Sprite v3.1 Installation

If you have access to the Perl library, then you can go ahead and
install Sprite in the same way as you would any other module:

	% mv Sprite-3.1.tar.gz /usr/local/perl5.002/ext
	% cd /usr/local/perl5.002/ext
	% gzip -d Sprite-3.1.tar.gz
	% tar -xvf Sprite-3.1.tar
	% cd Sprite-3.1
        % perl Makefile.PL
	% make
	% make install

Remember, you need Perl v5.002 or above for Sprite to work correctly!

If you _dont_ have access to the Perl library, then you can simply
copy the file Sprite.pm from the distribution to any directory
you choose and then add the following to the top of your script
(assuming you copied to /home/shishir/lib):


	    unshift (@INC, "/home/shishir/lib");

	use Sprite;

That's it! I included one simple example with this distribution. If
you want more examples, check out Examples.tar.gz located at:
