File::MkTemp 1.0.2 -- Module to create unique strings for use as file/directory
                      names etc.

Copyright 1999, Travis Gummels.  All rights reserved.  This may be 
used and modified however you want.  If you redistribute after making 
modifications please note modifications you made somewhere in the

If you use this with perl earlier than 5.005 you will need to obtain
the File::Spec module.

To install this module:

	perl Makefile.PL
	make install

Now be good and clean up:
        make realclean
        delete the directory:)

Here is the POD:

    File::MkTemp - Make temporary filename from template

            use File::MkTemp;


            $string = mktemp(tempXXXXXX,[dir]);


            $fh = mkstemp(tempXXXXXX,dir);
            print $fh "stuff";

    The MkTemp module provides two functions mktemp() and mkstemp().

    The function mktemp() returns a unique string based upon the template.
    The template must contain at least six trailing Xs. The Xs are replaced
    by a unique string and the template is returned. The unique string is
    made from picking random elements out of a 52 alpha character array ([a-
    z][A-Z]). A directory can be specified in which to test for duplicates
    of the string.

    The function mkstemp() does the same as mktemp() except it returns an
    open file handle. This prevents any possibility of opening up an
    identical file. The function requires that the directory be specified.

    File::MkTemp was written by Travis Gummels. Please send bug reports and
    or comments to:

    Copyright 1999, Travis Gummels. All rights reserved. This may be used
    and modified however you want. If you redistribute after making
    modifications please note modifications you made somewhere in the