This is yet another run loop for wmii, this time written in Perl.

Not quite as lightweight as some, and be warned that I'm using it as a place to
experiment with Moo, IO::Async or whatever takes my fancy so it might need a
recent version of perl, esoteric modules, etc.

To install and use:

  cpanm App::wmiirc
  ln -sf $(which ~/.wmii-hg/wmiirc

(~/.wmii-hg assumes you are using the hg version of wmii, the path may be
~/.wmii if you are using a released version.)

This will get you the most basic configuration. I'm assuming you've some idea
how wmii works if you're here. The default modkey in App::wmiirc is Mod4 (the
'Windows' key, usually), you can change this with:

  echo modkey Mod2 >> ~/.wmii-hg/config

(See xmodmap and xev if you're unsure what keys you have mapped.)

There are some modules you might be interested in:

  * backlight - Control laptop backlight
  * battery - Show battery status (on Linux)
  * client - A few useful things like Modkey-v to go to a client by name
  * clock - As you'd expect, with some support for switching timezone
  * dwim - Somewhat useful (albeit quirky) launcher type thing, for files/URLs
  * loadavg - Load average
  * lock - Run a screen locker on demand
  * msg - Status and whatever you like via: wmiir xwrite /event msg hi
  * screenshot - Take a screenshot
  * ssh - SSH host menu
  * volume - ALSA volume controller

Load a particular module with:

  echo client >> ~/.wmii-hg/modules

You may have noticed the configuration is built out of files under the wmii
config directory. That's deliberate. For anything beyond basic usage you'll
probably want to copy the example configs I've put in etc/ in the dist tarball
to ~/.wmii-hg and customise them.

(As wmii is mostly unmaintained these days I have a somewhat patched copy at although this should also work with the vanilla

License as Perl 5.14. No warranty.

There's some screenshots at:
Although most of it isn't really visible in a screenshot (if someone wants to
send me a screencast you're welcome, but I don't feel like doing one).

PS: Coding style for this is (in Vim terms): et sw=2 tw=80

David Leadbeater <>, April 2012