx->nColumn
-      && (wsFlags & WHERE_COLUMN_NULL)==0
-      && !referencesOtherTables(pOrderBy, pMaskSet, j, base) 
-  ){
-    Column *aCol = pIdx->pTable->aCol;
-    /* All terms of this index match some prefix of the ORDER BY clause,
-    ** the index is UNIQUE, and no terms on the tail of the ORDER BY
-    ** refer to other tables in a join. So, assuming that the index entries
-    ** visited contain no NULL values, then this index delivers rows in
-    ** the required order.
-    **
-    ** It is not possible for any of the first nEqCol index fields to be
-    ** NULL (since the corresponding "=" operator in the WHERE clause would 
-    ** not be true). So if all remaining index columns have NOT NULL 
-    ** constaints attached to them, we can be confident that the visited
-    ** index entries are free of NULLs.  */
-    for(i=nEqCol; i<pIdx->nColumn; i++){
-      if( aCol[pIdx->aiColumn[i]].notNull==0 ) break;
-    }
-    return (i==pIdx->nColumn);
-  }
-  return 0;
 ** Prepare a crude estimate of the logarithm of the input value.
 ** The results need not be exact.  This is only used for estimating
 ** the total cost of performing operations with O(logN) or O(NlogN)
@@ -104794,9 +106118,7 @@
 ** Required because bestIndex() is called by bestOrClauseIndex() 
-static void bestIndex(
-    Parse*, WhereClause*, struct SrcList_item*,
-    Bitmask, Bitmask, ExprList*, WhereCost*);
+static void bestIndex(WhereBestIdx*);
 ** This routine attempts to find an scanning strategy that can be used 
@@ -104805,17 +106127,11 @@
 ** The table associated with FROM clause term pSrc may be either a
 ** regular B-Tree table or a virtual table.
-static void bestOrClauseIndex(
-  Parse *pParse,              /* The parsing context */
-  WhereClause *pWC,           /* The WHERE clause */
-  struct SrcList_item *pSrc,  /* The FROM clause term to search */
-  Bitmask notReady,           /* Mask of cursors not available for indexing */
-  Bitmask notValid,           /* Cursors not available for any purpose */
-  ExprList *pOrderBy,         /* The ORDER BY clause */
-  WhereCost *pCost            /* Lowest cost query plan */
+static void bestOrClauseIndex(WhereBestIdx *p){
-  const int iCur = pSrc->iCursor;   /* The cursor of the table to be accessed */
+  WhereClause *pWC = p->pWC;           /* The WHERE clause */
+  struct SrcList_item *pSrc = p->pSrc; /* The FROM clause term to search */
+  const int iCur = pSrc->iCursor;      /* The cursor of the table  */
   const Bitmask maskSrc = getMask(pWC->pMaskSet, iCur);  /* Bitmask for pSrc */
   WhereTerm * const pWCEnd = &pWC->a[pWC->nTerm];        /* End of pWC->a[] */
   WhereTerm *pTerm;                 /* A single term of the WHERE clause */
@@ -104831,8 +106147,8 @@
   /* Search the WHERE clause terms for a usable WO_OR term. */
   for(pTerm=pWC->a; pTerm<pWCEnd; pTerm++){
-    if( pTerm->eOperator==WO_OR 
-     && ((pTerm->prereqAll & ~maskSrc) & notReady)==0
+    if( (pTerm->eOperator & WO_OR)!=0
+     && ((pTerm->prereqAll & ~maskSrc) & p->notReady)==0
      && (pTerm->u.pOrInfo->indexable & maskSrc)!=0 
       WhereClause * const pOrWC = &pTerm->u.pOrInfo->wc;
@@ -104842,15 +106158,19 @@
       double rTotal = 0;
       double nRow = 0;
       Bitmask used = 0;
+      WhereBestIdx sBOI;
+      sBOI = *p;
+      sBOI.pOrderBy = 0;
+      sBOI.pDistinct = 0;
+      sBOI.ppIdxInfo = 0;
       for(pOrTerm=pOrWC->a; pOrTerm<pOrWCEnd; pOrTerm++){
-        WhereCost sTermCost;
         WHERETRACE(("... Multi-index OR testing for term %d of %d....\n", 
           (pOrTerm - pOrWC->a), (pTerm - pWC->a)
-        if( pOrTerm->eOperator==WO_AND ){
-          WhereClause *pAndWC = &pOrTerm->u.pAndInfo->wc;
-          bestIndex(pParse, pAndWC, pSrc, notReady, notValid, 0, &sTermCost);
+        if( (pOrTerm->eOperator& WO_AND)!=0 ){
+          sBOI.pWC = &pOrTerm->u.pAndInfo->wc;
+          bestIndex(&sBOI);
         }else if( pOrTerm->leftCursor==iCur ){
           WhereClause tempWC;
           tempWC.pParse = pWC->pParse;
@@ -104860,19 +106180,20 @@
           tempWC.a = pOrTerm;
           tempWC.wctrlFlags = 0;
           tempWC.nTerm = 1;
-          bestIndex(pParse, &tempWC, pSrc, notReady, notValid, 0, &sTermCost);
+          sBOI.pWC = &tempWC;
+          bestIndex(&sBOI);
-        rTotal += sTermCost.rCost;
-        nRow += sTermCost.plan.nRow;
-        used |= sTermCost.used;
-        if( rTotal>=pCost->rCost ) break;
+        rTotal += sBOI.cost.rCost;
+        nRow += sBOI.cost.plan.nRow;
+        used |= sBOI.cost.used;
+        if( rTotal>=p->cost.rCost ) break;
       /* If there is an ORDER BY clause, increase the scan cost to account 
       ** for the cost of the sort. */
-      if( pOrderBy!=0 ){
+      if( p->pOrderBy!=0 ){
         WHERETRACE(("... sorting increases OR cost %.9g to %.9g\n",
                     rTotal, rTotal+nRow*estLog(nRow)));
         rTotal += nRow*estLog(nRow);
@@ -104882,12 +106203,13 @@
       ** less than the current cost stored in pCost, replace the contents
       ** of pCost. */
       WHERETRACE(("... multi-index OR cost=%.9g nrow=%.9g\n", rTotal, nRow));
-      if( rTotal<pCost->rCost ){
-        pCost->rCost = rTotal;
-        pCost->used = used;
-        pCost->plan.nRow = nRow;
-        pCost->plan.wsFlags = flags;
-        pCost->plan.u.pTerm = pTerm;
+      if( rTotal<p->cost.rCost ){
+        p->cost.rCost = rTotal;
+        p->cost.used = used;
+        p->cost.plan.nRow = nRow;
+        p->cost.plan.nOBSat = p->i ? p->aLevel[p->i-1].plan.nOBSat : 0;
+        p->cost.plan.wsFlags = flags;
+        p->cost.plan.u.pTerm = pTerm;
@@ -104907,7 +106229,7 @@
   char aff;
   if( pTerm->leftCursor!=pSrc->iCursor ) return 0;
-  if( pTerm->eOperator!=WO_EQ ) return 0;
+  if( (pTerm->eOperator & WO_EQ)==0 ) return 0;
   if( (pTerm->prereqRight & notReady)!=0 ) return 0;
   aff = pSrc->pTab->aCol[pTerm->u.leftColumn].affinity;
   if( !sqlite3IndexAffinityOk(pTerm->pExpr, aff) ) return 0;
@@ -104924,13 +106246,10 @@
 ** is taken into account, then alter the query plan to use the
 ** transient index.
-static void bestAutomaticIndex(
-  Parse *pParse,              /* The parsing context */
-  WhereClause *pWC,           /* The WHERE clause */
-  struct SrcList_item *pSrc,  /* The FROM clause term to search */
-  Bitmask notReady,           /* Mask of cursors that are not available */
-  WhereCost *pCost            /* Lowest cost query plan */
+static void bestAutomaticIndex(WhereBestIdx *p){
+  Parse *pParse = p->pParse;            /* The parsing context */
+  WhereClause *pWC = p->pWC;            /* The WHERE clause */
+  struct SrcList_item *pSrc = p->pSrc;  /* The FROM clause term to search */
   double nTableRow;           /* Rows in the input table */
   double logN;                /* log(nTableRow) */
   double costTempIdx;         /* per-query cost of the transient index */
@@ -104946,10 +106265,16 @@
     /* Automatic indices are disabled at run-time */
-  if( (pCost->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_NOT_FULLSCAN)!=0 ){
+  if( (p->cost.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_NOT_FULLSCAN)!=0
+   && (p->cost.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_COVER_SCAN)==0
+  ){
     /* We already have some kind of index in use for this query. */
+  if( pSrc->viaCoroutine ){
+    /* Cannot index a co-routine */
+    return;
+  }
   if( pSrc->notIndexed ){
     /* The NOT INDEXED clause appears in the SQL. */
@@ -104964,7 +106289,7 @@
   nTableRow = pTable->nRowEst;
   logN = estLog(nTableRow);
   costTempIdx = 2*logN*(nTableRow/pParse->nQueryLoop + 1);
-  if( costTempIdx>=pCost->rCost ){
+  if( costTempIdx>=p->cost.rCost ){
     /* The cost of creating the transient table would be greater than
     ** doing the full table scan */
@@ -104973,19 +106298,19 @@
   /* Search for any equality comparison term */
   pWCEnd = &pWC->a[pWC->nTerm];
   for(pTerm=pWC->a; pTerm<pWCEnd; pTerm++){
-    if( termCanDriveIndex(pTerm, pSrc, notReady) ){
+    if( termCanDriveIndex(pTerm, pSrc, p->notReady) ){
       WHERETRACE(("auto-index reduces cost from %.1f to %.1f\n",
-                    pCost->rCost, costTempIdx));
-      pCost->rCost = costTempIdx;
-      pCost->plan.nRow = logN + 1;
-      pCost->plan.wsFlags = WHERE_TEMP_INDEX;
-      pCost->used = pTerm->prereqRight;
+                    p->cost.rCost, costTempIdx));
+      p->cost.rCost = costTempIdx;
+      p->cost.plan.nRow = logN + 1;
+      p->cost.plan.wsFlags = WHERE_TEMP_INDEX;
+      p->cost.used = pTerm->prereqRight;
-# define bestAutomaticIndex(A,B,C,D,E)  /* no-op */
+# define bestAutomaticIndex(A)  /* no-op */
@@ -105146,12 +106471,11 @@
 ** responsibility of the caller to eventually release the structure
 ** by passing the pointer returned by this function to sqlite3_free().
-static sqlite3_index_info *allocateIndexInfo(
-  Parse *pParse, 
-  WhereClause *pWC,
-  struct SrcList_item *pSrc,
-  ExprList *pOrderBy
+static sqlite3_index_info *allocateIndexInfo(WhereBestIdx *p){
+  Parse *pParse = p->pParse; 
+  WhereClause *pWC = p->pWC;
+  struct SrcList_item *pSrc = p->pSrc;
+  ExprList *pOrderBy = p->pOrderBy;
   int i, j;
   int nTerm;
   struct sqlite3_index_constraint *pIdxCons;
@@ -105167,10 +106491,10 @@
   ** to this virtual table */
   for(i=nTerm=0, pTerm=pWC->a; i<pWC->nTerm; i++, pTerm++){
     if( pTerm->leftCursor != pSrc->iCursor ) continue;
-    assert( (pTerm->eOperator&(pTerm->eOperator-1))==0 );
-    testcase( pTerm->eOperator==WO_IN );
-    testcase( pTerm->eOperator==WO_ISNULL );
-    if( pTerm->eOperator & (WO_IN|WO_ISNULL) ) continue;
+    assert( IsPowerOfTwo(pTerm->eOperator & ~WO_EQUIV) );
+    testcase( pTerm->eOperator & WO_IN );
+    testcase( pTerm->eOperator & WO_ISNULL );
+    if( pTerm->eOperator & (WO_ISNULL) ) continue;
     if( pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_VNULL ) continue;
@@ -105181,12 +106505,13 @@
   nOrderBy = 0;
   if( pOrderBy ){
-    for(i=0; i<pOrderBy->nExpr; i++){
+    int n = pOrderBy->nExpr;
+    for(i=0; i<n; i++){
       Expr *pExpr = pOrderBy->a[i].pExpr;
       if( pExpr->op!=TK_COLUMN || pExpr->iTable!=pSrc->iCursor ) break;
-    if( i==pOrderBy->nExpr ){
-      nOrderBy = pOrderBy->nExpr;
+    if( i==n){
+      nOrderBy = n;
@@ -105217,15 +106542,18 @@
   for(i=j=0, pTerm=pWC->a; i<pWC->nTerm; i++, pTerm++){
+    u8 op;
     if( pTerm->leftCursor != pSrc->iCursor ) continue;
-    assert( (pTerm->eOperator&(pTerm->eOperator-1))==0 );
-    testcase( pTerm->eOperator==WO_IN );
-    testcase( pTerm->eOperator==WO_ISNULL );
-    if( pTerm->eOperator & (WO_IN|WO_ISNULL) ) continue;
+    assert( IsPowerOfTwo(pTerm->eOperator & ~WO_EQUIV) );
+    testcase( pTerm->eOperator & WO_IN );
+    testcase( pTerm->eOperator & WO_ISNULL );
+    if( pTerm->eOperator & (WO_ISNULL) ) continue;
     if( pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_VNULL ) continue;
     pIdxCons[j].iColumn = pTerm->u.leftColumn;
     pIdxCons[j].iTermOffset = i;
-    pIdxCons[j].op = (u8)pTerm->eOperator;
+    op = (u8)pTerm->eOperator & WO_ALL;
+    if( op==WO_IN ) op = WO_EQ;
+    pIdxCons[j].op = op;
     /* The direct assignment in the previous line is possible only because
     ** the WO_ and SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_ codes are identical.  The
     ** following asserts verify this fact. */
@@ -105235,7 +106563,7 @@
-    assert( pTerm->eOperator & (WO_EQ|WO_LT|WO_LE|WO_GT|WO_GE|WO_MATCH) );
+    assert( pTerm->eOperator & (WO_IN|WO_EQ|WO_LT|WO_LE|WO_GT|WO_GE|WO_MATCH) );
   for(i=0; i<nOrderBy; i++){
@@ -105310,16 +106638,10 @@
 ** routine takes care of freeing the sqlite3_index_info structure after
 ** everybody has finished with it.
-static void bestVirtualIndex(
-  Parse *pParse,                  /* The parsing context */
-  WhereClause *pWC,               /* The WHERE clause */
-  struct SrcList_item *pSrc,      /* The FROM clause term to search */
-  Bitmask notReady,               /* Mask of cursors not available for index */
-  Bitmask notValid,               /* Cursors not valid for any purpose */
-  ExprList *pOrderBy,             /* The order by clause */
-  WhereCost *pCost,               /* Lowest cost query plan */
-  sqlite3_index_info **ppIdxInfo  /* Index information passed to xBestIndex */
+static void bestVirtualIndex(WhereBestIdx *p){
+  Parse *pParse = p->pParse;      /* The parsing context */
+  WhereClause *pWC = p->pWC;      /* The WHERE clause */
+  struct SrcList_item *pSrc = p->pSrc; /* The FROM clause term to search */
   Table *pTab = pSrc->pTab;
   sqlite3_index_info *pIdxInfo;
   struct sqlite3_index_constraint *pIdxCons;
@@ -105327,21 +106649,22 @@
   WhereTerm *pTerm;
   int i, j;
   int nOrderBy;
+  int bAllowIN;                   /* Allow IN optimizations */
   double rCost;
   /* Make sure wsFlags is initialized to some sane value. Otherwise, if the 
   ** malloc in allocateIndexInfo() fails and this function returns leaving
   ** wsFlags in an uninitialized state, the caller may behave unpredictably.
-  memset(pCost, 0, sizeof(*pCost));
-  pCost->plan.wsFlags = WHERE_VIRTUALTABLE;
+  memset(&p->cost, 0, sizeof(p->cost));
+  p->cost.plan.wsFlags = WHERE_VIRTUALTABLE;
   /* If the sqlite3_index_info structure has not been previously
   ** allocated and initialized, then allocate and initialize it now.
-  pIdxInfo = *ppIdxInfo;
+  pIdxInfo = *p->ppIdxInfo;
   if( pIdxInfo==0 ){
-    *ppIdxInfo = pIdxInfo = allocateIndexInfo(pParse, pWC, pSrc, pOrderBy);
+    *p->ppIdxInfo = pIdxInfo = allocateIndexInfo(p);
   if( pIdxInfo==0 ){
@@ -105361,6 +106684,17 @@
   assert( pTab->azModuleArg && pTab->azModuleArg[0] );
   assert( sqlite3GetVTable(pParse->db, pTab) );
+  /* Try once or twice.  On the first attempt, allow IN optimizations.
+  ** If an IN optimization is accepted by the virtual table xBestIndex
+  ** method, but the  pInfo->aConstrainUsage.omit flag is not set, then
+  ** the query will not work because it might allow duplicate rows in
+  ** output.  In that case, run the xBestIndex method a second time
+  ** without the IN constraints.  Usually this loop only runs once.
+  ** The loop will exit using a "break" statement.
+  */
+  for(bAllowIN=1; 1; bAllowIN--){
+    assert( bAllowIN==0 || bAllowIN==1 );
   /* Set the aConstraint[].usable fields and initialize all 
   ** output variables to zero.
@@ -105386,7 +106720,13 @@
   for(i=0; i<pIdxInfo->nConstraint; i++, pIdxCons++){
     j = pIdxCons->iTermOffset;
     pTerm = &pWC->a[j];
-    pIdxCons->usable = (pTerm->prereqRight&notReady) ? 0 : 1;
+      if( (pTerm->prereqRight&p->notReady)==0
+       && (bAllowIN || (pTerm->eOperator & WO_IN)==0)
+      ){
+        pIdxCons->usable = 1;
+      }else{
+        pIdxCons->usable = 0;
+      }
   memset(pUsage, 0, sizeof(pUsage[0])*pIdxInfo->nConstraint);
   if( pIdxInfo->needToFreeIdxStr ){
@@ -105399,7 +106739,7 @@
   /* ((double)2) In case of SQLITE_OMIT_FLOATING_POINT... */
   pIdxInfo->estimatedCost = SQLITE_BIG_DBL / ((double)2);
   nOrderBy = pIdxInfo->nOrderBy;
-  if( !pOrderBy ){
+    if( !p->pOrderBy ){
     pIdxInfo->nOrderBy = 0;
@@ -105408,9 +106748,39 @@
   pIdxCons = *(struct sqlite3_index_constraint**)&pIdxInfo->aConstraint;
-  for(i=0; i<pIdxInfo->nConstraint; i++){
+    for(i=0; i<pIdxInfo->nConstraint; i++, pIdxCons++){
     if( pUsage[i].argvIndex>0 ){
-      pCost->used |= pWC->a[pIdxCons[i].iTermOffset].prereqRight;
+        j = pIdxCons->iTermOffset;
+        pTerm = &pWC->a[j];
+        p->cost.used |= pTerm->prereqRight;
+        if( (pTerm->eOperator & WO_IN)!=0 ){
+          if( pUsage[i].omit==0 ){
+            /* Do not attempt to use an IN constraint if the virtual table
+            ** says that the equivalent EQ constraint cannot be safely omitted.
+            ** If we do attempt to use such a constraint, some rows might be
+            ** repeated in the output. */
+            break;
+          }
+          /* A virtual table that is constrained by an IN clause may not
+          ** consume the ORDER BY clause because (1) the order of IN terms
+          ** is not necessarily related to the order of output terms and
+          ** (2) Multiple outputs from a single IN value will not merge
+          ** together.  */
+          pIdxInfo->orderByConsumed = 0;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if( i>=pIdxInfo->nConstraint ) break;
+  }
+  /* The orderByConsumed signal is only valid if all outer loops collectively
+  ** generate just a single row of output.
+  */
+  if( pIdxInfo->orderByConsumed ){
+    for(i=0; i<p->i; i++){
+      if( (p->aLevel[i].plan.wsFlags & WHERE_UNIQUE)==0 ){
+        pIdxInfo->orderByConsumed = 0;
+      }
@@ -105419,7 +106789,7 @@
   ** matches the processing for non-virtual tables in bestBtreeIndex().
   rCost = pIdxInfo->estimatedCost;
-  if( pOrderBy && pIdxInfo->orderByConsumed==0 ){
+  if( p->pOrderBy && pIdxInfo->orderByConsumed==0 ){
     rCost += estLog(rCost)*rCost;
@@ -105431,21 +106801,24 @@
   ** is defined.
   if( (SQLITE_BIG_DBL/((double)2))<rCost ){
-    pCost->rCost = (SQLITE_BIG_DBL/((double)2));
+    p->cost.rCost = (SQLITE_BIG_DBL/((double)2));
-    pCost->rCost = rCost;
+    p->cost.rCost = rCost;
-  pCost->plan.u.pVtabIdx = pIdxInfo;
+  p->cost.plan.u.pVtabIdx = pIdxInfo;
   if( pIdxInfo->orderByConsumed ){
-    pCost->plan.wsFlags |= WHERE_ORDERBY;
+    p->cost.plan.wsFlags |= WHERE_ORDERED;
+    p->cost.plan.nOBSat = nOrderBy;
+  }else{
+    p->cost.plan.nOBSat = p->i ? p->aLevel[p->i-1].plan.nOBSat : 0;
-  pCost->plan.nEq = 0;
+  p->cost.plan.nEq = 0;
   pIdxInfo->nOrderBy = nOrderBy;
   /* Try to find a more efficient access pattern by using multiple indexes
   ** to optimize an OR expression within the WHERE clause. 
-  bestOrClauseIndex(pParse, pWC, pSrc, notReady, notValid, pOrderBy, pCost);
+  bestOrClauseIndex(p);
@@ -105533,10 +106906,8 @@
         pColl = db->pDfltColl;
         assert( pColl->enc==SQLITE_UTF8 );
-        pColl = sqlite3GetCollSeq(db, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, *pIdx->azColl);
+        pColl = sqlite3GetCollSeq(pParse, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, *pIdx->azColl);
         if( pColl==0 ){
-          sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such collation sequence: %s",
-                          *pIdx->azColl);
           return SQLITE_ERROR;
         z = (const u8 *)sqlite3ValueText(pVal, pColl->enc);
@@ -105707,24 +107078,24 @@
     if( pLower ){
       Expr *pExpr = pLower->pExpr->pRight;
       rc = valueFromExpr(pParse, pExpr, aff, &pRangeVal);
-      assert( pLower->eOperator==WO_GT || pLower->eOperator==WO_GE );
+      assert( (pLower->eOperator & (WO_GT|WO_GE))!=0 );
       if( rc==SQLITE_OK
        && whereKeyStats(pParse, p, pRangeVal, 0, a)==SQLITE_OK
         iLower = a[0];
-        if( pLower->eOperator==WO_GT ) iLower += a[1];
+        if( (pLower->eOperator & WO_GT)!=0 ) iLower += a[1];
     if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pUpper ){
       Expr *pExpr = pUpper->pExpr->pRight;
       rc = valueFromExpr(pParse, pExpr, aff, &pRangeVal);
-      assert( pUpper->eOperator==WO_LT || pUpper->eOperator==WO_LE );
+      assert( (pUpper->eOperator & (WO_LT|WO_LE))!=0 );
       if( rc==SQLITE_OK
        && whereKeyStats(pParse, p, pRangeVal, 1, a)==SQLITE_OK
         iUpper = a[0];
-        if( pUpper->eOperator==WO_LE ) iUpper += a[1];
+        if( (pUpper->eOperator & WO_LE)!=0 ) iUpper += a[1];
@@ -105840,15 +107211,299 @@
     *pnRow = nRowEst;
     WHERETRACE(("IN row estimate: est=%g\n", nRowEst));
-  return rc;
+  return rc;
+#endif /* defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT3) */
+** Check to see if column iCol of the table with cursor iTab will appear
+** in sorted order according to the current query plan.
+** Return values:
+**    0   iCol is not ordered
+**    1   iCol has only a single value
+**    2   iCol is in ASC order
+**    3   iCol is in DESC order
+static int isOrderedColumn(
+  WhereBestIdx *p,
+  int iTab,
+  int iCol
+  int i, j;
+  WhereLevel *pLevel = &p->aLevel[p->i-1];
+  Index *pIdx;
+  u8 sortOrder;
+  for(i=p->i-1; i>=0; i--, pLevel--){
+    if( pLevel->iTabCur!=iTab ) continue;
+    if( (pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_ALL_UNIQUE)!=0 ){
+      return 1;
+    }
+    assert( (pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_ORDERED)!=0 );
+    if( (pIdx = pLevel->plan.u.pIdx)!=0 ){
+      if( iCol<0 ){
+        sortOrder = 0;
+        testcase( (pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_REVERSE)!=0 );
+      }else{
+        int n = pIdx->nColumn;
+        for(j=0; j<n; j++){
+          if( iCol==pIdx->aiColumn[j] ) break;
+        }
+        if( j>=n ) return 0;
+        sortOrder = pIdx->aSortOrder[j];
+        testcase( (pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_REVERSE)!=0 );
+      }
+    }else{
+      if( iCol!=(-1) ) return 0;
+      sortOrder = 0;
+      testcase( (pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_REVERSE)!=0 );
+    }
+    if( (pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_REVERSE)!=0 ){
+      assert( sortOrder==0 || sortOrder==1 );
+      testcase( sortOrder==1 );
+      sortOrder = 1 - sortOrder;
+    }
+    return sortOrder+2;
+  }
+  return 0;
+** This routine decides if pIdx can be used to satisfy the ORDER BY
+** clause, either in whole or in part.  The return value is the 
+** cumulative number of terms in the ORDER BY clause that are satisfied
+** by the index pIdx and other indices in outer loops.
+** The table being queried has a cursor number of "base".  pIdx is the
+** index that is postulated for use to access the table.
+** The *pbRev value is set to 0 order 1 depending on whether or not
+** pIdx should be run in the forward order or in reverse order.
+static int isSortingIndex(
+  WhereBestIdx *p,    /* Best index search context */
+  Index *pIdx,        /* The index we are testing */
+  int base,           /* Cursor number for the table to be sorted */
+  int *pbRev,         /* Set to 1 for reverse-order scan of pIdx */
+  int *pbObUnique     /* ORDER BY column values will different in every row */
+  int i;                        /* Number of pIdx terms used */
+  int j;                        /* Number of ORDER BY terms satisfied */
+  int sortOrder = 2;            /* 0: forward.  1: backward.  2: unknown */
+  int nTerm;                    /* Number of ORDER BY terms */
+  struct ExprList_item *pOBItem;/* A term of the ORDER BY clause */
+  Table *pTab = pIdx->pTable;   /* Table that owns index pIdx */
+  ExprList *pOrderBy;           /* The ORDER BY clause */
+  Parse *pParse = p->pParse;    /* Parser context */
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;     /* Database connection */
+  int nPriorSat;                /* ORDER BY terms satisfied by outer loops */
+  int seenRowid = 0;            /* True if an ORDER BY rowid term is seen */
+  int uniqueNotNull;            /* pIdx is UNIQUE with all terms are NOT NULL */
+  int outerObUnique;            /* Outer loops generate different values in
+                                ** every row for the ORDER BY columns */
+  if( p->i==0 ){
+    nPriorSat = 0;
+    outerObUnique = 1;
+  }else{
+    u32 wsFlags = p->aLevel[p->i-1].plan.wsFlags;
+    nPriorSat = p->aLevel[p->i-1].plan.nOBSat;
+    if( (wsFlags & WHERE_ORDERED)==0 ){
+      /* This loop cannot be ordered unless the next outer loop is
+      ** also ordered */
+      return nPriorSat;
+    }
+    if( OptimizationDisabled(db, SQLITE_OrderByIdxJoin) ){
+      /* Only look at the outer-most loop if the OrderByIdxJoin
+      ** optimization is disabled */
+      return nPriorSat;
+    }
+    testcase( wsFlags & WHERE_OB_UNIQUE );
+    testcase( wsFlags & WHERE_ALL_UNIQUE );
+    outerObUnique = (wsFlags & (WHERE_OB_UNIQUE|WHERE_ALL_UNIQUE))!=0;
+  }
+  pOrderBy = p->pOrderBy;
+  assert( pOrderBy!=0 );
+  if( pIdx->bUnordered ){
+    /* Hash indices (indicated by the "unordered" tag on sqlite_stat1) cannot
+    ** be used for sorting */
+    return nPriorSat;
+  }
+  nTerm = pOrderBy->nExpr;
+  uniqueNotNull = pIdx->onError!=OE_None;
+  assert( nTerm>0 );
+  /* Argument pIdx must either point to a 'real' named index structure, 
+  ** or an index structure allocated on the stack by bestBtreeIndex() to
+  ** represent the rowid index that is part of every table.  */
+  assert( pIdx->zName || (pIdx->nColumn==1 && pIdx->aiColumn[0]==-1) );
+  /* Match terms of the ORDER BY clause against columns of
+  ** the index.
+  **
+  ** Note that indices have pIdx->nColumn regular columns plus
+  ** one additional column containing the rowid.  The rowid column
+  ** of the index is also allowed to match against the ORDER BY
+  ** clause.
+  */
+  j = nPriorSat;
+  for(i=0,pOBItem=&pOrderBy->a[j]; j<nTerm && i<=pIdx->nColumn; i++){
+    Expr *pOBExpr;          /* The expression of the ORDER BY pOBItem */
+    CollSeq *pColl;         /* The collating sequence of pOBExpr */
+    int termSortOrder;      /* Sort order for this term */
+    int iColumn;            /* The i-th column of the index.  -1 for rowid */
+    int iSortOrder;         /* 1 for DESC, 0 for ASC on the i-th index term */
+    int isEq;               /* Subject to an == or IS NULL constraint */
+    int isMatch;            /* ORDER BY term matches the index term */
+    const char *zColl;      /* Name of collating sequence for i-th index term */
+    WhereTerm *pConstraint; /* A constraint in the WHERE clause */
+    /* If the next term of the ORDER BY clause refers to anything other than
+    ** a column in the "base" table, then this index will not be of any
+    ** further use in handling the ORDER BY. */
+    pOBExpr = sqlite3ExprSkipCollate(pOBItem->pExpr);
+    if( pOBExpr->op!=TK_COLUMN || pOBExpr->iTable!=base ){
+      break;
+    }
+    /* Find column number and collating sequence for the next entry
+    ** in the index */
+    if( pIdx->zName && i<pIdx->nColumn ){
+      iColumn = pIdx->aiColumn[i];
+      if( iColumn==pIdx->pTable->iPKey ){
+        iColumn = -1;
+      }
+      iSortOrder = pIdx->aSortOrder[i];
+      zColl = pIdx->azColl[i];
+      assert( zColl!=0 );
+    }else{
+      iColumn = -1;
+      iSortOrder = 0;
+      zColl = 0;
+    }
+    /* Check to see if the column number and collating sequence of the
+    ** index match the column number and collating sequence of the ORDER BY
+    ** clause entry.  Set isMatch to 1 if they both match. */
+    if( pOBExpr->iColumn==iColumn ){
+      if( zColl ){
+        pColl = sqlite3ExprCollSeq(pParse, pOBItem->pExpr);
+        if( !pColl ) pColl = db->pDfltColl;
+        isMatch = sqlite3StrICmp(pColl->zName, zColl)==0;
+      }else{
+        isMatch = 1;
+      }
+    }else{
+      isMatch = 0;
+    }
+    /* termSortOrder is 0 or 1 for whether or not the access loop should
+    ** run forward or backwards (respectively) in order to satisfy this 
+    ** term of the ORDER BY clause. */
+    assert( pOBItem->sortOrder==0 || pOBItem->sortOrder==1 );
+    assert( iSortOrder==0 || iSortOrder==1 );
+    termSortOrder = iSortOrder ^ pOBItem->sortOrder;
+    /* If X is the column in the index and ORDER BY clause, check to see
+    ** if there are any X= or X IS NULL constraints in the WHERE clause. */
+    pConstraint = findTerm(p->pWC, base, iColumn, p->notReady,
+                           WO_EQ|WO_ISNULL|WO_IN, pIdx);
+    if( pConstraint==0 ){
+      isEq = 0;
+    }else if( (pConstraint->eOperator & WO_IN)!=0 ){
+      isEq = 0;
+    }else if( (pConstraint->eOperator & WO_ISNULL)!=0 ){
+      uniqueNotNull = 0;
+      isEq = 1;  /* "X IS NULL" means X has only a single value */
+    }else if( pConstraint->prereqRight==0 ){
+      isEq = 1;  /* Constraint "X=constant" means X has only a single value */
+    }else{
+      Expr *pRight = pConstraint->pExpr->pRight;
+      if( pRight->op==TK_COLUMN ){
+        WHERETRACE(("       .. isOrderedColumn(tab=%d,col=%d)",
+                    pRight->iTable, pRight->iColumn));
+        isEq = isOrderedColumn(p, pRight->iTable, pRight->iColumn);
+        WHERETRACE((" -> isEq=%d\n", isEq));
+        /* If the constraint is of the form X=Y where Y is an ordered value
+        ** in an outer loop, then make sure the sort order of Y matches the
+        ** sort order required for X. */
+        if( isMatch && isEq>=2 && isEq!=pOBItem->sortOrder+2 ){
+          testcase( isEq==2 );
+          testcase( isEq==3 );
+          break;
+        }
+      }else{
+        isEq = 0;  /* "X=expr" places no ordering constraints on X */
+      }
+    }
+    if( !isMatch ){
+      if( isEq==0 ){
+        break;
+      }else{
+        continue;
+      }
+    }else if( isEq!=1 ){
+      if( sortOrder==2 ){
+        sortOrder = termSortOrder;
+      }else if( termSortOrder!=sortOrder ){
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    j++;
+    pOBItem++;
+    if( iColumn<0 ){
+      seenRowid = 1;
+      break;
+    }else if( pTab->aCol[iColumn].notNull==0 && isEq!=1 ){
+      testcase( isEq==0 );
+      testcase( isEq==2 );
+      testcase( isEq==3 );
+      uniqueNotNull = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  if( seenRowid ){
+    uniqueNotNull = 1;
+  }else if( uniqueNotNull==0 || i<pIdx->nColumn ){
+    uniqueNotNull = 0;
+  }
+  /* If we have not found at least one ORDER BY term that matches the
+  ** index, then show no progress. */
+  if( pOBItem==&pOrderBy->a[nPriorSat] ) return nPriorSat;
+  /* Either the outer queries must generate rows where there are no two
+  ** rows with the same values in all ORDER BY columns, or else this
+  ** loop must generate just a single row of output.  Example:  Suppose
+  ** the outer loops generate A=1 and A=1, and this loop generates B=3
+  ** and B=4.  Then without the following test, ORDER BY A,B would 
+  ** generate the wrong order output: 1,3 1,4 1,3 1,4
+  */
+  if( outerObUnique==0 && uniqueNotNull==0 ) return nPriorSat;
+  *pbObUnique = uniqueNotNull;
+  /* Return the necessary scan order back to the caller */
+  *pbRev = sortOrder & 1;
+  /* If there was an "ORDER BY rowid" term that matched, or it is only
+  ** possible for a single row from this table to match, then skip over
+  ** any additional ORDER BY terms dealing with this table.
+  */
+  if( uniqueNotNull ){
+    /* Advance j over additional ORDER BY terms associated with base */
+    WhereMaskSet *pMS = p->pWC->pMaskSet;
+    Bitmask m = ~getMask(pMS, base);
+    while( j<nTerm && (exprTableUsage(pMS, pOrderBy->a[j].pExpr)&m)==0 ){
+      j++;
+    }
+  }
+  return j;
-#endif /* defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT3) */
 ** Find the best query plan for accessing a particular table.  Write the
-** best query plan and its cost into the WhereCost object supplied as the
-** last parameter.
+** best query plan and its cost into the p->cost.
