=head1 NAME CCCP::LiveMX =head1 DESCRIPTION Getting a ip-list of living MX-records for hostname =head1 SYNOPSIS use CCCP::LiveMX; my $lmx = CCCP::LiveMX->check_host('example.org'); if ($lmx->success) { my @live_ip = $lmx->live_ip; } else { print $lmx->error,"\n"; my @not_ping_ip = $lmx->not_ping; my @not_ask_ip = $lmx->not_ask; } =head1 PACKAGE VARIABLES =head2 $CCCP::LiveMX::timeout Timeout for ping, resolve and another. By default 5 sec. =head1 METHODS =head2 check_host($host_name) Checking MX records for C<$host_name> and return instance. =head2 success() Return status of check (bool) =head2 live_ip() Return list avaliable ip for host, sorted by "preference" mx-records =head2 not_ping() Return list ip for host, that not ping =head2 not_ask() Return list ip for host, that ping but not ask =head2 error() Return error-string or undef otherwise =head1 DEPENDS ON =over 4 =item * L<Mail::CheckUser> (used only package variables) =item * L<Net::DNS> =item * L<Net::Ping> =back =head1 AUTHOR mr.Rico <catamoose at yandex.ru> =cut