NAME Net::Sendy::API - Perl SDK to SYNOPSIS use Net::Sendy::API; my $sendy = Net::Sendy::API->new( api_key => $api_key, url => '' ); my $r = $sendy->subscribe(email => '', list => 'e'); unless ( $r->is_success ) { die "HTTP request failed" > $r->status_line; } ABSTRACT Perl extension to interact with a instance. DESCRIPTION This is an interface to As of this writing this is the comlete implementation of the Sendy API. METHODS new(api_key => $key, url => $url); All the arguments are required. "api_key" is what you receive in the email, after purchasing Sendy. "url" is the URL to the folder where sendy is installed. Returns a class instance. It not expected to fail. subscribe(list => $list_id, email=>$email) subscribe(list => $list_id, email => $email, custom_name => $custom_value,....) Subscribes an e-mail address to a "list", where list is identified by its, what is called, "an encrypted id". You can find this "id" next to each list name in the listing If your list has custom fields you can enter them by passing more key/value pairs to the method. Returns an instance of HTTP::Response. Example my $r = $sendy->subscribe(list => 'b', email => '', birth_day => "2013-09-12"); unless ( $r->is_success ) { die "HTTP request failed: " . $r->status_line; } my $message = $r->decoded_content; $message, according to <>, can be 1, "Some fields are missing.", "Invalid email address.", "Invalid list ID.", "Already subscribed.". unsubscribe(list => $list_id, email => $email) All the arguments are required. Unsubscribe an e-mail address from a list. See "subscribe()" for the definition of the arguments. Returns an instance of HTTP::Response. Example: my $r = $sendy->unsubscribe(list => 'b', email => ''); unless ( $r->is_success ) { die "HTTP request failed: " . $r->status_line; } my $message = $r->decoded_content; $message, according to <>, can be 1, "Some fields are missing.", "Invalid email address." subscription_status(list => $list_id, email => $email) Returns an instance of HTTP::Response. Body of the response can contain "Subscribed", "Unsubscribed", "Unconfirmed", "Bounced", "Soft bounced", "Complained", "No data passed", "API key not passed", "Invalid API key", "Email not passed", "List ID not passed", "Email does not exist in list". For details on getting the body of the response see above. active_subscriber_cont(list=>$list_id) Returns an instance of HTTP::Response. Body of the response should contain an integer if the call succeeds. If not, it may contains "No data passed", "API key not passed", "Invalid API key", "List ID not passed", "List does not exist". For details on getting the body of the response see above. SEE ALSO LWP::UserAgent, HTTP::Response, <>. AUTHOR Sherzod B. Ruzmetov <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2013 by Talibro LLC <>. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.14.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.