 ** The lowest cost plan wins.  The cost is an estimate of the amount of
 ** CPU and disk I/O needed to process the requested result.
@@ -105868,21 +107523,15 @@
 ** SQLITE_BIG_DBL. If a plan is found that uses the named index, 
 ** then the cost is calculated in the usual way.
-** If a NOT INDEXED clause (pSrc->notIndexed!=0) was attached to the table 
+** If a NOT INDEXED clause was attached to the table 
 ** in the SELECT statement, then no indexes are considered. However, the 
 ** selected plan may still take advantage of the built-in rowid primary key
 ** index.
-static void bestBtreeIndex(
-  Parse *pParse,              /* The parsing context */
-  WhereClause *pWC,           /* The WHERE clause */
-  struct SrcList_item *pSrc,  /* The FROM clause term to search */
-  Bitmask notReady,           /* Mask of cursors not available for indexing */
-  Bitmask notValid,           /* Cursors not available for any purpose */
-  ExprList *pOrderBy,         /* The ORDER BY clause */
-  ExprList *pDistinct,        /* The select-list if query is DISTINCT */
-  WhereCost *pCost            /* Lowest cost query plan */
+static void bestBtreeIndex(WhereBestIdx *p){
+  Parse *pParse = p->pParse;  /* The parsing context */
+  WhereClause *pWC = p->pWC;  /* The WHERE clause */
+  struct SrcList_item *pSrc = p->pSrc; /* The FROM clause term to search */
   int iCur = pSrc->iCursor;   /* The cursor of the table to be accessed */
   Index *pProbe;              /* An index we are evaluating */
   Index *pIdx;                /* Copy of pProbe, or zero for IPK index */
@@ -105891,11 +107540,16 @@
   Index sPk;                  /* A fake index object for the primary key */
   tRowcnt aiRowEstPk[2];      /* The aiRowEst[] value for the sPk index */
   int aiColumnPk = -1;        /* The aColumn[] value for the sPk index */
-  int wsFlagMask;             /* Allowed flags in pCost->plan.wsFlag */
+  int wsFlagMask;             /* Allowed flags in p->cost.plan.wsFlag */
+  int nPriorSat;              /* ORDER BY terms satisfied by outer loops */
+  int nOrderBy;               /* Number of ORDER BY terms */
+  char bSortInit;             /* Initializer for bSort in inner loop */
+  char bDistInit;             /* Initializer for bDist in inner loop */
   /* Initialize the cost to a worst-case value */
-  memset(pCost, 0, sizeof(*pCost));
-  pCost->rCost = SQLITE_BIG_DBL;
+  memset(&p->cost, 0, sizeof(p->cost));
+  p->cost.rCost = SQLITE_BIG_DBL;
   /* If the pSrc table is the right table of a LEFT JOIN then we may not
   ** use an index to satisfy IS NULL constraints on that table.  This is
@@ -105941,22 +107595,29 @@
     pIdx = 0;
+  nOrderBy = p->pOrderBy ? p->pOrderBy->nExpr : 0;
+  if( p->i ){
+    nPriorSat = p->aLevel[p->i-1].plan.nOBSat;
+    bSortInit = nPriorSat<nOrderBy;
+    bDistInit = 0;
+  }else{
+    nPriorSat = 0;
+    bSortInit = nOrderBy>0;
+    bDistInit = p->pDistinct!=0;
+  }
   /* Loop over all indices looking for the best one to use
   for(; pProbe; pIdx=pProbe=pProbe->pNext){
     const tRowcnt * const aiRowEst = pProbe->aiRowEst;
-    double cost;                /* Cost of using pProbe */
-    double nRow;                /* Estimated number of rows in result set */
+    WhereCost pc;               /* Cost of using pProbe */
     double log10N = (double)1;  /* base-10 logarithm of nRow (inexact) */
-    int rev;                    /* True to scan in reverse order */
-    int wsFlags = 0;
-    Bitmask used = 0;
     /* The following variables are populated based on the properties of
     ** index being evaluated. They are then used to determine the expected
     ** cost and number of rows returned.
-    **  nEq: 
+    **  pc.plan.nEq: 
     **    Number of equality terms that can be implemented using the index.
     **    In other words, the number of initial fields in the index that
     **    are used in == or IN or NOT NULL constraints of the WHERE clause.
@@ -105999,6 +107660,10 @@
     **    external sort (i.e. scanning the index being evaluated will not 
     **    correctly order records).
+    **  bDist:
+    **    Boolean. True if there is a DISTINCT clause that will require an 
+    **    external btree.
+    **
     **  bLookup: 
     **    Boolean. True if a table lookup is required for each index entry
     **    visited.  In other words, true if this is not a covering index.
@@ -106014,29 +107679,35 @@
     **             SELECT a, b    FROM tbl WHERE a = 1;
     **             SELECT a, b, c FROM tbl WHERE a = 1;
-    int nEq;                      /* Number of == or IN terms matching index */
     int bInEst = 0;               /* True if "x IN (SELECT...)" seen */
     int nInMul = 1;               /* Number of distinct equalities to lookup */
     double rangeDiv = (double)1;  /* Estimated reduction in search space */
     int nBound = 0;               /* Number of range constraints seen */
-    int bSort = !!pOrderBy;       /* True if external sort required */
-    int bDist = !!pDistinct;      /* True if index cannot help with DISTINCT */
-    int bLookup = 0;              /* True if not a covering index */
+    char bSort = bSortInit;       /* True if external sort required */
+    char bDist = bDistInit;       /* True if index cannot help with DISTINCT */
+    char bLookup = 0;             /* True if not a covering index */
     WhereTerm *pTerm;             /* A single term of the WHERE clause */
     WhereTerm *pFirstTerm = 0;    /* First term matching the index */
-    /* Determine the values of nEq and nInMul */
-    for(nEq=0; nEq<pProbe->nColumn; nEq++){
-      int j = pProbe->aiColumn[nEq];
-      pTerm = findTerm(pWC, iCur, j, notReady, eqTermMask, pIdx);
+      "   %s(%s):\n",
+      pSrc->pTab->zName, (pIdx ? pIdx->zName : "ipk")
+    ));
+    memset(&pc, 0, sizeof(pc));
+    pc.plan.nOBSat = nPriorSat;
+    /* Determine the values of pc.plan.nEq and nInMul */
+    for(pc.plan.nEq=0; pc.plan.nEq<pProbe->nColumn; pc.plan.nEq++){
+      int j = pProbe->aiColumn[pc.plan.nEq];
+      pTerm = findTerm(pWC, iCur, j, p->notReady, eqTermMask, pIdx);
       if( pTerm==0 ) break;
+      pc.plan.wsFlags |= (WHERE_COLUMN_EQ|WHERE_ROWID_EQ);
       testcase( pTerm->pWC!=pWC );
       if( pTerm->eOperator & WO_IN ){
         Expr *pExpr = pTerm->pExpr;
-        wsFlags |= WHERE_COLUMN_IN;
+        pc.plan.wsFlags |= WHERE_COLUMN_IN;
         if( ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_xIsSelect) ){
           /* "x IN (SELECT ...)":  Assume the SELECT returns 25 rows */
           nInMul *= 25;
@@ -106046,12 +107717,12 @@
           nInMul *= pExpr->x.pList->nExpr;
       }else if( pTerm->eOperator & WO_ISNULL ){
-        wsFlags |= WHERE_COLUMN_NULL;
+        pc.plan.wsFlags |= WHERE_COLUMN_NULL;
-      if( nEq==0 && pProbe->aSample ) pFirstTerm = pTerm;
+      if( pc.plan.nEq==0 && pProbe->aSample ) pFirstTerm = pTerm;
-      used |= pTerm->prereqRight;
+      pc.used |= pTerm->prereqRight;
     /* If the index being considered is UNIQUE, and there is an equality 
@@ -106060,65 +107731,82 @@
     ** indicate this to the caller.
     ** Otherwise, if the search may find more than one row, test to see if
-    ** there is a range constraint on indexed column (nEq+1) that can be 
-    ** optimized using the index. 
+    ** there is a range constraint on indexed column (pc.plan.nEq+1) that
+    ** can be optimized using the index. 
-    if( nEq==pProbe->nColumn && pProbe->onError!=OE_None ){
-      testcase( wsFlags & WHERE_COLUMN_IN );
-      testcase( wsFlags & WHERE_COLUMN_NULL );
-      if( (wsFlags & (WHERE_COLUMN_IN|WHERE_COLUMN_NULL))==0 ){
-        wsFlags |= WHERE_UNIQUE;
+    if( pc.plan.nEq==pProbe->nColumn && pProbe->onError!=OE_None ){
+      testcase( pc.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_COLUMN_IN );
+      testcase( pc.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_COLUMN_NULL );
+      if( (pc.plan.wsFlags & (WHERE_COLUMN_IN|WHERE_COLUMN_NULL))==0 ){
+        pc.plan.wsFlags |= WHERE_UNIQUE;
+        if( p->i==0 || (p->aLevel[p->i-1].plan.wsFlags & WHERE_ALL_UNIQUE)!=0 ){
+          pc.plan.wsFlags |= WHERE_ALL_UNIQUE;
+        }
     }else if( pProbe->bUnordered==0 ){
-      int j = (nEq==pProbe->nColumn ? -1 : pProbe->aiColumn[nEq]);
-      if( findTerm(pWC, iCur, j, notReady, WO_LT|WO_LE|WO_GT|WO_GE, pIdx) ){
-        WhereTerm *pTop = findTerm(pWC, iCur, j, notReady, WO_LT|WO_LE, pIdx);
-        WhereTerm *pBtm = findTerm(pWC, iCur, j, notReady, WO_GT|WO_GE, pIdx);
-        whereRangeScanEst(pParse, pProbe, nEq, pBtm, pTop, &rangeDiv);
+      int j;
+      j = (pc.plan.nEq==pProbe->nColumn ? -1 : pProbe->aiColumn[pc.plan.nEq]);
+      if( findTerm(pWC, iCur, j, p->notReady, WO_LT|WO_LE|WO_GT|WO_GE, pIdx) ){
+        WhereTerm *pTop, *pBtm;
+        pTop = findTerm(pWC, iCur, j, p->notReady, WO_LT|WO_LE, pIdx);
+        pBtm = findTerm(pWC, iCur, j, p->notReady, WO_GT|WO_GE, pIdx);
+        whereRangeScanEst(pParse, pProbe, pc.plan.nEq, pBtm, pTop, &rangeDiv);
         if( pTop ){
           nBound = 1;
-          wsFlags |= WHERE_TOP_LIMIT;
-          used |= pTop->prereqRight;
+          pc.plan.wsFlags |= WHERE_TOP_LIMIT;
+          pc.used |= pTop->prereqRight;
           testcase( pTop->pWC!=pWC );
         if( pBtm ){
-          wsFlags |= WHERE_BTM_LIMIT;
-          used |= pBtm->prereqRight;
+          pc.plan.wsFlags |= WHERE_BTM_LIMIT;
+          pc.used |= pBtm->prereqRight;
           testcase( pBtm->pWC!=pWC );
+        pc.plan.wsFlags |= (WHERE_COLUMN_RANGE|WHERE_ROWID_RANGE);
     /* If there is an ORDER BY clause and the index being considered will
     ** naturally scan rows in the required order, set the appropriate flags
-    ** in wsFlags. Otherwise, if there is an ORDER BY clause but the index
-    ** will scan rows in a different order, set the bSort variable.  */
-    if( isSortingIndex(
-          pParse, pWC->pMaskSet, pProbe, iCur, pOrderBy, nEq, wsFlags, &rev)
-    ){
+    ** in pc.plan.wsFlags. Otherwise, if there is an ORDER BY clause but
+    ** the index will scan rows in a different order, set the bSort
+    ** variable.  */
+    if( bSort && (pSrc->jointype & JT_LEFT)==0 ){
+      int bRev = 2;
+      int bObUnique = 0;
+      WHERETRACE(("      --> before isSortIndex: nPriorSat=%d\n",nPriorSat));
+      pc.plan.nOBSat = isSortingIndex(p, pProbe, iCur, &bRev, &bObUnique);
+      WHERETRACE(("      --> after  isSortIndex: bRev=%d bObU=%d nOBSat=%d\n",
+                  bRev, bObUnique, pc.plan.nOBSat));
+      if( nPriorSat<pc.plan.nOBSat || (pc.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_ALL_UNIQUE)!=0 ){
+        pc.plan.wsFlags |= WHERE_ORDERED;
+        if( bObUnique ) pc.plan.wsFlags |= WHERE_OB_UNIQUE;
+      }
+      if( nOrderBy==pc.plan.nOBSat ){
       bSort = 0;
-      wsFlags |= (rev ? WHERE_REVERSE : 0);
+        pc.plan.wsFlags |= WHERE_ROWID_RANGE|WHERE_COLUMN_RANGE;
+      }
+      if( bRev & 1 ) pc.plan.wsFlags |= WHERE_REVERSE;
     /* If there is a DISTINCT qualifier and this index will scan rows in
     ** order of the DISTINCT expressions, clear bDist and set the appropriate
-    ** flags in wsFlags. */
-    if( isDistinctIndex(pParse, pWC, pProbe, iCur, pDistinct, nEq)
-     && (wsFlags & WHERE_COLUMN_IN)==0
+    ** flags in pc.plan.wsFlags. */
+    if( bDist
+     && isDistinctIndex(pParse, pWC, pProbe, iCur, p->pDistinct, pc.plan.nEq)
+     && (pc.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_COLUMN_IN)==0
       bDist = 0;
     /* If currently calculating the cost of using an index (not the IPK
     ** index), determine if all required column data may be obtained without 
     ** using the main table (i.e. if the index is a covering
     ** index for this query). If it is, set the WHERE_IDX_ONLY flag in
-    ** wsFlags. Otherwise, set the bLookup variable to true.  */
-    if( pIdx && wsFlags ){
+    ** pc.plan.wsFlags. Otherwise, set the bLookup variable to true.  */
+    if( pIdx ){
       Bitmask m = pSrc->colUsed;
       int j;
       for(j=0; j<pIdx->nColumn; j++){
@@ -106128,7 +107816,7 @@
       if( m==0 ){
-        wsFlags |= WHERE_IDX_ONLY;
+        pc.plan.wsFlags |= WHERE_IDX_ONLY;
         bLookup = 1;
@@ -106138,10 +107826,10 @@
     ** Estimate the number of rows of output.  For an "x IN (SELECT...)"
     ** constraint, do not let the estimate exceed half the rows in the table.
-    nRow = (double)(aiRowEst[nEq] * nInMul);
-    if( bInEst && nRow*2>aiRowEst[0] ){
-      nRow = aiRowEst[0]/2;
-      nInMul = (int)(nRow / aiRowEst[nEq]);
+    pc.plan.nRow = (double)(aiRowEst[pc.plan.nEq] * nInMul);
+    if( bInEst && pc.plan.nRow*2>aiRowEst[0] ){
+      pc.plan.nRow = aiRowEst[0]/2;
+      nInMul = (int)(pc.plan.nRow / aiRowEst[pc.plan.nEq]);
@@ -106151,15 +107839,19 @@
     ** to get a better estimate on the number of rows based on
     ** VALUE and how common that value is according to the histogram.
-    if( nRow>(double)1 && nEq==1 && pFirstTerm!=0 && aiRowEst[1]>1 ){
+    if( pc.plan.nRow>(double)1 && pc.plan.nEq==1
+     && pFirstTerm!=0 && aiRowEst[1]>1 ){
       assert( (pFirstTerm->eOperator & (WO_EQ|WO_ISNULL|WO_IN))!=0 );
       if( pFirstTerm->eOperator & (WO_EQ|WO_ISNULL) ){
-        testcase( pFirstTerm->eOperator==WO_EQ );
-        testcase( pFirstTerm->eOperator==WO_ISNULL );
-        whereEqualScanEst(pParse, pProbe, pFirstTerm->pExpr->pRight, &nRow);
+        testcase( pFirstTerm->eOperator & WO_EQ );
+        testcase( pFirstTerm->eOperator & WO_EQUIV );
+        testcase( pFirstTerm->eOperator & WO_ISNULL );
+        whereEqualScanEst(pParse, pProbe, pFirstTerm->pExpr->pRight,
+                          &pc.plan.nRow);
       }else if( bInEst==0 ){
-        assert( pFirstTerm->eOperator==WO_IN );
-        whereInScanEst(pParse, pProbe, pFirstTerm->pExpr->x.pList, &nRow);
+        assert( pFirstTerm->eOperator & WO_IN );
+        whereInScanEst(pParse, pProbe, pFirstTerm->pExpr->x.pList,
+                       &pc.plan.nRow);
 #endif /* SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT3 */
@@ -106167,8 +107859,8 @@
     /* Adjust the number of output rows and downward to reflect rows
     ** that are excluded by range constraints.
-    nRow = nRow/rangeDiv;
-    if( nRow<1 ) nRow = 1;
+    pc.plan.nRow = pc.plan.nRow/rangeDiv;
+    if( pc.plan.nRow<1 ) pc.plan.nRow = 1;
     /* Experiments run on real SQLite databases show that the time needed
     ** to do a binary search to locate a row in a table or index is roughly
@@ -106183,7 +107875,19 @@
     ** So this computation assumes table records are about twice as big
     ** as index records
-    if( (wsFlags & WHERE_NOT_FULLSCAN)==0 ){
+                                                              ==WHERE_IDX_ONLY
+     && (pWC->wctrlFlags & WHERE_ONEPASS_DESIRED)==0
+     && sqlite3GlobalConfig.bUseCis
+     && OptimizationEnabled(pParse->db, SQLITE_CoverIdxScan)
+    ){
+      /* This index is not useful for indexing, but it is a covering index.
+      ** A full-scan of the index might be a little faster than a full-scan
+      ** of the table, so give this case a cost slightly less than a table
+      ** scan. */
+      pc.rCost = aiRowEst[0]*3 + pProbe->nColumn;
+      pc.plan.wsFlags |= WHERE_COVER_SCAN|WHERE_COLUMN_RANGE;
+    }else if( (pc.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_NOT_FULLSCAN)==0 ){
       /* The cost of a full table scan is a number of move operations equal
       ** to the number of rows in the table.
@@ -106193,10 +107897,15 @@
       ** decision and one which we expect to revisit in the future.  But
       ** it seems to be working well enough at the moment.
-      cost = aiRowEst[0]*4;
+      pc.rCost = aiRowEst[0]*4;
+      pc.plan.wsFlags &= ~WHERE_IDX_ONLY;
+      if( pIdx ){
+        pc.plan.wsFlags &= ~WHERE_ORDERED;
+        pc.plan.nOBSat = nPriorSat;
+      }
       log10N = estLog(aiRowEst[0]);
-      cost = nRow;
+      pc.rCost = pc.plan.nRow;
       if( pIdx ){
         if( bLookup ){
           /* For an index lookup followed by a table lookup:
@@ -106204,20 +107913,20 @@
           **  + nRow steps through the index
           **  + nRow table searches to lookup the table entry using the rowid
-          cost += (nInMul + nRow)*log10N;
+          pc.rCost += (nInMul + pc.plan.nRow)*log10N;
           /* For a covering index:
           **     nInMul index searches to find the initial entry 
           **   + nRow steps through the index
-          cost += nInMul*log10N;
+          pc.rCost += nInMul*log10N;
         /* For a rowid primary key lookup:
         **    nInMult table searches to find the initial entry for each range
         **  + nRow steps through the table
-        cost += nInMul*log10N;
+        pc.rCost += nInMul*log10N;
@@ -106228,10 +107937,12 @@
     ** difference and select C of 3.0.
     if( bSort ){
-      cost += nRow*estLog(nRow)*3;
+      double m = estLog(pc.plan.nRow*(nOrderBy - pc.plan.nOBSat)/nOrderBy);
+      m *= (double)(pc.plan.nOBSat ? 2 : 3);
+      pc.rCost += pc.plan.nRow*m;
     if( bDist ){
-      cost += nRow*estLog(nRow)*3;
+      pc.rCost += pc.plan.nRow*estLog(pc.plan.nRow)*3;
     /**** Cost of using this index has now been computed ****/
@@ -106252,25 +107963,25 @@
     ** might be selected even when there exists an optimal index that has
     ** no such dependency.
-    if( nRow>2 && cost<=pCost->rCost ){
+    if( pc.plan.nRow>2 && pc.rCost<=p->cost.rCost ){
       int k;                       /* Loop counter */
-      int nSkipEq = nEq;           /* Number of == constraints to skip */
+      int nSkipEq = pc.plan.nEq;   /* Number of == constraints to skip */
       int nSkipRange = nBound;     /* Number of < constraints to skip */
       Bitmask thisTab;             /* Bitmap for pSrc */
       thisTab = getMask(pWC->pMaskSet, iCur);
-      for(pTerm=pWC->a, k=pWC->nTerm; nRow>2 && k; k--, pTerm++){
+      for(pTerm=pWC->a, k=pWC->nTerm; pc.plan.nRow>2 && k; k--, pTerm++){
         if( pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_VIRTUAL ) continue;
-        if( (pTerm->prereqAll & notValid)!=thisTab ) continue;
+        if( (pTerm->prereqAll & p->notValid)!=thisTab ) continue;
         if( pTerm->eOperator & (WO_EQ|WO_IN|WO_ISNULL) ){
           if( nSkipEq ){
-            /* Ignore the first nEq equality matches since the index
+            /* Ignore the first pc.plan.nEq equality matches since the index
             ** has already accounted for these */
             /* Assume each additional equality match reduces the result
             ** set size by a factor of 10 */
-            nRow /= 10;
+            pc.plan.nRow /= 10;
         }else if( pTerm->eOperator & (WO_LT|WO_LE|WO_GT|WO_GE) ){
           if( nSkipRange ){
@@ -106284,37 +107995,33 @@
             ** more selective intentionally because of the subjective 
             ** observation that indexed range constraints really are more
             ** selective in practice, on average. */
-            nRow /= 3;
+            pc.plan.nRow /= 3;
-        }else if( pTerm->eOperator!=WO_NOOP ){
+        }else if( (pTerm->eOperator & WO_NOOP)==0 ){
           /* Any other expression lowers the output row count by half */
-          nRow /= 2;
+          pc.plan.nRow /= 2;
-      if( nRow<2 ) nRow = 2;
+      if( pc.plan.nRow<2 ) pc.plan.nRow = 2;
-      "%s(%s): nEq=%d nInMul=%d rangeDiv=%d bSort=%d bLookup=%d wsFlags=0x%x\n"
-      "         notReady=0x%llx log10N=%.1f nRow=%.1f cost=%.1f used=0x%llx\n",
-      pSrc->pTab->zName, (pIdx ? pIdx->zName : "ipk"), 
-      nEq, nInMul, (int)rangeDiv, bSort, bLookup, wsFlags,
-      notReady, log10N, nRow, cost, used
+      "      nEq=%d nInMul=%d rangeDiv=%d bSort=%d bLookup=%d wsFlags=0x%08x\n"
+      "      notReady=0x%llx log10N=%.1f nRow=%.1f cost=%.1f\n"
+      "      used=0x%llx nOBSat=%d\n",
+      pc.plan.nEq, nInMul, (int)rangeDiv, bSort, bLookup, pc.plan.wsFlags,
+      p->notReady, log10N, pc.plan.nRow, pc.rCost, pc.used,
+      pc.plan.nOBSat
     /* If this index is the best we have seen so far, then record this
-    ** index and its cost in the pCost structure.
+    ** index and its cost in the p->cost structure.
-    if( (!pIdx || wsFlags)
-     && (cost<pCost->rCost || (cost<=pCost->rCost && nRow<pCost->plan.nRow))
-    ){
-      pCost->rCost = cost;
-      pCost->used = used;
-      pCost->plan.nRow = nRow;
-      pCost->plan.wsFlags = (wsFlags&wsFlagMask);
-      pCost->plan.nEq = nEq;
-      pCost->plan.u.pIdx = pIdx;
+    if( (!pIdx || pc.plan.wsFlags) && compareCost(&pc, &p->cost) ){
+      p->cost = pc;
+      p->cost.plan.wsFlags &= wsFlagMask;
+      p->cost.plan.u.pIdx = pIdx;
     /* If there was an INDEXED BY clause, then only that one index is
@@ -106329,27 +108036,26 @@
   /* If there is no ORDER BY clause and the SQLITE_ReverseOrder flag
   ** is set, then reverse the order that the index will be scanned
   ** in. This is used for application testing, to help find cases
-  ** where application behaviour depends on the (undefined) order that
+  ** where application behavior depends on the (undefined) order that
   ** SQLite outputs rows in in the absence of an ORDER BY clause.  */
-  if( !pOrderBy && pParse->db->flags & SQLITE_ReverseOrder ){
-    pCost->plan.wsFlags |= WHERE_REVERSE;
+  if( !p->pOrderBy && pParse->db->flags & SQLITE_ReverseOrder ){
+    p->cost.plan.wsFlags |= WHERE_REVERSE;
-  assert( pOrderBy || (pCost->plan.wsFlags&WHERE_ORDERBY)==0 );
-  assert( pCost->plan.u.pIdx==0 || (pCost->plan.wsFlags&WHERE_ROWID_EQ)==0 );
+  assert( p->pOrderBy || (p->cost.plan.wsFlags&WHERE_ORDERED)==0 );
+  assert( p->cost.plan.u.pIdx==0 || (p->cost.plan.wsFlags&WHERE_ROWID_EQ)==0 );
   assert( pSrc->pIndex==0 
-       || pCost->plan.u.pIdx==0 
-       || pCost->plan.u.pIdx==pSrc->pIndex 
+       || p->cost.plan.u.pIdx==0 
+       || p->cost.plan.u.pIdx==pSrc->pIndex 
-  WHERETRACE(("best index is: %s\n", 
-    ((pCost->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_NOT_FULLSCAN)==0 ? "none" : 
-         pCost->plan.u.pIdx ? pCost->plan.u.pIdx->zName : "ipk")
-  ));
+  WHERETRACE(("   best index is %s cost=%.1f\n",
+         p->cost.plan.u.pIdx ? p->cost.plan.u.pIdx->zName : "ipk",
+         p->cost.rCost));
-  bestOrClauseIndex(pParse, pWC, pSrc, notReady, notValid, pOrderBy, pCost);
-  bestAutomaticIndex(pParse, pWC, pSrc, notReady, pCost);
-  pCost->plan.wsFlags |= eqTermMask;
+  bestOrClauseIndex(p);
+  bestAutomaticIndex(p);
+  p->cost.plan.wsFlags |= eqTermMask;
@@ -106357,28 +108063,28 @@
 ** best query plan and its cost into the WhereCost object supplied 
 ** as the last parameter. This function may calculate the cost of
 ** both real and virtual table scans.
+** This function does not take ORDER BY or DISTINCT into account.  Nor
+** does it remember the virtual table query plan.  All it does is compute
+** the cost while determining if an OR optimization is applicable.  The
+** details will be reconsidered later if the optimization is found to be
+** applicable.
-static void bestIndex(
-  Parse *pParse,              /* The parsing context */
-  WhereClause *pWC,           /* The WHERE clause */
-  struct SrcList_item *pSrc,  /* The FROM clause term to search */
-  Bitmask notReady,           /* Mask of cursors not available for indexing */
-  Bitmask notValid,           /* Cursors not available for any purpose */
-  ExprList *pOrderBy,         /* The ORDER BY clause */
-  WhereCost *pCost            /* Lowest cost query plan */
+static void bestIndex(WhereBestIdx *p){
-  if( IsVirtual(pSrc->pTab) ){
-    sqlite3_index_info *p = 0;
-    bestVirtualIndex(pParse, pWC, pSrc, notReady, notValid, pOrderBy, pCost,&p);
-    if( p->needToFreeIdxStr ){
-      sqlite3_free(p->idxStr);
+  if( IsVirtual(p->pSrc->pTab) ){
+    sqlite3_index_info *pIdxInfo = 0;
+    p->ppIdxInfo = &pIdxInfo;
+    bestVirtualIndex(p);
+    assert( pIdxInfo!=0 || p->pParse->db->mallocFailed );
+    if( pIdxInfo && pIdxInfo->needToFreeIdxStr ){
+      sqlite3_free(pIdxInfo->idxStr);
-    sqlite3DbFree(pParse->db, p);
+    sqlite3DbFree(p->pParse->db, pIdxInfo);
-    bestBtreeIndex(pParse, pWC, pSrc, notReady, notValid, pOrderBy, 0, pCost);
+    bestBtreeIndex(p);
@@ -106477,7 +108183,8 @@
 static int codeEqualityTerm(
   Parse *pParse,      /* The parsing context */
   WhereTerm *pTerm,   /* The term of the WHERE clause to be coded */
-  WhereLevel *pLevel, /* When level of the FROM clause we are working on */
+  WhereLevel *pLevel, /* The level of the FROM clause we are working on */
+  int iEq,            /* Index of the equality term within this level */
   int iTarget         /* Attempt to leave results in this register */
   Expr *pX = pTerm->pExpr;
@@ -106495,12 +108202,26 @@
     int eType;
     int iTab;
     struct InLoop *pIn;
+    u8 bRev = (pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_REVERSE)!=0;
+    if( (pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_INDEXED)!=0 
+      && pLevel->plan.u.pIdx->aSortOrder[iEq]
+    ){
+      testcase( iEq==0 );
+      testcase( iEq==pLevel->plan.u.pIdx->nColumn-1 );
+      testcase( iEq>0 && iEq+1<pLevel->plan.u.pIdx->nColumn );
+      testcase( bRev );
+      bRev = !bRev;
+    }
     assert( pX->op==TK_IN );
     iReg = iTarget;
     eType = sqlite3FindInIndex(pParse, pX, 0);
+    if( eType==IN_INDEX_INDEX_DESC ){
+      testcase( bRev );
+      bRev = !bRev;
+    }
     iTab = pX->iTable;
-    sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Rewind, iTab, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, bRev ? OP_Last : OP_Rewind, iTab, 0);
     assert( pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_IN_ABLE );
     if( pLevel->u.in.nIn==0 ){
       pLevel->addrNxt = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v);
@@ -106518,6 +108239,7 @@
         pIn->addrInTop = sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_Column, iTab, 0, iReg);
+      pIn->eEndLoopOp = bRev ? OP_Prev : OP_Next;
       sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_IsNull, iReg);
       pLevel->u.in.nIn = 0;
@@ -106607,12 +108329,12 @@
     int r1;
     int k = pIdx->aiColumn[j];
     pTerm = findTerm(pWC, iCur, k, notReady, pLevel->plan.wsFlags, pIdx);
-    if( NEVER(pTerm==0) ) break;
+    if( pTerm==0 ) break;
     /* The following true for indices with redundant columns. 
     ** Ex: CREATE INDEX i1 ON t1(a,b,a); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a=0 AND b=0; */
     testcase( (pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_CODED)!=0 );
     testcase( pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_VIRTUAL ); /* EV: R-30575-11662 */
-    r1 = codeEqualityTerm(pParse, pTerm, pLevel, regBase+j);
+    r1 = codeEqualityTerm(pParse, pTerm, pLevel, j, regBase+j);
     if( r1!=regBase+j ){
       if( nReg==1 ){
         sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, regBase);
@@ -106822,6 +108544,7 @@
   int addrCont;                   /* Jump here to continue with next cycle */
   int iRowidReg = 0;        /* Rowid is stored in this register, if not zero */
   int iReleaseReg = 0;      /* Temp register to free before returning */
+  Bitmask newNotReady;      /* Return value */
   pParse = pWInfo->pParse;
   v = pParse->pVdbe;
@@ -106832,6 +108555,7 @@
   bRev = (pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_REVERSE)!=0;
   omitTable = (pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_IDX_ONLY)!=0 
            && (wctrlFlags & WHERE_FORCE_TABLE)==0;
+  VdbeNoopComment((v, "Begin Join Loop %d", iLevel));
   /* Create labels for the "break" and "continue" instructions
   ** for the current loop.  Jump to addrBrk to break out of a loop.
@@ -106856,12 +108580,23 @@
     VdbeComment((v, "init LEFT JOIN no-match flag"));
+  /* Special case of a FROM clause subquery implemented as a co-routine */
+  if( pTabItem->viaCoroutine ){
+    int regYield = pTabItem->regReturn;
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, pTabItem->addrFillSub-1, regYield);
+    pLevel->p2 =  sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(v, OP_Yield, regYield);
+    VdbeComment((v, "next row of co-routine %s", pTabItem->pTab->zName));
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_If, regYield+1, addrBrk);
+    pLevel->op = OP_Goto;
+  }else
   if(  (pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_VIRTUALTABLE)!=0 ){
     /* Case 0:  The table is a virtual-table.  Use the VFilter and VNext
     **          to access the data.
     int iReg;   /* P3 Value for OP_VFilter */
+    int addrNotFound;
     sqlite3_index_info *pVtabIdx = pLevel->plan.u.pVtabIdx;
     int nConstraint = pVtabIdx->nConstraint;
     struct sqlite3_index_constraint_usage *aUsage =
@@ -106871,11 +108606,18 @@
     iReg = sqlite3GetTempRange(pParse, nConstraint+2);
+    addrNotFound = pLevel->addrBrk;
     for(j=1; j<=nConstraint; j++){
       for(k=0; k<nConstraint; k++){
         if( aUsage[k].argvIndex==j ){
-          int iTerm = aConstraint[k].iTermOffset;
-          sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pWC->a[iTerm].pExpr->pRight, iReg+j+1);
+          int iTarget = iReg+j+1;
+          pTerm = &pWC->a[aConstraint[k].iTermOffset];
+          if( pTerm->eOperator & WO_IN ){
+            codeEqualityTerm(pParse, pTerm, pLevel, k, iTarget);
+            addrNotFound = pLevel->addrNxt;
+          }else{
+            sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pTerm->pExpr->pRight, iTarget);
+          }
@@ -106883,7 +108625,7 @@
     sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, pVtabIdx->idxNum, iReg);
     sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Integer, j-1, iReg+1);
-    sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_VFilter, iCur, addrBrk, iReg, pVtabIdx->idxStr,
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_VFilter, iCur, addrNotFound, iReg, pVtabIdx->idxStr,
                       pVtabIdx->needToFreeIdxStr ? P4_MPRINTF : P4_STATIC);
     pVtabIdx->needToFreeIdxStr = 0;
     for(j=0; j<nConstraint; j++){
@@ -106910,13 +108652,13 @@
     pTerm = findTerm(pWC, iCur, -1, notReady, WO_EQ|WO_IN, 0);
     assert( pTerm!=0 );
     assert( pTerm->pExpr!=0 );
-    assert( pTerm->leftCursor==iCur );
     assert( omitTable==0 );
     testcase( pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_VIRTUAL ); /* EV: R-30575-11662 */
-    iRowidReg = codeEqualityTerm(pParse, pTerm, pLevel, iReleaseReg);
+    iRowidReg = codeEqualityTerm(pParse, pTerm, pLevel, 0, iReleaseReg);
     addrNxt = pLevel->addrNxt;
     sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_MustBeInt, iRowidReg, addrNxt);
     sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_NotExists, iCur, addrNxt, iRowidReg);
+    sqlite3ExprCacheAffinityChange(pParse, iRowidReg, 1);
     sqlite3ExprCacheStore(pParse, iCur, -1, iRowidReg);
     VdbeComment((v, "pk"));
     pLevel->op = OP_Noop;
@@ -107074,7 +108816,7 @@
     ** this requires some special handling.
     if( (wctrlFlags&WHERE_ORDERBY_MIN)!=0
-     && (pLevel->plan.wsFlags&WHERE_ORDERBY)
+     && (pLevel->plan.wsFlags&WHERE_ORDERED)
      && (pIdx->nColumn>nEq)
       /* assert( pOrderBy->nExpr==1 ); */
@@ -107237,6 +108979,11 @@
       pLevel->op = OP_Next;
     pLevel->p1 = iIdxCur;
+    if( pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_COVER_SCAN ){
+    }else{
+      assert( pLevel->p5==0 );
+    }
@@ -107282,6 +109029,8 @@
     WhereClause *pOrWc;    /* The OR-clause broken out into subterms */
     SrcList *pOrTab;       /* Shortened table list or OR-clause generation */
+    Index *pCov = 0;             /* Potential covering index (or NULL) */
+    int iCovCur = pParse->nTab++;  /* Cursor used for index scans (if any) */
     int regReturn = ++pParse->nMem;           /* Register used with OP_Gosub */
     int regRowset = 0;                        /* Register for RowSet object */
@@ -107294,13 +109043,13 @@
     pTerm = pLevel->plan.u.pTerm;
     assert( pTerm!=0 );
-    assert( pTerm->eOperator==WO_OR );
+    assert( pTerm->eOperator & WO_OR );
     assert( (pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_ORINFO)!=0 );
     pOrWc = &pTerm->u.pOrInfo->wc;
     pLevel->op = OP_Return;
     pLevel->p1 = regReturn;
-    /* Set up a new SrcList ni pOrTab containing the table being scanned
+    /* Set up a new SrcList in pOrTab containing the table being scanned
     ** by this loop in the a[0] slot and all notReady tables in a[1..] slots.
     ** This becomes the SrcList in the recursive call to sqlite3WhereBegin().
@@ -107349,6 +109098,10 @@
     ** the "interesting" terms of z - terms that did not originate in the
     ** ON or USING clause of a LEFT JOIN, and terms that are usable as 
     ** indices.
+    **
+    ** This optimization also only applies if the (x1 OR x2 OR ...) term
+    ** is not contained in the ON clause of a LEFT JOIN.
