# NAME Proclet - minimalistic Supervisor # SYNOPSIS use Proclet; my $proclet = Proclet->new( color => 1 ); # add service $proclet->service( code => sub { my $job = $jobqueue->grab; work($job); }, worker => 2, tag => 'worker' ); $proclet->service( code => sub { my $loader = Plack::Loader->load( 'Starlet', port => $port, host => $host || 0, max_workers => 4, ); $loader->run($app); }, tag => 'web' ); $proclet->service( code => sub { exec('/usr/bin/memcached','-p','11211'); }, ); $proclet->run; # DESCRIPTION Proclet is minimalistic Supervisor, fork and manage many services from one perl script. # LOG Logs from services are Displayed with timestamp and tag. 12:23:16 memcached.1 | <6 server listening (udp) 12:23:16 memcached.1 | <7 send buffer was 9216, now 3728270 12:23:16 memcached.1 | <7 server listening (udp) 12:23:16 web.1 | 2012/08/31-12:23:16 Starman::Server (type Net::Server::PreFork) starting! pid(51516) 12:23:16 web.1 | Resolved [*]:5432 to []:5432, IPv4 12:23:16 web.1 | Binding to TCP port 5432 on host with IPv4 12:23:16 web.1 | Setting gid to "20 20 20 401 204 100 98 81 80 79 61 12 402" # METHOD - new Create instance of Proclet. Attributes are as follows: - spawn\_interval: Int interval in seconds between spawning services unless a service exits abnormally (default: 0) - err\_respawn\_interval: Int number of seconds to deter spawning of services after a service exits abnormally (default: 1) - color: Bool colored log (default: 0) - logger: CodeRef my $logger = File::RotateLogs->new(...) my $proclet = Proclet->new( logger => sub { $logger->print(@_) } ); Sets a callback to print stdout/stderr. uses warn by default. - enable\_log\_worker: Bool enable worker for format logs. (default: 1) If disabled this option, cannot use logger opt too. - service Add services to Proclet. Attributes are as follows: - code: CodeRef|ArrayRef|Str Code reference or commands of services. CodeRef $proclet->service( code => sub { MyWorker->run(); } ); ArrayRef $proclet->service( code => ['plackup','-a','app.psgi'], ); Str $proclet->service( code => '/usr/bin/memcached' ); - worker: Int Number of children to fork, default is "1" - tag: Str Keyword for log. optional - run run services. Proclet does start services by defined order # AUTHOR Masahiro Nagano <kazeburo {at} gmail.com> # SEE ALSO [Proc::Launcher::Manager](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Proc::Launcher::Manager), related module [Parallel::Prefork](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Parallel::Prefork), Proclet used internally # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.