* $Id: README,v 1.1 2003/11/24 15:34:38 lwa Exp $

* What is it ?

 libmdq is a library is a quota managment library for Maildir++ soft
quota system. On the system, a cache file with the current amount of
space used is keeped in the maildir. Time to time the cache file is

* API Tutorial

Include mdq.h file in your programs :

  #include <mdq.h>

If you want to count trashed message, set 

  mdq_trash_quota = 1;

note that you shall do this in all of your programs.  If you want
display diagnotics message, define mdq_error, for example, to get
diagnotics to standart standart error, define a function like this :

  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <stdarg.h>
  my_mdq_error(const char *format, va_list args) {
     vprintf(stderr, format, args);

then set it to mdq_error

  mdq_error = my_mdq_error;

If you plan to add message in the maildir, get user quota information,
for example :
  quotastr = "10000S";
which mean that mailbox is limited to 10 Kb of total messages. If
you plan to only remove message, you can use a NULL quota description

Then open the quota description structure.

  MDQ *q = mdq_open(".", quotastr);

No need to check return value. On error mdq_open() will return NULL
and NULL is a quota description pointer with no limits.

To check if Maildir is not over quota :

  if (mdq_test(q, 0, 0) == 0) {

to check if Maildir can recieve a message of 1000 bytes :

  if (mdq_test(q, 1000, 1) == 0) {

mdq_test() would return -1 is theyre is no space left.

After you have removed a message of 1000 bytes, tell it to the 
quota system:

  mdq_add(q, -1000, -1);

After you have added a message of 1000 bytes, do it so:

  mdq_add(q, 1000, 1);

You may also add or remove messages by packets with a single
mdq_add() call:

  mdq_add(q, -3000, -3); /* 3 messages of 3000 bytes total removed */

When you finished the Maildir message edition, 


This will flush data on disk if needed and close any opened

The soft quota system is designed to use no lock. This mean
informations may be wrong sometime, specialy when theyre is two or
more maildir writers. To limit this effect when maildir is overquota,
the quota total will be recomputed within 15 minuts. To avoid false
information within long time, you shall not use persistent
MDQ*. mdq_close() openned resources as soon as possible.