+    ** See ticket http://www.sqlite.org/src/info/f2369304e4
     if( pWC->nTerm>1 ){
       int iTerm;
@@ -107367,18 +109120,20 @@
     for(ii=0; ii<pOrWc->nTerm; ii++){
       WhereTerm *pOrTerm = &pOrWc->a[ii];
-      if( pOrTerm->leftCursor==iCur || pOrTerm->eOperator==WO_AND ){
+      if( pOrTerm->leftCursor==iCur || (pOrTerm->eOperator & WO_AND)!=0 ){
         WhereInfo *pSubWInfo;          /* Info for single OR-term scan */
         Expr *pOrExpr = pOrTerm->pExpr;
-        if( pAndExpr ){
+        if( pAndExpr && !ExprHasProperty(pOrExpr, EP_FromJoin) ){
           pAndExpr->pLeft = pOrExpr;
           pOrExpr = pAndExpr;
         /* Loop through table entries that match term pOrTerm. */
         pSubWInfo = sqlite3WhereBegin(pParse, pOrTab, pOrExpr, 0, 0,
                         WHERE_OMIT_OPEN_CLOSE | WHERE_AND_ONLY |
-                        WHERE_FORCE_TABLE | WHERE_ONETABLE_ONLY);
+                        WHERE_FORCE_TABLE | WHERE_ONETABLE_ONLY, iCovCur);
+        assert( pSubWInfo || pParse->nErr || pParse->db->mallocFailed );
         if( pSubWInfo ){
+          WhereLevel *pLvl;
               pParse, pOrTab, &pSubWInfo->a[0], iLevel, pLevel->iFrom, 0
@@ -107399,11 +109154,36 @@
           if( pSubWInfo->untestedTerms ) untestedTerms = 1;
+          /* If all of the OR-connected terms are optimized using the same
+          ** index, and the index is opened using the same cursor number
+          ** by each call to sqlite3WhereBegin() made by this loop, it may
+          ** be possible to use that index as a covering index.
+          **
+          ** If the call to sqlite3WhereBegin() above resulted in a scan that
+          ** uses an index, and this is either the first OR-connected term
+          ** processed or the index is the same as that used by all previous
+          ** terms, set pCov to the candidate covering index. Otherwise, set 
+          ** pCov to NULL to indicate that no candidate covering index will 
+          ** be available.
+          */
+          pLvl = &pSubWInfo->a[0];
+          if( (pLvl->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_INDEXED)!=0
+           && (pLvl->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_TEMP_INDEX)==0
+           && (ii==0 || pLvl->plan.u.pIdx==pCov)
+          ){
+            assert( pLvl->iIdxCur==iCovCur );
+            pCov = pLvl->plan.u.pIdx;
+          }else{
+            pCov = 0;
+          }
           /* Finish the loop through table entries that match term pOrTerm. */
+    pLevel->u.pCovidx = pCov;
+    if( pCov ) pLevel->iIdxCur = iCovCur;
     if( pAndExpr ){
       pAndExpr->pLeft = 0;
       sqlite3ExprDelete(pParse->db, pAndExpr);
@@ -107430,7 +109210,7 @@
     pLevel->p2 = 1 + sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, aStart[bRev], iCur, addrBrk);
-  notReady &= ~getMask(pWC->pMaskSet, iCur);
+  newNotReady = notReady & ~getMask(pWC->pMaskSet, iCur);
   /* Insert code to test every subexpression that can be completely
   ** computed using the current set of tables.
@@ -107444,7 +109224,7 @@
     testcase( pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_VIRTUAL ); /* IMP: R-30575-11662 */
     testcase( pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_CODED );
     if( pTerm->wtFlags & (TERM_VIRTUAL|TERM_CODED) ) continue;
-    if( (pTerm->prereqAll & notReady)!=0 ){
+    if( (pTerm->prereqAll & newNotReady)!=0 ){
       testcase( pWInfo->untestedTerms==0
                && (pWInfo->wctrlFlags & WHERE_ONETABLE_ONLY)!=0 );
       pWInfo->untestedTerms = 1;
@@ -107459,6 +109239,33 @@
     pTerm->wtFlags |= TERM_CODED;
+  /* Insert code to test for implied constraints based on transitivity
+  ** of the "==" operator.
+  **
+  ** Example: If the WHERE clause contains "t1.a=t2.b" and "t2.b=123"
+  ** and we are coding the t1 loop and the t2 loop has not yet coded,
+  ** then we cannot use the "t1.a=t2.b" constraint, but we can code
+  ** the implied "t1.a=123" constraint.
+  */
+  for(pTerm=pWC->a, j=pWC->nTerm; j>0; j--, pTerm++){
+    Expr *pE;
+    WhereTerm *pAlt;
+    Expr sEq;
+    if( pTerm->wtFlags & (TERM_VIRTUAL|TERM_CODED) ) continue;
+    if( pTerm->eOperator!=(WO_EQUIV|WO_EQ) ) continue;
+    if( pTerm->leftCursor!=iCur ) continue;
+    pE = pTerm->pExpr;
+    assert( !ExprHasProperty(pE, EP_FromJoin) );
+    assert( (pTerm->prereqRight & newNotReady)!=0 );
+    pAlt = findTerm(pWC, iCur, pTerm->u.leftColumn, notReady, WO_EQ|WO_IN, 0);
+    if( pAlt==0 ) continue;
+    if( pAlt->wtFlags & (TERM_CODED) ) continue;
+    VdbeNoopComment((v, "begin transitive constraint"));
+    sEq = *pAlt->pExpr;
+    sEq.pLeft = pE->pLeft;
+    sqlite3ExprIfFalse(pParse, &sEq, addrCont, SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL);
+  }
   /* For a LEFT OUTER JOIN, generate code that will record the fact that
   ** at least one row of the right table has matched the left table.  
@@ -107471,7 +109278,7 @@
       testcase( pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_VIRTUAL );  /* IMP: R-30575-11662 */
       testcase( pTerm->wtFlags & TERM_CODED );
       if( pTerm->wtFlags & (TERM_VIRTUAL|TERM_CODED) ) continue;
-      if( (pTerm->prereqAll & notReady)!=0 ){
+      if( (pTerm->prereqAll & newNotReady)!=0 ){
         assert( pWInfo->untestedTerms );
@@ -107482,7 +109289,7 @@
   sqlite3ReleaseTempReg(pParse, iReleaseReg);
-  return notReady;
+  return newNotReady;
 #if defined(SQLITE_TEST)
@@ -107602,41 +109409,46 @@
-** *ppOrderBy is a pointer to the ORDER BY clause of a SELECT statement,
+** pOrderBy is a pointer to the ORDER BY clause of a SELECT statement,
 ** if there is one.  If there is no ORDER BY clause or if this routine
-** is called from an UPDATE or DELETE statement, then ppOrderBy is NULL.
+** is called from an UPDATE or DELETE statement, then pOrderBy is NULL.
 ** If an index can be used so that the natural output order of the table
 ** scan is correct for the ORDER BY clause, then that index is used and
-** *ppOrderBy is set to NULL.  This is an optimization that prevents an
-** unnecessary sort of the result set if an index appropriate for the
-** ORDER BY clause already exists.
+** the returned WhereInfo.nOBSat field is set to pOrderBy->nExpr.  This
+** is an optimization that prevents an unnecessary sort of the result set
+** if an index appropriate for the ORDER BY clause already exists.
 ** If the where clause loops cannot be arranged to provide the correct
-** output order, then the *ppOrderBy is unchanged.
+** output order, then WhereInfo.nOBSat is 0.
 SQLITE_PRIVATE WhereInfo *sqlite3WhereBegin(
   Parse *pParse,        /* The parser context */
   SrcList *pTabList,    /* A list of all tables to be scanned */
   Expr *pWhere,         /* The WHERE clause */
-  ExprList **ppOrderBy, /* An ORDER BY clause, or NULL */
+  ExprList *pOrderBy,   /* An ORDER BY clause, or NULL */
   ExprList *pDistinct,  /* The select-list for DISTINCT queries - or NULL */
-  u16 wctrlFlags        /* One of the WHERE_* flags defined in sqliteInt.h */
+  u16 wctrlFlags,       /* One of the WHERE_* flags defined in sqliteInt.h */
+  int iIdxCur           /* If WHERE_ONETABLE_ONLY is set, index cursor number */
-  int i;                     /* Loop counter */
   int nByteWInfo;            /* Num. bytes allocated for WhereInfo struct */
   int nTabList;              /* Number of elements in pTabList */
   WhereInfo *pWInfo;         /* Will become the return value of this function */
   Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe;   /* The virtual database engine */
   Bitmask notReady;          /* Cursors that are not yet positioned */
+  WhereBestIdx sWBI;         /* Best index search context */
   WhereMaskSet *pMaskSet;    /* The expression mask set */
-  WhereClause *pWC;               /* Decomposition of the WHERE clause */
-  struct SrcList_item *pTabItem;  /* A single entry from pTabList */
-  WhereLevel *pLevel;             /* A single level in the pWInfo list */
+  WhereLevel *pLevel;        /* A single level in pWInfo->a[] */
   int iFrom;                      /* First unused FROM clause element */
   int andFlags;              /* AND-ed combination of all pWC->a[].wtFlags */
+  int ii;                    /* Loop counter */
   sqlite3 *db;               /* Database connection */
+  /* Variable initialization */
+  memset(&sWBI, 0, sizeof(sWBI));
+  sWBI.pParse = pParse;
   /* The number of tables in the FROM clause is limited by the number of
   ** bits in a Bitmask 
@@ -107676,22 +109488,23 @@
   pWInfo->pParse = pParse;
   pWInfo->pTabList = pTabList;
   pWInfo->iBreak = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v);
-  pWInfo->pWC = pWC = (WhereClause *)&((u8 *)pWInfo)[nByteWInfo];
+  pWInfo->pWC = sWBI.pWC = (WhereClause *)&((u8 *)pWInfo)[nByteWInfo];
   pWInfo->wctrlFlags = wctrlFlags;
   pWInfo->savedNQueryLoop = pParse->nQueryLoop;
-  pMaskSet = (WhereMaskSet*)&pWC[1];
+  pMaskSet = (WhereMaskSet*)&sWBI.pWC[1];
+  sWBI.aLevel = pWInfo->a;
   /* Disable the DISTINCT optimization if SQLITE_DistinctOpt is set via
   ** sqlite3_test_ctrl(SQLITE_TESTCTRL_OPTIMIZATIONS,...) */
-  if( db->flags & SQLITE_DistinctOpt ) pDistinct = 0;
+  if( OptimizationDisabled(db, SQLITE_DistinctOpt) ) pDistinct = 0;
   /* Split the WHERE clause into separate subexpressions where each
   ** subexpression is separated by an AND operator.
-  whereClauseInit(pWC, pParse, pMaskSet, wctrlFlags);
+  whereClauseInit(sWBI.pWC, pParse, pMaskSet, wctrlFlags);
   sqlite3ExprCodeConstants(pParse, pWhere);
-  whereSplit(pWC, pWhere, TK_AND);   /* IMP: R-15842-53296 */
+  whereSplit(sWBI.pWC, pWhere, TK_AND);   /* IMP: R-15842-53296 */
   /* Special case: a WHERE clause that is constant.  Evaluate the
   ** expression and either jump over all of the code or fall thru.
@@ -107712,30 +109525,19 @@
   ** bitmask for all tables to the left of the join.  Knowing the bitmask
   ** for all tables to the left of a left join is important.  Ticket #3015.
-  ** Configure the WhereClause.vmask variable so that bits that correspond
-  ** to virtual table cursors are set. This is used to selectively disable 
-  ** the OR-to-IN transformation in exprAnalyzeOrTerm(). It is not helpful 
-  ** with virtual tables.
-  **
   ** Note that bitmasks are created for all pTabList->nSrc tables in
   ** pTabList, not just the first nTabList tables.  nTabList is normally
   ** equal to pTabList->nSrc but might be shortened to 1 if the
   ** WHERE_ONETABLE_ONLY flag is set.
-  assert( pWC->vmask==0 && pMaskSet->n==0 );
-  for(i=0; i<pTabList->nSrc; i++){
-    createMask(pMaskSet, pTabList->a[i].iCursor);
-    if( ALWAYS(pTabList->a[i].pTab) && IsVirtual(pTabList->a[i].pTab) ){
-      pWC->vmask |= ((Bitmask)1 << i);
-    }
+  for(ii=0; ii<pTabList->nSrc; ii++){
+    createMask(pMaskSet, pTabList->a[ii].iCursor);
 #ifndef NDEBUG
     Bitmask toTheLeft = 0;
-    for(i=0; i<pTabList->nSrc; i++){
-      Bitmask m = getMask(pMaskSet, pTabList->a[i].iCursor);
+    for(ii=0; ii<pTabList->nSrc; ii++){
+      Bitmask m = getMask(pMaskSet, pTabList->a[ii].iCursor);
       assert( (m-1)==toTheLeft );
       toTheLeft |= m;
@@ -107747,7 +109549,7 @@
   ** want to analyze these virtual terms, so start analyzing at the end
   ** and work forward so that the added virtual terms are never processed.
-  exprAnalyzeAll(pTabList, pWC);
+  exprAnalyzeAll(pTabList, sWBI.pWC);
   if( db->mallocFailed ){
     goto whereBeginError;
@@ -107756,7 +109558,7 @@
   ** If it is, then set pDistinct to NULL and WhereInfo.eDistinct to
   ** WHERE_DISTINCT_UNIQUE to tell the caller to ignore the DISTINCT.
-  if( pDistinct && isDistinctRedundant(pParse, pTabList, pWC, pDistinct) ){
+  if( pDistinct && isDistinctRedundant(pParse, pTabList, sWBI.pWC, pDistinct) ){
     pDistinct = 0;
     pWInfo->eDistinct = WHERE_DISTINCT_UNIQUE;
@@ -107776,22 +109578,26 @@
   ** This loop also figures out the nesting order of tables in the FROM
   ** clause.
-  notReady = ~(Bitmask)0;
+  sWBI.notValid = ~(Bitmask)0;
+  sWBI.pOrderBy = pOrderBy;
+  sWBI.n = nTabList;
+  sWBI.pDistinct = pDistinct;
   andFlags = ~0;
   WHERETRACE(("*** Optimizer Start ***\n"));
-  for(i=iFrom=0, pLevel=pWInfo->a; i<nTabList; i++, pLevel++){
+  for(sWBI.i=iFrom=0, pLevel=pWInfo->a; sWBI.i<nTabList; sWBI.i++, pLevel++){
     WhereCost bestPlan;         /* Most efficient plan seen so far */
     Index *pIdx;                /* Index for FROM table at pTabItem */
     int j;                      /* For looping over FROM tables */
     int bestJ = -1;             /* The value of j */
     Bitmask m;                  /* Bitmask value for j or bestJ */
     int isOptimal;              /* Iterator for optimal/non-optimal search */
+    int ckOptimal;              /* Do the optimal scan check */
     int nUnconstrained;         /* Number tables without INDEXED BY */
     Bitmask notIndexed;         /* Mask of tables that cannot use an index */
     memset(&bestPlan, 0, sizeof(bestPlan));
     bestPlan.rCost = SQLITE_BIG_DBL;
-    WHERETRACE(("*** Begin search for loop %d ***\n", i));
+    WHERETRACE(("*** Begin search for loop %d ***\n", sWBI.i));
     /* Loop through the remaining entries in the FROM clause to find the
     ** next nested loop. The loop tests all FROM clause entries
@@ -107807,8 +109613,8 @@
     ** by waiting for other tables to run first.  This "optimal" test works
     ** by first assuming that the FROM clause is on the inner loop and finding
     ** its query plan, then checking to see if that query plan uses any
-    ** other FROM clause terms that are notReady.  If no notReady terms are
-    ** used then the "optimal" query plan works.
+    ** other FROM clause terms that are sWBI.notValid.  If no notValid terms
+    ** are used then the "optimal" query plan works.
     ** Note that the WhereCost.nRow parameter for an optimal scan might
     ** not be as small as it would be if the table really were the innermost
@@ -107820,10 +109626,8 @@
     ** strategies were found by the first iteration. This second iteration
     ** is used to search for the lowest cost scan overall.
-    ** Previous versions of SQLite performed only the second iteration -
-    ** the next outermost loop was always that with the lowest overall
-    ** cost. However, this meant that SQLite could select the wrong plan
-    ** for scripts such as the following:
+    ** Without the optimal scan step (the first iteration) a suboptimal
+    ** plan might be chosen for queries like this:
     **   CREATE TABLE t1(a, b); 
     **   CREATE TABLE t2(c, d);
@@ -107838,59 +109642,89 @@
     nUnconstrained = 0;
     notIndexed = 0;
-    for(isOptimal=(iFrom<nTabList-1); isOptimal>=0 && bestJ<0; isOptimal--){
-      Bitmask mask;             /* Mask of tables not yet ready */
-      for(j=iFrom, pTabItem=&pTabList->a[j]; j<nTabList; j++, pTabItem++){
-        int doNotReorder;    /* True if this table should not be reordered */
-        WhereCost sCost;     /* Cost information from best[Virtual]Index() */
-        ExprList *pOrderBy;  /* ORDER BY clause for index to optimize */
-        ExprList *pDist;     /* DISTINCT clause for index to optimize */
-        doNotReorder =  (pTabItem->jointype & (JT_LEFT|JT_CROSS))!=0;
-        if( j!=iFrom && doNotReorder ) break;
-        m = getMask(pMaskSet, pTabItem->iCursor);
-        if( (m & notReady)==0 ){
+    /* The optimal scan check only occurs if there are two or more tables
+    ** available to be reordered */
+    if( iFrom==nTabList-1 ){
+      ckOptimal = 0;  /* Common case of just one table in the FROM clause */
+    }else{
+      ckOptimal = -1;
+      for(j=iFrom, sWBI.pSrc=&pTabList->a[j]; j<nTabList; j++, sWBI.pSrc++){
+        m = getMask(pMaskSet, sWBI.pSrc->iCursor);
+        if( (m & sWBI.notValid)==0 ){
           if( j==iFrom ) iFrom++;
-        mask = (isOptimal ? m : notReady);
-        pOrderBy = ((i==0 && ppOrderBy )?*ppOrderBy:0);
-        pDist = (i==0 ? pDistinct : 0);
-        if( pTabItem->pIndex==0 ) nUnconstrained++;
-        WHERETRACE(("=== trying table %d with isOptimal=%d ===\n",
-                    j, isOptimal));
-        assert( pTabItem->pTab );
+        if( j>iFrom && (sWBI.pSrc->jointype & (JT_LEFT|JT_CROSS))!=0 ) break;
+        if( ++ckOptimal ) break;
+        if( (sWBI.pSrc->jointype & JT_LEFT)!=0 ) break;
+      }
+    }
+    assert( ckOptimal==0 || ckOptimal==1 );
+    for(isOptimal=ckOptimal; isOptimal>=0 && bestJ<0; isOptimal--){
+      for(j=iFrom, sWBI.pSrc=&pTabList->a[j]; j<nTabList; j++, sWBI.pSrc++){
+        if( j>iFrom && (sWBI.pSrc->jointype & (JT_LEFT|JT_CROSS))!=0 ){
+          /* This break and one like it in the ckOptimal computation loop
+          ** above prevent table reordering across LEFT and CROSS JOINs.
+          ** The LEFT JOIN case is necessary for correctness.  The prohibition
+          ** against reordering across a CROSS JOIN is an SQLite feature that
+          ** allows the developer to control table reordering */
+          break;
+        }
+        m = getMask(pMaskSet, sWBI.pSrc->iCursor);
+        if( (m & sWBI.notValid)==0 ){
+          assert( j>iFrom );
+          continue;
+        }
+        sWBI.notReady = (isOptimal ? m : sWBI.notValid);
+        if( sWBI.pSrc->pIndex==0 ) nUnconstrained++;
+        WHERETRACE(("   === trying table %d (%s) with isOptimal=%d ===\n",
+                    j, sWBI.pSrc->pTab->zName, isOptimal));
+        assert( sWBI.pSrc->pTab );
-        if( IsVirtual(pTabItem->pTab) ){
-          sqlite3_index_info **pp = &pWInfo->a[j].pIdxInfo;
-          bestVirtualIndex(pParse, pWC, pTabItem, mask, notReady, pOrderBy,
-                           &sCost, pp);
+        if( IsVirtual(sWBI.pSrc->pTab) ){
+          sWBI.ppIdxInfo = &pWInfo->a[j].pIdxInfo;
+          bestVirtualIndex(&sWBI);
-          bestBtreeIndex(pParse, pWC, pTabItem, mask, notReady, pOrderBy,
-              pDist, &sCost);
+          bestBtreeIndex(&sWBI);
-        assert( isOptimal || (sCost.used&notReady)==0 );
+        assert( isOptimal || (sWBI.cost.used&sWBI.notValid)==0 );
         /* If an INDEXED BY clause is present, then the plan must use that
         ** index if it uses any index at all */
-        assert( pTabItem->pIndex==0 
-                  || (sCost.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_NOT_FULLSCAN)==0
-                  || sCost.plan.u.pIdx==pTabItem->pIndex );
+        assert( sWBI.pSrc->pIndex==0 
+                  || (sWBI.cost.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_NOT_FULLSCAN)==0
+                  || sWBI.cost.plan.u.pIdx==sWBI.pSrc->pIndex );
-        if( isOptimal && (sCost.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_NOT_FULLSCAN)==0 ){
+        if( isOptimal && (sWBI.cost.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_NOT_FULLSCAN)==0 ){
           notIndexed |= m;
+        if( isOptimal ){
+          pWInfo->a[j].rOptCost = sWBI.cost.rCost;
+        }else if( ckOptimal ){
+          /* If two or more tables have nearly the same outer loop cost, but
+          ** very different inner loop (optimal) cost, we want to choose
+          ** for the outer loop that table which benefits the least from
+          ** being in the inner loop.  The following code scales the 
+          ** outer loop cost estimate to accomplish that. */
+          WHERETRACE(("   scaling cost from %.1f to %.1f\n",
+                      sWBI.cost.rCost,
+                      sWBI.cost.rCost/pWInfo->a[j].rOptCost));
+          sWBI.cost.rCost /= pWInfo->a[j].rOptCost;
+        }
         /* Conditions under which this table becomes the best so far:
         **   (1) The table must not depend on other tables that have not
-        **       yet run.
+        **       yet run.  (In other words, it must not depend on tables
+        **       in inner loops.)
-        **   (2) A full-table-scan plan cannot supercede indexed plan unless
-        **       the full-table-scan is an "optimal" plan as defined above.
+        **   (2) (This rule was removed on 2012-11-09.  The scaling of the
+        **       cost using the optimal scan cost made this rule obsolete.)
         **   (3) All tables have an INDEXED BY clause or this table lacks an
         **       INDEXED BY clause or this table uses the specific
@@ -107901,51 +109735,61 @@
         **       The NEVER() comes about because rule (2) above prevents
         **       An indexable full-table-scan from reaching rule (3).
-        **   (4) The plan cost must be lower than prior plans or else the
-        **       cost must be the same and the number of rows must be lower.
+        **   (4) The plan cost must be lower than prior plans, where "cost"
+        **       is defined by the compareCost() function above. 
-        if( (sCost.used&notReady)==0                       /* (1) */
-            && (bestJ<0 || (notIndexed&m)!=0               /* (2) */
-                || (bestPlan.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_NOT_FULLSCAN)==0
-                || (sCost.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_NOT_FULLSCAN)!=0)
-            && (nUnconstrained==0 || pTabItem->pIndex==0   /* (3) */
-                || NEVER((sCost.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_NOT_FULLSCAN)!=0))
-            && (bestJ<0 || sCost.rCost<bestPlan.rCost      /* (4) */
-                || (sCost.rCost<=bestPlan.rCost 
-                 && sCost.plan.nRow<bestPlan.plan.nRow))
-        ){
-          WHERETRACE(("=== table %d is best so far"
-                      " with cost=%g and nRow=%g\n",
-                      j, sCost.rCost, sCost.plan.nRow));
-          bestPlan = sCost;
+        if( (sWBI.cost.used&sWBI.notValid)==0                    /* (1) */
+            && (nUnconstrained==0 || sWBI.pSrc->pIndex==0        /* (3) */
+                || NEVER((sWBI.cost.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_NOT_FULLSCAN)!=0))
+            && (bestJ<0 || compareCost(&sWBI.cost, &bestPlan))   /* (4) */
+        ){
+          WHERETRACE(("   === table %d (%s) is best so far\n"
+                      "       cost=%.1f, nRow=%.1f, nOBSat=%d, wsFlags=%08x\n",
+                      j, sWBI.pSrc->pTab->zName,
+                      sWBI.cost.rCost, sWBI.cost.plan.nRow,
+                      sWBI.cost.plan.nOBSat, sWBI.cost.plan.wsFlags));
+          bestPlan = sWBI.cost;
           bestJ = j;
-        if( doNotReorder ) break;
+        /* In a join like "w JOIN x LEFT JOIN y JOIN z"  make sure that
+        ** table y (and not table z) is always the next inner loop inside
+        ** of table x. */
+        if( (sWBI.pSrc->jointype & JT_LEFT)!=0 ) break;
     assert( bestJ>=0 );
-    assert( notReady & getMask(pMaskSet, pTabList->a[bestJ].iCursor) );
-    WHERETRACE(("*** Optimizer selects table %d for loop %d"
-                " with cost=%g and nRow=%g\n",
-                bestJ, pLevel-pWInfo->a, bestPlan.rCost, bestPlan.plan.nRow));
-    /* The ALWAYS() that follows was added to hush up clang scan-build */
-    if( (bestPlan.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_ORDERBY)!=0 && ALWAYS(ppOrderBy) ){
-      *ppOrderBy = 0;
-    }
+    assert( sWBI.notValid & getMask(pMaskSet, pTabList->a[bestJ].iCursor) );
+    assert( bestJ==iFrom || (pTabList->a[iFrom].jointype & JT_LEFT)==0 );
+    testcase( bestJ>iFrom && (pTabList->a[iFrom].jointype & JT_CROSS)!=0 );
+    testcase( bestJ>iFrom && bestJ<nTabList-1
+                          && (pTabList->a[bestJ+1].jointype & JT_LEFT)!=0 );
+    WHERETRACE(("*** Optimizer selects table %d (%s) for loop %d with:\n"
+                "    cost=%.1f, nRow=%.1f, nOBSat=%d, wsFlags=0x%08x\n",
+                bestJ, pTabList->a[bestJ].pTab->zName,
+                pLevel-pWInfo->a, bestPlan.rCost, bestPlan.plan.nRow,
+                bestPlan.plan.nOBSat, bestPlan.plan.wsFlags));
     if( (bestPlan.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_DISTINCT)!=0 ){
       assert( pWInfo->eDistinct==0 );
       pWInfo->eDistinct = WHERE_DISTINCT_ORDERED;
     andFlags &= bestPlan.plan.wsFlags;
     pLevel->plan = bestPlan.plan;
+    pLevel->iTabCur = pTabList->a[bestJ].iCursor;
     testcase( bestPlan.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_INDEXED );
     testcase( bestPlan.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_TEMP_INDEX );
     if( bestPlan.plan.wsFlags & (WHERE_INDEXED|WHERE_TEMP_INDEX) ){
+      if( (wctrlFlags & WHERE_ONETABLE_ONLY) 
+       && (bestPlan.plan.wsFlags & WHERE_TEMP_INDEX)==0 
+      ){
+        pLevel->iIdxCur = iIdxCur;
+      }else{
       pLevel->iIdxCur = pParse->nTab++;
+      }
       pLevel->iIdxCur = -1;
-    notReady &= ~getMask(pMaskSet, pTabList->a[bestJ].iCursor);
+    sWBI.notValid &= ~getMask(pMaskSet, pTabList->a[bestJ].iCursor);
     pLevel->iFrom = (u8)bestJ;
     if( bestPlan.plan.nRow>=(double)1 ){
       pParse->nQueryLoop *= bestPlan.plan.nRow;
@@ -107973,12 +109817,19 @@
   if( pParse->nErr || db->mallocFailed ){
     goto whereBeginError;
+  if( nTabList ){
+    pLevel--;
+    pWInfo->nOBSat = pLevel->plan.nOBSat;
+  }else{
+    pWInfo->nOBSat = 0;
+  }
   /* If the total query only selects a single row, then the ORDER BY
   ** clause is irrelevant.
-  if( (andFlags & WHERE_UNIQUE)!=0 && ppOrderBy ){
-    *ppOrderBy = 0;
+  if( (andFlags & WHERE_UNIQUE)!=0 && pOrderBy ){
+    assert( nTabList==0 || (pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_ALL_UNIQUE)!=0 );
+    pWInfo->nOBSat = pOrderBy->nExpr;
   /* If the caller is an UPDATE or DELETE statement that is requesting
@@ -107998,13 +109849,13 @@
   sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(pParse, -1); /* Insert the cookie verifier Goto */
   notReady = ~(Bitmask)0;
   pWInfo->nRowOut = (double)1;
-  for(i=0, pLevel=pWInfo->a; i<nTabList; i++, pLevel++){
+  for(ii=0, pLevel=pWInfo->a; ii<nTabList; ii++, pLevel++){
     Table *pTab;     /* Table to open */
     int iDb;         /* Index of database containing table/index */
+    struct SrcList_item *pTabItem;
     pTabItem = &pTabList->a[pLevel->iFrom];
     pTab = pTabItem->pTab;
-    pLevel->iTabCur = pTabItem->iCursor;
     pWInfo->nRowOut *= pLevel->plan.nRow;
     iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pTab->pSchema);
     if( (pTab->tabFlags & TF_Ephemeral)!=0 || pTab->pSelect ){
@@ -108015,6 +109866,8 @@
       const char *pVTab = (const char *)sqlite3GetVTable(db, pTab);
       int iCur = pTabItem->iCursor;
       sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_VOpen, iCur, 0, 0, pVTab, P4_VTAB);
+    }else if( IsVirtual(pTab) ){
+      /* noop */
     if( (pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_IDX_ONLY)==0
@@ -108036,21 +109889,21 @@
     if( (pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_TEMP_INDEX)!=0 ){
-      constructAutomaticIndex(pParse, pWC, pTabItem, notReady, pLevel);
+      constructAutomaticIndex(pParse, sWBI.pWC, pTabItem, notReady, pLevel);
     if( (pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_INDEXED)!=0 ){
       Index *pIx = pLevel->plan.u.pIdx;
       KeyInfo *pKey = sqlite3IndexKeyinfo(pParse, pIx);
-      int iIdxCur = pLevel->iIdxCur;
+      int iIndexCur = pLevel->iIdxCur;
       assert( pIx->pSchema==pTab->pSchema );
-      assert( iIdxCur>=0 );
-      sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_OpenRead, iIdxCur, pIx->tnum, iDb,
+      assert( iIndexCur>=0 );
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(v, OP_OpenRead, iIndexCur, pIx->tnum, iDb,
                         (char*)pKey, P4_KEYINFO_HANDOFF);
       VdbeComment((v, "%s", pIx->zName));
     sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(pParse, iDb);
-    notReady &= ~getMask(pWC->pMaskSet, pTabItem->iCursor);
+    notReady &= ~getMask(sWBI.pWC->pMaskSet, pTabItem->iCursor);
   pWInfo->iTop = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
   if( db->mallocFailed ) goto whereBeginError;
@@ -108060,10 +109913,10 @@
   ** program.
   notReady = ~(Bitmask)0;
-  for(i=0; i<nTabList; i++){
-    pLevel = &pWInfo->a[i];
-    explainOneScan(pParse, pTabList, pLevel, i, pLevel->iFrom, wctrlFlags);
-    notReady = codeOneLoopStart(pWInfo, i, wctrlFlags, notReady);
+  for(ii=0; ii<nTabList; ii++){
+    pLevel = &pWInfo->a[ii];
+    explainOneScan(pParse, pTabList, pLevel, ii, pLevel->iFrom, wctrlFlags);
+    notReady = codeOneLoopStart(pWInfo, ii, wctrlFlags, notReady);
     pWInfo->iContinue = pLevel->addrCont;
@@ -108074,16 +109927,20 @@
   ** the index is listed as "{}".  If the primary key is used the
   ** index name is '*'.
-  for(i=0; i<nTabList; i++){
+  for(ii=0; ii<nTabList; ii++){
     char *z;
     int n;
-    pLevel = &pWInfo->a[i];
+    int w;
+    struct SrcList_item *pTabItem;
+    pLevel = &pWInfo->a[ii];
+    w = pLevel->plan.wsFlags;
     pTabItem = &pTabList->a[pLevel->iFrom];
     z = pTabItem->zAlias;
     if( z==0 ) z = pTabItem->pTab->zName;
     n = sqlite3Strlen30(z);
     if( n+nQPlan < sizeof(sqlite3_query_plan)-10 ){
-      if( pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_IDX_ONLY ){
+      if( (w & WHERE_IDX_ONLY)!=0 && (w & WHERE_COVER_SCAN)==0 ){
         memcpy(&sqlite3_query_plan[nQPlan], "{}", 2);
         nQPlan += 2;
@@ -108092,12 +109949,12 @@
       sqlite3_query_plan[nQPlan++] = ' ';
-    testcase( pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_ROWID_EQ );
-    testcase( pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_ROWID_RANGE );
-    if( pLevel->plan.wsFlags & (WHERE_ROWID_EQ|WHERE_ROWID_RANGE) ){
+    testcase( w & WHERE_ROWID_EQ );
+    testcase( w & WHERE_ROWID_RANGE );
       memcpy(&sqlite3_query_plan[nQPlan], "* ", 2);
       nQPlan += 2;
-    }else if( (pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_INDEXED)!=0 ){
+    }else if( (w & WHERE_INDEXED)!=0 && (w & WHERE_COVER_SCAN)==0 ){
       n = sqlite3Strlen30(pLevel->plan.u.pIdx->zName);
       if( n+nQPlan < sizeof(sqlite3_query_plan)-2 ){
         memcpy(&sqlite3_query_plan[nQPlan], pLevel->plan.u.pIdx->zName, n);
@@ -108158,7 +110015,7 @@
       sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, pLevel->addrNxt);
       for(j=pLevel->u.in.nIn, pIn=&pLevel->u.in.aInLoop[j-1]; j>0; j--, pIn--){
         sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, pIn->addrInTop+1);
-        sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Next, pIn->iCur, pIn->addrInTop);
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, pIn->eEndLoopOp, pIn->iCur, pIn->addrInTop);
         sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, pIn->addrInTop-1);
       sqlite3DbFree(db, pLevel->u.in.aInLoop);
@@ -108193,6 +110050,7 @@
   assert( pWInfo->nLevel==1 || pWInfo->nLevel==pTabList->nSrc );
   for(i=0, pLevel=pWInfo->a; i<pWInfo->nLevel; i++, pLevel++){
+    Index *pIdx = 0;
     struct SrcList_item *pTabItem = &pTabList->a[pLevel->iFrom];
     Table *pTab = pTabItem->pTab;
     assert( pTab!=0 );
