NAME Catalyst::Plugin::FormValidator::Simple::Auto - Smart validation with FormValidator::Simple SYNOPSIS Loading: use Catalyst qw/ ConfigLoader FormValidator::Simple FormValidator::Simple::Auto /; myapp.yml: validator: profiles: __path_to(profiles.yml)__ messages: __path_to(messages.yml)__ message_format: <span class="error">%s</span> # and other FormValidator::Simple config profiles.yml: # profiles.yml action1: param1: - NOT_BLANK - ASCII - [ 'LENGTH', 4, 10 ] param2: - NOT_BLANK Then, using in your action: sub action1 : Global { my ($self, $c) = @_; # $c->form($profile) already executed! unless ($c->form->has_error) { ... } } DESCRIPTION This plugin provide auto validation to Plugin::FormValidator::Simple. You can define validation profiles into config or YAML file, and no longer have to write it in actions. BUNDLING ERROR MESSAGES With 0.08 or earlier version, you need define validator profiles and error messages in separately. So, you had to write two settings like this: # profiles.yml action1: param1: - NOT_BLANK # messages.yml action1: param1: NOT_BLANK: param1 is required! It's bothered! Since 0.09, you can place error messages in profiles config. Above two configs is equals to: # profiles.yml action1: param1: - rule: NOT_BLANK message: param1 is required! EXTENDED METHODS setup prepare forward ORIGINAL IDEA Daisuke Maki <> AUTHOR Daisuke Murase <> COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.