HTTP::WebTest::Plugin::Apache - Plugin for local web file tests

    This plugin adds support for local web file test mode to HTTP::WebTest. In
    this mode Apache is started on a private/dynamic port with a configuration
    file in a temporary directory and HTTP::WebTest runs its tests against
    local web files using this temporary local instance of Apache.

    Data flow diagram for "HTTP::WebTest" using a local web file:

              --------------           ---------------------
              |            |           |                   |
              | Input      |           |  Web page code    |
              | parameters |           |  (Perl/HTML/etc.) |
              |            |           |                   |
              --------------           ---------------------
                  |                              |
                  |  -----------------------------
                  |  |
                  V  V                ------------------------
              -------------           |                      |
              |           |---------->| Temporary Apache     |
              |  WebTest  |           | directories (htdocs, |
              |           |<----------| conf, logs)          |
              -------------           |                      |
                  |  ^                ------------------------
                  |  |                        |    ^
                  V  |                        V    |
              ------------             ----------------------
              |          |   request   |                    |
              |   HTTP   |------------>| Temporary local    |
              |   user   |             | instance of Apache |
              |   agent  |<------------|                    |
              |          |   response  ----------------------

    Local file test mode unlikely to work on Win32 systems (at least it have
    never been tested by authors there and nobody confirmed it to work).

    Richard Anderson <> wrote HTTP::WebTest 1.xx,
    using some ideas from the CPAN Monkeywrench module.

    Ilya Martynov <> implemented the plug-in concept, the
    extended API and completely rewrote HTTP::WebTest.

    Later this plugin module was removed from HTTP::WebTest distribution and
    released separately.

    Please don't email authors directly. Use the SourceForge "HTTP::WebTest"
    mail list (see SUPPORT, next section).

    Please email bug reports, suggestions, questions, etc. to the SourceForge
    "HTTP::WebTest" maillist. You can sign up at . The
    email address is "".

    Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Richard Anderson. All rights reserved.

    Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Ilya Martynov. All rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.