@@ -108222,12 +110080,15 @@
     ** that reference the table and converts them into opcodes that
     ** reference the index.
-    if( (pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_INDEXED)!=0 && !db->mallocFailed){
+    if( pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_INDEXED ){
+      pIdx = pLevel->plan.u.pIdx;
+    }else if( pLevel->plan.wsFlags & WHERE_MULTI_OR ){
+      pIdx = pLevel->u.pCovidx;
+    }
+    if( pIdx && !db->mallocFailed){
       int k, j, last;
       VdbeOp *pOp;
-      Index *pIdx = pLevel->plan.u.pIdx;
-      assert( pIdx!=0 );
       pOp = sqlite3VdbeGetOp(v, pWInfo->iTop);
       last = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
       for(k=pWInfo->iTop; k<last; k++, pOp++){
@@ -108462,6 +110323,7 @@
   IdList* yy180;
   struct {int value; int mask;} yy207;
   u8 yy258;
+  u16 yy305;
   struct LikeOp yy318;
   TriggerStep* yy327;
   ExprSpan yy342;
@@ -110412,8 +112274,6 @@
       case 86: /* init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY IMMEDIATE */ yytestcase(yyruleno==86);
       case 98: /* defer_subclause_opt ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==98);
       case 109: /* ifexists ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==109);
-      case 120: /* distinct ::= ALL */ yytestcase(yyruleno==120);
-      case 121: /* distinct ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==121);
       case 221: /* between_op ::= BETWEEN */ yytestcase(yyruleno==221);
       case 224: /* in_op ::= IN */ yytestcase(yyruleno==224);
 {yygotominor.yy392 = 0;}
@@ -110423,7 +112283,6 @@
       case 70: /* autoinc ::= AUTOINCR */ yytestcase(yyruleno==70);
       case 85: /* init_deferred_pred_opt ::= INITIALLY DEFERRED */ yytestcase(yyruleno==85);
       case 108: /* ifexists ::= IF EXISTS */ yytestcase(yyruleno==108);
-      case 119: /* distinct ::= DISTINCT */ yytestcase(yyruleno==119);
       case 222: /* between_op ::= NOT BETWEEN */ yytestcase(yyruleno==222);
       case 225: /* in_op ::= NOT IN */ yytestcase(yyruleno==225);
 {yygotominor.yy392 = 1;}
@@ -110663,9 +112522,16 @@
       case 118: /* oneselect ::= SELECT distinct selcollist from where_opt groupby_opt having_opt orderby_opt limit_opt */
-  yygotominor.yy159 = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy442,yymsp[-5].minor.yy347,yymsp[-4].minor.yy122,yymsp[-3].minor.yy442,yymsp[-2].minor.yy122,yymsp[-1].minor.yy442,yymsp[-7].minor.yy392,yymsp[0].minor.yy64.pLimit,yymsp[0].minor.yy64.pOffset);
+  yygotominor.yy159 = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy442,yymsp[-5].minor.yy347,yymsp[-4].minor.yy122,yymsp[-3].minor.yy442,yymsp[-2].minor.yy122,yymsp[-1].minor.yy442,yymsp[-7].minor.yy305,yymsp[0].minor.yy64.pLimit,yymsp[0].minor.yy64.pOffset);
+      case 119: /* distinct ::= DISTINCT */
+{yygotominor.yy305 = SF_Distinct;}
+        break;
+      case 120: /* distinct ::= ALL */
+      case 121: /* distinct ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==121);
+{yygotominor.yy305 = 0;}
+        break;
       case 122: /* sclp ::= selcollist COMMA */
       case 246: /* idxlist_opt ::= LP idxlist RP */ yytestcase(yyruleno==246);
 {yygotominor.yy442 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy442;}
@@ -110734,10 +112600,22 @@
     if( yymsp[-6].minor.yy347==0 && yymsp[-2].minor.yy0.n==0 && yymsp[-1].minor.yy122==0 && yymsp[0].minor.yy180==0 ){
       yygotominor.yy347 = yymsp[-4].minor.yy347;
+    }else if( yymsp[-4].minor.yy347->nSrc==1 ){
+      yygotominor.yy347 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy347,0,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,0,yymsp[-1].minor.yy122,yymsp[0].minor.yy180);
+      if( yygotominor.yy347 ){
+        struct SrcList_item *pNew = &yygotominor.yy347->a[yygotominor.yy347->nSrc-1];
+        struct SrcList_item *pOld = yymsp[-4].minor.yy347->a;
+        pNew->zName = pOld->zName;
+        pNew->zDatabase = pOld->zDatabase;
+        pNew->pSelect = pOld->pSelect;
+        pOld->zName = pOld->zDatabase = 0;
+        pOld->pSelect = 0;
+      }
+      sqlite3SrcListDelete(pParse->db, yymsp[-4].minor.yy347);
       Select *pSubquery;
-      pSubquery = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,0,yymsp[-4].minor.yy347,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
+      pSubquery = sqlite3SelectNew(pParse,0,yymsp[-4].minor.yy347,0,0,0,0,SF_NestedFrom,0,0);
       yygotominor.yy347 = sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(pParse,yymsp[-6].minor.yy347,0,0,&yymsp[-2].minor.yy0,pSubquery,yymsp[-1].minor.yy122,yymsp[0].minor.yy180);
@@ -110952,7 +112830,7 @@
       case 194: /* expr ::= expr COLLATE ids */
-  yygotominor.yy342.pExpr = sqlite3ExprSetCollByToken(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy342.pExpr, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
+  yygotominor.yy342.pExpr = sqlite3ExprAddCollateToken(pParse, yymsp[-2].minor.yy342.pExpr, &yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
   yygotominor.yy342.zStart = yymsp[-2].minor.yy342.zStart;
   yygotominor.yy342.zEnd = &yymsp[0].minor.yy0.z[yymsp[0].minor.yy0.n];
@@ -110970,7 +112848,7 @@
   yygotominor.yy342.pExpr = sqlite3ExprFunction(pParse, yymsp[-1].minor.yy442, &yymsp[-4].minor.yy0);
-  if( yymsp[-2].minor.yy392 && yygotominor.yy342.pExpr ){
+  if( yymsp[-2].minor.yy305 && yygotominor.yy342.pExpr ){
     yygotominor.yy342.pExpr->flags |= EP_Distinct;
@@ -111211,11 +113089,7 @@
       case 247: /* idxlist ::= idxlist COMMA nm collate sortorder */
-  Expr *p = 0;
-  if( yymsp[-1].minor.yy0.n>0 ){
-    p = sqlite3Expr(pParse->db, TK_COLUMN, 0);
-    sqlite3ExprSetCollByToken(pParse, p, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0);
-  }
+  Expr *p = sqlite3ExprAddCollateToken(pParse, 0, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0);
   yygotominor.yy442 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,yymsp[-4].minor.yy442, p);
   sqlite3ExprListCheckLength(pParse, yygotominor.yy442, "index");
@@ -111224,11 +113098,7 @@
       case 248: /* idxlist ::= nm collate sortorder */
-  Expr *p = 0;
-  if( yymsp[-1].minor.yy0.n>0 ){
-    p = sqlite3PExpr(pParse, TK_COLUMN, 0, 0, 0);
-    sqlite3ExprSetCollByToken(pParse, p, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0);
-  }
+  Expr *p = sqlite3ExprAddCollateToken(pParse, 0, &yymsp[-1].minor.yy0);
   yygotominor.yy442 = sqlite3ExprListAppend(pParse,0, p);
   sqlite3ExprListSetName(pParse, yygotominor.yy442, &yymsp[-2].minor.yy0, 1);
   sqlite3ExprListCheckLength(pParse, yygotominor.yy442, "index");
@@ -111477,6 +113347,7 @@
       /* (326) anylist ::= anylist ANY */ yytestcase(yyruleno==326);
+  assert( yyruleno>=0 && yyruleno<sizeof(yyRuleInfo)/sizeof(yyRuleInfo[0]) );
   yygoto = yyRuleInfo[yyruleno].lhs;
   yysize = yyRuleInfo[yyruleno].nrhs;
   yypParser->yyidx -= yysize;
@@ -112985,6 +114856,15 @@
 SQLITE_API char *sqlite3_temp_directory = 0;
+** If the following global variable points to a string which is the
+** name of a directory, then that directory will be used to store
+** all database files specified with a relative pathname.
+** See also the "PRAGMA data_store_directory" SQL command.
+SQLITE_API char *sqlite3_data_directory = 0;
 ** Initialize SQLite.  
 ** This routine must be called to initialize the memory allocation,
@@ -113033,6 +114913,13 @@
   if( sqlite3GlobalConfig.isInit ) return SQLITE_OK;
+  {
+    extern void sqlite3_init_sqllog(void);
+    sqlite3_init_sqllog();
+  }
   /* Make sure the mutex subsystem is initialized.  If unable to 
   ** initialize the mutex subsystem, return early with the error.
   ** If the system is so sick that we are unable to allocate a mutex,
@@ -113182,6 +115069,18 @@
   if( sqlite3GlobalConfig.isMallocInit ){
     sqlite3GlobalConfig.isMallocInit = 0;
+    /* The heap subsystem has now been shutdown and these values are supposed
+    ** to be NULL or point to memory that was obtained from sqlite3_malloc(),
+    ** which would rely on that heap subsystem; therefore, make sure these
+    ** values cannot refer to heap memory that was just invalidated when the
+    ** heap subsystem was shutdown.  This is only done if the current call to
+    ** this function resulted in the heap subsystem actually being shutdown.
+    */
+    sqlite3_data_directory = 0;
+    sqlite3_temp_directory = 0;
   if( sqlite3GlobalConfig.isMutexInit ){
@@ -113364,6 +115263,33 @@
+      sqlite3GlobalConfig.bUseCis = va_arg(ap, int);
+      break;
+    }
+      typedef void(*SQLLOGFUNC_t)(void*, sqlite3*, const char*, int);
+      sqlite3GlobalConfig.xSqllog = va_arg(ap, SQLLOGFUNC_t);
+      sqlite3GlobalConfig.pSqllogArg = va_arg(ap, void *);
+      break;
+    }
+      sqlite3_int64 szMmap = va_arg(ap, sqlite3_int64);
+      sqlite3_int64 mxMmap = va_arg(ap, sqlite3_int64);
+      if( mxMmap<0 || mxMmap>SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE ){
+        mxMmap = SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE;
+      }
+      sqlite3GlobalConfig.mxMmap = mxMmap;
+      if( szMmap<0 ) szMmap = SQLITE_DEFAULT_MMAP_SIZE;
+      if( szMmap>mxMmap) szMmap = mxMmap;
+      sqlite3GlobalConfig.szMmap = szMmap;
+      break;
+    }
     default: {
       rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
@@ -113631,12 +115557,48 @@
-** Close an existing SQLite database
+** Disconnect all sqlite3_vtab objects that belong to database connection
+** db. This is called when db is being closed.
-SQLITE_API int sqlite3_close(sqlite3 *db){
-  HashElem *i;                    /* Hash table iterator */
+static void disconnectAllVtab(sqlite3 *db){
+  int i;
+  sqlite3BtreeEnterAll(db);
+  for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){
+    Schema *pSchema = db->aDb[i].pSchema;
+    if( db->aDb[i].pSchema ){
+      HashElem *p;
+      for(p=sqliteHashFirst(&pSchema->tblHash); p; p=sqliteHashNext(p)){
+        Table *pTab = (Table *)sqliteHashData(p);
+        if( IsVirtual(pTab) ) sqlite3VtabDisconnect(db, pTab);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  sqlite3BtreeLeaveAll(db);
+** Return TRUE if database connection db has unfinalized prepared
+** statements or unfinished sqlite3_backup objects.  
+static int connectionIsBusy(sqlite3 *db){
   int j;
+  assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) );
+  if( db->pVdbe ) return 1;
+  for(j=0; j<db->nDb; j++){
+    Btree *pBt = db->aDb[j].pBt;
+    if( pBt && sqlite3BtreeIsInBackup(pBt) ) return 1;
+  }
+  return 0;
+** Close an existing SQLite database
+static int sqlite3Close(sqlite3 *db, int forceZombie){
   if( !db ){
     return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -113645,10 +115607,10 @@
-  /* Force xDestroy calls on all virtual tables */
-  sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1);
+  /* Force xDisconnect calls on all virtual tables */
+  disconnectAllVtab(db);
-  /* If a transaction is open, the ResetInternalSchema() call above
+  /* If a transaction is open, the disconnectAllVtab() call above
   ** will not have called the xDisconnect() method on any virtual
   ** tables in the db->aVTrans[] array. The following sqlite3VtabRollback()
   ** call will do so. We need to do this before the check for active
@@ -113657,28 +115619,80 @@
-  /* If there are any outstanding VMs, return SQLITE_BUSY. */
-  if( db->pVdbe ){
-    sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_BUSY, 
-        "unable to close due to unfinalised statements");
+  /* Legacy behavior (sqlite3_close() behavior) is to return
+  ** SQLITE_BUSY if the connection can not be closed immediately.
+  */
+  if( !forceZombie && connectionIsBusy(db) ){
+    sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_BUSY, "unable to close due to unfinalized "
+       "statements or unfinished backups");
     return SQLITE_BUSY;
-  assert( sqlite3SafetyCheckSickOrOk(db) );
-  for(j=0; j<db->nDb; j++){
-    Btree *pBt = db->aDb[j].pBt;
-    if( pBt && sqlite3BtreeIsInBackup(pBt) ){
-      sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_BUSY, 
-          "unable to close due to unfinished backup operation");
-      sqlite3_mutex_leave(db->mutex);
-      return SQLITE_BUSY;
+  if( sqlite3GlobalConfig.xSqllog ){
+    /* Closing the handle. Fourth parameter is passed the value 2. */
+    sqlite3GlobalConfig.xSqllog(sqlite3GlobalConfig.pSqllogArg, db, 0, 2);
+  /* Convert the connection into a zombie and then close it.
+  */
+  db->magic = SQLITE_MAGIC_ZOMBIE;
+  sqlite3LeaveMutexAndCloseZombie(db);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Two variations on the public interface for closing a database
+** connection. The sqlite3_close() version returns SQLITE_BUSY and
+** leaves the connection option if there are unfinalized prepared
+** statements or unfinished sqlite3_backups.  The sqlite3_close_v2()
+** version forces the connection to become a zombie if there are
+** unclosed resources, and arranges for deallocation when the last
+** prepare statement or sqlite3_backup closes.
+SQLITE_API int sqlite3_close(sqlite3 *db){ return sqlite3Close(db,0); }
+SQLITE_API int sqlite3_close_v2(sqlite3 *db){ return sqlite3Close(db,1); }
+** Close the mutex on database connection db.
+** Furthermore, if database connection db is a zombie (meaning that there
+** has been a prior call to sqlite3_close(db) or sqlite3_close_v2(db)) and
+** every sqlite3_stmt has now been finalized and every sqlite3_backup has
+** finished, then free all resources.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3LeaveMutexAndCloseZombie(sqlite3 *db){
+  HashElem *i;                    /* Hash table iterator */
+  int j;
+  /* If there are outstanding sqlite3_stmt or sqlite3_backup objects
+  ** or if the connection has not yet been closed by sqlite3_close_v2(),
+  ** then just leave the mutex and return.
+  */
+  if( db->magic!=SQLITE_MAGIC_ZOMBIE || connectionIsBusy(db) ){
+    sqlite3_mutex_leave(db->mutex);
+    return;
+  /* If we reach this point, it means that the database connection has
+  ** closed all sqlite3_stmt and sqlite3_backup objects and has been
+  ** passed to sqlite3_close (meaning that it is a zombie).  Therefore,
+  ** go ahead and free all resources.
+  */
+  /* If a transaction is open, roll it back. This also ensures that if
+  ** any database schemas have been modified by an uncommitted transaction
+  ** they are reset. And that the required b-tree mutex is held to make
+  ** the pager rollback and schema reset an atomic operation. */
+  sqlite3RollbackAll(db, SQLITE_OK);
   /* Free any outstanding Savepoint structures. */
+  /* Close all database connections */
   for(j=0; j<db->nDb; j++){
     struct Db *pDb = &db->aDb[j];
     if( pDb->pBt ){
@@ -113689,15 +115703,22 @@
-  sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1);
+  /* Clear the TEMP schema separately and last */
+  if( db->aDb[1].pSchema ){
+    sqlite3SchemaClear(db->aDb[1].pSchema);
+  }
+  sqlite3VtabUnlockList(db);
+  /* Free up the array of auxiliary databases */
+  sqlite3CollapseDatabaseArray(db);
+  assert( db->nDb<=2 );
+  assert( db->aDb==db->aDbStatic );
   /* Tell the code in notify.c that the connection no longer holds any
   ** locks and does not require any further unlock-notify callbacks.
-  assert( db->nDb<=2 );
-  assert( db->aDb==db->aDbStatic );
   for(j=0; j<ArraySize(db->aFunc.a); j++){
     FuncDef *pNext, *pHash, *p;
     for(p=db->aFunc.a[j]; p; p=pHash){
@@ -113755,7 +115776,6 @@
-  return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -113769,6 +115789,15 @@
   int inTrans = 0;
   assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) );
+  /* Obtain all b-tree mutexes before making any calls to BtreeRollback(). 
+  ** This is important in case the transaction being rolled back has
+  ** modified the database schema. If the b-tree mutexes are not taken
+  ** here, then another shared-cache connection might sneak in between
+  ** the database rollback and schema reset, which can cause false
+  ** corruption reports in some cases.  */
+  sqlite3BtreeEnterAll(db);
   for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){
     Btree *p = db->aDb[i].pBt;
     if( p ){
@@ -113782,10 +115811,11 @@
-  if( db->flags&SQLITE_InternChanges ){
+  if( (db->flags&SQLITE_InternChanges)!=0 && db->init.busy==0 ){
-    sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, -1);
+    sqlite3ResetAllSchemasOfConnection(db);
+  sqlite3BtreeLeaveAll(db);
   /* Any deferred constraint violations have now been resolved. */
   db->nDeferredCons = 0;
@@ -113797,6 +115827,110 @@
+** Return a static string containing the name corresponding to the error code
+** specified in the argument.
+#if defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) || defined(SQLITE_TEST) || \
+SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3ErrName(int rc){
+  const char *zName = 0;
+  int i, origRc = rc;
+  for(i=0; i<2 && zName==0; i++, rc &= 0xff){
+    switch( rc ){
+      case SQLITE_OK:                 zName = "SQLITE_OK";                break;
+      case SQLITE_ERROR:              zName = "SQLITE_ERROR";             break;
+      case SQLITE_INTERNAL:           zName = "SQLITE_INTERNAL";          break;
+      case SQLITE_PERM:               zName = "SQLITE_PERM";              break;
+      case SQLITE_ABORT:              zName = "SQLITE_ABORT";             break;
+      case SQLITE_ABORT_ROLLBACK:     zName = "SQLITE_ABORT_ROLLBACK";    break;
+      case SQLITE_BUSY:               zName = "SQLITE_BUSY";              break;
+      case SQLITE_BUSY_RECOVERY:      zName = "SQLITE_BUSY_RECOVERY";     break;
+      case SQLITE_LOCKED:             zName = "SQLITE_LOCKED";            break;
+      case SQLITE_NOMEM:              zName = "SQLITE_NOMEM";             break;
+      case SQLITE_READONLY:           zName = "SQLITE_READONLY";          break;
+      case SQLITE_INTERRUPT:          zName = "SQLITE_INTERRUPT";         break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR:              zName = "SQLITE_IOERR";             break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_READ:         zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_READ";        break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE:        zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE";       break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_FSYNC:        zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_FSYNC";       break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_DIR_FSYNC:    zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_DIR_FSYNC";   break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE:     zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE";    break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT:        zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT";       break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK:       zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK";      break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_RDLOCK:       zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_RDLOCK";      break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE:       zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE";      break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED:      zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED";     break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM:        zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM";       break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS:       zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS";      break;
+                                zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_CHECKRESERVEDLOCK"; break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK:         zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK";        break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_CLOSE:        zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_CLOSE";       break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_DIR_CLOSE:    zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_DIR_CLOSE";   break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_SHMOPEN:      zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_SHMOPEN";     break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_SHMSIZE:      zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_SHMSIZE";     break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_SHMLOCK:      zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_SHMLOCK";     break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_SHMMAP:       zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_SHMMAP";      break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_SEEK:         zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_SEEK";        break;
+      case SQLITE_IOERR_MMAP:         zName = "SQLITE_IOERR_MMAP";        break;
+      case SQLITE_CORRUPT:            zName = "SQLITE_CORRUPT";           break;
+      case SQLITE_CORRUPT_VTAB:       zName = "SQLITE_CORRUPT_VTAB";      break;
+      case SQLITE_NOTFOUND:           zName = "SQLITE_NOTFOUND";          break;
+      case SQLITE_FULL:               zName = "SQLITE_FULL";              break;
+      case SQLITE_CANTOPEN:           zName = "SQLITE_CANTOPEN";          break;
+      case SQLITE_CANTOPEN_ISDIR:     zName = "SQLITE_CANTOPEN_ISDIR";    break;
+      case SQLITE_PROTOCOL:           zName = "SQLITE_PROTOCOL";          break;
+      case SQLITE_EMPTY:              zName = "SQLITE_EMPTY";             break;
+      case SQLITE_SCHEMA:             zName = "SQLITE_SCHEMA";            break;
+      case SQLITE_TOOBIG:             zName = "SQLITE_TOOBIG";            break;
+      case SQLITE_CONSTRAINT:         zName = "SQLITE_CONSTRAINT";        break;
+                                zName = "SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_FOREIGNKEY";   break;
+                                zName = "SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_PRIMARYKEY";   break;
+                                zName = "SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_COMMITHOOK";   break;
+                                zName = "SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_FUNCTION";     break;
+      case SQLITE_MISMATCH:           zName = "SQLITE_MISMATCH";          break;
+      case SQLITE_MISUSE:             zName = "SQLITE_MISUSE";            break;
+      case SQLITE_NOLFS:              zName = "SQLITE_NOLFS";             break;
+      case SQLITE_AUTH:               zName = "SQLITE_AUTH";              break;
+      case SQLITE_FORMAT:             zName = "SQLITE_FORMAT";            break;
+      case SQLITE_RANGE:              zName = "SQLITE_RANGE";             break;
+      case SQLITE_NOTADB:             zName = "SQLITE_NOTADB";            break;
+      case SQLITE_ROW:                zName = "SQLITE_ROW";               break;
+      case SQLITE_NOTICE:             zName = "SQLITE_NOTICE";            break;
+                                zName = "SQLITE_NOTICE_RECOVER_ROLLBACK"; break;
+      case SQLITE_WARNING:            zName = "SQLITE_WARNING";           break;
+      case SQLITE_DONE:               zName = "SQLITE_DONE";              break;
+    }
+  }
+  if( zName==0 ){
+    static char zBuf[50];
+    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, "SQLITE_UNKNOWN(%d)", origRc);
+    zName = zBuf;
+  }
+  return zName;
 ** Return a static string that describes the kind of error specified in the
 ** argument.
@@ -113924,6 +116058,7 @@
   db->busyHandler.xFunc = xBusy;
   db->busyHandler.pArg = pArg;
   db->busyHandler.nBusy = 0;
+  db->busyTimeout = 0;
   return SQLITE_OK;
@@ -113961,8 +116096,8 @@
 SQLITE_API int sqlite3_busy_timeout(sqlite3 *db, int ms){
   if( ms>0 ){
-    db->busyTimeout = ms;
     sqlite3_busy_handler(db, sqliteDefaultBusyCallback, (void*)db);
+    db->busyTimeout = ms;
     sqlite3_busy_handler(db, 0, 0);
@@ -114576,6 +116711,15 @@
+** Return a string that describes the kind of error specified in the
+** argument.  For now, this simply calls the internal sqlite3ErrStr()
+** function.
+SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_errstr(int rc){
+  return sqlite3ErrStr(rc);
 ** Create a new collating function for database "db".  The name is zName
 ** and the encoding is enc.
@@ -114922,10 +117066,12 @@
             { "ro",  SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY },
             { "rw",  SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE }, 
+            { "memory", SQLITE_OPEN_MEMORY },
             { 0, 0 }
           aMode = aOpenMode;
           limit = mask & flags;
           zModeType = "access";
@@ -114946,7 +117092,7 @@
             rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
             goto parse_uri_out;
-          if( mode>limit ){
+          if( (mode & ~SQLITE_OPEN_MEMORY)>limit ){
             *pzErrMsg = sqlite3_mprintf("%s mode not allowed: %s",
                                         zModeType, zVal);
             rc = SQLITE_PERM;
@@ -114965,6 +117111,7 @@
     memcpy(zFile, zUri, nUri);
     zFile[nUri] = '\0';
     zFile[nUri+1] = '\0';
+    flags &= ~SQLITE_OPEN_URI;
   *ppVfs = sqlite3_vfs_find(zVfs);
@@ -115083,6 +117230,7 @@
   memcpy(db->aLimit, aHardLimit, sizeof(db->aLimit));
   db->autoCommit = 1;
   db->nextAutovac = -1;
+  db->szMmap = sqlite3GlobalConfig.szMmap;
   db->nextPagesize = 0;
   db->flags |= SQLITE_ShortColNames | SQLITE_AutoIndex | SQLITE_EnableTrigger
@@ -115241,6 +117389,13 @@
     db->magic = SQLITE_MAGIC_SICK;
   *ppDb = db;
+  if( sqlite3GlobalConfig.xSqllog ){
+    /* Opening a db handle. Fourth parameter is passed 0. */
+    void *pArg = sqlite3GlobalConfig.pSqllogArg;
+    sqlite3GlobalConfig.xSqllog(pArg, db, zFilename, 0);
+  }
   return sqlite3ApiExit(0, rc);
@@ -115546,7 +117701,7 @@
     zDataType = pCol->zType;
     zCollSeq = pCol->zColl;
     notnull = pCol->notNull!=0;
-    primarykey  = pCol->isPrimKey!=0;
+    primarykey  = (pCol->colFlags & COLFLAG_PRIMKEY)!=0;
     autoinc = pTab->iPKey==iCol && (pTab->tabFlags & TF_Autoincrement)!=0;
     zDataType = "INTEGER";
@@ -115809,8 +117964,7 @@
       sqlite3 *db = va_arg(ap, sqlite3*);
-      int x = va_arg(ap,int);
-      db->flags = (x & SQLITE_OptMask) | (db->flags & ~SQLITE_OptMask);
+      db->dbOptFlags = (u16)(va_arg(ap, int) & 0xffff);
@@ -116698,7 +118852,7 @@
   ** This method should return either SQLITE_OK (0), or an SQLite error 
   ** code. If SQLITE_OK is returned, then *ppTokenizer should be set
   ** to point at the newly created tokenizer structure. The generic
-  ** sqlite3_tokenizer.pModule variable should not be initialised by
+  ** sqlite3_tokenizer.pModule variable should not be initialized by
   ** this callback. The caller will do so.
   int (*xCreate)(
@@ -116803,7 +118957,7 @@
 **    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-** This is the header file for the generic hash-table implemenation
+** This is the header file for the generic hash-table implementation
 ** used in SQLite.  We've modified it slightly to serve as a standalone
 ** hash table implementation for the full-text indexing module.
@@ -117296,10 +119450,20 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SelectDoctotal(Fts3Table *, sqlite3_stmt **);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3SelectDocsize(Fts3Table *, sqlite3_int64, sqlite3_stmt **);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3FreeDeferredTokens(Fts3Cursor *);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3DeferToken(Fts3Cursor *, Fts3PhraseToken *, int);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3CacheDeferredDoclists(Fts3Cursor *);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3FreeDeferredDoclists(Fts3Cursor *);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3DeferredTokenList(Fts3DeferredToken *, char **, int *);
+# define sqlite3Fts3FreeDeferredTokens(x)
+# define sqlite3Fts3DeferToken(x,y,z) SQLITE_OK
+# define sqlite3Fts3CacheDeferredDoclists(x) SQLITE_OK
+# define sqlite3Fts3FreeDeferredDoclists(x)
+# define sqlite3Fts3DeferredTokenList(x,y,z) SQLITE_OK
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3SegmentsClose(Fts3Table *);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3MaxLevel(Fts3Table *, int *);
@@ -117383,7 +119547,7 @@
 /* fts3_expr.c */
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3ExprParse(sqlite3_tokenizer *, int,
-  char **, int, int, int, const char *, int, Fts3Expr **
+  char **, int, int, int, const char *, int, Fts3Expr **, char **
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3ExprFree(Fts3Expr *);
@@ -117408,7 +119572,15 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3MsrOvfl(Fts3Cursor *, Fts3MultiSegReader *, int *);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3MsrIncrRestart(Fts3MultiSegReader *pCsr);
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3DeferredTokenList(Fts3DeferredToken *, char **, int *);
+/* fts3_tokenize_vtab.c */
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3InitTok(sqlite3*, Fts3Hash *);
+/* fts3_unicode2.c (functions generated by parsing unicode text files) */
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3FtsUnicodeFold(int, int);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3FtsUnicodeIsalnum(int);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3FtsUnicodeIsdiacritic(int);
 #endif /* _FTSINT_H */
@@ -118695,7 +120867,7 @@
         rc = sqlite3_reset(pCsr->pStmt);
         if( rc==SQLITE_OK && ((Fts3Table *)pCsr->base.pVtab)->zContentTbl==0 ){
-          /* If no row was found and no error has occured, then the %_content
+          /* If no row was found and no error has occurred, then the %_content
           ** table is missing a row that is present in the full-text index.
           ** The data structures are corrupt.  */
           rc = FTS_CORRUPT_VTAB;
@@ -119935,7 +122107,7 @@
-** This function retreives the doclist for the specified term (or term
+** This function retrieves the doclist for the specified term (or term
 ** prefix) from the database.
 static int fts3TermSelect(
@@ -120099,14 +122271,12 @@
     pCsr->iLangid = 0;
     if( nVal==2 ) pCsr->iLangid = sqlite3_value_int(apVal[1]);
+    assert( p->base.zErrMsg==0 );
     rc = sqlite3Fts3ExprParse(p->pTokenizer, pCsr->iLangid,
-        p->azColumn, p->bFts4, p->nColumn, iCol, zQuery, -1, &pCsr->pExpr
+        p->azColumn, p->bFts4, p->nColumn, iCol, zQuery, -1, &pCsr->pExpr, 
+        &p->base.zErrMsg
     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
-      if( rc==SQLITE_ERROR ){
-        static const char *zErr = "malformed MATCH expression: [%s]";
-        p->base.zErrMsg = sqlite3_mprintf(zErr, zQuery);
-      }
       return rc;
@@ -120678,12 +122848,15 @@
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3SimpleTokenizerModule(sqlite3_tokenizer_module const**ppModule);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3PorterTokenizerModule(sqlite3_tokenizer_module const**ppModule);
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3UnicodeTokenizer(sqlite3_tokenizer_module const**ppModule);
 SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3IcuTokenizerModule(sqlite3_tokenizer_module const**ppModule);
-** Initialise the fts3 extension. If this extension is built as part
+** Initialize the fts3 extension. If this extension is built as part
 ** of the sqlite library, then this function is called directly by
 ** SQLite. If fts3 is built as a dynamically loadable extension, this
 ** function is called by the sqlite3_extension_init() entry point.
@@ -120693,12 +122866,19 @@
   Fts3Hash *pHash = 0;
   const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *pSimple = 0;
   const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *pPorter = 0;
+  const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *pUnicode = 0;
   const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *pIcu = 0;
+  sqlite3Fts3UnicodeTokenizer(&pUnicode);
   rc = sqlite3Fts3InitTerm(db);
   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
@@ -120710,7 +122890,7 @@
-  /* Allocate and initialise the hash-table used to store tokenizers. */
+  /* Allocate and initialize the hash-table used to store tokenizers. */
   pHash = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(Fts3Hash));
   if( !pHash ){
     rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
@@ -120722,6 +122902,10 @@
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
     if( sqlite3Fts3HashInsert(pHash, "simple", 7, (void *)pSimple)
      || sqlite3Fts3HashInsert(pHash, "porter", 7, (void *)pPorter) 
+     || sqlite3Fts3HashInsert(pHash, "unicode61", 10, (void *)pUnicode) 
      || (pIcu && sqlite3Fts3HashInsert(pHash, "icu", 4, (void *)pIcu))
@@ -120756,9 +122940,13 @@
           db, "fts4", &fts3Module, (void *)pHash, 0
+    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+      rc = sqlite3Fts3InitTok(db, (void *)pHash);
+    }
     return rc;
   /* An error has occurred. Delete the hash table and return the error code. */
   assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK );
   if( pHash ){
@@ -121546,6 +123734,7 @@
   fts3EvalAllocateReaders(pCsr, pCsr->pExpr, &nToken, &nOr, &rc);
   /* Determine which, if any, tokens in the expression should be deferred. */
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK && nToken>1 && pTab->bFts4 ){
     Fts3TokenAndCost *aTC;
     Fts3Expr **apOr;
@@ -121576,6 +123765,7 @@
   fts3EvalStartReaders(pCsr, pCsr->pExpr, 1, &rc);
   return rc;
@@ -121851,6 +124041,9 @@
       nTmp += p->pRight->pPhrase->doclist.nList;
     nTmp += p->pPhrase->doclist.nList;
+    if( nTmp==0 ){
+      res = 0;
+    }else{
     aTmp = sqlite3_malloc(nTmp*2);
     if( !aTmp ){
       *pRc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
@@ -121881,6 +124074,7 @@
+  }
   return res;
@@ -121959,6 +124153,7 @@
       default: {
         if( pCsr->pDeferred 
          && (pExpr->iDocid==pCsr->iPrevId || pExpr->bDeferred)
@@ -121970,7 +124165,9 @@
           *pRc = fts3EvalDeferredPhrase(pCsr, pPhrase);
           bHit = (pPhrase->doclist.pList!=0);
           pExpr->iDocid = pCsr->iPrevId;
-        }else{
+        }else
+        {
           bHit = (pExpr->bEof==0 && pExpr->iDocid==pCsr->iPrevId);
@@ -122296,7 +124493,7 @@
 ** of the current row. 
 ** More specifically, the returned buffer contains 1 varint for each 
-** occurence of the phrase in the column, stored using the normal (delta+2) 
+** occurrence of the phrase in the column, stored using the normal (delta+2) 
 ** compression and is terminated by either an 0x01 or 0x00 byte. For example,
 ** if the requested column contains "a b X c d X X" and the position-list
 ** for 'X' is requested, the buffer returned may contain:
@@ -122523,17 +124720,26 @@
-  /* The user should specify a single argument - the name of an fts3 table. */
-  if( argc!=4 ){
-    *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf(
-        "wrong number of arguments to fts4aux constructor"
-    );
-    return SQLITE_ERROR;
-  }
+  /* The user should invoke this in one of two forms:
+  **
+  **     CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE xxx USING fts4aux(fts4-table);
+  **     CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE xxx USING fts4aux(fts4-table-db, fts4-table);
+  */
+  if( argc!=4 && argc!=5 ) goto bad_args;
   zDb = argv[1]; 
   nDb = (int)strlen(zDb);
+  if( argc==5 ){
+    if( nDb==4 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp("temp", zDb, 4) ){
+      zDb = argv[3]; 
+      nDb = (int)strlen(zDb);
+      zFts3 = argv[4];
+    }else{
+      goto bad_args;
+    }
+  }else{
   zFts3 = argv[3];
+  }
   nFts3 = (int)strlen(zFts3);
   rc = sqlite3_declare_vtab(db, FTS3_TERMS_SCHEMA);
@@ -122556,6 +124762,10 @@
   *ppVtab = (sqlite3_vtab *)p;
   return SQLITE_OK;
+ bad_args:
+  *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("invalid arguments to fts4aux constructor");
+  return SQLITE_ERROR;
@@ -123035,7 +125245,7 @@
 ** This function is equivalent to the standard isspace() function. 
 ** The standard isspace() can be awkward to use safely, because although it
-** is defined to accept an argument of type int, its behaviour when passed
+** is defined to accept an argument of type int, its behavior when passed
 ** an integer that falls outside of the range of the unsigned char type
 ** is undefined (and sometimes, "undefined" means segfault). This wrapper
 ** is defined to accept an argument of type char, and always returns 0 for
@@ -123114,7 +125324,7 @@
   rc = sqlite3Fts3OpenTokenizer(pTokenizer, pParse->iLangid, z, n, &pCursor);
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
     const char *zToken;
-    int nToken, iStart, iEnd, iPosition;
+    int nToken = 0, iStart = 0, iEnd = 0, iPosition = 0;
     int nByte;                               /* total space to allocate */
     rc = pModule->xNext(pCursor, &zToken, &nToken, &iStart, &iEnd, &iPosition);
@@ -123229,7 +125439,7 @@
     int ii;
     for(ii=0; rc==SQLITE_OK; ii++){
       const char *zByte;
-      int nByte, iBegin, iEnd, iPos;
+      int nByte = 0, iBegin = 0, iEnd = 0, iPos = 0;
       rc = pModule->xNext(pCursor, &zByte, &nByte, &iBegin, &iEnd, &iPos);
       if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
         Fts3PhraseToken *pToken;
@@ -123569,8 +125779,10 @@
         pNot->eType = FTSQUERY_NOT;
         pNot->pRight = p;
+        p->pParent = pNot;
         if( pNotBranch ){
           pNot->pLeft = pNotBranch;
+          pNotBranch->pParent = pNot;
         pNotBranch = pNot;
         p = pPrev;
@@ -123658,6 +125870,7 @@
           pIter = pIter->pLeft;
         pIter->pLeft = pRet;
+        pRet->pParent = pIter;
         pRet = pNotBranch;
@@ -123675,30 +125888,184 @@
-** Parameters z and n contain a pointer to and length of a buffer containing
-** an fts3 query expression, respectively. This function attempts to parse the
-** query expression and create a tree of Fts3Expr structures representing the
-** parsed expression. If successful, *ppExpr is set to point to the head
-** of the parsed expression tree and SQLITE_OK is returned. If an error
-** occurs, either SQLITE_NOMEM (out-of-memory error) or SQLITE_ERROR (parse
-** error) is returned and *ppExpr is set to 0.
