CGI::Authent - request a HTTP authentification under specified conditions
version 0.2.1

Send the HTTP 401 UnAuthentified header if a condition (by default
"defined $ENV{REMOTE_USER}") fails. Since your script doesn't get the
password the user entered, you cannot use it as the only
authentification scheme. And it was not intended to work like this. You
have to find some other way to check the username/password pair.

It was written primarily to overcome a bug in MS IIS/3.0.
IIS usualy sends a HTTP 401 response if it finds out that it cannot
access a file using the current users premissions
(IUSR_... or the login/password you entered),
but since IIS doesn't check the permissions to the script before launching
perl, you get an error message.

You may check if $ENV{REMOTE_USER} holds anything, if the user belongs to a group,
if the script can open a file etc. etc. etc.

Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Jan Krynicky <>. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.