#!/usr/bin/perl -w

=head1 NAME

nm.pl - Display symbol table information


    % perl nm.pl [options] executable


Portable frontend for C<nm(1)>; by default lists all the code and data
symbols in the object or archive files.

=head2 Command-Line Options

The following options can be used to limit the symbols:

=over 4

=item C<--code>

=item C<-c>

List the code/text symbols.

=item C<--data>

=item C<-d>

List the data symbols.

=item C<--init>

=item C<-i>

List the initialised data symbols.

=item C<--uninit>

=item C<-u>

List the uninitialised data symbols.

=item C<--const>

=item C<-C>

List the constant (read-only) data symbols.

Not all platforms support this, a warning will be given if not. You can
try GNU C<nm> if you want this feature.

=item C<--undef>

=item C<-U>

List the undefined symbols.

=item C<--def>

=item C<-D>

List the defined symbols.

=item C<--file>

=item C<-f>

List the file(name) symbols.


If more than one of all the above options are given, they are C<AND>ed.
They can also be negated with a "no", for example C<--noconst>.

=over 4

=item C<--objectname>

=item C<-o>

Prepend the object name before the symbol name.

=item C<--t>

Append the short BSD-style type to the symbol name.

    B - uninitialised data symbol
    D - initialised data symbol
    F - file name symbol
    R - read-only data symbol
    T - code/text symbol
    U - undefined symbol

Uppercase indicates that the symbol is global; lowercase indicates that
it is local.

=item C<--type=bsd>

=item C<-B>

The same as C<--t>.

=item C<--type=long>

=item C<-L>

Append a long type (e.g. "global_const_init_data" versus "R") to the
symbol name.

=item C<--help>

Show the help.

=item C<--version>

Show the version number.


All the options can be shortened to their unique prefixes, and one
leading dash ("-") can be used instead of two ("--").


use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;

use vars qw($VERSION);

require 5.005;

$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%d", q$Revision: 1.1 $ =~ /(\d+)/g; # jhi@iki.fi;

my $ME = basename($0);
my $RCS_DATE = q$Date: 2005/12/18 12:09:36 $;

my $nm_cmd = 'nm';
my $nm_opt = '';
my $nm_try = qx(nm -V 2>&1);
my $nm_gnu;
my $nm_ro; # can tell apart read-only (const) data sections

my ($Code, $Data, $Init, $Uninit, $Const, $Mutable,
    $Global, $Local, $Undef, $Def, $File,
    $ObjectName, $Type, $BSD, $Long, $Help, $Version);

sub show_version {
    print "$ME: $VERSION ( $RCS_DATE)\n";

sub show_help {
print <<__EOF__;
$ME: Usage: $ME [options] [ foo.o ... | bar.a | other_library_format ]
Portable frontend for nm(1); by default lists all the code and data symbols
in the object or archive files.  The options can be used to limit the symbols:
--code|-c	code/text symbols (Tt)
--data|-d	data symbols (Dd, Bb)
--init|-i	initialised data symbols (Dd)
--uninit|-u	uninitialised data symbols (Bb)
--local|-l	local symbols (tdbruf)
--global|-g	global symbols (TDBRUF)
--const|-C	const (read-only) data symbols (Rr) [1]
--undef|-U	undefined symbols (Uu)
--def|-D	defined symbols (not Uu)
--file|-f	file(name) symbols (Ff)
If more than one of all the above options are given, they are ANDed.
They can also be negated with a "no", for example --noconst.
[1] Not all platforms support this, a warning will be given if not.
    You can try GNU nm if you want this feature.
--objectname|-o	prepend the object name before the symbol name
--t		append the short BSD-style type (in parentheses above)
--type=bsd|-B 	same as --t
--type=long|-L	append a long type (e.g. "global_const_init_data" versus "R")
--help|-h	show this help
--version|-v	show version
All the options can be shortened to their unique prefixes,
and one leading dash ("-") can be used instead of two ("--").