+** Return SQLITE_ERROR if the maximum depth of the expression tree passed 
+** as the only argument is more than nMaxDepth.
+static int fts3ExprCheckDepth(Fts3Expr *p, int nMaxDepth){
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  if( p ){
+    if( nMaxDepth<0 ){ 
+      rc = SQLITE_TOOBIG;
+    }else{
+      rc = fts3ExprCheckDepth(p->pLeft, nMaxDepth-1);
+      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+        rc = fts3ExprCheckDepth(p->pRight, nMaxDepth-1);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return rc;
+** This function attempts to transform the expression tree at (*pp) to
+** an equivalent but more balanced form. The tree is modified in place.
+** If successful, SQLITE_OK is returned and (*pp) set to point to the 
+** new root expression node. 
-** If parameter n is a negative number, then z is assumed to point to a
-** nul-terminated string and the length is determined using strlen().
+** nMaxDepth is the maximum allowable depth of the balanced sub-tree.
-** The first parameter, pTokenizer, is passed the fts3 tokenizer module to
-** use to normalize query tokens while parsing the expression. The azCol[]
-** array, which is assumed to contain nCol entries, should contain the names
-** of each column in the target fts3 table, in order from left to right. 
-** Column names must be nul-terminated strings.
+** Otherwise, if an error occurs, an SQLite error code is returned and 
+** expression (*pp) freed.
+static int fts3ExprBalance(Fts3Expr **pp, int nMaxDepth){
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return code */
+  Fts3Expr *pRoot = *pp;          /* Initial root node */
+  Fts3Expr *pFree = 0;            /* List of free nodes. Linked by pParent. */
+  int eType = pRoot->eType;       /* Type of node in this tree */
+  if( nMaxDepth==0 ){
+    rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && (eType==FTSQUERY_AND || eType==FTSQUERY_OR) ){
+    Fts3Expr **apLeaf;
+    apLeaf = (Fts3Expr **)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(Fts3Expr *) * nMaxDepth);
+    if( 0==apLeaf ){
+      rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
+    }else{
+      memset(apLeaf, 0, sizeof(Fts3Expr *) * nMaxDepth);
+    }
+    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+      int i;
+      Fts3Expr *p;
+      /* Set $p to point to the left-most leaf in the tree of eType nodes. */
+      for(p=pRoot; p->eType==eType; p=p->pLeft){
+        assert( p->pParent==0 || p->pParent->pLeft==p );
+        assert( p->pLeft && p->pRight );
+      }
+      /* This loop runs once for each leaf in the tree of eType nodes. */
+      while( 1 ){
+        int iLvl;
+        Fts3Expr *pParent = p->pParent;     /* Current parent of p */
+        assert( pParent==0 || pParent->pLeft==p );
+        p->pParent = 0;
+        if( pParent ){
+          pParent->pLeft = 0;
+        }else{
+          pRoot = 0;
+        }
+        rc = fts3ExprBalance(&p, nMaxDepth-1);
+        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break;
+        for(iLvl=0; p && iLvl<nMaxDepth; iLvl++){
+          if( apLeaf[iLvl]==0 ){
+            apLeaf[iLvl] = p;
+            p = 0;
+          }else{
+            assert( pFree );
+            pFree->pLeft = apLeaf[iLvl];
+            pFree->pRight = p;
+            pFree->pLeft->pParent = pFree;
+            pFree->pRight->pParent = pFree;
+            p = pFree;
+            pFree = pFree->pParent;
+            p->pParent = 0;
+            apLeaf[iLvl] = 0;
+          }
+        }
+        if( p ){
+          sqlite3Fts3ExprFree(p);
+          rc = SQLITE_TOOBIG;
+          break;
+        }
+        /* If that was the last leaf node, break out of the loop */
+        if( pParent==0 ) break;
+        /* Set $p to point to the next leaf in the tree of eType nodes */
+        for(p=pParent->pRight; p->eType==eType; p=p->pLeft);
+        /* Remove pParent from the original tree. */
+        assert( pParent->pParent==0 || pParent->pParent->pLeft==pParent );
+        pParent->pRight->pParent = pParent->pParent;
+        if( pParent->pParent ){
+          pParent->pParent->pLeft = pParent->pRight;
+        }else{
+          assert( pParent==pRoot );
+          pRoot = pParent->pRight;
+        }
+        /* Link pParent into the free node list. It will be used as an
+        ** internal node of the new tree.  */
+        pParent->pParent = pFree;
+        pFree = pParent;
+      }
+      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+        p = 0;
+        for(i=0; i<nMaxDepth; i++){
+          if( apLeaf[i] ){
+            if( p==0 ){
+              p = apLeaf[i];
+              p->pParent = 0;
+            }else{
+              assert( pFree!=0 );
+              pFree->pRight = p;
+              pFree->pLeft = apLeaf[i];
+              pFree->pLeft->pParent = pFree;
+              pFree->pRight->pParent = pFree;
+              p = pFree;
+              pFree = pFree->pParent;
+              p->pParent = 0;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        pRoot = p;
+      }else{
+        /* An error occurred. Delete the contents of the apLeaf[] array 
+        ** and pFree list. Everything else is cleaned up by the call to
+        ** sqlite3Fts3ExprFree(pRoot) below.  */
+        Fts3Expr *pDel;
+        for(i=0; i<nMaxDepth; i++){
+          sqlite3Fts3ExprFree(apLeaf[i]);
+        }
+        while( (pDel=pFree)!=0 ){
+          pFree = pDel->pParent;
+          sqlite3_free(pDel);
+        }
+      }
+      assert( pFree==0 );
+      sqlite3_free( apLeaf );
+    }
+  }
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    sqlite3Fts3ExprFree(pRoot);
+    pRoot = 0;
+  }
+  *pp = pRoot;
+  return rc;
+** This function is similar to sqlite3Fts3ExprParse(), with the following
+** differences:
-** The iDefaultCol parameter should be passed the index of the table column
-** that appears on the left-hand-side of the MATCH operator (the default
-** column to match against for tokens for which a column name is not explicitly
-** specified as part of the query string), or -1 if tokens may by default
-** match any table column.
+**   1. It does not do expression rebalancing.
+**   2. It does not check that the expression does not exceed the 
+**      maximum allowable depth.
+**   3. Even if it fails, *ppExpr may still be set to point to an 
+**      expression tree. It should be deleted using sqlite3Fts3ExprFree()
+**      in this case.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3ExprParse(
+static int fts3ExprParseUnbalanced(
   sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer,      /* Tokenizer module */
   int iLangid,                        /* Language id for tokenizer */
   char **azCol,                       /* Array of column names for fts3 table */
@@ -123727,28 +126094,116 @@
     n = (int)strlen(z);
   rc = fts3ExprParse(&sParse, z, n, ppExpr, &nParsed);
+  assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || *ppExpr==0 );
   /* Check for mismatched parenthesis */
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK && sParse.nNest ){
     rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Parameters z and n contain a pointer to and length of a buffer containing
+** an fts3 query expression, respectively. This function attempts to parse the
+** query expression and create a tree of Fts3Expr structures representing the
+** parsed expression. If successful, *ppExpr is set to point to the head
+** of the parsed expression tree and SQLITE_OK is returned. If an error
+** occurs, either SQLITE_NOMEM (out-of-memory error) or SQLITE_ERROR (parse
+** error) is returned and *ppExpr is set to 0.
+** If parameter n is a negative number, then z is assumed to point to a
+** nul-terminated string and the length is determined using strlen().
+** The first parameter, pTokenizer, is passed the fts3 tokenizer module to
+** use to normalize query tokens while parsing the expression. The azCol[]
+** array, which is assumed to contain nCol entries, should contain the names
+** of each column in the target fts3 table, in order from left to right. 
+** Column names must be nul-terminated strings.
+** The iDefaultCol parameter should be passed the index of the table column
+** that appears on the left-hand-side of the MATCH operator (the default
+** column to match against for tokens for which a column name is not explicitly
+** specified as part of the query string), or -1 if tokens may by default
+** match any table column.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3ExprParse(
+  sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer,      /* Tokenizer module */
+  int iLangid,                        /* Language id for tokenizer */
+  char **azCol,                       /* Array of column names for fts3 table */
+  int bFts4,                          /* True to allow FTS4-only syntax */
+  int nCol,                           /* Number of entries in azCol[] */
+  int iDefaultCol,                    /* Default column to query */
+  const char *z, int n,               /* Text of MATCH query */
+  Fts3Expr **ppExpr,                  /* OUT: Parsed query structure */
+  char **pzErr                        /* OUT: Error message (sqlite3_malloc) */
+  static const int MAX_EXPR_DEPTH = 12;
+  int rc = fts3ExprParseUnbalanced(
+      pTokenizer, iLangid, azCol, bFts4, nCol, iDefaultCol, z, n, ppExpr
+  );
+  /* Rebalance the expression. And check that its depth does not exceed
+  ** MAX_EXPR_DEPTH.  */
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && *ppExpr ){
+    rc = fts3ExprBalance(ppExpr, MAX_EXPR_DEPTH);
+    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+      rc = fts3ExprCheckDepth(*ppExpr, MAX_EXPR_DEPTH);
+    }
+  }
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
     *ppExpr = 0;
+    if( rc==SQLITE_TOOBIG ){
+      *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf(
+          "FTS expression tree is too large (maximum depth %d)", MAX_EXPR_DEPTH
+      );
+      rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
+    }else if( rc==SQLITE_ERROR ){
+      *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("malformed MATCH expression: [%s]", z);
+    }
   return rc;
-** Free a parsed fts3 query expression allocated by sqlite3Fts3ExprParse().
+** Free a single node of an expression tree.
-SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3ExprFree(Fts3Expr *p){
-  if( p ){
+static void fts3FreeExprNode(Fts3Expr *p){
     assert( p->eType==FTSQUERY_PHRASE || p->pPhrase==0 );
-    sqlite3Fts3ExprFree(p->pLeft);
-    sqlite3Fts3ExprFree(p->pRight);
+** Free a parsed fts3 query expression allocated by sqlite3Fts3ExprParse().
+** This function would be simpler if it recursively called itself. But
+** that would mean passing a sufficiently large expression to ExprParse()
+** could cause a stack overflow.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3ExprFree(Fts3Expr *pDel){
+  Fts3Expr *p;
+  assert( pDel==0 || pDel->pParent==0 );
+  for(p=pDel; p && (p->pLeft||p->pRight); p=(p->pLeft ? p->pLeft : p->pRight)){
+    assert( p->pParent==0 || p==p->pParent->pRight || p==p->pParent->pLeft );
+  }
+  while( p ){
+    Fts3Expr *pParent = p->pParent;
+    fts3FreeExprNode(p);
+    if( pParent && p==pParent->pLeft && pParent->pRight ){
+      p = pParent->pRight;
+      while( p && (p->pLeft || p->pRight) ){
+        assert( p==p->pParent->pRight || p==p->pParent->pLeft );
+        p = (p->pLeft ? p->pLeft : p->pRight);
+      }
+    }else{
+      p = pParent;
+    }
@@ -123800,6 +126255,9 @@
 ** the returned expression text and then freed using sqlite3_free().
 static char *exprToString(Fts3Expr *pExpr, char *zBuf){
+  if( pExpr==0 ){
+    return sqlite3_mprintf("");
+  }
   switch( pExpr->eType ){
     case FTSQUERY_PHRASE: {
       Fts3Phrase *pPhrase = pExpr->pPhrase;
@@ -123907,10 +126365,21 @@
     azCol[ii] = (char *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[ii+2]);
+  if( sqlite3_user_data(context) ){
+    char *zDummy = 0;
   rc = sqlite3Fts3ExprParse(
+        pTokenizer, 0, azCol, 0, nCol, nCol, zExpr, nExpr, &pExpr, &zDummy
+    );
+    assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || pExpr==0 );
+    sqlite3_free(zDummy);
+  }else{
+    rc = fts3ExprParseUnbalanced(
       pTokenizer, 0, azCol, 0, nCol, nCol, zExpr, nExpr, &pExpr
+  }
   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK && rc!=SQLITE_NOMEM ){
+    sqlite3Fts3ExprFree(pExpr);
     sqlite3_result_error(context, "Error parsing expression", -1);
   }else if( rc==SQLITE_NOMEM || !(zBuf = exprToString(pExpr, 0)) ){
@@ -123933,9 +126402,15 @@
 ** with database connection db. 
 SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3ExprInitTestInterface(sqlite3* db){
-  return sqlite3_create_function(
+  int rc = sqlite3_create_function(
       db, "fts3_exprtest", -1, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, fts3ExprTest, 0, 0
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    rc = sqlite3_create_function(db, "fts3_exprtest_rebalance", 
+        -1, SQLITE_UTF8, (void *)1, fts3ExprTest, 0, 0
+    );
+  }
+  return rc;
@@ -125184,10 +127659,9 @@
 ** Implementation of a special SQL scalar function for testing tokenizers 
 ** designed to be used in concert with the Tcl testing framework. This
-** function must be called with two arguments:
+** function must be called with two or more arguments:
-**   SELECT <function-name>(<key-name>, <input-string>);
-**   SELECT <function-name>(<key-name>, <pointer>);
+**   SELECT <function-name>(<key-name>, ..., <input-string>);
 ** where <function-name> is the name passed as the second argument
 ** to the sqlite3Fts3InitHashTable() function (e.g. 'fts3_tokenizer')
@@ -125224,27 +127698,27 @@
   const char *zInput;
   int nInput;
-  const char *zArg = 0;
+  const char *azArg[64];
   const char *zToken;
-  int nToken;
-  int iStart;
-  int iEnd;
-  int iPos;
+  int nToken = 0;
+  int iStart = 0;
+  int iEnd = 0;
+  int iPos = 0;
+  int i;
   Tcl_Obj *pRet;
-  assert( argc==2 || argc==3 );
+  if( argc<2 ){
+    sqlite3_result_error(context, "insufficient arguments", -1);
+    return;
+  }
   nName = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0]);
   zName = (const char *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
   nInput = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[argc-1]);
   zInput = (const char *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[argc-1]);
-  if( argc==3 ){
-    zArg = (const char *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[1]);
-  }
   pHash = (Fts3Hash *)sqlite3_user_data(context);
   p = (sqlite3_tokenizer_module *)sqlite3Fts3HashFind(pHash, zName, nName+1);
@@ -125258,7 +127732,11 @@
   pRet = Tcl_NewObj();
-  if( SQLITE_OK!=p->xCreate(zArg ? 1 : 0, &zArg, &pTokenizer) ){
+  for(i=1; i<argc-1; i++){
+    azArg[i-1] = (const char *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[i]);
+  }
+  if( SQLITE_OK!=p->xCreate(argc-2, azArg, &pTokenizer) ){
     zErr = "error in xCreate()";
     goto finish;
@@ -125400,7 +127878,7 @@
 ** Set up SQL objects in database db used to access the contents of
 ** the hash table pointed to by argument pHash. The hash table must
-** been initialised to use string keys, and to take a private copy 
+** been initialized to use string keys, and to take a private copy 
 ** of the key when a value is inserted. i.e. by a call similar to:
 **    sqlite3Fts3HashInit(pHash, FTS3_HASH_STRING, 1);
@@ -125442,10 +127920,7 @@
   if( SQLITE_OK==rc ){
-    rc = sqlite3_create_function(db, zTest, 2, any, p, testFunc, 0, 0);
-  }
-  if( SQLITE_OK==rc ){
-    rc = sqlite3_create_function(db, zTest, 3, any, p, testFunc, 0, 0);
+    rc = sqlite3_create_function(db, zTest, -1, any, p, testFunc, 0, 0);
   if( SQLITE_OK==rc ){
     rc = sqlite3_create_function(db, zTest2, 0, any, pdb, intTestFunc, 0, 0);
@@ -125698,6 +128173,462 @@
 #endif /* !defined(SQLITE_CORE) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3) */
 /************** End of fts3_tokenizer1.c *************************************/
+/************** Begin file fts3_tokenize_vtab.c ******************************/
+** 2013 Apr 22
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This file contains code for the "fts3tokenize" virtual table module.
+** An fts3tokenize virtual table is created as follows:
+**   CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE <tbl> USING fts3tokenize(
+**       <tokenizer-name>, <arg-1>, ...
+**   );
+** The table created has the following schema:
+**   CREATE TABLE <tbl>(input, token, start, end, position)
+** When queried, the query must include a WHERE clause of type:
+**   input = <string>
+** The virtual table module tokenizes this <string>, using the FTS3 
+** tokenizer specified by the arguments to the CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE 
+** statement and returns one row for each token in the result. With
+** fields set as follows:
+**   input:   Always set to a copy of <string>
+**   token:   A token from the input.
+**   start:   Byte offset of the token within the input <string>.
+**   end:     Byte offset of the byte immediately following the end of the
+**            token within the input string.
+**   pos:     Token offset of token within input.
+#if !defined(SQLITE_CORE) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3)
+/* #include <string.h> */
+/* #include <assert.h> */
+typedef struct Fts3tokTable Fts3tokTable;
+typedef struct Fts3tokCursor Fts3tokCursor;
+** Virtual table structure.
+struct Fts3tokTable {
+  sqlite3_vtab base;              /* Base class used by SQLite core */
+  const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *pMod;
+  sqlite3_tokenizer *pTok;
+** Virtual table cursor structure.
+struct Fts3tokCursor {
+  sqlite3_vtab_cursor base;       /* Base class used by SQLite core */
+  char *zInput;                   /* Input string */
+  sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pCsr; /* Cursor to iterate through zInput */
+  int iRowid;                     /* Current 'rowid' value */
+  const char *zToken;             /* Current 'token' value */
+  int nToken;                     /* Size of zToken in bytes */
+  int iStart;                     /* Current 'start' value */
+  int iEnd;                       /* Current 'end' value */
+  int iPos;                       /* Current 'pos' value */
+** Query FTS for the tokenizer implementation named zName.
+static int fts3tokQueryTokenizer(
+  Fts3Hash *pHash,
+  const char *zName,
+  const sqlite3_tokenizer_module **pp,
+  char **pzErr
+  sqlite3_tokenizer_module *p;
+  int nName = (int)strlen(zName);
+  p = (sqlite3_tokenizer_module *)sqlite3Fts3HashFind(pHash, zName, nName+1);
+  if( !p ){
+    *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("unknown tokenizer: %s", zName);
+    return SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  *pp = p;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** The second argument, argv[], is an array of pointers to nul-terminated
+** strings. This function makes a copy of the array and strings into a 
+** single block of memory. It then dequotes any of the strings that appear
+** to be quoted.
+** If successful, output parameter *pazDequote is set to point at the
+** array of dequoted strings and SQLITE_OK is returned. The caller is
+** responsible for eventually calling sqlite3_free() to free the array
+** in this case. Or, if an error occurs, an SQLite error code is returned.
+** The final value of *pazDequote is undefined in this case.
+static int fts3tokDequoteArray(
+  int argc,                       /* Number of elements in argv[] */
+  const char * const *argv,       /* Input array */
+  char ***pazDequote              /* Output array */
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return code */
+  if( argc==0 ){
+    *pazDequote = 0;
+  }else{
+    int i;
+    int nByte = 0;
+    char **azDequote;
+    for(i=0; i<argc; i++){
+      nByte += (int)(strlen(argv[i]) + 1);
+    }
+    *pazDequote = azDequote = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(char *)*argc + nByte);
+    if( azDequote==0 ){
+      rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
+    }else{
+      char *pSpace = (char *)&azDequote[argc];
+      for(i=0; i<argc; i++){
+        int n = (int)strlen(argv[i]);
+        azDequote[i] = pSpace;
+        memcpy(pSpace, argv[i], n+1);
+        sqlite3Fts3Dequote(pSpace);
+        pSpace += (n+1);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Schema of the tokenizer table.
+#define FTS3_TOK_SCHEMA "CREATE TABLE x(input, token, start, end, position)"
+** This function does all the work for both the xConnect and xCreate methods.
+** These tables have no persistent representation of their own, so xConnect
+** and xCreate are identical operations.
+**   argv[0]: module name
+**   argv[1]: database name 
+**   argv[2]: table name
+**   argv[3]: first argument (tokenizer name)
+static int fts3tokConnectMethod(
+  sqlite3 *db,                    /* Database connection */
+  void *pHash,                    /* Hash table of tokenizers */
+  int argc,                       /* Number of elements in argv array */
+  const char * const *argv,       /* xCreate/xConnect argument array */
+  sqlite3_vtab **ppVtab,          /* OUT: New sqlite3_vtab object */
+  char **pzErr                    /* OUT: sqlite3_malloc'd error message */
+  Fts3tokTable *pTab;
+  const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *pMod = 0;
+  sqlite3_tokenizer *pTok = 0;
+  int rc;
+  char **azDequote = 0;
+  int nDequote;
+  rc = sqlite3_declare_vtab(db, FTS3_TOK_SCHEMA);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  nDequote = argc-3;
+  rc = fts3tokDequoteArray(nDequote, &argv[3], &azDequote);
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    const char *zModule;
+    if( nDequote<1 ){
+      zModule = "simple";
+    }else{
+      zModule = azDequote[0];
+    }
+    rc = fts3tokQueryTokenizer((Fts3Hash*)pHash, zModule, &pMod, pzErr);
+  }
+  assert( (rc==SQLITE_OK)==(pMod!=0) );
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    const char * const *azArg = (const char * const *)&azDequote[1];
+    rc = pMod->xCreate((nDequote>1 ? nDequote-1 : 0), azArg, &pTok);
+  }
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    pTab = (Fts3tokTable *)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(Fts3tokTable));
+    if( pTab==0 ){
+      rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
+    }
+  }
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    memset(pTab, 0, sizeof(Fts3tokTable));
+    pTab->pMod = pMod;
+    pTab->pTok = pTok;
+    *ppVtab = &pTab->base;
+  }else{
+    if( pTok ){
+      pMod->xDestroy(pTok);
+    }
+  }
+  sqlite3_free(azDequote);
+  return rc;
+** This function does the work for both the xDisconnect and xDestroy methods.
+** These tables have no persistent representation of their own, so xDisconnect
+** and xDestroy are identical operations.
+static int fts3tokDisconnectMethod(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){
+  Fts3tokTable *pTab = (Fts3tokTable *)pVtab;
+  pTab->pMod->xDestroy(pTab->pTok);
+  sqlite3_free(pTab);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** xBestIndex - Analyze a WHERE and ORDER BY clause.
+static int fts3tokBestIndexMethod(
+  sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, 
+  sqlite3_index_info *pInfo
+  int i;
+  for(i=0; i<pInfo->nConstraint; i++){
+    if( pInfo->aConstraint[i].usable 
+     && pInfo->aConstraint[i].iColumn==0 
+     && pInfo->aConstraint[i].op==SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_EQ 
+    ){
+      pInfo->idxNum = 1;
+      pInfo->aConstraintUsage[i].argvIndex = 1;
+      pInfo->aConstraintUsage[i].omit = 1;
+      pInfo->estimatedCost = 1;
+      return SQLITE_OK;
+    }
+  }
+  pInfo->idxNum = 0;
+  assert( pInfo->estimatedCost>1000000.0 );
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** xOpen - Open a cursor.
+static int fts3tokOpenMethod(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCsr){
+  Fts3tokCursor *pCsr;
+  pCsr = (Fts3tokCursor *)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(Fts3tokCursor));
+  if( pCsr==0 ){
+    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+  }
+  memset(pCsr, 0, sizeof(Fts3tokCursor));
+  *ppCsr = (sqlite3_vtab_cursor *)pCsr;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Reset the tokenizer cursor passed as the only argument. As if it had
+** just been returned by fts3tokOpenMethod().
+static void fts3tokResetCursor(Fts3tokCursor *pCsr){
+  if( pCsr->pCsr ){
+    Fts3tokTable *pTab = (Fts3tokTable *)(pCsr->base.pVtab);
+    pTab->pMod->xClose(pCsr->pCsr);
+    pCsr->pCsr = 0;
+  }
+  sqlite3_free(pCsr->zInput);
+  pCsr->zInput = 0;
+  pCsr->zToken = 0;
+  pCsr->nToken = 0;
+  pCsr->iStart = 0;
+  pCsr->iEnd = 0;
+  pCsr->iPos = 0;
+  pCsr->iRowid = 0;
+** xClose - Close a cursor.
+static int fts3tokCloseMethod(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){
+  Fts3tokCursor *pCsr = (Fts3tokCursor *)pCursor;
+  fts3tokResetCursor(pCsr);
+  sqlite3_free(pCsr);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** xNext - Advance the cursor to the next row, if any.
+static int fts3tokNextMethod(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){
+  Fts3tokCursor *pCsr = (Fts3tokCursor *)pCursor;
+  Fts3tokTable *pTab = (Fts3tokTable *)(pCursor->pVtab);
+  int rc;                         /* Return code */
+  pCsr->iRowid++;
+  rc = pTab->pMod->xNext(pCsr->pCsr,
+      &pCsr->zToken, &pCsr->nToken,
+      &pCsr->iStart, &pCsr->iEnd, &pCsr->iPos
+  );
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    fts3tokResetCursor(pCsr);
+    if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ) rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  return rc;
+** xFilter - Initialize a cursor to point at the start of its data.
+static int fts3tokFilterMethod(
+  sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor,   /* The cursor used for this query */
+  int idxNum,                     /* Strategy index */
+  const char *idxStr,             /* Unused */
+  int nVal,                       /* Number of elements in apVal */
+  sqlite3_value **apVal           /* Arguments for the indexing scheme */
+  int rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
+  Fts3tokCursor *pCsr = (Fts3tokCursor *)pCursor;
+  Fts3tokTable *pTab = (Fts3tokTable *)(pCursor->pVtab);
+  fts3tokResetCursor(pCsr);
+  if( idxNum==1 ){
+    const char *zByte = (const char *)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[0]);
+    int nByte = sqlite3_value_bytes(apVal[0]);
+    pCsr->zInput = sqlite3_malloc(nByte+1);
+    if( pCsr->zInput==0 ){
+      rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
+    }else{
+      memcpy(pCsr->zInput, zByte, nByte);
+      pCsr->zInput[nByte] = 0;
+      rc = pTab->pMod->xOpen(pTab->pTok, pCsr->zInput, nByte, &pCsr->pCsr);
+      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+        pCsr->pCsr->pTokenizer = pTab->pTok;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  return fts3tokNextMethod(pCursor);
+** xEof - Return true if the cursor is at EOF, or false otherwise.
+static int fts3tokEofMethod(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){
+  Fts3tokCursor *pCsr = (Fts3tokCursor *)pCursor;
+  return (pCsr->zToken==0);
+** xColumn - Return a column value.
+static int fts3tokColumnMethod(
+  sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor,   /* Cursor to retrieve value from */
+  sqlite3_context *pCtx,          /* Context for sqlite3_result_xxx() calls */
+  int iCol                        /* Index of column to read value from */
+  Fts3tokCursor *pCsr = (Fts3tokCursor *)pCursor;
+  /* CREATE TABLE x(input, token, start, end, position) */
+  switch( iCol ){
+    case 0:
+      sqlite3_result_text(pCtx, pCsr->zInput, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      sqlite3_result_text(pCtx, pCsr->zToken, pCsr->nToken, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      sqlite3_result_int(pCtx, pCsr->iStart);
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      sqlite3_result_int(pCtx, pCsr->iEnd);
+      break;
+    default:
+      assert( iCol==4 );
+      sqlite3_result_int(pCtx, pCsr->iPos);
+      break;
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** xRowid - Return the current rowid for the cursor.
+static int fts3tokRowidMethod(
+  sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor,   /* Cursor to retrieve value from */
+  sqlite_int64 *pRowid            /* OUT: Rowid value */
+  Fts3tokCursor *pCsr = (Fts3tokCursor *)pCursor;
+  *pRowid = (sqlite3_int64)pCsr->iRowid;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Register the fts3tok module with database connection db. Return SQLITE_OK
+** if successful or an error code if sqlite3_create_module() fails.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3Fts3InitTok(sqlite3 *db, Fts3Hash *pHash){
+  static const sqlite3_module fts3tok_module = {
+     0,                           /* iVersion      */
+     fts3tokConnectMethod,        /* xCreate       */
+     fts3tokConnectMethod,        /* xConnect      */
+     fts3tokBestIndexMethod,      /* xBestIndex    */
+     fts3tokDisconnectMethod,     /* xDisconnect   */
+     fts3tokDisconnectMethod,     /* xDestroy      */
+     fts3tokOpenMethod,           /* xOpen         */
+     fts3tokCloseMethod,          /* xClose        */
+     fts3tokFilterMethod,         /* xFilter       */
+     fts3tokNextMethod,           /* xNext         */
+     fts3tokEofMethod,            /* xEof          */
+     fts3tokColumnMethod,         /* xColumn       */
+     fts3tokRowidMethod,          /* xRowid        */
+     0,                           /* xUpdate       */
+     0,                           /* xBegin        */
+     0,                           /* xSync         */
+     0,                           /* xCommit       */
+     0,                           /* xRollback     */
+     0,                           /* xFindFunction */
+     0,                           /* xRename       */
+     0,                           /* xSavepoint    */
+     0,                           /* xRelease      */
+     0                            /* xRollbackTo   */
+  };
+  int rc;                         /* Return code */
+  rc = sqlite3_create_module(db, "fts3tokenize", &fts3tok_module, (void*)pHash);
+  return rc;
+#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_CORE) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3) */
+/************** End of fts3_tokenize_vtab.c **********************************/
 /************** Begin file fts3_write.c **************************************/
 ** 2009 Oct 23
@@ -125836,7 +128767,8 @@
 struct Fts3SegReader {
   int iIdx;                       /* Index within level, or 0x7FFFFFFF for PT */
-  int bLookup;                    /* True for a lookup only */
+  u8 bLookup;                     /* True for a lookup only */
+  u8 rootOnly;                    /* True for a root-only reader */
   sqlite3_int64 iStartBlock;      /* Rowid of first leaf block to traverse */
   sqlite3_int64 iLeafEndBlock;    /* Rowid of final leaf block to traverse */
@@ -125870,7 +128802,7 @@
 #define fts3SegReaderIsPending(p) ((p)->ppNextElem!=0)
-#define fts3SegReaderIsRootOnly(p) ((p)->aNode==(char *)&(p)[1])
+#define fts3SegReaderIsRootOnly(p) ((p)->rootOnly!=0)
 ** An instance of this structure is used to create a segment b-tree in the
@@ -126475,16 +129407,16 @@
   int iLangid,                    /* Language id to use */
   const char *zText,              /* Text of document to be inserted */
   int iCol,                       /* Column into which text is being inserted */
-  u32 *pnWord                     /* OUT: Number of tokens inserted */
+  u32 *pnWord                     /* IN/OUT: Incr. by number tokens inserted */
   int rc;
-  int iStart;
-  int iEnd;
-  int iPos;
+  int iStart = 0;
+  int iEnd = 0;
+  int iPos = 0;
   int nWord = 0;
   char const *zToken;
-  int nToken;
+  int nToken = 0;
   sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer = p->pTokenizer;
   sqlite3_tokenizer_module const *pModule = pTokenizer->pModule;
@@ -126539,7 +129471,7 @@
-  *pnWord = nWord;
+  *pnWord += nWord;
   return (rc==SQLITE_DONE ? SQLITE_OK : rc);
@@ -126743,11 +129675,13 @@
   int *pRC,               /* Result code */
   Fts3Table *p,           /* The FTS table to delete from */
   sqlite3_value *pRowid,  /* The docid to be deleted */
-  u32 *aSz                /* Sizes of deleted document written here */
+  u32 *aSz,               /* Sizes of deleted document written here */
+  int *pbFound            /* OUT: Set to true if row really does exist */
   int rc;
   sqlite3_stmt *pSelect;
+  assert( *pbFound==0 );
   if( *pRC ) return;
   rc = fts3SqlStmt(p, SQL_SELECT_CONTENT_BY_ROWID, &pSelect, &pRowid);
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
@@ -126765,6 +129699,7 @@
         *pRC = rc;
+      *pbFound = 1;
     rc = sqlite3_reset(pSelect);
@@ -127178,6 +130113,7 @@
       *pnOffsetList = (int)(p - pReader->pOffsetList - 1);
+    /* List may have been edited in place by fts3EvalNearTrim() */
     while( p<pEnd && *p==0 ) p++;
     /* If there are no more entries in the doclist, set pOffsetList to
@@ -127281,7 +130217,7 @@
   memset(pReader, 0, sizeof(Fts3SegReader));
   pReader->iIdx = iAge;
-  pReader->bLookup = bLookup;
+  pReader->bLookup = bLookup!=0;
   pReader->iStartBlock = iStartLeaf;
   pReader->iLeafEndBlock = iEndLeaf;
   pReader->iEndBlock = iEndBlock;
@@ -127289,6 +130225,7 @@
   if( nExtra ){
     /* The entire segment is stored in the root node. */
     pReader->aNode = (char *)&pReader[1];
+    pReader->rootOnly = 1;
     pReader->nNode = nRoot;
     memcpy(pReader->aNode, zRoot, nRoot);
     memset(&pReader->aNode[nRoot], 0, FTS3_NODE_PADDING);
@@ -128192,9 +131129,13 @@
 ** If there are no entries in the input position list for column iCol, then
 ** *pnList is set to zero before returning.
+** If parameter bZero is non-zero, then any part of the input list following
+** the end of the output list is zeroed before returning.
 static void fts3ColumnFilter(
   int iCol,                       /* Column to filter on */
+  int bZero,                      /* Zero out anything following *ppList */
   char **ppList,                  /* IN/OUT: Pointer to position list */
   int *pnList                     /* IN/OUT: Size of buffer *ppList in bytes */
@@ -128223,6 +131164,9 @@
     p += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(p, &iCurrent);
+  if( bZero && &pList[nList]!=pEnd ){
+    memset(&pList[nList], 0, pEnd - &pList[nList]);
+  }
   *ppList = pList;
   *pnList = nList;
@@ -128296,19 +131240,19 @@
       if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
       fts3SegReaderSort(pMsr->apSegment, nMerge, j, xCmp);
+      if( nList>0 && fts3SegReaderIsPending(apSegment[0]) ){
+        rc = fts3MsrBufferData(pMsr, pList, nList+1);
+        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+        assert( (pMsr->aBuffer[nList] & 0xFE)==0x00 );
+        pList = pMsr->aBuffer;
+      }
       if( pMsr->iColFilter>=0 ){
-        fts3ColumnFilter(pMsr->iColFilter, &pList, &nList);
+        fts3ColumnFilter(pMsr->iColFilter, 1, &pList, &nList);
       if( nList>0 ){
-        if( fts3SegReaderIsPending(apSegment[0]) ){
-          rc = fts3MsrBufferData(pMsr, pList, nList+1);
-          if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
-          *paPoslist = pMsr->aBuffer;
-          assert( (pMsr->aBuffer[nList] & 0xFE)==0x00 );
-        }else{
           *paPoslist = pList;
-        }
         *piDocid = iDocid;
         *pnPoslist = nList;
@@ -128551,7 +131495,7 @@
         if( isColFilter ){
-          fts3ColumnFilter(pFilter->iCol, &pList, &nList);
+          fts3ColumnFilter(pFilter->iCol, 0, &pList, &nList);
         if( !isIgnoreEmpty || nList>0 ){
@@ -128667,7 +131611,7 @@
   if( iLevel==FTS3_SEGCURSOR_ALL ){
     /* This call is to merge all segments in the database to a single
-    ** segment. The level of the new segment is equal to the the numerically 
+    ** segment. The level of the new segment is equal to the numerically
     ** greatest segment level currently present in the database for this
     ** index. The idx of the new segment is always 0.  */
     if( csr.nSegment==1 ){
@@ -128874,7 +131818,12 @@
     memset(a, 0, sizeof(u32)*(nStat) );
-  sqlite3_reset(pStmt);
+  rc = sqlite3_reset(pStmt);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    sqlite3_free(a);
+    *pRC = rc;
+    return;
+  }
   if( nChng<0 && a[0]<(u32)(-nChng) ){
     a[0] = 0;
@@ -128983,7 +131932,7 @@
       int iCol;
       int iLangid = langidFromSelect(p, pStmt);
       rc = fts3PendingTermsDocid(p, iLangid, sqlite3_column_int64(pStmt, 0));
-      aSz[p->nColumn] = 0;
+      memset(aSz, 0, sizeof(aSz[0]) * (p->nColumn+1));
       for(iCol=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && iCol<p->nColumn; iCol++){
         const char *z = (const char *) sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, iCol+1);
         rc = fts3PendingTermsAdd(p, iLangid, z, iCol, &aSz[iCol]);
@@ -129292,7 +132241,7 @@
         pNode->key.n = nTerm;
-      /* Otherwise, flush the the current node of layer iLayer to disk.
