Email::MIME::Creator - Email::MIME constructor for starting anew.

      use Email::MIME::Creator;
      use IO::All;

      # multipart message
      my @parts = (
              attributes => {
                  filename     => "report.pdf",
                  content_type => "application/pdf",
                  encoding     => "quoted-printable",
                  name         => "2004-financials.pdf",
              body => io( "2004-financials.pdf" )->all,
              attributes => {
                  content_type => "text/plain",
                  disposition  => "attachment",
                  charset      => "US-ASCII",
              body => "Hello there!",

      my $email = Email::MIME->create(
          header => [ From => '' ],
          parts  => [ @parts ],

      # nesting parts
            Email::MIME->create( parts => [ @parts ] ),
      # standard modifications
      $email->header_set( 'X-PoweredBy' => 'RT v3.0'      );
      $email->header_set( To            => rcpts()        );
      $email->header_set( Cc            => aux_rcpts()    );
      $email->header_set( Bcc           => sekrit_rcpts() );

      # more advanced
      $_->encoding_set( 'base64' ) for $email->parts;
      # Quick multipart creation
      my $quicky = Email::MIME->create(
          header => [
              From => 'my@address',
              To   => 'your@address',
          parts => [
              q[This is part one],
              q[This is part two],
              q[These could be binary too],
      print $email->as_string;
      *rcpts = *aux_rcpts = *sekrit_rcpts = sub { '' };

           my $single = Email::MIME->create(
             header     => [ ... ],
             attributes => { ... },
             body       => '...',
           my $multi = Email::MIME->create(
             header     => [ ... ],
             attributes => { ... },
             parts      => [ ... ],

         This method creates a new MIME part. The "header" parameter is a
         lis of headers to include in the message. "attributes" is a hash of
         MIME attributes to assign to the part, and may override portions of
         the header set in the "header" parameter.

         The "parts" parameter is a list reference containing "Email::MIME"
         objects. Elements of the "parts" list can also be a non-reference
         string of data. In that case, an "Email::MIME" object will be
         created for you. Simple checks will determine if the part is binary
         or not, and all parts created in this fashion are encoded with
         "base64", just in case.

         "parts" takes precedence over "body", which will set this part's
         body if assigned. So, multi part messages shold use the "parts"
         parameter and single part messages should use "body".

         Back to "attributes". The hash keys correspond directly to methods
         or modifying a message from "Email::MIME::Modifier". The allowed
         keys are: content_type, charset, name, format, boundary, encoding,
         disposition, and filename. They will be mapped to "$attr\_set" for
         message modification.

    Email::MIME, Email::MIME::Modifier, Email::Simple::Creator, "IO::All" or
    "File::Slurp" (for file slurping to create parts from strings), perl.

    Casey West, <>.

      Copyright (c) 2004 Casey West.  All rights reserved.
      This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
      under the same terms as Perl itself.