if ($^O eq 'solaris'      && $nm_try =~ /Solaris/) {
    $nm_opt = '-p';
} elsif ($^O eq 'hpux'    && $nm_try =~ /linker command|HP-UX/) { 
    $nm_opt = '-p';
} elsif ($^O eq 'aix'     && $nm_try =~ /illegal option/) {
    $nm_opt = '-B';
} elsif ($^O eq 'irix'    && $nm_try =~ /C Development Set/) {
    $nm_opt = '-B';
    $nm_ro = 1;
} elsif ($^O eq 'dec_osf' && $nm_try =~ /Alpha/) { # aka Tru64 aka DEC OSF/1
    $nm_opt = '-B';
    $nm_ro  = 1;
} elsif ($^O eq 'darwin'  && $nm_try =~ /invalid argument/) {
    $nm_opt = '';
} elsif ($nm_try =~ /GNU nm/) {
    $nm_opt = '';
    $nm_gnu = 1;
    $nm_ro  = 1;
} else {
    # Hope for BSD-style nm output.

Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");

unless (GetOptions('code|c!'      => \$Code,
		   'data|d!'      => \$Data,
		   'init|i!'      => \$Init,
		   'uninit|u!'    => \$Uninit,
		   'const|C!'     => \$Const,
		   'global|g!'    => \$Global,
		   'local|l!'     => \$Local,
		   'undef|U!'     => \$Undef,
		   'def|D!'       => \$Def,
		   'file|f!'      => \$File,
		   'objectname|o' => \$ObjectName,
		   't'            => \$Type,
		   'bsd|B'        => \$BSD,
		   'long|L'       => \$Long,
		   'type:s'       => \$Type,
		   'help|h'       => \$Help,
		   'version|v'    => \$Version,
		  )) {

if ($Const && !$nm_ro) {
    warn "$ME: the native nm cannot tell apart const data sections\n";

if ($Version) {

if ($Help) {

unless (@ARGV) {

sub warn_if_both {
    my ($a, $b, $sa, $sb) = @_;
    if (defined $a && defined $b && $a == $b) {
	warn "$ME: both --$sa and --$sb used\n";

warn_if_both($Code,   $Data,    'code',   'data' );
warn_if_both($Global, $Local,   'global', 'local');
warn_if_both($Init,   $Uninit,  'init',   'uninit');
warn_if_both($Def,    $Undef,   'def',    'undef');

$Undef ||= !$Def if defined $Def && !defined $Undef;

my %Type; @Type{qw(bsd long)} = ();
$Type = 'bsd' if $BSD ||
		 (defined $Type && $Type eq '1'); # So they used --t.
$Type = 'long' if $Long; 
die "$ME: --type=$Type unknown\n"
    if defined $Type && $Type ne '' && !exists $Type{$Type};

my $TypeLong = defined $Type && $Type eq 'long';