+      /* Otherwise, flush the current node of layer iLayer to disk.
       ** Then allocate a new, empty sibling node. The key will be written
       ** into the parent of this node. */
       rc = fts3WriteSegment(p, pNode->iBlock, pNode->block.a, pNode->block.n);
@@ -130627,9 +133576,9 @@
         rc = sqlite3Fts3OpenTokenizer(p->pTokenizer, iLang, zText, nText, &pT);
         while( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
           char const *zToken;       /* Buffer containing token */
-          int nToken;               /* Number of bytes in token */
-          int iDum1, iDum2;         /* Dummy variables */
-          int iPos;                 /* Position of token in zText */
+          int nToken = 0;           /* Number of bytes in token */
+          int iDum1 = 0, iDum2 = 0; /* Dummy variables */
+          int iPos = 0;             /* Position of token in zText */
           rc = pModule->xNext(pT, &zToken, &nToken, &iDum1, &iDum2, &iPos);
           if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
@@ -130739,6 +133688,7 @@
   return rc;
 ** Delete all cached deferred doclists. Deferred doclists are cached
 ** (allocated) by the sqlite3Fts3CacheDeferredDoclists() function.
@@ -130795,9 +133745,9 @@
       rc = sqlite3Fts3OpenTokenizer(pT, pCsr->iLangid, zText, -1, &pTC);
       while( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
         char const *zToken;       /* Buffer containing token */
-        int nToken;               /* Number of bytes in token */
-        int iDum1, iDum2;         /* Dummy variables */
-        int iPos;                 /* Position of token in zText */
+        int nToken = 0;           /* Number of bytes in token */
+        int iDum1 = 0, iDum2 = 0; /* Dummy variables */
+        int iPos = 0;             /* Position of token in zText */
         rc = pModule->xNext(pTC, &zToken, &nToken, &iDum1, &iDum2, &iPos);
         for(pDef=pCsr->pDeferred; pDef && rc==SQLITE_OK; pDef=pDef->pNext){
@@ -130876,6 +133826,7 @@
   return SQLITE_OK;
 ** SQLite value pRowid contains the rowid of a row that may or may not be
@@ -130885,31 +133836,35 @@
 static int fts3DeleteByRowid(
   Fts3Table *p, 
   sqlite3_value *pRowid, 
-  int *pnDoc,
+  int *pnChng,                    /* IN/OUT: Decrement if row is deleted */
   u32 *aSzDel
-  int isEmpty = 0;
-  int rc = fts3IsEmpty(p, pRowid, &isEmpty);
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return code */
+  int bFound = 0;                 /* True if *pRowid really is in the table */
+  fts3DeleteTerms(&rc, p, pRowid, aSzDel, &bFound);
+  if( bFound && rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    int isEmpty = 0;              /* Deleting *pRowid leaves the table empty */
+    rc = fts3IsEmpty(p, pRowid, &isEmpty);
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
     if( isEmpty ){
       /* Deleting this row means the whole table is empty. In this case
       ** delete the contents of all three tables and throw away any
       ** data in the pendingTerms hash table.  */
       rc = fts3DeleteAll(p, 1);
-      *pnDoc = *pnDoc - 1;
+        *pnChng = 0;
+        memset(aSzDel, 0, sizeof(u32) * (p->nColumn+1) * 2);
-      fts3DeleteTerms(&rc, p, pRowid, aSzDel);
+        *pnChng = *pnChng - 1;
       if( p->zContentTbl==0 ){
         fts3SqlExec(&rc, p, SQL_DELETE_CONTENT, &pRowid);
-        if( sqlite3_changes(p->db) ) *pnDoc = *pnDoc - 1;
-      }else{
-        *pnDoc = *pnDoc - 1;
       if( p->bHasDocsize ){
         fts3SqlExec(&rc, p, SQL_DELETE_DOCSIZE, &pRowid);
+  }
   return rc;
@@ -130937,7 +133892,7 @@
   int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return Code */
   int isRemove = 0;               /* True for an UPDATE or DELETE */
   u32 *aSzIns = 0;                /* Sizes of inserted documents */
-  u32 *aSzDel;                    /* Sizes of deleted documents */
+  u32 *aSzDel = 0;                /* Sizes of deleted documents */
   int nChng = 0;                  /* Net change in number of documents */
   int bInsertDone = 0;
@@ -130965,13 +133920,13 @@
   /* Allocate space to hold the change in document sizes */
-  aSzIns = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(aSzIns[0])*(p->nColumn+1)*2 );
-  if( aSzIns==0 ){
+  aSzDel = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(aSzDel[0])*(p->nColumn+1)*2 );
+  if( aSzDel==0 ){
     rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
     goto update_out;
-  aSzDel = &aSzIns[p->nColumn+1];
-  memset(aSzIns, 0, sizeof(aSzIns[0])*(p->nColumn+1)*2);
+  aSzIns = &aSzDel[p->nColumn+1];
+  memset(aSzDel, 0, sizeof(aSzDel[0])*(p->nColumn+1)*2);
   /* If this is an INSERT operation, or an UPDATE that modifies the rowid
   ** value, then this operation requires constraint handling.
@@ -131056,7 +134011,7 @@
-  sqlite3_free(aSzIns);
+  sqlite3_free(aSzDel);
   return rc;
@@ -131477,9 +134432,9 @@
 ** is the snippet with the highest score, where scores are calculated
 ** by adding:
-**   (a) +1 point for each occurence of a matchable phrase in the snippet.
+**   (a) +1 point for each occurrence of a matchable phrase in the snippet.
-**   (b) +1000 points for the first occurence of each matchable phrase in 
+**   (b) +1000 points for the first occurrence of each matchable phrase in 
 **       the snippet for which the corresponding mCovered bit is not set.
 ** The selected snippet parameters are stored in structure *pFragment before
@@ -131664,7 +134619,7 @@
         return rc;
       while( rc==SQLITE_OK && iCurrent<(nSnippet+nDesired) ){
-        const char *ZDUMMY; int DUMMY1, DUMMY2, DUMMY3;
+        const char *ZDUMMY; int DUMMY1 = 0, DUMMY2 = 0, DUMMY3 = 0;
         rc = pMod->xNext(pC, &ZDUMMY, &DUMMY1, &DUMMY2, &DUMMY3, &iCurrent);
@@ -131708,8 +134663,6 @@
   int iCol = pFragment->iCol+1;   /* Query column to extract text from */
   sqlite3_tokenizer_module *pMod; /* Tokenizer module methods object */
   sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pC;   /* Tokenizer cursor open on zDoc/nDoc */
-  const char *ZDUMMY;             /* Dummy argument used with tokenizer */
-  int DUMMY1;                     /* Dummy argument used with tokenizer */
   zDoc = (const char *)sqlite3_column_text(pCsr->pStmt, iCol);
   if( zDoc==0 ){
@@ -131728,10 +134681,23 @@
   while( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
-    int iBegin;                   /* Offset in zDoc of start of token */
-    int iFin;                     /* Offset in zDoc of end of token */
-    int isHighlight;              /* True for highlighted terms */
+    const char *ZDUMMY;           /* Dummy argument used with tokenizer */
+    int DUMMY1 = -1;              /* Dummy argument used with tokenizer */
+    int iBegin = 0;               /* Offset in zDoc of start of token */
+    int iFin = 0;                 /* Offset in zDoc of end of token */
+    int isHighlight = 0;          /* True for highlighted terms */
+    /* Variable DUMMY1 is initialized to a negative value above. Elsewhere
+    ** in the FTS code the variable that the third argument to xNext points to
+    ** is initialized to zero before the first (*but not necessarily
+    ** subsequent*) call to xNext(). This is done for a particular application
+    ** that needs to know whether or not the tokenizer is being used for
+    ** snippet generation or for some other purpose.
+    **
+    ** Extreme care is required when writing code to depend on this
+    ** initialization. It is not a documented part of the tokenizer interface.
+    ** If a tokenizer is used directly by any code outside of FTS, this
+    ** convention might not be respected.  */
     rc = pMod->xNext(pC, &ZDUMMY, &DUMMY1, &iBegin, &iFin, &iCurrent);
     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
       if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
@@ -132421,8 +135387,6 @@
   Fts3Table *pTab = (Fts3Table *)pCsr->base.pVtab;
   sqlite3_tokenizer_module const *pMod = pTab->pTokenizer->pModule;
-  const char *ZDUMMY;             /* Dummy argument used with xNext() */
-  int NDUMMY;                     /* Dummy argument used with xNext() */
   int rc;                         /* Return Code */
   int nToken;                     /* Number of tokens in query */
   int iCol;                       /* Column currently being processed */
@@ -132455,9 +135419,11 @@
   for(iCol=0; iCol<pTab->nColumn; iCol++){
     sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pC; /* Tokenizer cursor */
-    int iStart;
-    int iEnd;
-    int iCurrent;
+    const char *ZDUMMY;           /* Dummy argument used with xNext() */
+    int NDUMMY = 0;               /* Dummy argument used with xNext() */
+    int iStart = 0;
+    int iEnd = 0;
+    int iCurrent = 0;
     const char *zDoc;
     int nDoc;
@@ -132597,6 +135563,769 @@
 /************** End of fts3_snippet.c ****************************************/
+/************** Begin file fts3_unicode.c ************************************/
+** 2012 May 24
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** Implementation of the "unicode" full-text-search tokenizer.
+#if !defined(SQLITE_CORE) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3)
+/* #include <assert.h> */
+/* #include <stdlib.h> */
+/* #include <stdio.h> */
+/* #include <string.h> */
+** The following two macros - READ_UTF8 and WRITE_UTF8 - have been copied
+** from the sqlite3 source file utf.c. If this file is compiled as part
+** of the amalgamation, they are not required.
+static const unsigned char sqlite3Utf8Trans1[] = {
+  0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,
+  0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+  0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17,
+  0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f,
+  0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,
+  0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
+  0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,
+  0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
+#define READ_UTF8(zIn, zTerm, c)                           \
+  c = *(zIn++);                                            \
+  if( c>=0xc0 ){                                           \
+    c = sqlite3Utf8Trans1[c-0xc0];                         \
+    while( zIn!=zTerm && (*zIn & 0xc0)==0x80 ){            \
+      c = (c<<6) + (0x3f & *(zIn++));                      \
+    }                                                      \
+    if( c<0x80                                             \
+        || (c&0xFFFFF800)==0xD800                          \
+        || (c&0xFFFFFFFE)==0xFFFE ){  c = 0xFFFD; }        \
+  }
+#define WRITE_UTF8(zOut, c) {                          \
+  if( c<0x00080 ){                                     \
+    *zOut++ = (u8)(c&0xFF);                            \
+  }                                                    \
+  else if( c<0x00800 ){                                \
+    *zOut++ = 0xC0 + (u8)((c>>6)&0x1F);                \
+    *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)(c & 0x3F);                   \
+  }                                                    \
+  else if( c<0x10000 ){                                \
+    *zOut++ = 0xE0 + (u8)((c>>12)&0x0F);               \
+    *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)((c>>6) & 0x3F);              \
+    *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)(c & 0x3F);                   \
+  }else{                                               \
+    *zOut++ = 0xF0 + (u8)((c>>18) & 0x07);             \
+    *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)((c>>12) & 0x3F);             \
+    *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)((c>>6) & 0x3F);              \
+    *zOut++ = 0x80 + (u8)(c & 0x3F);                   \
+  }                                                    \
+#endif /* ifndef SQLITE_AMALGAMATION */
+typedef struct unicode_tokenizer unicode_tokenizer;
+typedef struct unicode_cursor unicode_cursor;
+struct unicode_tokenizer {
+  sqlite3_tokenizer base;
+  int bRemoveDiacritic;
+  int nException;
+  int *aiException;
+struct unicode_cursor {
+  sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor base;
+  const unsigned char *aInput;    /* Input text being tokenized */
+  int nInput;                     /* Size of aInput[] in bytes */
+  int iOff;                       /* Current offset within aInput[] */
+  int iToken;                     /* Index of next token to be returned */
+  char *zToken;                   /* storage for current token */
+  int nAlloc;                     /* space allocated at zToken */
+** Destroy a tokenizer allocated by unicodeCreate().
+static int unicodeDestroy(sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer){
+  if( pTokenizer ){
+    unicode_tokenizer *p = (unicode_tokenizer *)pTokenizer;
+    sqlite3_free(p->aiException);
+    sqlite3_free(p);
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** As part of a tokenchars= or separators= option, the CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE
+** statement has specified that the tokenizer for this table shall consider
+** all characters in string zIn/nIn to be separators (if bAlnum==0) or
+** token characters (if bAlnum==1).
+** For each codepoint in the zIn/nIn string, this function checks if the
+** sqlite3FtsUnicodeIsalnum() function already returns the desired result.
+** If so, no action is taken. Otherwise, the codepoint is added to the 
+** unicode_tokenizer.aiException[] array. For the purposes of tokenization,
+** the return value of sqlite3FtsUnicodeIsalnum() is inverted for all
+** codepoints in the aiException[] array.
+** If a standalone diacritic mark (one that sqlite3FtsUnicodeIsdiacritic()
+** identifies as a diacritic) occurs in the zIn/nIn string it is ignored.
+** It is not possible to change the behavior of the tokenizer with respect
+** to these codepoints.
+static int unicodeAddExceptions(
+  unicode_tokenizer *p,           /* Tokenizer to add exceptions to */
+  int bAlnum,                     /* Replace Isalnum() return value with this */
+  const char *zIn,                /* Array of characters to make exceptions */
+  int nIn                         /* Length of z in bytes */
+  const unsigned char *z = (const unsigned char *)zIn;
+  const unsigned char *zTerm = &z[nIn];
+  int iCode;
+  int nEntry = 0;
+  assert( bAlnum==0 || bAlnum==1 );
+  while( z<zTerm ){
+    READ_UTF8(z, zTerm, iCode);
+    assert( (sqlite3FtsUnicodeIsalnum(iCode) & 0xFFFFFFFE)==0 );
+    if( sqlite3FtsUnicodeIsalnum(iCode)!=bAlnum 
+     && sqlite3FtsUnicodeIsdiacritic(iCode)==0 
+    ){
+      nEntry++;
+    }
+  }
+  if( nEntry ){
+    int *aNew;                    /* New aiException[] array */
+    int nNew;                     /* Number of valid entries in array aNew[] */
+    aNew = sqlite3_realloc(p->aiException, (p->nException+nEntry)*sizeof(int));
+    if( aNew==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+    nNew = p->nException;
+    z = (const unsigned char *)zIn;
+    while( z<zTerm ){
+      READ_UTF8(z, zTerm, iCode);
+      if( sqlite3FtsUnicodeIsalnum(iCode)!=bAlnum 
+       && sqlite3FtsUnicodeIsdiacritic(iCode)==0
+      ){
+        int i, j;
+        for(i=0; i<nNew && aNew[i]<iCode; i++);
+        for(j=nNew; j>i; j--) aNew[j] = aNew[j-1];
+        aNew[i] = iCode;
+        nNew++;
+      }
+    }
+    p->aiException = aNew;
+    p->nException = nNew;
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Return true if the p->aiException[] array contains the value iCode.
+static int unicodeIsException(unicode_tokenizer *p, int iCode){
+  if( p->nException>0 ){
+    int *a = p->aiException;
+    int iLo = 0;
+    int iHi = p->nException-1;
+    while( iHi>=iLo ){
+      int iTest = (iHi + iLo) / 2;
+      if( iCode==a[iTest] ){
+        return 1;
+      }else if( iCode>a[iTest] ){
+        iLo = iTest+1;
+      }else{
+        iHi = iTest-1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+** Return true if, for the purposes of tokenization, codepoint iCode is
+** considered a token character (not a separator).
+static int unicodeIsAlnum(unicode_tokenizer *p, int iCode){
+  assert( (sqlite3FtsUnicodeIsalnum(iCode) & 0xFFFFFFFE)==0 );
+  return sqlite3FtsUnicodeIsalnum(iCode) ^ unicodeIsException(p, iCode);
+** Create a new tokenizer instance.
+static int unicodeCreate(
+  int nArg,                       /* Size of array argv[] */
+  const char * const *azArg,      /* Tokenizer creation arguments */
+  sqlite3_tokenizer **pp          /* OUT: New tokenizer handle */
+  unicode_tokenizer *pNew;        /* New tokenizer object */
+  int i;
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  pNew = (unicode_tokenizer *) sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(unicode_tokenizer));
+  if( pNew==NULL ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+  memset(pNew, 0, sizeof(unicode_tokenizer));
+  pNew->bRemoveDiacritic = 1;
+  for(i=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<nArg; i++){
+    const char *z = azArg[i];
+    int n = strlen(z);
+    if( n==19 && memcmp("remove_diacritics=1", z, 19)==0 ){
+      pNew->bRemoveDiacritic = 1;
+    }
+    else if( n==19 && memcmp("remove_diacritics=0", z, 19)==0 ){
+      pNew->bRemoveDiacritic = 0;
+    }
+    else if( n>=11 && memcmp("tokenchars=", z, 11)==0 ){
+      rc = unicodeAddExceptions(pNew, 1, &z[11], n-11);
+    }
+    else if( n>=11 && memcmp("separators=", z, 11)==0 ){
+      rc = unicodeAddExceptions(pNew, 0, &z[11], n-11);
+    }
+    else{
+      /* Unrecognized argument */
+      rc  = SQLITE_ERROR;
+    }
+  }
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    unicodeDestroy((sqlite3_tokenizer *)pNew);
+    pNew = 0;
+  }
+  *pp = (sqlite3_tokenizer *)pNew;
+  return rc;
+** Prepare to begin tokenizing a particular string.  The input
+** string to be tokenized is pInput[0..nBytes-1].  A cursor
+** used to incrementally tokenize this string is returned in 
+** *ppCursor.
+static int unicodeOpen(
+  sqlite3_tokenizer *p,           /* The tokenizer */
+  const char *aInput,             /* Input string */
+  int nInput,                     /* Size of string aInput in bytes */
+  sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor **pp   /* OUT: New cursor object */
+  unicode_cursor *pCsr;
+  pCsr = (unicode_cursor *)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(unicode_cursor));
+  if( pCsr==0 ){
+    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+  }
+  memset(pCsr, 0, sizeof(unicode_cursor));
+  pCsr->aInput = (const unsigned char *)aInput;
+  if( aInput==0 ){
+    pCsr->nInput = 0;
+  }else if( nInput<0 ){
+    pCsr->nInput = (int)strlen(aInput);
+  }else{
+    pCsr->nInput = nInput;
+  }
+  *pp = &pCsr->base;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Close a tokenization cursor previously opened by a call to
+** simpleOpen() above.
+static int unicodeClose(sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pCursor){
+  unicode_cursor *pCsr = (unicode_cursor *) pCursor;
+  sqlite3_free(pCsr->zToken);
+  sqlite3_free(pCsr);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Extract the next token from a tokenization cursor.  The cursor must
+** have been opened by a prior call to simpleOpen().
+static int unicodeNext(
+  sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pC,   /* Cursor returned by simpleOpen */
+  const char **paToken,           /* OUT: Token text */
+  int *pnToken,                   /* OUT: Number of bytes at *paToken */
+  int *piStart,                   /* OUT: Starting offset of token */
+  int *piEnd,                     /* OUT: Ending offset of token */
+  int *piPos                      /* OUT: Position integer of token */
+  unicode_cursor *pCsr = (unicode_cursor *)pC;
+  unicode_tokenizer *p = ((unicode_tokenizer *)pCsr->base.pTokenizer);
+  int iCode;
+  char *zOut;
+  const unsigned char *z = &pCsr->aInput[pCsr->iOff];
+  const unsigned char *zStart = z;
+  const unsigned char *zEnd;
+  const unsigned char *zTerm = &pCsr->aInput[pCsr->nInput];
+  /* Scan past any delimiter characters before the start of the next token.
+  ** Return SQLITE_DONE early if this takes us all the way to the end of 
+  ** the input.  */
+  while( z<zTerm ){
+    READ_UTF8(z, zTerm, iCode);
+    if( unicodeIsAlnum(p, iCode) ) break;
+    zStart = z;
+  }
+  if( zStart>=zTerm ) return SQLITE_DONE;
+  zOut = pCsr->zToken;
+  do {
+    int iOut;
+    /* Grow the output buffer if required. */
+    if( (zOut-pCsr->zToken)>=(pCsr->nAlloc-4) ){
+      char *zNew = sqlite3_realloc(pCsr->zToken, pCsr->nAlloc+64);
+      if( !zNew ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+      zOut = &zNew[zOut - pCsr->zToken];
+      pCsr->zToken = zNew;
+      pCsr->nAlloc += 64;
+    }
+    /* Write the folded case of the last character read to the output */
+    zEnd = z;
+    iOut = sqlite3FtsUnicodeFold(iCode, p->bRemoveDiacritic);
+    if( iOut ){
+      WRITE_UTF8(zOut, iOut);
+    }
+    /* If the cursor is not at EOF, read the next character */
+    if( z>=zTerm ) break;
+    READ_UTF8(z, zTerm, iCode);
+  }while( unicodeIsAlnum(p, iCode) 
+       || sqlite3FtsUnicodeIsdiacritic(iCode)
+  );
+  /* Set the output variables and return. */
+  pCsr->iOff = (z - pCsr->aInput);
+  *paToken = pCsr->zToken;
+  *pnToken = zOut - pCsr->zToken;
+  *piStart = (zStart - pCsr->aInput);
+  *piEnd = (zEnd - pCsr->aInput);
+  *piPos = pCsr->iToken++;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Set *ppModule to a pointer to the sqlite3_tokenizer_module 
+** structure for the unicode tokenizer.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Fts3UnicodeTokenizer(sqlite3_tokenizer_module const **ppModule){
+  static const sqlite3_tokenizer_module module = {
+    0,
+    unicodeCreate,
+    unicodeDestroy,
+    unicodeOpen,
+    unicodeClose,
+    unicodeNext,
+    0,
+  };
+  *ppModule = &module;
+#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_CORE) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3) */
+#endif /* ifndef SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS4_UNICODE61 */
+/************** End of fts3_unicode.c ****************************************/
+/************** Begin file fts3_unicode2.c ***********************************/
+** 2012 May 25
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+#if defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS4)
+/* #include <assert.h> */
+** Return true if the argument corresponds to a unicode codepoint
+** classified as either a letter or a number. Otherwise false.
+** The results are undefined if the value passed to this function
+** is less than zero.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3FtsUnicodeIsalnum(int c){
+  /* Each unsigned integer in the following array corresponds to a contiguous
+  ** range of unicode codepoints that are not either letters or numbers (i.e.
+  ** codepoints for which this function should return 0).
+  **
+  ** The most significant 22 bits in each 32-bit value contain the first 
+  ** codepoint in the range. The least significant 10 bits are used to store
+  ** the size of the range (always at least 1). In other words, the value 
+  ** ((C<<22) + N) represents a range of N codepoints starting with codepoint 
+  ** C. It is not possible to represent a range larger than 1023 codepoints 
+  ** using this format.
+  */
+  const static unsigned int aEntry[] = {
+    0x00000030, 0x0000E807, 0x00016C06, 0x0001EC2F, 0x0002AC07,
+    0x0002D001, 0x0002D803, 0x0002EC01, 0x0002FC01, 0x00035C01,
+    0x0003DC01, 0x000B0804, 0x000B480E, 0x000B9407, 0x000BB401,
+    0x000BBC81, 0x000DD401, 0x000DF801, 0x000E1002, 0x000E1C01,
+    0x000FD801, 0x00120808, 0x00156806, 0x00162402, 0x00163C01,
+    0x00164437, 0x0017CC02, 0x00180005, 0x00181816, 0x00187802,
+    0x00192C15, 0x0019A804, 0x0019C001, 0x001B5001, 0x001B580F,
+    0x001B9C07, 0x001BF402, 0x001C000E, 0x001C3C01, 0x001C4401,
+    0x001CC01B, 0x001E980B, 0x001FAC09, 0x001FD804, 0x00205804,
+    0x00206C09, 0x00209403, 0x0020A405, 0x0020C00F, 0x00216403,
+    0x00217801, 0x0023901B, 0x00240004, 0x0024E803, 0x0024F812,
+    0x00254407, 0x00258804, 0x0025C001, 0x00260403, 0x0026F001,
+    0x0026F807, 0x00271C02, 0x00272C03, 0x00275C01, 0x00278802,
+    0x0027C802, 0x0027E802, 0x00280403, 0x0028F001, 0x0028F805,
+    0x00291C02, 0x00292C03, 0x00294401, 0x0029C002, 0x0029D401,
+    0x002A0403, 0x002AF001, 0x002AF808, 0x002B1C03, 0x002B2C03,
+    0x002B8802, 0x002BC002, 0x002C0403, 0x002CF001, 0x002CF807,
+    0x002D1C02, 0x002D2C03, 0x002D5802, 0x002D8802, 0x002DC001,
+    0x002E0801, 0x002EF805, 0x002F1803, 0x002F2804, 0x002F5C01,
+    0x002FCC08, 0x00300403, 0x0030F807, 0x00311803, 0x00312804,
+    0x00315402, 0x00318802, 0x0031FC01, 0x00320802, 0x0032F001,
+    0x0032F807, 0x00331803, 0x00332804, 0x00335402, 0x00338802,
+    0x00340802, 0x0034F807, 0x00351803, 0x00352804, 0x00355C01,
+    0x00358802, 0x0035E401, 0x00360802, 0x00372801, 0x00373C06,
+    0x00375801, 0x00376008, 0x0037C803, 0x0038C401, 0x0038D007,
+    0x0038FC01, 0x00391C09, 0x00396802, 0x003AC401, 0x003AD006,
+    0x003AEC02, 0x003B2006, 0x003C041F, 0x003CD00C, 0x003DC417,
+    0x003E340B, 0x003E6424, 0x003EF80F, 0x003F380D, 0x0040AC14,
+    0x00412806, 0x00415804, 0x00417803, 0x00418803, 0x00419C07,
+    0x0041C404, 0x0042080C, 0x00423C01, 0x00426806, 0x0043EC01,
+    0x004D740C, 0x004E400A, 0x00500001, 0x0059B402, 0x005A0001,
+    0x005A6C02, 0x005BAC03, 0x005C4803, 0x005CC805, 0x005D4802,
+    0x005DC802, 0x005ED023, 0x005F6004, 0x005F7401, 0x0060000F,
+    0x0062A401, 0x0064800C, 0x0064C00C, 0x00650001, 0x00651002,
+    0x0066C011, 0x00672002, 0x00677822, 0x00685C05, 0x00687802,
+    0x0069540A, 0x0069801D, 0x0069FC01, 0x006A8007, 0x006AA006,
+    0x006C0005, 0x006CD011, 0x006D6823, 0x006E0003, 0x006E840D,
+    0x006F980E, 0x006FF004, 0x00709014, 0x0070EC05, 0x0071F802,
+    0x00730008, 0x00734019, 0x0073B401, 0x0073C803, 0x00770027,
+    0x0077F004, 0x007EF401, 0x007EFC03, 0x007F3403, 0x007F7403,
+    0x007FB403, 0x007FF402, 0x00800065, 0x0081A806, 0x0081E805,
+    0x00822805, 0x0082801A, 0x00834021, 0x00840002, 0x00840C04,
+    0x00842002, 0x00845001, 0x00845803, 0x00847806, 0x00849401,
+    0x00849C01, 0x0084A401, 0x0084B801, 0x0084E802, 0x00850005,
+    0x00852804, 0x00853C01, 0x00864264, 0x00900027, 0x0091000B,
+    0x0092704E, 0x00940200, 0x009C0475, 0x009E53B9, 0x00AD400A,
+    0x00B39406, 0x00B3BC03, 0x00B3E404, 0x00B3F802, 0x00B5C001,
+    0x00B5FC01, 0x00B7804F, 0x00B8C00C, 0x00BA001A, 0x00BA6C59,
+    0x00BC00D6, 0x00BFC00C, 0x00C00005, 0x00C02019, 0x00C0A807,
+    0x00C0D802, 0x00C0F403, 0x00C26404, 0x00C28001, 0x00C3EC01,
+    0x00C64002, 0x00C6580A, 0x00C70024, 0x00C8001F, 0x00C8A81E,
+    0x00C94001, 0x00C98020, 0x00CA2827, 0x00CB003F, 0x00CC0100,
+    0x01370040, 0x02924037, 0x0293F802, 0x02983403, 0x0299BC10,
+    0x029A7C01, 0x029BC008, 0x029C0017, 0x029C8002, 0x029E2402,
+    0x02A00801, 0x02A01801, 0x02A02C01, 0x02A08C09, 0x02A0D804,
+    0x02A1D004, 0x02A20002, 0x02A2D011, 0x02A33802, 0x02A38012,
+    0x02A3E003, 0x02A4980A, 0x02A51C0D, 0x02A57C01, 0x02A60004,
+    0x02A6CC1B, 0x02A77802, 0x02A8A40E, 0x02A90C01, 0x02A93002,
+    0x02A97004, 0x02A9DC03, 0x02A9EC01, 0x02AAC001, 0x02AAC803,
+    0x02AADC02, 0x02AAF802, 0x02AB0401, 0x02AB7802, 0x02ABAC07,
+    0x02ABD402, 0x02AF8C0B, 0x03600001, 0x036DFC02, 0x036FFC02,
+    0x037FFC02, 0x03E3FC01, 0x03EC7801, 0x03ECA401, 0x03EEC810,
+    0x03F4F802, 0x03F7F002, 0x03F8001A, 0x03F88007, 0x03F8C023,
+    0x03F95013, 0x03F9A004, 0x03FBFC01, 0x03FC040F, 0x03FC6807,
+    0x03FCEC06, 0x03FD6C0B, 0x03FF8007, 0x03FFA007, 0x03FFE405,
+    0x04040003, 0x0404DC09, 0x0405E411, 0x0406400C, 0x0407402E,
+    0x040E7C01, 0x040F4001, 0x04215C01, 0x04247C01, 0x0424FC01,
+    0x04280403, 0x04281402, 0x04283004, 0x0428E003, 0x0428FC01,
+    0x04294009, 0x0429FC01, 0x042CE407, 0x04400003, 0x0440E016,
+    0x04420003, 0x0442C012, 0x04440003, 0x04449C0E, 0x04450004,
+    0x04460003, 0x0446CC0E, 0x04471404, 0x045AAC0D, 0x0491C004,
+    0x05BD442E, 0x05BE3C04, 0x074000F6, 0x07440027, 0x0744A4B5,
+    0x07480046, 0x074C0057, 0x075B0401, 0x075B6C01, 0x075BEC01,
+    0x075C5401, 0x075CD401, 0x075D3C01, 0x075DBC01, 0x075E2401,
+    0x075EA401, 0x075F0C01, 0x07BBC002, 0x07C0002C, 0x07C0C064,
+    0x07C2800F, 0x07C2C40E, 0x07C3040F, 0x07C3440F, 0x07C4401F,
+    0x07C4C03C, 0x07C5C02B, 0x07C7981D, 0x07C8402B, 0x07C90009,
+    0x07C94002, 0x07CC0021, 0x07CCC006, 0x07CCDC46, 0x07CE0014,
+    0x07CE8025, 0x07CF1805, 0x07CF8011, 0x07D0003F, 0x07D10001,
+    0x07D108B6, 0x07D3E404, 0x07D4003E, 0x07D50004, 0x07D54018,
+    0x07D7EC46, 0x07D9140B, 0x07DA0046, 0x07DC0074, 0x38000401,
+    0x38008060, 0x380400F0, 0x3C000001, 0x3FFFF401, 0x40000001,
+    0x43FFF401,
+  };
+  static const unsigned int aAscii[4] = {
+    0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFC00FFFF, 0xF8000001, 0xF8000001,
+  };
+  if( c<128 ){
+    return ( (aAscii[c >> 5] & (1 << (c & 0x001F)))==0 );
+  }else if( c<(1<<22) ){
+    unsigned int key = (((unsigned int)c)<<10) | 0x000003FF;
+    int iRes;
+    int iHi = sizeof(aEntry)/sizeof(aEntry[0]) - 1;
+    int iLo = 0;
+    while( iHi>=iLo ){
+      int iTest = (iHi + iLo) / 2;
+      if( key >= aEntry[iTest] ){
+        iRes = iTest;
+        iLo = iTest+1;
+      }else{
+        iHi = iTest-1;
+      }
+    }
+    assert( aEntry[0]<key );
+    assert( key>=aEntry[iRes] );
+    return (((unsigned int)c) >= ((aEntry[iRes]>>10) + (aEntry[iRes]&0x3FF)));
+  }
+  return 1;
+** If the argument is a codepoint corresponding to a lowercase letter
+** in the ASCII range with a diacritic added, return the codepoint
+** of the ASCII letter only. For example, if passed 235 - "LATIN
+** E"). The resuls of passing a codepoint that corresponds to an
+** uppercase letter are undefined.
