Class::Prototyped::Mixin - Mixin Support for Class::Prototyped

  Usage one: whip up a class and toss it in a scalar
     package HelloWorld;

     sub hello { 
      my ($self, $age) = @_;
      return "Hello World! I am $age years old" 

     package HelloWorld::Uppercase;
     use base qw(Class::Prototyped);

      [qw(hello superable)] => sub {
        my $self = shift;
        my $ret = $self->reflect->super('hello', @_);
        uc $ret

     package HelloWorld::Bold;
     use base qw(Class::Prototyped);

      [qw(hello superable)] => sub {
        my $self = shift;
        my $ret = $self->reflect->super('hello', @_);

     package HelloWorld::Italic;
     use base qw(Class::Prototyped);

    __PACKAGE__->reflect->addSlot( [qw(hello superable)] => sub { my $self =
    shift; my $ret = $self->reflect->super('hello', @_); "<i>$ret</i>"; } );

     # - now the whipping begins
     use Class::Prototyped::Mixin qw(mixin);
     my $runtime = mixin(
         'HelloWorld' => 'HelloWorld::Uppercase', 'HelloWorld::Italic'

     print $runtime->hello(74);
     <i>HELLO WORLD! I AM 74 YEARS OLD</i>

  Usage two: create hierarchy and install in a Class::Prototyped package
     package CompileTime;
     use Class::Prototyped::Mixin qw(mixin);

     my $uclass = mixin(
      'HelloWorld' => 'HelloWorld::Uppercase', 'HelloWorld::Bold'

      '*' => $uclass

     use CompileTime;

     print CompileTime->hello(88);
     <b>HELLO WORLD! I AM 88 YEARS OLD</b>

    This module makes it easy to layer functionality on base functionality
    via a collection of mixin classes. The SYNOPSIS is admittedly easier
    done via a "fold" or some other pure functional approach. However, the
    case for intelligent, "performant" mixins is argued strongly here:

    To date, the Mixin contributions to CPAN use class-based OOP, with
    Class::MixinFactory being perhaps the most complete and best documented.
    This module is one of a series designed to show the flexibility,
    simplicity and power of prototyped-based object programming.

    The reason I wish to address object-oriented design concerns in
    prototype-based object-oriented programming is that it is simple,
    flexible and seems to involve less confusion than I see evolving with
    Perl class-based oop. For awhile there was interest in roles. Now there
    is interest in traits. And there has always been a long-standing
    interest in mixins, decoration, and delegation.

    I cringe at the thought of trying to get all of these technologies to
    meld in a large project. I cringe equally at those who talk and do not
    do: The last thing that is necessary is for me to SAY that
    prototyped-based oop can address real-world concerns yet not

            Terrence Brannon
            CPAN ID: TBONE

    Distributed on CPAN.

    CVS access is via:

      cvs login

      cvs -z3 co -P modulename

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
    with this module.


     Usage     : Class::Prototyped::Mixin::mixin($base, $derived, $derived_two, ..)
     Purpose   : Dynamically build an object with the specified inheritance
     Returns   : a Class::Prototyped object
     Argument  : a list of classes, starting from the root class and moving
                 down the hierarchy
     Throws    : Returns undef if at least 2 classes are not passed in for mixing
     Comment   : This is a sample subroutine header.
               : It is polite to include more pod and fewer comments.