for my $f (@ARGV) {
    unless (-f $f) {
	warn "$ME: No such file: $f\n";
    if (open(NM, "$nm_cmd $nm_opt $f |")) {
	my $o = "?";
	$o = $f if $f =~ /\.o$/;
	my $file;
	while(<NM>) {
	    if (m/^(.+\.o):$/ || m/\[(.+\.o)\]:$/ || m/\((.+\.o)\):$/) {
		$o = $1;
	    } elsif (/ ([A-Za-z]) \.?(\w+)$/) {
		# Especially text symbols are sometimes prefixed by a ".".
		my ($type, $name) = ($1, $2);
		# The following are assumed to work Everywhere.
		my $absolute = ($type =~ /^[Aa]$/  ) ? 1 : 0;
		my $uninit   = ($type =~ /^[BbCc]$/) ? 1 : 0;
		my $init     = ($type =~ /^[DdGg]$/) ? 1 : 0;
		my $file     = ($type =~ /^[Ff]$/  ) ? 1 : 0;
		my $small    = ($type =~ /^[Gg]$/  ) ? 1 : 0;
		my $code     = ($type =~ /^[Tt]$/  ) ? 1 : 0;
		my $undef    = ($type =~ /^[Uu]$/  ) ? 1 : 0;
		my $zeroed   = 0;
		my $const    = 0;
		my $local    = $type eq lc $type ? 1 : 0;
		my $other    = 0;
		if (($^O eq 'irix' || $^O eq 'dec_osf') &&
		    $type =~ /^[BbSs]$/) {
		    if ($type =~ /^[Ss]$/) {
			$small  = 1;
			$uninit = 1;
		    $zeroed = 1;
		if ($^O eq 'irix' && $type =~ /^[Rr]$/) {
		    $const = 1;
		    $init  = 1;
		if ($^O eq 'dec_osf') {
		    if ($type eq 'E') {
			$small = 1;
		    } elsif ($type =~ /^[RrQq]$/) {
			$const = 1;
			$init  = 1;
		if ($^O eq 'darwin') {
		    $other = 1;
		if ($nm_gnu) {
		    if ($type =~ /^[Rr]$/) {
			$const = 1;
			$init  = 1;
		    } elsif ($type =~ /^[Ss]$/) {
			$small  = 1;
			$uninit = 1;
		if ($type =~ /^[ABCDFGQRSTU]$/i) {
		    unless ($undef || $code || $other || $absolute) {
			if ($init && $uninit) {
			    warn "$.:$_: both init and uninit?\n";
			} elsif (!$init && !$uninit) {
			    warn "$.:$_: neither init and uninit?\n";
		my $data = ($uninit || $init) && !$code;
		my $global = !$local;
		my $show = 1;
		sub want_show {
		    my ($show, $Got, $got) = @_;
		    if (defined $Got) {
			if ($Got == $got) {
			} else {
			    $$show = 0;
		want_show(\$show, $Code,   $code  ) if $show;
		want_show(\$show, $Data,   $data  ) if $show;
		want_show(\$show, $Init,   $init  ) if $show;
		want_show(\$show, $Uninit, $uninit) if $show;
		want_show(\$show, $Const,  $const ) if $show;
		want_show(\$show, $Global, $global) if $show;
		want_show(\$show, $Local,  $local ) if $show;
		want_show(\$show, $Undef,  $undef ) if $show;
		want_show(\$show, $File,   $file  ) if $show;
		if ($show) {
		    $show = $ObjectName ? "$o\t$name" : $name;
		    if (defined $Type) {
			$show .= "\t";
			my $symbol;
			if ($code) {
			    $symbol = $TypeLong ? "code" : "T";
			} elsif ($data) {
			    if ($const) {
				$symbol = $TypeLong ? "const_init" : "R";
			    } elsif ($init) {
				$symbol = $TypeLong ? "init" : "D";
			    } elsif ($uninit) {
				$symbol = $TypeLong ? "uninit" : "B";
			    } else {
				$symbol = $TypeLong ? "unknown" : "D?";
			    $symbol .= "_data" if $TypeLong;
			} elsif ($undef) {
			    $symbol = $TypeLong ? "undef" : "U";
			} else {
			    $symbol = $TypeLong ? "unknown" : "?";
			if ($TypeLong) {
			    $show .= $global ?
				"global_$symbol" : "local_$symbol";
			} else {
			    $show .= $global ?
				$symbol : lc $symbol;
		    print $show, "\n";
    } else {
	warn "$ME: '$nm_cmd $nm_opt $f' failed: $!\n";







=head1 README

Portable frontend for C<nm(1)> for displaying symbol table information;
by default lists all the code and data symbols in the object or archive


(C) 2004-2005 by Jarkko Hietaniemi <jhi@iki.fi>

=head1 LICENSE

All rights reserved. You may distribute this code under the terms
of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License,
as specified in the Perl README file.