+static int remove_diacritic(int c){
+  unsigned short aDia[] = {
+        0,  1797,  1848,  1859,  1891,  1928,  1940,  1995, 
+     2024,  2040,  2060,  2110,  2168,  2206,  2264,  2286, 
+     2344,  2383,  2472,  2488,  2516,  2596,  2668,  2732, 
+     2782,  2842,  2894,  2954,  2984,  3000,  3028,  3336, 
+     3456,  3696,  3712,  3728,  3744,  3896,  3912,  3928, 
+     3968,  4008,  4040,  4106,  4138,  4170,  4202,  4234, 
+     4266,  4296,  4312,  4344,  4408,  4424,  4472,  4504, 
+     6148,  6198,  6264,  6280,  6360,  6429,  6505,  6529, 
+    61448, 61468, 61534, 61592, 61642, 61688, 61704, 61726, 
+    61784, 61800, 61836, 61880, 61914, 61948, 61998, 62122, 
+    62154, 62200, 62218, 62302, 62364, 62442, 62478, 62536, 
+    62554, 62584, 62604, 62640, 62648, 62656, 62664, 62730, 
+    62924, 63050, 63082, 63274, 63390, 
+  };
+  char aChar[] = {
+    '\0', 'a',  'c',  'e',  'i',  'n',  'o',  'u',  'y',  'y',  'a',  'c',  
+    'd',  'e',  'e',  'g',  'h',  'i',  'j',  'k',  'l',  'n',  'o',  'r',  
+    's',  't',  'u',  'u',  'w',  'y',  'z',  'o',  'u',  'a',  'i',  'o',  
+    'u',  'g',  'k',  'o',  'j',  'g',  'n',  'a',  'e',  'i',  'o',  'r',  
+    'u',  's',  't',  'h',  'a',  'e',  'o',  'y',  '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', 
+    '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', 'a',  'b',  'd',  'd',  'e',  'f',  'g',  'h',  
+    'h',  'i',  'k',  'l',  'l',  'm',  'n',  'p',  'r',  'r',  's',  't',  
+    'u',  'v',  'w',  'w',  'x',  'y',  'z',  'h',  't',  'w',  'y',  'a',  
+    'e',  'i',  'o',  'u',  'y',  
+  };
+  unsigned int key = (((unsigned int)c)<<3) | 0x00000007;
+  int iRes = 0;
+  int iHi = sizeof(aDia)/sizeof(aDia[0]) - 1;
+  int iLo = 0;
+  while( iHi>=iLo ){
+    int iTest = (iHi + iLo) / 2;
+    if( key >= aDia[iTest] ){
+      iRes = iTest;
+      iLo = iTest+1;
+    }else{
+      iHi = iTest-1;
+    }
+  }
+  assert( key>=aDia[iRes] );
+  return ((c > (aDia[iRes]>>3) + (aDia[iRes]&0x07)) ? c : (int)aChar[iRes]);
+** Return true if the argument interpreted as a unicode codepoint
+** is a diacritical modifier character.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3FtsUnicodeIsdiacritic(int c){
+  unsigned int mask0 = 0x08029FDF;
+  unsigned int mask1 = 0x000361F8;
+  if( c<768 || c>817 ) return 0;
+  return (c < 768+32) ?
+      (mask0 & (1 << (c-768))) :
+      (mask1 & (1 << (c-768-32)));
+** Interpret the argument as a unicode codepoint. If the codepoint
+** is an upper case character that has a lower case equivalent,
+** return the codepoint corresponding to the lower case version.
+** Otherwise, return a copy of the argument.
+** The results are undefined if the value passed to this function
+** is less than zero.
+SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3FtsUnicodeFold(int c, int bRemoveDiacritic){
+  /* Each entry in the following array defines a rule for folding a range
+  ** of codepoints to lower case. The rule applies to a range of nRange
+  ** codepoints starting at codepoint iCode.
+  **
+  ** If the least significant bit in flags is clear, then the rule applies
+  ** to all nRange codepoints (i.e. all nRange codepoints are upper case and
+  ** need to be folded). Or, if it is set, then the rule only applies to
+  ** every second codepoint in the range, starting with codepoint C.
+  **
+  ** The 7 most significant bits in flags are an index into the aiOff[]
+  ** array. If a specific codepoint C does require folding, then its lower
+  ** case equivalent is ((C + aiOff[flags>>1]) & 0xFFFF).
+  **
+  ** The contents of this array are generated by parsing the CaseFolding.txt
+  ** file distributed as part of the "Unicode Character Database". See
+  ** http://www.unicode.org for details.
+  */
+  static const struct TableEntry {
+    unsigned short iCode;
+    unsigned char flags;
+    unsigned char nRange;
+  } aEntry[] = {
+    {65, 14, 26},          {181, 64, 1},          {192, 14, 23},
+    {216, 14, 7},          {256, 1, 48},          {306, 1, 6},
+    {313, 1, 16},          {330, 1, 46},          {376, 116, 1},
+    {377, 1, 6},           {383, 104, 1},         {385, 50, 1},
+    {386, 1, 4},           {390, 44, 1},          {391, 0, 1},
+    {393, 42, 2},          {395, 0, 1},           {398, 32, 1},
+    {399, 38, 1},          {400, 40, 1},          {401, 0, 1},
+    {403, 42, 1},          {404, 46, 1},          {406, 52, 1},
+    {407, 48, 1},          {408, 0, 1},           {412, 52, 1},
+    {413, 54, 1},          {415, 56, 1},          {416, 1, 6},
+    {422, 60, 1},          {423, 0, 1},           {425, 60, 1},
+    {428, 0, 1},           {430, 60, 1},          {431, 0, 1},
+    {433, 58, 2},          {435, 1, 4},           {439, 62, 1},
+    {440, 0, 1},           {444, 0, 1},           {452, 2, 1},
+    {453, 0, 1},           {455, 2, 1},           {456, 0, 1},
+    {458, 2, 1},           {459, 1, 18},          {478, 1, 18},
+    {497, 2, 1},           {498, 1, 4},           {502, 122, 1},
+    {503, 134, 1},         {504, 1, 40},          {544, 110, 1},
+    {546, 1, 18},          {570, 70, 1},          {571, 0, 1},
+    {573, 108, 1},         {574, 68, 1},          {577, 0, 1},
+    {579, 106, 1},         {580, 28, 1},          {581, 30, 1},
+    {582, 1, 10},          {837, 36, 1},          {880, 1, 4},
+    {886, 0, 1},           {902, 18, 1},          {904, 16, 3},
+    {908, 26, 1},          {910, 24, 2},          {913, 14, 17},
+    {931, 14, 9},          {962, 0, 1},           {975, 4, 1},
+    {976, 140, 1},         {977, 142, 1},         {981, 146, 1},
+    {982, 144, 1},         {984, 1, 24},          {1008, 136, 1},
+    {1009, 138, 1},        {1012, 130, 1},        {1013, 128, 1},
+    {1015, 0, 1},          {1017, 152, 1},        {1018, 0, 1},
+    {1021, 110, 3},        {1024, 34, 16},        {1040, 14, 32},
+    {1120, 1, 34},         {1162, 1, 54},         {1216, 6, 1},
+    {1217, 1, 14},         {1232, 1, 88},         {1329, 22, 38},
+    {4256, 66, 38},        {4295, 66, 1},         {4301, 66, 1},
+    {7680, 1, 150},        {7835, 132, 1},        {7838, 96, 1},
+    {7840, 1, 96},         {7944, 150, 8},        {7960, 150, 6},
+    {7976, 150, 8},        {7992, 150, 8},        {8008, 150, 6},
+    {8025, 151, 8},        {8040, 150, 8},        {8072, 150, 8},
+    {8088, 150, 8},        {8104, 150, 8},        {8120, 150, 2},
+    {8122, 126, 2},        {8124, 148, 1},        {8126, 100, 1},
+    {8136, 124, 4},        {8140, 148, 1},        {8152, 150, 2},
+    {8154, 120, 2},        {8168, 150, 2},        {8170, 118, 2},
+    {8172, 152, 1},        {8184, 112, 2},        {8186, 114, 2},
+    {8188, 148, 1},        {8486, 98, 1},         {8490, 92, 1},
+    {8491, 94, 1},         {8498, 12, 1},         {8544, 8, 16},
+    {8579, 0, 1},          {9398, 10, 26},        {11264, 22, 47},
+    {11360, 0, 1},         {11362, 88, 1},        {11363, 102, 1},
+    {11364, 90, 1},        {11367, 1, 6},         {11373, 84, 1},
+    {11374, 86, 1},        {11375, 80, 1},        {11376, 82, 1},
+    {11378, 0, 1},         {11381, 0, 1},         {11390, 78, 2},
+    {11392, 1, 100},       {11499, 1, 4},         {11506, 0, 1},
+    {42560, 1, 46},        {42624, 1, 24},        {42786, 1, 14},
+    {42802, 1, 62},        {42873, 1, 4},         {42877, 76, 1},
+    {42878, 1, 10},        {42891, 0, 1},         {42893, 74, 1},
+    {42896, 1, 4},         {42912, 1, 10},        {42922, 72, 1},
+    {65313, 14, 26},       
+  };
+  static const unsigned short aiOff[] = {
+   1,     2,     8,     15,    16,    26,    28,    32,    
+   37,    38,    40,    48,    63,    64,    69,    71,    
+   79,    80,    116,   202,   203,   205,   206,   207,   
+   209,   210,   211,   213,   214,   217,   218,   219,   
+   775,   7264,  10792, 10795, 23228, 23256, 30204, 54721, 
+   54753, 54754, 54756, 54787, 54793, 54809, 57153, 57274, 
+   57921, 58019, 58363, 61722, 65268, 65341, 65373, 65406, 
+   65408, 65410, 65415, 65424, 65436, 65439, 65450, 65462, 
+   65472, 65476, 65478, 65480, 65482, 65488, 65506, 65511, 
+   65514, 65521, 65527, 65528, 65529, 
+  };
+  int ret = c;
+  assert( c>=0 );
+  assert( sizeof(unsigned short)==2 && sizeof(unsigned char)==1 );
+  if( c<128 ){
+    if( c>='A' && c<='Z' ) ret = c + ('a' - 'A');
+  }else if( c<65536 ){
+    int iHi = sizeof(aEntry)/sizeof(aEntry[0]) - 1;
+    int iLo = 0;
+    int iRes = -1;
+    while( iHi>=iLo ){
+      int iTest = (iHi + iLo) / 2;
+      int cmp = (c - aEntry[iTest].iCode);
+      if( cmp>=0 ){
+        iRes = iTest;
+        iLo = iTest+1;
+      }else{
+        iHi = iTest-1;
+      }
+    }
+    assert( iRes<0 || c>=aEntry[iRes].iCode );
+    if( iRes>=0 ){
+      const struct TableEntry *p = &aEntry[iRes];
+      if( c<(p->iCode + p->nRange) && 0==(0x01 & p->flags & (p->iCode ^ c)) ){
+        ret = (c + (aiOff[p->flags>>1])) & 0x0000FFFF;
+        assert( ret>0 );
+      }
+    }
+    if( bRemoveDiacritic ) ret = remove_diacritic(ret);
+  }
+  else if( c>=66560 && c<66600 ){
+    ret = c + 40;
+  }
+  return ret;
+#endif /* defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS4) */
+#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS4_UNICODE61) */
+/************** End of fts3_unicode2.c ***************************************/
 /************** Begin file rtree.c *******************************************/
 ** 2001 September 15
@@ -135258,12 +138987,12 @@
 static int rtreeDeleteRowid(Rtree *pRtree, sqlite3_int64 iDelete){
   int rc;                         /* Return code */
-  RtreeNode *pLeaf;               /* Leaf node containing record iDelete */
+  RtreeNode *pLeaf = 0;           /* Leaf node containing record iDelete */
   int iCell;                      /* Index of iDelete cell in pLeaf */
   RtreeNode *pRoot;               /* Root node of rtree structure */
-  /* Obtain a reference to the root node to initialise Rtree.iDepth */
+  /* Obtain a reference to the root node to initialize Rtree.iDepth */
   rc = nodeAcquire(pRtree, 1, 0, &pRoot);
   /* Obtain a reference to the leaf node that contains the entry 
@@ -135338,6 +139067,36 @@
+** Rounding constants for float->double conversion.
+#define RNDTOWARDS  (1.0 - 1.0/8388608.0)  /* Round towards zero */
+#define RNDAWAY     (1.0 + 1.0/8388608.0)  /* Round away from zero */
+#if !defined(SQLITE_RTREE_INT_ONLY)
+** Convert an sqlite3_value into an RtreeValue (presumably a float)
+** while taking care to round toward negative or positive, respectively.
+static RtreeValue rtreeValueDown(sqlite3_value *v){
+  double d = sqlite3_value_double(v);
+  float f = (float)d;
+  if( f>d ){
+    f = (float)(d*(d<0 ? RNDAWAY : RNDTOWARDS));
+  }
+  return f;
+static RtreeValue rtreeValueUp(sqlite3_value *v){
+  double d = sqlite3_value_double(v);
+  float f = (float)d;
+  if( f<d ){
+    f = (float)(d*(d<0 ? RNDTOWARDS : RNDAWAY));
+  }
+  return f;
+#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_RTREE_INT_ONLY) */
 ** The xUpdate method for rtree module virtual tables.
 static int rtreeUpdate(
@@ -135373,8 +139132,8 @@
     if( pRtree->eCoordType==RTREE_COORD_REAL32 ){
       for(ii=0; ii<(pRtree->nDim*2); ii+=2){
-        cell.aCoord[ii].f = (RtreeValue)sqlite3_value_double(azData[ii+3]);
-        cell.aCoord[ii+1].f = (RtreeValue)sqlite3_value_double(azData[ii+4]);
+        cell.aCoord[ii].f = rtreeValueDown(azData[ii+3]);
+        cell.aCoord[ii+1].f = rtreeValueUp(azData[ii+4]);
         if( cell.aCoord[ii].f>cell.aCoord[ii+1].f ){
           rc = SQLITE_CONSTRAINT;
           goto constraint;
@@ -135431,7 +139190,7 @@
   if( rc==SQLITE_OK && nData>1 ){
     /* Insert the new record into the r-tree */
-    RtreeNode *pLeaf;
+    RtreeNode *pLeaf = 0;
     /* Figure out the rowid of the new row. */
     if( bHaveRowid==0 ){
@@ -135617,7 +139376,8 @@
 static int getNodeSize(
   sqlite3 *db,                    /* Database handle */
   Rtree *pRtree,                  /* Rtree handle */
-  int isCreate                    /* True for xCreate, false for xConnect */
+  int isCreate,                   /* True for xCreate, false for xConnect */
+  char **pzErr                    /* OUT: Error message, if any */
   int rc;
   char *zSql;
@@ -135630,6 +139390,8 @@
       if( (4+pRtree->nBytesPerCell*RTREE_MAXCELLS)<pRtree->iNodeSize ){
         pRtree->iNodeSize = 4+pRtree->nBytesPerCell*RTREE_MAXCELLS;
+    }else{
+      *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
     zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
@@ -135637,6 +139399,9 @@
         pRtree->zDb, pRtree->zName
     rc = getIntFromStmt(db, zSql, &pRtree->iNodeSize);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+      *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
+    }
@@ -135700,7 +139465,7 @@
   memcpy(pRtree->zName, argv[2], nName);
   /* Figure out the node size to use. */
-  rc = getNodeSize(db, pRtree, isCreate);
+  rc = getNodeSize(db, pRtree, isCreate, pzErr);
   /* Create/Connect to the underlying relational database schema. If
   ** that is successful, call sqlite3_declare_vtab() to configure
@@ -136547,7 +140312,7 @@
   nChar = nInput+1;
   pCsr = (IcuCursor *)sqlite3_malloc(
       sizeof(IcuCursor) +                /* IcuCursor */
-      nChar * sizeof(UChar) +            /* IcuCursor.aChar[] */
+      ((nChar+3)&~3) * sizeof(UChar) +   /* IcuCursor.aChar[] */
       (nChar+1) * sizeof(int)            /* IcuCursor.aOffset[] */
   if( !pCsr ){
@@ -136555,7 +140320,7 @@
   memset(pCsr, 0, sizeof(IcuCursor));
   pCsr->aChar = (UChar *)&pCsr[1];
-  pCsr->aOffset = (int *)&pCsr->aChar[nChar];
+  pCsr->aOffset = (int *)&pCsr->aChar[(nChar+3)&~3];
   pCsr->aOffset[iOut] = iInput;
   U8_NEXT(zInput, iInput, nInput, c); 
@@ -136627,7 +140392,7 @@
     while( iStart<iEnd ){
       int iWhite = iStart;
-      U8_NEXT(pCsr->aChar, iWhite, pCsr->nChar, c);
+      U16_NEXT(pCsr->aChar, iWhite, pCsr->nChar, c);
       if( u_isspace(c) ){
         iStart = iWhite;
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/sqlite3ext.h DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/sqlite3ext.h
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/sqlite3ext.h	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/sqlite3ext.h	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -236,6 +236,20 @@
   int (*blob_reopen)(sqlite3_blob*,sqlite3_int64);
   int (*vtab_config)(sqlite3*,int op,...);
   int (*vtab_on_conflict)(sqlite3*);
+  /* Version 3.7.16 and later */
+  int (*close_v2)(sqlite3*);
+  const char *(*db_filename)(sqlite3*,const char*);
+  int (*db_readonly)(sqlite3*,const char*);
+  int (*db_release_memory)(sqlite3*);
+  const char *(*errstr)(int);
+  int (*stmt_busy)(sqlite3_stmt*);
+  int (*stmt_readonly)(sqlite3_stmt*);
+  int (*stricmp)(const char*,const char*);
+  int (*uri_boolean)(const char*,const char*,int);
+  sqlite3_int64 (*uri_int64)(const char*,const char*,sqlite3_int64);
+  const char *(*uri_parameter)(const char*,const char*);
+  char *(*vsnprintf)(int,char*,const char*,va_list);
+  int (*wal_checkpoint_v2)(sqlite3*,const char*,int,int*,int*);
@@ -439,9 +453,32 @@
 #define sqlite3_blob_reopen            sqlite3_api->blob_reopen
 #define sqlite3_vtab_config            sqlite3_api->vtab_config
 #define sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict       sqlite3_api->vtab_on_conflict
+/* Version 3.7.16 and later */
+#define sqlite3_close_v2               sqlite3_api->close_v2
+#define sqlite3_db_filename            sqlite3_api->db_filename
+#define sqlite3_db_readonly            sqlite3_api->db_readonly
+#define sqlite3_db_release_memory      sqlite3_api->db_release_memory
+#define sqlite3_errstr                 sqlite3_api->errstr
+#define sqlite3_stmt_busy              sqlite3_api->stmt_busy
+#define sqlite3_stmt_readonly          sqlite3_api->stmt_readonly
+#define sqlite3_stricmp                sqlite3_api->stricmp
+#define sqlite3_uri_boolean            sqlite3_api->uri_boolean
+#define sqlite3_uri_int64              sqlite3_api->uri_int64
+#define sqlite3_uri_parameter          sqlite3_api->uri_parameter
+#define sqlite3_uri_vsnprintf          sqlite3_api->vsnprintf
+#define sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2      sqlite3_api->wal_checkpoint_v2
 #endif /* SQLITE_CORE */
-#define SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT1     const sqlite3_api_routines *sqlite3_api = 0;
-#define SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT2(v)  sqlite3_api = v;
+#ifndef SQLITE_CORE
+  /* This case when the file really is being compiled as a loadable 
+  ** extension */
+# define SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT1     const sqlite3_api_routines *sqlite3_api=0;
+# define SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT2(v)  sqlite3_api=v;
+  /* This case when the file is being statically linked into the 
+  ** application */
+# define SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT1     /*no-op*/
+# define SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT2(v)  (void)v; /* unused parameter */
 #endif /* _SQLITE3EXT_H_ */
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/sqlite3.h DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/sqlite3.h
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/sqlite3.h	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/sqlite3.h	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -107,9 +107,9 @@
 ** [sqlite3_libversion_number()], [sqlite3_sourceid()],
 ** [sqlite_version()] and [sqlite_source_id()].
-#define SQLITE_VERSION        ""
-#define SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER 3007012
-#define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID      "2012-05-22 02:45:53 6d326d44fd1d626aae0e8456e5fa2049f1ce0789"
+#define SQLITE_VERSION        "3.7.17"
+#define SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER 3007017
+#define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID      "2013-05-20 00:56:22 118a3b35693b134d56ebd780123b7fd6f1497668"
 ** CAPI3REF: Run-Time Library Version Numbers
@@ -219,7 +219,8 @@
 ** the opaque structure named "sqlite3".  It is useful to think of an sqlite3
 ** pointer as an object.  The [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open16()], and
 ** [sqlite3_open_v2()] interfaces are its constructors, and [sqlite3_close()]
-** is its destructor.  There are many other interfaces (such as
+** and [sqlite3_close_v2()] are its destructors.  There are many other
+** interfaces (such as
 ** [sqlite3_prepare_v2()], [sqlite3_create_function()], and
 ** [sqlite3_busy_timeout()] to name but three) that are methods on an
 ** sqlite3 object.
@@ -266,28 +267,46 @@
 ** CAPI3REF: Closing A Database Connection
-** ^The sqlite3_close() routine is the destructor for the [sqlite3] object.
-** ^Calls to sqlite3_close() return SQLITE_OK if the [sqlite3] object is
-** successfully destroyed and all associated resources are deallocated.
-** Applications must [sqlite3_finalize | finalize] all [prepared statements]
-** and [sqlite3_blob_close | close] all [BLOB handles] associated with
-** the [sqlite3] object prior to attempting to close the object.  ^If
-** sqlite3_close() is called on a [database connection] that still has
-** outstanding [prepared statements] or [BLOB handles], then it returns
+** ^The sqlite3_close() and sqlite3_close_v2() routines are destructors
+** for the [sqlite3] object.
+** ^Calls to sqlite3_close() and sqlite3_close_v2() return SQLITE_OK if
+** the [sqlite3] object is successfully destroyed and all associated
+** resources are deallocated.
+** ^If the database connection is associated with unfinalized prepared
+** statements or unfinished sqlite3_backup objects then sqlite3_close()
+** will leave the database connection open and return [SQLITE_BUSY].
+** ^If sqlite3_close_v2() is called with unfinalized prepared statements
+** and unfinished sqlite3_backups, then the database connection becomes
+** an unusable "zombie" which will automatically be deallocated when the
+** last prepared statement is finalized or the last sqlite3_backup is
+** finished.  The sqlite3_close_v2() interface is intended for use with
+** host languages that are garbage collected, and where the order in which
+** destructors are called is arbitrary.
+** Applications should [sqlite3_finalize | finalize] all [prepared statements],
+** [sqlite3_blob_close | close] all [BLOB handles], and 
+** [sqlite3_backup_finish | finish] all [sqlite3_backup] objects associated
+** with the [sqlite3] object prior to attempting to close the object.  ^If
+** sqlite3_close_v2() is called on a [database connection] that still has
+** outstanding [prepared statements], [BLOB handles], and/or
+** [sqlite3_backup] objects then it returns SQLITE_OK but the deallocation
+** of resources is deferred until all [prepared statements], [BLOB handles],
+** and [sqlite3_backup] objects are also destroyed.
-** ^If [sqlite3_close()] is invoked while a transaction is open,
+** ^If an [sqlite3] object is destroyed while a transaction is open,
 ** the transaction is automatically rolled back.
-** The C parameter to [sqlite3_close(C)] must be either a NULL
+** The C parameter to [sqlite3_close(C)] and [sqlite3_close_v2(C)]
+** must be either a NULL
 ** pointer or an [sqlite3] object pointer obtained
 ** from [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open16()], or
 ** [sqlite3_open_v2()], and not previously closed.
-** ^Calling sqlite3_close() with a NULL pointer argument is a 
-** harmless no-op.
+** ^Calling sqlite3_close() or sqlite3_close_v2() with a NULL pointer
+** argument is a harmless no-op.
-SQLITE_API int sqlite3_close(sqlite3 *);
+SQLITE_API int sqlite3_close(sqlite3*);
+SQLITE_API int sqlite3_close_v2(sqlite3*);
 ** The type for a callback function.
@@ -406,6 +425,8 @@
 #define SQLITE_FORMAT      24   /* Auxiliary database format error */
 #define SQLITE_RANGE       25   /* 2nd parameter to sqlite3_bind out of range */
 #define SQLITE_NOTADB      26   /* File opened that is not a database file */
+#define SQLITE_NOTICE      27   /* Notifications from sqlite3_log() */
+#define SQLITE_WARNING     28   /* Warnings from sqlite3_log() */
 #define SQLITE_ROW         100  /* sqlite3_step() has another row ready */
 #define SQLITE_DONE        101  /* sqlite3_step() has finished executing */
 /* end-of-error-codes */
@@ -455,14 +476,29 @@
 #define SQLITE_IOERR_SHMLOCK           (SQLITE_IOERR | (20<<8))
 #define SQLITE_IOERR_SHMMAP            (SQLITE_IOERR | (21<<8))
 #define SQLITE_IOERR_SEEK              (SQLITE_IOERR | (22<<8))
+#define SQLITE_IOERR_MMAP              (SQLITE_IOERR | (24<<8))
 #define SQLITE_BUSY_RECOVERY           (SQLITE_BUSY   |  (1<<8))
 #define SQLITE_CANTOPEN_ISDIR          (SQLITE_CANTOPEN | (2<<8))
 #define SQLITE_CORRUPT_VTAB            (SQLITE_CORRUPT | (1<<8))
 #define SQLITE_ABORT_ROLLBACK          (SQLITE_ABORT | (2<<8))
 ** CAPI3REF: Flags For File Open Operations
@@ -478,6 +514,7 @@
 #define SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE        0x00000010  /* VFS only */
 #define SQLITE_OPEN_AUTOPROXY        0x00000020  /* VFS only */
 #define SQLITE_OPEN_URI              0x00000040  /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
+#define SQLITE_OPEN_MEMORY           0x00000080  /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
 #define SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB          0x00000100  /* VFS only */
 #define SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_DB          0x00000200  /* VFS only */
 #define SQLITE_OPEN_TRANSIENT_DB     0x00000400  /* VFS only */
@@ -497,7 +534,7 @@
 ** CAPI3REF: Device Characteristics
 ** The xDeviceCharacteristics method of the [sqlite3_io_methods]
-** object returns an integer which is a vector of the these
+** object returns an integer which is a vector of these
 ** bit values expressing I/O characteristics of the mass storage
 ** device that holds the file that the [sqlite3_io_methods]
 ** refers to.
@@ -701,6 +738,9 @@
   void (*xShmBarrier)(sqlite3_file*);
   int (*xShmUnmap)(sqlite3_file*, int deleteFlag);
   /* Methods above are valid for version 2 */
+  int (*xFetch)(sqlite3_file*, sqlite3_int64 iOfst, int iAmt, void **pp);
+  int (*xUnfetch)(sqlite3_file*, sqlite3_int64 iOfst, void *p);
+  /* Methods above are valid for version 3 */
   /* Additional methods may be added in future releases */
@@ -835,6 +875,38 @@
 ** compilation of the PRAGMA fails with an error.  ^The [SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA]
 ** file control occurs at the beginning of pragma statement analysis and so
 ** it is able to override built-in [PRAGMA] statements.
+** file-control may be invoked by SQLite on the database file handle
+** shortly after it is opened in order to provide a custom VFS with access
+** to the connections busy-handler callback. The argument is of type (void **)
+** - an array of two (void *) values. The first (void *) actually points
+** to a function of type (int (*)(void *)). In order to invoke the connections
+** busy-handler, this function should be invoked with the second (void *) in
+** the array as the only argument. If it returns non-zero, then the operation
+** should be retried. If it returns zero, the custom VFS should abandon the
+** current operation.
+** ^Application can invoke the [SQLITE_FCNTL_TEMPFILENAME] file-control
+** to have SQLite generate a
+** temporary filename using the same algorithm that is followed to generate
+** temporary filenames for TEMP tables and other internal uses.  The
+** argument should be a char** which will be filled with the filename
+** written into memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc()].  The caller should
+** invoke [sqlite3_free()] on the result to avoid a memory leak.
+** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_MMAP_SIZE] file control is used to query or set the
+** maximum number of bytes that will be used for memory-mapped I/O.
+** The argument is a pointer to a value of type sqlite3_int64 that
+** is an advisory maximum number of bytes in the file to memory map.  The
+** pointer is overwritten with the old value.  The limit is not changed if
+** the value originally pointed to is negative, and so the current limit 
+** can be queried by passing in a pointer to a negative number.  This
+** file-control is used internally to implement [PRAGMA mmap_size].
 ** </ul>
 #define SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCKSTATE               1
@@ -851,6 +923,9 @@
 #define SQLITE_FCNTL_VFSNAME                12
 #define SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA                 14
+#define SQLITE_FCNTL_BUSYHANDLER            15
+#define SQLITE_FCNTL_TEMPFILENAME           16
+#define SQLITE_FCNTL_MMAP_SIZE              18
 ** CAPI3REF: Mutex Handle
@@ -1517,7 +1592,9 @@
 ** page cache implementation into that object.)^ </dd>
-** <dd> ^The SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG option takes two arguments: a pointer to a
+** <dd> The SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG option is used to configure the SQLite
+** global [error log].
+** (^The SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG option takes two arguments: a pointer to a
 ** function with a call signature of void(*)(void*,int,const char*), 
 ** and a pointer to void. ^If the function pointer is not NULL, it is
 ** invoked by [sqlite3_log()] to process each logging event.  ^If the
@@ -1547,10 +1624,54 @@
 ** disabled. The default value may be changed by compiling with the
 ** [SQLITE_USE_URI] symbol defined.
+** <dd> This option takes a single integer argument which is interpreted as
+** a boolean in order to enable or disable the use of covering indices for
+** full table scans in the query optimizer.  The default setting is determined
+** by the [SQLITE_ALLOW_COVERING_INDEX_SCAN] compile-time option, or is "on"
+** if that compile-time option is omitted.
+** The ability to disable the use of covering indices for full table scans
+** is because some incorrectly coded legacy applications might malfunction
+** malfunction when the optimization is enabled.  Providing the ability to
+** disable the optimization allows the older, buggy application code to work
+** without change even with newer versions of SQLite.
 ** <dd> These options are obsolete and should not be used by new code.
 ** They are retained for backwards compatibility but are now no-ops.
+** </dd>
+** <dd>This option is only available if sqlite is compiled with the
+** [SQLITE_ENABLE_SQLLOG] pre-processor macro defined. The first argument should
+** be a pointer to a function of type void(*)(void*,sqlite3*,const char*, int).
+** The second should be of type (void*). The callback is invoked by the library
+** in three separate circumstances, identified by the value passed as the
+** fourth parameter. If the fourth parameter is 0, then the database connection
+** passed as the second argument has just been opened. The third argument
+** points to a buffer containing the name of the main database file. If the
+** fourth parameter is 1, then the SQL statement that the third parameter
+** points to has just been executed. Or, if the fourth parameter is 2, then
+** the connection being passed as the second parameter is being closed. The
+** third parameter is passed NULL In this case.  An example of using this
+** configuration option can be seen in the "test_sqllog.c" source file in
+** the canonical SQLite source tree.</dd>
+** <dd>SQLITE_CONFIG_MMAP_SIZE takes two 64-bit integer (sqlite3_int64) values
+** that are the default mmap size limit (the default setting for
+** [PRAGMA mmap_size]) and the maximum allowed mmap size limit.
+** The default setting can be overridden by each database connection using
+** either the [PRAGMA mmap_size] command, or by using the
+** [SQLITE_FCNTL_MMAP_SIZE] file control.  The maximum allowed mmap size
+** cannot be changed at run-time.  Nor may the maximum allowed mmap size
+** exceed the compile-time maximum mmap size set by the
+** [SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE] compile-time option.  
+** If either argument to this option is negative, then that argument is
+** changed to its compile-time default.
 ** </dl>
 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_SINGLETHREAD  1  /* nil */
@@ -1572,6 +1693,9 @@
 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_URI          17  /* int */
 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE2      18  /* sqlite3_pcache_methods2* */
 #define SQLITE_CONFIG_GETPCACHE2   19  /* sqlite3_pcache_methods2* */
+#define SQLITE_CONFIG_SQLLOG       21  /* xSqllog, void* */
+#define SQLITE_CONFIG_MMAP_SIZE    22  /* sqlite3_int64, sqlite3_int64 */
 ** CAPI3REF: Database Connection Configuration Options
@@ -2169,12 +2293,12 @@
 ** implementation of these routines to be omitted.  That capability
 ** is no longer provided.  Only built-in memory allocators can be used.
-** The Windows OS interface layer calls
+** Prior to SQLite version 3.7.10, the Windows OS interface layer called
 ** the system malloc() and free() directly when converting
 ** filenames between the UTF-8 encoding used by SQLite
 ** and whatever filename encoding is used by the particular Windows
-** installation.  Memory allocation errors are detected, but
-** they are reported back as [SQLITE_CANTOPEN] or
+** installation.  Memory allocation errors were detected, but
+** they were reported back as [SQLITE_CANTOPEN] or
 ** [SQLITE_IOERR] rather than [SQLITE_NOMEM].
 ** The pointer arguments to [sqlite3_free()] and [sqlite3_realloc()]
@@ -2405,6 +2529,9 @@
 ** as each triggered subprogram is entered.  The callbacks for triggers
 ** contain a UTF-8 SQL comment that identifies the trigger.)^
+** The [SQLITE_TRACE_SIZE_LIMIT] compile-time option can be used to limit
+** the length of [bound parameter] expansion in the output of sqlite3_trace().
 ** ^The callback function registered by sqlite3_profile() is invoked
 ** as each SQL statement finishes.  ^The profile callback contains
 ** the original statement text and an estimate of wall-clock time
@@ -2575,18 +2702,20 @@
 **     present, then the VFS specified by the option takes precedence over
 **     the value passed as the fourth parameter to sqlite3_open_v2().
-**   <li> <b>mode</b>: ^(The mode parameter may be set to either "ro", "rw" or
-**     "rwc". Attempting to set it to any other value is an error)^. 
+**   <li> <b>mode</b>: ^(The mode parameter may be set to either "ro", "rw",
+**     "rwc", or "memory". Attempting to set it to any other value is
+**     an error)^. 
 **     ^If "ro" is specified, then the database is opened for read-only 
 **     access, just as if the [SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY] flag had been set in the 
-**     third argument to sqlite3_prepare_v2(). ^If the mode option is set to 
+**     third argument to sqlite3_open_v2(). ^If the mode option is set to 
 **     "rw", then the database is opened for read-write (but not create) 
 **     access, as if SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE (but not SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE) had 
 **     been set. ^Value "rwc" is equivalent to setting both 
-**     SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE and SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE. ^If sqlite3_open_v2() is 
-**     used, it is an error to specify a value for the mode parameter that is 
-**     less restrictive than that specified by the flags passed as the third 
-**     parameter.
+**     SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE and SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE.  ^If the mode option is
+**     set to "memory" then a pure [in-memory database] that never reads
+**     or writes from disk is used. ^It is an error to specify a value for
+**     the mode parameter that is less restrictive than that specified by
+**     the flags passed in the third parameter to sqlite3_open_v2().
 **   <li> <b>cache</b>: ^The cache parameter may be set to either "shared" or
 **     "private". ^Setting it to "shared" is equivalent to setting the
@@ -2594,7 +2723,7 @@
 **     sqlite3_open_v2(). ^Setting the cache parameter to "private" is 
 **     equivalent to setting the SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE bit.
 **     ^If sqlite3_open_v2() is used and the "cache" parameter is present in
-**     a URI filename, its value overrides any behaviour requested by setting
+**     a URI filename, its value overrides any behavior requested by setting
 ** </ul>
@@ -2645,6 +2774,12 @@
 ** codepage is currently defined.  Filenames containing international
 ** characters must be converted to UTF-8 prior to passing them into
 ** sqlite3_open() or sqlite3_open_v2().
+** <b>Note to Windows Runtime users:</b>  The temporary directory must be set
+** prior to calling sqlite3_open() or sqlite3_open_v2().  Otherwise, various
+** features that require the use of temporary files may fail.
+** See also: [sqlite3_temp_directory]
 SQLITE_API int sqlite3_open(
   const char *filename,   /* Database filename (UTF-8) */
@@ -2724,6 +2859,11 @@
 ** However, the error string might be overwritten or deallocated by
 ** subsequent calls to other SQLite interface functions.)^
+** ^The sqlite3_errstr() interface returns the English-language text
+** that describes the [result code], as UTF-8.
+** ^(Memory to hold the error message string is managed internally
+** and must not be freed by the application)^.
 ** When the serialized [threading mode] is in use, it might be the
 ** case that a second error occurs on a separate thread in between
 ** the time of the first error and the call to these interfaces.
@@ -2742,6 +2882,7 @@
 SQLITE_API int sqlite3_extended_errcode(sqlite3 *db);
 SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_errmsg(sqlite3*);
 SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_errmsg16(sqlite3*);
+SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_errstr(int);
 ** CAPI3REF: SQL Statement Object
@@ -2929,7 +3070,8 @@
 ** <li>
 ** ^If the database schema changes, instead of returning [SQLITE_SCHEMA] as it
 ** always used to do, [sqlite3_step()] will automatically recompile the SQL
-** statement and try to run it again.
+** statement and try to run it again. As many as [SQLITE_MAX_SCHEMA_RETRY]
+** retries will occur before sqlite3_step() gives up and returns an error.
 ** </li>
 ** <li>
@@ -3133,12 +3275,18 @@
 ** parameter [SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER] (default value: 999).
 ** ^The third argument is the value to bind to the parameter.
+** ^If the third parameter to sqlite3_bind_text() or sqlite3_bind_text16()
+** or sqlite3_bind_blob() is a NULL pointer then the fourth parameter
+** is ignored and the end result is the same as sqlite3_bind_null().
 ** ^(In those routines that have a fourth argument, its value is the
 ** number of bytes in the parameter.  To be clear: the value is the
 ** number of <u>bytes</u> in the value, not the number of characters.)^
-** ^If the fourth parameter is negative, the length of the string is
+** ^If the fourth parameter to sqlite3_bind_text() or sqlite3_bind_text16()
+** is negative, then the length of the string is
 ** the number of bytes up to the first zero terminator.
+** If the fourth parameter to sqlite3_bind_blob() is negative, then
+** the behavior is undefined.
 ** If a non-negative fourth parameter is provided to sqlite3_bind_text()
 ** or sqlite3_bind_text16() then that parameter must be the byte offset
 ** where the NUL terminator would occur assuming the string were NUL
@@ -3897,7 +4045,8 @@
 SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_transfer_bindings(sqlite3_stmt*, sqlite3_stmt*);
 SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_global_recover(void);
 SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED void sqlite3_thread_cleanup(void);
-SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_memory_alarm(void(*)(void*,sqlite3_int64,int),void*,sqlite3_int64);
+SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_memory_alarm(void(*)(void*,sqlite3_int64,int),
+                      void*,sqlite3_int64);
@@ -3977,14 +4126,17 @@
 ** In those cases, sqlite3_aggregate_context() might be called for the
 ** first time from within xFinal().)^
-** ^The sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) routine returns a NULL pointer if N is
-** less than or equal to zero or if a memory allocate error occurs.
+** ^The sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) routine returns a NULL pointer 
+** when first called if N is less than or equal to zero or if a memory
+** allocate error occurs.
 ** ^(The amount of space allocated by sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) is
 ** determined by the N parameter on first successful call.  Changing the
 ** value of N in subsequent call to sqlite3_aggregate_context() within
 ** the same aggregate function instance will not resize the memory
-** allocation.)^
+** allocation.)^  Within the xFinal callback, it is customary to set
+** N=0 in calls to sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) so that no 
+** pointless memory allocations occur.
 ** ^SQLite automatically frees the memory allocated by 
 ** sqlite3_aggregate_context() when the aggregate query concludes.
@@ -4082,7 +4234,7 @@
 ** the content before returning.
 ** The typedef is necessary to work around problems in certain
-** C++ compilers.  See ticket #2191.
+** C++ compilers.
 typedef void (*sqlite3_destructor_type)(void*);
 #define SQLITE_STATIC      ((sqlite3_destructor_type)0)
@@ -4135,11 +4287,11 @@
 ** the error code is SQLITE_ERROR.  ^A subsequent call to sqlite3_result_error()
 ** or sqlite3_result_error16() resets the error code to SQLITE_ERROR.
-** ^The sqlite3_result_toobig() interface causes SQLite to throw an error
-** indicating that a string or BLOB is too long to represent.
+** ^The sqlite3_result_error_toobig() interface causes SQLite to throw an
+** error indicating that a string or BLOB is too long to represent.
-** ^The sqlite3_result_nomem() interface causes SQLite to throw an error
-** indicating that a memory allocation failed.
+** ^The sqlite3_result_error_nomem() interface causes SQLite to throw an
+** error indicating that a memory allocation failed.
 ** ^The sqlite3_result_int() interface sets the return value
 ** of the application-defined function to be the 32-bit signed integer
@@ -4446,10 +4598,62 @@
 ** Hence, if this variable is modified directly, either it should be
 ** made NULL or made to point to memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc]
 ** or else the use of the [temp_store_directory pragma] should be avoided.
+** <b>Note to Windows Runtime users:</b>  The temporary directory must be set
+** prior to calling [sqlite3_open] or [sqlite3_open_v2].  Otherwise, various
+** features that require the use of temporary files may fail.  Here is an
+** example of how to do this using C++ with the Windows Runtime:
+** <blockquote><pre>
+** LPCWSTR zPath = Windows::Storage::ApplicationData::Current->
+** &nbsp;     TemporaryFolder->Path->Data();
+** char zPathBuf&#91;MAX_PATH + 1&#93;;
+** memset(zPathBuf, 0, sizeof(zPathBuf));
+** WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, zPath, -1, zPathBuf, sizeof(zPathBuf),
+** &nbsp;     NULL, NULL);
+** sqlite3_temp_directory = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", zPathBuf);
+** </pre></blockquote>
 SQLITE_API SQLITE_EXTERN char *sqlite3_temp_directory;
+** CAPI3REF: Name Of The Folder Holding Database Files
+** ^(If this global variable is made to point to a string which is
+** the name of a folder (a.k.a. directory), then all database files
+** specified with a relative pathname and created or accessed by
+** SQLite when using a built-in windows [sqlite3_vfs | VFS] will be assumed
+** to be relative to that directory.)^ ^If this variable is a NULL
+** pointer, then SQLite assumes that all database files specified
+** with a relative pathname are relative to the current directory
+** for the process.  Only the windows VFS makes use of this global
+** variable; it is ignored by the unix VFS.
+** Changing the value of this variable while a database connection is
+** open can result in a corrupt database.
+** It is not safe to read or modify this variable in more than one
+** thread at a time.  It is not safe to read or modify this variable
+** if a [database connection] is being used at the same time in a separate
+** thread.
+** It is intended that this variable be set once
+** as part of process initialization and before any SQLite interface
+** routines have been called and that this variable remain unchanged
+** thereafter.
+** ^The [data_store_directory pragma] may modify this variable and cause
+** it to point to memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc].  ^Furthermore,
+** the [data_store_directory pragma] always assumes that any string
+** that this variable points to is held in memory obtained from 
+** [sqlite3_malloc] and the pragma may attempt to free that memory
+** using [sqlite3_free].
+** Hence, if this variable is modified directly, either it should be
+** made NULL or made to point to memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc]
+** or else the use of the [data_store_directory pragma] should be avoided.
+SQLITE_API SQLITE_EXTERN char *sqlite3_data_directory;
 ** CAPI3REF: Test For Auto-Commit Mode
 ** KEYWORDS: {autocommit mode}
@@ -4627,7 +4831,6 @@
 ** CAPI3REF: Enable Or Disable Shared Pager Cache
-** KEYWORDS: {shared cache}
 ** ^(This routine enables or disables the sharing of the database cache
 ** and schema data structures between [database connection | connections]
@@ -4650,6 +4853,9 @@
 ** future releases of SQLite.  Applications that care about shared
 ** cache setting should set it explicitly.
+** This interface is threadsafe on processors where writing a
+** 32-bit integer is atomic.
 ** See Also:  [SQLite Shared-Cache Mode]
 SQLITE_API int sqlite3_enable_shared_cache(int);
@@ -4827,11 +5033,20 @@
 ** ^This interface loads an SQLite extension library from the named file.
 ** ^The sqlite3_load_extension() interface attempts to load an
-** SQLite extension library contained in the file zFile.
+** [SQLite extension] library contained in the file zFile.  If
+** the file cannot be loaded directly, attempts are made to load
+** with various operating-system specific extensions added.
+** So for example, if "samplelib" cannot be loaded, then names like
+** "samplelib.so" or "samplelib.dylib" or "samplelib.dll" might
+** be tried also.
 ** ^The entry point is zProc.
-** ^zProc may be 0, in which case the name of the entry point
-** defaults to "sqlite3_extension_init".
+** ^(zProc may be 0, in which case SQLite will try to come up with an
+** entry point name on its own.  It first tries "sqlite3_extension_init".
+** If that does not work, it constructs a name "sqlite3_X_init" where the
+** X is consists of the lower-case equivalent of all ASCII alphabetic
+** characters in the filename from the last "/" to the first following
+** "." and omitting any initial "lib".)^
 ** ^The sqlite3_load_extension() interface returns
 ** [SQLITE_OK] on success and [SQLITE_ERROR] if something goes wrong.
 ** ^If an error occurs and pzErrMsg is not 0, then the
@@ -4857,11 +5072,11 @@
 ** CAPI3REF: Enable Or Disable Extension Loading
 ** ^So as not to open security holes in older applications that are
-** unprepared to deal with extension loading, and as a means of disabling
-** extension loading while evaluating user-entered SQL, the following API
+** unprepared to deal with [extension loading], and as a means of disabling
+** [extension loading] while evaluating user-entered SQL, the following API
 ** is provided to turn the [sqlite3_load_extension()] mechanism on and off.
-** ^Extension loading is off by default. See ticket #1863.
+** ^Extension loading is off by default.
 ** ^Call the sqlite3_enable_load_extension() routine with onoff==1
 ** to turn extension loading on and call it with onoff==0 to turn
 ** it back off again.
@@ -4873,7 +5088,7 @@
 ** ^This interface causes the xEntryPoint() function to be invoked for
 ** each new [database connection] that is created.  The idea here is that
-** xEntryPoint() is the entry point for a statically linked SQLite extension
+** xEntryPoint() is the entry point for a statically linked [SQLite extension]
 ** that is to be automatically loaded into all new database connections.
 ** ^(Even though the function prototype shows that xEntryPoint() takes
@@ -5455,7 +5670,6 @@
 ** implementations are available in the SQLite core:
 ** <ul>
-** <li>   SQLITE_MUTEX_OS2
 ** <li>   SQLITE_MUTEX_W32
@@ -5463,9 +5677,9 @@
 ** ^The SQLITE_MUTEX_NOOP implementation is a set of routines
 ** that does no real locking and is appropriate for use in
-** a single-threaded application.  ^The SQLITE_MUTEX_OS2,
-** SQLITE_MUTEX_PTHREADS, and SQLITE_MUTEX_W32 implementations
-** are appropriate for use on OS/2, Unix, and Windows.
+** a single-threaded application.  ^The SQLITE_MUTEX_PTHREADS and
+** SQLITE_MUTEX_W32 implementations are appropriate for use on Unix
+** and Windows.
 ** ^(If SQLite is compiled with the SQLITE_MUTEX_APPDEF preprocessor
 ** macro defined (with "-DSQLITE_MUTEX_APPDEF=1"), then no mutex
@@ -6225,7 +6439,7 @@
 ** parameter to help it determined what action to take:
 ** <table border=1 width=85% align=center>
-** <tr><th> createFlag <th> Behaviour when page is not already in cache
+** <tr><th> createFlag <th> Behavior when page is not already in cache
 ** <tr><td> 0 <td> Do not allocate a new page.  Return NULL.
 ** <tr><td> 1 <td> Allocate a new page if it easy and convenient to do so.
 **                 Otherwise return NULL.
@@ -6655,9 +6869,24 @@
 SQLITE_API int sqlite3_strnicmp(const char *, const char *, int);
+** CAPI3REF: String Globbing
+** ^The [sqlite3_strglob(P,X)] interface returns zero if string X matches
+** the glob pattern P, and it returns non-zero if string X does not match
+** the glob pattern P.  ^The definition of glob pattern matching used in
+** [sqlite3_strglob(P,X)] is the same as for the "X GLOB P" operator in the
+** SQL dialect used by SQLite.  ^The sqlite3_strglob(P,X) function is case
+** sensitive.
+** Note that this routine returns zero on a match and non-zero if the strings
+** do not match, the same as [sqlite3_stricmp()] and [sqlite3_strnicmp()].
+SQLITE_API int sqlite3_strglob(const char *zGlob, const char *zStr);
 ** CAPI3REF: Error Logging Interface
-** ^The [sqlite3_log()] interface writes a message into the error log
+** ^The [sqlite3_log()] interface writes a message into the [error log]
 ** established by the [SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG] option to [sqlite3_config()].
 ** ^If logging is enabled, the zFormat string and subsequent arguments are
 ** used with [sqlite3_snprintf()] to generate the final output string.
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/SQLite.xs DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/SQLite.xs
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/SQLite.xs	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/SQLite.xs	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -55,6 +55,20 @@
+static int
+load_extension(dbh, file, proc = 0)
+    SV *dbh
+    const char *file
+    const char *proc
+    ALIAS:
+        DBD::SQLite::db::sqlite_load_extension = 1
+    CODE:
+    {
+        RETVAL = sqlite_db_load_extension(aTHX_ dbh, file, proc);
+    }
+    OUTPUT:
+        RETVAL
 static int
@@ -224,9 +238,28 @@
+table_column_metadata(dbh, dbname, tablename, columnname)
+    SV* dbh
+    SV* dbname
+    SV* tablename
+    SV* columnname
+    ALIAS:
+        DBD::SQLite::db::sqlite_table_column_metadata = 1
+    CODE:
+        RETVAL = sqlite_db_table_column_metadata(aTHX_ dbh, dbname, tablename, columnname);
+    OUTPUT:
+        RETVAL
+    SV* dbh
+    ALIAS:
+        DBD::SQLite::db::sqlite_db_filename = 1
+    CODE:
+        RETVAL = sqlite_db_filename(aTHX_ dbh);
+    OUTPUT:
+        RETVAL
 static int
@@ -238,12 +271,33 @@
+db_status(dbh, reset = 0)
+    SV* dbh
+    int reset
+    ALIAS:
+        DBD::SQLite::db::sqlite_db_status = 1
+    CODE:
+        RETVAL = (HV*)_sqlite_db_status(aTHX_ dbh, reset);
+    OUTPUT:
+        RETVAL
 MODULE = DBD::SQLite          PACKAGE = DBD::SQLite::st
+st_status(sth, reset = 0)
+    SV* sth
+    int reset
+    ALIAS:
+        DBD::SQLite::st::sqlite_st_status = 1
+    CODE:
+        RETVAL = (HV*)_sqlite_st_status(aTHX_ sth, reset);
+    OUTPUT:
+        RETVAL
 MODULE = DBD::SQLite          PACKAGE = DBD::SQLite
 # a couple of constants exported from sqlite3.h
@@ -265,6 +319,14 @@
+sqlite_status(reset = 0)
+    int reset
+    CODE:
+        RETVAL = (HV*)_sqlite_status(reset);
+    OUTPUT:
+        RETVAL
 static int
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/06_tran.t DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/06_tran.t
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/06_tran.t	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/06_tran.t	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 use t::lib::Test;
-use Test::More tests => 3;
+use Test::More tests => 6;
 use Test::NoWarnings;
 my $dbh = connect_ok(
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
 	RaiseError => 1,
+ok $dbh->{sqlite_use_immediate_transaction}, "sqlite_use_immediate_transaction is true by default";
 $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE MST (id, lbl)");
 $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE TRN (no, id, qty)");
@@ -42,3 +44,12 @@
+	my $dbh = connect_ok(
+		AutoCommit => 0,
+		RaiseError => 1,
+		sqlite_use_immediate_transaction => 0,
+	);
+	ok !$dbh->{sqlite_use_immediate_transaction}, "sqlite_use_immediate_transaction is false if you set explicitly";
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/10_create_aggregate.t DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/10_create_aggregate.t
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/10_create_aggregate.t	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/10_create_aggregate.t	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
 	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $last_warn = join "", @_ };
 	foreach my $fail ( qw/ new step finalize/ ) {
 	    $last_warn = '';  
-	    my $aggr = new fail_aggregate( $fail );
+	    my $aggr = fail_aggregate->new( $fail );
 	    ok($dbh->$call_func( "fail_$fail", -1, $aggr, 'create_aggregate' ));
 	    $result = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref( "SELECT fail_$fail() FROM aggr_test" );
 	#   ok( !$result && $DBI::errstr =~ /$fail\(\) failed on request/ );
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
 	    ok( !defined $result->[0] && $last_warn =~ /$fail\(\) failed on request/ );
-	my $aggr = new fail_aggregate( 'undef' );
+	my $aggr = fail_aggregate->new( 'undef' );
 	$last_warn = '';
 	ok($dbh->$call_func( "fail_undef", -1, $aggr, 'create_aggregate' ));
 	$result = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref( "SELECT fail_undef() FROM aggr_test" );
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/19_bindparam.t DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/19_bindparam.t
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/19_bindparam.t	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/19_bindparam.t	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 use t::lib::Test;
-use Test::More tests => 33;
+use Test::More tests => 39;
 use Test::NoWarnings;
 use DBI ':sql_types';
@@ -48,6 +48,13 @@
 	ok( $sth->bind_param(1, 5, SQL_INTEGER), 'bind 3' );
 	ok( $sth->bind_param(2, undef), 'bind 4' );
 	ok( $sth->execute, '->execute' );
+	# Works with PADTMPs?
+	my @values = (6, "Larry");
+	for (my $i=0; $i<2; $i++) {
+		ok( $sth->bind_param($i+1, "$values[$i]"), 'bind '.($i+5) );
+	}
+	ok( $sth->execute, '->execute' );
 # Reconnect
@@ -75,4 +82,7 @@
 	ok( $sth->fetch, '->fetch' );
 	is( $id,   5,   'id = 5'   );
 	is( $name, undef, 'name = undef' );
+	ok( $sth->fetch, '->fetch' );
+	is( $id,   6,   'id = 6'   );
+	is( $name, 'Larry', 'name = Larry' );
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/33_non_latin_path.t DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/33_non_latin_path.t
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/33_non_latin_path.t	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/33_non_latin_path.t	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -22,17 +22,12 @@
 use File::Temp ();
 use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
-# Don't use this, it annoys the MinimumVersion scanner
-# use utf8;
-eval "require utf8";
-die $@ if $@;
 my $dir = File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
 foreach my $subdir ( 'longascii', 'adatbázis', 'name with spaces', '¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿') {
 	if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
 		next if (($subdir eq 'adatbázis') || ($subdir eq '¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿'));
+	# rt48048: don't need to "use utf8" nor "require utf8"
 		mkdir(catdir($dir, $subdir)),
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/37_regexp.t DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/37_regexp.t
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/37_regexp.t	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/37_regexp.t	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -49,6 +49,11 @@
     # connect
     my $dbh = connect_ok( RaiseError => 1, sqlite_unicode => $use_unicode );
+    # The following tests are about ordering, so don't reverse!
+    if ($dbh->selectrow_array('PRAGMA reverse_unordered_selects')) {
+      $dbh->do('PRAGMA reverse_unordered_selects = OFF');
+    }
     # populate test data
     my @vals = @words;
     if ($use_unicode) {
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/40_multiple_statements.t DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/40_multiple_statements.t
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/40_multiple_statements.t	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/40_multiple_statements.t	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 	ok !$@, "do succeeds anyway";
 	diag $@ if $@;
-	my $got = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('select id from foo');
+	my $got = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('select id from foo order by id');
 	ok !@$got, "but got nothing as the inserts were discarded";
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 	ok !$@, "do succeeds anyway";
 	diag $@ if $@;
-	my $got = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('select id from foo');
+	my $got = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('select id from foo order by id');
 	ok $got->[0][0] == 1
 	&& $got->[1][0] == 2, "and got the inserted values";
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 	diag $@ if $@;
 	$@ ? $dbh->rollback : $dbh->commit;
-	my $got = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('select id from foo');
+	my $got = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('select id from foo order by id');
 	ok $got->[0][0] == 1
 	&& $got->[1][0] == 2, "and got the inserted values";
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
 	ok !$@, "do succeeds anyway";
 	diag $@ if $@;
-	my $got = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('select id from foo');
+	my $got = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('select id from foo order by id');
 	ok $got->[0][0] == 1
 	&& $got->[1][0] == 2, "and got the inserted values";
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
 	ok !$@, "executed multiple statements successfully";
 	diag $@ if $@;
-	my $got = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('select id from foo');
+	my $got = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('select id from foo order by id');
 	ok $got->[0][0] == 1
 	&& $got->[1][0] == 2, "and got the inserted values";
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/42_primary_key_info.t DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/42_primary_key_info.t
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/42_primary_key_info.t	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/42_primary_key_info.t	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 use Test::More;
 use Test::NoWarnings;
-plan tests => 5 * 5 + 1;
+plan tests => (5 * 5) + (3 * 6 + 1) + 1;
 for my $quote ('', qw/' " ` []/) {
 	my ($begin_quote, $end_quote) = (substr($quote, 0, 1), substr($quote, -1, 1));
@@ -26,3 +26,65 @@
 	($pk) = $dbh->primary_key(undef, undef, 'foo');
 	ok $pk eq 'id';
+	my $dbh = connect_ok();
+	$dbh->do("create table foo (id integer primary key)");
+	$dbh->do("attach database ':memory:' as remote");
+	$dbh->do("create table remote.bar (name text, primary key(name))");
+	$dbh->do("create temporary table baz (tmp primary key)");
+	{
+		my $sth = $dbh->primary_key_info(undef, undef, 'foo');
+		my @pk_info;
+		while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { push @pk_info, $row };
+		is @pk_info => 1, "found 1 pk in a table";
+		is $pk_info[0]{TABLE_SCHEM} => 'main', "scheme is correct";
+		is $pk_info[0]{COLUMN_NAME} => 'id', "pk name is correct";
+	}
+	{
+		my $sth = $dbh->primary_key_info(undef, 'main', undef);
+		my @pk_info;
+		while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { push @pk_info, $row };
+		is @pk_info => 1, "found 1 pk in a table";
+		is $pk_info[0]{TABLE_SCHEM} => 'main', "scheme is correct";
+		is $pk_info[0]{COLUMN_NAME} => 'id', "pk name is correct";
+	}
+	{
+		my $sth = $dbh->primary_key_info(undef, undef, 'bar');
+		my @pk_info;
+		while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { push @pk_info, $row };
+		is @pk_info => 1, "found 1 pk in an attached table";
+		is $pk_info[0]{TABLE_SCHEM} => 'remote', "scheme is correct";
+		is $pk_info[0]{COLUMN_NAME} => 'name', "pk name is correct";
+	}
+	{
+		my $sth = $dbh->primary_key_info(undef, 'remote', undef);
+		my @pk_info;
+		while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { push @pk_info, $row };
+		is @pk_info => 1, "found 1 pk in an attached table";
+		is $pk_info[0]{TABLE_SCHEM} => 'remote', "scheme is correct";
+		is $pk_info[0]{COLUMN_NAME} => 'name', "pk name is correct";
+	}
+	{
+		my $sth = $dbh->primary_key_info(undef, 'temp', undef);
+		my @pk_info;
+		while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { push @pk_info, $row };
+		is @pk_info => 1, "found 1 pk in a table";
+		is $pk_info[0]{TABLE_SCHEM} => 'temp', "scheme is correct";
+		is $pk_info[0]{COLUMN_NAME} => 'tmp', "pk name is correct";
+	}
+	{
+		my $sth = $dbh->primary_key_info(undef, undef, 'baz');
+		my @pk_info;
+		while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { push @pk_info, $row };
+		is @pk_info => 1, "found 1 pk in an attached table";
+		is $pk_info[0]{TABLE_SCHEM} => 'temp', "scheme is correct";
+		is $pk_info[0]{COLUMN_NAME} => 'tmp', "pk name is correct";
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/43_fts3.t DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/43_fts3.t
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/43_fts3.t	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/43_fts3.t	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 use strict;
 	$|  = 1;
@@ -37,7 +36,9 @@
 use Test::NoWarnings;
-plan tests => 2 * (1 + @tests)  + 1;
+plan tests => 4 * @tests  # each test with unicode y/n and with fts3/fts4
+            + 2           # connect_ok with unicode y/n
+            + 1;          # Test::NoWarnings
 	# Sadly perl for windows (and probably sqlite, too) may hang
@@ -78,14 +79,15 @@
   # connect
   my $dbh = connect_ok( RaiseError => 1, sqlite_unicode => $use_unicode );
-  # create fts3 table
+  for my $fts (qw/fts3 fts4/) {
+    # create fts table
   $dbh->do(<<"") or die DBI::errstr;
-          USING fts3(content, tokenize=perl 'main::locale_tokenizer')
+      CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE try_$fts
+            USING $fts(content, tokenize=perl 'main::locale_tokenizer')
   # populate it
   my $insert_sth = $dbh->prepare(<<"") or die DBI::errstr;
-    INSERT INTO try_fts3(content) VALUES(?)
+      INSERT INTO try_$fts(content) VALUES(?)
   my @doc_ids;
   for (my $i = 0; $i < @texts; $i++) {
@@ -94,20 +96,20 @@
   # queries
-SKIP: {
-  skip "These tests require SQLite compiled with ENABLE_FTS3_PARENTHESIS option", scalar @tests
+  SKIP: {
+      skip "These tests require SQLite compiled with "
+         . "ENABLE_FTS3_PARENTHESIS option", scalar @tests
     unless DBD::SQLite->can('compile_options') &&
     grep /ENABLE_FTS3_PARENTHESIS/, DBD::SQLite::compile_options();
-  my $sql = "SELECT docid FROM try_fts3 WHERE content MATCH ?";
+      my $sql = "SELECT docid FROM try_$fts WHERE content MATCH ?";
   for my $t (@tests) {
     my ($query, @expected) = @$t;
     @expected = map {$doc_ids[$_]} @expected;
     my $results = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($sql, undef, $query);
-    is_deeply($results, \@expected, "$query (unicode is $use_unicode)");
+        is_deeply($results, \@expected, "$query ($fts, unicode=$use_unicode)");
+      }
+    }
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/44_rtree.t DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/44_rtree.t
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/44_rtree.t	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/44_rtree.t	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -11,6 +11,17 @@
 use DBD::SQLite;
 use Data::Dumper;
+# NOTE: It seems to be better to compare rounded values
+# because stored coordinate values may have slight errors
+# since SQLite 3.7.13 (DBD::SQLite 1.38_01).
+sub is_deeply_approx {
+    my ($got, $expected, $name) = @_;
+    my $got_approx      = [map { sprintf "%0.2f", $_ } @$got];
+    my $expected_approx = [map { sprintf "%0.2f", $_ } @$expected];
+    is_deeply($got_approx, $expected_approx, $name);
 my @coords = (
    # id, minX, maxX, minY, maxY
     [1,  1,    200,  1,    200],  # outside bounding box
@@ -58,7 +69,7 @@
 # create R* Tree table
 $dbh->do(<<"") or die DBI::errstr;
-        USING rtree(id, minX, maxX, minY, maxY);
+        USING rtree_i32(id, minX, maxX, minY, maxY);
 # populate it
 my $insert_sth = $dbh->prepare(<<"") or die DBI::errstr;
@@ -74,7 +85,7 @@
 my $idx = 0;
 for my $id (1..2) {
     my $results = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref($sql, undef, $id);
-    is_deeply($results, $coords[$idx], "Coords for $id match");
+    is_deeply_approx($results, $coords[$idx], "Coords for $id match");
@@ -84,9 +95,10 @@
     WHERE  minX >= ? AND maxX <= ?
     AND    minY >= ? AND maxY <= ?
+# Since SQLite 3.7.13, coordinate values may have slight errors.
 for my $region (@test_regions) {
     my $results = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($contained_sql, undef, @$region);
-    is_deeply($results, shift @test_results);
+    is_deeply_approx($results, shift @test_results);
 # find overlapping regions
@@ -97,5 +109,5 @@
 for my $region (@test_regions) {
     my $results = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($overlap_sql, undef, @$region);
-    is_deeply($results, shift @test_results);
+    is_deeply_approx($results, shift @test_results);
Only in DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t: 50_foreign_key_info.t
Only in DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t: 51_table_column_metadata.t
Only in DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t: 52_db_filename.t
Only in DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t: 53_status.t
Only in DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t: 54_literal_txn.t
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/lib/Test.pm DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/lib/Test.pm
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/lib/Test.pm	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/lib/Test.pm	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -7,14 +7,15 @@
 use File::Spec ();
 use Test::More ();
+our $VERSION = '1.38_03';
+our @ISA     = 'Exporter';
+our @EXPORT  = qw/connect_ok dies dbfile @CALL_FUNCS/;
 my $parent;
 my %dbfiles;
-	$VERSION = '1.37';
-	@ISA     = 'Exporter';
-	@EXPORT  = qw/connect_ok dies dbfile @CALL_FUNCS/;
 	# Allow tests to load modules bundled in /inc
 	unshift @INC, 'inc';
@@ -46,8 +47,8 @@
 # A simplified connect function for the most common case
 sub connect_ok {
 	my $attr = { @_ };
-	my $dbfile = delete $attr->{dbfile} || ':memory:';
-	$dbfiles{$dbfile} = ($dbfile ne ':memory:') ? $dbfile . $$ : $dbfile;
+	my $dbfile = defined $attr->{dbfile} ? delete $attr->{dbfile} : ':memory:';
+	$dbfiles{$dbfile} = (defined $dbfile && length $dbfile && $dbfile ne ':memory:') ? $dbfile . $$ : $dbfile;
 	my @params = ( "dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfiles{$dbfile}", '', '' );
 	if ( %$attr ) {
 		push @params, $attr;
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/rt_25924_user_defined_func_unicode.t DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/rt_25924_user_defined_func_unicode.t
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/rt_25924_user_defined_func_unicode.t	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/rt_25924_user_defined_func_unicode.t	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -17,9 +17,6 @@
 use Test::NoWarnings;
-eval "require utf8";
-die $@ if $@;
 foreach my $call_func (@CALL_FUNCS) {
 	my $dbh = connect_ok( sqlite_unicode => 1 );
 	ok($dbh->$call_func( "perl_uc", 1, \&perl_uc, "create_function" ));
@@ -32,6 +29,7 @@
 	my @words = qw{Bergère hôte hétaïre hêtre};
 	foreach my $word (@words) {
+		# rt48048: don't need to "use utf8" nor "require utf8"
 		ok( $dbh->do("INSERT INTO foo VALUES ( ? )", {}, $word), 'INSERT' );
 		my $foo = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT perl_uc(bar) FROM foo");
Only in DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t: rt_26775_distinct.t
Only in DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t: rt_64177_ping_wipes_out_the_errstr.t
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/rt_71311_bind_col_and_unicode.t DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/rt_71311_bind_col_and_unicode.t
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/t/rt_71311_bind_col_and_unicode.t	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t/rt_71311_bind_col_and_unicode.t	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 use DBI qw/:sql_types/;
 my $dbh = connect_ok(sqlite_unicode => 1);
-$dbh->do('create table test1 (a integer, b blob)');
+$dbh->do('create table test1 (id integer, b blob)');
 my $blob = "\x{82}\x{A0}";
 my $str  = "\x{20ac}";
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
-	my $sth = $dbh->prepare('select * from test1');
+	my $sth = $dbh->prepare('select * from test1 order by id');
 	my $expected = [undef, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1];
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
-	my $sth = $dbh->prepare('select * from test1');
+	my $sth = $dbh->prepare('select * from test1 order by id');
 	$sth->bind_col(1, \my $col1);
 	$sth->bind_col(2, \my $col2);
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
-	my $sth = $dbh->prepare('select * from test1');
+	my $sth = $dbh->prepare('select * from test1 order by id');
 	$sth->bind_col(1, \my $col1);
 	$sth->bind_col(2, \my $col2, SQL_BLOB);
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
-	my $sth = $dbh->prepare('select * from test1');
+	my $sth = $dbh->prepare('select * from test1 order by id');
 	$sth->bind_col(1, \my $col1);
 	$sth->bind_col(2, \my $col2, {TYPE => SQL_BLOB});
Only in DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t: rt_77724_primary_key_with_a_whitespace.t
Only in DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t: rt_78833_utf8_flag_for_column_names.t
Only in DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/t: rt_81536_multi_column_primary_key_info.t
Only in DBD-SQLite-1.38_03: typemap
diff -bur DBD-SQLite-1.37/util/getsqlite.pl DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/util/getsqlite.pl
--- DBD-SQLite-1.37/util/getsqlite.pl	2012-06-09 09:35:51.000000000 -0500
+++ DBD-SQLite-1.38_03/util/getsqlite.pl	2013-05-20 23:51:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -28,9 +28,12 @@
 my $version_dotty = join '.', ($version_parts[3] ? @version_parts : @version_parts[0..2]);
 my $is_pre_30704_style = ($version_as_num < 3070400);
 my $version_for_url = $is_pre_30704_style ? $version_dotty : $version_as_num;
+my $year = "";
+if ($version_as_num >= 3071600) {
+  $year = "2013/";
-my $url_to_download = q{http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite-}
+my $url_to_download = qq{http://www.sqlite.org/${year}sqlite-}
     . ($is_pre_30704_style ? q{amalgamation} : q{autoconf})
     . qq{-$version_for_url.tar.gz};
 print("downloading $url_to_download\n");